Tuesday, May 25, 2010


New thread.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you, Steve.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Prayers for Lily and Hope and Dr. Rogers and Sue and all of us who adore Lily and Hope.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

you're on a roll, first on the new thread two days in a row

So very glad to hear GG is doing well that was my first search ☺

magpie said...

Palmer has already had some company from a parent and it looked like there might have been some chow

She's perched on the launch pad now

weather not too great hereabouts

two parents at Loch Lowe's two chicks, and one yet unhatched egg

magpie said...

well maybe only one parent at Loch's now that was fast

magpie said...

will be exciting to hear from Glo about her family visit...hope to see some people and Dex pictures

magpie said...

Well there's a pile of wishes to make from this seeded dandelion...
including a bunch for Lynn's Carolyn ....prayers for a good interview and follow-up

read the latest update from yesterday about Hope and Lily, thanks Jo for the link...
hope today brings better news

best wishes for a good day, everyone

sleep time here xo

magpie said...

PS Wanda and Gene
Hope Soup Kitchen goes well tonight, always enjoy hearing what's on the menu ☺

newspaper delivery person missed hitting any plants this morning, paper square on the porch

Loretta sure your hair looks great as usual hope your work day is a good one xo

'Night now

Lynne2 said...

Nice view of Palmer's FEET way up there at the very edge of the nest!

Good morning all!

wvgal_dana said...

Where is Palmer, I was going to comment on her yellow feeties. Had to go let Little Man in. I'm back and no Palmer??????

wvgal_dana said...

That little turd on the still I see her feet and chest but not on the live. Heart attack here....

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I've got you now that I picked you up on the still. I see you on the live "hide and seek" you want to play today huh Palmer. lol

Lynne2 said...

don't panic Dana! She's still there all the way at the top of the picture and you can just barely see her toes. She must have moved back a little more. BAD BIRD. STEP AWAY FROM THE EDGE

Costume Lady said...

It is 66° here in Nestville and the sun is beginning to shine! Going up to 80°, but cloudy off and on...slight chance of showers.

BBQ chicken
Macaroni Salad
Apple Sauce
Texas Sheet Cake (Mits receipe)
Iced Tea and Coffee

Capt. Gene is making the chicken and I am making the sheet cakes.
Remember, I DON'T BAKE...so wish me luck:) With a good receipe and a good oven, can't go wrong;)

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I was so excited-knew she hadn't fledged.

Good Tuesday Morning Judie, Margy, Lynn2 and those watching.

I need flowers from Megan. Have to call her.

Love the avatars.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, glad you are joining us on the 12th Nest Visit!

Hoping that Palmer has those big FEETSIES clenched onto the nest's edge!

wvgal_dana said...

Trying something new for breakfast. Some of you might like it as a snack. I got it in strawberry and the blueberry.
Comes 2 in a pack....1 pack
Kellogg's Speckal K Fruit Crisps Bars total fat 2g, Saturated Fat 1g,Trans Fat og, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 65mg (so many other thing has so much more salt), Dietary Fiber less than 1g, Sugars 7g, Protein 1g

They are truly good. I was afraid they would be too crispy. Very good, something for a change.

wvgal_dana said...

Well HELLO YOU sticker! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Wanda I am going to have to go to Hagerstown today. So I am going to try and hit up one of the tint your windshield places. See if they can put a light tint on my binoculars. Yep I'm excited about the nest trip.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Looks like Palmer just finished his breakfast and went back to his jumpin goff point.

Whoops, he's back with a few wing flaps and now just under the cam. Come on Palmer, how about some more flaps?

Lolly said...

Been sitting here wiping away a few tears of joy. A former student of mine... kinder, remember! Then in high school she came back and was my aide. Well, she has graduated from college, married, (I went) and has been teaching in Pre K. (Bet she is fabulous!) Anyway, she blogs, and I just read her account of their journey getting pregnant. She is a beautiful person and wrote a wonderful account of their journey. I cried.

Lolly said...

While watching Palmer, I heard a horn toot. The thought went through my mind "Wonder what Momster is there at the nest?" lol

Lolly said...

Prayers that today Hope is found. Going to go do some cam hopping.

Palmer is back on the far edge once again.


PA Nana said...

Good morning everyone! Yay! Was finally able to say "morning." Don't know why, but I woke up early and it looks (and feels) like a very humid day in store for southcentral PA.

Is Hope missing???? Must catch up after breakfast....

.. later

Lolly said...

Yes, Diann, Hope is missing. Lily went off and left her asleep up in a tree. She went away quite far and did not return until the next day. (I think) She searched for Hope but rain has washed away the scent. Dr. Rogers and Sue have also searched for her...but no Hope!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Daughter is here and we are going over all the wedding pics

See you later.......

hedgie said...

Morning greetings to all.
Sun disappeared. It rained more early this morning. This is getting very old and depressing.

Lolly said...

Have been watching a feeding at Loch of the Lowes. I see no sign of the 3rd egg hatching.

Morning, Lynn. Would send you sunhine if I could. We have it here. Supposed to get up into the mid 90's today. Yuk!

Lolly said...

I am off...time to get with it. Big job ahead of me cleaning the patio and putting sealer on the tile. However, afterwards it always looks so nice!!!

Have a great dayt! I'll peek in when I take a break.

Mits said...

Good morning everyone...have a good one:)

hedgie said...

Still holding out hope for Hope.......so sad.....

hedgie said...

Quiet here this AM. Heading out soon to P.O. and bank. Maybe some good news by the time I come back!

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL

iN EaglE LAnd.




PA Nana said...

Morning Jim. Geez, I said it again. ;o) It's afternoon here but still morning where you are. Hope your day is great!

PA Nana said...

Going to check on my cams, especially our local H-burg falcons.


wvgal_dana said...

Afternoon Mema Jo, Lolly, Jim, Diane, Mits and watchers.

I can't find where I was getting information on Hope and Lily.

Can someone please put the link up. Thank you.

wvgal_dana said...

Never mind I found the information on the facebook page. Of course, no update there. If there is some place else you all are checking. Please link me up and ty.

PA Nana said...

Dana, is this it? don't know how to make a blue link but if you copy this into your browser it should work.


Lynne2 said...

Dana, most of the updates come later in the evening. It's so hard to wait. But I believe that if/when they do find Hope alive, they'll have someone post right away to let us all know. Until then, we can only wait for the evening updates.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if we could ever get Ed Clark to bring Buddy up to an Open House?
That would be very exciting~!

Daughter has gone home ..
I have an appointment at 3:50 ..

movin said...

Took an unscheduled Panda nap....

Eaglets back on the nest at BWE.



hedgie said...

Made my trek into the thriving townopolis of Hedgesville. Missions all accomplished....I think Mother Nature is gearing up for more rain, maybe a storm. How can I get anything done outside like this?? ARGH!

Carolyn's interview started an hour ago...haven't heard anything yet. Hope that means a good thing!!

PA Nana said...

I think Palmer is trying to catch a fly or some flying insect. heehee

hedgie said...

Carolyn just called a little bit ago...she feels that interview went very well. She felt very comfortable with the individuals involved, as well as the process. Of course, more interviews for them to do.....don't know when she'll hear more.

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Lynn, please let us know about Carolyn as soon as you can -- good news for sure!

Still, of course, no word about Lily and Hope. Waiting is difficult.

Been reading/studying some today.

Palmer looking good. All the rebels have branched. Isla is not sharing so don't know if a third chick has arrived and EJ's cam is down.

Jo, hope you and your daughter enjoyed the pictures.

Lynn, been wet here as well. Have an idea that when it dries up we're in for a very hot and humid summer.

Hi to all others I've missed today.
Back to the books.

Judie said...

Ooops, see the update on Carolyn. Fingers crossed and job prayer being sent.

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals

sounds good Lynn...still got all those fingers and toes crossed and prayers a'plenty
glad to hear Carolyn felt comfortable

what kinds of books Judie, what are you up to ?

magpie said...

wow, that meal at the Soup Kitchen sounds fantastic! Hope there are plenty of visitors!
I'd go if I didn't have to work!

Lolly said...

Thanks for letting us know about Carolyn. Will continue to keep my fingers crossed for her. Hope they do not keep her waiting long.

Laurel emailed today. She had heard from the principal at the school where she wants to go. She told her there was not a position available. That is NOT what the vp had told her. So, she at this moment is not going anywhere. Both the principal and the vp are friends of hers.

My patio is finished. Just waiting for the tile to dry as well as the furniture. Everything is shiny clean now.☺

Jack was moving the furniture. I have a bench by the back door that hold our ourdoor shoes. He lifted the bench and he found a snake!!! At first he thought it was a copperhead, but no, it wasn't. Glad he found it and not me!

magpie said...

Oh Lolly...boo hiss, that does not sound very fair, the misinformation for Laurel...
sorry to hear of it, praying there is another door that will open for her, a bigger, better and happier door

speaking of boo hisssss
glad that it was Jack that found the snake...think we would have heard your shrieking way up here !

Lolly said...

Hellllooooo, Margy! Still no word on Hope. It is hopeless!!! We are Hope less! I am very sad.

magpie said...

wow Loch Lowe's shows deer and a fawn on their cam now

Lolly said...

Yes, I think the VP owes Laurel an apology!

Yep, you would have heard me scream. Actually, it was sort of funny. I was sitting at the table eating my breakfast and Jack was moving the bench. I saw him look, and then go get a shovel. I just knew he had a snake! Yikes! He killed it, but then felt bad. He felt sure it was a copperhead. It was an innocent snake, he would have let is go. Me...I think a dead snake is a good snake. On my property....that is!

Mema Jo said...

Returned from appointment - Was just looking at the feetsie of Phoenix..
Close up it looks sooooo large!

Mema Jo said...

Going to find some dinner from the crock pot! BBILW

magpie said...

wondering HOW MANY pictures you saw this morning Jo...
bet it was pure delight!

Well, Lolly... sometimes you can never tell about snakes...and a heart attack is no fun when seeing one...so It is What It Is....

Palmer looks great...wonder what she is contemplating on that perch.

time for work here...
hope the evening is a good one
prayers for all our needs, and thanks given for gifts given
and prayers answered

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

Oh, Full Moon coming up May 27 7:07 pm our time...
maybe Megan
will hear me wondering about the name for this full moon...

sure miss her on here, know how busy she is is...
hope all is well in Flowerland...

oh yes, Christmas in seven months too....
whoo, comes around fast

out the door...xoxo

hedgie said...

Bye, Margy!!!
Hi to everyone coming in the door.
Less than an hour after the interv iew, Margy's boss called one of Carolyn's references! Hope that's a good sign! Thanks for all concerns and support!!

Christie and Shannon are at Paula's store to look for a new bedroom suite for their remodeled bedroom. They will ask to see her!

hedgie said...

Lolly, didn't know that coppers lived in TX! Do you have problems with rattlers? I remember seeing a lot on the roads when traveling down that way.

Judie said...

Not fun books. Early philosophers and influence on development of psychology -- Rousseau, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard -- see, I told ya.

I agree, Margy. Soup kitchen sounds really good. Too bad I live too far away to stop in.

Lolly, glad you and Jack got the patio cleaned and sorry about the snake -- sorry for the snake. I am annoyed about Laurel's situation. I also think she deserves an apology AND a position.

Have a quiet night, Margy.

Haven't heard from Shirley. Ya'll suppose she's still asleep on her new mattress?

Mema Jo said...

323+ pictures on Shutterfly from Groom's mother. Beautiful........

Laurel's situation sucks! That's how I feel about it. BUT I will keep the faith that there may be a good reason..Perhaps her present principal is getting a new assignment! :<)

I am also wondering about that new mattress of Shirley's! Where is that woman?

hedgie said...

Lolly, that really stinks that Laurel was given misinformation...no fair!! Sure hope that there's something else for her. Has she checked into private schools?

Wow, Jo, that's alot of pics!!!

Judie, heavy reading!! Take a break, gal!

I was wondering about how well Shirley slept, too!

hedgie said...

No Paula where the kids were....too late and too much traffic to go elsewhere.

Mits said...

just read this on Lily's FB page, don't know if it is true or not....

This is what the news story said, "“We think it’s her, but we don’t know yet,” Rogers said via his cell phone from the woods near Ely.Rogers and others were nearing the spot this afternoon, hoping to find Hope hiding in a white pine.“There’s no reason to believe there would be another cub alone out there,” Rogers said.... “If we find it, we’ll try to lure her down with some condensed milk and see if we can’t get her back with Lily.”Meanwhile, Lily the mother bear was nearly three miles away, having given up her search for her cub Sunday and moved along her way.

Mema Jo said...

I am hoping and hoping that it is HOPE

Mits said...

yeah me too, don't know hwere this person was getting her info.

Mits said...

update from person on FB...

this thread moves sooooo fast I'm going to put this up again. Bear with
me:) Spoke to Doc ten minutes ago. Doc is writing an update right now,
then he and Sue will go out to search for Hope tonight. He did not see
the cub spotted by a neighbor but he believes it probably is Hope. He
...left condensed sweetened milk ...near
where she was sighted. They need a donation of a night vision apparatus
to search the tree tops. Lily is 4 miles away right now. Oh, and don't
rush into the woods and scare our girl:)

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Mits....I do so pray that it is Hope. Wonder if they can care for her until Lily reappears and if they could be reunited?

Mits said...

sure they will do their best....just hope (no pun intended) some idiot wannabe rescuers stay put and not interfere.

stronghunter said...


I've been reading the comments about my mattress and chuckling. Actually didn't get much sleep on Sunday. I don't usually sleep well on Sunday nights, anyway. I decided to put the foam thingy back on top of the mattress and slept better last night. It felt more familiar. I think the new mattress is not as soft as the one I was used to. But it is very nice. My bed is much higher than it was.

Just got a phone call from Rus. He crashed his bike and had to make a trip to the emergency room. I asked if he needs us to come up there, but he said he doesn't think that is necessary. His roommate is with him, and Rebecca was on the way when we talked. He doesn't think there are any broken bones, but he has some road rash and is sore. I called Susan and left a message. She's closer, if he needs a family member.

Mits said...

they are saying Dr. Rogers' will try to do an update soon, but I would just rather he concentrate on tracking down Hope now...off to watch TV.

Mits said...

oh Shirley, sorry to hear that, hope Rus is OK.

stronghunter said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for Hope. It seems to me that they should put a tracking device on Hope if they do find her. Lily might take off again. Wonder what caused her to do that?

Lolly, sorry Laurel's situation didn't work out the way she wanted it to.

Mema Jo said...

It is almost time to sit in front of TV

Get the popcorn ready..
Get some cheese and crackers..

Whoo Hoo! Let the shows begin

stronghunter said...

Rus said he is supposed to take a drug test for his new job tomorrow. Surely it won't be a problem if he has some painkillers in him. It is going to be obvious that he's had an accident.

I suggested that he might need to stay home tomorrow, but he said that's impossible. They are closing down computers for the old company.

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully Shirley you will break in that new mattress and have a restful sleep in the near future.

Sorry about Russ - that road burn is very painful but glad no broken or fractured bones.

Mits said...

Jo, you have mail....ok going to get ready for NCIS...good luck Hope wherever you are.

stronghunter said...

He said he hit some sand left over from the blizzard and the bike slid out of control. Glad he wasn't hit by a car or something. That happened to him when he was a teenager. Destroyed the bike, but didn't hurt him.

hedgie said...

This was on Lily's FB page........if the worst happens, the words the lady who won the naming contest says at the end are very appropriate:


hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, so sorry about Rus. Where was he?? Tell him to make sure he takes his pain pill bottle with him for the drug test so that he can show what he's on. Even tho' they don't test for legal drugs, some byproducts can cause a positive test result.

I found that I slept much better on the firmer mattress...and have had no problem with bursitis in my hip since, too!!

BTW---still for Shirley: did you hear about the Sasquatch sightings and search at Lake Anna????

stronghunter said...

Sasquatch . . . hadn't heard that, Lynn. But I did find an article at fredericksburg.com.

stronghunter said...

Looked it up after I read your message, that is.

stronghunter said...

Andy, diagramming sentences? Really? Interesting.

stronghunter said...

I'll tell Rus what you said, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Ideally, SHirley, they would do hair testing, because it is so much more accurate and can't be beaten! It can go back months instead of days as urine shows. But not legal in all states....I'm not sure about VA. When we first implemented it at our GM plant, for new hires, we had a 25% failure rate. Word got out on the street and, for the most part, users stopped applying!

Judie said...

Shirley, it should only take a few nights to adjust. Pleasant restful sleeping. Also, very sorry about Russ but happy he was not seriously injured. Yes, have him take any prescription bottles with him and the best of luck to him.

I am fearful of being too optimistic but am praying that Hope has been located and can be lured to some milk.

Wonder if Dr. Rogers or his crew have contacted the local police dept. for night vision goggles? That would be a good possibility. If anyone knows a contact, maybe a suggestion?

I also pray that those who want to be helpful will think twice and just keep watch and not interfere. Let the bear walkers do what they believe is best.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just dropped in, think it was Lib, not sure if food was brought or not....nope don't think so. Palmer squealed at parent until they left...now laying in the bowl.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, sent you an email.

Mema Jo said...

What do you think? Is she going to get dad? I didn't like that ending

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad Rus is OK

Mema Jo said...

Talk about Moon Glow

Mits said...

hmmm, don't know, Jo, hope not, sure Gibbs will save the day next season

paula eagleholic said...

BWE update from FB

We just added three videos to our Eagle Cam Web Log. One of the videos has some good footage showing our eaglets taking off and landing at the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Who is Amy Taylor for real

Stay tuned

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone where we need to say our prayers!

Waited for end of Idol to get on here & was not going to read anything about the bears, but what's been posted has a positive glimmer of Hope. Had St. Francis medal in my pocket today! Gonna make sure it's with me & might get that deck statue yet.

Shirley, so sorry about Rus. Glad he doesn't have bad injuries.
Lolly, Laurel's situation is crummy! Hope something comes along.
Lynn, xxxing fingers for Carolyn. ☺

stronghunter said...

Should be grading research papers, but I am tired. Some of my students are asking daily. It has been a bit over a week since they turned them in, and three weeks is really a reasonable amount of time to finish them up. I've done all of the early turn-ins. (They got theirs back already) and returned two for revision. My plan is to work really hard over the weekend on them. It is pretty hard to do much during the week.

stronghunter said...

Will said that someone crashed a car into the building where he works and fled to the nearby McDonald's--very nearby. He figures if you are going to flee, you should keep going. She got arrested very quickly.

But if you are inclined to crash into buildings, maybe you just can't flee far--for whatever reason.

NatureNut said...

Got a couple Park anecdotes~~~
Yesterday, the girl that has Monday office duty called me at home to say that when she went in the Vis. Ctr. in the AM, Chippy was on a stuffed desk chair!!!!The poor thing must have zipped inside Sun. PM!! I told her to open the door & turn out the lights. A mgr. told me today that she left the door open all afternoon & he couldn't find Chippy. He's alive and well~~~today was in & under the bird feeder!!!
The camera has been d0own on our osprey nest for awhile. We learne4d that 2 chicks hatched probably 19th & 20th. Today our naturalist, Greg, got it working and 2 tiny bobbleheads!!!!!Tried to take pics of the screen, but haven't checked yet~~too tired. You will be the first to view if anything is OK!

Mema Jo said...

You think it is his father following him or his mother? Someone took his picture. Guess we will find out next year

Lolly said...

Oh, Shirley...I feel for you having to read and grade all of those research papers.

Thank you all for the comments about Laurel. Talked with her on the way home for school. She has a great attitude. Her team could not believe what happened. She has no problem staying where she is except for the principal. It is what it is and we will wait and see what happens.

Right now I am excited about the information I have read here about Hope. OMG Can not wait to read an official report. Hope Hope Hope!!!!!!!!

Mits said...

to be continued til next September....

Lolly said...

OMG....I forgot to tell you. I had to keep this quiet until today. (Had to wait until scores went home) Laurel's kids all passed the TAKS test!! Wahoo! This is the second year that ALL of her students have passed. This is big!The school where Laurel wants to go got 80% passing. They need her. Now granted, it is a lower, more "average" school, but Laurel could raise their scores! I have to say....I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Yay! Congratulations to Laurel! That is quite an accomplishment.

My juniors were working on a practice test today.

Lolly said...

Okay, just read some of what Dr. Roger has said. I am not encouraged about Lily and Hope being reunited. Still am very worried.

hedgie said...

Hope update:


stronghunter said...

Just read it too, Lolly. I think we just have to wait and see. It could turn out okay.

stronghunter said...

Trying to hang in there and watch Dancing with the Stars, but it is getting late.

Judie said...

Shirley, I feel your pain with all the papers to grade. Hang in there.

Lolly, wishing the best for Laurel. She must be an exceptional teacher.

Thank you, Loretta.

Goodnight everyone. Need to turn my light off. Leaving the night light on for others coming in.

stronghunter said...

Funny school story--my English 12 boys giggled about the name "Balzac" in the story they were reading. They were amazed to learn that Balzac is the name of a famous writer. They were thinking of something else.

hedgie said...

Loretta, glad that Chippy is okay.
Good that your cam is back up. Any word on linking it to the web???

Shirley, tell those kids that they only had to write one paper; you are one person grading how many????

Lolly, Laurel can sure be proud of that accomplishment!!

No sign of mama robin on her nest all day today. Wonder if she has determined that eggs are not going to hatch, or if they did and those babies fledged already? Would think if they had hatched I would have seen bobbleheads and heard chirps.

stronghunter said...

Good response, Lynn. There are 38 this round, but then another 32 to come. I think Judie actually graded more papers than I did.

hedgie said...

Well, darn it all....we'll have to wait til fall to find out "will she or won't she?"!!!!
Cliffhangers are the name of the game, but......

stronghunter said...

Gonna crawl into my new bed. See you later.

Mema Jo said...

New update really gives us HOPE to find HOPE.

Alright - won't know till next season if she does or doesn't! Very dramatic ending. I like them going into the barn with that smile on their faces..
tee hee

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - fantastic news on Laurel's class's accomplishments. Speaks so well of the teacher!

Mema Jo said...

Need to fast tomorrow until I get blood work taken. Told hubby not to even make a pot of coffee ready for me to brew.....

hedgie said...

Shirley, I suppose the driver was drunk...??? Was anyone hurt in Will's building? Structural damage?

paula eagleholic said...

Way to go Laurel! Sorry the other position didn't materialize!!

Yes, there is Hope!

Night all!

Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

I do not think there were injuries, Lynn, not sure about damage. It is a shopping center, and the incident was at another part of the building from Will's store.

Checked the news and did not find anything about it.

I had to remove George from the keyboard so I could type. I think he wants my full attention.

stronghunter said...

Goodnight for real.

Lolly said...

Read the new update on Hope. Yes, there is hope! Don't you know those at the bear center are upset!I know how I feel and they are more involved emotionally.

Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower and then to bed. I worked hard today! I am tired!

Sweet dreams! Keep those prayers going for little Hope!

hedgie said...

Did Jo fall asleep during The Good Wife??? LOL!

Heading for bath and then off to bed I go. Prayers for all.....and for Hope and Lily, and Lynn Rogers and his team.

Mema Jo said...

Going to head back the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for All

(((Hugs for All))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

I'm ready to call it a day. It has been a long one!
GG took DuoDerm bandage off and called me in a panic...fluid poured from her wound onto the floor. I felt sure that the bandage was drawing the fluid out of the wound, but was a bit alarmed myself. Called her retiring doctor and was told to bring her in at 3:30, just an hour before serving time for our Soup Kitchen guests.
Dr. B looked at wound and said that it was healing well and what had happened earlier was normal.
Told her to keep leg propped up. I had her walking in the yard to encourage circulation in the leg to speed up healing. I WAS SO WRONG! No wonder wound wasn't responding to my doctoring
GG felt so much better hearing encouraging words from her Favorite Doctor:)
Got back to the church just in time for the arrival of our first guest. One of the helpers frosted my cakes while I was with GG. They turned out pretty good...moist.
We had 14 guests and they all commented on what a good meal it was:)


Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone~~
Here to wish you all a good (although very late) evening. I just got home from school a little while ago, and have been trying to read back a bit on the blog.

Oh, my! I hope and pray that they find Hope! It sounds like there may be hope for Hope!

Sorry to hear of Laurel's predicament--hope another door will open! Any school would be blessed to have her!

Praying, too, for Carolyn! Here's hoping! Sounds good so far....

Shirley, sorry to hear about Rus--hope he's feeling 100% really soon!
Praying for your grading to go smoothly, too!

Judie, imagine my surprise! Actual sentence diagramming, and my last English class was in 1969! All that info has been archived for a while, but hope my gray matter can find it again! I'm going to have to relearn a lot of the terminology, it's been so long.

Did well in my Practice 3 class tonight. Got all but 1 report done, so only 1 report to finish on Thursday night.

Oh--glad to hear that GG is doing well! Praying for her, too.

Got a phone call from a dear friend that I worked with for about 10 years. Her husband passed away on May 6th. He had been ill for the last couple of years, but suddenly developed pneumonia, and passed in just a few days. Please pray for her--her name is Alice. They were married for a LONG time, and she is feeling pretty lonely right now. Thank God, one of her nieces has moved in with her. I'm sure that will help some. Thank you in advance for your prayers!

Well, pretty tired tonight, and my eyes are getting blurry, so think I will call it a day. Prayers being said for everyone. The night light is on, the porch light will see you coming, and the eye scanner security is enabled. God bless, and goodnight! Hope everyone sleeps well, and will talk to you tomorrow. Love you guys! :o]

stronghunter said...

Hi Andy,

Prayers for your friend, Alice.

Goodness, you have a heavy load of classes. I hope the diagramming goes well.

Heading back to bed.

magpie said...

Go for it:

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...