Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Another chilly day thread.  Warmer and wetter weather is coming.


Lolly said...

Good Morning Steve! I will fetch the others!

Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning! Thanks Steve!
I am up/running. Time to head home today.
Everyone make it a good day
I'll touch base when I get on the home front.
Will go over and make sure everyone
knows that there is a new thread.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Lolly !
Now I'll go over and just see who was up this early chilly morning!


Lolly said...

Hi Jo! Will be happy to have you home and back on the blog a little more. You have been missed! (((HUGS))) right back at you!☺

Ahh, June 12. The day I have to sit by the computer and listen for laughter. Sigh.................

Lolly said...

BUT....October is getting closer and we are making our plans. I just would like to be there when Palmer is in the nest. BUT....I am afraid I will cry like a baby when at the nest again...without Deb.

Mits said...

good Tuesday morning everyone...have a good one.

Mits said...

safe trip home, Jo, sounds like a good time last night.

Lolly said...

No sun and shadows on the nest. Can see Palmer quite clearly, but he is just sitting. I want action!

Lolly said...

Checked in on our Loon. The cam lens seems to have more blurry splotches on it. Wonder if the muskrat visited again last night.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Jo and Lolly...
Palmer is very lethargic, I guess having no siblings makes one that way:( I think he will be more entertaining before very long. When he/she starts getting some air under those wings and hops all over that nest:)
Jo, have a safe trip home and look for HAWKS in the bare trees along the roads. That is one of my favorite things to do when we travel:)
Looking so forward to seeing you this Fall,Lolly:)

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

The PH eaglets are lounging just like Palmer, but look like they are getting ready to move around.

BEagle said...

The WE nest cam has a big blob of what looks like seaweed splattered on the lens.

The nest is still reasonably visible.

BEagle said...

The Sidney babe is deepening in color with the onslaught of feathers. She is very busy getting fed by the dad. ?

The lens has something filmy on it.

She's gobbling whatever she's getting.

Lolly said...

Wanda, that is what we do when traveling. Also, every time we go to Laurel's we watch and count the hawks.

BEagle said...

Hornby is not sharing Phoenix at the moment.

BEagle said...

Mother loon is nurturing her lay.

BEagle said...

Now I see that Phoenix is getting fed.

Better check on Palmer. I have oodles of work to do.

BEagle said...

Palmer has moved close to the cam. Looking for leftovers, no doubt. Smelly and yummy.

BEagle said...

Palmer is checking out the cam tree.

BEagle said...

Don't loosen the straps!!!Our cam might drop off!!

Looked up to see what was above.

Toe dancing across the nest to the high noon position. Cute little birdie.

BEagle said...

That Palmer toe dance with the wings stretched out was awesome.

BEagle said...

Palmer is poking around the nest paraphernalia with a foot protruding.

BEagle said...

Oh shucks. Lost one of the three rascals on the RTH nest. Nuts!

BEagle said...

I just checked the Hampton (NBG) and I see only two eaglets. Has the one with the transmitter flown off?

Maybe she is hidden behind the tree trunk or the others. Can't tell.

Costume Lady said...

Morning BEagle...
Palmer had a very short visit from a parent this morning...he pecked around their feet and was nothing there. Parent left after about 10 seconds and Palmer gave a few pitiful cries, then proceeded to pick up sticks and placed a few around the nest's edge. Unless another parent visited after that, Palmer has not had breakfast:(

BEagle said...

Oh, so Palmer is getting preeettty hungry!!

More encouragement to fly off the nest and grab a bite.

BEagle said...

Speaking of hawks, my bro was traveling WV and saw a big hawk with a red tail.

He loves to stop in and watch the eagles and told me all about it.

hedgie said...

Good morning. Gray and gloomy and cool, as Wanda says. Rain is getting close. Palmer taking it easy, I see, with no parent preent. Saw the nest update from yesterday.

hedgie said...

Wanda, what bare trees???? LOL!

hedgie said...

BEagle, Noah has flown the coop!!!
What Memorial Day are you speaking of, BEagle?

Costume Lady said...

I think we might call Palmers attempts at walking, "The Eagle Walk With Style and Grace", from The Hokey Pokey:) Or was that Ball and The Jack from Dance School??

BEagle said...

The OR nest is covered with snow and the egg cup is covered with an eagle. From the forum I see that one egg has been removed. It would be 45 day or 48 days incubation with the egg that is still there.

If I remember correctly Paula said she watched an eagle incubate for 50 days before.

It good to know that people are still watching the nest and keeping all updated.

Lolly said...

Yea! I have finally been successful at loading pictures of our Texas Hill Country trip. Mind you...I only loaded a few of my pics. lol I think got some good pictures, so go take a trip to the Texas Hill Country. For close ups remember to double click and it goes into "older Posts". lol I loaded a "few".

BEagle said...

Sorry. I am off today. What is today?

BEagle said...

Adult back at nest with Palmer.

BEagle said...

Looks like Palmer is anticipating food. No luck though. Adult just left again. Maybe to get a little something for hungry Palmer.

Costume Lady said...

Must be Memorial Day somewhere:):)

Lynn, LOL, I meant to say DEAD trees along the road. When you see a nice, big, dead tree, you can bet there will be a beautiful Hawk in it (nine times out of ten). They are so fascinating to me. GG has a Hawk's nest at the bottom of her yard, along the Tuscarora creek. We never see the babes, but Mom and Dad are busy all day, flying back and forth. They cast a huge shadow on the window as they fly over, looking for food. Never seem to bother the birds at her feeders. Could be because they see GG sitting there most of the day:)

Lolly said...

My neighbor does not use feeders, but scatters seed daily over the top of an old wood picnic table. All kinds of animals feed there and the hawks also help themselves to the diners.

hedgie said...


BEagle said...

Yes it's a memorial day somewhere.
As long as I can give someone out there a good chuckle.

Lolly said...

Time for me to walk. Did not do it last week and I gained a few pounds what with our meals out and family here this weekend. All I have to do is look at the food and gain. Mustn't let that happen!


hedgie said...

BEagle, today is May 11th, Tues. Don't worry...we all get days mixed up when we retire!
Okay, Wanda....gotcha'! GG has such a nice place to watch the wildlife along the creek. Glad her leg is doing better.

BEagle said...

Palmer is quiet now.

Two adults showed up on Sidney to dote on their little one.

BEagle said...

Not retired yet! It's simply ding batosis.

BEagle said...

It's rainy and drippy here. Chilly too.
Got all my mowing, weed eating and pruning before the rain started. It's suppose to rain all week.

BEagle said...

It's election day here. Better go vote.
That's why we are off.

BEagle said...

We are also off on Memorial Day when it eventually comes by.

hedgie said...

Praise God.....got an email from Chrissy. They are getting settled into a small Victorian....she is busy making curtains. Her puter IS hooked up. New email address, so email me if you want it! Asked her for a mailing addy, too.

BEagle said...

Adult back on the nest with Palmer. To shelter Palmer's beak it looks like.

Didn't see if food was brought in.

hedgie said...

Lolly, your pictures are so great!!! Guess all of your rain was a godsend!!

hedgie said...

Yep, I will go vote this afternoon when I go to pick up a prescription. No school here, either. Grandgirls are happy about that!

BEagle said...

Adult has been beak to beak with Palmer.
Wonder what that means.

hedgie said...

Hope Belle is going to keep that eaglet dry!

BEagle said...

As dry as possible. Palmer is tucked under Belle real good.

NatureNut said...

Happy Tuesday, Everyone. Home today~~we have to take Sherry to Baltimore later this PM~~don't know what we're doing today. As soon as she's done w/her 'puter want to see Lolly's pics. Sher is at the edge of Hill Country in Bastrop!
Yesterday was a full day--went to Solomons,had lunch and daughter was able to get her REAL MD crabcake. Then to old St. Mary's City. Bldgs are closed on Mon., but we roamed around & saw the Dove. Later~~~

NatureNut said...

Wow, just checked live cam--lots of leaves in middle of nest & parent w/Palmer.

hedgie said...

Chrissy said she sent out a group email....I have not seen it. Did anybody else get it??

hedgie said...

Loretta, so glad you had some good daughter time!!! Nice Mom's Day gift for you!!

BEagle said...

What is going on at the nest? Is that Palmer atop the baby rails?

BEagle said...

That IS Palmer up there. Well, mom is near. Palmer is at 11 atop the edge of the nest.

NatureNut said...

Palmer is still way back in the nest. Earlier, I thought he/she was going to crawl up that branch!

BEagle said...

Are you sure? It looks like the trees below to the left of Palmer.

NatureNut said...

Thx Lynn, I'm so glad she picked Mon. for field trip--the weather today is getting crummy, but we do need rain. She wanted to go to Solomons because she saw a jewelry store ad a year ago in MD Life mag. They have a bracelet w/each link something of MD. They were out due to Mom's day, but will mail her one.
Lolly's pics are just beautiful. I wore my Wildseed shirt Sat!!

hedgie said...

Almost looks like there's sun on the nest.....not here! Still raining.

hedgie said...

Belle needs to tell that kid that it's not time for him/her to go anywhere yet. "Step back from the edge..."

BEagle said...

Didn't see the step back, but Palmer's beak is neatly tucked under Belle again.
Looks like it started raining again.

BEagle said...

Palmer is up again and flapping wings near the cam tree. Probably to dry the wings a little. Shakin the tail feather.

Oh more wing flaps!

Up to the edge again and now adult is flapping the wings.

wvgal_dana said...

Hello Everyone

I checked my email haven't received anything yet from Chrissy. Oh I just can't wait ( :

I have been going through my emails today. Sunday was to hard. Then Monday my eyes acted up again. I had to take Little Man for a Vet appt. at 2:15 so I just rested my eyes so I could drive.

I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES AND CARDS AND MOTHERS DAY WISHES. You all are wonderful friends. I've had a blast going through the emails today. Also received some special cards in the mail too. Thanks again for making my Birthday special.

Safe travels for those traveling.

movin said...


GOOD morning,

aLL iN EaGLe lANd..


Did you see Palmer showing off and flapping her wings and singing like a songbird for the benefit of her mother??



paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, Palmer get down from there, LOLo

movin said...

The second Hummer chick is hatching right now.



paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad you heard from Chrissy!

hedgie said...

Neat, J im!!!

Isn't it amazing how much more color we have on the cam when it's rainy??

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! Gotta go check my email. Yes, I want Chrissy email. I will go check right now.

Thanks for the comments on my pics. The wild flowers were just spectacular....I was wishing you were there with me.

BEagle said...

Looked like a ruckus on the PH nest.
Either that or both were checking out their wings. It really looked like some rivalry.

Calm now that an adult just came back.

BEagle said...

The TH twins are peaceful and look like they are contemplating the distance to the far cliffs.

BEagle said...

The eaglet on the Sidney nest reminds me of Palmer. She likes the 12 o'clock position on the nest. Actually there is a tree at 12 but she is one one side or the other.

Her name is Solo.

BEagle said...

The loon is bobbling comfortably on her raft,

Judie said...

Good afternoon!

Wanda, great news about GG and Joyce. Hope the healing continues for both.

Welcome home Jo. Glad you and Ceil and the dadsters had a nice evening.

Didn't see anything from Chrissy but am relieved they have a place to live.

Loweeeda, happy you had a nice day out AND enjoyed crab cakes -- so jealous.

Checked on Palmer a few minutes ago and do wish he/she wouldn't test the crib rails. Parent there but still...

Need to check out pictures. Rainy gloomy day here. Feels like pasghetti weather.


BEagle said...

Palmer is up close to the cam tree. Maybe that will help bring food in??

Or maybe it's a good place to practice the wing thing.

magpie said...

Good to hear that you got a message from Chrissy
Very comforting
Thank you!
she's making curtains,
getting her new roost all homey I hope

No group email here yet for me from her either

BEagle said...

It seemed to me that an adult close by when Palmer is up on the raid would be a comfort. But really, what could the adult do if Palmer would float off?
Grab a tail feather?

Not to worry. Palmer is a confident eagle and gets it from Belle and Lib.

magpie said...

Palmer looks great!
A little soggy maybe

Wilmington DE Falcon in the nest box was eating just barely in view now

BEagle said...

Palmer is too cute up at the tree shuffling the feet.

glo said...

Hi everyone. Wow so glad to read there has been an email from Chrissy. That is the best news yet.Lynn Tell her to check her facebook :-) she sure has lots there just for her. Glad you are finding and enjoying your birthday greetings today Dana. Timing does make a big difference and you know the right time for you better than anyone else. Speaking of timing Today is Dexter's 12th Birthday. Some of you have already seen the clip on facebook but the actual story of the day he came home with me is on Glo's Glimpses. We have been for a ride with a stop by Happy Dog Bakery to get special treat and then went for a stroll since it has finally stopped raining when we got home. Haven't been on the computer much at all today except to make Dex's Birthday video.

Think I will go take a look at the giant bird in the sycamore tree everyone keeps talking about. I hope it isn't exercise time to be honest with you. I just want a peaceful relaxing kind of visit. Hopefully the wind has stopped blowing there as hard as it has been anyway.

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to Dex, Glo!

Winds are calm to none at the Royal Nest...just the breeze from the wing-flapping

BEagle said...

Adult has just arrived with food. Palmer looks very hungry.

BEagle said...

Palmer is digging in. Not as much spoon feeding as before.

BEagle said...

The fish is gone. The adult is gone. Palmer is alone again and walking up to the cam tree. Good shot of Palmer with white tufts all over.

magpie said...

guess there ARE variable winds at the nest

think I heard a sneeze, know I saw a Poop Shoot

BEagle said...

There goes some wing stretches but finished that and just walked back and standing at the nine position. Looking down at the world.

magpie said...

looks like one of the DE falcom eggs is a little broken up
Mom falcon perched on the ledge

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals

BEagle said...

Maybe poop shoots sound like sneezes.
Palmer's "doo" looks spiked after a shake of the head.

magpie said...

Great Dex Birthday Slide Show
Bravo !

magpie said...

Palmer standing so tall and proudly right now

sounds like some good family time

Lolly, what a great picture show!

Sounds like great Soup Kitchen fare by Wanda and Gene and friends tonight

headed to work soon
thinking of all
Hope the evening is a good one

Judie said...

Dana, how's Little Man? Vet visit checked out okay, I hope. Rest your eyes, please.

Glo, happy birthday to Dexter. Know he enjoyed the day and the special treat.

Margy, have a quiet night.

Palmer still testing the crib rails.

Beautiful closeup of the three eaglets at NBG.

Judie said...

Checked RTH. Hawklette standing tall. Good close up view.

BEagle said...

Adult has returned to the nest. With food. Looks like an instant replay of only an hour ago.

hedgie said...

Back from voting. Another message from Chrissy. All kinds of internet problems. She sent me what she thought had gone to all and I copied and pasted and just re-sent it to the group, so check you Yahoo mail!!!

BEagle said...

Palmer backing up a little too close to that edge! I will keep watching but don't want to.

BEagle said...

Big wing stretch and even patted Belle on the back with one wing.

BEagle said...

Belle is distracting. Moved food over to the safe side came over to lure Palmer off the edge with a morsel.

It worked. Palmer on the safe spot doing some major wing things.

BEagle said...

Sharp mom there.

BEagle said...

Spidey's web is starting to show some.

BEagle said...

Palmer is peeping away. It's starting to rain again. Palmer is flapping the wings. See what I can do when you bring food mom?

Judie said...

RTH hawkettes both up and standing tall with wingersizing. Have grown so much in the past several days. Cute.

Palmer up on the nest edge near the cam tree just talking up a storm and wingersizing. Scary.

Okay, off to the kitchen.

BEagle said...

More wing flaps with those magnanimous wings. Close to the cam too.

BEagle said...

Palmer walks back over to Belle vying for some shelter and not getting it.

BEagle said...

I missed the wingersizing at the RTH nest but one is still standing up, stretching up.

BEagle said...

Palmer walked back over to the cam tree.
May be to practice more of the wing thing.

Mits said...

Happy Birthday, Dex;)

hedgie said...

Added a cute pic to the Yahoo May album!

hedgie said...

I sent the email from Chrissy to Iris......if I don't get acknowledgment from her by morning will try to call her on her cell. I gave her cell # to Chrissy, so maybe she will get hold of her earlier in their day!! Sure hope they can meet up! Iris has lots of momster hugs to give Chrissy!!

glo said...

Yes Iris Has hugs and some special things for Chrissy. I surely hope they meet up too. What perfect timing for the contact from Chrissy.

Thanks for the Birthday wishes for Dex. He is pretty easy to celebrate.

Soup Kitchen night. I see. Well given the gift of hospitality from Captain and Wanda my guess is there is more given out at that meal than just some food. How cool :-). Checked on Palmer and his/her feet. Yep there is a giant in the nest. So glad the wind has settled down.

Mema Jo said...

I'm home and reading your comments.. ROFL at Hedgie's comment about What bare trees! I started looking Wanda and the closest thing I could find was
'Red Hawk Road'. I didn't know how I was going to tell you about all the trees having leaves - that when I read Lynn's remark I lost it!
Love you both dearly!

When the trees are bare I always look when riding on the highways and roads for the hawks. I usually spot quite a few just from home into Frederick.

wvgal_dana said...

Just woke afraid a long rest.

Now I forgot who ask: Little Man is fine. Nails trimmed and a skin tag I didn't like zapped off his lip on outside. Dr loves his weight.

I can't go on because my eyes are still bothering me badly.

Take Care and prayers for those that need them.

CHRISSY !!!! ( : ( :

hedgie said...

AHA....Jim: Gordon Brown resigned! If I remember correctly, that should please Chrissy!

Mema Jo said...

Happy 12th Birthday Dex

Yeah for Chrissy getting in touch with Lynn! I surely hope that Iris can
fine her!

Hubby turned on some heat! Well! It feels good!

That Big Bird in our nest is really Palmer - right? Not having see her (And I do think she is female due to her size) for 5 days - she has really
grooooooooooown and standing up on her own 2 BIG feetsies. Wow! Do you know if she has been sleeping in that perch position? I realize Spidey aka Boris blocks the view.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - when is the next eye appointment. Have you gone to get a second opinion yet from another eye specialist?

Mema Jo said...

WOW! It is terrific TV Tuesday!
8,9 & 10

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

I swear Palmer and Belle are in the same positions as the last time I checked them this afternoon!

paula eagleholic said...

I am tending to think that Palmer is a female as well. Her size up close to the cam is large!

and even watching now, she looks closer in size to Belle than Lib.

paula eagleholic said...

Hot tea time...I turned some heat on when I got home too!

paula eagleholic said...

I know I'll get warmer later when I clean. Heading to NJ on Thursday, back on Friday. Michael coming home Fri nite (I think) with GF and a college buddy. They are all staying thru Sunday. We have a celebration picnic set for Saturday at John and Ajay's. Should be a great couple of 3-4 days!

Mema Jo said...

Paula Is Michael's job in NJ? I can't remember where you said it was..

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, nice wing flaps...getting all those droplets off...and some chatter....now back to the trunk at 10

paula eagleholic said...

Yes it is Jo. Going to share an apartment with a friend, who I will finally get to meet on Thursday. He also works with her, they are good friends.

Mema Jo said...

Well Good Paula. I was hoping you didn't need to move any of his things back home!

Mema Jo said...

Going to go unpack my bag and settle in
for my TV evening..


paula eagleholic said...

Belle shook her wings off and departed to the right

hedgie said...

Got a note from Dianne, Deb's sister. She has been watching Palmer and checking in on us on the blog, too! Plans are still on for Deb's memorials: Colorado end of July and SD in early Aug.

hedgie said...

Nice pic of the graduate, Paula!!

I never turned off heat this morning! Brrr.. It is pouring now....and we had thunder just before 7:30. Crazy weather.

Judie said...

Here I am for my after dinner visit.

Dana, I asked about Little Man and am happy nothing was wrong in terms of health. I am concerned about your eyes -- please consider having another doctor check on the problems you are having. Remember, we care.

Happy to have you home, Jo.

Paula, what a wonderful next few days for you. Glad college grad has plans and surely wish him every success out there in the real world.

Dear Boris: The momsters and dadsters are ever so grateful for, and appreciative of, your creativity. Your designs are captivating. We thank you for all your time and attention to detail. However, you are invited to NOT visit the nest -- think party-crasher. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

hedgie said...

Love that, Judie!!! Hope the creep listens!!!

Lolly said...

Thanks Lynn for sending on Chrissy's message. Just do not understand the housing system over there.

Worked in the yard this afternoon. Got hot today. I think we will probably turn on the AC tomorrow.

Have my eye appointment tomorrow. Yuk! I hate to have my eyes dialated.

Mema Jo said...

2 shows down and 1 to go.

Good night to any of the early birds..

Judie said...

Goodnight, Jo. Sleep well.

Hey, Boris? Have you checked the blog tonight?

Anyone heard from Shirley?

As I have fallen asleep twice now while trying to watch tv, I am going to turn my light off. Will leave the night light on for others, except Boris. Andy, please set our alarm when you come in later.

Until tomorrow

NatureNut said...

Just checking in before hitting the hay.
Welcome Home, Jo.☺
Paula, sounds like positive things ahead for your son! You must be so proud. Too bad he'll have to move away, but I guess Jersey isn't too far.
Judie I love your strong sauggestions to Spidey. I never know how kmany are in the nest at night!!
I was watching The EENet WTE's and was 5AM breakfast time for the 2 tiny eaglets. Hard seeing the cam~~they think the antenna is twisted and will try to correct it in a couple weeks when there are more leaves.It's away from the nest tree.
Fubby treated us to dindin at Chick-filet~~Whoopee while taking daughter to hotel in Baltimore. Boy, do I miss her!She can't come back, tho, as has to fly Friday to Oakland, CA & meet up w/Hubby for a week motorcycle trip down the coast.This is his big thing! I wanted her to go w/me today to buy flowers to plant, but the rain slogged that plan.
Well, gotta see news & turn lights out except for the porch. Work in AM--BOO
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Not good planting weather, Loretta! Hopefully, things will dry up by the weekend.

Good night to all. No nap today, so I am y-a-w-n-i-n-g. Plus have had two problems today which are to be addressed tomorrow. A delivery person severely damaged a big tree today. I am demanding a tree-doctor be sent out to treat it. And I had a trespasser last night....evidence points to paper carrier....and I am p---ed big time.
Talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams. Prayers for all, and thanks, Lord, for helping Chrissy get settled in and contact us!

Mema Jo said...

TV shows are over - all were good but NCIS is going to have a part 2 - But you just gotta see it next week!
Also if you watch NCIS-LA -- I don't really want to see Hatty leave - I love that little lady.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - hope your troubles are resolved tomorrow! Good luck to Carolyn with job interview.

I too didn't have a nap today.....

Good Night All
Prayers for All

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Too sleepy to comment on the day's happeninng, so I will just say:


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Just got home from school. Don't have to go to that class on Thurs.!
Just a final in the other class tomorrow night. Have been studying all day for that one! Please (and thank you in advance!), if you're prompted, say some prayers that I do OK on the final! Haven't been sleeping like I should, so kinda foggy.

THANK GOD we've heard from Chrissy!
What a relief that they have a roof over their heads! (((HUGS)))!

Ms Bookworm said...

Fantastic news about Joyce and GG!
Healing prayers continue!

...and HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY TO DEX!!!
Great video, Glo! Loved it!

Dana, glad Little Man is doing fine. Wish your eyes didn't bother you so much, though. Think you should seek another opinion on that. Prayers that you'll have a complete healing!

Lynn, so sorry to hear about your injured tree! (AND and intruder! Oh, my!) Hope everything gets worked out tomorrow! Prayers for that situation, too!

Jim, thanks for the Phoebe update!
Will have to check on the little cutie.

Well, didn't sleep well last night, so think I'll call it a day.
Leaving the night light and porch light on for others (Boris, aka Spidey, excepted!). The eye scanner security is enabled. If anyone comes in late, PLEASE don't let Spidey/Boris in by mistake! YUK! :o[ Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you some time tomorrow. Love all you guys! God bless, and good night! :o]

Lolly said...

Night all! Have been doing computer research on a vehicle we are considering. Not going to rush into this.

Going to mow in the morning. Chance of rain starting Thursday.

Yes, very thankful to have heard from Chrissy. Bless her!

Lynn, sorry you had a couple of problems today. Hope they are resolved manana.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to know that Chrissy and family have found a place.

Couldn't finish my mowing tonight, so finished just about all the cleaning. Will try to mow tomorrow night!

Getting ready to hit the hay here.

Oh, and the settlement on Mom's house is next week, everything looking good.

Costume Lady said...

Here, in Nestville, it is 52° and a dreary morning. Hopefully, it will get better as the morning wears on...going up to a wonderful 76°.
I'm going in to GGs this morning (after it warms up) and plant some more flowers. A local nursery had a wonderful sale on all their plants and I bought so many because they were so pretty, healthy and the price was right. I wasn't thinking that I would be the one to plant them all. So, I have been planting them a little at a time. It makes GG sad that she can't plant her own flowers, because that has always been her JOY in life, so, I try to plant them when she is napping.

SOUP KITCHEN last evening was back down to our original 6 guests. We have been asking those guests who have vehicles to bring their friends...many of the homeless and poor do not have a vehicle to travel in and must walk. Our church is located on the edge of town and is quite a walk for many who would like a warm meal. But, those 6 who do come regularly are so appreciative of the food and are becoming familiar with us and seem to enjoy relating some of their stories. There is an older couple who have come each time and I love to listen to their stories.
Who would have guessed that we would enjoy this endeavor so much?
We come home from church with a song in our hearts and sleep like babies.
Thank you, Lord, for tapping me on my shoulder:)

Costume Lady said...

I am happy for you, Paula, that the ending is near on the final chapter of a long and arduous journey. Well done:)

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Much warmer this AM, but still dreary. At least I could turn the heat off!
No email from Iris.....tried to call her....got her voice mail....hope she can check messages. But I did give Chrissy her cell phone # so maybe she can reach her!
Wanda, sure hope your patrons pick up some more for your ministry!
I bet GG loves her flowers and is thankful that she has a loving planter!
Paula, so glad that closing is so near. Did you grow up in the house? I was 40 when Mom sold our house, and it was very sad for me to know that I no longer had a place to go home to!! Felt the same way when my g'parents sold theirs when I was 16.....guess I'm just a sentimental fool!

hedgie said...

Is anyone having trouble posting?? Margy sent me an email saying that she couldn't get the blogger cop to accept heposts, so she went on to bed!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just peeking in really quickly to say hi. Out to mow before it gets too hot.

Liked your report, Wanda. I am sure this work in a true blessing.

Have a great day!

Mits said...

good WEDNESDAY morning....FINLAND CAM is back on, but it is MT....

Lolly said...

Whoops! Did not get outside before the plumber came. He is installing a new garbage disposal. Jack is a fantastic repair man but he hates plumbing!! Anyway, our plumber and I have been visiting away. I taught his two younger children. Sean is now a missionary and Mary is 17, in school, and in love. At 17!!!! Oh well!

movin said...


Good MOrniNG, aLL.


Has anyone read what happened at the Finney by the sea nest??

Regular Finney seems to be truckin on.



hedgie said...

How the heck many birds are in our nest? Looks like 2 Palmer's plus!!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Ha.....Palmer unfolded herself and now looks normal!! What a hoot!

hedgie said...

Jim, I think there was a cable cut....cam is back up now. As far as the drama....crows invaded and destroyed the eggs, apparently.

hedgie said...

More eagle rescue stories:
Eagles rescued

Mema Jo said...

You're not going to get to 200 on this thread.



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...