Thursday, May 13, 2010


New thread.


Mits said...

Good thursday a.m. everyone.

Mits said...

Sorry to hear about Vicky's brother.prayers go out to the family

Mits said...

Ceil, you know how happy we are about your good news:).

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits for the call over

Many prayers for Vicky & her brother are being lifted - I pray they find him and that he is just wet and cold! Such frightening news.

Ceil - so glad you are sharing the news about your son's upcoming wedding! You forgot to tell everyone about the Mother's Day gift! I think you will have a great October

Mema Jo said...

Aaron is here to visit.......

Happy Birthday Susan
I am sure you all recall the many Momster email responses we get from Susan!

hedgie said...

Hi, Aaron!!

Ceil, what other news do you have to share???

hedgie said...

Hi, Mits. Did you do the zoo yesterday? How was everything there??

Judie said...

Hello again,

Does anyone know if/how a tv program recorded on a DVR can be transferred to a DVD? I have a couple of tv programs I would like to use for classes. Was thinking about stopping at an electronics store but afraid I might get snookered.

Judie said...

Hi Aaron! Enjoy your visit with Mema Jo -- I'm jealous! Maybe she'll take you to the Sheetz store.

Costume Lady said...

Judie, we had an old 8mm film transferred to a CD at Walgreens for $25...I would imagine they could do what you are asking. We have a machine that will make CDs out of VHS tapes...don't know if it work for what you need or not. How soon do you need it?

Mits said...

yes, Lynn I did, it was a long busy day, everything is ok with the animals.

movin said...


GooD MorNiNG,

EvEryOnE ...




Costume Lady said...

I am sorry to say that I don't know Edgy Sue. I have read many of her emails, but thats all.
At any rate...♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SUSAN♫♪:) Pop on here so that we may get to know you! We might even bake you a cake, next year;)

movin said...

Mema Jo, is that Suzanne you are wishing happy birthday??



Mema Jo said...

No Jim - it is our Momster Susan P. Hill Goodwin. You had it right on the other thread when you told her Happy Birthday.

movin said...

Palmer looks relaxed lying there, playing with the greenery and practicing raising her tail feathers when the wind blows ... probably helps hold her down like a spoiler on a car.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everyone!

movin said...






Mema Jo said...

Hey there Sharon! loL

Mema Jo said...

I'm headed for street clothes


Costume Lady said...

Headed for GG's. She is going to wonder where I am. Will give her a bouquet of flowere, she will forgive me;)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I got my Spirit of Jefferson paper in the mail yesterday. Great article. We are getting quite famous. Thanks Magpie!!!

ceil said...

Lynn don't know if there will be 2
cermonies or not yet.
Jo are you talking about the ticket to get there? I forgot all about that. I would walk to be there. Jennifer is a wonderful person.
I better hit the books. Presentation on Saturday and have done nothing. BBL

magpie said...

Here is a link to an article which appears to be about Vicky's brother

South Bend Tribune

Our hearts and prayers are with you across the many miles, Vicky ♥

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! I've been away for a while licking my wounds so tospeak. Had my 1st injection in the groin on Monday for meralgia paresthetica (sp?). I have 2 weeks for it to work and don't know what's up next. My back still gives me mucho grief, but the leg pain is definitely a bit better. This getting old sucks!!!

I hope everyone else is healthy and happy. I'll try to catch up when I can so for now God bless each and everyone of you. I miss you all.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

Heading to NJ.

Have a great day, catch up with ya later!!

magpie said...

Happy Trails Paula
and safe travel prayers

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to a fellow West Virginia Mountaineer, Susan aka sUSAn I believe

probably still sporting that Hawaiian Honeymoon Glow ♥ ♥

Hope this is a great day and a wonderful start for a new year to follow xo

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the link Margy. I hope there is an update soon and that it says he was found safe. Still Praying!

magpie said...

Jo and all
Glo just confirmed by email that this news article is about Vicky's brother, she has had no further word yet

he was surely doing something he loved to do

hedgie said...

Thanks for the newslink, Margy, Sad...

Judie, don't think there's anyway to copy off of DVR, unless you have a VCR hooked up to it----I have tried every thing I can think of to do that, but I think my VCR is too old---just can't get the right connection. Sorry!
If the shows are going to be repeated, let me know what they are and I can tape directly to VCR on my non-DVR TV for you.

hedgie said...

Wow, Wanda....I have two VCR tapes that I would love to have on CD/DVD----could I impose on you and Gene to copy them for me someday??

hedgie said...

Ceil, I'm confused! Is your other gift tickets to the northwest for the wedding? Train or plane? Are you going to try flying?

glo said...

Ya Know Magpie I too am praying for a positive outcome and soon and yet as you said YES he was training for an event involving one of the real passions of his life. I wish the weather everywhere would settle down. I don't know if its a factor in the accident but its a factor threatening the rescue efforts.

magpie said...

There was a similar incident on the Shenandoah River near Harpers Ferry a couple of weeks ago, young man in his 20's
he did not survive

checking out for awhile here
take care,everyone

hedgie said...

Diann, sorry to hear about your misery...sure hoping the injection helps! Just take it easy. We have missed you, but know how difficult it must be to sit at the puter. Hope you feel better soon.

magpie said...

the weather is definitly in an uproar in many parts of the country
many many prayers going up

movin said...

Wow, do you see the size of Palmer's wings! And they are not even grown totally yet. Definitely female, I think.



Mema Jo said...

I agree Jim that Palmer's size is definitely Female!

hedgie said...

Me, too....just going to be hard to remember to type She instead of He!!!

FuzzleMT said...

OH LOOK! Palmer is trying to eat on her own! Parent standing by to help. It's a small mammal with tiny little legs.

FuzzleMT said...

Looks like she got tuckered out trying

glo said...

Talked with Vicky briefly during her lunch time. She was actually finishing up payroll and getting ready to leave and head home. She agrees her brother absolutely loved kayaking. She thanks you all for your prayers and says right now they all need all the prayers they can get as they wait for the phone call with some kind of news.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! That is a sign of growing up!

Hi FuzzleMA! Are you having as much rain and cold weather as we are?

Mema Jo said...

GLO Thanks for keeping us updated as Vicky calls you. Prayers are going to keep going up for everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa of BWO has posted link to the Kentucky cam and 4 pics of their now 3 chicks. Be sure you scroll down and look at the last pic.

Mema Jo said...

Had my 3:00 cup of coffee early... Hoping to contact Alexis and her dad for an afternoon movie - How to Train Your Dragon. I don't think it should scare her - it all animated.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Glo, for keeping contact with Vicki.
Jo, sounds like a cute movie.

hedgie said...

WOW...cannot believe those fantastic close-ups at Kentucky cam....beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

Off to the movies & then dinner


FuzzleMT said...

No, all the rain went south of my corner of the world. Today is really beautiful - sunny, 63. We may get rain tomorrow so we take the bad with the good. I hope you were able to hear Palmer squealing when parent did take over. Seems they are holding back on feeding? How time did fly with this eaglet. So close to fledging and taking a piece of my heart with it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Signing on really quickly to say hello--this is my first of 11 days off from school (YAY!), and have to hit the road running, so to speak, to get ready to go to Lake Tahoe VERY early on Saturday! We're staying at sis- & bro-in-law's time share there! Visiting with an old friend who lives very close-by, too--haven't seen her in years! She used to work at Hubby's company, and now works for the State of Nevada. (Coincidentally, her name is Andrea, too!) Will certainly be taking the laptop along, and hope to get "hooked up" while there!

Before I forget, Glo, praying intensely for Vicky's brother, all the people looking for him, and the entire family! Hope they hear some news soon, and that it's GOOD news! Scary situation. :o{

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SUSAN! Hope it's a really special day for you!

Ceil, that's wonderful news! So happy for you and the family!

Judie, afraid I don't get the summer off from school. Have 11 days to recuperate, though. Don't want to take much time off--need to graduate and get a J-O-B, ASAP!
Really stressing, since the unemployment benefits ran out. On a MISSION!

Diann, praying that you'll be feeling much better, really soon!
Hang in there!

Well, gotta run--have some errands to do. Will try to get back here later tonight! Have a good day, everyone. :o]

WV sUSAn said...

Hello Everybody and a big THANKS to all for the birthday wishes.

WV sUSAn said...

I cannot blog from office computer and it's really time consuming from iPhone. Whew. Which is why you see me on emails and not so much on blog. Anywho, I wanted to jump on here to say thanks so much and that the Eaglet Momsters/dadsters are awesome!! For now, back to work.

magpie said...

Phoebe he Hummingbird is off the nest now, doesn't last long
two chicks

Hummingbird Nest CA

magpie said...

Lots of ISS flyovers hereabouts in the next few days, won't see unless the clouds clear.
punch in YOUR zip codes

ISS Flyovers

the shuttle launch schedule one more time please? thx

magpie said...

will be watching for your updates, thank you so much for being the contact person, know that Vicky will draw great comfort from that

headed out to visit with grandson for awhile

take care all

hedgie said...

Phoebe is lovely, but she's sitting tight now.

I can give up on ISS flyovers for the next 5 months....too many leaves to see the sky.

Atlantis is scheduled for liftoff tomorrow at 2:20PM. Return the 26 th at 8:44AM....of course, all depends on weather!!Mission Duration: 12 days

Glad you stopped in, Susan!
Hope your birthday has been fun.

Andy, hope your weekend is restful for you!!

hedgie said...

Mighty windy at Phoebe's roost.

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday sUSAn!!!! Hope you are having a great day!

Wow, my prayers are going up for Vicky's brother. Oh, how hard the waiting for news must be...

Ceil...congrats on the upcoming wedding! Great news!

The seizure cat stopped seizing so the owner didn't take him to the vet. There really isn't anything they can do for him except keep him on the meds at this point.

I forgot to mention the other cat I found hiding in a box with rear leg paralysis. What a day yesterday. She is at the I guessed, she threw a clot. They are giving her steroids and heparin to help her, but the prognosis is very grave.

Lynne2 said...

I see Palmer the Gigantic is having some supper!

Lynne2 said...

Nice poop shoot, but I do wish she'd stop "backing" up to the edge of the nest like that!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just was chatting with Vicky on Facebook and her brother is still missing. She is going to be with her family in the morning. I told her we would keep the prayers going.

glo said...

Well I have nothing to report. The search continues but water is high and river is flowing fast. I haven't talked to Vicky since noon. I hate to ring her phone as I know what must be happening inside every time that phone rings. I think she will email an update tonight. She sent a couple last night even once she learned they had called of the search at 11 pm. I trust I will hear from her at some point again today but for now we all wait and we pray for strength and comfort for the family, and safety and success for the searchers.

glo said...

OK Sharon is more up to date than I. I missed her on facebook as I had to feed the dog with the endless appetite :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Where is everybody?

hedgie said...

Hi, Shar.
Here is latest news report that Mits found.
So very sad.
Latest news report

hedgie said...

Prayers for his whole family and, of course, our Vicki.

glo said...

Very sad indeed. Just by reading what his son and friend say about him I can tell so easily the kind of home in which both he and Vicky were raised. She too would give you anything and everything she had without a second thought if you needed it. I have not checked my email recently. Glad to see some more info via Lynn through Mits if I read correctly. It surely been a long day but not as long for us as for those who know and love him.

Lynne2 said...

OH NO this is terrible news.....but isn't there some hope that he could have made it to shore somehow?? How terribly sad for the family, prayers for Vicky and all.

glo said...

Well lynne I kind of suggested that he might have swam to shore and could not reach them but perhaps they could find him when I talked to her this afternoon. However even if that were the case he has been very cod and wet for quite a while now. It doesn't sound very good and actually that was the title of the email I got first thing this morning, so I think when they called it last night the family began to think it may not be a positive ending but there was still hope today and the search did resume. Well its just plain so very tragic but it a strong family of faith.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Glo, it really is tragic. I feel so helpless.

Judie said...

Hi all,

Dinner over. Tired tonight.

No rush on the DVR/DVD thing. Just have some old programs/tapes that will soon wear out and the classroom technology is moving toward DVD rather than VHS. Just looking for a way to upgrade crime stuff, and two new taped crime programs, for next Fall. I think what has been recorded on VHS can be transferred to a DVD but a machine is needed -- would be similar to a DVR but would burn a DVD disc. Well, I think I'll check out Walgreens, Radio Shack and Best Buy. Will let you all know. Thanks for trying to help.

Hi Diann, sure am hoping the injection works a fast miracle for you. Take things slowly for now.

Hi FuzzleMa. Don't think we've met. Nice to get to know you.

WV sUSAn -- stop by when you can.

Andy, well okay. At least you have about two weeks. Please enjoy the visit to Tahoe.

Glo and Sharon, thanks for the updates on Vicky's brother. This is truly a time of extreme anxiety and my prayers are with all the family and friends.

Going to check some critter cams -- makes me feel better.

stronghunter said...

Judie, according to Will, go to or Best Buy or probably Walmart and get a video capture card for your computer. He is going to send me a link.

He has reminded me--again--that he gave me one that I have never used.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Very cool day but dry, so I went off to buy some flowers. Figured if I can't plant them all today, they would at least have good weather. Now I see it's getting HOT tomorrow!!! They'll be OK--in the shade.
I hope I get a kid report~~~their dinner meeting tonight is at the Aquarium!!!How cool is that??She met and got autograph for book by Dr. Watson (no joke!) yesterday. He and another discovered DNA & he's in his 80's!
Sorry to hear about Vicky's missing brother. Prayers for them.
And I'm probably late, but Happy Birthday to Edgy Su!!
Ceil, congrats to your family and son!
Got an email from Chrissy today, too. SO good to hear from her & she is playing the lottery, too!Said EU one is 85 million pounds!!!
Gotta do some stuff~~~~☺

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, hello, everybody!

stronghunter said...

href=Video Capture Thingy

stronghunter said...

Sorry, let me try again.

stronghunter said...

Video Capture Thingy

stronghunter said...

I had to laugh at our librarian. I think I have said before that they keep chocolate in the back room for overstressed teachers.

Today, they had six classes to instruct. By the end of the day, the head librarian was eating chocolate hand over fist.

NatureNut said...

BTW, Welcome to FuzzleMA!!!Read you love nature~~you're in the right place!!☺

We had the Blue Angels zooming over today~~must be close to the Andrew's Open House!I could see them well at plant place--all 4 so close together & then an extra single one.

stronghunter said...

I see Spidey's web has been stretched across our lens again tonight.

ceil said...

Loretta I was just talking to a friend and she said her daughter is going to Andrews for the air show on Saturday
Was watching Survivor and our cable in the area went out. Wanda what happened?

Judie said...

Hi Shirley. Many thanks for the link. Never heard of a video capture card. Will absolutely check that out. What does it mean if teachers eat chocolate hand over fist? Are we really closet librarians?

Yep, air show at Andrews this weekend. Staying away from that part of of town.

Early day tomorrow. Back to the school house for one last scheduled meeting.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant eagle dreams for all and special prayers for Vicky and her family.

stronghunter said...

Hope you find what you need, Judie. I depend on my sons for technical advice.

Chocolate . . . many times when I've had a trying day, John, one of our librarians, would say, "Do you need chocolate?? Do you want milk chocolate or dark chocolate?? (I like the dark chocolate.) One day John brought me chocolate just because he saw one of my classes. He said something like, "I know those kids. You need chocolate."

Many years ago, when I was at the middle school, I was walking by the library and passed by one of our assistant principals who was chanting, "Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate . . . " as she entered the library. John was librarian there back then. He is the keeper of the chocolate. It was Barbara, the other librarian who was indulging today. She appreciates John, too.

I think we just need a chocolate boost, Judie. We can't keep booze in the library.

By the way, John is a bird lover. He watches our eagles. We exchange links to bird cams.

stronghunter said...

Good night friends. I must replace my energy with some good rest. See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Ceil, Rupert got voted off. Shoot--he was who I was pulling for. Sandra pulled the immunity idol and Parvati had won immunity. They've gotta get rid of that nasty Russell.

hedgie said...

PP was a real tear-jerker.

hedgie said...

Good night, Judie and Chocolate Shirley!!

hedgie said...

Gonna go dry my eyes again and head for the tub. Fervent prayers for a miracle in Indiana. Night, all. Hug your loved ones if you can.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight. Really tired after running all day getting things done.

Prayers for Vicky and her family. Really a tragic situation. God bless them and give them his peace.

Prayers, too, for the little girl with stage 4 cancer! Prayers for her family, too, of course.

Prayers said for everyone here. The lights are on, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Pray that we all get our energy renewed overnight. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you some time tomorrow. Love all you guys! God bless, and goodnight! :o]

magpie said...

Totally heartbreaking, for Vicky and the family. Thank you, friends, for the updates, it took awhile to have the courage to open things up
God will be up all night as He always is, listening...and comforting

Costume Lady said...

I am really slipping tonight...Andrea beat me to the punch at saying good night!
BTW, Andrea, I love your orchids:)
Did you grow them. I would love to try that one day soon. I actually have run out of window space...all taken up by various plants. Living room looks like a jungle:)

Lynn...Gene said he would be happy to transfer your VHS to CD. It will be a while before is free to do that. Maybe a week or so.

I feel so badly for our VICKY. She's so far away, so all we can do is pray for a miracle, that her brother is somewhere safe and just hasn't been able to contact anyone.
Prayers are still in order for him and love to Vicky.


magpie said...

My grandson got a two-page letter and three patches from his pen pal, a sergeant in the army....
whose home base is Ft. Bragg NC
he has been away for a year,
tour is in Afghanistan now
James is so excited to hear from him, letter was dated Apr 25

magpie said...

I told James about your grandson Patrick
When we went to get a few cards, without provocation, he said we need to send a Congratulations card to Sgt. Patrick.
He remembered his name from an earlier conversation...
It will be in the mail Friday

magpie said...

joined in prayer with all of you for dear Vicky and all the family, friends, rescuers

tomorrow is Friday, please honor our Military with a little wearing of the red

Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Margy you are certainly mentoring James very well. He is becoming a fine considerate young man.

I am still so disturbed and sorrowful for Vicky and her family. I'm still praying for him to be found safe.

The movie was great - in those cinemas the sound is so loud! Ally said it hurt her ears at times. It had a happy ending so all is well.
Then we ate a good ole' Bob Evans.
It was a fun afternoon and early evening.

I watched 3 TV shows in a row. Of course one of them will be concluded next week.

I am very tired - need sleep! Headed back the hallway.

Good Night All
So many many prayers to offer up
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Night all! Watched Greys and PP tonight. Jack and I also spent time planning our trip this fall. It seems so far away but it will get here quickly and we have to make reservations now at RV parks.

Prayers for Vicky and family. It is too horrible to understand.

Going to ask for prayers for Laurel. She went to the doctor today. She has a soft squishy lump under her arm (under her bra on the side.) It is going to be removed. Surgeon will be calling. She is scared, but trying to believe it is just a fatty lump. Probably will be out patients surgery.

Joseph stayed home and gradually got better today. Just hope Jacob does not get the bug. Laurel is also on antibiotics for her tonsils. When it rains it pours!

I just try to not think about it and stay positive.

Time for shower, bed and serious prayers. Nite all! Pleasant night's rest!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all! Up way to early!

Lolly, prayers for Laurel...I'll just bet she is scared. I know that feeling as I'm sure others here do as well! Glad Joseph is feeling better!

Margy, that's some Grandson you've got there!! That's very cool that he has a pen pal in the did that come about?

Palmer is not awake yet (in so much as I can tell through Spidey Boris' web) but I hear all the early birds singing.

Looks like many of us could be in for some very bad weather later today so keep your eyes to the skies....sorry Megan :(
but on the upside, it's looking to be a very pretty weekend!

glo said...

Good morning. Vicky will be on her way to be with family at some point today. Read the latest from 11 pm last night essentially now the family too believes this to be a recovery effort. They just want his body and all those things that go with closure. They are expressing comfort that he has left them the way he really wanted to, not in a natural way but on the river kayaking. It was his passion in life. I have asked her to be sure to stay in contact so will share anything I know, when I do. Thanks for all your prayers they are still very much needed for this family's sense of peace and closure.

I have my first day of real sunshine in many a day here. Posted pictures of the major flooding in and around my area on facebook yesterday. The weather is something else these days or so it seems to me.

I love the dedication to our service men stories. 2 grandsons sharing a love of their country. Prayers for the other needs on here. We seem to have lots of them these days. School is winding down. Many of us just need a good break. oh the B word that would be nice. Atleast we are done with the S word for a long while I hope.

glo said...

Link to late last night info on Vicky's Brother's Kayak accident

stronghunter said...

Good morning!!

I am taking a moment from my planning time this morning.

So sorry to read about Vicky's brother.Prayers for their family.

Research papers will start coming in this morning. I give five points extra credit for early turn-ins. I think I am going to get quite a few papers in today. They will get their graded papers back first.

stronghunter said...

See you later!! Must get to work.

Costume Lady said...

OH, LORD HAVE MERCY...Palmer is going to go out of that nest before the day is over!!
I know he/she is hungry...havn't seen any breakfast come in. Think he is trying to go get his own fish! Just about went over the edge...caught himself after teetering forward to the brink of falling. Can't watch anymore. Never will get my hair curled:)
(I'm multi-tasking)

Mema Jo said...

Good morning all. I was praying that when I got up this am that there would have been a miracle on the St Joseph's river. I read the article Glo and thank you so much for publishing that for me to read. I really am hurting inside for Vicky and the family.

I see some new leaves in the nest - hoping to cover up the wetness. Palmer is resting now. Checked out BWE and Lisa isn't sure if one of the eaglets is branching or flying. Wish the cam hadn't been knocked over so far to the side.

Costume Lady said...

I think there were more leaves in the nest, but Palmer has been eating them...REALLY!
Belle and Lib must be in that "Learning Patience" mode for Palmer. When he/she gets out in the real world, there will be times when food is not available and learning to do 'WITHOUT' is very important. I'm getting really hungry just watching him! Oh, I haven't eaten either...patience, Wanda, patience:)

Mema Jo said...

I am going to be out and about this morning into the early afternoon...
I'll wear Red for our troops..
Be back on when I return.

Make it a good day - you can even shoot for a GREAT day.

((hugs)) BBL

movin said...


GooD MOrning,





Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lib just brought in a fish, Palmer snagged it from him and then Belle came and took it from Palmer. All kinds of squealing happening.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think the fish is still alive.

hedgie said...

Good late morning.
Sorry to hear that things have not turned out better with Vicki's brother. Hurting for them.
Another gloomy day here, so far. But it is warming up.
Wanda, rush on the tape conversion!

hedgie said...

Margy, nice that James got that great response from his penpal.
Soldiers rock!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am thinking now that maybe Belle brought in the fish and Lib is feeding.

Mits said...

Good FRIDAY a.m. everyone....
astronauts getting into shuttle for their ride to ISS.

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning! Hey Wanda - not sure if you're still lurking about but I stumbled on a web page I thought you might enjoy:

For Wanda


movin said...

OMG. I'm sorry to read about Vicky's brother's accident.

Praying for him and his family...



California Anne said...

Good morning all, had to re-sign up. It just wouldnt let me through go through no matter how much I tried.

California Anne said...

reading as fast as I can, worried about Vickys brother.

movin said...

It's kind of mild and half cloudy in the low 60's in So Cal now, but we should get a very beautiful, sunny 75° later this afternoon...

I hope you all have a great weekend.



California Anne said...

really windy at the nest. Palmer seems bored.

California Anne said...

the camera is humming and Palmer keeps cocking his head to one side or another to listen to it. So cute.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Welcome to heart attack season at the sycamore tree!

magpie said...

Welcome back California Anne

You're the pretty one with initials A-M right?

Palmer is a Whip All right!

magpie said...

Ditto that Sharon!

movin said...

I just got a look at all 3 eggs at Finney's site, but I forgot the trick for getting screen captures there.

Does anyone else recall??



magpie said...

have to nap through the shuttle launch :(

Prayers for a safe space journey

and especially prayers for our dear Vicky and all the family


magpie said...

Lolly and Jack
got your dear Laurel in my prayers too, hope all will turn out just fine

thinking of all, with ♥
and prayers for all our other needs too

California Anne said...

Thanks Margie ,its me all right A-M. Just trying to get some genealogy done and check on Palmer.

magpie said...

I like your moniker Anne...☺

I'll email it to you, give me a few, someone might beat me to it first

California Anne said...

No Lolly I dont think its too early to plan for Our October fix. I was doing it this morning. I can cahtch a train from Toledo to Martinsburg and get a room and either rent a car or catch a ride. I'm trying to plan it too.

hedgie said...

Shuttle Atlantis on schedule for 2:20 PM launch.

California Anne said...

got to get outside and get my watering done before it gets too warm. BBL

hedgie said...

Anne Marie, SO glad you are coming for Oct. festivities!!!

Jim, are you making plans to come join us??? Did Margy send you the capture instructions?

Lolly, forgot to say that I added Laurel's new concern to my prayers....but don't think soft and squishy is too alarming.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon Eagle buds!! I am here at the camper and loving life! Happy Birthday Susan! So sorry to hear about Vicky's brother! The not knowing must be excruciating!!!

I got word from my boss a while ago that I start back on Monday-Friday shift this Monday! Still have to work this Sunday, so that will be 6 days straight, but, I am so grateful! God really answered my prayers on that one all the way around!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have always thought of Palmer as being female, don't know why, just have!

Hope all are having a good afternoon. It is so quiet here at the camper. The dogs are all sacked out in the bed and I am just Facebooking and blogging and loafing.

Had a lot of work to do this morning, but it came together better than I thought it would. We had to set the camper back up because Tom took it fishing last weekend. Now, hopefully, we are here for the summer! That is the joy of having a yearly campsite, no tearing down and putting back up!!

Lolly said...

Thank you Lynn for the reassurance! Need it!!! Thanks to all for prayers!!

Our reservations are made. First we are headed to Twin Mountain, NH, on to Bar Harbor Maine, then down to WV via a couple of stops and reservations at Harpers Ferry Thursday though Sun. Leave there on Monday after the open house, stopping not far away in VA to visit friends. Then on to home. Can hardly wait.

In the mean time we are considering Michigan late next month.

Yea, A M, so glad you are going to be there, too. More fun!

Lolly said...

Sissy, so glad you are having a great time camping.
We have always tent camped and loved it. Now we just think of our travel trailer as a really nice tent. lol We will be gone 5 weeks this fall in our trailer and can hardly wait.

Lolly said...

My schedule was little different this morning. Read the paper on the patio and once I am outside it is hard to get me back in. However, have done my walking/ to head back out. Jack has a teleconference at 1 and then going back out....looking for THE new car.

Ragdoll said...

Hello Again MY Eagle Friends.

So sad and sorry about Vicky's brother. My prayers for Vicky and her family. I hope they find him. Help the family put process. OH MY!

Prayers for Lolly's Laurel. Pray that it is nothing.

Been over a week since I been here. School is crazy and I had pneumonia. Put me out of the realm for a over a week. Back on my feet. First day back on the job. This is not a good time of the school year to be absent. Playing catch up, but THE SUN IS OUT!!!

California Anne said...

came in for water. Its hot out there.
Diana my grand daughter that came to NTCT with me the first time has been hospitalized with Crohns Disease. My heart aches for her and a life filled with pain. IBS is bad but not as bad as Crohns. I was so hoping that it was something that could be fixed or cured. its not..........

Ragdoll said...

Hi California Anne, nice to meet you.

I will pray for you and your Grand-daughter Diane. So Sad!! How old is she?

hedgie said...

Ragdoll, sure hope you are feeling much better.

Prayers for your gd, A-M...sure hope that some of the newer regimens/meds will help her. They have made advances in treatment, but still a life-long affliction.

Ragdoll said...

I feel much better. The fever was no fun. Thank you for asking Hedgie.

Ragdoll said...

Be Back in a few. Student is acting out. GGGRRRRRR

hedgie said...

Lolly, your trip sounds fun.
Sissy and Lolly....we did it all back in the day: tent upgraded to slide-in up to 14 ft. up Prowler to 27 ft. Prowler. Did pop-up as a teen with neighbors. Lived in the 27 ft. plus a 21 ft. for almost a year while building our last house. (1st house sold much faster than expected, and I was NOT going to move twice; plus it was safer being on site in a remote location to prevent theft/vandalism). Oct.-Aug.--much better in winter (cozy) than in warm weather---no a/c! Have not gone camping since!! Don't even know what "he" did with it after split.

Lolly said...

Ragdoll, glad you are better. No, this is NOT the time of year to be out of school.

Was outside for a short while, but now it is dark, windy, thunder, and raining lightly. I will allow an inch of rain. That is all! Please,Lord!

Lolly said...

Lynn, they now have propane campfires. In some campgrounds areas where no fire allowed Propane campfires are allowed. On this last trip we sat around the "campfire" that BIL has. It was fun. Think I will get one for Jack for his birthday.

hedgie said...

No weather constraints....launch is a GO. 14 mins.

hedgie said...

Another successful lift-off. This is the 32nd time....I never tire of watching it. And I'm sure gonna miss it when it's over... :(

hedgie said...

Never heard of such a thing, Lolly!! Bet the Scouts cringe at the idea of an artifical campfire!!

hedgie said...

Severe storm alerts coming out.....stay safe all!

Mits said...

still get goosebumps every time I watch a launch.

hedgie said...

Just heard from Chrissy...she and Iris are making their plans....they will probably meet on Tuesday!!

hedgie said...

Me, too, Mits! And I cheer and clap, too!

Anne-Marie said...

This is strange. Now Im back at my old account.

Lolly said...

Wahoo! That is so exciting for two momsters getting together across the pond.

We are in severe weather, with flood watch. Guess we are not going out.

Hey, Lynn, a fake campfire is better than none! Especially on a chilly night. ☺

Lolly said...

That is strange A M!

movin said...

Thanks, Margie, Hedgie. I did get the instructions for screen capture at Finney's site.

I will give them a try in the near future.



hedgie said...

Heading out to spend my birthday money.....getting my laptop, I hope! Later, gators.

Costume Lady said...

First thing, off the bat! LOLLY,many years ago, my OBGYN examined a lump in my breast and said it was soft and spongy and he was 99% sure it was benign. When I awakened from the surgery, he said "the breast is still there, I was right!" So many things can be found in the breast that are not cancerous...and under the arm! Please have faith that it will all be OK....prayers for sweet Laurel.

magpie said...

Passing through between stops, Wanda?
Hope the week-end goes well
for the party-people and GG ♥
Happy Anniversary to Karla and hubby

glad to read of the successful shuttle launch

eggs are gone from the DE Falcon cam, saw them earlier today

magpie said...

that is funny Anne-Marie Califoria Anne ☺

never can tell about computers

sorry to hear of your granddaughter's ailment with Crohns, have a co-worker who struggles with that, prayers for good treatment options

magpie said...

saw the osprey female at Finland around midnight re-arranging big sticks around the edge of the nest

magpie said...

and others...
thanks for the updates about Vicky's brother's situation
a very touching family story there
my prayers continue
(( hugs across the miles Vicky ♥ ))

magpie said...

if skies are clear
Sat night,
skywatchers might see
the baby crescent moon's "horns" e pointing towards "brilliant" Venus
in the West
look early at dusk

magpie said...

Palmer relaxing in the afternoon heat

Delaware Peregrine Mom in the nest box now

magpie said...

time to scram
worktime looms
best wishes for a good evening everyone
be careful

Costume Lady said...

BOB...the playful Kits were a joy to behold. The fox has been a favorite of mine for many years!

Costume Lady said...

The thought of one of us meeting with Chrissy is so special. Iris is a wonderful representative for the rest of us. I know that through Iris, Chrissy will really know how much we love her and were wishing for a good outcome for her recent dilemma. So anxious to hear a report from Iris and, hopefully, some photos too!

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Blogger cop got me!!

Costume Lady said...

It looks like we are a "GO" for the party tonight. GG was doing well, today. Had been outside and visited her flower garden...clipped some flowers for a pretty bouquet:) She ate a BIG salad and a chicken leg for lunch and promised she would eat some of the beans and potatoes that I made for her yesterday, for her supper. I told her we were going to Karla's party and she said, well, go home and get yourself real pretty and dance up a storm. I was already dressed and fixed up the best I could! LOL

So, I will not be on here to wish you all a good night...please don't come looking for me. Capt. Gene and I will be enjoying a mini vacation;)
See all of you tomorrow evening.
Many prayers for all.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon everyone.

So much to catch up on -- sheesh, I was only gone for the day!

Lolly, I feel certain that Laurel will be just fine. Worrisome but odds are the lump is benign. Prayers for her and all of you.

Um, California Anne-Marie (or A-M?) -- very sorry about Diana. As Lynn says, so much can be done now to manage Crohns. Wishing her the best.

Have a quiet night, Margy. Sounds as if you are doing a great job with James. So nice he has a pen pal AND remembered Patrick.

Sending a "new home" card to Chrissy. Just need to figure out the postage. Just know she and Iris will have a good time together.

Hi Ragdoll. Glad you're feeling better. How soon will school be over for you?

Lynn, anything on the tree surgeon or the intruders?

Hi Jo and Wanda.

Hi Bob and Jim.

Diann, sure hope the meds work quickly and you start to feel better.


Last check on Palmer he/she was quiet and alone. NBG cam is down. Lily and Hope continue their adventures and One-eyed Jack is thought to have mated with Braveheart yesterday.

Hi Sissy, happy camping.

Hi Glo. Give Dex an extra treat for us.

Off to look for inspiration in the frig.

Judie said...

Oh, forgot. Wanda and Gene, please enjoy the party. We'll look for you later this weekend.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...