Thursday, May 06, 2010


New thread.


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magpie said...

Good Morning Mits...
kinda windy here around these parts
hope it will nice at the ocean

I was remembering about your para-sailing adventures

Mits said...

I'm not at the beach.

magpie said...

Finland, haven't seen a bird there all night
was up several times and checked
saw two eggs at midnight, (our time)
can only see one now

Good News about Loons though

magpie said...

OK sorry, my CRS
thought it was a plan for part of the week-end

magpie said...

looks like a piece of sea foam at Finney's

white fluffy looking stuff

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good safe day to all, hope the weather doesn't mess with Momsters and Dadsters plans

sounds like you had a nice day with GG yesterday

ttfn xo

magpie said...

Parent and Palmer braving the elements together

we have a wind advisory here in these parts - I believe it

Costume Lady said...

Margy, dear, I do believe it is Ceil and Jo who are at the Beach this weekend:)
Maybe we both need some more sleep!

Costume Lady said...

Wind is suppose to gust at 40 mph, often, today. Going in to GGs, hope I don't get blown off the road...I get skeered, driving in the wind:(

magpie said...

Thanks Wanda
guess I was speed-reading and missed some details

a white-knuckle driving day
wind scares me too...

glad you don't have to be on the interstate or drive the EE
be careful - I know you will be

movin said...


GooD MoRNinG,

EverYOnE !!




hedgie said...

Good Sat. morning! VERY windy here...apparently had a shower early this AM. Temp supposed to hit 80, but w/ winds, sure it won't feel like it...:(
Palmer is alone...hope he lays low.

hedgie said...

Lovely shot of egg in Finland ferry nest.......hope all is well there. No parent in evidence for at least last 20 mins. Hoping that the one egg is all that has been layed---I can't remember!

NatureNut said...

Morning Everyone!! Hope Palmer lays low in the nest. NO wingersizing today, plz!!Sound is intense. We have a little sun, wind is starting & then it will get cooler. Mid-70's now.
Got a few more domestic things to do, jump in shower & go to airport.
Have a great day. ☺

magpie said...

there has been no Osprey there all night far as I can tell
there were two eggs showing at midnight (our time)
I can only see the one now
doesn't look good for that nest
I remember that
Mits had posted a few days ago about possible problems there, including the boaters, an intruder Osprey, and crows...

magpie said...

today definitely NOT a good day for wing-flapping for Palmer...
kinda wish there was a safety net around the nest

Windy for sure, at least the sun is back out now

hedgie said...

Congrats to MN loons!!
Argh....not getting good vibes for Finland then, Margy and Mits.
There's Jim---up early again!!!
Wanda, glad you took GG to thr dr. just to be safe, and that it was probably just a TIA.

hedgie said...

After the 3-way wars, wouldn't it be awful if they all gave up and abandoned the nest?

hedgie said...

Time to do laundry. Ordered myself some new clothes and everything fits great and I am a happy camper! Perfect timing on the delivery, too!

stronghunter said...

Taking a moment to say hello to everyone out there.

Have a bunch of stuff to get done today.

My observation finally took place on Thursday. It went well. My students were very good. One of them told me that I had done well for my observation! Cute kid. I do enjoy that group. I just wish all of my classes could be that enjoyable.

magpie said...

That's Great, Lynn...
good for you ☺

forgot to mention I found a lot of Heart Leaves yesterday

also put pics of newfound Jack-in-the-Pulpits on Wildflowers link
I have a lot more pictures to post but it will have to wait

time to scram
haven't gotten called to work yet
need to get things done just in case it happens later on
ttfn xo

magpie said...

Hi Shirley...
thank goodness, Bravo !

stronghunter said...

Margy, thanks so much for the article. I really enjoyed reading it. I will read it many times, I am sure.

Palmer is either eating something or chewing on a branch.

I see what you mean about the wind at the nest. Yes, I agree, not a good day for wingersizing. It was a windy night that took Hidey out of the nest. Fortunately, Hidey was ready to go. Palmer needs a bit more time.

stronghunter said...

Oh Palmer, do not get so close to the edge!

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy!

Poop shoot with the wind--didn't blow back.

stronghunter said...

Yesterday was senior skip day at our school. There was also a field trip to Kings Dominion for a large number of students. Many of my students were absent.

stronghunter said...

Palmer seems to be staying low. Good.

stronghunter said...

It is a little hard to tell how deep the nest is from the camera angle, but I hope the "crib rails" are high enough to keep Palmer in on such a windy day. It is windy here, too.

stronghunter said...

Looks like I am talking to myself.

Chores to take care of BBL.

movin said...

Are you talking to yourself again, Stronghunter??



stronghunter said...

Hi, Jim.

stronghunter said...

Enjoying watching Palmer and parent.

stronghunter said...

Nice to see parent with Palmer in all of this wind, though I don't suppose parent could do much to stop Palmer from going over the side. Palmer seems happy to stay close. That is good.

stronghunter said...

I do have to go take care of chores. Really. I will return.

movin said...

Don't know what, but something tragic has happened at Finney-on- the-sea-nest.

The pair seem to have abandoned the nest...either challenger Osprey or owls I would guess.



Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All -= I tried to say good night last evening but couldn't get onto the server.
Thanks for all the nest updates - it is very windy here also - but a warm breeze flowing through the house.
Turned off the AC yesterday. Still lots of cleaning to do.
Very happy about egg #2 for the MN loon Has anyone sighted Lily and Hope since Hope crossed the bay (?)

Wanda - both hands on the steering wheel when driving in the wind...

I'll try to get back on later today or at least this evening.

movin said...

I think there might be T-Storms at our nest this afternoon, so Lib is probably there to protect at least partially against those.

Palmer might be too big now, but I have seen one or other of the adults put their bodies between a chick and the edge of the nest to keep them from blowing over the side. ...Also, they will get between the wind and the chick to act as a windbreak.



hedgie said...

No, Jo...nothing new on Lily and Hope except that they had snow yesterday! Enjoy your day!!
Jim, it is making me sick about is one of my favorites...:(

movin said...

Hi, hope you have a great (and clean) weekend, Mema Jo.



magpie said...

Okay Palmer has a chaperone now !

magpie said...

Mornin' Jim
yes, what Mits posted a few days ago
(repeated in part a few posts "up" from this one)
seems to be coming true
wondering what happened and when to the second egg I saw at midnight our time

Hi Jo, Bye Jo ☺

magpie said...

reminder if you all can check the Momsters Photo Albums, Lynn put two fabulous pictures up yesteday, be sure to see "Love You Mom"

hedgie said...

Shirley, so glad the observation went well and is now behind you!!! Good for your good students to behave and to compliment and complement you!!!

Margy, love the heart leaves. So glad your Jacks were there amd hope the significance is a good omen for your friend.

hedgie said...

Jim, looks like Belle is kind of buffering Palmer. She ought to clamp her talons around his!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning everyone. Just checked in to see how Palmer was doing. Nice to see him with one of his parents and not alone in the nest.

WANDA You have a nice ride to GG; hope she is doing well.Do you still go out for those Friday night dinners?

SHIRLEY glad they gave you a good observation. I am in kindergarten so I know about how one class can be better than others. I'll stay with the little ones tho.

Sorry you aren't at the beach yet MITS. I just live here and never get there. Traffic has already started to pick up. Ugh. Tourists!

MARGIE So glad to see that you are still there and keeping everyone in linel :) Is Mits still giving her wonderful weather forecasts of the nest?

I have been watchng the Shepherdstown nest during my lunch times at school. Palmer is really growing really fast. I have a very peaceful lunch as I watch his progress. Can't get on the blog at school and have been rally tired when I get home at hight; sometimes falling asleep right through supper.

So glad to see all are on. Did anyone here from Chrissy yet. I sure hope everything is ok witth them, Whe is a special momster and brought me many laughs and chuckles.

Well have wash to do. JIM, better get over there on Facebook and get your stuff done there.

Love you all, and hope all have a wonderful weekend. To all Eagle momsters, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

AND I see where Jo is at the beach. Can anyone tell me where she is located.

Sorry to hear about the Finland nest. Maybe comething good will happen yet.

magpie said...

Hi Candy ♥
sure is good to "see" you here
I will send you a copy of the article about the NCTC nest...
was in our local paper last week

and a glorious Happy Mother's Day to a kindergarten teacher, you are Mom AND Dad to many for sure ☺

magpie said...

We have NOT heard from Chrissy, we are holding our hearts AND our breath until we do so
email attempts are not successful either

Jo is at the beach in Delaware

magpie said...

Palmer, like Flat Stanley right now

magpie said...

got my inside things done for now,
have to put rocks in the pockets and head out

Happy Day Wishes to everyone

magpie said...

By the Way
posted the other day,
between Suzanne, Lynn and me,
we have been trying to get copies of the NCTC Nest/Belle & Liberty Family article out
if someone here that wants and does not have copy coming to you yet,
please send me an email (on my profile link)
with your mailing address
BEagle, Jim, trying to get those for you and maybe there are others

hedgie said...

Hey, Candy!! How are you, beach bunny??? Bet things ARE getting crowded down there. How many school days left for you? Is this your last yeaar? How's Josh??

hedgie said...

Oh, to answer your question.....Mits hasn't done a nest weather report in a while! Oh, Mits, what happened??

Last load of laundry in dryer...better go check.
Baked my cake. Now need to change the bed. Definitely time to stow the flannel sheets!

magpie said...

From the Wilmington DE Falcom cam:
There have been many questions about the falcons, why the female is off the eggs quite a bit, and why they haven't hatched, etc.

Yes, the male has been missing since April 26th, so the female is doing extra-duty, to her detriment and to that of the eggs. Many are helping by providing food to the box so she won't have to go hunting and leave the eggs unattended, but the eggs' viability is definitely in question.

Please go to to read more about this story, and to get the latest updates.

this is not good news :(

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Paula, glad all worked out with the course given the circumstances. Should be easier the second time.

Wanda, good that GG was better and had eaten and taken her meds. Hugs to you all.

Checked on some nests and all seems quiet right now. Two adults at TH and one at West end. Baby RTH really growing and very cute.

Hi Shirley, congratulations. Happy all went well.

Lily and Hope are not moved much since Lily's swim. However, there is a posted video of Lily blustering and bluffing which is thought to be the result of nervousness because her mother, June, was in the same area.

Candy, you are truly an amazing linguist for someone in kindergarten. LOL

Okay, have done much cleaning and dusting and the moment of truth has arrived. I am about to submit final course grades to the Registrar's office.

BTW, planning to prepared beef short ribs tonight. Anyone got a good recipe to share?


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Have been out and about shopping for the week and running errands. Have put another load of laundry into the dryer, and thought I'd drop in and say hello before doing another (next-to-last) load of laundry.

Wow, two loon eggs! Fantastic!
Wish the Finney water nest had as good news. Really sorry to hear about their troubles!

Shirley, glad your observation went so well, and the kids behaved!

Judie, so glad you get some R&R! You have certainly earned it!

Hope Palmer has rocks in those pockets today, with it so windy!

One mystery here has been solved.
We DO have one pair of brown-headed cowbirds! They were on the feeder this morning, and apparently flew in with a bunch of sparrows. First pair I have EVER seen here since we moved in, in the Spring of 1980! Am sure that's not what the mystery bird was, though. Wrong type of beak.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good thing those crib rails are so high! Hang on, Palmer! Sounds like a near-hurricane!

Ms Bookworm said...

Really sorry to hear about the Wilmington, DE falcons! Poor mom--doesn't sound encouraging. :o[

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, better run and throw in another load of laundry. BBL! Have a great Saturday afternoon!

hedgie said...

Judie, I have a really good short-rib recipe, but it's in the crock-pot, so not enough time for you today!! I have some in the freezer so when I get out the recipe to do them soon, I'll send you a copy! Have fun entering all those grades! Then you can truly relax!!

Cool, Andy. Get some pics!!

magpie said...

This is good news

We have a New Thread

paula eagleholic said...
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6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...