Sunday, May 30, 2010


Evening thread.  Back from the wilds of Maine.


Lolly said...

Thanks for the new thread! I will go call the others over!

Costume Lady said...

Thank You Miss Sunshine for the call over:)
Steve, how many Maine lobsters did you eat? I can eat 4, but can't afford them! LOL

Costume Lady said...

I thought that Lobsters would be cheaper in Maine and was disappointed to find out they weren't!:(

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda said...

Paula, did you have the shrimp wrapped in bacon? Haven't had fresh corn yet this it on the grill!

Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:19:00 PM

paula eagleholic said...
I didn't think cursive was that hard to read...but we've been reading it most of our lives.

Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:20:00 PM

paula eagleholic said...
John and his FIL are going crabbing tomorrow...will be a nice crab feed tomorrow when they get back...will head up after work.

Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:21:00 PM

paula eagleholic said...
You all are gonna laugh...finally took the flannel sheets off my bed tonight!

Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:22:00 PM

Yup, had the shrimp wrapped in bacon! GF and her hubby were supposed to come over, but he wasn't feeling too good, came down with a summer I grilled it up anyhow!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and the call over, Lolly! Hope you had a great week, Steve.

Costume Lady said...

Use to be able to eat 4...ate at a Seafood Buffet in Virginia Beach and they had all the lobster you cared to eat! Made a pig of myself! That was a lot of years ago. Never find that kind of buffet ever again:(

Costume Lady said...

Haven't had the shrimp/bacon in a while. Maybe tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Paula, I just took them off mine 2 weeks ago---and spent a few nights wishing I hadn't!!!

4 lobsters, Wanda? Wow! Nope, can't imagine that there will ever be all-you-can-eat lobsters again! Of course, on cruise ships, they are on buffet, I've heard. So who would stop you there??

paula eagleholic said...

Yum, robsters! Haven't had one in a long time!

Costume Lady said...

I remember that Lynn...temps went down to freezing for a few nights, right after your sheets came off the bed:)

Lolly said...

Hi all! Went and called you over but stayed to catch up on the blog. Read fast and probably missed something very important.☺

Laurel and the boys have headed home. We had fun. We played a lot of games and had a great dinner. Just after they got here a small storm popped up. That kept us in for a while. Then the sun came back out and the boys played on the Slip N Slide. Tomorrow will be a quiet day.

Lolly said...

Well, Jack and I are looking forward to lobster in just a few months! And I love lobster rolls. Oh, yummy! I am not very patient in picking at a lobster, like it the lazy way.

Lolly said...

Robster????????????????? lol

Costume Lady said...

I have Dustin this weekend and he just asked me to tell the ladies that he is "looking forward to visiting the NCTC nest with us for the very first time"!

Costume Lady said...

Paula may be speaking "Scooby Talk":)?

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve.

Thanks, Lolly.

I am about to crash. Still have eight papers to go. I have graded fifteen today, but one went into the reject pile. The student will have to fix major problems to get credit. I have one other in that category that has been returned already and, I hope, is being worked on. I need to unwind or I will not be able to sleep.

Costume Lady said...

Dustin will be 16 Tuesday...don't think Karla is going to take him to get his drivers license anytime soon. Not mature enough, nor experienced enough.

Lolly said...

I woke up early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. It is showing up now...yawning and my eyes are starting to water.

Lolly said...

Oh, man. I was ready for my kids to drive, but I do not think I will every be ready for the grandsons to drive.

Costume Lady said...

Drink a warm glass of milk, shirley.

stronghunter said...

Will's guests are supposed to come at 7:00 tomorrow night. He has to work. They are supposed to bring the food; he's providing the charcoal and the charcoal grill as well as the house for the gathering. The friends can't grill at their townhouse.

stronghunter said...

I want a glass of milk, but I am not sure if I should drink dairy products. I have been cutting down because of the colitis. Haven't even had ice cream for awhile. The doctor has not said anything about it, but in my research, I found information about it causing problems, so I have been experimenting. I might try just one glass, though. It does help me relax.

Costume Lady said...

I was up early too, Lolly. GG called me at 6:30am and said she needed to go to the hospital. She needed to urinate, but couldn't and hurt very badly.
Spent a good part of the day in ER with many tests given to GG. Found that she was dehydrated, low on potassium and had 3 problematic disks in her back (can't remember what the problem was) Needs to follow up with her Doctor.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, get yourself some Lactaid or it's Generic equivalent. It works for me. I now drink Soy Milk.
No ice cream...hurts my teeth.

stronghunter said...

Does sound like "Scooby talk," Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Wanda, I am sorry about GG. At least she called you. I remember when my mother would not tell anyone when she felt ill because she did not want to go to the hospital.

stronghunter said...

Maybe I should try the Lactaid, Wanda. I have never had problems with dairy before. I do not want to give it up.

I have a doctor's appointment in July, and I will have some questions to discuss then.

Costume Lady said...

It does work if you are lactose intolerant but, I don't know if they would work for colitis...worth a try.

Costume Lady said...

GG hates to go to the hospital, so I know she was hurting pretty badly to ask me to take her to the hospital!

stronghunter said...

Shrimp wrapped in bacon. That was so good. Was it barbecue sauce that you put on it?

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back, Steve. Hope your trip was enjoyable and much fun!

Think maybe Paula meant roasteers - corn on the cob.

Mema Jo said...

I'll reprint the BWO News Update so that you can check it out first thing in the am
Nest Update
Possible Chick Alert!
We believe a chick might be in the process of hatching. We're waiting for a clear shot of it.

stronghunter said...

I am going to say good night. I am working in Flash's bedroom, and he is about ready to be put to bed for the evening, and I'm going to head upstairs. It has been a long day. Flash slept in this morning, and I've really kept him up past his bedtime tonight, so maybe I can count on another relaxing morning. I have already told Will that I will be grading papers tomorrow. I don't think he's planning to use the dining room, anyway.

stronghunter said...

Will check the BWO nest tomorrow, Jo.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Shirley, it was BBQ sauce. Yum!


Lolly said...

Whoops! Fell asleep after my last post.

Oh, Wanda, I am so sorry about the new ER trip. You are getting to know that place quite well. Poor GG!(((HUGS))) for her.

Mema Jo said...

Think it is time to head back the hall way.......
Our 2 felines went back 1/2 hr ago...
I hope they leave me my side of the bed

Good Night All
Prayers for All
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, yes BBQ sauce during the last 5 minutes.

It did sound like Scooby talk didn't it...don't know where we came up with that at home...

Wanda, you are surely GG's angel...has she accepted the help for her meds? Bless you!

Hitting the hay, I'm tired, and work looms tomorrow...see ya'll sometime then.

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Oh wow! Next on the on watching animal cams on the internet. Who would have thunk it?!!! What will they think of next?!! LOL

Lolly said...

Wow! They said you can watch Pandas at the Natl. Zoo. Can you imagine that?

Lolly said...

Nite all! Heading to the shower. Will do one last check to see if there is a Hope update before going to bed.

Sweet dreams! Going to be a quiet day around here tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Great update for Lily and especially Hope! They are doing good!

Lolly said...

Wahoo! Great report on Hope tonight!

Hope Improves

Lolly said...

LOL Nite Jo! You beat me to the punch! Can sleep well tonight knowing Hope has improved. Prayers that this little bear continues to improve.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Good updates on Hope and hopefully they are right about BWO!
Spent paast hour+ on phone with my baby. She's having some problems at work and was feeling so low and lonely (Shannon working--on their anniversary=boo!). THink I got her feeling a bit better.
So heading for tub. Wanda, sorry about GG having more trouble. Glad that Dustin is a go for the 12th!!
Maybe I should bring both gg's--Jess will be 16 and Jenn is 12 today (she and Mattie are same age). THey could be the 4 eagleteers!
Shirley, hope the milk helps, and that Flash lets you sleep in.
See all y'all in the morning! Prayers and pecace, and Happy Memorial Day.

magpie said...

I think I am the caboose...never can tell on here

Righto, it's tomorrow here so
Happy Birthday to a Special Dadster, Movin' Jim
hope the day is top-notch for you from start to finish xo ♥

magpie said...

Paula is ahead of me, I still have flannel sheets on the bed ! AND, the heated blanket

Had to laugh, Jo, are the crows coming for the peanuts AND the squirrels and other birds?
(I do know what you mean ☺)

glad to read that the Moms were here for their kids, and the kids were here for their Moms Sunday...
hope all ailments go way pronto, and things get better for those with sadness

Wanda I think it is GREAT that Dustin is going for the NCTC nest visit...he's great fun to be around

magpie said...

headed to bed, early start for some time with grandson Monday

Paula hope your workday goes well Monday...well, and FAST

Prayers for all our many needs
and for gifts received

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

movin said...


WOW!! Thanks for the
B-Day wishes, everyone.



Good night.




movin said...

Lisa say a possible chick at BWO, but I think it's definite now.

The mom bird is turning at every refresh and now she's "tenting" and sitting higher in the nest.

I bet once daylight comes we will see a new chick at BW.



ceil said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM Hope you have a great year

Costume Lady said...


"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends"
(John 15:13)

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, by all means, bring your two grand girls on the 12th. They are old enough to appreciate our Royal Family.

stronghunter said...

Good morning<

I see our eagle child is sleeping in this morning. I slept in, too. When I looked out, I saw that my backyard was full of critters. Of course, they ran and flew away when I put Flash out there.

Well, maybe our eagle child isn't asleep after all. I hear cries.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Happy Memorial Day! I went to the lake yesterday, got too much sun. Now I am waiting for some work to come in so I can clock in. Been watching Palmer all over the nest just now. Won't be much longer!

stronghunter said...

Palmer is snuggled up to the tree trunk again.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Sharon.

stronghunter said...


Grading a paper of a student who does not know how to double space, so he presses the "enter" key at the end of each line. The result is that the first word in each line is capitalized.

stronghunter said...

I had one student who told me that he thought that "double spacing" meant that you double the space between each word. Thank goodness, he figured that one out.

They have so much to learn.

I had one a few years ago who was still putting a finger between each word he wrote by hand because he had been taught to do that in first grade. He was very surprised when I told him he should stop doing that now. (For one thing, his finger is bigger!)

Please understand--I do have some excellent students as well, but the ideas some get are pretty funny.

stronghunter said...

Okay--on a positive note.

One of my seniors has been selected to speak at graduation.

Another one was selected as "CCHS best actor of the year."

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals,
Happy Birthday to Lynn's granddaughter Jenn,
and once again to Movin' Jim

Hope it is a special day with many special moments

Grateful thoughts on Memorial Day.
Wanda, special quote on your post this morning, Thank You

Best wishes for a good day, to all
headed out the door here soon

Hoping that there is a chick there at BWO, sounds like so,
Best wishes to all the Blackwater Folks! Mom's checking the nest cup out now

xo ♥

magpie said...

great news for your student, Shirley
totally enjoy your teacher tales

Sharon hope you are not too sunburnt... ouch !

Mits said...


hedgie said...

Good morning and Happy Memorial Day.
Palmer has had several very active bouts since I got on. I swear I think she's about ready to GO!!! Or at least anxious to try!

stronghunter said...

Heading over to the new thread.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...