Monday, May 17, 2010


Wet day in eagleville.

New thread


Mits said...

good afternoon everyone

Mits said...

happy anniversary, Megan and Rus

Mits said...

have a good one prayers for all needs.

movin said...

The ole live feed is now a black feed with whirling arrow...



NatureNut said...

Happy Anniversary, Megan and Russ!!!!!
I was writing away on old thread when new one popped on.

NatureNut said...

My Still pic just went Black!!Hope it returns--gonna close it for awhile....

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon
Happy Anniversary Megan & Russell

Hi Mits!

Loretta - when the still can goes black just hit F5 to refresh.
So glad you didn't need to go to Dentist/Dr on your day off!

Mema Jo said...

I finished lunch but never did find my
street clothes.....

Ragdoll said...

Thanks for the call over Mitts.

Jim, I, also have the whirlie, whirlie. Way up here in Maine.

Glo, I will also be in prayer on Friday. Thank You. I feel so sad for Vicki and her family. All I can do is pray.

Happy Anniversary Megan and Russ!!

Shirley, Congratulations on Russ and Rebecca's engagement. Nice looking couple :)

Ragdoll said...

Have more energy this week. Last week was tough with pneumonia.

My husband and I hopped on the amtrek train yesterday. Went to play in Boston. We had a great time. Weather was nice. Walked all of the Freedom Trail. Lunch at a nice restaurant. Qincey Market, Fanuiel Hall. Nice Irish Pub. Life is Good.

hedgie said...

We locals have a lost a much beloved Dr. this morning....2nd one in a week, even tho' the first one wasn't loved by many.

Thanks for call over, Mits.

Loretta, sorry it's raining on your day off! If you can't garden, guess you can make mud pies!

Yes, a little prayer vigil amongst us for Vicky's family will be nice.

hedgie said...

Delivery company mngr. was just here examining the tree. He will consult with a nursery owner he knows to find out what can be done to repair the tree.

Ragdoll said...

Be Back Later. Have to work with student. Have errands to run on the way home.

See you later.

Judie said...

Back from errands. There is now a Shark in my kitchen -- waiting, waiting to attack.

Very sad for Vicky and her family. Life is so unpredictable. Prayers for all.

Nothing exciting here except the Shark. Rainy day and chilly out. Will probably try to put the contraption together and do some reading this afternoon. Had hoped to plant some flowers but that has to wait.

Only getting "as the nest turns"

Nice update on the bear activity and cute video of Hope eating blueberry blossoms. Lily and Hope are near a residential section and the people who live there say Lily is a welcome visitor -- so nice that people are willing to live with them in harmony.

Anxious to hear about Iris and Chrissy. Hope they have had a wonderful get together.

Hi Ragdoll. Glad you had a nice day out with hubby.

Lynn, was it your doctor? Wishing good news about the injured tree.

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon! Looking at this picture, if size were a deciding factor, one couldn't tell which is the adult. Big baby Palmer!

I'm having trouble with the live cam and had to check the still one.

Now I have to catch up here. bbl

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Guess she's blending in with the tree...????

hedgie said...

Judie, he was a surgeon....operated on me once; on my ex-MIL many times. He was a real gem to work with at the hospital, tho'.

Hope the shark does a great job for you! far are you from Boston?? Sounds like you had a really great day! MA and RI are the only New England states I haven't been to. Maybe someday...

PA Nana said...

Happy Anniversary Megan & Russ!

Wanda you see the most beautiful wildlife. I've never seen an Indigo Bunting but I did have a wren family on the porch earlier.
I think they were Carolina Wrens. One parent and two youngsters. The youngsters are so cute; not only smaller but with a shorter tail. So cute.

Last week we heard an unusal birdsong and found a bird in the neighbor's tree. Got out the binoculars and Petersen's guide and discovered it was a Red-bellied Woodpecker. It had a very unusual song that we never heard before. Usualy you hear the pecking of a woodpecker, but this was a tweet or song and was not disturbed by our presence. Haven't heard it since.

Time for another cup of coffee and better read the newspaper before it becomes old news.


hedgie said...

She is really riding the limb....but every so often she shifts her weight a bit.

WV sUSAn said...

Happy Monday Everyone!!! Happy Anniversary to Megan & Russ AND Belated Birthday Wishes to Carolyn, Bob, Lynn and Dana. So glad to see Chrissy visited yesterday and I hope very much that she and Iris are able to hook up.

Sooooooo, where is Palmer? Branching somewhere out of sight perhaps? I can't view LIVE from the office but I just checked the still image. Oh, there she is at 11:00 on the edge.

WV sUSAn said...

Palmer's colors change every day.

I don't know why but office computer is letting me blog today.... so I thought I'd get on here and get a little caught up.

Ohhhh, it won't be too much longer that Palmer really is going to be jumping off the nest and testing her skills!

movin said...

hI, sUSAn,

Palmer is perched on the edge at about 2 o'clock.

The live feed went down this A.M., so you are not actually missing it today.



WV sUSAn said...

You know Jim, it was around the middle of May last year when I started watching Belle and Liberty ... and this Shepherdstown nest was my first. So, I've gotten to see different things on the nest this year, from the mating, to the laying and hatching of the eggs.

It's all so darn exciting.

hedgie said...

Now for some good news: hospital employee passed out wrong info; our dear Dr. did NOT pass away! (He is down at Sharon's favorite place, Charlottesville.....don't know how this gal here got it wrong!)

hedgie said...

Andean Bear cubs at the Zoo have their be announced Weds.!! Mits, hope you get to be part of the "ceremony"!

WV sUSAn said...

Was anybody keeping track of Noah the eaglet in the Charlotte area? Poor lil girl was all by herelf at the hack tower and about as soon as they opened the cage door... she was gone! I'm glad they have a tracker on her to see where she goes. The only thing she knew was the confines of the Carolina Raptor Center. It will be interesting to see where she makes her home.

hedgie said...

Palmer is one wet eagle!!

hedgie said...

sUSan, don't know if or when they will post a link for following Noah on her travels.

WV sUSAn said...

hedgie -- I read something at the site that indicated they would be tracking and posting info. I don't think they are really big into the whole "posting" thing though as they are always days behind anything that happens there. I'm going to Lake Norman the first wkend in June and plan to visit the Center. I understand they have about 8 or so eagles who have been treated and not released, including Noah's parents. It should be interesting.

hedgie said...

Oh, sUSan, that sounds like a fun trip! Do you take pics? You could post them on your blog!!

WV sUSAn said...

hedgie -- I am HORRIBLE about not taking pics and that's something I need to change. Hopefully it will be a nice, sunny day and I can get some pics while I'm there. I look at the eagle area on line and I'm anxious to see how it is when I get to the center.

I am STILL DUE for a trip to Shepherdstown!!

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Last time I checked on Noah there were no postings about her travels. Like others, I would love to have an update and to know she is making her way alone.

Lynn, so glad the Dr. demise was premature. Can't imagine how that would happen -- well, yes, I can.

WV sUSAn, please do try to get some pictures for us or, at least, some information about Noah.

Will be testing the Shark in just a little while. Have it put together. My helper is going to vacuum first. I'll let you know.

Hi Jim.

Jo, have you found your street clothes? Hope they haven't taken off with the shiny garland.

Can't get live cam. Just black with never-ending circle. Need to check the still cam and then the Andean bears.

Oh, sent a "new home" card to Chrissy this morning. Postage was $.98 with delivery 5-7 days.


ceil said...

Lynn you would love Boston. A lot of walking though. Our son lived there for 9 years and I loved it.

WV sUSAn said...

Judie -- thanks for the info on sending a card to Chrissy. $.98 isn't bad at all and I would have expected postage to be much, much higher.

Well, it's time for the drive home. I've a deer mount to work on this evening. BBL

WV sUSAn said...

Oh, it's snack time on the nest. My last look; now I'm leaving. hahaha

Lolly said...

Hi all! Thought I would get on and say hello, before I blow away. Had lots to do today, but now I am in waiting for the weather to do it's thing. We just had one cell go through and in minutes had almost an inch of rain. Now it is quiet but the sirens just went off for severe/tornado warnings. Scary!

hedgie said...

Hold on tight, Lolly! We are due 2-3" of rain between this AM and Weds. Some flood watches out, but nothing else. Just gloomy, wet and chilly.

Ceil, did you go up often when James was in Boston? If it's a lot of walking, guess I'm outta luck!

sUSan, we have a nest visit outing planned for June 12th. Wanda and I are working out the details. Mark your calendar!!!

hedgie said...

Judie, .98 is what my Christmas card to Chrissy cost, too. Not bad---I was expecting more. So sweet of you to send her a housewarming card----we should all bombard her with one!!!

NatureNut said...

Just came back to look at cam & OMG, Palmer is at the edge of 2 o'clock!!!

Lolly said...

Thunder and getting dark again. Oh, more fun! I am holding on and we have the TV on for updates.

LOL Took the van in and had it washed and vacumed. That is why it is raining. Poor van...has always been in the garage and now it is outside. But, we did get the pictures taken of it for the online ad. Looks good!

hedgie said...

Time for dinner, and then geek is due soon thereafter, so logging off for now. Later, gators.

NatureNut said...

Palmer in the same place. I'm kinda glad I'm looking at Still, because if Palmer started flapping there, we'd all be in ER!! ☺

NatureNut said...

Lolly, I hope all that passes away from you! And your old van is getting some double washes!!!

Guess I should fix din din even tho I'm not hungry!Someone else might be~~~

Lolly said...

We are lucky, some areas are getting golf ball sized hail. We had pea sized. Can live with that.

Lolly said...

Oh, that is bad. Watching the news, they showed a school bus and other cars driving through water at an intersection. Hope that bus driver is fired!!!!

ceil said...

Lynn certainly went up more than we go to Oregon. LOL They do have a nice subway system. That might help and sight seeing buses. Hope you get to go someday.
Loretta I know the feeling. Jim is usually hungry more times than I am.

Mema Jo said...

Stay safe in that weather, Lolly.
Hope you get your van sold quickly.

Paula may still be celebrating with Michael and his friends for graduation

Dinner is finished and hubby and I are on our way to Wally's World. Need cards and misc items.

I hope Megan & hubby are celebrating those 23 years!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn mentioned about the names for the Andean bear cubs to be on the 19th. I can't really get their cam up but
there are pics of the cubs and they are cute cute cute.

Headed out the door - with my street clothes on and an umbrella........


Ragdoll said...

Hello, I am back for a moment. Getting ready to have dinner.

Hedgie, I am not good with miles, but I am about 1 1/2 hours from Boston. We like to take the train. We don't have to drive to or from. We don't have to find parking and best of all we can have all the wine we want with dinner or beer or two at an Irish Pub. Nobody has to worry about driving.

Lynn, Ceil is right. There is so much to do and see. There are lots of ways to get around.

Lots of our history starts in Boston. I also hope you get to go.

Does anybody know the date for the October gathering? I would love to go.

glo said...

Ragdoll I grew up in MA. Lived on the South Shore area. Attended Northeastern University. Took the subway in and out of the city many times but also enjoyed time :-) on the Southeast Expressway.

Lolly said...

Oh, I enjoyed our visit to Boston. We flew to Boston and then rented a car to drive to Plymouth and out on Cape Cod. Did that several years ago.

stronghunter said...

Very tired. Gave out interim reports today. I had some unhappy kids. One said that I would be getting an e-mail. Love it when they try to put me on the defensive. Another one said I "staged a raid so I could give him a zero."

hedgie said...

I am all squared away on both computers!! Easy fixes to both----when someone knows everything! Not me!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi all Eagle Friends

Yesterday I just had to do it. Loved being at the nest. Could not get a signal to call Mema Jo back. Boy is Palmer BIG - girl maybe. Parent I believe it was Liberty was high above nest in top of tree. No problem seeing Palmer even without binoculars although I had to try them. I truly loved being where my wonderful hubby use to take me a lot.
Felt like he was there watching Palmer and Liberty with me. I had taken my Mom along.

Friday I had plugs inserted in tear ducts. I was tested and every few seconds my eyes both kept changing and if it were time for glasses they couldn't have been able to prescribe them. My eyes are too DRY. So this is suppose to make them form moisture and wet another way.

Hedgie-Lynn hope you can show me your laptop one day. With Little Man insisting I be on that couch. I need a laptop and that is my price range. I like the bigger screen too. Lynn you watch the guy then you can help me set mine up tee hee


Prayers going out for so many people at this time.

Megan I'll soon have to be getting my hummingbird plants for my baskets. I also want this year a vine
to grow up to my porch for the hummingbirds. Not clematis (spelling) not honeysuckle. You will know I'm sure. Want to go with some reds this year. The basket I'd like that red and white that Sharon talked about.

Darn didn't realize until went to copy. I wrote a book. sorry (said very softly)

hedgie said...

Ragdoll, Open House is Sat., Oct. 23. We momsters start the weekend on Friday night (22nd) and then our all-day Sat. festivities.
Sure hoping you will come!!
Any info you need about getting here, where to stay, etc., just email me (click on my profile and then on email!)

hedgie said...

Dana, hope the plugs help. Bill had them put in a few years ago, as his eyes were so dry after having Lasik. They worked well.
Don't know what internet you have---or if on wireless or not....not sure if I would be the best help! But think you would like this computer real well.

Lolly said...

Laurel had plugs put in her eyes as she has very dry eyes. They can pop out! Be aware of that.

Lolly said...

Teeny tiny plugs!!!

stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary, Russ and Megan.

hedgie said...

From Iris:

Tomorrow is the day!!! I'll give her a group hug from all of you!!!!
Love and hugs,

From Chrissy:

I've just taken the beef out of the cooker and she is having a typical British Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding dinner,, and i've also got her favorite too of plain scones and clotted cream with strawberry jam and fresh strawberries,,,,,

hedgie said...

Wish we could ALL be there!!!

Thanks for Boston info.....I know SO much about the VA colony and our 1607 history, but not TOO much about the New England settlement. Sure hope I get the opportunity some day! LOL----we do have a local community called Bunker Hill!

WV sUSAn said...

Oh that's sooooo exciting for Iris and Chrissy!!! Sounds like Chrissy has a special treat prepared for Iris.

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks for sharing that great info hedgie!

hedgie said...

Rain has finally stopped! Don't know for how long...

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Still have "As The Circle Turns."

WV sUSAn, I thought the cost was very reasonable and think Chrissy would feel ever so loved to have a welcome home card. Um, you're not mounting a real deer are you?

Lolly, and all others, hang on with the bad weather. Rain has stopped here. Just chilly cold -- feels like Oct.

Lolly, know the van will disappear quickly. Probably as clean and bright as a shiny garland.

Ceil and Loweeda, I feel your sentiments. Often have no interest in food at night but also feel an obligation to cook. Ah, for the single days.

Jo, is Wally's World and upscale Sheetz? Never seen a WW. Also, cannot get Andean bear at Natl. Zoo.

Lynn, so glad you have the computer issues resolved. Sigh of relief.

Dana, truly happy you were able to visit the nest and see Palmer and Lib. What a very special treat with such heart warming memories. Hoping the inserts work and your eyes are all better soon.

Ah Shirley, I can only envy your ability to "stage a raid." You have my heartfelt empathy. I still have a problem athlete but this morning set the limits. Ball is in his court, literally.

Need to sleep. Tired tonight. Will report the Shark story tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone. Turning my light out but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Sleep well and pleasant eagle dreams for all.

Mema Jo said...

Iris should love the dinner Chrissy is preparing - I know I sure would! This meeting of Momsters is going to be beyond words!

Sending card to Vicky - email Glo, Lynn or myself if you need an address.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy.

Lynn, thank you for the update on Iris and Chrissy. So very sweet of Chrissy to plan a traditional English menu. Just know they are going to have a most wonderful time together.


hedgie said...

The following is being sent to your email address (if I have it!) as well as to Momster Mail on Yahoo. If you don't get the email, please RSVP to me by clicking on my profile and then on email. TY!



10 AM

We will meet at NCTC in the parking lot to the right of the 4-way stop sign.
The Eagle Express will be awaiting your arrival!

We will eat lunch on board!

Wanda and Gene and Lynn will be providing the main course, but we will ask those attending to supply the
extras! Once we know who is coming, we will ask you for a specific item (i.e. rolls, chips, soda, pickles, cookies, etc.)

PLEASE RSVP via return email ASAP!!!!

Thanks. We look forward to seeing each and everyone of you!!

Mark your calendar, and pack your cameras and binoculars!!!

Let's hope that Belle, Liberty and Palmer put on a spectacular show for us!!

stronghunter said...

Good night. See you tomorrow. It was a long day.

Mema Jo said...

Judie said it all -Lolly, know the van will disappear quickly. Probably as clean and bright as a shiny garland.

hedgie said...

Good night, Shirley. Sleep tight!

Mema Jo said...

Don't want to be up late tonight
Kristen coming tomorrow in the am and then around lunch Jenny is coming.

Love having my girls around.

Costume Lady said...

ME TOO, JO. I feel so complete when both my girls are with me!

Mema Jo said...

Hello busy lady Wanda! All of your family pics on your blog are great.

Mema Jo said...

I am yawning.......
Playing solitaire......
Can't see Palmer for the web.....

Good night all
So many many prayers for everyone's
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Raining again..argh!

hedgie said...

Good night, Jo. Have fun tomorrow with your girls! I am going out to lunch w/ a friend...she's treating me for a late b-day meal!

Lolly said...

Have been on fb loading pictures. Have been running behind on loading pics.

Wahhhhh!!! I want to go to Chrissy's! That meeting of the two of them is just too fantastic.

LOL Wish the van would disappear. Hopefully it will sell quickly if not it can blow away with the garland.

Lolly said...

Well, while you girls are having fun, I will be going to the doctors. Tomorrow is bone density
test. As you get older that is all you do....tests! lol

Lolly said...

I will circle June 12 on the calendar. That will be the day I snap pictures of the nest from the cam while you are having fun on the ground. I will be listening for laughter!

Lolly said...

No No No! Did not like the last episode of Castle. Oh, well!

PA Nana said...

Goodnight everyone. Blessings for all wants/needs.

hedgie said...

Eyes getting heavy here so will say my goodnights! It is now just after 5AM in England......wonder what time Chrissy is serving??? Wish we were all there with her!
Prayers for all....especially Vicky and her family.

Lolly said...

Night Lynn! I will be right behind you!

Sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

Hello all......tired and worn out, that's me!

More prayers for Vicky and family. I haven't read back too far so I don't know if they have found her brother yet. I did read that his son just wanted to hug him goodbye. That was a tear jerker.

Dana, I sure hope the plugs work in your eyes! So glad you got to go to the nest!

Oh how happy I am that Iris and Chrissy will be meeting! I hope there are lots of pictures and lots of hugs! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Well, I had a very productive "nature" weekend. The ride to Terra Alta was much wild Sweet William growing along parts of the road! The weather was beautiful! We saw Bobolinks!!! Heard a Ruffed Grouse and found some breast feathers from one! Indigo buntings, Meadow Larks! We stopped at Big Run and Steve found a wild turkey's wing feather!

Last but not least, at Big Run, I found a large skull. Brought it home thinking it might be a coyote but just didn't quite match up. Took it to Irvine Nature Center today and you'll NEVER GUESS WHAT IT IS...........It's the skull of a young Black Bear!!!! It's my best find EVER! I feel bad though, poor idea what could have happened to it. That's sad it died. But even though he or she didn't make it as is nature's way, this skull will be treasured. I've been hoping and praying to see a bear in the wild and got some good tips from a guy at the Deep Creek Discovery Center last trip. Steve's going fishing up there this weekend and you just watch...he'll see a bear and I won't. The only one he's ever seen was crossing the road in Deep Creek, on they way back to his mom's from a day of fishing.

Well, I'm off to bed now. Hope to catch up tomorrow!

NatureNut said...

Past my bedtime & haven't been to Park for 2 weeks, so hope to see what's new. The osprey cam Mom had 2 eggs, so wonder if there are more.
Tune in tomorrow night! ☺
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Prayers for Vicky & Family and all in need...

Costume Lady said...

Lynne...I am a feather lover! One of my prized ones is,I forget if it's a wing or tail feather from a turkey. I have both but don't know from whence they came. The one that I really like is shades of brown and black, very pretty. Capt. Gene brings me feathers from his hunting trips. Am I weird because I like feathers? Nah, I also like diamonds and gold;)


Lynne2 said...

oh are not weird for liking feathers. Now I on the other hand, with my skull collection (I have a sparrow, downey woodpecker, goldfinch, deer, turkey buzzard and now the bear.......) some would say is beyond weird!
I should have been a biologist or something like that.

Hope GG is doing well! Good night!

FuzzleMT said...

Good Morning! Odd to see no comments this a.m. from anybody. Is there any news on the live cam? Seems the still cam is also frozen now. Wonder if the blog might be stuck also. Hmmm maybe I'm talking to myself and my comment will be lost in blogland. Hope everyone has a good day - sun is always shining somewhere!

Lynne2 said...

Hi FuzzleMA....I'm here for the moment so you aren't alone! Can't get cam either :(

FuzzleMT said...

Hi, Lynne2 - I noticed that the still cam is also up and running - Palmer still there! A silent cam without Palmer chirping is disconcerting though.

Lynne2 said...

It's pretty quiet here this morning as far as bird songs go. I have been hearing a song for a week or so and finally hit on the bird that is singing it....It's a towhee! I've also been hearing a Wood Pee Wee but have yet to see it. Haven't seen the Towhee either but I can't help but wonder if it is my "blizzard" towhee who is back! Forgot to mention I saw a tree swallow sitting on a bird box at the Nature Center yesterday...first time I've seen one of those!
Also, some of our little wood frog taddies have gotten front legs now!! The tails are shrinking and we are going to release them back where we found them!

Lynne2 said...

Got the still cam up...thanks! WOW that baby isn't a baby much anymore! And you're right, it's not quite the same if you can't hear her!

FuzzleMT said...

Wow you have lots of nature - I miss that - living in the city right now and have squirrels and seagulls sometimes. Hard to hear the birds because the only time it's quiet around here (2 a.m. to about 4 a.m.) is when the birdies are sleeping!

Lynne2 said...

We really do where we live, F-Ma....I just love it here. I'm so in awe of the natural world and I am sorry I didn't become a Biologist or something. I think I'm going to try to find some time to volunteer with my friend Tracey at a wildlife rehab facility, or volunteer at the local nature center.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Another rainy day.
Still no live cam, I see. Hope someone emails Steve or OutdoorTV. I tried Outdoor yesterday but they want my address and phone number and I'm not giving it to them! And Steve never pays any attention to my emails, so won't waste my "breath".

Lynne2, I also like skeletal stuff. Had a snake and a turtle complete skeletons, and a bird skull, but ended up giving them to a friends' grandson who was really "rapt" up in such things.

hedgie said...

Of the probable thousand turkey visits here in 17 yrs., I only ever found ONE feather!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning budlets! How are you?

Lynne2 said...

wow, just ONE feather! That's crazy!

Our landlord/neighbor saw a wild turkey here in the woods a couple of weeks ago. As much as I'd like to go looking, I try to stay out of our woods this time of year because of the zillions of ticks.

Well, I must go bathe Pearl. She is so precious...she went into the litter box an grabbed a turd before I could clean it this morning and she ROLLED in it. Will be steam clean the carpet too. Not really what I had in mind to do today. Last night she tried to bite a toad! And even though she was foaming at the mouth from doing so, she didn't want to give up! Honestly, this dog....

FuzzleMT said...

WE HAVE LIVE FEED! That was so funny - busy in the room and all of a sudden I realized I was hearing THE nest - YAY!

Mits said...

good TUESDAY MORNING everyone, have a good one.

Mits said...

Rain has everything looking nice and green, birds are running around looking for worms..

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All - Of course my thoughts are of Iris and Chrissy's meeting and dinner. Mid afternoon over the pond so I'm thinking they may already be together. Life is good!

It is wet out there - Palmer looks like she braved the night and early morning showers.

Need to get ready for family visitors.


Lolly said...

Wow, I do believe Palmer has a fish and is helping himself. He is all grown up!

Good morning! Excited to see our cam up and working. Thanks to whomever!!!!

Sun shining here and only 63 when I got up.

Lolly said...

Palmer is standing over his breakfast, Occasionally picking at it, and occasionally chirping.

Lolly said...

What he need to learn is to stand on that fish when pecking at it.

Lolly said...

Need a volunteer to go tutor Palmer! Judie? Shirley?

Lolly said...

Parent just arrived! Palmer is voicing his opinion. Ah, lessons on how to stand on that fish and feed yourself!

Lolly said...

Parent is hungry, but Palmer is getting an occasional bite.

Lolly said...

My guess it is Lib, but what do I know!

Lolly said...

LOL Palmer has learned to grab food from parent. He is now getting more food.

Lolly said...

Whushi makes for a good breakfast.

hedgie said...

LOL...there are plenty of them to get---right on top of the ground here!

Lynne, poor Pearl! And poor you having to clean up. That's the way dogs are. I laugh at Cinnamon: whenever she eats a bug, she coughs and carries on and I tell her it serves her right. And then if she goes nosing around in the grass or leaves and starts sneezing, I tell her the same thing.

hedgie said...

Well, gotta finish getting ready to go out for lunch. See y'all this afternoon sometime. Have a good day,e veryone.

Mits said...

from BWE...

We have confirmation from the Refuge that both eaglets are branching. Lots of flapping going on, but no flying just yet

Lolly said...

Adult poofed and Palmer is in his suicidal postion at 12.

Lolly said...

I am off to get busy. Want to walk and then work in the yard before dr appointment this afternoon.

Have a great day!

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning My Eagle Friends!!!
So nice to have the live feed running.

Palmer was with parent eating. I was comparing the size. Palmer looked as big if not bigger the parent. I think it was Lib. Probably the camera angle. LOL

Costume Lady said...

STEVE HAS GIVEN US A NEW WET THREAD**************************************************************************************************************************************

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...