Friday, May 14, 2010


Evening thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the new thread!

Wonder why Palmer chose Lib's spot to sit at? So we could have a heart attack some more?

Costume Lady said...

Well, Sharon, he has chosen that spot for quite a while now, and I thought, Like Father Like Son...but, with those BIG feet, I do believe it might be "like Father like Daughter"!
Living on the edge!

kickngbird said...

Seems whenever I've popped in lately, Palmer was napping, but now it's Practically All Grown Up Palmer, or should I say, I Can Step On My Own Fish And Tear It Up And Eat It Myself Palmer, and I can hardly believe it!

I'm remembering that little egg in the snow...

Costume Lady said...

Yep, Kickingbird...surely he/she must have some frostbite somewhere:)

Mits said...

hmmm looks like an ice storm here, shutting down computer:(

Lolly said...

Well, we ended up going out, back to the dealership. Have zoomed in to a silver Expedition. We considered second row bucket seats but for $2000.00 that is a bit much. We have had two conversion vans, those days are past!

Wanda, thank you so much for your encouraging words. Trying to stay cool! Laurel did not hear from the surgeon today.

Lolly said...

Oh, that little 9 year old that survived the plane crash! He is the same age as my Joseph. Bless his heart. Hope his aunt and uncle are sweethearts!

ceil said...

Mits see where you just got hit with a bad storm. Getting dark here.

Mits said...

did not last long here, some rain and thunder and lightning, and mothball sized hail

Mits said...

watching hubby's flight from Detroit....keeps going around in circles trying to find away into National....told him to expect delays

ceil said...

We are about to get hit here. Ball game is about to start.

Mits said...

it should be over fast, Ceil

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

There for a while I thought Palmer was going to take the "leap." I think she is just itching to fly. Did a lot of wing things. What a magnificent span of wings.

An adult just arrived with a little food for the hungry Palmer. Just went back for a poop shoot and returned to enjoy a late supper.

BEagle said...

Palmer seems to patiently for bites. Earlier, when alone, she was attacking leftovers and doing a pretty good job.

Lolly said...

Ahhhh...shushi for dinner!

BEagle said...

Yes, sushi. I don't think it's wushi sized.

Lolly said...

Or is that sushi? Spelling is not my thing!lol

Mema Jo said...

I bet that Palmer had best get back down in the nest. I know the 'Heart Attack' feeling is going to be here for a couple weeks!

Loon cam is down (message was 8 hrs ago)

The pics Bob put up on last thread for Wanda are fantastic. Those little kits, especially the one who is holding on the the tail of his sibling, are really photogenic!
Wanda & Gene I remember the grand time you had at the last anniversary camp over that Karla and Hubby had.
Praying that GG will be ok while you are away.

Hoping that Michael's graduation went well and that Paula a great time the next few days.

Lolly, that Ford Expedition should get you and the camper here or anywhere in good style!
Keeping Laurel in my prayers and so relieved from what Hedgie said.

Anne Marie I am just jubilant that you will get here in October! I bet you'll have your camera clicking the whole way down the track!
I am heartbroken about Diane - she is a sweetheart and man o' man she really doesn't need this to happen in her young life! She will be a trooper I am sure and I pray the best of medications will be found.

BEagle said...

Palmer usually does her wing things after a hearty meal. We will see in a few.

Mema Jo said...

Mits and Ceil - no stormy weather here yet! Maybe it missed us but it is getting weird looking out there.

BEagle said...

Is that Palmer chortling? Or is it a bird in the background?

Mema Jo said...

Hope Hedgie get her new laptop!

Very anxious to hear about Iris and
Chrissy getting together. I admit I didn't think it was going to happen!
Hope Iris gets some pics of herself & Chrissy!

Judie when you find out about postage to UK let us know. If I find out before you I'll holler.

Lolly said...

Golleeeeeeee! Wish Palmer would not walk so fast to the edge!

BEagle said...

Whoa. Come back away from that edge Palmer. I thought the wind was going to take her off as she stumbled over to the edge.

BEagle said...

It's so silly to hold my hands up to grab Palmer. Whew.

BEagle said...

Does anyone remember? Is it Belle or Lib that has that little white feather showing?

BEagle said...

Palmer's backing up. Another poop shoot. She is so tidy.

BEagle said...

But she sure does back up close to edge.

Adult just flew off to the right.

BEagle said...

Quickly Palmer goes to the 1 position. A little too quick if you ask me.

BEagle said...

Well...I was wrong. No wing flaps, she just plopped down in the egg cup facing the right.

BEagle said...

Listening to the raindrops.

BEagle said...

I wonder if Palmer will get an
um"Bell"a. lol

Lolly said...

Excuse me, stepped outside for a minute. We had .7 inches of rain today and it is not flowing out of the ground. That is good!That is great!

Lolly said...

Leaving now to prepare dinner. Having tamales and cheese enchiladas for dinner. Palmer is settled and seems very happy with his sushi. To each his own!


stronghunter said...


Was doing a bit of reading on the blog, but thought I would pop on and say there is a tornado warning in the Waldorf, MD, area.

I have a friend who lives there. I hope everyone is okay. They have had bad tornadoes there before.

Mits said...

yes Shirley, just got an update of tornado warnings in Anne Arundel county

BEagle said...

Enjoy the tamales and enchiladas.
Sounds really yummy.

Pray going up for the MD area against a potential tornado.

Mits said...

hubby just called landed safely:)

BEagle said...

It seems a little heavy where Palmer is right now. One wing flaps out and a tail wiggle took care of that! : )

BEagle said...

I meant to say Prayer going up for the MD area.

stronghunter said...

I will definitely be grading this weekend, Judie. Almost half of my second block class turned their papers in early and several of my third block kids turned theirs in as well. If I can get through those, I will have made a huge dent in the workload.

We also have to do our three-week grade reports.

stronghunter said...

Heads up if you are in Calvert County, MD. Tornado warning!

BEagle said...

Good to hear hubby is safe.

Judie said...

Back and dinner is over. Nothing special.

Jo, online it indicates about $1.18 for a standard size card but will verify if I can get to P.O. tomorrow to buy postage. Will let you all know.

Brief rain here, a bit heavy for about three minutes, then gone. Checked Palmer -- resting quietly and alone.

I know the post from Bob was for Wanda but I clicked on anyway -- sorry for the bad manners -- and the pics of the fox kits are just adorable. I don't like what the fox does in my yard but find them ever so beautiful. Just wish they would eat bird seed and peanuts rather than my little animals.

Off to check Palmer, RTH, and watch some tv. BBL

Mits said...

thanks, BE:)

Mits said...

getting really dark here again...guess I will shut down just in case....

stronghunter said...

I was very pleased with one of my Bl. 2 students today. She has been ill with an ulcer, and I had told her that she could have extra time on her paper. She showed up after school today with her paper. Turned it in early. There is hope for many of our kids.

Judie said...

Okay, back to say I will be on to say goodnight. Thunder/lightening now. Turn off your 'puters if you think a power surge might happen.

BEagle said...

StrongH, your kindness for your students comes back with rewards.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, BEagle. It is nice when they respond well.


Lolly said...

Enchiladas in the oven.

Forgot to tell you...what we thought was a red bird nest is actually a wren's nest. We both saw a cardinal fly into the hidden nest. ???? Don't know what's up!But the last day or two we have just seen a wren fly in and out. Jack peeked in. He jumped back quickly and said all he could see were lots of little eyes looking back at him. lol There were 6 eggs.

Then last night and this morning we had two young doves on the ground. They are so pretty walking around together. Can fly a little. They are gone this evening. Have no idea where their nest was located.

Lolly said...

Get this teachers! Laurel is going to be observed by her assistant principal next week. Yikes! The last couple of weeks! Today is the last day they are supposed to do that, so he is out of compliance. Laurel said she expects it to be good, but if it is anything negative, she will point out that he is out of compliance with the rules. Also, she is not supposed to be observed anymore. She is only supposed to have "walk throughs". He is a first time assistant principal, young and does not know what he is doing.

BEagle said...

Palmer was just practicing wings this late hour?

Mema Jo said...

I can hardly make out Palmer with all
of Spidey's webs!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Jenny feeds the fox family on her property Peanuts! They love them.

Lolly said...

That web is ridiculous!!!

BEagle said...

Same here, I'm thinking she walked over to the left for a P.S. then went back and flapper her wings while she was at it.

Smallville back on. Season finale.

Mema Jo said...

Here's hoping that hubby has his own way from the airport and that you don't need to go get him. Glad you let us know he is 'on the ground safe & sound'

Lolly said...

One time we were having a backyard party. Just as guest were arriving, here comes a mama fox down the street with a pup in its' mouth. She was moving her home to under a storage shed in the back yard of a vacant house next door. She made several trips. Saw them one time playing outside their den, then they were gone.

Mema Jo said...

Guess I'll try to watch a TV show at 9:00..

I forgot that the little Rebels' cam shuts down at 7:00...
Loon cam still down..

So off I go for awhile........ BBILW

stronghunter said...

Hope all goes well with the observation, Lolly. And, hope it doesn't get postponed two or three times. That gets frustrating.

I am sure she will do well.

BEagle said...

That spider web is a nuisance.

Some of the other nests have really messed up cams with slime or other such fuzziness.

That would be so intensely fun to watch a family of fox.

stronghunter said...

Lightning here and it smells like rain.

Mits said...

yeah Jo, when he is away for a week he usually takes cabs, otherwise he takes his own car. He said they were in a holding pattern over Harrisburg, told him i
I know was watching his plane and going around in circles.

hedgie said...

Hello....finally home, getting settled in with my new laptop. Setting it up now. Will catch up on blog in a little while. Sent a yahoo momster mail to all from Iris, but here is her message that she couldn't get to go through:

Hi Everyone,
Chrissy and I have now been in touch and we are working on finding a day (set for Tuesday the 18th) we can get together and I can give her hugs from all of the Eagle Momsters&Dadsters too. I've brought her a few things from NCTC and WV to have as keepsakes from all of us. As you can appreciate, we are both very excited about meeting in person!!! I promise to hug her for all of you too!!!

Love and hugs to you all,

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Got home late & was going to stay longer- about 'til 8 PM, but thunder & lightning said, "get oughta there"! Wasn't all that bad--no hail or real high winds.
Lolly, prayers for Laurel---I think she'll be fine. It's the weaiting that makes you crazy.
More prayers for Vicky & family--I just can't imagine what could have happened.
Lynn, how exciting that Iris will get to see Chrissy!!!She sent a lot of osprey pics this AM.I hope Iris takes some pics, too!
Microwave has finished my soup~~~~ if I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams & I hope I get to see Palmer in the daylight!!!

Mema Jo said...

Tell us about the new laptop Lynn!
And thanks so much for keeping us up to date with the news from 'across the

hedgie said...

Well, Jo, can't get the internet up on it. Duh! My geek is coming Sun. evening to try to figure out why I can't download my camera to PC anymore, so will let him mess with laptop. It's nice....big...17.5" monitor...a little heavy, but super for viewing nests!!!
Nobody had the two I had narrowed choice down "settled"...and think I'll be happy with it. It's midnight blue. much info here. Shirley, glad you had some early turn-ins.

Lolly.....don't forget my offer! I won't make any disparaging remarks about the competition, but hope you tested one of mine for comparison!!

glo said...

I haven't heard from Vicky at all today. I am just praying for rest and peace and strength for them as the deal with these next few days and the decisions etc they will be making.

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope you will get it up/running and that you fall in love with its performance.

hedgie said...

No bad weather here. Lots of threat but nothing happened. Hope no damage done, Mits, Loretta, Ceil.

hedgie said...

Someone asked about my situations from the other company manager is coming to look on Monday. I'm going to demand that they pay for a tree surgeon to "mend" the tree. No return response from newspaper about their delivery person invading my territory.

Anne-Marie said...

the sun is setting. Its cooling down and I'm going out on the patio with a cool drink to watch my birds get their last bit for the night and settle down. Its 7:45 and 80. A cool breeze has started. My nephew is fixing dinner and I am giving up control for the night.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Friends!

Just popping in for a moment to say that graduation was totally awesome! I cried, of course!

Got home tonight and now trying to get things ready for picnic tomorrow. Michael and friends will be arriving soon.

Hope to chat with you tomorrow night.

Mema Jo said...

Judie had asked, I think but we have all been wondering!

I am getting tired..... Being away for a few days has gotten me mixed up on what day it is. All I need to remember is that in 2 days I may be able to get to Market to get some peonies from Megan!

Anne-Marie said...

I am so thrilled Iris is going to meet Chrissy. What fun. Leave it to Iris to be so thoughtful as to bring goodies to Chrissy. have fun... Give hugs from me too.......

Mema Jo said...

Thankful that the storms didn't come by here tonight and kept Palmer dry.

Going back the hallway

Good Night All
So many prayers for so many loved ones
and friends of loved ones...
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I think the last update from Glo is how the situation still stands.
Bless you Vicky and your especially your nephew and his son.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa Anne Marie - you found your old sign on!

hedgie said...

Hail was really bad in some parts of the metro area....lots of vehicle damage. Remember once at work we got hit with baseball was SO bad that insurance agents came to the parking lots and wrote up dozens of claims the next day. TG I was a PC and was parked in the mngrs. garage!!

Lolly said...

Lynn, you are so sweet. Thank you! No, have not forgotten and did drive a suburban. Jack is leaning to the Expedition as it is less $. We have not decided yet.

hedgie said...

Vicki's nephew sounds very brave and has certainly looked at this tragedy from a good point of view: his Dad died doing what he loved. But still very sad. I hope that he can be a real source of strength for his Mom.

hedgie said...

Lolly, not sure of current discount rate but sometimes, depending on model, it can be 3-4-5thou. at least.

hedgie said...

Long afternoon/evening of shopping has done me in. Heading for tub. So goodnight to all, and many prayers going up.
Oh, Jo and I both contributed some items to Iris' goody pack for Chrissy. I told Iris to tell her that it came from all of us! Group effort!!

Judie said...

Woke up in time to say goodnight. Will be back in the morning.

Turning my light off but leaving the light on for others coming in late. Jo has already gone back the hallway so please don't slam the door.

Lolly said...

I will close the door quietly!
OKAY??????? hee hee

Will pass on info to Jack, Lynn.

I am headed to the shower and bed.

Prayers for momsters and dadsters in need. (((HUGS)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in quickly to say hello. Have been SO busy packing today! We leave for Lake Tahoe tomorrow!

Still praying for Vicky and her family. Absolutely heartbreaking!

Lolly & Jack, praying that Laurel will be OK. Am glad that Lynn didn't sound worried!

Sissy, thankful that your work hours have turned out well for you!
What a blessing! :o]

Ragdoll, good to see you here! Prayers for excellent health for you!

A-M, good to see you, too, and prayers going up for your granddaughter!

So very glad that Iris & Chrissy are apparently going to get to meet each other! Fantastic!

Well, must go now, and pack up the laptop so we don't forget to take it with us! Prayers being said for everyone. The night light and porch light are on, and the eye scanner is enabled. Pray we all sleep well! Will try to sign in late tomorrow. We're looking at an 8-hour drive, so may be late tomorrow night. Good night, and God bless! Love you guys! :o]

T-Bird said...

Good morning my favorite eagle momsters and dadsters.

Judie said...

Good Saturday morning.

Hi Thelma.

Just saw some beautiful wingersizing and hopping. At least Palmer was closer to the nest center than on the crib rail. Also, first I've seen he/she eating without help. Our Palmer is growing up -- way too fast for me.

Going to get some coffee and the newspaper. BBL

Safe trip Andy.

Hope Paula is enjoying her weekend of graduation festivities.

Wishing Meaghan a super market day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day here at the lake today! Dogs got me up way to early on a Saturday morning, but it is what it is! Hope everyone has a great day! Prayers for Vicky and her family and Cindi's friends and their baby! Traveling mercies for Andrea and her family!! I woke to a zillion birds singing again this morning! What a wonderful life God has blessed me with!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Palmer is munching on nestovers this morning, looks windy up there!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

got our cam up, Palmer is huge!

paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy your trip Andy!

paula eagleholic said...

Can't wait to see Palmer eating all by herself!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just arrived with food, Palmer chirping away while getting fed. I'm in heaven!

paula eagleholic said...

It is breezy and cool and fresh here this morning! I don't think it rained here at home, but we drove through one of those tstorms last night on the Baltimore beltway...hail and all!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of fresh leaves in the nest. Palmer just backed up for a poop shot to make some more room! Peeping and eating more, really grabbing that food from parent

paula eagleholic said...

food is gone, parent took off with last bit in beak...Palmer watching parent flying cute.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, palmer found a bit and took it to the back to ear

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Now time for a rest at noon...

gotta go make the deviled eggs...may be BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagles Friends

I haven't read all the comments yet but I did read one about. How much word it cost to send I say like a birthday card to the UK 98 cents.

Palmer reminds me very much of Deb.
Remember right away no experience she got the kayak. Cold when she took it out the 1st time. Cause we were talking about her putting boots on so she wouldn't get a cold. But she didn't.

wvgal_dana said...

Now I need to try to find out about Laurel and Diane.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Email from Vicky this morning

There is no news. The sun is out and they are taking sonar out today for another search. We pray they find him SOON. I'm staying with my sister-in-law and her kids all went to their homes to hopefully get some much needed rest. My sister-in-law got the most rest she's had since this all started. Vicky

I am so thankful for the answered prayer of rest. Lifting up the search team for safety and success in finding him very soon.

wvgal_dana said...

My 98 cents came from the Post Office telling me.

Morning Glo yes Little Man is pampered. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Sissy enjoy your beautiful lake.

Andrea safe journey and enjoy your trip.

I am wondering if the talk about Laurel is about the assistant principal coming into her class room.

I'll have to go back and check in comments about Cindi's friend and baby.

Anne Marie prayers going up for Diane. Also is great you will be here in October. ( :

Oh Glo my heart is aching for Vicky and the families. May God be with them.

It is great to hear that Iris and Chrissy will be meeting up. Thank you all that donated things and said they were from all of us as a group so nice of you. Although what else would anyone expect out of this wonderful group.

Lolly my nephew that drives a tractor trailer truck for a living. Had some kind of vehicle and traded it in for something better for pulling his large RV. I'll ask him.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Tried to leave another message last night, but the network was down. There was a lot of lightning when Will came in, and I expect he shut it down, but I didn't really ask. Seemed like a good idea to protect the system.

I see all of the extra greenery in the nest. It's windy there today.

So glad that Iris and Chrissy will be able to get together.

Prayers for Vicky's family again today.

Looks like Palmer is napping right now. I am getting a hum from the nest cam.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly I just ask my husbands nephew he is in his 50's. They have a 21 ft. RV and he had brought 3 yrs. ago and Expedition to pull it with and they are VERY VERY HAPPY WITH IT it is a 4 x 4 and V8.

Mema Jo said...

Good Beautiful Saturday Morning to All!
Next Saturday is gd wedding and to have weather like today would be perfect.
Megan should be enjoying her day and I may get to go over tomorrow to Market.

I would really like to catch a glimpse of Palmer at night - but Spidey just won't quit webbing away!

Mema Jo said...

Just found that Lori Olivieri's birthday is May 29th! Mark your calendars

Mema Jo said...

Anyone betting on the horses today?

wvgal_dana said...

Please say a prayer for family member and relatives and myself. While on the phone with Mike about the RV and what he traded to pull better with. He told me that Ed's cousin Jim. Where we went to Lake of Woods in Va. near Fredisburg passed. They were with a group vacationing on Outer Banks. He has been on oxygen but never as bad as Ed. Said he wasn't feeling well wanted to go home. Don't know what day they went home exactly. I think reached home Wed. evening or Thurs. and a family member found him dead when he went to check on him which they were doing often.

I remember I had talked with him before about "Are you going to Outer Banks this year with the group"? He said, "I don't know, I'd rather stay right here." He went. He was on oxygen not as high as Ed's and he didn't have what Ed had. He was truly a great great guy. His wife, 2 daughters. and several grandchildren plus many of us and cousins will miss him deeply. Now he is with Ed and Jim like Ed's Dad but most of all Ed's grandfather "Pop" Jim called him raised Jim. So they are all in Heaven probably playing their old card game "Pop" and traditionally handed down.....Penny Annie Poker.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Dana. I know right where Lake of the Woods is. I pass by there every day on the way to work.

Lolly said...

Dana, Laurel has a lump, soft and spongy, on her side, under her bra. Waiting to hear from the surgeon to have it removed.

Good morning! Had that on my mind, that is why I typed it first. Cloudy and cool here. More rain expected.

Oh, and Dana, thanks for checking on what they pulled their trailer with. We are leaning towards the Expedition. We will decide in a day or two.

Lolly said...

Palmer is just sitting. Nothing going on. Just changed position, thought I was going to see some action.,

Paula, have a great day! Graduation is so exciting. I have to get out today to purchase some graduation cards and a gift. Thinking of getting a Barnes and Noble gift card.

hedgie said...

Morning, momsters and dadsters.

So sorry about Jim, Dana. Sad. Prayers for family.

Breezy, pretty morning here. Hope it's as nice next Sat. for the wedding, Jo!

Momster mail from Karen Kinsaul: her birthday is the 19th!

Lolly said...

I am going to get moving. Things to do, places to go, people to see!

Happy Saturday! (Guess Sissy is having the best at the lake!)☺

hedgie said...

Andy, hope your trip to Tahoe is restful and restorative.

Sissy, forgot to say congrats on the "icing on top of your work cake"!!!! Perfect for you, I'm sure.

hedgie said...

Working hard here---beauty day---ha, ha!---Mother/Daughter banquet at church this evening.

BEagle said...

Hi all. Popped in a minute to see that Palmer is flapping and popping around on the nest, working the wings, getting a feel for the wind under her wings.

She is pretty up in front of the camera.

BEagle said...

It looks like more greenery has been added to the nest, refreshing.

Can't tell what Palmer is doing. Keeps poking around at the feet.

And scratching neck with the talons.

BEagle said...

Would like to see an adult show up before I HAVE to get moving.

Mema Jo said...

Add Karen's May Birthday to your calendar - on
May 19th!

BEagle said...

I happened to check the Turtle Creek cam. An adult brought a fish, a small one. One eaglet grabbed it and hovered over it
so the other two couldn't get
to it.

Palmer doesn't have that competition. She will not understand how fortunate she is.

movin said...







Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the reminder Lolly
Graduation cards are what I need to get!

Have fun this evening Lynn
I remember so well going to those Church banquets with my mother and grandmother. Good Memories!

Dana prayers for you on the loss of a family member. ((hugs))

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim!

BEagle - Hopefully Palmer will soon start to mantle over food brought in by parents. When she goes out on her own she'll need that behavior to stay alive. However I remember when we had 3 in the nest, we would always cheer when the youngest got to the food first

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is getting comfy on top of those new dry leaves!

movin said...

Hi, Mema Jo, Beagle.

Nice Saturday here, how about you people??



BEagle said...

I can imagine M Jo, that the littlest would suffer hunger pangs.

Palmer is already feeding herself if she can find something. The adult still feeds her when they bring something in. It looks like she tries to pick a piece off for herself at times.

BEagle said...

Hi Jim. It is a really nice day where I am.

BEagle said...

Palmer has decided to plop down in front of the cam tree.

BEagle said...

Since the cam tree area is where the food is usually brought in, I would assume that Palmer is pretty doggone hungry.

Mema Jo said...

The larger she gets the smaller the nest looks! lol

BEagle said...

The loon cam must still be down. I just get spirals.

Mema Jo said...

Off to the right of the Loon Cam it should tell you if it is still down.
At least we know she has laid 2 eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Little Phoenix at Hornby is growing!
Still has the unhatched egg as his 'nest buddy'

Mema Jo said...

Jim today is Perfect Weather! Hope it lasts a whole week! lol

Headed for some lunch.

BEagle said...

The TH twins are having a rare treat. I haven't seen them flap around like Palmer does.

BEagle said...

Ah, Palmer is up again with a wing shrug.

Starting to back up. I am thinking a poop shoot will come soon.

BEagle said...

Palmer's wing span goes clear across the cam view.

Here it comes.....a poop shoot!

BEagle said...

More wing flaps and a hop, skip and a jump.

And some more flapping.

Mema Jo said...

Almost choked on my lunch as I am watching Palmer do her PS and exercises. WOW! She is a beauty!

BEagle said...

Palmer has a leaf stuck on the foot.

BEagle said...

Please take little bites Mema Jo.

The leaf came off.

Mema Jo said...

The TH eaglets are about a week behind Palmer

BEagle said...

I don't know how Palmer knows when to stop when backing up like that.
It sure is nerve wracking.

Mema Jo said...

lol Will do!

BEagle said...

I think the PH twins are a week behind the TH twins. Two weeks behind Palmer. So I expect to see PH a little more active in a week.

BEagle said...

Palmer looked funny trying to get that leaf off. Like when someone tries to shake t.p. off their shoe.

BEagle said...

I better eat lunch before heading out. So I won't be tempted with a bacon-ater or something else really bad for me. (But very delicious.)

Mema Jo said...

I need to go print out some directions to the gd wedding next Saturday.

Judie said...

Prayers for everyone, Dana. Very sorry.

Yep, Palmer is trying feed him/herself and doing the wintersizing toe dance. So lovely.

Hey Jim, just like Mema Jo said, the day is just beautiful here in Northern VA. Sun and good breeze. Hope it keeps up as I will be going to see my police officers graduate. Also hope tomorrow will be nice as I promised my baseball players I would make their last home game of the season.

Oh, Sissy. My apology. So glad you are returning to your job and better schedule.

Off to take care of some laundry. BBL

BEagle said...

On Mother's Day, I decided to treat myself to a LARGE frosty. When the guy handed it to me I said, "Is that all? This is Mother's Day!"

He gave me another small frosty. Wasn't that nice of him?

I didn't indulge though, I gave it to my son who was cracking up at my exclamations. : )

BEagle said...

Palmer continues to preen in front of the cam.

It is so cute to see her there with those feet shining up

Now for a sit and rest and possibly anticipating some wushi.

hedgie said...

Hey, Jim, just folks back here had some wicked weather late yesterday, but not here in the Eastern Panhandle of WV. Today is perfect!!! Hope yours is great, too.

BEagle, I'm not a milkshake person, but I'll take a Frosty anytime!! Yumm!!

Palmer is so dappled in sunlight right now that I can't really tell what she's doing. Up, at least!

hedgie said...

Jo, where will the wedding be?

I, too, remember the M/D banquets when I was a kid. Ours were also fashion shows, and we all had to model. Grandma made all our clothes in those we always had a new dress to wear. And she always made her special chicken potpies, individual portions, the day beofre. ALl the men-of-the-church had to do was pop them in the oven. Fun times. So long ago.

hedgie said...

Looks like Palmer is digging for some nestovers under the cam.

hedgie said...

Wind is really ruffling the feathers.

wvgal_dana said...

Laurel is added to prayer list.

Lynn I remember the Mother Daughter Banquets from our church at Sharpsburg. Battlefield Bible they were fun and great. ENJOY !!

hedgie said...

Okay, y'all. Keep watch on that youngun! I will talk to you tonight sometime. Time to get ready to go. Hoping the men fix a better meal than they did last year!!

movin said...

Hi, again. I'm glad you all are having a good day and same on the weather....

I'm hoping that Super Saver can win the Preakness today and go on to win the first Triple Crown in 32 years.

Trouble is, I've hoped a lot every one of those thirty-two years.

I've GOT TO take care of some business today, so I'll be talking to you all later...



NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Everyone!
Checked Baby Palmer~~seems to be sitting in the nest, probably waiting for food.
Was out front trying to remove Creeping Charlie groundcover from around some perrenials that are starting to sprout. This year Charlie crept in the wrong direction! My knees are not happy! Need to go on deck & plant flowers in pots, BUT Fubby painted the part near the door!! Duh. I can get there anoter way, but up lots of steps.ouch..
Blue Angels are starting to fly, so off to see the show!!

NatureNut said...

Oh Dana, so sorry to hear about Ed's relative. I'm sure they are enjoying being together and smiling down on everyone. God Bless.

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals

sounds like some great Saturday plans going on for many

sorry for the loss in your family and prayers for comfort and strength for all

thanks for sharing Vicky's email with us, prayers for a recovery soon

magpie said...

my Megan Plants and my tomtato plants are gorging themselves on Vitamin D today
hope you get to market for Peonies Sunday, Jo

magpie said...

what a precious phone call that must have been to get from hubby when he landed yesterday

magpie said...

speaking of Vitamin D, Palmer is getting a good dose of it today too
sacked out now on siesta

magpie said...

hoping that Ceil's presentation day at the Aquarium today is going/went well today !

magpie said...

from the Wilmington DE falcon cam:
posted yesterday:

The eggs were removed today (May 14th) by the USFWS, to try to ascertain what went wrong...

The second male is still around, and we'll be observing their interactions

I've seen Ma Falcon in there a lot the last 24 hours
Wilmington DE Falcon Cam

magpie said...

bet Paula is enjoying herself today and catching up with some Gianni time ☺

Mema Jo said...

Quiet afternoon here... Getting ready to go out the door to 5:00 Mass.
Glad Palmer just raised her head - it looked like one of the sticks was laying on her.

magpie said...

My father would have been 101 years old today! He died Nov 13, 1989....
Sure he is part of the welcoming committee for Jim, Dana

magpie said...

Bye Jo
I'd rather go to Mass than work right about now !

Palmer has company now too
siesta is over
I think it could be chow time

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margy - I am hoping also that I get peonies tomorrow!

See you later........

magpie said...

if baby moon makes an appearance tonight remember it should be pointing its "horns" towards brilliant Venus, Westward, after dusk and for not too long thereafter

also should be a good ISS sighting hereabouts

BEagle or Kickngbird or whoever asked about which eagle has the white shoulder spot:
someone on here will come up with the answer...I can't remember!

Hope the rest of the day is a good one for everyone
worktime looms here, another 12 hours in the 911 tunnel
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

BEagle said...

Is that a woodpecker on the nest. Oh, it Palmer! Something caught in the beak and she just can't seem to shake it.

She is so close to the cam tree. Maybe she will remove spidey's web.

Don't know why she is preening so much, she is already pretty.

BEagle said...

I really should preview my comments. Those who read them might find it easier without all the typos. : )

I previewed this one. If there is a mistake, it would be in my grammar!

BEagle said...

Palmer is still at the tree. I wonder what has captured her interest there.

BEagle said...

Whatever was in the beak is gone now.

magpie said...

She knows we are watching BEagle
cute thought, she is always pretty, so why preen?

If you could click on my profile, and send me an email with your address I would like to send you the article about NCTC.

out the door now,
ttfn xox

BEagle said...

I wonder where Palmer will eventually fly off the nest. I think it will be at the 12 position.

BEagle said...

Palmer is still at the tree.
Maybe someone put a mirror on that tree when we weren't looking.

BEagle said...

I just checked on the PH nest. There was a hummingbird flitting on the far left side. It's gone now. It's amazing what you can see at these nests!

BEagle said...

Palmer is still at the tree. I don't think there's been much movement.

BEagle said...

Palmer's up and at the wing exercises again.


BEagle said...

Go Palmer Go!

BEagle said...

(Go...but not off the nest yet.)

BEagle said...

The wings outstretched. Whoooop

BEagle said...

I wonder how much those wings weigh.

BEagle said...

Wing flaps again. I like it when she lifts the feet out in front of her when flapping. : )

BEagle said...

Pausing for a break.....poking at a leaf.....

Mema Jo said...

Well Jim - Super Saver didn't do it.
Lookin At Lucky took the honor

Mema Jo said...

Being his usual nuisance - Spidey aka Boris is wide spread!

BEagle said...

Palmer must be doing a poop shoot over at the left of the nest. Boris just does NOT help matters.

BEagle said...

It's hard to tell. Maybe Palmer is on the perch place to the left.

Either that or she is the dark spot on the right. Oh, she moved. She is on the right.

Mema Jo said...

I'm off to do some odds and ends


BEagle said...

The PH nest has one heck of a big bird on it. Got to be a female eaglet. The other is napping. That one looks pint sized compared to the one standing.

BEagle said...

The TH twins have an adult with food on the nest. Those little ones are probably famished.

BEagle said...

There is something really strange on the Hornby nest. Looks like a prehistoric creature of the deep.
I think they are letting it ripen a while. Bleeccchhhh.

BEagle said...

I think the Hornby needs some greenery added to the nest, to cover that thing.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...