From a post by Sharon at 6:41 this am:
6:41 a.m. He is at the lauching pad. Been moving his wings a little bit, trying to get up the courage. Just back over to 9 o'clock and did a little poop shoot and then back to the lauching pad. Lightened that load a little bit! Oh my God, he just spread his wings out, he has the look. Nope, folded them back in! Doing a lot of flapping all over the nest. Back at the launching pad, looking around. Just moved a little closer to the edge. He wants to really bad! He is so close to the edge, his head gets out of camera range sometimes. He keeps spreading his wings out like he is going to and then back in. It is 6:50 now. A little head bopping going on. Camera freezing up a little bit. Wings back out. Now back in but head still bobbing. My heart is racing. Head keeps going out of view. 6:56 a.m. Wings back out. 6:58 a.m. SPUNKY HAS FLEDGED!!!
1 – 200 of 514 Newer› Newest»What can one say to follow that, God speed to our little friend, may his journey be blessed! Let us hope they all come back for a reunion. Imagine how happy he was to go be flying around with his older siblings! He wanted it so bad last night! Go Spunky Go!
I am so glad to see that play by play once again start this thread.
Here is the BLOG address to see Sppunky's Fledge,
I will update the website later today. I have emailed all eagle people who requested to stay on the list. Please let me know if you want added. YES I will also keep "Our group' notified of BLOG and WEbsite updates.
One of the best launches USA has ever seen in my opinion!!!
awesome to watch these eagles . hope they come back to sleep.
nancy of bethlehem, pa.
I have to tell you I was shaking like a leaf while trying to type that play by play. But like I said before, I knew the fledge was coming. It was sooo awesome. What a day. Still can't work for checking the blog!! Oh well, it will be all good!
Steven, could you go out and see if he is near the tree anywhere?
Wooooooo Hoooooooo
You did it Spunky!
If anyone has stills of Spunky at the launch or the very first minute of the empty nest, I would love those toofor the website. Geesh I don't want much LOL.
(((((Sharon)) Well if someone faithfully gets up with the roosters, to see the eagles, I am so glad we have "Our Sharon"!!!
Thanks Glo!
Rochele, our eaglets were not banded.
Spunky did make us proud-----launching on FLAG DAY-----We will all think of her every FLAG DAY-----I hope she SOARS for the 40 or so years she may live-----Thanks Sharon for the play-by-play---COOL---I really have enjoyed all you folks----the blogs--& the sharing----Do you all feel WE ARE FAMILY???Thanks to WV Gal, we can come back next year-----I am trying to sound brave, but I am going to cry now------just one more look?
EMPTY NEST THIS MORNING! Thank you Sharon for the wonderful post! I new after watching him yesterday that today would be the day and I got up to watch and after seeing the empty nest I ran to the blog to see what happened and there were your wonderful words!!! THEN, I ran to momsters website to see Glo's video and almost cried! I wish I lived near there to watch them fly. Can you imagine 5 eagles hanging out around one nest? What a sight that must be! Thank you lovely ladies and gents for a wonderful 4 months of joy!
Norma, Janice and anyone else bonded with these beautiful feathers attached to such unique little characters, don't go away. We aren't finished by any means. As Sharon would say "more to be revealed"!
I wonder how often or when Mom and dad will come ot the nest now. Will be interesting to see. AND how long it takes the fledglings to notice if lunch gets served there or somewhere else now. Since it took our Spunky a little longer to leave, it might take him longer to get back too. Man I hope they all stay in the area long enough for that. Only time will tell us for sure.
Of to coffee.
At least you gys can't lose Spunky while I'm gone this morning LOL
Blog was down for a little bit. I feel so out of touch with everybody being gone.
Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?
Not behind the trunk anymore!
I'm so proud of our little Spunky...and so sad :( Sharon thanks for the play by play. Heading over to see the video now.
Where is Spunky
sob/sob/sob......... hope he comes back for a visit so we know he's fine!
Okay, Steve, this is the question I have not been wanting to ask. When will the camera be shut down?
I have followed the progress of these blessed little eaglets from eggs to fledglings, and I have to say that it has touched me in a very special way.
Thank you all for taking the time and resources to provide us such an excellent opportunity to witness the one of the miracles of life on our great planet.
To the eagles, may God speed. I wish them all the best in life and I hope they soar gloriously for decades to come.
Where are Jo and Nilla today? We miss you!! We need you to cry with us too!
Thank you for your wonderful post on Spunky's first flight.
Man this is nOT a good day for Blogger to act up. Well off to work here. Will read the comments at lunch.
You are welcome Paula. I just knew it was coming!! Somebody should have been here getting a video of me doing that. I am sure it was a funny sight!!
someone is home...looks like Big boy to me
Somebody just came back, InBetween or BigBoy one.
Aha, a visitor!
Somebody just came back, InBetween or BigBoy one.
I think it was big boy. sent it BUT it didn't publish...sigh... Anyway several of us saw someone stop by to say HI
Looked like it was Big Boy
Thanks to Steve, the NCTC staff, and all the bloggers for providing me with an up close and personal look into the wonders of God. I feel so fortunate to be able to share with Mother Nature! I'm still "raising" the panda cub at the National Zoo, and now there are three new tiger cubs to "raise". Oh, and I still need to work everyday, and it gets in the way of my mothering duties! It's been a pleasure "knowing" all of you, and I look forward to next year. God bless.
LOL Oh there it is kind of a slow respone ..
Man is that Spunky back I really think it could be
Parent came with a fish!!! too.
Is that Spunky getting his reward?
I think that is Spunky back at the nest, 2nd one to arrive
2 are back! 9:00 a.m. Central Time!
How cool is that LOL Off to work I'm late!!!
Couldn't be Spunky, could it?
Morning Gang, When i open the live cam and saw NO Spunky the tears started to flow, Now there are 2 back in the nest.. Crying tears of Joy now..lol Guess Spunky couldnt wait til my birthday July 1st so gave me an early present..
He arrived too late to be the first one at the fish...probably having a little trouble navigating...but not bad for first flight....
Mom we need more fish for Spunky!
More food just arrived and there is fighting over it. Sure do wish the third one would come in so we would know for sure!!
And right on cue, thanks Mom for bringing Spunky his reward!
Paula, ask and you shall receive!!
The nest was full at 10:05 aparent flew in and off.. Wow this is so exciting yet sad. Waves at Sharon.. Where is Jo? Better call her im thinking..lol
Spunky’s New Tune – Revised June 14, 2006
Where is Spunky, Where is Spunky,
In the air, In the air
Soaring like an eagle
Oh however graceful
See me fly, In the sky
WOW!! I was just thinking about an entry, but I looked at the video instead, AND both male eaglets are back already, including Spunky, of course!!
Then "The Dad" brought some more food in for them...
I bet the parent birds are glad to be moving on to the next step in the process.
Well, I don't know how much interplay we will have in future, but thanks to all you for your dedication to watching during the days and filling us in on the HAPS.
Have a great day...still have somebody in the nest.
This si Glo posting from work. So did we get all 3 back to the nest together? Did anyone get that shot too LOL. I had to check this quickly before I do anything productive for anybody LOL.
Quite a Day!!!
10:10 one took off couldnt tell which one, could have been Big Boy.. My this is a happy day and sad day, the falcon's are fledging also.. Many tears flowing this morning especially seeing the empty nest.
Paula, Paula, Paula, that song is wonderful!!!
From an Eagle's View
Have you ever wondered what it's like to fly free,
To see the world as far as the eye can see,
To view the surroundings from high and from low,
To hear only the sound of a distant echo,
To float in the air with the wind being your guide,
To admire many rainbows that the trees tend to hide,
To see the misty mornings over a beautiful mountaintop,
To glide over a flowing river that never seems to stop,
To watch the animals from over a mile away,
Or to rise above the treetops that glisten in the day?
If you were an eagle you would wonder no more,
For it can see things you have never seen before.
Next time you look into the sky of blue,
Think of what it's like from an eagle's view
Now is this really the Spunkster or not. I am not completely convinced it is!!
Empty nest again???
Nest Empty Again!
Empty nest again.
Nilla, that's a beautiful poem, I'm putting it on the group site
Nilla, I love the poem!
Paula, great new version of the song!
Yes Sharon Spunky was definitely back and got something to eat albeit leftovers. Big Boy doesn't think he needs to share, and well breakfast is breakfst. if anyone caught stills of the full nest etc. Please send them to me. Please and thanks. Nilla
Wow what a great 4 month adventure I'm so glad I was told about this site!!! So sad to see an empty nest, yet so happy all are doing what eagles do!!!!! I'll be watching for reunions! And maybe get some work done !!!!
Okay, I am ready for another visit. Getting humdrum around here. I still can't get any work done for checking the blog, which is very slow today!!
I am here - took me quite some time to read all the beautiful blog comments. If I didn't have this oxygen hookup, this breathtaking event would have done me in! I stayed up 'til about 2am with the little guy - he was nervous throughout the night - trying so hard to rid himeself of the baby white feathers.You werer right MITA! Guess he did a real good job since he is out of there. I just knew that I would see an empty nest this morning. Afterall, we voted him out of there. I need to express my gratefulness to Barb/Paula for having our support group in place on the Eaglet Momsters site. Empty Nest Sydrome is going to be hard. Paula - please publish (add) the verse to our Spunky song! Great! Nilla-The poem brought more tears! Good timing & a great selection! Sharon-Glo: what can I say that would give the 2 of you all the credit you deserve with your participation on this site - and hopefully more to come! You 2 need to get your heads together now & write our book! You both are exceptional! Steve W.-I bet you're proud as a 'peacock' (eagle) having been a part of all of this with all your knowledge! Steve C. - you're my friend! Get that scope & check out that Sycamore! Give us some info about all 5 soaring around that tree. To everyone on this site: WE HAVE BONDED ! BIG TIME ! The past months have been awesome! LOL Jo-MD
Got an e-mail from Jo or should i say e-mail's..lol She is having trouble getting on the blog, but sharing these wonderful moments with all us eaglemom's in spirit for now.. I myself also having trouble with blog and i am on cable, must be because of storms heading my way this afternoon, so the kids are in for a rough evening and night of rain here according to weather reports. Glo i did not get all 3 in the nest as i had customers in my store at that time sorry. Oh Jo went to preview this and saw your here welcome home!!!
Jo, we truly have bonded. This has been one of the most awesome times of my life. Mother Nature at her absolute finest. To whoever had the original brainstorm to hire a tree company to climb way up in a sycamore tree and install a camera so the unsuspecting soon-to-be eaglet addicts could watch this family grow from 2 adults and 3 eggs to the most beautiful site I have ever seen, thank you and GOD BLESS YOU!! This will be instilled in my memory forever and hopefully will have many more memories to come. Fellow bloggers, would love to have a face-to-face meeting sometime at a neutral point for most of us. We are truly buddies now!!
Man i just feel like singing "Oh Happy Day" "Oh Happy Day" When "All OUR eagles soared, flying high above the clouds, seeing all the wonders of this beautiful land,hoping they can feel the love and devotion us mom's have for them. Bring Them back safe dear Lord and hold them in your hand, glide them to safety and out of harm's way. Growing strong with each passing day, knowing in our hearts they will survive because of "ALL THE MOTHERS LOVE WE HAVE FOR THEM INSIDE" WOW those words just kinda poured from my finger tips when i typed but i love to write poem's or atleast try..lol
I have seen a bird flying under the nest. Wish one would land in the nest.
Nilla, that was absolutely beautiful. I bet no eagles anywhere have more love and more prayers prayed for them. I can just fill the spirit abounding!!
PS, Nilla, I however, am not a poet. Not even close.
Me too Sharon. I'm feeling seriously lonely right now.
Nilla....you have a gift of words. Beautifully written.
I just think this is a crummy day for BLOGGER to be giving us problems to. OR is it just me, as my computer at work is always slow. AND I am printing an 8 page newsletter to 3000 people right now so machines are pretty busy in an old building!!! LOL
Thank You, sometimes the words just flow from me like i said. I have written poems for my sister who passed away in November of cancer and had them in her honor in the newspaper also. One was called "If Only I could Bring You Back Again" I was with her at her passing and know in my heart she is in a better place without pain. But now we can look forward to next year and more babies to fret over..lol
Now the live feed is gone. We will get it back or is it over?
I will be out of here until around 2pm. Talk with you all later - LOL
Nooooooooo, it can't possibly be over already can it? Surely we'll get to wait and wonder if some of our kids are going to pop back in for a visit.
Talk about cold turkey withdrawal... I guess we'll have the still cam for a little while longer.
Ya know, every time I see an eagle fly now I'll wonder if it's Spunky, In-Between or Big Boy......
Sharon: Too soon to be OVER ! I'm not ready for that yet. Got to see one more time of all 3 in the nest. Email Steve or get WVA Gal on it!
Me too Sandy. I would think they would wean us from the live feed instead of the "cold turkey" thing! Hope!
I have emailed Steve and will let you know if I hear anything back!
I cant get live feed up neither!!! Oh i dont think they would be that cruel to just take it way like that. Steve HELP we need to have them taken from us SLOWLY!! SORTA LIKE AN INTRAVENOUS DRIP OK.. SLOWLY...lol
OK..I am officially pathetic.
I have wandered all over the web looking at pictures from March till now of our babies. I have relived the whole experience from unhatched eggs to fledging eaglets. I keep coming back here hoping to catch a glimpse of one of them.
So, when is it that mom and dad will come back to start working on the nest again? January.....
no live feed here either!!!
no live feed here either!!!
30 second cam is up but not live feed. Have Harrisburg Falcon cam up also and seen some have flew back to ledge.. Aaaaahhhhh taking a deep breath.Nest was still empty, but think of all there eyes are seeing. Smiles
Okay I am going to take a poll on here. How many people feel just overwhelmed when you look at that bare, empty nest. Makes me so sad!!
Right there with ya Sharon. Overwhelmed and sad.... very sad. I have had these guys on my screen at work since early March...now there's just an empty nest. sigh
A difficult, yet joyous sight....
Me Me Me..lol i keep looking... then take it down thinking... yeah i will bring it up and see the nest with "OUR" Kids there..lol Beleive me when i saw that empty nest this morning. i said to myself "OH MY OH MY" my heartached and tears started flowing as i said before..
What a wonderful 4 months that God chose to grant us with the eagle family. I thank God for the privilege of viewing it and for the NCTC Staff. God will reward you as you continue to be good stewards of His creation. Thanks again mauley grantoeight donna cox
Just thinking 1 good thing is im so close 20 minutes i can drive over and HOPEFULLY see them soaring the clear blue skies. Not today..lol i am working til 10 pm tonight. Nest still so empty at 12:42 pm.. isnt it lunch time they should be coming back..lol
WV Gal,
Yes, Spunky did come back, and he got his reward - a nice big fish!
That is what is believed but I will truly believe it in my heart when I see all three back together. It looked like him, more white feathers so it probably was him. Then he flew off again and we haven't seen anybody since.
I was just looking at the falcon cam and there is 1 baby there. That place is such a nasty mess.
Also checked in on the osprey cam in CT with Papa Smurf overseeing operations. Momma looks a bit calmer today and baby is looking straight into the camera. It is so cool.
Nilla, I am sorry for the loss of your sister, something inside of me tells me she has the best view of the eagles and is soaring with them. The poem was beautiful and so heartfelt.God Bless The WVA Eagle Family. God Bless all of you! And God Bless America, where the eagles soar free!
Nilla, I lost my father to cancer almost 4 years ago (6/26/2002). I too was with him when he passed. Grateful to have had the time I did with him. We will take all the poetry from you that you want to share. I love it!!
Nilla.....same here. I lost my mother to breast cancer in 1993. She would have LOVED this eaglet experience. Come to think of it, she's probably been here the whole time.
write on. Your words are heartfelt and lovely
Sharon, you are right Momma Osprey looks more relaxed today. That's one cute chick. Several times I have seen Dad bring home the meal and beak feed Mom, while she sits on baby osprey..What a man.....
Mits, I wonder where I could find a man like that?
Sharon, I hear they are out there, I've got one. but he doesn't bring dinner home and beak-feed me.
Mama Osprey at Blackwater is shielding 4 chicks thru the rains on the Eastern Shore, much like our Mama did here.
Don't they realize that there entire fan club is waiting for them to make a return appearance.
Paula, I just checked that out, she doing a good job of being an umbrella, while Dad stands watch. Before I went to that cam, I stopped by their eagle-cam and one of the eagles was having lunch at the nest, don't know if it was a parent or one of the fledglings. The still visit the nest and they all fledged weeks ago.
If Only I Could Bring You Back Again Linda Marie Lee
May 10, 1949 ---- November 21, 2005
If only I could build a stairway to heaven, And memories were a lane, I would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.
If only I could pick up the phone and say to you “Hey Linda Marie” Knowing you would laugh and say “ Hey Janet Louise”
If only that cold rainy November day, some how I could have made you stay. Now in heaven setting with mom, Give her a big hug for me. Your beautiful singing voice can be heard thoughout the clouds above.
If only I could have made you stay, but kissed your forhead and said goodbye. So I held your hand also and told you to rest… Yes rest my sister rest on high.
If only I could bring you back again…Different lifes pathes we did take…But a sisters bond even death can not break.
Written With All My Love Your Sister Janet....Always Loved and Missed By Family and Friends
For All Who Have Lost Loved Ones and shared with me, Nilla
Nilla, God bless you. That was absolutely beautiful and made me cry again today. I haven't cried this much in a while!!
I THANK YOU Steve, NTC, What a great educational ride it has been and it enhanced each and every day watching the eaglets become live symbols of freedom.
Dont cry for we shall see loved ones again one day .. Big Smile Now be happy and keep an eye on the nest okay? lol i was thinking we should have given them a curfew to be home....lol
I think they should have to report for supper with the whole family around 5 p.m. and then be back snug in their beds before dark (so we can see them all clearly).
Thanks from me too, Nilla.
I wish they would come back for a visit about now......
I was just watching the osprey cam in CT again. It made me think about when our babies were the lankiest little things. Couldn't hardly stand up, clumsy and now look at them today!! God's miracles abound!!
Can't believe those little buggers haven't returned yet...they must all 3 be having a ball out there, flying around together, squawking at each other..."Watch me"..."No, No, watch me".....
To bad Nilla can't run down and check out the skies over our tree...
Bet she'd see a sight!
You know it is no wonder people don't catch many fish anymore. Just watching the osprey cam again. All these daggone birds are getting them all!! LOL. Steve are you out there!! What is happening?
Oh my i would love nothing better than jumping in the car and riding over, but i am at work til 10 pm tonight. But tomarrow i WILL have time to go over, and hopefully see them in the sky with the wind beneath their wings... Smile.. Glo where you at?
Nilla, of course you must report back after you go. We're having withdrawal symptoms here.
Surely they'll come visit before then......I hope.
LOL Nilla I'm at work In IL long way away. Having severe withdrawal here. OH and the poem you wrote for the eagles..Keep it in a very safe easy to get to place. Or just give me permission to use it in a way that will honor both you and our eagles and I will cut and paste. I have plans for the poem.
And NOT to make us all sad again BUT
IS 40:31 was the scripture verse for my husbands' funeral 9 years ago now. I lost him to colon cancer. I am still not old enough to draw Soc Sec. and I have that "tears and memory" on a plaque in my living room right next to the beautiful framed eagle picture he got for his Ordination gosh way back in the 80's. . Vickie My husband pastored a church in Oakwood IL in the late 80's. That's how I know about the commode races LOL. It's a small small world.
Yes go tomorrow and check on our little buddies and of course their wonderful parents!!
back to work awfully busy day here today!! Really it is LOL
Empty Nest.. Empty Nest so high in that big ol locust tree in the sky..We watched as your limbs held our nest of eggs, giving us much joy on the birth..With the season's came wind and rain and leaves that sometimes hide our eaglets.. The learning process we came to endure as you learned what you need to survive. With each day we watched you grow and then the time came we watched you go. The tears came and took a breath.. Thinking to myself this is your big test.. Spread those wings and see all to see, but remember there are MANY Eaglemoms who are worried and love thee.. Hurry back and let us know your doing fine,, then we can rest and think of the laughter and tears for along time. The nest is empty,but next year we will have more to see, a new family to watch and keep us from our work, but Lord knows we all would not have missed this special event that entertained, taught us, enlightened us,and most of all made us close friends.
Glo, you might be a long way away geographically but we are all together in spirit today for sure!! -- Even Geula from Israel!!
Glo the 1st one i did not write you can find afew beautiful poems at www.baldeagleinfo.com but "From An Eagles View" just seemed so right for this special day.. LOL any other of my rantings you can have gladly.. Things pop in my head and off i go fingers flying on the key board.. All the others was my imagination with words..lol
Okay Steve. Are you all feeding us the same picture over and over on the still shots? This has been a lot of hours with nobody in the nest.
Okay, Steve. You all might not be feeding us the same picture but it is stuck on 2:11 p.m.
What are we going to do when they close the site? I can't imagine they would leave the cam on with nothing to watch...and that means this blog will go away too! Maybe we should start an OspreyCam blog?
You know what -- I think I will!
I'll let you know when I get it set up!
Bird Girl
p.s. I am a cancer survivor, almost 9 years now :-)
I emailed Steve about the camera being stuck. Hopefully we can at least get that fixed. WV Gal, you could call whoever you call too.
Okay, we are not getting current feed. SOMEBODY HELP. We need to at least see if they come back!!
Ok i am going to call over also..Duhhhh it's a local call for me and see whats going on with the camera.
Maybe I misunderstood, but wasn't there a comment by Steve on here last night about just swithcing to some other wildlife topic right here. He will miss us you know LOL AND If we stick around my guess is an occasional eagle sighting too . I could be worng, feels like I saw it nOT with but soon after that beautiful aquatic picture he posted.
Thanks Nilla.
Everybody could just come to Bluefield. We can sit and watch my birds on my roof and reminisce. Sure do wish they would get that camera back up.
Sharon, you're in Bluefield? Wow, small world. I'm about 1.5 hours south of you on the NC/VA border. Go up 77 to Ohio all the time to visit hubby's family.
Did you go to NCTC?
Sandy, I did not get to go to NCTC. Too far for me at that time! I hated it. Would love to have gone but maybe next time.
*sigggghhhh* empty nest..... come back birdies for dinner and visit!
Anonymous, we need the camera to come back first!! Stuck on 1 1/2 hours ago!!
It's official! I have created the Nest Watchers Club blog! I haven't finished dinking around with it, so give me some time to get it setup.
Here's the address:
Bird Girl
Ok i called and talked to a very nice lady named MARY she said Steve is out of town and explained Us Mothers are having with drawls.. she laughed and said she would call and see if someone could reset it .. If not Steve will be back tomarrow.. sigh
Get that camera up & running! I'm not ready to go to the 'fish blog'.
I cannot imagine anything happening differently during the last few months that could have made our experience anymore perfect then it was. Well, except to see all 3 one more time in that nest! All of us have so many emotions to remember - to think that an eagle family of 5 could do that for us is remarkable. Always remember to Keep the Faith on a daily basis. Life is good - make it good for others. Take time to live life! CELEBRATE!!!
Sharon, next time I'll drive to Bluefield and we'll go together. How bout that?
I have been watching all day after I saw Spunky fledge. I also saw a fleging come back within an hour followed immediately by a parent with food and than another sib. I think the first was Spumky (looked smaller). Have been hoping they will continue the live feed for a while longer.............pleaseeeee. But thanks to Steve and to all who made it possible for us to watch these last months, We are all happy and sad and would love seeing the family return to the nest a few more times....with LIVE FEED. A Md. Girl
And do random acts of kindness without telling anybody you did it! Kind of like paying it forward!!
Nilla, call Mary back and tell her we can't possibly wait until tomorrow. There has to be somebody there that knows how to reset it.
Oh, loved that movie.
yes, Sharon - Boasting is for fools -As long as you yourself know what you do - that is enough because somebody up there knows it too. LOL
If everybody would live like that (Pay it Forward) think of how awesome this world would be!!
Sharon can i gather up Jo and bring her also?? LOL I love to drive and i am off for 5 days every other wknd. I watching a cam that had barn owls..lol Oh yesterday at HERSHEY PARK they have a very nice zoo also and saw quite a few birds, but of course i got to talking with people and had to tell them about "OUR" EAGLES also.. My ex use to say i would talk to a shoe string..lol
Just sent an email to the Eagle Cam address & will let you know if I get any response. It worked once before when Steve was out of the office. Cross your fingers!
That's probably why he is an 'ex' - Sure didn't appreciate your talents enough! I can't talk to shoestrings... LOL
If they don't get that cam up, we will have to "cold turkey" it
Hey There, Kathy 0717 : Was wondering where you were - you're usually the early bird on this site. Glad you're here.
Okay, I can't stand this. I have to at least have the chance to see them if they come back.
I miss them too Kathy.Terribly! I'm leaving work in a few and won't be near a computer for several hours.
PLease, please, IF they get the camera fixed keep good notes. I probably won't be back till 9pm ish Eastern time.
Sharon please dont take the Thorazine, i experianced it once in hospitol for migrains and wow i was out of it for 2 days couldnt even hold my head up.. My poor preacher came to see me and Lord knows what i told him..lol Jo good luck on getting help with cam restored.
Nilla, I am going to have to do something if we don't get something happening here pretty soon. I know it will be cut off completely one day but we need a warning of when that date is so we can be a little more prepared!!
I would love it if you guys came down here!
OK so these are now hard times!!! WE do have a support group in place though.
Step 1
I am powerless over these silly cameras and my day has become unmanageable.
OK now denial is a problem so first you have to accept that you are in fact powerless and unmanageable.
Just look back over the blogs and pictures and web sites of Glo's and the other's and smile knowing in your heart that they are okay and lovin life out in the wild blue yonder.. smile
Glo, there is absolutely no doubt that I am powerless and unmanageable. It is the surrender I am having a hard time with. :)
Thank God it is a "WE" thing and I am not going through this by myself. Would be a really lonely place!
Step 2: We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity!
That power would have to be somebody at NCTC that could reset the camera. Then I would not be insanely looking for the camera to update!! :)
More we all will never truely know their fate in life, Only the Good Lord will know and if they all are safe he will give us peace, and abig warm fuzzy feeling in our hearts.
Maybe that little rascal Spunky knocked the still-cam off???
OK OR Is that power going to nned to be a Higher Power somewhere on the inside of someone at NCTC who will feel that "NUDGE" that says Go hit the reset button Please please. We need this tonight. Someone can do this OR find out how to do it!!! yes they can.
Sounds good Glo. Lets send out that message by mental telepathy and see if it works!! They really should have already received it through mental telepathy!! God knows I have been thinking it!!
OK going to pull myself away from here long enough to eat the chinese my son brought me for dinner while its hot. Go figure i asked him for 2 chili dogs with onions n mustard i get chinese..lol Gota love them kids, well he is 26. LATER
Pleeeeaaaaasssseeee....fix the camera....I am powerless and addicted and going thru Eaglet Empty Nest Syndrome (EENS)....a new affliction recently discovered that affects cam watchers after the eaglets fledge.....
Nest Watchers is ready now! I have posted three pictures from the CT Ospreys to get us started!
It's 2 :11 Do you know where the eaglets are?
NO because its NOT 2:11
At this rate they will be soaring all night even if we had thought to give them a curfew
Sigh gr-r-r--r
ooops sorry about that Dexter just hates it when I get upset. Down boy. OK I know I'll take my dogs for a walk, That has definitely helped something exciting to happen before. maybe just maybe if I step away for a while!!!
Oh and The website is also working today. Its got a picture of Spunky 3 secs before take off that links to his fledge video. Thanks again to a gal from the momsters group named Bobby for the still shot, and our Sharon for the Fraps video.
website is
remember....this si the tricky part. Blogger drops off the end of this url
be sure the url address ends wwith /grammy's.html
You will need to type in a couple of letters to make it work.
Email me and I will send direct link oR there is a link running off of the Momsters Yahoo group.
We are connected
well to everything except a camera...it appears!!! Gr-r-r-
OK Dex I'm comin!!
Ok im going to call over to NCTC once again and maybe i can get someone to refresh or do what ever needs to be done to get this camera working for us. By the way the chinese hot chicken will give me heart burn, I will be eating Rolaids and drinking Alka Seltzer's for the rest of the night, anyone feeling sympathy for me????? lol brb with news of phone call
I feel really sorry for you Nilla. I don't get heartburn anymore because I had gastric bypass and my parts don't work the way they used to. Let us know what you find out from NCTC. Tell them it is horrible around here!
Ok here is the scoop, this time talked to a guy named Bob, he said live cam is up there at center and working fine. Its a computor glitch that feeds the live cam to us that needs a boot i suppose. Grrrr OK this isnt fair.. SOMEONE GIVE THAT SYSTEM A BOOT!!!!
Nilla, I have one word for you: PRILOSEC. It has been my miracle drug of choice for heartburn.
CRAP!! ON THE LIVE FEED!!! Can he give us a blow by blow of what he sees for the rest of the night?
Thanks Mits i have that at home not here at work..lol Hiatal Hyernia (spelling is wrong i think) and Esoftagist(knows that wrong spelling but sounds like it..lol) I had my gall bladder out few years back you think i wouldnt have this problem.. Anyways i will survive.. I just get worried when i have attacks because my mother died of stomach cancer also at age 29 when i was 10. That was May 29th, 1957, ya know all the years and all the research you think they would have found a cure in 49 years HUH??? billions or trillions of dollars and no cure.. i think about that often..Opps told my age..lol
Even if we could get the 30 sec delay ..we could survive. We survived all weekend like that!!!
Tell Bob to reset the 30 sec delay!!
this is bonnie in va, 30 sec delay is up
Of course we all know that the Live Cam at NCTC NEVER goes down. Want to go camp out in the front lobby of NCTC anyone???
Okay Nilla, as I am a medical transcriptionist, I will help you out with the spelling -- hiatal hernia and esophagitis!
Absolutely, the 30 second delay would be absolutely perfect at this stage of the game.
It's up BUT look at the time on it. It is not current. False alarm!
Nilla, you and I have they exact same problems.... I remember in 1958 a Doctor told my Mom if her sister could just hang on, (she had breast cancer), that a cure for this disease was just around the corner....49 years later, its still around, must have been a long corner. Hang in there this too will pass.
Bonnie in VA, the 30 second delay is stuck on 2:11 p.m. Not up!!
Now if I lived close to NCTC, I would be very willing to go and type play-by-play moments of the entire evening. I like doing that.
I have to say that I am a little bothered by the fact that my post this morning (on the main page) has a typographical error in it. I hate that. I know that launching is spelled that way but was too nervous to spell check it before I sent it!!
Sharon you are forgiven for the sp. error which I doubt nobody even picked up on. Sometimes we can read between the letters......... Your commentary was GREAT!
Thank you Jo, now I just have to forgive myself. If, however, you look on Glo's site, I fixed it before I posted it on there!!
Sharon First of all your human Mom emotion is a plus NOT a minus to that play by play....I cahallenge anyone to have done it any better.
It has been stuck at 2:11 forever and ever...
Now the good news is it didn't get stuck BEFORE the fledge.. If you think you feel crazy now...Imagine if we didn't have a clue all day if he had fledged or not!!! Unthinkable!!!
This is Bonnie again.. I just wanted to say thank you to Steve, all of the NCTC staff, Sharon,Glo,and Nilla loved your poem just Beautiful. I have watch since she layed the first egg and to be able to watch Mother Nature at her best has been just awesome. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for all your haed work keeping this alive. Hopefully someone will be able to get the live feed back and the delay on the right time going soon.
God bless you all,
Great to always look on the bright side - we can't forget to count all our blessings. I remember Steve C. stating that the Eagle Cam would remain operating for awhile after all this excitment. I can't imagine that someone can't REBOOT that thing!!
LOL Jo i am game come on,, we could use all those unbrellas in the door way because its suppose to really rain tonight..lol I am lucky to spell anything sometimes my mind just goes blank , but i have had 3 TIA's (mini strokes) so i have come along way baby..lol Alittle wrong spellin is good for ya makes u use ur mind..lol
I just know if we could see, that all of them are probably in the nest. Sun shining on them, maybe resting from the hard day's work. Nilla, did you ask Bob if he had see any of them today?
Why is that Steve has to be out on important days like this? He should know that we need him there every day cause he is the MAN!!
Thanks Bonnie.
This has been such a great thrill for me. I have driven everybody I know nuts with this. If they just had a clue what we have formed here!! They are the losers for sure!!
Did you hear that Steve. You're the man. call Bob and tell him how to reset the time delay camera!1 Pleas eif you read me, could you. Well you know we are gonna be on here some tonight unless we blow this bLOG thread....not like we would ever do that. AND we will be back in the morning help us!!!!
I JUST FREAKED OUT! I thought for 3 minutes that we did blow the blog page! I could not get it up - just a blank page - talk about heart attack.
REMEMBER: If this blog blows, everyone head over to Eaglet_Momsters so we can communicate. That's the plan!!
I feel beat & would feel defeated if you all weren't out there!
just checked out osprey cam in Conn, and Mom and baby look like they are waiting for Dad to bring carry-out. Your remark this a.m.,Sharon, about no fish to catch, I think was right on. Yesterdays catch looked to be a very large rock fish.
LOL.. speaking of driving us nuts Sharon Naaaaaa for me wouldnt be along drive only a short ride around the block... I think i have covered just about every subject today in this blog trying to keep everyone ( as have many) focus and keep the faith.. okie dokie? Ya dont want me to sing to you..lol "She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain " is my favorite..LMAO Jo hit it darlin Ah 1 Ah 2 Ah 3
My favorite is You Are My Sunshine!
or FREE BIRD ! Love that one...
Freebird was my class song!! I loved it. Never dreamed I would become so nuts over birds 26 years later.
Okay, it has officially taken me 12 1/2 hours to get my 8 hours worth of work in and we haven't even seen eagles since early this morning!!
I just tried to place a hex on the live cam - but it didn't work....BooHoo.
Yeehawww Jo , Ima pickin , your a grinin. Jo i will only dance with Sharon if she lets me lead..lol <~~~ very tired and gettin silly
Nilla, I will let you lead!!
Got to get away from this computer for a little while but will be back on shortly as now I have to work real overtime!! I think next year I will use an alias on here just in case my supervisor ever gets on here.
Well it's not our little family but this is a National Geographic site IF Blogger posts it right and it has sights and sounds. Gonna watch and listen while I eat some supper. Hope it will work if some of you want to take a peak. Supposed to be beautiful
OK It drops the end of the addresss too. so cut and paste previous entry and then make sure the end looks like this
Good luck.
Glo, tried it, could not get it????
*sigh* still no thirty second delay cam huh? darn it. I was hoping to see if spunky made a return visit. I hope they fix it. :(
mits email me if you want to I will send you the link. Unless you are alreadyon my Eagle People mailing list...then you have a link on the way.
I watched while I ate supper. it is a neat spot. I know this BLOGGER chopping up the url addresses makes it difficult!!!
My email is gkeeslar@sbcglobal.net
Now surely Steve has gotten home and checked his mail or had voice messages from someone telling him about Spunky this morning. Steve we NEED the live cam or i am going to be setting in NCTC lobby tomarrow with Jo watching from there!!!lol And you can buy breakfast..
Hey--I have been out this afternoon---I just got in & have been reading all these beautiful comments you all have posted----You all are a loving, sharing, caring group--when my kids (3) were small, we had a saying we always said to each other when something nice happened::"I AM GLAD I MARRIED YOU"-----Well fellow eagletmonsters----I am glad I married you all-----I think I am getting a "wee bit" sentimental----Take care---
Norma, we have all been to extremes today - sentimental to silly to aggravated to sentimental again. I am glad we all married each other!!
I have an idea. Steve can review the closed circuit tomorrow - all missed hours, and give us the play by play. I am sure in his spare time he can do that!! Hey, I thought it was a good idea! :)
Thanks, GLO, I e-mailed you...I'm always looking for new sites.
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