Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wednesday June 14

From a post by Sharon at 6:41 this am:

6:41 a.m. He is at the lauching pad. Been moving his wings a little bit, trying to get up the courage. Just back over to 9 o'clock and did a little poop shoot and then back to the lauching pad. Lightened that load a little bit! Oh my God, he just spread his wings out, he has the look. Nope, folded them back in! Doing a lot of flapping all over the nest. Back at the launching pad, looking around. Just moved a little closer to the edge. He wants to really bad! He is so close to the edge, his head gets out of camera range sometimes. He keeps spreading his wings out like he is going to and then back in. It is 6:50 now. A little head bopping going on. Camera freezing up a little bit. Wings back out. Now back in but head still bobbing. My heart is racing. Head keeps going out of view. 6:56 a.m. Wings back out. 6:58 a.m. SPUNKY HAS FLEDGED!!!


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NillaWafer said...

Ok Steve heres the deal.. YOU GET THIS WORKING and I will make you the best melt in your mouth homemade apple pie you ever tasted!!! Or your choice of If NOT its going to be chocolate brownies with Exlax..LMAO Now the question is "DEAL OR NO DEAL?"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That sounds like a wonderful deal to me, Nilla. That is so funny. ROFLMAO.

Glo, I just went to the national geographic site. That was wonderful. I would mess myself if I would even see 1 eagle in the wild, much less hundreds!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay NCTC! I am just not feeling the love here. Not at all.

Have you ever heard a more desperate plea from a bunch of desperate eaglet momsters in your life. Desperately seeking relief here!!

Anonymous said...

Bring on the pie. My mouth is watering for it. I bet the NCTC all went out to celebrate the succesful fledgeings....

NillaWafer said...

Glo please can i have the National Geographic web site again? I have dishnetwork and pay alot of money just to get that channel on

Anonymous said...

How long do you think this blog will last before it comes crashing down?????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We will just have to test the blog. Remember if it goes down, go to Yahoo.

glo said...

Nilla email me and I will send you a direct link It is so much easier. I might have your email, but some of you have really strange LOL email addresses so i can't tell who is who.

Sharen Have you seen my sights and sounds BLOG I have on I think it the March archive of Journey to Elia...You can't count them. What an awesome experience for me Up close. i will NEVER forget it as long as I live. I can send a link or post it directly here whatever if you like.

glo said...

OK About half way down the page is the eagle stuff. Of course the whole page is wonderful BLOG news BUT

pictures I took of the eagles, and two videos...Sights and sounds and he went Right in Front of Me.

Remember blogger will probably cut off some of the address.

Just click on Glo Fine Elias Journey to go home BLOG and click on March will find some of my personal experiences with eagles.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I have seen your blog on that. I spent hours looking through the journey to Elia and also the eagles. That was early on in this journey. It is absolutely wonderful. I really would have messed myself then!! How is Elia? I bet she is growing and jamming!! Yeah for you all!!

NillaWafer said...

Ok here is my e-mail yada yada yeah im a redhead hence the moments of lapsed memory..just alittle different from a blonde, i never tryed to put cereal together for a picture puzzle..

Anonymous said...

That National Geographic expose on the bald eagles was great! Loved the shot of the eagle squaring off with the fox on the beach. This is one magnificent bird.

glo said...

Well Sharon You could go to Oakwood and get in a few practice runs with Commode racing and then....You could come to visit me in the spring and we'll go see the eagles. Except this year it was like maybe a dozen in the marina area where I go. I don't really know why. Not nearly as many.

Elia is going to be 1 year old next Wed. I am flying out to celebrate her birthday and baby dedication middle of next week. Even though I spent a few hours with her at the orphanage, this will be so much different. I can hardly wait!!! She is absolutely a pleasure and huge Blessing to all of our lives!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, and that eagle looked a lot fiercer than that fox. It was amazing. That photographer is good.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm being careful how much I I was on here and I write some truly nice stuff about (i'm laughing at myself) everyone. I think I memtioned God once too many times also. What happened wasn't a very HAPPY moment...I clicked the "Publish" button and the page turn black came back with a page say "error on National Conservation Blog"...
I had to restart everything and finally I'm back .... I've loved reading all the comments in here while the "feed is STUCK" time 2:11 for hours upon hours.... Steve....John......or Brad....hopefully these wonderful NCTC people will fix it and the "live feed" for tommorrow....remember live feed is suppose to stay up for a few more days to a week.....I have that conversation recorded on my phone Steve C. (not really) lol.
Now it's saying West_Va_gal not found "I here I here really I'm here I do exsist....oh no I'm on the extinct list yekkkkkkkkkkk

Anonymous said...

Well I got carried away lol

glo said...

LOL W. VA gal I understand completely!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Glo that was absolutely the most fantastic video ever. Not saying ours wasnt but to see all those birds together, breath taking. Hearing the sounds and knowing "OUR" KIDS MADE THOSE SOUNDS WE NEVER HEARD.. maybe next year we can have sound Thank You So Very Much, Hugs, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Glo can you email me the National Georgraphic site I can't get to it.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU,GLO for all the neat stuff you sent. It is so greatly appreciated, more than you will ever know.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Has this not been such a trying day? My butt is worn out from sitting in this chair since 5:45 this morning. Still sitting here working because I was just a little distracted today. It is all your all's fault. LOL. I think I will start work at my usual 7 a.m. since THERE IS NOTHING TO LOOK AT! What a glorious thing it was to see the little Spunkster go from a chicken to a soaring eagle!! I loved it. I feel so blessed that I actually go to see 2 of the 3 fledge live and in person (well almost felt like it was) and the third one just disappear from the freezing screen. LOL. Oh my, oh my. I am sure my friend Ozzie had no idea what he was creating when he sent me the link to the NCTC Eagle Cam site. I might have to get counseling or something before this is over!! Okay, I am finished writing my book for the night. Going to work just a little while longer (I hope - IF I CAN STAY OFF THIS BLOG) and then going to bed. I hope all the babies are in the nest tonight getting rested up for another big day of flying, hunting and playing tomorrow. Good night everybody. Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, we can all join Eagles Anonymous. I'd like to thank my sister-n-law in Brradock Heights, Maryland for sending me this site soooo many months ago. It has been a great time....

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight, Sharon - Pleasant dreams. I bet you sneak back in later to see us.... ha ha LOL Jo

Anonymous said...

Jo, you know she will be back.....

glo said...

Good night Sharon. Your mission in the morning should you choose to accept it is "Get them to get a camera working somewhere LOL".

Good night!!!

Mema Jo said...

OK MITS: I live .5 miles down the mountain from Braddock Heights ------ WHOA! Small world... I could even know your sister-in-law since I have been here for 35 yrs or so......... This is so unreal..........

Anonymous said...

I just checked the eaglets out in BC and the 2 of them are sitting ther looking right into the camera as if to say.....Eagle Moms we are still here, why don't you pay us a visit, we are cute too...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you are right. I am back!! I have sent Steve a couple of emails today not knowing he wasn't there. Hopefully he will see them and this ungodly long blog and know there might be a problem!! LOL.

NillaWafer said...

Well i must say this day has been a joyous one and sad one, to which the pain is getting alittle bit less now. Atleast i can look at the empty nest an not We all have shared so much here about the Eagle's we watched from eggs, grow and fledge into a wonderous world.We have shared some heartbreaking stories of family. I shared what i hoped would be a small talent for writting poems, but to my own Steve hasnt been heard from but he will turn up tomarrow and i know fix the camera.. RIGHT STEVE????!!! Still the question remains "DO WE HAVE A DEAL OR NO DEAL?" LOL Niters Ya'll sweet dreams, Nilla.. Oh geesh Mits now i gota go and check them out thanks...LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay Mits, how do you get to the BC eagle cam!! Daggone, you all have to leave me alone!! LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is okay Mits, google does everything for me!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, check them out then go to bed. I'm starting to dream about the eagles at night. Have a Good Night everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, they are still little - well somewhat. And - they have sound. Boy that cam is up close and personal. I bet you can really tell what Mom and Dad bring in to eat there and I bet poop shoots look interesting from this angle too. LOL. Oh, but this makes me miss our babies even more. SOB, SOB!

Mema Jo said...

MITS !!!! READ my message about Braddock Heights before you go to bed..... LOL Jo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is the nest cockeyed or just the camera?

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: Can't really be certain - Angie & I tried to figure that out one day - It gets windy at that tree & it looks like a rockabye cradle........I get motion sickness just watching it...

glo said...

I just came from that sight. I have visited their some. That is where I learned about FRAPS. I wish I had known about it in late feb or March but hey we got it in time for the Fledging. Not sure if those are young parents or not, but man they do not parent at all the way we have seen it done here. Only have 2 good thing cause Lil is fiesty at times, but he has to be, to have even gotten this far. I get frustrated with the parents and or the big eaglet nearly everytime I go there . sigh So it isn't too much of a fix for me. I always want to say "Hey guys, you've got babies over here wanting to eat OR to the Big one "Back off and let that Lil one have something"> JMHO Pictures and sounds are great though at times. I do go and look at the screen shots a few times a week. Some great picture takers and clever video people from around the world are on that site.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I just read its the boom that the camera is on tha's cock-eyed. The chicks are about 10 weeks to 9.5 weeks old. From what Ihave been reading from the stuff Glo has sent me, these are not the Hornby Island eaglets like Beakspeak say Those 2 eggs did not make it. Ther is some beautiful tributes on the stuff Glo sent to me, but as she warned , bring Kleenex. Jo, where can I find the Braddock's Heights stuff, We were up there this past Sunday, I just love it there.t

NillaWafer said...

Oh My another Eagle site in my I am so tired from working since 8:30am til now going on 10 pm and another long day tomarrow. By the way the other day i did see Spunky fooling with that white feather and Mr Inbetween helped pluck it.. I laughed it was like a tug of OK Once again Niters, Nilla

Anonymous said...

sharon I did it again, must be tired...its me mits, but you can e-mail if you want... Jo maybe you can e-mail me the info on Braddock Heights.....Been up since 5:30a.m. and still could not be here to see the Spunk man..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Kalis5615 - So, why didn't you just drop down in the valley & pay me a visit? I saw MITA's remark about how she got the link to this site - her sister-in-law in Braddock Heights, MD. I freaked out due to all these months not knowing what a small world it is. I have lived in Braddock Hgts & Middletown going on 45 years - raised the family here & now to know my bonded eagle buddies are familiar with the location - it's awesome! You going to come live in Braddock? It is beautiful country!!!!

Anonymous said...

How do we get to the eagle site at Braddock Heights.......all's I get is the band the eagles lol certainly not what I want.
Anyone have the link for Braddock Heights email me at

Thank you

P.S. Having trouble won't except blogger name lol

Anonymous said...

J0,Right now living in Bethesda with a place in Ocean City where I will be going at the end of June for the rest of the summer. We hope to get a place in Scottsdale, Arizona when my husband retires in 18 months. My sister-in- law has lived there for about 12 years in a very old house, with a wrap-around porch. I love going up at Christmas time and in the summer where it is always 10 to 15 dgress cooler than down here.

Mema Jo said...

Confusion: There isn't an eagle site in Braddock Heights, MD.. It was just a 'small world' issue that I live near there & MITA has a sister-in-law there who sent her the link to this site. Then Kalis had just visited the area this past Sunday. Sorry for the confusion - I wish we did have an eagle-but no rivers this far inland--Shepherdstown is very close.

We do have a Snallygaster (Look that one up on google).

Anonymous said...

Just got home from work, wondered how to get on the BC site????

movin said...

Evening, everyone...

Well, I tried going through the 270 comments, but I don't see any info on which fledglings are in the nest now, or on the prospect of getting the camera to operate reliably in real time....

Did I miss it, or is everybody in the dark??

By the way, I barely squeezed in the time to watch the clip of his first flight this morning and found it wonderful... Thanks, Glo.

Has anyone heard from Steve on the tech problems?


Anonymous said...

Ghost and gobblens lol

Anonymous said...

Jo, MITS is KALIS, we are the same person.:):):) I've just been hitting the wrong keys. Must be the hour and I had some medical porcedures today that required anestia (Sharon I know I spelt that one wrong). Anyhow its my MITS/Kalis's sister-inlaw that lives in Braddock Heights and we were just there for a visit, but I'm hoping to drive up to the eagle site before I go to the beach. Maybe I can see them flying around. Good Night Everyone. Jo, Sorry for the confusion.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cindi, I typed in BC eagle cam in google and it took me right to it. I know, I know, I am supposed to be in bed.

Jim, we are so clueless about the cam. Been frustrating since 2:11 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Sharon its past your bedtime. Get some REST!!!!!!

glo said...

Here is link to Vancouver Island It is NOT the Hornsby eagles...that pair was wonderful AND infertile this year,

As usual be sure BLOGGER doesn't drop off the end of the url the end is /wildlife

paula eagleholic said...

As I sit here and reflect on the events of the day, I find that I am very thankful....(even though the cam is still down)....

I am sure that there is a baby or two in the nest tonight....

I am thankful that Sharon captured the flight today of our lil' Spunkster for everyone to see, and provided such a wonderful narrative....

I am thankful that we got to see him return to the nest and get some breakfast....

I am thankful for all the wonderful people in here who have shared their laughter and tears....

I am thankful for the folks at NCTC for allowing me and everyone else to view and partake in this wonderful experience of nature....

I am sure that this whole experience has touched many others as deeply as it has touched me.

Thank you to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Paula, AMEN to that....

paula eagleholic said...

You should stop off at Blackwater on your way to OC

Anonymous said...

Pauls, I was thinking about doing that, it has been many years since I have been there.

paula eagleholic said...

I want to go down one weekend and go the walk they have

paula eagleholic said...

Steve has been out of the office today, we heard that the cam needs reset somewhere else...

Hopefully it will be back up tomorrow...

We did get to see MS Inbetween and Spunky return to the nest for breakfast this morning

paula eagleholic said...

Time to hit the hay, good night all, and good night Big Boy, Ms Inbetween and Spunky!

movin said...

Thanks, everyone....
I did see the two males return to the nest this fact, the two of them were in the nest moving like synchronized, identical twins from one end of the nest to the other and peering over the side and right below the nest at about 3:15 a.m. in CA ... something was going on below. I think it was probably the adult(s) enticing them with food...

I thought Spunky was going to follow the middle one out of the nest when he flew out after food then. And, when they returned, it appeared that Spunky had been following Mr. Inbetween the whole time since his fledging.

They might well be in the nest together tonight....

Thanks for the diligence, everyone, in keeping us all up on what details are available.

Have a good night, talk to you tomorrow.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. Of course, there is nothing to report this morning. I can tell you without a doubt that at 2:11 yesterday afternoon there was nothing in the nest. I think we have more awareness of that than we want to. Hopefully Steve will get it up and running for us today. I have faith of that!! And hopefully we will get a new blog page soon. Don't know if we have ever had this many comments on one blog page or not. I am surprised it is still up and running. Well, I am going to try to get some work done today in a reasonable amount of time. More will be revealed!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:58 a.m. Boy am I feeling really alone this morning!! WAH WAH!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I am suffering from separation anxiety this morning!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! No smile on this face; just got up to check I know I know...they don't come in yet.....NOT FIXED.....sigh
Here's hoping when they come in at NCTC they fix it plus the live feed !

glo said...

Good Morning Looks like the is "same time, same place"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So glad to see somebody else on here this morning. It has been sooo lonely!!

Mema Jo said...

Can't really say "Good morning" with a smile & mean it -- Oh, how I pray the cameras come back & pick up some action. All we want is to see them all 3 visiting the nest - that would be closure. Yep! we sure do need a new blog page.This is a popular site! Guess we just need to close our eyes & remember all the happy anxious moments we have had. LOL

Anonymous said...

now 8:04AM
It says at top of pay "Collapse comments" I sure hope they just give us a "new page with a fixed cam" or if they have to because no money for project anymore the "still that changes time".
I would hate to see all our comments go poof.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am actually getting some work done this morning. Still can't stay off of here though! I miss BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and the little Spunkster.

Where is Spunky, Where is Spunky?

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Does anybody know for sure that Steve is working today? Is that not a depressing thought?

glo said...

566 visitors from around the world visited to watch our "Spunky" take off yesterday. If you click on the Cluster Map" on the top right corner, you can see where these people are coming from. Kind of fun!!! Our little guy is famous, but hopefully has not flown around the world yet, He is right there in the nest, or has been very recently for some fish as well as his siblings.

Blogsite is

Dont forget you probably have to type in the end after gloandtheeaglemomsters be sure it has

I have sent an email to one of the Steves about a link here, but not sure which is which, so don't know if the right Steve ever even got it. It is linked off of the Yahoo group page though, so after this is over I hope occasionally you will stop to see What is new, and where our visitors are coming from".

Off to coffee.

Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...

I am calling now...on travel today.. getting connected to STEVE w. - AWAY FROM DESK - CONNECTING ME TO

Nancy K. said...

Oh my. I certainly hope we get the chance for one last look at a reunion. I think the idea of the camera being off and not seeing the eaglets is worse than the actuality of them fledging.

glo said...

Jo Looks like you've got quite a connection there LOL OK out of here for half hour or so LOL

floralgirl said...

Oh-this is driving me crazy- no contact since 2:11 yesterday,need to see eagles now.Can't stop checking to see if camera is working,Cold turkey is rough.Are we really going to have to make it through a whole day with no camera?Walking away from the computer slowly.

Mema Jo said...

Ok, Eagle Eye, GLO - thank goodness I know what those little trash cans do for you when you flub it! HaHa ok---
Called NCTC - Steve out on leave today - Steve W. away from desk - She connected me to John-IT & left message for him to call me - away from Desk hopefully fixing the Feed! Whew! I hadn't finished my first cup of coffee - Now I might call the other number & ask someone to go look at their live feed monitor for a report. Yep! that's what I am going to do. Be back in a few.....

wvgal_dana said...

Ok set up new blog account allllll over again lol might as well get this fixed while the still shot is froze at June 14 2:11 grrrr. Hope this fixes my problem to let me be a "Blogger" all the time not just sometimes.
PLEASEEEEE NCTC help us....JOHN I know you can do said you are the computer man there GO JOHN GO JOHN

Mema Jo said...

8:39am Call completed!!! Eric walked over to the NCTC live cam & then reported what he saw. Empty nest at this time; HOWEVER, at 7am when he reported to work there was 1 in the nest... He id'd him as Spunky! He knew of no plans to put the cam down anyways soon. SOOOOOO - Joh from IT - please get us reset.
Eric was the most gracious staff member - he understood what I was saying when I said 100 eagle watchers need to know.......I will call him again before he leave at 3:30 today...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for your efforts, Jo. Call John back and beg if you have to. Maybe Nilla could offer him the "Deal or No Deal"!!

Anonymous said...


I cannot take this much longer! Plleeaasseeeee fix the camera.....

(I don't do well at cold turkey)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jo ---our boy spunky was in the nest...oh what a site in my eyes to behold....but dang we missed it.. thank again Jo you did great and thank you Eric.
Hope I don't have to keep my fingers crossed to long JOHN---they could start hurting....
You know what they say JOHN a picture is worth a thousand words...trying to encourage JOHN here to fix it lol

Anonymous said...


We Know you can do it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

GO JOHN! GO JOHN! YOU ARE THE MAN!! We are the people from DESPERATE EAGLEWATCHERS!! Please help us!! Nilla could fix you an apple pie.

Anonymous said...

LIVE CAM IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!But still an empty nest


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

In comparing the 2:11 shot from yesterday to the live feed, somebody has been there. There are a few changes.


Anonymous said...

I agree Sharon, someone has been there!

Mema Jo said...

I'M FLYING HIGH!!!! Thank you JOHN!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry was on the phone with NCTC about live feed and still. Being worked on as was speaking with them so I should be coming back in to HAPPY HAPPY people.....if so I'm going to go then and take my looks ^ ^
* * my eyes hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my it is up ! sniffle sniffle
Now I can uncross my fingers glad that didn't take to long.....
Maybe one will fly in??? Hope Hope Hope (spunky we didn't get to see you) so come in a be a "STAR" again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now do you think anybody there can set us up a new page before we absolutely blow this one out? I am sooooo grateful to have the live feed back. It is awesome. Now I can work and watch without wondering what is going on.

Where is Spunky? Where is InBetween? Where is BigBoy?
We need you to show your beautiful selves to us!! Oh yeah, we will take mom and dad too!

floralgirl said...

Lucky! those of us with slow dial up connections await the return of the cam so we can se too!

Anonymous said...

9:04 am est - appears live feed is functioning . . . . big empty nest syndrome. Maybe we will get a visit today.

Glo, we watched the videos you posted - awesome, thank you for your effort - and to all of you for your comments as well as laughter and tears.

Where I live we have a pair that nest on the river, each year we are blessed with the opportunity to see them in their natural habitat.

One day while in our canoe, my husband and I pulled up to our favorite picnic spot that we paddle to and set up to have our lunch, I looked up and over my head was a full grown eagle who had raided a red wing blackbirds nest and taken his baby. That blackbird was dive bombing him and fussing to no avail, that eagle could not have cared less, as he flew over my head, he/she was so close that I could feel the wind from his wings - it was an awesome experience - even though the little baby blackbird didn't make it - how AWESOME to have an eagle fly right over your head - I will never forget it. It was like being touched by the hand of God - to look in his eyes that close, still get chills when I think about it.

We should all be grateful to Ms. Rachel Carson for her efforts - I never saw an eagle as a child as they were very rare, now I see them several times a year. God Bless Miss Rachel Carson and everyone who cares about our environment. Little changes in all of us would make this world a better place.

glo said...

Yes Just being able to see the nest aand know what happens there feels so much better. Of course I have to go to work and can't get live, BUT I am sure there willbe play by play of the action right Sharon, and all the others Momsters who are watching. Without the 30 sec delay though Sharon is the onlyohter person I know with FRAPS handy.

Sharon Think work and watch and work and watch and

Yep that will work!!

Thanks jo for your persistence in calling. Where was John yesterday? Oh never mind LOL.

wvgal_dana said...

For those that only have dial-up the request for the stills to be fixed was sent to John so I am sure he will be working on that problem also.
I sent many many thanks to him from hundreds hundreds of eaglewatchers...
Thank you also others in here that have called or emailed to get these two problems straightened out. Sometimes it takes more than one person and just knowing that others all calling or emailing helps us all "eagle watchers".....

Mema Jo said...

Short lived! Oh, No. Please return! My live feed just went down, down, down!

paula eagleholic said...

Is live cam down? Can't get a picture...can't believe this blog hasn't blown up yet!

glo said...

Sigh Well we do the nest is there and has changed in apearance. darn darn

wvgal_dana said...

Darn our efforts to get it fixed took longer than the time it was up....alittle is just not enough

glo said...

Ok are we all speechless OR is there a new thread for today Think I will go check!

paula eagleholic said...

Speechless, and still suffering from withdrawal!

Anonymous said...

Nope, no new thred. I miss the eagles so much and wish we could get another glimpse....but that's been said.

no camera, no pics, but at least we got a verbal....not enough for me...I'm a visual person.

Anonymous said...

When there is no new picture for us to comment on who it might be and what they might be doing... it's just not that much fun to blog. nothing to say!!

paula eagleholic said...

Live cam is back up!

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is empty, but Eaglets have definitely been there...

Anonymous said...

Hurry! Quick..Live feed is back!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like some sort of leftovers laying smack in the middle of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Hello, anyone here or is everyone staring at the empty nest?

Anonymous said...

Sure does, and look at the wind! Maybe someone will come in to take a break from it.......maybe

Anonymous said...

Funny how there is comfort in staring at an empty nest just knowing its live...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As best as I can tell, my live feed never went down.

But then, when I started looking at it, nothing was moving so I restarted and now we have a gentle breeze. Okay wind, blow those babies back toward the nest.

Glo, I am ready and waiting and working.

Anonymous said...

Me too. All is well...working and watching as I have been for months!

Come on kids, come home for a visit.

paula eagleholic said...

So true Sandy, so true, at least we know....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

For those of you without any picture, The wind is blowinga little bit. From about 11 o'clock to 3 o'clock there is a shadow from the trees. Looks like leftovers laying smack dab in the middle of the nest. Other than that, there is nothing. I have been looking for little black spots to be flying around in the periphery of the tree but as of yet have not seen any.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bill, welcome to the blog. This has been quite an adventure for all of us. I would love to know how many silent blogger-watchers we have had since the beginning. Some of us get a little carried away with it but God I have so loved this experience.

movin said...

The young might be in flight training class...parents have probably been waiting for Spunky to fledge to really get started.

Looking at the empty nest yesterday compared to today, I notice the debris in the center is considerably differently arranged, so Spunky, at least, probably spent the night there. Probably moved the branches when practicing take offs this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.


paula eagleholic said...

Ok, so now I can't stop staring at the empty nest!

paula eagleholic said...

It should be easier on Mom and Dad now, they don't have to keep running back to the nest...or is it harder, trying to keep track of all 3 of them out there flying around!?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know Paula. I am with you. The shadows of the leaves moving makes my heart jump and catches my attention. Keep thinking it is someone.

Okay, back to work!!

Mema Jo said...

Remember - Empty nest is better then no nest at all! They'll be back!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am grateful to just be in anticipation of a return. At least we know what is happening and don't have to be wondering anymore.

Bill, on my background on my computer, I have the picture that was taken on March 30 of both parents and those 3 little fur balls in the middle of the nest looking up at mom. That is my favorite picture.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe we should move back to the previous blog. It only has 111 comments on it!

Anonymous said...

Mom just brought a snack to the eagles......

They also have a "little Spunky" who has beaten the odds to get to where he is today. I really didn't think that this little guy would make it.

Although has no blog, it will provide that "fix" for us Mom's (and Dad's :) ) with empty nest syndrome!

paula eagleholic said...

It cracked me up when I first looked at the eagle laying on the nest. One pic she would be looking in one direction, then the next one she would be looking in the opposite direction, and back and forth like that....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
-- Mohandas K. 'Mahatma' Gandhi (1869-1948)

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, nothing happening yet...empty nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:09 a.m. Okay, the shadow from the leaves has increased to 11-4 o'clock positions and more into the middle of the nest. Very light breeze blowing. Now wind is picking up a little. Still no sign of an eagle/eaglet! Leftovers still in the middle of the nest. No sign of eaglet in the periphery.

paula eagleholic said...

It's really a beautiful day for the eagles, low humidity, clean, crisp air, nice that that tropical storm is outta here....

I can just imagine them soaring on these winds.....

Anonymous said...


It was pins and needles for a week or two, I was reluctant to pull it up on the computer for fear of what I might see, but, alas all is well. They are fine parents! As are the parents here!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, going to step away from computer now, (maybe an eaglet will show up!)

Anonymous said...

Bill, it could be the parent of the "snack" they are eating, looks like fowl for breakfast today instead of fish.

I checked this site last year about three weeks after they fledged only to find the nest full with 5 or 6 blackbirds!

Maybe they are they nest cleaning crew!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, that was a wonderful eagle story. Gives me chills just to think about being that close to an eagle........I feel like i am in blog-h---!!! Guess you can't print the real word on a blog.

Mema Jo said...

Bill: The site brings back so many fond memories of our own eaglets. I really like the cam position. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

I will be gone for about 3 hrs - keep the commentary going, Sharon.

paula eagleholic said...

NU eagles are definitely not eating fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Shadows covering most of the nest now, still no eagle sightings.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The shadow is covering about half the nest now, wind is blowing harder. I know how well they liked to flap in the wind when they were just practicing so I can just imagine how is to really soar!! Getting close to lunch time. Hope someone drops in for a bite or 2.

glo said...

LOL A sneak peak from work. Glad there is such good commentary.

WElcome Bill. I really hope you will follwo the links around and see the memories we have saved etc. WEbsite and blog site both linked off of Yahoo momsters ,and I posted them fressh on here this morning about 100 commetns agao LOL. Ok back to work. I so want to see that action at the nest has been seen. Will drop in if I can or while hom eon lunch.

glo said...

Wow was that a bad rang, machine beeped all kinds of stuff. Bet you all wish I worked for you LOL. OK Back to work.

You can find 100 posts ago easily...I'm the only one who dares to put my picture at the computer on here LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But Glo, it is such a fine picture!

Still nothing happening. Kind of like watching mold grow!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, if you would like, you could send me your posts for proofreading prior to publishing them. LOL. I am good at proofreading other peoples stuff, just not too good on my own stuff! That is bad too, since I am a transcriptionist.

Anonymous said...

Bill, Welcome. How old are you eaglets. Great set of cams!!! Thanks. Shooting for 400 on this blog. Can we make 500????

Mema Jo said...

Let's all sing like the birdies sing -
Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

Anonymous said...

Bill, so I'm thinking we have another 4 weeks before they fledgs???? Thanks for posting!!

Anonymous said...

Just checked in on Momma and Pappa and Baby Smurf ospreys and it looks like the mid-morning snack has arrived. Looks like a beautiful day in Conn. also.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Listen guys, I can't get into watching another cam. When they turn this camera off, I plan on getting a life and going outside and watching those birds. It is summertime, I am bound to a computer all day working (well supposed to be anyway), then I am bound to a computer all evening watching an empty nest with a dead fish in the middle of it. LOL. I need a life!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Still nothing in the nest but shadows and a dead fish! Lots of leaf shadows waving around too.

Bird Girl said...

The still-frame cam is STILL stuck at 6-14-06 2:11 pm!?!?

I guess NCTC decided to stop the feed when the last eaglet fledged?

feel free to check on Nest Watchers for updates on other babies to imprint upon

paula eagleholic said...

I can't watch that nu cam for too long, makes me sea-sick.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I hear ya. I have tried to look at others too, but somehow can't get connected. Right now I'd rather watch a beautifully clear pictures of an empty nest..oh, and a dead fish. sad huh?

I too will venture in to the great outdoors with my kids when this cam is gone and cherish the opportunity we had here.

Anonymous said...

parent in nest!!!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, it was a fly-by. He/she didn't stay long.
Then my conputer crashed and I had to restart the whole thing!

My live cam is not working now so I have no clue what happened next...if anything.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It was just a touch and go. Too bad the babies didn't follow her in! My live feed is skippy but still going.

Anonymous said...

OK Suzanne. Got live cam back. Nest is empty now, shadows over the right half, but dancing in the wind. Dead fish is till there.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe they were looking for an eaglet!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh Paula, don't say that. They are supposed to know where they are at all times!!

paula eagleholic said...

You know how kids are....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh I do know. My son will be 17 next week. Good kid though!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Still no eaglets or eagles in the nest. Just the 1 touch and go by an adult. Can whoever called to get the live feed call back and see if they can get the stills back up too. This has to be really frustrating to those of you who don't have the live feed. I know it would be if it were me!

paula eagleholic said...

My youngest graduated high school last week, so he's at the beach this week for senior week...he's a good kid too, calling at least once a day this week to let me know he's safe...

That's all we want Big Boy, Ms Inbetween and Spunky...just want to know you are safe!

Anonymous said... ini with a BIG fish

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:41: Parent just arrived with a big fish. Looking around for babies to come in I think.

Anonymous said...

Looking around as if expecting others.......waiting.....calling out....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Both parents are in the nest now but no babies!

Anonymous said...

12:48 Still looking around, now both parents are babies yet, both looking around. Neither eating...just waiting

paula eagleholic said...


Adult in the nest, eating lunch.

Maybe we will see eaglets!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:49 I think Mommy is eating now. Still no babies though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She will take a few bites, look up and around, and then start eating again. The camera is kind of skipping a little bit. Still no babies. Wind is blowing pretty hard.

Anonymous said...

she's still looking around like others are to follow...

Perhaps dad left to go round up the kids...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Baby is home!!!! 12:58 p.m.

Anonymous said...

there's #1 in for a crash landing!

Very dark...probably Big Boy

paula eagleholic said...

2 Adults again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:57 p.m. We have a baby in the nest. Can't tell who it is though. Run mommy right off the food. Just sitting there though, not eating yet. Just moved over the food. The camera is skipping pretty bad still.

paula eagleholic said...

No, I'm wrong, we have an eaglet and an adult. It looks like Big Boy

Anonymous said...

Ok, which one is it???? I'm so EXCITED!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mom she went for the others. THis is one BIG fish

paula eagleholic said...

He's really attacking that fish now, picture pretty jumpy

paula eagleholic said...

EST is 1pm

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, great video of him eating the fish, pretty big sucker!

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty sure it's Big Boy

Anonymous said...

I thought it was BIg Boy too. Not big enough for in between

paula eagleholic said...

He is dark and smooth, with just a couple of little white spots on his wings, it's Big Boy...Inbetween is actually bigger, but she is browner

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, I agree. It is definitely BigBoy and he is tearing that food up!

paula eagleholic said...

He sure sign of any other eaglets....

wvgal_dana said...

I was so tired of the empty nest I thought if I did something constructive, then maybe one of our's would visit home. So I made a "blog page" for West_Va_gal. Still don't know yet how to put pictures in there (just learning).
Came back to check and sure enough there is "BIGBOY" woofing down a fish lol hi Boy looking maybe the other 2 will visit. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got that beautiful landing (NOT) on Fraps!!

Anonymous said...

WHO CAN IT BE?? My eyes want to see SPUNKY-----Not-----My computer is giving me fits-----I hope someone got a pic----I tried---maybe others will follow-----I felt certain she would return------

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He stopped eating and is looking over across 12 o'clock on the nest. Maybe somebody is coming. Hope so.

paula eagleholic said...

1:25 pm - Stopped eating, sitting there, pointed to the right, looking straight ahead, and sometimes towards the tree trunk

Anonymous said...

Sharon...funny landing huh? Looked like he was going to go head over...feet..HA!

Now where oh where can the other 2 be??

Anonymous said...

That looks like inbetween.

paula eagleholic said...

Back to eating the fish

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta leave for awhile,,,keep the commentary coming!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...