Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wednesday June 14

From a post by Sharon at 6:41 this am:

6:41 a.m. He is at the lauching pad. Been moving his wings a little bit, trying to get up the courage. Just back over to 9 o'clock and did a little poop shoot and then back to the lauching pad. Lightened that load a little bit! Oh my God, he just spread his wings out, he has the look. Nope, folded them back in! Doing a lot of flapping all over the nest. Back at the launching pad, looking around. Just moved a little closer to the edge. He wants to really bad! He is so close to the edge, his head gets out of camera range sometimes. He keeps spreading his wings out like he is going to and then back in. It is 6:50 now. A little head bopping going on. Camera freezing up a little bit. Wings back out. Now back in but head still bobbing. My heart is racing. Head keeps going out of view. 6:56 a.m. Wings back out. 6:58 a.m. SPUNKY HAS FLEDGED!!!


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Anonymous said...

parent here. Much more graceful

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this blog hasn't blown up yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Parent is back. Don't think he brought any food this time but not sure unles BigBoy has already snagged it. Feeding BigBoy. That is so precious.

wvgal_dana said...

After watching could that be Ms-In-Between???? Remember she had that white place on her side???

Anonymous said...

How cute, a little beak to beak feeding....

Anonymous said...

OOOOh being fed. spoiled much?

Anonymous said...

she keeps looking back toward 9:00 where she flew in from, then eating a bit.....

wvgal_dana said...

LOL now it looks like Spunky.........whose on first????

Anonymous said...

I'm voting inbetween. there isn't enough white"ness" to be spunky.

Anonymous said...

west va gal...what's on second... Someone is very spoiled anonymous!

Anonymous said...

LOL...could be. Perches like Spunky

Wind is really gusting now.....

Anonymous said...

Looks like SPUNKY!!!!!!!------Doesn't SHE look GREAT-----(sight for sore eyes, as they say)-----Maybe she doesn't like being out in the cold cruel world----

WELCOME BACK-----------

Anonymous said...

Wonder what mam is looking at. She keeps looking to 7 o'clock and then back to 3 o'clock like she's following something.

Wish the other kids wouod stop in.

Mema Jo said...

Well, ruffle my feathers - I return to good comentary remarks & an adult & eaglet in the nest feeding. Feels so good to see them! Just hope the other 2 make their appearance soon.
Per an IT friend, our blog comments don't really take up much room. I doubt it will blow; however, the inconvenience to us all is getting
THE BOTTOM OF THE BLOG! Nice to read last comment before posting. Easiest way is to collapse all comments, scroll down & then just click on 'said' to see the remarks. If you click on the name - you get their profile page.
Seems as though they are patiently awaiting the arrival of others. Hope so!

wvgal_dana said...

THAT IS SPUNKY HE IS At his old perching place and does have white on him ... I vote it's Spunky

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, if you click out of the leave your comments box, then hit ctrl-end, it will take you to the bottom of the page.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - Thank you & then CTRL HOME takes me right back to the top!
I knew I wasn't too old to learn new tricks!

wvgal_dana said...

Wish the still was up so we could get a shot of him being home..

Anonymous said...

Mom took off.

I think it may well be Spunky. There is quite a bit of white on the underside.

Missed ya kiddo!

Anonymous said...

When I come onto the top of page, I click other and it takes me right to the bottom.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What Mits? Whoever that is (I vote it is either BigBoy, InBetween or Spunky), it is resting time. Has anybody called NCTC about reseting the stills?

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I'd have to rest too if I ate that whole BIG fish..LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Now resting in the nest at 12 o'clock

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

I just emailed them again

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

Too fat to fly now!

Mema Jo said...

2:20pm I called NCTC - thanked Eric again for his assistance this morning for the update from their cam pic. I then left voice mail for John asking that he reset the NCTC Live Eagle Cam in case we need a backup later today (& also to get some good pics from it). It was just a message to him - I hope he checks his phone calls. I'll just check out the cam in about 10 mins or so. WISH US LUCK !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is good. He can just stay here with us for a while.

paula eagleholic said...

Sun behind some clouds now, much easier to see, still resting at 12 o'clock 2:25pm est

paula eagleholic said...

I'll bet he's saying "I can't believe I ate the whole thing"

Anonymous said...

much much easier to see.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is! Care for some Alka-Seltzer Spunky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:37 Rest time is over and he is out of here!

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet all gone!

Anonymous said...

another, or the same, parent is in the nest

Anonymous said...

make that both parents...and calling towards 3o'clock

Anonymous said...

30 second cam is least it has correct time and date.

Anonymous said...

2:57...and then there was one again......

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I helped cover that too maybe someone else did too. I emailed Steve C. and ask him to get us a "picture" of Spunky in nest of today and sent a range of time.....hope he comes through for us he as so far....
Could to see Spunky boy is enjoying of couse eating but flying too. Parents are great...

Mema Jo said...

Thank you, John for our Live Eagle Cam up & running - just in case we need it later. Both adults in nest. Now just one. Picking up the crumbs I guess.

Mema Jo said...

WVAGal He will work on it for us, I am sure. Too bad he had travel again today. His heart is really in Eagleland!

Mema Jo said...

Who is going to go for the BIG
500 ?? No prizes rewarded!

Anonymous said...

Me, Me!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Leave for 5 minutes and all h--- breaks loose, adults, still cam up...good news!

paula eagleholic said...

Darn, I was 501!

Anonymous said...

wonder why there's a parent just hanging around the nest......

Mema Jo said...

There's your answer - waiting for the ole' boy to pop in for awhile. Peace & quiet with the kids gone. Anyway - who is watching the kids out there??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Both parents are there!

Anonymous said...

Jo, I know how that is. Have 2 of them myself and often wonder how to get "alone" time. So guess I should just throw them out of the nest??? LOL Not yet, they're only 6 and 12!!LOL

Mema Jo said...

If I ever go to the Sycamore tree and find an eagle feather on the ground - it will be yours!

Anonymous said...

What an honor! I'd love to go to that tree.....maybe someday.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess Mom sent Dad to check on the kids, only one parent now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How serene is this picture?

Mema Jo said...

Just think - Momma Eagle's last few months would equal about 20 years of a human's life with childrearing. But then, she keeps repeating the process. Glad I only had one bout of it - but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I like being a MOM....

Anonymous said...

Same here, Jo

Even when they drive me totally insane!

mom sure looks content, doesn't she?

paula eagleholic said...

She sure does, just relaxing

Anonymous said...

Hope this parent bird is not sick. Can't tell if she is relaxing or not feeling good, but so unusual for it be just sitting. Md.girl.

Mema Jo said...

MD GIRL - You think she has caught

Anonymous said...

Md. Girl, I don't know how to tell if she's ill.

She has been in and out of the nest all afternoon with the other parent and one of the eaglets, and she ate well. Seems pretty alert too.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if mama eagles suffer from empty nest syndrome too?

Anybody know?

paula eagleholic said...

Aaaaahhhh, the peace and quiet

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now you all have me worrying. Don't do that. I have enough to worry about with the eaglets.

Okay, out for a while. Keep good notes.

You know, she just sat in the tree above the nest while the babies were there. Maybe she is just enjoying getting to sit on a flat place and not a limb.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll bet she's just pooped!

Anonymous said...

She's just surveying her kingdom!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she is kinda dozing off....zzzzz....

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm out too, till about 9pm. Keep notes for me too!

Anonymous said...

I hope she is ok.I would think she would be needed watching the babies, but maybe I am just a worrisome mother. I have become involved with this whole family that I just want all of them to be well and safe. Maybe she is just resting. hope not the bird flu !!!! Md. girl

paula eagleholic said...

:) at Bill's suggestions

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, it's the male, having an early Father's Day break!

Anonymous said...

maybe he/she is just resting but I would feel better if they became more active. Two times I have seen it looks as though it was gagging or trying to get something out of its throat. And I wonder why no little eaglets around. I need some reassurance here. Md. girl

paula eagleholic said...

Absolutely beautiful bird...

paula eagleholic said...

Intently watching something.....

Anonymous said...

Maybe once the eaglets vacate the nest, the neighborhood 'Available Nest' sign goes up. And maybe the parents aren't ready to relinquish it? So maybe she's just keeping other birds from moving in. Didn't someone say they looked at a vacated nest and it was full of blackbirds? What do you think?

Mema Jo said...

I agree that the adult looks like the slender male - but would be much more certain if the other adult flew in beside this one.

NillaWafer said...

<~~~ sneaks in sayin Hey Hey Hey GANG.... Oh im so busy here at my store with merchandise that was shipped in , but had to take a break and see whats happening in the nest. Mother/Father in nest looking like where's my babies?lol Ok did i get "A Deal Or No Deal" and from whom?lol who fixed the cam? OK back to work for awhile more, see you in awhile. Hugs Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Ha Ha One down 2 to go!

paula eagleholic said...

That was awesome! Clumsy, but awesome! Looks like Spunky!

NillaWafer said...

Another just flew in the nest,1 of the kids. Its 5:54 pm

Mema Jo said...

I'm not guessing until some more show up!! Just thankful it's almost dinner time.

paula eagleholic said...

Now I am wondering if Ma or Pa was staying there to protect supper!

Anonymous said...

Lookin much better. Nice take off and got out of the way when baby came in. Maybe it was just taking a break. Good to see the action again. Md. Girl

NillaWafer said...

Did ya see that landing just like a Oppps it was 4:54 sorry ok back to work I will catch up later with blogs... Have agood evening

Anonymous said...

At 1:52 California time, one of the babies flew into the nest and momma stayed a few seconds and flew away. I think it could be Spunky because of the clumsy landing and the little white feathers on the wing. I think she was staying there to entice him back into the nest. She may have gone out now to get him some dinner.

glo said...

I do think this eaglet is Spunky. tail feathers seem short, I see some white. I'm not so sure about the previous eaglet but then again I didn't get to see much of that one. We have either seen Spunky twice today OR big Boy once and Spunky once. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Glo. It was Big Boy tearing away at that fish this morning and Spunky who just came back. I was watching when both adults were there earlier and it was the male who flew away and the mamma that stayed so long by herself. Look at him trying out those wings again... you can really see the white wing feathers now... oh boy looks like he is going to repeat his take off again... wow, there he goes!! How blessed we are to experience all of this.

glo said...

Well I caught the chowin down and moving to launch pad on fraps BUT then my live feed got junky so did the 5:5:02 sec delay camera shot jsut as he took off. Once we all agree it was Spunky LOL...I will add it to the Fledge info from yesterday on the blog site with the videos. I will send the still shot aorund to my eagle list, and we can take another Poll. Who is this LOL? It's Spunky I tell ya!!!

Anonymous said...

It was Spunky!!

glo said...

Well the nest may be quiet now but I feel so much better than yesterday just being able to see our eagles coming and going, eating etc. Nice if Ms In Between would make an appearance. It will be easier to identify her coloring if she will do it while the sun is still up.

Mema Jo said...

The shadows are haunting me Isn't there an eaglet in the middle of the nest now??? Oh - my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Ms In-between seemed stronger and more independent, so maybe she is doing better on her own than the "boys"... never had boys of my own but I've heard they need a little more "parenting" LOL Hope I didn't start something here1

Anonymous said...

Jo, I think so.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Spunky to me, but I'm sure I'm wrong.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest rest!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone see this one come in?

glo said...

Hmmm Went to feed my fish and acme back to eaglet in nest. Could be Ms In Between got to watch more to see more of the coloring

Anonymous said...

So nice to have somewhere to land and take a rest. My picture is a little wonky, but I think it looks like Big boy. Black and sleek with the white showing through between the wings.

glo said...

She is early or late for supper...its not served right now anyway LOL Might be a few left overs.

glo said...

OK everyone Sharon is going to fire us. We need to sound like we know what we're talkin about here LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo confused.:(:(:(

paula eagleholic said...

Not Spunky!

Just Vicky said...

I believe it's Spunky home again!!

glo said...

OK well we are geting this straightened right out. I do NOT think it is Spunky. it is one of the other two and I think its Ms In between, Just like to see a little more brown than I have seen yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now really. How many different eaglets have been in the nest while I have been gone? I think the only way we are going to be sure that they are all three around and to be able to figure out who is who is to see all three in the nest at the same time. This guessing game is going to have us all doing the thorazine shuffle! LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Should be do a poll on yahoo? LOL.

Anonymous said...

I still think it is Spunk, looks real tired, probably from all the excitement of the last 36 hours.

glo said...

LOL Sharon You are backl. Good Got to go feed my dogs. See what happened when I left to feed my fish LOL. I sent you a picture of spunky Yep he was here. I would know him and watchin hin eat anywhere!!! This one though I'm not so sure about.

Anonymous said...

Notice the other eaglette at 2 o'clock? Must have walked over on some branch!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that is flaked out. Wish I could join him!! On second thought, maybe not. Bet that nest is just a little stinky!

Anonymous said...

new thread is up.....

glo said...

WE probably missed our picture of all three of them in the nest yesterday. They probably decided with the gracefullnes of landing that only one eaglet at a time is enough in the nest, til we get this a little more perfected. And its this one's turn!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

thanks mits!!

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...