Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday June 15

Wow, can't believe the action on the comments. I'm up in CT with family issues (mom coming home from hospital). I need to catch up.


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Anonymous said...

Steven, Here's the short version: you knew that Spunky fledged on Flag Day. Then both the live cam and the still cam went down and we didn't know what was happening. It seems that the eaglets have been in and out both yesterday and today -- now we have both cams, although the live feed is a little jumpy. Somebody's in the nest right now.

And we missed you! I hope all is well with your mom. Where in CT? I'm not too far -- in the south part of Maine. Do you need some help?

NillaWafer said...

Hi Steven, Sorry to hear of your mothers illness, hope she is doing better now and well on the way to a full recovery. I am sure everyone here reading this will be praying for her. Ok here's the deal.. We all were having extreme nest withdrawl yesterday (especially Sharon) You prolley have read the blogs n caught up by now so i wont go into details .. would take So speaking of deals.. I has said if you fixed it for us i would make you a homemade pie.. Then asked "Deal Or No Deal"? But you lost.. or did you maybe i should take apoll (which we been taking alot lately) on things So Gang does Steven deserve the pie? lol I vote YES, HOW ABOUT IT?

wvgal_dana said...

Steve C. sorry to hear you say "mom coming home from hos-pital" sounds like you did have things going on....I sure pray your Mom is doing well and gets better soon "HI Steve's MOM"...
Great to see Spunky in nest with I think Ms-In-Between oooops just left; that's ok Spunky needs more
Steve we need a picture of his 1st return when you get a chance ty. Prayers for you and your family....God Bless

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you MOM!!!!!

glo said...

WE probably missed our picture of all three of them in the nest yesterday. They probably decided with the gracefullnes of landing that only one eaglet at a time is enough in the nest, til we get this a little more perfected. And its this one's turn!!!

Anonymous said...

Steven----sorry to her of your mother's illness----I wish her a speedy recovery----we have MISSED you-----don't worry-----looks like Spunky is "plumb-tuckered-out"----she has had such a busy day---mom had to feed her---bet she enjoyed being pampered-----

Take care----have your mom in my prayers---

glo said...

Yes Prayers for Mom and a pie for Steve!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, really glad to hear from you. Hope your mom is okay. We have been holding the fort down for you (or maybe tearing it down is more like it). :) Except for our downtime from 2:11 yesterday until whenever it got back up this morning, you should not have missed anything if you took the 12 hours to read our comments.

How come I was not notified earlier of a new thread! Thanks Mits. I would still be on the 500+ page if you hadn't let us know!! :)

Have to go back out until about 9:30. You guys have to keep me updated!! And would you please decide who is who. You keep confusing me!! LOL. :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah, I vote YES for Steve a pie. He really deserves it. Could you send me one too, Nilla?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty is moving!! Oh no, he is just poop shooting!! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you see that nice limb kick he just did! It was kind of cute. That definitely is Spunky!!! (or is it) Just launched off again!!

glo said...

LIBERTY Yep That is a great name for our "Spunky" We can have our "Spunky" forever, but Liberty well ya know sounds much more mature and distinguished and he certainly did distinguish himself on launch day didn't he. What do you all think. Can we call him Spunky and or Liberty and everyone well most everyone (LOL) will know who we are talking about. Oh by the way, I don't think it was Spunky or liberty swho just took off, or was it?

Anonymous said...

Steven, hope your Mother has a speedy recovery and you can soon come home to Wild and Wonderful WV !!.
Yes, Nilla, Steven deserves a pie !!


Mema Jo said...

The way he was hopping around - I reconized his style - I vote that it was Spunky....

Steve - We miss you and certainly are concerned for you & family. Prayers are coming your way right from all our hearts.

As Sharon said - we will keep the home fires burning until your return. Then it's lunch on me!!!

Mema Jo said...

Remember Sharon's suggestion - Year 2007 we will have red, white or blue neckbands for these eaglets. Then there'll be no guessing!!

Yes, NILLA a pie for Steve!

Steve Chase said...

Thanks folks.

Anonymous said...

Nilla could be the next Mrs Smiths'. I say pie for everyone, especially apple, Go Nilla!!! Your welcome, Sharon, I didn't want to be a pest and keep telling people. Thanks, Steve for the new thread.

Anonymous said...

OK, here's my suggestion. We need adult names for our eaglets, since the 'baby' names they have won't suffice once they grow up. Let's all put in our suggestions here or on the momsters list and then we'll collect them and have a vote.

Mema Jo said...

7:13pm One adult in the nest - 1 eaglet in the nest Ms Inbetween 1 adult out of the nest......

Mema Jo said...

I don't think I can rename our babies at this date in time.... They are still only teenieboppers. In four years - Liberty, Justice and Freedom as was suggested earlier in the game would be great.

However; I will go with the flow & vote on a poll with all you other moms/pops.

Mema Jo said...

Did anyone else watch MsInbetween come into the landing pad & haunch over the food? I know - it might be BigBoy or Spunky - but ?????

Anonymous said...

Steve, sorry to hear about your Mom not being well. God speed for her recovery and God Bless you for all that you have done for us. Md.Girl

Mema Jo said...

7:25pm Something's coming in .. Eaglet in nest looking all around following something .. Maybe not ..
Out goes the eaglet .. empty nest.

glo said...

Yep I too think it was Ms In Between. She is great with the mantling. Qucik recovery from landing and snatch the food. she is great with that I vote it was Ms.

glo said...

Oh so keep an eye out Dog walk time here something is sure to happen LOL

Nancy K. said...

THANK YOU STEVE! And my prayers are with you and your family. I can't believe how much better I feel, looking at the empty nest now that I know there's the possibility I WILL see the eaglets again. It was awful when it was frozen...


I love the names Liberty, Justice & Freedom but we'll never be able to keep straight which one is which.

glo said...

LOL Yep I'm already confused But they are great names!!!

I think Ms In Between was here an hour or so ago, had a little rest because there was nothing to eat. Left as far as a local branch and watched for chow to ocme in JMHO.

Mema Jo said...

Name Change: First poll should be "Do we want to change the names?" Yes or No.....
Then we go from there if the majority votes "yes".......
Just my suggestion..........This should be done before giving suggestions of any new names....Or am I just to be labeled as being a hardnose ole gal............ LOL

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie looks like its a fresh homemade pie for Steve. Sharon i would love nothing better than set down and eat the pie and have coffee n yack Or for that matter all of you wonderful people who thru this magnificent family of " AMERICAN BALD EALGES" SAYING THAT VERY VERY PROUDLY!!!! Brought us all together to share the last 4 months . Wow that gave me goosie bumps and kinda choked up.. <~~ big Just leave word Steve what flavor pie. I need to agree on "Liberty" Freedom and Justice they were given that name when first born, but somehow we got "OUR" Big Boy-Mr/MissInbetween/Spunky.. But the vote get it.. Hugs, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Oppssssssssssss Geesh is houlda previewed "GREAT AMERICAN BALD EAGLES"

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

I had talked to Jo this morning on the phone and we discussed since i am off saturday, i was going to drive over to NCTC (If its closed) I am going to park along the road like i did last wknd, get out have ablanket lay on the hood of my car with my binoculars and sun bath n watch for the kids to soar Thank God its on a very lonely back road or i would get locked up...LMAO Jo comin to if she can, we might take apicnic basket n have lunch... Hey ANG Hugs wanta join saturday??? I am at work right now waiting on customers inbetween

glo said...

Well lets put it this way. Glo is a nick name. I like it. People who know an dlove me most use it, BUT it's not my Given name. My guess is Bill isn't his given name either. So I guess what i'm asying is, No mater how official or Patriotic or whatever we choose to make or not make the names. In my heart and my mind's eye which holds lots of ,memoris of these 3 AND their parents, they will always be Big boy Spunky and Ms. In Between. Just like I have a tiger and a punchkin in my heart forever, but don't tell my kids that!!!

8 14 eagle time two adults in the nest

Mema Jo said...

8:15pm Adult in nest - with fish & starting to eat it.
I was feeding my cats & correct time of adult's arrival unknown.

Anonymous said...

Ang, just click on the picture of Bills' eagles and it gets larger. Been watching them on and off all day.

Anonymous said...

weird only the adult. does that happen often?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, GLO - you've got good timing.
ANG: ID purposes only for the red, white or blue head/neck bands for next year's eaglets in 2007.. Sharon suggested it once when we were all going crazy as to which eaglet was which.

Shadow above adult eating fish - someone may be joining soon...Has to keep looking up or an eaglet may land on his/her head... Still finishing fish - There go the wing shadows again... Nothing yet..Making short order of that fish.

Anonymous said...

there is the visitor

Anonymous said...

Spunky? BIg boy???

Anonymous said...

NEat shot! The adult is below the nest looking up. neat!

Anonymous said...

Darn, kept watching the shadows. I left and came back and there is the visitor

Mema Jo said...

8:25pm So I click on publish &&&
eaglet in nest - Adult leaves...
Could be our little Spunky (white feathers showing) Now his turn for the fish. Another Adult in nest (the male) .. Adult leaves again. I just know that is little Spunky... Love Him! I am hesitant to publish comment - I'll probably miss it again.
Keep watching Glo - Nilla - Angie....
Everyone. or Sharon is going to come after you!!!

Anonymous said...

looks like spunk with all the white feathers still showing. any guesses????

Anonymous said...

Man he is really attacking that fish, litle guy must be hungry!

Mema Jo said...

I think that throughout today, all 3 eaglets have visited the nest & had a meal - all at different times. That is so cool...... The 2 adults have also been present more then usual today.
This has been a good viewing day..
Thank you, John, for setting up our cams!

Mema Jo said...

Lucybird: I think it is Spunky, the youngest, but noone else has voiced an opinion. I'm just noticing the white feathers.

glo said...

Sure absolutely Pie for John too!!!

Anonymous said...

it's a bad shot... not sure... might be spunky?

glo said...

Yes i think its Spunky It wasn't Big boys landing!!!

Anonymous said...

looks like it is time for a nap. Someone just can't leave home! hehe.

Mema Jo said...

8:35pm Quick work on that meal - He is going to rest awhile at 2:00 in the nest.

glo said...

Then again quite a few tail feathers and Big Boy has had a little practice!! Lots of white feathers there though

Mema Jo said...

8:39pm Perhaps he'll spend the night - he has the best spot in the nest. Hope 2 more join him shortly.

Keep your eye on the cam - I'm going out on the deck for a few...... Watering flowers.

NillaWafer said...

Looks like Spunky but hard to tell laying down, but they were watching something in the sky flying over aminute ago. It is watching something out there, when we were over there that monday alot of pigeons flying around because old barn is near, Steve notied at that time they were really risking it

Anonymous said...

Jo, I posted I thought it was Spunky, because of the white feathers.

glo said...

Well I think its Spunky. Hopefully he is settling in for the night. I "think" I caught a beautiful clip of mantling from him right after he came in and got food parent had just dropped. Will check when it gets just a little darker. keepin an eye on nest a few more minutes anyway.

Mema Jo said...

Will do, Angie. It's not a sure thing for me as of yet. Will know later - for sure NILLA is really going over..

glo said...

OK Now if you are going you need tick repellent and some nice hiking boots to get over to that tree. Get some great shots of each of them somewhere within a miles radius. Yes!!! We are counting on you. Hint Do this before the pie!!

glo said...

Keep an eye out although its getting kind of dark. Gonna go see what I got for FRAPS clips, and clean a little space off my hard drive. Hoping I can get a kind of neat shoort movie clip together ... Will stop in to say Good night in a couple of hours though.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon should be back in about 23 mins. Ok, GLO - eyes are on the shadows - hope spider stays hidden.

NillaWafer said...

LoL Glo, No im going to park along the road outside of NCTC it is near a big bend in the road and the tree sets alone and clearly visable from the road. Great view of the entire area and sky. So will prop myself on the hood of my car ,lay back on a blanket and watch the skies. Only thing is that side of the nest has alot of leaves. So my main goal is to see them soaring in the wild blue yonder!!! ANG i can go early, maybe thats best before it gets to hot out ok?

wvgal_dana said...

9:04 pm fogging looking at the nest.....earlier saw parent in nest eating and Spunky flew and walked right over and told "food" from Parent. Belly fool, flying technique A+ for the day, and down time for sleep.
Ok about the names: (1) we've been calling BigBoy (which may be a girl) but that's ok (2) Ms-In-Between and (3) Spunky....these are the eaglets as we know and have known and made comments about. I vote "no name change"....reason ask Steve C. he will tell you that sorry next year we will not be seeing these eaglets.....that's right only the PARENTS come back to this nest ... if any of the three eaglets that we've been watching try to come back to nest these PARENTS will chase them off....sorry to tell you this but nature has been set in action before we were born.....the eaglets have years 3-4 to become Eagles and will find each their own places to fly and eat and later take a mate.
Since we are talking about names; think of this---since these two PARENTS come back here every year why not name the two PARENTS??? That is my suggestion....also red, white and blue are always in my mind for EVERY EAGLE OUT THERE IN THE WORLD THEY "ALL" REPRESENY A M E R I C A
As for next year don't worry we will name those eaglets and comment on them; it will be 2007 fun, and that time for naming and thinking and enjoying.
My thoughts above "please read" this has in no way been (lol I'm laughing they do this in papers) has been the publishment of NCTC they are the thoughts of the "Blogger" themselves.....
Oh I vote for a "pie or two pies" for all them Steve C, Steve, Brad, John, Eric and others at NCTC.

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

I am with you 100+% WVAGal! No name change for this year's eaglets. We can use our hindsight next year in naming the new ones. As for naming the male & female adults - That's a terrific idea!
I guess Spunky will stay the entire night - don't want him out & about in the dark!

NillaWafer said...

Ok i thought about this naming the parents and heres the names i came up with.... Female we call her Virginia... Male we call him West lol since they breed and live here in "West By God Virginia" Good names or am i having another redhead moment?? Could be im working to hard about time to leave and close ..

Mema Jo said...

NILLA: Your redhead moment is awesome! Virginia & West LOL

Don't know that anyone can top that!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I think they are great names. You got my vote!! Do I get a pie now?????

Mema Jo said...

NILLA - please email Janet-she would really love to join you for PIE on Saturday & get a good look at that Sycamore tree.
JANET - You can find some directions in on the NCTC home site - but Nilla or Angie could give you more specific directions since they have been there - You know -Landmarks & such.
I have a grand-daughter and great grand-daughter coming in from NY on Saturday - I need to know what time their arrival will be before I can make plans to drive over to NCTC. BUT I am going to do my best to be there.

NillaWafer said...

Jo can you give the other Janet the info? ( Nilla is Janet also)My poor brain is fryed right now working since 12 til 10 today. Mits i said before i wish i could just bake everyone a pie as we have because like family here.Hey Jo well we certainly couldnt call him Mr By God West OK im out of here til tomarrow , keep the blogs coming and most of all have a good night. Niters, Nilla Ok just read your comment Jo and Janet i will send tomarrow ok for now i am going home, long day.

Mema Jo said...

10:19pm My live feed cam is dead. Could not bring it up again. NCTC live eagle cam (30secs) is running. I think the spider did it - flitting around all over the place. Guess we'll go through the same thing tomorrow as we did today to get it back up & running. Oh, Well!

movin said...

OK, good evening, Folks...

I see Spunky, but the ring of Spirit Eagles around the nest prevents me from being certain that there is another eaglet in the nest tonight.

I would vote to change the least a little to reflect the sexes more accurately.

Big Guy would have to be Big Gal (or similar), and Ms Inbetween has to be Mr Inbetween...Spunky can stay.

As for the pies for the people at NCTC, as you gals are baking and the people there seem a good sort, I am 100% for it.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is down again. AARRRGGGHHH!!! Everybody took really good notes while I was gone. And the reason I said "Liberty is moving" is that is what they say when the president leaves some place! I do remember Liberty, Justice and Freedom from early on and I vote no to the name change. I would like for us to name mom and dad.

Mema Jo said...

Jim - what do you think of the idea to name just the adults? Nilla had a good idea West & Virgina..

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon - Glad you're here! LOL JO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Jo. Glad to be back but sorry the live feed went down.

I vote for Ulysses and Julia as the names of Momma and Daddy!

Mema Jo said...

They're very historic names!
What about NC & TC ?

glo said...

Well if you all stay up until midnight I think I have a movie for you. Will take a while to upload though is like 6 min long...Best I could do LOL

movin said...

Hahahaha...well, Jo, if you spell it "Virginia," I'll go for it.

You know, I looked in from work this afternoon, apparently not too long after Spunky returned to the nest. He was lying in the shade below the camera, and "West" was standing beside him in the shade and "eagle eyeing" Spunky.

What was that about? I wondered if they had been flying too much and Spunky was showing signs of exhaustion...

Did anybody else notice that?


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Or we could have Bill and Hillary or Jimmy and Rosalie or Ronnie and Nancy or . . . But I still like Ulysses and Julia.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Beware of Thursdays!!! The last 2 weeks, down on Thursday, back up on Monday!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Oops! Ok, Jim That last little 'i' really makes a difference in the name! I like your description of the ring of Spirit eagles watching over Spunky. I have often had a hard time telling if they were spirits or real eagles. Today all 3 of the eaglets came in at different times & the adult(s) had food in the nest for them. By watching Spunky this evening after he ate and then 'hit the sack', I would say he is one very tired eaglet.

glo said...

Well folks its a bedtime story but its pretty long and Daily Motion uploads really slow. I am going to try to get it on You tube and see if it will do it quicker. Not too sure about that though. hang in there like 10 more. if not we might all watch it tomorrow night instead and pretend its still July 15 LOL

movin said...

Wonder if young eagles get too stiff and sore to fly the next day.......

Well, have a good evening, all.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I am still working so I am good for about 30 more minutes probably. I had said about 1238 posts ago that it looked like the ghosts of eagles past around them at night. I like "ring of Spirit Eagles" much better. Not so Christmasy. LOL. Glo, 5 is good. :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know when I have to work this body any, that is what happens to me and I have been using some of my muscles for 44 years (not all for sure). I can't hardly move for a while. I figure their muscles are worn out after flapping and flying and hunting and ripping food apart and playing. Makes me tired just to type all of that. Well, back to work for a few minutes. Be back in a few.

glo said...

Is anyone still awake LOL. I think I am making good progress now LOL. besides that yo are all busy discussing names anyway LOL

Mema Jo said...

I'm with ya Glo - Sharon. Not yet sleepy - I really am a night owl.
And I never seem to be able to get up with the birds!

glo said...

I should know in about 5 min now if it was successful it's almost 11:15 where you are

glo said...

Well Daily motion says they are processing it and will be available soon. I don't know exactly how long soon will be, and I know its an hour later where you are. I could sing you a lullabye while we wait. Please don't stay up for this. If it works, and I sure hope it does, you can see it tomorrow. I'll be back in a couple and see if anyone is still around. LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm still here, GLO.

glo said...

Well if it still says processing at 11 30 I am going to call it quits for tonight and we will see it tomorrow. You al need your Beauty sleep LOL

glo said...

Ok I think it is because it is over 5 min long. I feel bad that yo are waiting up. Go to bed. I'll share it tomorrow OK?

Anonymous said...

OK,GLO. Good Night! Get a good nights' rest!

glo said...

Ok Good night. Every one sleep well it has been a good day. i will have it online tomorrow. I know you will all enjoy it. Maybe hum the Spunky song as you drift off to sleep. Good night all.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight all. LOL It's been a good day! Are you still up, Sharon?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Jo, I am still up. Just finished with work. Had a productive day today which is always good (since I get paid on production).

I am really close to calling it a night. Have to start working at 7 a.m.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That has to be the Spunkster laying in that nest right now. He says he ain't stupid. He knows where the comfortable bed is!!

Mema Jo said...

You're right! Little guy hasn't moved since he first laid down.
I am ready to call it a night also. I'll hear from you in the morning. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night everybody. I will be watching the stills in the morning (SIGH) and will report what I see.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glo said...

LOL Well Good night everyone. I imagine you are all tucked into bed just like Spunky. It is almost 12:30 am eagle time. I have finished my project. It will be a great way to end a day or start a new one, depending on what time it is when you see this. It is on the Blogsite I made for our eagle family.

Here is the link

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:20 a.m. Good morning everybody. Just now getting on. Looks like one youngun in the nest right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, thanks so much for that video. I am sure a lot of work went into that. It was GREAT!!

Just Vicky said...

Yes Glo, thanks for the video, I stayed up last night and I was probably #13 to view it. You did a great job, of course we expect another masterpiece per day!

Has anyone else noticed how the time of our blog is never correct????

glo said...

Good Morning

Thanks I hope you liked it OK . It needs a little tweaking, but by 12:30 am I needed a little tweaking myself.

Today I will spend lots of time getting reaady for the Trip to AZ next Wed. I have a 3 day weekend, BUT have Dentist appt. this morning, car repairs this pm.

Could you maybe save me a series of pictures of stuff that happens throughout the day from the 30 sec delay camera. I can do something different with the stills this evening that will still be kind of fun, and won't take me like 3 hours lOL.

Ok I'll be checkin in an dout of here off and on . That's about the only way I can get through the day. I sure hope Elia likes to watch eagle web cams when I get to AZ. OH what will I do?!!! LOL
I will trust you to take a neat FRAP or two, and I will spend the whole next day catching up on all the BLOG notes.

Off to coffee here pretty soon.

glo said...

Yes I noticed the time on here is a "puzzlement" So if its really important I try to post in my message "Eagle time" LOL I never heard of that before this spring either!!!

Anonymous said...

this is Bonnie from cam is up!

Anonymous said...

This has been terrible trying to get to you all....hours....tears...feeling all alone....don't leave me out I was thinking of all the friends I've spoke to in here....ty Sharon and glo you both came to my rescue...tears again for Thank You's.
Is the webcam and the still down?
Now it say's I have "no account" again to blog with ohhhhhhh grrrrrrr
Is the webcam and the still down???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

LIVE FEED IS UP! Thanks Bonnie in Virginia. Empty nest though. There was somebody there earlier but not now. Hopefully we will have visitors for breakfast.

WV Gal, welcome home!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks kind of froze up though. No leaves moving or anything on mine. Anybody else?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Restarted real player. Now leaves are moving!! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

It real still, but i do see so movement in the leaves.

Anonymous said...

lord let me try that again... Its not real windy but I can see some leaves

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sharon for the welcome it was worst than "empty nest syndrome" it was "no one from NCTC or blogger want me". Sharon ty again I needed that welcome and again thank you and glo for the links..
Strange now I got "live feed" and "still"....
Now if I can only get this "blogger" fixed it says I'm not registered....I am I did and I made a blog page through them and it was excepting me as a blogger....grrrrrrrr lol BUT SO HAPPY TO BE WITH YOU ALL TY TYTTYTYTYT joyfully

wvgal_dana said...

8:19am yes webcam here froze up too no leaves blowing restarted through the NCTC site (hee hee can get to it now)..
As you noticed my name was in blue hee hee blogger working again too for me.
Singing here (off key I'm sure) Oh It's A Beautiful Day,
Where the eagle watchers blog,
Oh It's A Beautiful Day,
I can watch the live feed and pray
That an eagle or eaglet comes by today,
Oh Yes It's A Beautiful Day,
In Wildddddd Wonderful West Virgiannnnnnnnnn
Glad no one else could heard that lol so good to laugh again

wvgal_dana said...

Ok no one is blogging sorry for the singing I thought no one heard me... pleaseeeeeeeeeee come back everyone and blog lol

Mema Jo said...

8:26am Hello all you early birds out there in Eagleland! I watched Glo's newest clip late late last night(early this am really) & it is awesome. It gave me quite a few laughs on the landings! Then I wanted to see Spunky sleeping one more time before closing my eyes - the live feed was gone - the eagle cam just kept refreshing with no still pic showing & the main website at NCTC said I was not authorized to view!!! Talk about not wanting to get up this morning... BUT here you all are chatting away & I just want you to know I sure welcome all your words! LOL Jo-MD

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jo....Good morning.....that is what happened to me this morning. Was up by 6AM turn on computer...clicked on website and I wasn't authorized !!!!! Wonder if that is happening to many of our bloggers today....humm....I had to get glo and sharon to send me the link while they were in here...I was "all alone for hours"
felt no one loved or wanted me at NCTC....sure hope everyone gets in toay...sending up prayers for bloggers and those that want to watch the still and live feed that God opens the way for them to get in and in here too....ty God

Anonymous said...

Steve, sending well wishes for your mom.

I had the same problem this morning...not authorized to view the NCTC page....HUH?? TG all is well now!

Late last night one eaglet was crashed out in the nest. Maybe everyone is gone again. Guess little Spunky wasn't too sore to fly again today..LOL

Off to view the video....

Anonymous said...

Morning, everyone! I wasn't 'authorized to visit the site' from home this morning, either. What an awful feeling. All is well now. I just want to see 3 little birdies all in the nest together!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and sorry gang, I have to vote no to changing the names.... West and Virginia I'm ok with for mom and dad though......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal, I think you should record that and place it on our yahoo thingy. That would be cool. :)

Kind of like watching mold grow again. Wait, I just saw something flying in the background. Not sure what I see flying but I have seen more than 1 something. I think somebody is on their way home. More will be revealed.

Anonymous said...

Guess what, I was also unauthorized early this morning and wondered what that was all about. Thought it could just be my computer. Finally I was able to get on the web site. But no live feed............not even sure the still camera is working. Does this mean a week end without anything?? Depressing not to be able to keep up with the eagle family. Md.Girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MD Girl, live feed is up and stills are changing! Maybe we have hope of being up for the weekend???

wvgal_dana said...

9:11am If (pray not) the still or live feed goes down this link I am putting here is awesome as far as info about eagles and eaglets.
If you want to put it as a link in "Momsters group" go right ahead by all means.
As far as my singing off key Sharon; if you want to write it down and put it in there ok by me I just can't do it myself lol.
Check this site out:

Glad to see more are getting in here today wow that "not authorized thingy" terrible. Everyone is right it made you feel "so alone" Glad you got here!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody see the bird land on the limb to the left of the nest a minute ago? I think somebody might be making their way up or could be a smaller bird. Hard to tell from here. It is at 12 o'clock now.

Anonymous said...

Glo...LOVED the video. Thanks!

Mauley said...

Steven, I have been praying for your Mother. Sharon, you are not the only one with withdrawal. You would have thought my grandkids had moved away. God Bless all of you today and our 3 eaglets and their wonderful parents. Mauley Gran to Eight

paula eagleholic said...

Steve - Prayers for your Mom's speedy recovery

WVA Gal - Thanks for the reminder on the baldeagleinfo link for the group

Glad we have had visitors in the nest, and thanks for everyone's comments to keep everyone that has been away updated!

Anonymous said...

Sharon I can't get the live feed. Will keep trying. Still continues to show same picture...empty nest. Maybe it is my computer. Thanks for the info. Md.girl

movin said...

Good morning, everyone...

In California both the video and the 30 sec. cameras seem to be working... Did get up in the middle of the night, decided to check if I could see the action back there before it looked like it looks now, and I got the "unauthorized to access" notice too.

All the little Bald Eagles are off to Eagle School now, though, so I just watch the breeze blow the Sycamore leaves and meditate. (Hahahaha).

Have a great day,

Nancy K. said...

Glo ~ thank you so much for the video! It is AWESOME! It took almost two hours to download on my slow, dial-up modem but well worth the wait. I got my house cleaned while it downloaded. ;-) I love the music too. I felt a sense of peace settle over me as I watched the vidoe ~ similar to how I feel when I'm sitting with my sheep. Thank you so much for sharing this link to "our" wild friends...

Anonymous said...

Sharon, ok now I have it. Yeh11111111111. Just get to watch a little before I go to work. Md.Girl

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I seen that too but no visitor yet...
Glo oh my went in and looked at the 7 minute video...EVERYONE GO SEE IT...So glad we did not change the eaglets names...GO TO GLO'S PAGE SEE 7 MINUTE VIDEO !!!!
Thank you Glo it gave joy to my mind and heart...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jim, I have a hard time with meditation thing with it because I keep looking all around in the periphery for movement. Been seeing some movement, just did as a matter of fact but nobody has made it to the nest yet. It is brunch time so maybe we will get to see somebody soon!

Anonymous said...

Jim - I love it - - off to Eagle School. I hope they're studying hard and getting good grades.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would bet anything that these babies are acing every class. They are so intelligent!! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I still really like Ulysses and Julia for parents names. We could call him Ulee for short and the babies are Ulee's Gold. (Okay, maybe a little cheesy). :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:52: I knew one was coming!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now -- who is it?

Anonymous said...

beats me!!

Anonymous said...

seems pretty between maybe??

and now #2!!!!WOW!!

Calling #3......

Anonymous said...

Somebody get a picture......I can't do it from work :(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Could we possibly get all three? There are 2 there now!!

glo said...

Its Big Boy first and then Ms In Between

wvgal_dana said...

I got a still shot of them in the nest whoever it is.

Mema Jo said...

Should be BigBoy & MsInbetween... I wonder when Spunky left the nest this morning from sleeping there last night?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, it was shortly after 7 that Spunky took off.

Mema Jo said...

Yeah, Glo! We agreed! They probably have not yet fully adjusted to sleeping on a tree branch all night. Spunky's got smarts!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for that info Sharon - he really had a good night's rest. Spunky is probably scheduled for a full day of Flight School.. I bet that brunch comes in soon for these 2.

Anonymous said...

In early May, I wrote a couple of times-----suggesting the oldest eaglet be named YEAGER----after the famous WV pilot----but I VOTE NO on the name change now----Bigboy, Inbetween & Spunky have become part of our lives----PLEASE tell me who is visiting now?----I have the name YEAGER in reserve for next year----PROMISE----Yeager first to break the sound barrier--now that is SOARING!!!!!! GLO--you are in my prayers for a safe journey as you "soar" & much love to the "little one"-----

wvgal_dana said...

10:21 Well about the Parents names Sandy wrote me and I think the Momsters group and mentioned for the male Liberty and the female Belle ..Wow liberty Belle
Just give it some thought everyone. Sounded really good to me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Since Jo and Glo are in the know --(LOL), it is BigBoy and Ms. InBetween. Spunky is ready for the day after a good night's rest. Still wish he would make an appearance while they are there!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am willing to give up on Ulysses and Julia in lieu of Liberty and Belle!! I love Beauty and the Beast (so does my sister Donna) so I think that would make really good names.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You know, I bet Steve died laughing at us when he saw the previous blod with 575 comments on it. He probably really thinks now that we need to get a life!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey-----These "kids" must have some kind of a "NITE LIFE"-----WOW!!!!!!!!-------aren't they the COOLEST--

Anonymous said...

One of the parents just literally flew by but didn't stop. Didn't see a food drop and the kids aren't eating...hummmmmmmmm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If the parent did bring food, they didn't allow her/him to stay long enough to let go of it. Run him/her right out of the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne you got mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like they are doing a little tidy work around the house. Probably really looking for leftovers, if the truth be known.

Mema Jo said...

Our babies will probably fly out and visit Glo and then go on to see Jim. They cover quite a distance in the 4 years of free time before they mate & settle down. Early in our show do you remember Steve saying that it was probably a youngster that came back & Momma had to chase him away? I am happy that most of you don't want to rename our babies!!Just wouldn't be the same to me. You are really giving good suggestions for the parent's names - I am sure that Paula/Barb will set up a good poll where we can pace our vote. Remember the Washington DC eagles - George & Martha. I do hope they give us prewarning to taking down the cam - it will be a hot summer, cool fall & chilly winter - but don't delete that favorite bookmark - we will be back! I feel some closure on our eagle family now that we have seen all 3 return to the nest. They can't give up a good thing while it lasts.LOL Jo

wvgal_dana said...

That is awesome got still 10:56 June 16th Friday of all three in nest wow love this

Mema Jo said...

I wish the shadows would vanish. I am out of here for about 3 hrs - I will return to read the rest to today's story............. LOL

Anonymous said...

It would be sooooo nice if we had audio (wishful thinking) so that we could hear them call out to each other. Anyone out there read beaks?

Just Vicky said...

Please send me the pic of all 3 today PLEASE SOMEONE!

Anonymous said...

I must have blinked, I only see 2.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

In my personal and very well-educated opinion, I think it was BigBoy that just took off and Ms. InBetween appears she has found something to eat and is still in the nest. The one that took off was really black!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal, I never saw 3 in the nest! Just 2!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I'm with you, have only seen 2!! But something was flying real close overhead.

Anonymous said...

Lot of white feathers on the right side of this eaglet. Are is it just my eyes?????

Anonymous said...

Thank You Suzanne. I was trying to crawl into the screen to get a better look!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just thinking that the one left might be Spunky!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So much for my educated guess from before!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Suzanne, I have to clarify myself. I meant the one left in the nest!! THE MOST AWESOME SPUNKSTER!!!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I noticed that also, lot of action up in Harrisburg this week.

wvgal_dana said...

This is about "our" eaglets:

Once our eaglets fledged they remain around the nest 4 or 5 weeks. Short flights while primary feathers grow and strengthen. Parents will provide "all their food". They have to learn to hunt and they only have the remainder of summer to learn. After that they are "on their own". Through months of trail and error, they aquire basic skills such as lighting on perches or stooping on prey through practice only.
They will mature at 4 or 5 years old; "they are then eagles". Then all energies are concontrated on the efford of finding a mate and raising offspring. They don't mate in the "air" on the ground or branches.
Remembering always to pray for "BigBoy" "Ms-In-Between" and of course our "Spunky".....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think food may have just arrived but not sure. There was good mantling with it. Now is the time I have to admit that I have seen "mantling" before but didn't have a clue what it meant, so I went to just now and found out. Getting more knowledgable every day! :) Then the little feller carried it across the nest to eat!!

Anonymous said...

SHEEEEES BACK! I think---if you are naming the parents--we should name Dad----after Gen. Chuck YEAGER----& his wife's name was GLENNIS-----REASON---These eagles are WEST VIRGINIANS---thus should be named-----(GOOGLE HIM)--------OR how about ROBERT & IRMA BYRD----that would honor him---(don't call him Bob---doesn't like it a'tall-----I haven't learned how to enter a message in Yahoo--HELP!---Please include the names in the poll------You may have guessed----I am a true West Virginia------or how about a Shepherdstown name----lots of historical people in their history-------

glo said...

If someone caught a picture of all three in the nest today I would so love to have it.

Anonymous said...

WestVaGAl, if they don't mate in the "air" on the ground or the branches. Do they go to the local Motel 6???? Suzanne, when things calm down in PA, they bring out the power-washers!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good question Mits. LMAO. But I am thinking she meant ONLY on the ground or in branches.

Anonymous said...

Got it, I get confused alot!!!

glo said...

I think this is Spunky He is the only one I ever saw sit backwards on the launch pad like that

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I didn't have the pleasure of seeing it last year. I'm a newbie on this here computer thing. Mid-day shadows making things hard to see....

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I mean't not in the "air" but on branches or ground.
lol motel good one

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone!

Steve, best wishes to your mother.

Nilla, pie for Steve AND his mom!

We could name the parents Ward and June (Cleaver) -- the all-American parents!

I caught a nice still of one of the eaglet's face, very regal! I'll post it on NestWatchers for all to see..

Out for the day, bird rehabber stuff to do.

Bird Girl

Anonymous said...

JUST ONE MORE!!!!!! What about Joe & Gayle------the MANCHINS---our Gov.------might get some publicity for the EAGLES-------I PROMISE--------no more name suggestions----

Anonymous said...

WestVaGal, I got it!!! Bird Girl you have some beautiful pictures on your blog-site. Thanks!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Just caught up on some more of the comments of suggestions for Parent Eagles names. Just want to say it was probably a typo I'm sure but the person that mentioned Senior Byrd
Robert and his wife's name was Erma.
Just incase it is entered in poll.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo you got mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, this naming thing is cool. I think Robert and Erma Byrd (bird) would be great!! He is such a great asset to WV and there are so many things named after him in WV, why not name Momma and Daddy Eagle after him!! GOOD IDEA!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo and Jo - you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Suzanne, I will do that. I love that kind of stuff.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Parent back in nest and eaglet came back and took the food away from the parent. Mean little turds! Or maybe just hungry. Can't tell who it is. Parent just left again. I guess he/she needs to get more food.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! Just like Dominoes!!! Free Delivery!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's anothe huge fish. I see another nap time in the full to fly!

Anonymous said...

Some one in the nest eating fish. 9:29 pacific time

Anonymous said...

OK, on the name game: I agree that Liberty and Belle would be tooooo coooooooool.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...