Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday June 15

Wow, can't believe the action on the comments. I'm up in CT with family issues (mom coming home from hospital). I need to catch up.


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Mema Jo said...

Hopefully a little later they will all be back for breakfast. Can you shrink the Eagle Cam on your screen?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No I can shrink the eagle cam but I do shrink Word so I can see the eagle cam behind it while I am typing. Priorities here!!

Mema Jo said...

That's what I wanted to hear - your working! LLOL

glo said...

Good morning all, just checking in before I head of for coffee and Dog treats LOL ...(you thought I was gonna say donuts didn't you.

Mema Jo said...

Yep! Sure did - custard filled ones!
Good Morning, GLO.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I am just working until 8 and then I am off to get ready for my son's birthday cookout this afternoon. I will be checking in often though!! I have to work again this evening for a couple of hours. There is no rest for the weary or the wicked!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, what kind of dogs (or babies) do you have?

glo said...

Sharon I have 2 shiht'zus OH and June 15 was my sons Birthdya. Lots of great kids born or fledged in June I guess.

glo said...

hisdearheart the yahoo group isn't going to let me send a message with a file attached. I think you need to email me at and then I can sent it to you.

Iris and Mits I tried to make the file smaller to send it to you BUT my email says this fild can not be broken into parts, probably because it has audio along with video I guess. I don't know. I think If you go into


uncheck the box that says break apart messages larger than, just for today and if I hear from yo that you have done this, I will try to get it to you once more. Good luck.

you can set yours to accept larger file. Mine will send you this file, I have sent it to friends and a couple on here successfully.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Kind of like watching mold grow on here again. No babies in the nest.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

EAGLET IN THE NEST, EAGLET IN THE NEST. Mold just stopped growing!!

glo said...

eaglet in the nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My 8-year-old niece just said she wants West and Virginia for the names of the parents. She thinks that is cool.

Mema Jo said...

8:22am Eaglet got in the nest & I didn't even see him come in.Could be InBetween - waiting for breakfast. I am trying to get myself out of here to the Sycamore Tree.............

glo said...

Exciting things always happen when I am going to coffee. I think that is "Spunky" probably waiting on breakfast. Sharon and Jo thanks for the pictures you sent yesterday. Today is going to be just as difficult for me to save shots. I will check in an out but if something neat happens please snap the photo. Thanks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Who do you think it is, Glo? Looks to be trying to rest this morning. Must not have rested well last night. Should have come home and not laid out all night. :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, you are answering my questions before I even answer them. That is scary! LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Has signs of 'don't like sleeping on the branch' syndrome.........HaHa

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, that is how it seems to me!!

Mema Jo said...

Down again ! Just can't stay upright.
If it is InBetween - she's losing weight with all the training...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Gone for a while. Keep good notes!!

Anonymous said...

Is it Spunky??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is some more mantling!! Who is there now? I just saw a parent leave and now 2 babies are in the nest!! I think it is Spunky and Ms. InBetween.

movin said...

Then there were two...

There seems to be two eaglets...the newer one may be Big Gal.

Good Saturday morning, all.


paula eagleholic said...

Looks to be Spunky and MS Inbetween

Mema Jo said...

8:53am Nilla is over at the tree - Advised her there were 2 in the nest & that breakfast could be coming. She had to park along side of road - lots of leaves hiding nest - she's watching the sky..............LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Now is kinda looks like Big Bou!

paula eagleholic said...

Wish we had put those red, white and blue headbands on them!

Mema Jo said...

Hey Paula Thought we weren't going to rename the eaglets - who is BigBou! I am laughing laughing laughing. Love those typos!!!
I am headed out the door (late as usual) going to the Sycamore tree. Be back - with good results I hope.

Anonymous said...

Morning! Just checking in on the kids. I saw 2 before I opened the blog....

Won't be around much between my 6yo and my 22 month old nephew I doubt if computres are on the agenda.

Take good notes and I'll check in when I can!

Anonymous said...

Glo, Thank you so much, sorry to put you thru all that trouble, I will look into my problem.......Jim, thanks for your advice, I have Window XP, but I'm not computer literate, I just use it for fun and info, but I will look into the help section....Also Jim, it looks like the eaglets at EAGLE SCHOOL today are practicing their touch and go landings. School on Saturday, bet the kids aren't happy. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!!!! HOPE EVERYONE IS WELL THIS A.M. AND LOOKING FOR THE REPORTS BACK FROM THE 'OLE' SYCAMORE TREE!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no! Anyone else lose the still pic?

Just Vicky said...

Ok, where's the cam? Neither one working now!

glo said...

Ok Not looking good at all camera wise :-( Support group will be at 3 pm my time, that is 4 pm eagle time in case it has been down all day. So aliitle prayer, wihes, crossed fingers, whatever you think might work to get something up and running this weekend would sure be nice .

Does concern me for Steve's mom since thread is getting so old now and both cameras are gone. Good thing we have sent our eagle lookouts on over to NCTC. I'll check back later


Anonymous said...

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Maybe the Eagle moms are up there trying to adjust some things????

glo said...

Any photos anyone has from this morning would be most appreciated. Might be all we get for this weekend.

More to be revealed

paula eagleholic said...

Does not look good...

Anonymous said...

Belle said...
9:30 eagle time

Anyone else loose the eagle cam? I have a blue screen :( Whaaaaa - no stills and no live cam. I hope the eaglets are having a wonderful day.

I don't post very often, like the idea of naming the parents after the Byrd's and second Liberty and Belle (since my nick is Belle) {grin}

Anonymous said...

Glo, I'll be at the support meeting if this cam does not come back...

Anonymous said...

Sharon---I think 3 "love bugs" are all mantling----the color of the day is BLUE-----"Am I blue?"-----OH YES! Leaving the afternoon---This is our RELAY FOR LIFE DAY----
Take Care-----

Just Vicky said...

What and where and how do I become a part of the "support meeting at 3:00"????

Anonymous said...

I vote for Liberty and Bell!

glo said...

Hi Vicki Just come in here so we can all just kind of "cold turkey together. You might want to check in a little later this morning or early afternoon though and see if there is any news from the gals that went over close as they could get from the road anyway to NCTC They will probably have some fun news etc. Bummer isn't it :-(

Go get something done. There will be people in here to talk to off and on I'm sure AND there is the Yahoo group. If you send messages to the list, you will get some responses that wat too,. It was set up to keep us in tuch , so we should use it too. Lots of pictures and neat links for eagle and other nature wildlife kids of fixes.


Just Vicky said...

Thanks GLo!

Anonymous said...

Do you think some higher power shut it down for good???

Mema Jo said...

12:13pm I am not the 'higher power' & I did not climb any sycamore tree!!!!!
I'm Back! It's only a 30 min ride to NCTC. No Sightings for me. Nilla said they followed 4 up in the sky.
I arrived shortly before 10am & left at 11:15am. Nilla, Angie and Janet M. were already parked along the roadside with blanket in grass, binoculars on their eyes and cameras ready to shoot. I first went in though the opened gates at NCTC, stopped at the unmanned guard shack, & took off down the road headed for the tree. Then the guard van was coming up the road towards me. I stopped, waved & said "I don't think I am suppose to be in here on the grounds, but the gates were open." He said they were doing electricl work on the grounds (higher power?) and he had opened the gates for the trucks! I told him I was meeting someother eagle moms & I thought they were up on the main road. Told him I was going to just turn around & leave to find them. Of course, I had to go down the road as close to the tree that I could & turn. It was good to see the sycamore and the nest again! With binoculars out I scanned the tree but saw no eagles. I then joined the other moms along side the road. We took some pics & I will add an album to Momsters about the 2nd trip to NCTC. Janet and Angie also have some pics to contribute. After an hour I said I was going to the guard shack's portapot-- Angie & Janet M. escorted me. Afterwards, in order to turn around, I took them to the tree so Janet M could see it for the first time. We all hugged eachother goodbye & headed towards our destinations. When I came home, much to my dismay, I see that the CAM has crashed. I was hoping to see on the CAM what I may have missed on the trip. It was so good to be with the other moms - Fantastic! Wish I had more to report - They must have had school today like you said. I'm sure Angie,Nilla & JanetM will be making comments - they just had farther to go to get home then I did.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, my higher power wouldn't do that to me, at not least without warning. The blue screen happened to us before and I bet it will be Monday before it gets fixed. Sounds like a computer crashed or something.

Jo, thanks for your report. The fact that the gates were open was definitely from a higher power. I am sorry you didn't get to see any of our babies though. Nice report, very detailed, just as I requested. Did you take a note pad with you? LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, we may need a marathon meeting to last for a couple of days!!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
NillaWafer said...

Hey Hey Hey Gang, Im backkk after stopping for some lunch at aseafood place.. Yummmie crab casserole big lumps.. See Jo shoulda came OK i arrived over at nest around 8:40 am and started my search of the sky,, next thing Jo call's on cell and gives me the low down on 2 in the nest.. Shortly after i hang up i turned and looked up and 1 was flying away, those lil devils are fast!! So Ang arrives and we nestle down with camera's and binoculars, Janet arrived and then Jo.. Jo didnt get to see them but Ang, Janet and myself watched 4 soraing high above all together... WHAT A SIGHT!!!MY OH MY WAS BREATHTAKING!!! Like they knew we were there and putting on a show for us!!! So we sat and the sun was very hot. then Jo had to potty so i held down the fort... saw 1 large bird fly over but only caught a glimpse of it Janet said it was a crane i think. We just yacked and yacked, had our hugs goodbye and off we went.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I WAS #500.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jo, for a great report. Glad you weren't climbing any trees. Been quiet all a.m. since the blue screen went up, but maybe it went down because of the electical work going on. :):):) Happy you had a good time with the other Eagle Moms!!

glo said...

Need an eagle fix OR if you missed some of this during the last few days. here is a link to lots of what our eagle family has been up to. Practicing, Fledging, Returning, chowing down,, resting, mantling oh and soemtime this weekend I will and the brancking one Sharon sent from yesterday.

So not completely cold turkey. Might help you all a little bit. I can watch any one of them over an dover. How quickly they have grown and changed even in the last week to 10 days...amazing

Remember once this site closes down, we do have an eaglemomsters group. If you do not yet belong, its because our 2 ladies who set this up don't know you are here and wanting to join. Many of us will be staying in touch there as well. I am sure if you leave a message on here, one of the moderators will send you an invitation.

Under the links of the Yahoo momsters group page are links to many wonderful sights to help us all out on those days we want to "Get back to nature".

They have also graciously added links to this blog I have just left website address for, and the Tribute website I have also made for NCTC and our eagles.

have a great day. I am sure our eagles are!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I would have absolutely messed myself!! I am so glad you got to see them!!

I can't believe we have the blue screen today. Okay, maybe it is God doing for me what I can't do for myself!! That happens a lot!

Have to go get the birthday cookout started!! Have a wonderful afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Well there number 500! I did try to bring a sycamore ball home to send to you, but it was so small that I lost it. Rolled right away from me!
I really do wish all of you could have been there physically - I did feel your spirits! LLOL Jo

glo said...

Thanks for the reposrt ladies. You certainly saw a whole lot more of any of them than we did. I am anxious to see the pictures. Just sounds so much fun to meet people from here and to go right there to the sight in person. Of course some of you managed to get a little closer to the sight than others.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you reckon the blue screen has anything to do with the electrical work they were doing there today? Happened around the same time!

glo said...

Ummm hmmm Well that could be good news, OR not so good. if they were fixing something we should know pretty soon. If they weret aking down the camera or something well ya know not too good at all. I don't think they would do that for a few more weeks. A couple anyway. Too frequent contact with the nest. We certainly were NOT bored yesterday!!

glo said...

Gloand themomsters Blogsite is almost at 1000 hits in about 2 1/2 days...and I am NOT tracking my own hits, which are of course at least a dozen just to watch and several more to see if others have stiopped by. It was at 981 last time I checked. If someone from here is visitor 1000 would you please sign one of the comment areas there and say so. i am NOT putting that comment anywhere it will either be you and kind of "More Fun info" or it will be another eagle lover who just happened by.

NillaWafer said...

Jo mail call... Glo couldnt get the yahoo site to work for me copied and pasted as you put it in here..Nilla Hurry Jo... Oh i hope your wearin a depends after you see the

wvgal_dana said...

Wonderful, exciting, and heartfilling to see they flying....did you catch a look at their wings??? Or were they too far up?? Wings straight on ends or tipped up just alittle???
Yep have to turn around lol to get out of there (we did Friday 16th) right by the daycare nice look at sycamore tree where we thought it was Spunky setting on the tree limb.
Then out of there before guard came to find us lol.....of course I would blame it on husband he was driving lol lol

glo said...

Nilla its NOT a Yahoo site...Its a Blogger site.

I copied and pasted it just now to be sure I had the whole address and it went there just fine. Go try again. Besure you get the whole address event hat last little / on the end.

here it is one more time and i just came from there with that link it is

Mema Jo said...

You, YOU KNOW WHO, are sooooo bad! Laughed my oxygen tank right off!

wvgal_dana said...

You have to type it in like this

Your missing the www

Anonymous said...

Glo, just went to that link, the video is awesome. Good Job!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Finally got on your blog to view the video....great job!

If anyone needs a hit our eaglets, Glo's is the place to go!

By the way, I was visitor 1008!


Mema Jo said...

2:08pm I just started (2 pics only to date) the NCTC TRIP 2 photo album on our Eaglet_Momsters site. Go take a look & see the moms...

wvgal_dana said...

Jo just went there and looked at the two pics....very nice shots.
Weeee drove 2 hrs. and she got to see the eagles and eaglets...awesome!!!
Check later to see more of today visit my you all to NCTC Eagles and Eaglets....oh boy I love pictures...ty

movin said...

OK, who took the pictures away???


glo said...

I am an eagleholic but right now i am powerless over sleep as well. I am going to go take a nap, but will check in as soon as I get up to see if people did stop by on or about 4 eagle time. to say"Hi" offer their support to those of us going cold turlkey today etc.

If there is still No cam anywhere tomorrow I have a little
"eagle therapy idea" that I think we would all enjoy.

How about writing a little note to the family oR any oone of our 5 eaglets, as to what you might want to say to them if you could have like 30 secs of your own time. Now I said 30 secs because I don't want to end up with 100 pages of something we won't all take the time to read until winter or some such. You could email them to me, as well as put them on here if you like. The ones that get emailed might end up someplace a little later on ...More to be revealed.

nap time but I will check in this afternoon as soon as I wake up.

glo said...

ooops I ahve to go see some pictures of this mornings visit before I sleep .. That will have to be my NCTC daily fix I'm afraid byt he way it looks this weekend. Off to Yahoo.

glo said...

JanetM Did you really drive 2 hours out into the middle of nowhere country to meet stranger birdbrains"? You nned to be at support group this afternoon

Nice pictures everyone More More!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you have to be a member of the Eagles-Mom group to see todays pictures???

Anonymous said...

Blue screen coming myyyy waaayyy, nothing but bluuuue screen all the day! Song to the tune of Blue Skies! OK, you all have a good afternoon, I'm off to Annapolis, Maryland for some STEAMED CRABS!! YUMMY!!!!

Mema Jo said...

MITS: I bet you better get your membership approved. I'll send them in an email (your address please)

JIM: I so want to say "A little birdie took the pic" Jo was the photographer for the first 2 in the album & you will see her whenever I get JanetM & Angie's photos.... We tried to flag down a fast moving car on the roadway to no avail - thought we could get someone to do a group shot of all 4. I guess we could have asked the guard who was sitting in his airconditioned van reading a huge manual. Didn't even think of that... I thought we were all going to be 'road-kill' with our chairs protruding onto the road. Nilla kept saying - they have the whole road to go on! Of course, at no time did any opposing traffic in the lanes exist. We did have fun!

Anonymous said...

Jo, yes maam', I will. email address is Thanks. TTUL!

Mema Jo said...

MITS: You have email PAULA: So do you!
MITS - Click on large photo image & select View Image - It will downsize it for you.
Enjoy the Crabs!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jo, great pictures. Later.

Mema Jo said...

Hoping that most of you can do the web search for: ARKIVE Welcome to ARKive-Images of Life on Earth... type in EAGLE for the the white tailed for more movies... They look so much like our babies & gives a closeup look at what we have been through these past months. You will really enjoy this! Paula should be placing a link to it on our momsters in the future.

wvgal_dana said...

4:12pm I was thinking (yep I do that sometimes lol) remember Steve Chase has that "blue" picture on the other page. Said something about a change or something else to occupy us after eaglets cam shuts down. Hummmmmmm Nay he would do that to us; were his favorite reading material (lol) I know he didn't put the "blue" still cam pic up there.
Get Better Steve's Mom.......Mom is Steve reading these comments to you as "bedtime stories" lol......
Grin Hi! Steve lots of comments.....

glo said...

Hi I'm Glo and I'm an eagleholic, but I did have a really nice nap. Looks like maybe I better head back to Yahoo for more pictures

Anonymous said...

Still a BLUE SCREEN. I don't like blue anymore.

glo said...

OK well this will never eplace our cam BUT these guys are awfully cute go peak in here.

Go soon its getting dark there I think they are in Germany BUT not for sure.

it is a feather fix anyway

glo said...

Hmmm WEll I guess the group doesn't need a fix today LOL I am sure it is too dark now, but you might want to try that sight
tomorrow. Off to walk the dogs.

glo said...

Movin JIM I don't thikn you can get the video downloaded from the blog site, but if you are on a highspeed connection I would be very happy to send you a copy of the video. Oh and The yahoo group is definitely open to the Dad's who have been in here too. Right Paula and Barbara.

Going to a Barn theatre play tonight, might stop in later, oor perhaps tomorrow.

For our dad visitors Happy Fathers Day

Anonymous said...

For the record, OF COURSE Eaglet Dadsters are welcome in the Yahoo Group! In fact, we have some already.

I spent the day at a Spinning Bee. It was held at a property that has been a working farm since Colonial times. They still have a 'kitchen garden', some fruit trees, Lincoln Longwool Sheep, two ponies, and a ton of antique fiber equipment. I was just happy to be able to sit in the shade with the nice breeze, and work on some yarn I am spinning.

Back to the blue screen...

Anonymous said...

I love that all our eaglets have fledged, and appear to have survived so far.. this is the first site I have visiteded, and by far the most successful.
Thanks to all those who have made this possible

Katie from New Zealand

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:09 p.m. Well I am back in after a wonderful Birthday Cookout and other things. So sad we still have a blue screen but I really feel it will be Monday before it gets back up. Glo, I definitely need an EA meeting. Other people just understand what it is like unless you have been there yourself. I know most of you are right with me on the withdrawal from eaglets!!

This has been a wonderful day. I did get to see a parent and two eaglets before it went down this morning so that was wonderful.

I have to work a little while now. Be back on in a little bit!

movin said...

Afternoon, everyone (beautiful and warm in So. Cal, but muggy...)--

Perhaps I used slightly wrong terminology to describe what I wanted to do, but I did get the big video clip viewed and left a comment. It's great...but I sure hope the young ones get some landing-practice sessions in before long.

Glo, I do not have a fast connection at this time, but if the file isn't toooooooo big, I would appreciate you sending an attachment to ""

Anybody got any fast growing grass we could all watch until the camera is up again??


Mema Jo said...

Katie from New Zwaland - WELCOME!!!!!
I have been away four hours - no changes & few comments -
Time for silliness:

When the sky's blue - that's ok
When the water's blue - that's ok too.
BUT when the cam is blue...
Then it's time to YAHOO !!
Did any of you go to ARKIVE ???? It was your assignment for enjoyment!!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Yes, Barb in ME -- Have you ever worked with Alpaca yarn. We have a good many farms here in the valley - I love those little guys so much - so cute. Once saw a baby one - could have taken him home with me.

Mema Jo said...

Katie -please excuse my typo... Sorry.

Katie from New Zealand - Welcome !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I never could get the Arkive thing to come up! I finally gave up. It said cannot find server for me. Don't know what I am doing wrong.

Welcome Katie from New Zealand. That is so cool. I ran into a gentleman at the Flea Market here in Bluefield last week from New Zealand. I never have been able to figure out how somebody ends up in Bluefield of all places from that far away. I would love to know how many countries are represented by people just reading the blog. I guess we probably have been great entertainment for a lot of people. There are a lot of silent blog viewers that never sign in. My sister is one of them. I would love to hear from everybody who reads our insanity!! :) What a great time I have had with this journey!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, what is Alpaca yarn and what kind of babies are you speaking of!! Some of us are just not in the know. Enquiring people want to know!!

Mema Jo said...


Site for Alpacas with a picture. There wool is used like sheep for yarn.

Mema Jo said...

My spelling/grammar/typing is getting pretty bad.... This may be my last comment... I am going to the beach tomorrow through Wed - Only have dialup down at the house... I will still try to get into the blog & see what is going on with everyone. I, like Sharon, don't feel we'll have any cam until Monday. But! we know the eagle family is doing very well. Peaceful feeling!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon- I hope you get the mail I just sent.. What kind of cake did you bake???? Oh! NILLA didn't bring any pies today.

Anonymous said...

Jo, have a good time at the beach, Looks like good weather. I'm headed there the end of June for awile. Do you think they are all sitting there in the nest with a couple of brewski's, saying, "Boy its nice to have the weekend off with know one watching us." I did get to see some osprey with their young when I was over in Annapolis, Maryland. It was so much cooler being by the water.

Mema Jo said...

Hi MITS: Glad you had a good enjoyable day. Hope traffic was ok. Love your comment about having the weekend off without being monitored. I just didn't think about their thoughts!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I baked a Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake. Hard work! LOL. Nilla, it just seems like you would have made at least one pie to share with your eaglet buddies. But, then you would have had to start mailing them out to those of us who have begged you for one!!

Jo, how does one live on dial-up. If I had to work (you know, the real job) on dial-up, I think I would probably go nuts. If we get the live feed back up on Monday, I will try to get a few videos for you so you won't miss anything big! What beach are you going to? I want to go. Everybody is going to the beach this summer and I am going to band camp! I am looking forward to that though because I have a blast there!!

I hate that #(@@%@&$#*# blue screen!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you know, if it were us being watched like that without knowing, wouldn't that be horrible. Now, it would be something to behold if there had been little hidden cameras of all of us sitting at our computers watching them. That would have made for a major motion picture!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your right, Sharon. I get alot of grief from some friends and family about my addiction to my computer. Two years ago everyone was telling me to get with the times, get on the computer, now its your wasting your time, get off the computer. I can't win. I did get hig-speed internet at my beach condo, the dial-up was driving me CRAZY! The cake sounds soooo good.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have used alpaca to make yarn. Also llama, angora goat (they give mohair), silk, sheep, angora bunny, cotton, flax (which makes linen), and my Persian cat! I have friends who raise alpacas -- they have about 50 of them. I go there frequently. I have photos of me holding a lovely baby alpaca who was two days old! At least I can hug alpacas, unlike our eagles...

Mema Jo said...

Barb: Your Furryarns is quite a successful business venture for you.I enjoyed reading your company's history on your site. The colors of the yarns are so appealing. Someday I am going to find an alpaca farm & hold one of those little babies... LOL Jo

paula eagleholic said...

I see that nasty little blue picture is still with us! Oh well, guess we have Monday to look forward to.

Just got back from a wedding...had a great time...good diversion, otherwise I would have been seeing blue all the time....

Happy Father's Day to all of our Eagle watching Dads!

Glad ya'll at least got to see the eagles overhead and heron are pretty cool too...used to see them all the time at the beach in St Mary's county...I can't believe they come this far inland....

I got the requests for check your email!

I'll bet there are some eaglets in the nest tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, in case you haven't checked the Blackwater osprey lately, all 4 chicks are doing well!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nightly report - 10:44, at 12 o'clock there is blue, at 9 o'clock there is blue, 6 o'clock, there is blue!! Okay, just wanted to let you all know what I saw!!

Good night. Have to work tomorrow. Might get something done - no eaglets to watch!! WAH!! Naw, won't get nothing done because it doesn't matter if all I see is blue, I can't stay off of here!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blue update, Sharon! Good Night All!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Your welcome Mits!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all...enjoy your day tomorrow...we have Monday to look forward to!

Mema Jo said...

Remember that by the dawn's early light - it is going to be bright and BLUE !!!
Goodnight all, LOL Jo
Did place 1 more NCTC TRIP 2 pic on momster's site.

Bird Girl said...

Cindi said...
"Bird Girl was talking about a blog????NestWatchers???? How do I find it???"

Cindi (and anyone else who is interested):

I have three blogs: my personal ramblings blog, a "photo album" blog, and my nest watchers club.

Note: there is NO "WWW" in these addresses.

Please feel free to add comments, my personal blog is moderated, as is the photo album blog, but Nest Watchers Club is not.

Barbara In ME: I used to have a friend who spun her Samoyed's hair into yarn, and made hats and stuff like that. I think I read somewhere that Collie hair works well, too.

Glo: When will you be in AZ? What part?

Bird Girl

wvgal_dana said...

5:43am Sunday woke u early to catch _____ & _______ (Eagle Parents) and eaglets BigBoy, Ms InBetween, and Spunky but all's I got is 'A BLUE SCREEN AGAIN!!!
I do hope we get to name the Parents and the still or the live feed work. When they come in we can say I seen ______ or ______ (parents names) before this goes down for the summer..
If we get the vote done then Monday or Tuesday if things get fixed we can be calling them by their names.
Maybe that is what all the "blue screen" is about...over weekend giving us time to the poll.
I'm ready about you all??????

Anonymous said...



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:24 a.m. The dreaded blue screen again. Oh well, I really didn't expect it to be up this morning. I would venture to say nobody is there to fix it so maybe tomorrow. I sure do hope they get it fixed quick in the morning though!! Need an eaglet fix!!

Oh yeah - GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY. Make a good day.

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Bird Gir, I am in Az this coming weekend. I left a comment in your Nestwatcher Blog, which I will definitely be returning to.

glo said...

Go here for a feather fix today; its not dark anymore. I think its Germany. It's like stopping by to say Hello to Mom and dad.

Happy Father's Day everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, Glo, that is about too cute. They look so sweet!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They are our future baby deliverers.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Glo, I went to Live cam news on the storks and of course it was in German (I think). I translated the page to English, still a little hard to understand but I do gather they started out with 5 babies and are now down to 2. I am so glad we started out with 3 babies and still have 3 babies.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, guys, I am feeling pretty lonely here!! Somebody say something!!

glo said...

Sorry just back from coffee. I didn't know you could speak German LOL.

Yep anyway there is apicture of the 5 little ones in the nest down that same page just a little. I thought the same thing right away then about "Oh my, they've lost 2 or 3 of them, as I couldn't tell if I saw 4 or 5 in the nest at first.

Still awfully busy so can't stay in here but will check back off and on.

Jim I sent you an email , if you haven't seen it check your spam/junk filter.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo - happy packing!!

wvgal_dana said...

9:05am Hi Sharon and Glo and Cindi and everyone "Good Morning" to all fathers "HAPPY FATHERS DAY"..I've been watching the Germany site and the great Opsrey site at Massachusets. Dad brought Mom food to feed babies; reminded me of our babies....ah.... also on the Germany site lol can't believe those babies "feet" those legs to stand on if can when can lol they walk around with legs "bent" not straight and long.
Still miss seeing our Eagles and Eaglets hope they fix it tomorrow..
While doing that I was tring to see if I could make out of alot of the letters (not adding letters) in: bigboymsinbetweenspunky
a girls name and a boys name
trying to use alot of the letters:
king,sky,besty,mist,peg,penny,ben,sue,sweet,bing,seth,west,gin,ken; YOU'LL DO ANYTHING WHEN THERE IS A 'BLUE' SCREEN lol. I am sure there are more names you can make but I need more sleep was on here at 5:43am this morning. Nap time.

glo said...

Jim Don't see it yet. If the answer was yes go ahead and try , please tell me on here as I would like to send it as I leave this morning for several hours. That way I will know when I get backed, if it was successful or not.

My browser has shut down twice this morning for I don't have a clue what reason, so maybe it got lost in incoming at the shutdown.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon, I pop in now and then to read you all. Most of my own links are almost as sad. Seems all my birds are flying the coop, lol. Have you seen this one in Maine? They only let you see the live cam for about 2 minutes but it is interesting anyway.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just reading something pretty strange. On Catalina Island (I know, I need to be working) there is a trio of eagles - 2 females and a male who cohabitate together and produce offspring. The original male died and now is replaced with a 6-year-old male.

Here is the info:
Information about the West End Nest

The nest that can be viewed on-line is part of the Catalina Island Bald Eagle Restoration Project conducted by the Institute for Wildlife Studies (IWS) and funded by generous donations from viewers like you. First established in 1991, this nest, called the West End nest, is rare in that there have been three eagles (two females and a male) cooperatively breeding here since 1992. The original male disappeared before the 2006 breeding season at the age of 25 years old. He was replaced by a 6-year-old male (#01) in 2006. The two females are 20 years old. One female has orange wing markers with "69" printed in black. This helps us identify individuals. The other female has a silver band on her left leg. The birds share all the nesting duties, including nest construction, incubating the eggs, and taking care of the chicks. This is one of only a handful of reported nests with three adult bald eagles present and the only one that you can actually watch on the internet. The nest, located on a rock pinnacle at a remote location on Santa Catalina Island, California, has been monitored since 1991 by IWS biologists using closed-circuit camera systems. Because of continuing problems with DDT pollution in southern California, which causes the eagles to lay thin-shelled eggs, it is necessary for us to remove the eggs soon after they are laid, replace them with artificial eggs, and incubate the real eggs in incubators at our incubation facility on Catalina. When the eagle chicks are 1-2 weeks old, we foster them into the nests. Since 1991, 18 chicks have fledged from this nest, three of which have remained on the island.

I didn't know eagles were bigamists too. Very interesting!! (I say that with the accent of Colonel Klink as I have been reading German this morning).

Okay, back to work!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, and Happy Father's Day to our eaglet_dadsters!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, fasinating stuff!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits!

Anonymous said...

Good morning all -- we are having hot weather today in Maine -- it is supposed to get up to the 90's. I hope our eagle family gets plenty of breezes and water and juicy fish! Is the weather hot in WV too?

To WVaGal: I have spun dog fur also, for a customer. I used her Samoyed and made ski headbands and mittens. Dog fur is much warmer than wool, so a little went a long way! I also did Bouvier de Flandres for another customer, and she plans to knit a sweater.

Too bad we still have the blue screen. Our eaglets are growing without us! Hopefully we will see them all again soon.

As for all the folks checking out my website, I design all the colorways myself and do all the dyeing. It is very satisfying work.

Happy Dad's Day to all the dads out there, and especially our Eagle Dad!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Gang, and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the Eagle dads out there. Ahhh blue screen, but wont complain after seeing them soaring in the sky yesterday over at NCTC.. SMILES Speaking of animal fur.. LOL i have a Himalayan cat named " Sugah Boogah" and he is one giant hairball.. Anyone want to make me a fur coat?? I can pick up his comb and he comes Oh Jo went to her home on the shore i see.. Hope she has a great time with her family, as well as everyone else.. My daughter went to NYC i told her she is nuts in this heat in that city..Son went to Hershey Park.. He said but mom we will get on all the water rides first.. I said yeah but standing in line is the bad part .. so will everyone else get on them also...LOL Glo i left a message on your web site and Thanks for the good cry.. It is Fantasic. I did get alittle sun burned yesterday, anyone else ever notice how good a sun burn looks in the I was watching the Eagles in BC and mom brought in some fresh grass for the nest. What i like about that site is it has sound so now i know what "OUR" kids sounded like. How do i get to where the pictures of yesterday that was takin on here?? Did Jo add them some where's? I bet i was a mess but asked Jo im much pretttier in person.....LMAO J/K Have a wonderful and safe Sunday.. Hugs, Nilla

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:24 A.M. Weather report in Bluefield (don't have nothing else to comment on at the moment). It is partly sunny and 77°. I, of course, am stuck in front of this computer working, not being able to watch the eaglets and not being able to get out in the sun. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Of course, I am supposed to be off tomorrow (more will be revealed) but if the camera comes back up, probably won't get out in the sun tomorrow. :)

Don't know why, but for some reason I haven't had many takers at my bird feeders this morning. They are probably finding food elsewhere this morning. Normally have a roof full.

I could put some fish out there (PHEW) and see if I could attract an eagle or 2. LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, Sugah Boogah is a great name!! I have 4 dogs - Mopsy (my only girl), Buphals, Scooby and Hairy. They are my babies for sure, oh besides the almost 17-year-old baby I have (6'2", size 16 shoe) baby. :)

NillaWafer said...

Kinda quiet here today Guess everyone is celebrating Father's Day. Sharon Sugahh Boogahh has a long pedigree name i cant He is so spoiled, actually my daughter had bought him from abreeder and when i had to have my Tinker put to sleep last July 5th ( had her for 16 years) Dawn said mom take Sugahhh, so now he is my fur Well going to look around the internet awhile and see whats going on with the messy falcon's in Harrisburg blog to.

Anonymous said...

Just got a chance to look at the live-cam in Germany with the Stork family. Very cute! Speaking of storks. We are expecting our 1st grandchild on September 2nd. Very exciting times in the Mits household. Can't wait to hold that baby in my arms. I'm off to check on some other cams, but I had to put that stork on my favorites list. Back Later.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I guess nobody's home today. Talk to all of you later.

Anonymous said...

Before I go...How come we can get such a beautiful clear picture of storks in Germany, but can't do the same with the eagles in West Virginia?????? Just a question????? Not a criticism.... Later!

glo said...

Wanna talk dogs... ME TOO I have no idea what I would do without my 2, but right now I have to pack to go see Elia. Wanna talk grandbabies Me TooBut I shall have lots more to say about this little one as soon as I get back from AZ.

packing time. Hi to all who have stopped in and are feeling a little alone today. Holidays can get a little tough some time, I know they can around here. This one however has me nice and busy. I'll check back later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This holiday is getting me down today a bit but it will be all good!! For everybody who still has their father, cherish and enjoy every moment you have with him because you are truly blessed!!!!!

Nancy K. said...

I miss the eagles. That blue screen makes me sad.
So I put a real cute post on my blog today. Check it out if you want to smile...

Nancy K. said...

Oops. that should be:

glo said...

Yep go visit nancy's bLOG you will chuckle. very cute and nicely done!!!
OK back to laundry, doggie care, fish tank preparedness LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nancy, that was great. I needed to smile and that did it for me!! Thanks.

NillaWafer said...

Just sneaking in and looking Nancy your site is so cute loved reading them. I guess im going to go look for a site for cat lover' Maybe someone can tell me how to stop Himalayans from shedding 24/7.. i swaer im gona shave him bald...LMAO Hope everyone is having agreat day.. Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Sharon next year we certainly need to plan something for everyone so Ya'll can get over and visit the nest and the center which is beautiful inside also. So there is plenty of time for everyone to be thinking about it.. Heck we could have abig sleep over at my house.. just bring sleeping Just a thought,

NillaWafer said...

Oh im watching the Stork cam in Germany and its so cute mom is standing and with sound i hear the baby begging for food.. Alos hear cars must be close to raod and heard some boys yallin at the storks but was in German couldnt understand I only know Weiner Snitzel and Gazuntike...LMAO

NillaWafer said...

Thats it im making anote to myself... relized i must be deslexic as can be... after reading what i just typed.. AMAZING that we can be watching all this wildlife from all over the world huh!!! If someone doesnt answer soon i am gona sing

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am answering Nilla but you can still sing again anyway. I love your songs!! Those storks are so cute!! When I first brought it up this morning, both babies were looking straight into the camera, standing in the middle of the nest and Mom was directly behind them. It looked like a perfect picture.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Nilla, I think we were on different stork cams. The one I saw this morning had 2 babies in it and no sound. I just found the one with the much smaller baby and sound.

NillaWafer said...

Sharon i only see 1 baby in the nest and just awhile ago it was coughing chokin , must been a feather ball or fish bone, mom stood there and watched i was People are talking again... NOOOOOOOO there are 2 in the nest that lil stinker musta been really buried deep in the nest sleepin.. Oh sneezin now, they sure make funny sounds.

glo said...

ok where is the stork cam with sound?

NillaWafer said...

Sharon is the mom standing on 1 leg.. cars going by and birds singin in your's? I swear now i only see 1 baby now..? This is in Germany... cam

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Stork cam with sound -

How do you go from watching eaglets to these?

NillaWafer said...

Glo i found it on the beakspeak site under storks..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
NillaWafer said...

I have always peeked in on this family.. I go down the list on beakspeak checkin

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is the one with 2 storklets in it!! LOL. No sound though.

NillaWafer said...

WOW From the sound of those cars passing must be close to the autobon No speed limits You find i Listen Glo? Listen someones talking sounds like a child.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looked like Momma Stork, the one with sound, was just shaking her head "no" to the baby. I just see one baby in that nest too. Seems like she would get tired standing there on one leg for that long!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Listen it No i swear i saw 2 awhile ago 1 must be in behind the other 1...lo, they sneeze alot..Lokk she is touching it neck like saying its ok little 1..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just looking at the one with the 2 larger storklets (like my name for them) and they do a nice poopshoot too. LMAO!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: Answer to your question about how can you go to storks from eagles--

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Oh i was wrnong there is only 1 in this nest and both parents were there 1 came in with a branch and 1 flew off the baby is beggin for food.. LOL sometimes sounds like its blowin it nose...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, you ain't even right!!!

NillaWafer said...

Welcome home Jo u

NillaWafer said...

hey birds of a feather flock together...ROFLMAO

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Geeezzz i hope they sound cough up some food for this

NillaWafer said...

Heck i keep up i can go to 650 all by myself talking to myself...LMAO

glo said...

Well I would give anything to watch any on eof our three eaglets and/or Mom and dad check in with us from the nest any time now...but it has in fact helped some of us get through todday a little. They are uniquely cute and yess also seem to have very good "bird hygiene", but they are not the awesome splendor of our eagles. Just don't tell storklet's mom or dad I said that OK?

movin said...

Wow! 620+ comments!!
Has anyone heard from Steve since Thursday? I hope his mother is doing well.

I suppose he's probably doing Fathers Day stuff today anyway.

I think I'll try the Harrisburg Peregrines, but I have a feeling they have all fledged while we were watching the blue screen....


glo said...

Nilla That's exactly why with the first stork cam anyway I's kinda like visiting your Mom and Dad..

NillaWafer said...

NOW THAT WAS FUNNY THE KID COUGHED AND COUGHED THEN I HEARD ALITTLE WHIZZIN SOUND AND A POOP SHOOT ACROSS THE NEST...lmao The parents sure are tidy housekeepers the falcons need to learn from

movin said...

They have some interesting Bald Eagle nests in the West(s) too.

Kent is great...2 cams...and Catalina Island and there's one in B.C. which has at least one chick.


NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon Jim and HAPPY father's Day to you.. Dont know about anyone else but im having agood time here at work watching the storks, but i hope they feed it soon!!! Poor baby Jo guess we need a ticket to

NillaWafer said...

Jim the 1 on Catalina Island is the 1 with 3 parents a male and 2 female.. yup intersting I think those lil barn owl's are cute as the dickin's..

NillaWafer said...

The nest in BC has 2 babies and the nest is large enough they hide sometimes in the left hand corner under the limb. I watched them eating today.. LOL its good for my diet losing appetite watching..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey Jo -- thanks, I needed that.

Mema Jo said...

*****new blog page *****************

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

new thread is up.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

new page up -- I am outtahere!!

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...