Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday June 15

Wow, can't believe the action on the comments. I'm up in CT with family issues (mom coming home from hospital). I need to catch up.


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Anonymous said...

saw that, eat faster!!!

Anonymous said...

It would be cool to call the parents.

George and Martha

Bonnie in Va

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now 2 siblings in the nest. Could we have a third? Identification please! I think it is InBetween eating and Spunky is the one that just came in!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok when is the poll going to be set up about naming the Parents??????? Will it be like usual on the "Momsters Yahoo Page"?

Anonymous said...

Steve my very best to your Mom for a speedy recovery.

Thanks for all you have done to make this one awesome place to visit.

Bonnie in Va.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bonnie in VA - George and Martha live on the DC Beltway!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, George and Martha are the eagles that live by the Wilson Bridge in Anacostia D.C. They have had quite a time this spring... not sure where you can go to get the info about their hardships...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Quick, a picture...THey are ALL 3 there!!!!

Harbinger said...

Three babies in the nest!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne that's an excellent place for the info... Also most DC T.V. stations. Last I heard she was back and things were normal...

Anonymous said...

Do my eyes deceive me??? 3????

Anonymous said...

I see 3!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

now I see only 2!!

Anonymous said...

nope 3!!

Harbinger said...

And doesn't that big empty nest look small and full now?

Anonymous said...

It looks great!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh ok Suzanne. ummmm how about.
Franklin and Eleanor


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And back to 2. I got the third one coming in on Fraps. I also got a picture of all three right before the one took off!! NOW I AM CONVINCED THEY ARE ALL THREE OKAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this nice to see the kids back home. Puts a smile on my face.:):):)

Anonymous said...

All three babies! Looks like BigBoy at 2 o'clock, Ms InBetween at 9 o'clock, and Spunky just launched from 1 o'clock. Both of the eaglets left in the nest are busy eating lunch.

Anonymous said...



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Suzanne, must be true love, she flew 90 miles to get back to him. Been watching them for years.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon it would be good if we could do the poll before this feed and site go down. That way when Parents come in we can call them by there names.

Anonymous said...


wvgal_dana said...

Is "live feed" still going???? Mine's down...1:11 pm

Anonymous said...

TTUL!!SUZANNE!! My live feed is gone..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Probably means it is out until Monday unless maybe Jo or WV Gal can call to get them to turn it back on! HINT! HINT!

Harbinger said...

I'm going to miss the babies so much when the feed goes down for the season. But I'm so happy to have been able to see all three of them in the nest at one time, so there was no mistaking the fact that all 3 are healthy and growing and doing fine. What exceptional parents they have!

Anonymous said...

The last 2 weeks it went down on Thursday afternoons. But, your right Sharon, probably will not be back til Monday....

Anonymous said...

Please don't disgrace our eagles by naming them after R.Byrd. I for one am embarrassed by him and besides his name is on everything you see... please not our eagles!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, my life is complete. I am so grateful to see without any doubt that all three are okay. I never could get past the thing I read that 40% of all eaglets died on their first flight. Now I can breathe so much easier. This is just wonderful. What an awesome eagle family we have had the privilege to watch.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope RCB doesn't read this blog!!

Anonymous said...

YAHOO says the MODERATOR has to accept me before I can be a member of the group------I am begging----I WANT TO BE A EAGLET GROUPIE---Please email if approved-----this is harder than sorority rushing---

Remember I suggested Robert & Erma as names for mom & dad----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You might not have any pull around here with Robert and Erma because of whoever anonymous is! I personally like it myself!!

Anonymous said...

is that mom and dad back????

Anonymous said...

ANONYMOUS----Sen. Byrd is getting us funding for the eagle cam net year---WV Gal contacted him-----

We West Virginians are PROUD of him------

Anonymous said...

I agree Sharon. I am at peace now with our babies growing up. I will hate to see them go,and I will certainly miss them but I now know that they all survived and are thriving through the flight training and hunting process.

Not sure what I would have done if we had never seen all 3 together again...

I still Like Liberty and Belle.....

Anonymous said...

and baby makes 3.........

still eating on that same fish?? Ewwww

Anonymous said...

I didn't know the live feed was back!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits - I didn't know the live feed was back either!! YEAH!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Liberty and Bell would be good, not political or controversial.

Anonymous said...

mine never went down, just got skippy...

Harbinger said...

How about Charles & Hannah for Charles Thomson, Secretary of the second Continuetal Congress,who put the Eagle on the Great Seal over the objections of Benjamin Franklin (who wanted the turkey).

Harbinger said...

Is that a shadow or do we have a baby napping in the nest?

Anonymous said...

baby napping....

Anonymous said...

The TURKEY!!!! What was he sniffing!!!! Sharon, Double YEAH!!!! Its a beautiful day at the nest!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to say this has been the most fulfilling day so far, to know beyond any doubt that all three fledglings survived. Okay, I will quit talking about it now!! :O)

Anonymous said...

My live pic is fine---but the still pic is blank--

2:10 PM

Anonymous said...

Yep, great day.:):):)

Anonymous said...

Yep, great day.:):):)

Anonymous said...

sorry, my blog is acting weird!!

wvgal_dana said...

ANONYMOUS--that was "small" didn't even leave your name.
For your information; US Fish & Wildlife Service was looking to develope a Training Center back in the 80's. The project fell through (which mean't NCTC would not be here now). They began looking toward Eastern Shore but in 1989 Fish & Wildlife began talking with Senator Robert Byrd and told him they were trying to start a Training Center in Shepherdstown area. Senator Byrd thought that was a good idea. Senator Byrd himself had an idea about Harpers Ferry but that fell through but the idea about the Training Center DID NOT.
The Training Center throught the First Bush Administration was supported. Planning started !!! Money was appropriated for planing by Senator Byrd (this is not a PORK situation either). Then the President's budjet started requesting monies to "construct and operate NCTC", and Senator Byrd made sure the monies "stayed there through the appropriation process".
We don't need to know one another's "party" in here.
I suggest to ANONYMOUS you need to not put what barriers and don't bring up your "hates". Move forward and when it comes time to vote on the EAGLE PARENT'S NAME vote for whom you like.
Steve Chase set this Blog up for us to make comments about the Eagles and Eaglet experiences we have and are having. Don't disrespect the owner of this Blog "Steve Chase"....
Thank you Steve for the information hope I typed it all right..Glad "MOM' HI STEVE'S MOM !
is doing better and still you, your family and MOM YOU HAVE HUNDREDS OF PRAYERS IN HERE. WE LOVE STEVE'S MOM.......

Anonymous said...

Who is that in the nest, love the way they have their wings open to catch the breeze!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

2:34 pm My husband is taking me and my binoculars down to take a look at "our" Eagles and Eaglets.
Sorry don't have a 35mm with a lens or I would come back with pictures.
But notice who is in nest parents or eaglets and write down the times if can for about an hour and I'll do the same there to tell you if I seen them ok ....bye back later

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet is trying to cool off, pretty warm around here today

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like nap time

Mema Jo said...

I have returned to Eagleland!! What a beautiful day it is! I always take the time to read each & every word that is written to catch up on things - I must say that your comments are so pictorial that I don't even feel like I've been gone a few hours.
EagleParentNaming: I suggest that Paula/Barb give us 2 polls. #1 poll so that ALL suggestions are made known & the vote would knock it down to the top 5. #2 poll would then hear the voice of the majority for the names.
Sharon: did not get any email with today's date yet - I'll keep checking.
MITS: Great when you can blame it on the Blog! HaHa...It's usually my fingers not going as fast as my brain or visa/versa.
All I wish to say is that I feel PEACE in my heart & mind with the past 2 days' events. This eagle family of ours is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ang, I LOVE turkeys, some of my best friends are turkeys.... but the EAGLE is so inspiring. Gobble! Gobble!

Anonymous said...

So glad to read today that all three eaglets have returned to the nest and are OK. We can be very proud of our Eagle Parents and these Eaglets as I believe it is rare that when there are three eaglets all live to fledge. I am watching a nest in Maine that started out with three eaglets but now only has two. My husband and I have enjoyed watching this nest along with others. I wish we lived closer so we could visit the actual nest but it is a drive from Florida.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I just checked and I really did send you something!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you all realize that what started all this name stuff was because I said yesterday "Liberty is moving". Didn't mean to cause a stir! ;)

Anonymous said...

Your right Jo, it was my fingers to blame, it wasn't going fast enough so I hit it again...sorry.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: are you referring to Graceful (NOT) landing clip? Don't worry, I am as patient as an eagle & will wait for the message to arrive!
Who is by the tree trunk?
Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

NillaWafer said...

Hey Hey Hey Gang, Reading all the comments and has some real As for the nameing of parents i have seen many placed here and i must say the names Liberty and Belle i just love. But i seem to remember also over at NCTC in the lobby there is a large picture of Robert Byrd hanging and he is the one who really help establish the center, and has done alot for The state of West Virginia also. We all know he just lost his wife of many years and that could be 1 way to honor her. Just a thought. BUT i like Libery & Belle!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, it is called "great branching and takeoff".

Just how is everybody today? I hope everybody is doing fine and cooling down and getting along!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like Liberty and Belle and West and Virginia, especially the latter to honor the STATE! Just my thought, I'm cool with whatever you all decide.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to go out on a limb (pardon the pun) and say it is Spunky in the nest right now. Still trying to do a little practicing.

NillaWafer said...

Before i forget about tomarrow, my daughter just called me an invited me to go to Ocean City for the day with her and my 2 grand- daughters, So til i know for sure things are up in the air. But please dont let those who want to go over to NCTC along the road and watch the eagles soaring stop you.. Will let you know for sure, besides i can smell the steamed crabs already..lolllll

Mema Jo said...

3:20pm Nilla, JanetM & Angie - sent an email to you all about tomorrow's trip to NCTC.

HA HA Namewise: NC & TC LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That takeoff just about looked like his first one!!!

Mema Jo said...

Bird Girl: Was in on your site - Loved looking at our eaglet right in the face - He's so handsome!
Thanks! I enjoy your site.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody out there? I am feeling a little lonely here!

Mema Jo said...

Glo & Sharon for Angie & Me!
Mantling - when you use it you are referring to a landing(?) - but in what way? I looked it up but just can't figure the meaning in respect to your usage. Educate me! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm here for a couple more minutes anyway.......

No eagles around though.....all out enjoying the beautiful weather.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mantling is concealing or covering, like when food arrives and they spread their wings out to protect it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that...I was wondering also. They do that a lot....

Mema Jo said...

Ha HA That's more like Limbing it then Branching it! Can't stop laughing at the little guy!!!! That was soooooooo enjoyable & refreshing! Had to watch it over & over & over...

Sharon - I got it twice!! LOL
Never doubt yourself - but do keep an eye on advanced technology!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the info, Sharon. InBetween does look like she has a cloak or a blanket protective device for claiming the food. She was the first one I saw pull that trick with the other 2 in the nest. But, Boy or Boy, it sure does work. Mine all Mine!!! She is one eagle that is going to survive the next 4 years! And I hope she minmicks her Mom and does just as good of job raising her own young eaglets in the future..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is so funny because I thought I was the only one who didn't know what mantling was.

Is the live feed froze up or is there no breeze blowing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just had to restart my real player, now the leaves are blowing again.

Mema Jo said...

The timer is going and the Shadows are moving. My trees out back are very still right now. We're ok!
Now they're blowing.... Had to check it out before I published....LOL

Anonymous said...

Winds are out of the WSW at 2.9mph in Sheperdstown, WVA. Just a little weather info...

Mema Jo said...

I know it is lengthly - but if you can copy and paste - you're going to love it! It's branching and first flight. It isn't one of our eaglets, but none the less, it is so enjoyable. We don't know for sure, but I feel that the fate of this first flight did not happen to any of our three. Hope it works - I guess I could place it on Momsters as a file. Let me know if it comes through for any of you.

NillaWafer said...

Ok Jo and Janet did you get my e-mails? After alot of thought (actually not I decided to NOT go to Ocean City after checking the water temp at 66 degree's.. So how does 9 am sound to meet? Before it gets hot or earlier if you want let me know .

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not working for me Jo. It says cannot find server. Is it sad?

Anonymous said...

Hey friends - Have fun without me tomorrow. I'd love to meet up with you all, but have plans with the hubby.

Mema Jo said...

No, Sharon - it is beautifully funny. He lands in the river & his swimming motions are almost human-looking (breast stoke style). I'll try to send in an email. I also can't find the clip of Martha's rehab release. I am thinking that it was on the Blackwater sight. I wanted Barbara in Va to see it.

NillaWafer said...

Mail Call Jo and Janet

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now Sunny, what is more important, our babies or your hubby? I know, most of us need a life!!

George and Martha story --

Our blog is listed on this page too!!

Anonymous said...

Jo, on the Blackwater May 2006 archive, from there it will link you into a page on George and Martha's reunion.

Anonymous said...

Jo, its called Tri-State Bird and Rescue Inc.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The Washington Post even talks about her being back home again. I just love that story. They say she is a little more skiddish now than she used to be, well I guess so, wouldn't you be? She got her head almost ripped off! That would make me really skiddish!

Mema Jo said...

Got it, Nilla & responded.

Mail call: Sharon! Tell me if it works.

Shouldn't flight class be over for the day. Wanting & Waiting for some activity to start!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the Martha info... Hope that Barbara in VA can view it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I can't get it come up. Have to go out for a while. Keep an eye out for me.

I will try that site when I come back in. Don't know what the problem is.

wvgal_dana said...

5:07 pm got back 20 minutes ago from near NCTC----1 eaglet resting on a tree limb...several times it would spread it wings (thought maybe it was Spunky) can't be sure.
There was no Parents or siblings around that we could spot.
Jo's post she said 3:25 the time of post says 12:25 so I was looking on here for post where anyone seen eaglets between 12:25 posting time (not time we type) and 1:40 posting time but found nothing on here.....dang
Was a wonderful feeling and sight to see one of our eaglets..(still think it was Spunky)..
Ghee if I would have know the "live feed" was down while I was close by I could have called them on my cell phone....tried can't get anyone now did leave John message though???? Sorry..

Anonymous said...

Jo, did you get onto the Tri-State site. I might just have to donate sometime to them for taking such good care of beloved Martha. Its a nice site.

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Time is 5:24 pm 2 in nest 1 at 4 o'clock and 1 at 8 o'clock, being fed Ohhhhhhhhhh 3 in nest!!!!

NillaWafer said...

2 now in nest Mom flew off. Gal did you park along road or where? Isn't it a wonderful site to behold!!

NillaWafer said...

My live feed is up and working fine.

NillaWafer said...

Oh Where Oh Where did everyone go?????? The 1 eating looks like Big Boy and HE IS NOT SHARING THE FOOD..Looked like they were being very verbal awhile ago from the beak movements..Still 2 in nest, maybe thats Spunky in the shade waiting a turn at the food.Thas what makes me think its Big Boy more dominate when the other move towards food.. he said No Way!!

Anonymous said...

YELLO!!!! Anybody out there!!!

Harbinger said...

Three in the nest!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I was sitting out on the deck for a breather... My live feed will freeze, but if I hit the play button it starts up. Did that twice today.

WVAGal: Our blog comments' recorded time is 3 hrs slower then real time. So you do want to read 'blog time'comments of 3 hrs earlier then when you were actually there. You left at 2:44pm & all comments of 11:44 & thereafter are what you want to read. Hope I'm not confusing the issue... LOL
MITS: Good idea about the TriState site. They did an exceptional job. Bet that is what our Bird Girl does!

NillaWafer said...


Mema Jo said...

5:59pm What a beautiful 3 In The Nest pic!!!
I would give an educated guess that I am seeing BigBoy, MsInbetween & Spunky. Bet I'm right this time!!

Where's the Fish??

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


Mema Jo said...

Something is coming in..........
Look at those heads following the motion in the sky - Mom/Dad with food.(?).. Be patient little eaglets..Settle down Spunky/BigBoy (?) MsInbetween found some leftovers ..One took off - impatient! I'd say that was Spunky who just flew. InBetween still chopping down on something.. BigBoy still waiting. This could take awhile - think I best go ahead & publish. Did get some good still pics of all 3.

Mema Jo said...

6:10 pm There goes BigBoy - out to find mom/dad. MsInbetween looked baffled as to why the boys all left. She's doing fine with the leftovers ... or maybe it was her catch of the day....

Anonymous said...

Look beyond the 12 0'clock position, is that mom/dads white head sitting, that would be a good pic. Yes, Jo, thats what Bird Girl does.....

Anonymous said...

they have ducked under the branch, not as visible as a minute ago. they move faster than i can type..

Mema Jo said...

MITS - can't be sure of the adult's head out there... I'm a lookin'.

NillaWafer said...

DANG customers i got bombarded all at Ok 1 left in nest eating what looks like remains of a fish. My Oh My i wish everyone was here to see that 3 were back again and together!!!

Anonymous said...

NILLA, close the store....

Mema Jo said...

I have to say that MsInbetween is eating fresh food - there weren't any leftovers in the nest that inviting. Anyone see her bring it in?

Anonymous said...

It was so clear just 5 mins ago and close to the nest and the white head was bobbing, looking toward the nest. this is soooooo cool!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Yeah, NILLA! Put the 'OUT TO EAGLELAND' sign on the door.

Anonymous said...

I like that, Jo!!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like she is eating a round bone, like you find in a ham steak, don't suppose she raiding someone's back bar-b-que??

Mema Jo said...

Don't doubt it at all -- Like I said - she is a survivor........ Don't know what - but something has caught her attention. Hope nobody lands on her head... Sure has her talons protecting her food. Guess she is about to leave the nest. There she goes - I know what they mean "spread eagle". Just sitting there at 12;00 chilling out!

Mema Jo said...

InBetween didn't leave like I said - she is still at 12:00 cooling down her wings.

Mema Jo said...

WVAGal you have mail...Let me know that it does come through - I have trouble with Outlook Express sometimes.

NillaWafer said...

UP UP AND A WAY!!!INTO THE WILD BLUE YONDER.. NOPE NOT YET just perched @11 looking around it is now 6:46 pm

glo said...

Sigh OK well I'm back. Read through your 300 plus messages LOL Nice blogging really. Looks like it has been another great day. Got called in to work, NOT AT ALL A FUN DEAL. and I am already so overwhelmed with what I need to do to prepare for my trip next week. Can't stay on but will check every so often. If there are any neat shots you think I might like please send them to me. Do not however send me a whole bunch at one time it will be easier to sort out the relative time fram of the shots for what I want to do with them later if they only come in 1 or 2 at a time. Any way feeling a littl eoverwhelmed, got to get working on my trip to AZ on Wed. ttyl

Mema Jo said...

Just finished my dinner ... Is that still InBetween in the nest thinking about leaving?

Mema Jo said...

Angie, Read some more of your emails about Saturday trip to NCTC....

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh on launch pad..... wings flappin in nest......back over at 12.....lookin around pickin feathers...wing flappinn...Ut Oh cam is having jerky movements n stoppin...back to launch pad... Grrr customers...over at 9 looking out...Must be hot little beak is open.. or yellin for more Jo customers rollin in the door.. take over Mits or

Harbinger said...

It looks like she's having a conversation with someone just out of camera range. Either that or she's singing. :)

NillaWafer said...

Ok 9 am it is Janet park on right hand side of road the feild is next to that side, any questions you can call me i gave you my number in e-mail.

Mema Jo said...

I gues that NILLA is going to NCTC Saturday from her last comment. I can't keep up with that redhead!! loll
My cams still shows Inbetween sitting there - She is singing -Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky? la,la,la

She wants to be singing -
Oh, the boys are back - the boys are back-----the boys are back in town!
The boys are probably staying out until dark.

NillaWafer said...

Geeee Wizzz Jo i said in e-mail i was going.. hey whatcha got in that oxygen tank besides O2???? LOL Just spoke with Janet on phone and gave her info. Ang you coming? Who else??? I saw Sunny couldn't doing something with hubby IMAGINE choosing him over the

Mema Jo said...

7:54pm Still no activity in the nest other then MsInbetween sitting patiently awaiting some company.

NillaWafer said...

Or she could be singing this Jo "Oh Where Oh Where Can My Brothers Be... Oh Where Oh Where Can They Be.. So I Think I Will Just Set Here In This Tree.... I Am Not So Lonesome You See... My Blog Mommies Are Watching Out For Me.. LaLaLa.. Hoooo Deee Hummmmm add more words ya'll sing along.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What wonderful notes you guys kept while I was gone. How wonderful that they were all three in the nest together again today!! And here we thought when they fledged it would all be over. I am so grateful it is now. Watching them fledge was so nervewracking because who knew if we would ever see them again. This is so great. I love seeing them in the evening when the sun is going down. Beautiful picture. I sure would love to have their view right now!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you are a songwriting wizard. That is great!! They need to let us go on the Today Show or something to share our adventure in this thing!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so envious of you guys getting to go back there!! One day, I will be witchya!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My live feed just went out!!

Harbinger said...

We'll all be looking for a full report on the visit tomorrow.

Harbinger said...

Oh, no, so did mine.

NillaWafer said...

Lol the Boy's are becoming real DAPPER DAN'S of the air ways...Welcome back Sharon, I tell you, when i seen all 3 i just about wet my pants..grins Oh but what a glorious site.. I hope anyone going over to NCTC or rather close by to watch for the kids soaring meeting at 9am, or when you get Just drive passed the entrance to NCTC , you will see car or cars parked along road on left hand side..

NillaWafer said...

Opps right hand side.. redhead moment agin.

Mema Jo said...

SO DID MINE !! Live Eagle cam is up.. Looks as though she might be leaving nest ..Nope - right back in the middle but up & roaming around. Back to launch pad site...I may have missed something because this does not look like InBetween - It looks like Spunky..Still shots drive me crazy when their wings get going....GONE..8:17-m

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Empty nest again! BOO HOO!

Mema Jo said...

I bet our live cam is gone for the whole weekend -- GIVE ME 5!
This Blog page is getting toooooo full to navigate... But We'll Survive!
Just tried live feed but it is really not coming up.

glo said...

well here is my problem, No one has sent me any pictures today bet you all think someone else is doing that, or she won't want mine. actually w va gal tried to send me the 3 in the nest. I didn't get it though but I do appreciate the effort.

I did get a shot of 3 in the nest I think about lunch time. Guess they all 3 came back again from Blog notes.

Anyway if anyone has one or two stills you took from say 1pm til 7 pm eagle time i would love it if you could share them with me.

are you worried about staying up until midnight for another 7 minute video LOL That's not going to happen. I promise. Nothing may happen with them today but at some point this weekend and it won't be a video or a web page.

More to be revealed!
Back to work ....what a day no not at work, just here at home so mucch to do for vacation plans. Nice problem to have Yep i know Looking so forward to this!!!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

GLO - what present other then all you love are you taking that granddaughter?
I will send you pictures - I misunderstodd your one remark & thought I was to wait to send any pictures.
LAUGHTER FOR ALL compliments of Jo

Oh Where, Oh Where have our eaglets gone?
Oh Where, Oh Where could they be?
With their wings out straight and
their bellies full...
They'll return to the Sycamore Tree!

Now it is absolutely BREAK TIME !!

Mema Jo said...

If the live eagle cam stays up all weekend (as it usually does) and we have to use this same blog sheet - we should be batting a thousand.......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Does the 1000 comment get a prize?

Glo, you've got mail.

I am going to bed now as I was up really late last night (wasn't your fault Glo) and have to work for thing in the morning. And yes, I do work every day. Seems that way anyway. Good night all. Keep an eye out. I hate the live feed went down but it is technically only supposed to be up from 11-7 and none on weekends so any time we have on it is great!!

NillaWafer said...

OMG Jo i am rollin here have tears .. so funny greatttt lyrics Ok here goes... Oh Yeah That Big Ol' Sycamore Tree... Where Life Began For Me...I Was Born Alittle Fuzzy Ball With Big Wide Eyes.. Now I Am Soaring High Above The Land.... Reaching New Heights and Looking Far and Wide... But the beauty of the land Cant Compare To The Beauty In The Hearts Of My Blog Family... All Three Of Us Kids Will Make You Proud Just Wait And SEE!!!

Anonymous said...

AHH, For sure, Nilla, its got a good beat and you can ahhh dance to it I will give it a 9...(spoken in a valley girl accent).

Mema Jo said...

Yahoo! NILLA - that was great!
Well, it is 9:03pm & the nest is empty. Guess all 3 have found a good solid branch for the night. I'll keep checking every half an hour or so. They may just return before the eagle spirits form their ring around the nest & the spider decides to weave his web..... I am going into a slow mode................ almost ready to shut down.......... LOLLLLL Jo

NillaWafer said...

Jo its your Now my mind is racing with words.. Heck i wont be able to sleep tonight. Mits ONLY a 9 geezzz didn't you see that dip i DID and turn

Anonymous said...

Well than, Nilla, ahhhh 10 for sure.....

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla and all; When I went down I parked around right side of road. You know where the driveway to that house is on the sharpe curve.....over to almost my right was the tree........two limbs sort of set off to the left of the tree that is where Spunky was at and he did preform, flapping and flapping lol love that little guy he is getting bigger.
When we left from sitting on that curve front of car was headed away from NCTC, went up that road to Scrabble road and took that. When you get to the road to make a right to go to Bedington or straight to Tablers Station. I seen something in the sky so we went straight alittle pulled off road. Three huge birds flying....looked through glasses and they looked like 2 eaglets and higher up couldn't tell if it was a parent too high.
Then we turned around and made the left to go to Bedington. You'll probably know where I am talking about.
They were awesome flying and soaring.
Someone was talking in here about an eagle ?? swimming where can I see it...that is if I understood right??????

NillaWafer said...

A Eagle Prayer... Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep... On This Ol Branch High Up In This Tree.. Trying To Sleep Here Isn't As Comfortable As My Nest In The Syacmore Tree..Trying As I Might, But At Dawn's Early Light I Will Be Homeward Bound After A Breakfast Of Fish My Parents Bring To Me.. So Lord Keep Me Safe From All Harm So I Can Be On Camera For ALL To See. God Bless My Mommie's And Daddies... Lord i need some strong medication'

NillaWafer said...

WV Gal i know where your talking about i live in Martinsburg.. I am so glad you got over and seem them. Hopefully Tomarrow we will see them also.. Where do you live close by?

NillaWafer said...

FOOD SOURCE & FLIGHT: Bald Eagles feed primarily on fish, but also eat small animals (ducks, coots, muskrats, turtles, rabbits, snakes, etc.) and occasional carrion (dead animals). They swoop down to seize fish in their powerful, long and sharp talons (approximately 1,000 pounds of pressure per square inch in each foot). They can carry their food off in flight, but can only lift about half their weight. Bald Eagles have been recorded at 44 miles per hour in level flight. They seldom dive vertically on their prey, preferring to decend more gradually and snatch fish, rabbits, etc. with their feet. Their diving speed is estimated at 75 to 100 miles per hour. They can fly to altitudes of 10,000 feet or more, and can soar aloft for hours using natural wind currents and thermal updrafts. Bald Eagles can swim to shore with a heavy fish using their strong wings as paddles. However, it is also possible that they can drown if the fish weighs too much. Yes they indeed can swim WV Gal

NillaWafer said...

For the answer i went to "Ask Jeeves" and asked if EAGLES can swim it took me to a really great web page.. Also if you look at the bottom they have alink you can click and actually adopt a Eagle that is non releasable.. Check it out

Mema Jo said...

Hi There! I have lightning bugs in my back yard.
WVGal - Check the email I sent to you with a real player presentation of branching & first flight. That's the one the winds up in the river. Let me know if it doesn't play....
NILLA - I like the prayer.....also the songs..... also the eagle information. You know an eagle can see 40x greater then humans - a bunny a mile away!!
9:45pm Nesst still empty.. but by the dawn's early light I bet we have quite a sight!

glo said...

Sorry I posted something earlier about going to Daily Motion to download your own copy of the 7 minute video from yesterday. I tried, It doesn't send you the video so you can save and open it, it sends yo a link. SO If you are on high speed or have a friend on high speed you would like this video emailed to, let me know I would be happy to send out copies to anyone who needs them Those of you who live close together like all of you going over to see the eagles again tomorrow (hmmm) Please tell them we are all there with you in spirit, wishing we were there in person. Anyway I could send it to those with high speed and they could make a copy for you to have to. Anyway let me know. It doesn't seem to lose a lot of quality even on full screen. I myself plan to enjoy that oone for years Lord be willin

Anonymous said...

Jo, I was sitting in my living room last night and the lightning bugs were flying by the window, I just love them.

Anonymous said...

Glo, Could you please send me a Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Everyone, have a good time tomorrow. I'm really going to try to get up there sometime next week. Hopefully!

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla is there a video you or someone in here has a link to that show an Eagle swimming???
I would love to see it please....I do believe you honestly...would be awesome to see...

wvgal_dana said...

Jo if your still on here can you re-send that to me Thank you

NillaWafer said...

I sure dont Gal, but i think it was on National Geographic they had a special on Eagles and i saw it, they are really good swimmer's thats if the fish isnt to heavy. Well almost time to close store and leave , but will see some of you tomarrow over at NCTC and lots of blogs to be reports im sure.. Niters, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Night Nilla, have a good time tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hi W Va - I think I've seen the swimming eaglet video. I'll go see if I can find it for you. brb.

Anonymous said...

Swimming Eaglet can be seen here.
Eagle cam blog
Recent Entries
First Flight

The link is so long, I didn't think it would print here, so just follow the above steps.

Mema Jo said...

Comming at you, WVA Gal. In your email. lol Jo

paula eagleholic said...

I saw the swimming eagle video, also from the Blackwater link.

I didn't know eagles could swim until I saw that video.

wvgal_dana said...

I got on the Blackwater site but can't find the swimming video...

Anonymous said...

Sunny, that was amazing. When he was on the tree limb, it reminded me of that scene from "DIRTY DANCING" where Patwick Swayzie and Jennifer GREY are dancing on the tree limb over the water.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! WV Gal- What I sent you is a gold mine. I copied myself on that email. pg 1-type in eagle -GO
Select #1 - White tailed eagle
Select More Movies to the right
Click on the Maiden FLight..That's the one I have been mentioning; however, now I want to go back and look at all the others..... You ok with what you got? I need to maybe send this to Paula for our LINK page on momsters....... Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, send me an email!

Anonymous said...

Think, I might have to stop by Blackwater on my way to Ocean City in a couple of weeks. Its probably been 30 plus years since I have been there.

Anonymous said...

WV, when you get to main blackwater site, there's a place to check Raptor cams in the very top left corner. Then go to Eagle cam. Then follow the directions to the blog, etc. Sorry, my favorites skip a couple of those steps.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, not asleep yet. Had to come back in here to see if we had any babies camping out for the night but we don't. Jo, Nilla and whoever else goes in the morning, take a notepad so you can write down what you see and then blog it to us. That way we will get all the details. Sure do wish I could get there too but not even possible. Hopefully one day though!!

Nilla, your songs are wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

Good night - again!!

glo said...

mits I have tried to send you the video 2 times now, It says it exceeds your maximum allowed message size.

Sorry There is a place in your email where you set the size of the messages you will allow. OR at least someone has set that size and it is smaller than this video, which really is pretty large. Sorry I tried to get it to you. It shoould be available online for a long time. I have no plan of removing it anytime soon at all. daily Motion says they will continue to store any video watched at least once in 30 days. From what I've seen on daily motion I think that will happen if none of us ever goes there to watch it LOL.

If someone changes the size you can accept just let me know. i will certainly send it to you again.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok WOW got it that first part of that video reminds me of Spunky; flapping wings like crazy and we couldn't see it but when he was "branching" lol bet he was doing that lol... Boy can that eagle SWIM...think it passed it's Red Cross swimming lesson lol ty

Mema Jo said...

Paula - sent you the email through the Eaglet_momsters@yahoo. I'll resend to you personally. When the link opens I have it on the Flight movie... But follow my instructions to: pg 1-type in eagle -GO
Select #1 - White tailed eagle
Select More Movies to the right
Click on the Maiden FLight..Then I have found about 6 or 7 more realplayer movies! They're fantastic.

glo said...

Gail your video was sent succesfully.

Iris You have the same problem as mits...your email does not accept a file this size. I wish I could tell you how to change it, but I honestly don't know. I haven't had to do that. Let me know though if you can adjust it, and I will send another.

OK Good night all.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo.

good nite all

Mema Jo said...

Still an empty nest for tonight. Bet they'll all be there in the morning - I hope!

Sign off for Jo. Goodnight all.

movin said...

Hi, bloggers, I hope everyone is well, or getting well, especially including Steve's mother.

Re: the too large file problem.
I'm not too familiar with your software, since I use AOL, but I do use Windows XP, and I have found the "Help" sections very useful (unlike earlier versions of Windows). You can look at "Help" within the e-mail software, or there is a more inclusive "Help" in the startup menu.

You can probably find the preference feature, which controls file size, in that way....

Kind of goofy with none of the chicks in the nest and the live feed not working tonight, isn't it?


Bird Girl said...

Hi everyone!

jo: thanks for the nice comments about my blogsite! you and mits are the only two to post comments so far. is anyone else at least looking at NestWatchers?

jo (cont): yes, I am a wild bird rehabilitator! i have state & federal permits and state licenses to rescue, rehabilitate and release all wild birds - from sparrows to eagles! haven't experienced eagles myself, but there is a bald eagle at a Game & Fish rehab center (the office that supervises my group) named Montana; I got to touch her feet once when they were holding her to adjust her jesses (the leather bands around the legs with which we tether the birds to us when they are on display) their feet and legs are amazingly yellow, the talons are VERY VERY SHARP and you can really see the "dinosaur" in them, with the "scales" on their legs {whew! that was a long one!}

glo: I'm in AZ -- what part are you going to be in on your trip? I emailed you directly, BTW

all: I think if the blog comments hit 1000, the server will explode from overwork! i'm sure NCTC wasn't expecting THIS kind of response!

p.s. If anyone would like to see pics of some of the birds I've worked with, just email me!

Anonymous said...

Bird Girl was talking about a blog????NestWatchers???? How do I find it??? Love to look. Up early, dogs wanted out. Check to see if anyone was back at the nest, not yet...its 6am here..Hope they show today so I can see everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:03 a.m. We had 1 eaglet in the nest about a minute ago but gone now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:23 a.m. Still an empty nest!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:40 a.m. Baby in the nest!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:42 a.m. Baby gone from the nest. I think it was Spunky! White feathers scattered throughout. Of course, that is an uneducated guess.

Mema Jo said...

6:42am Good Morning. Did I just see someone at the nest at about the 5:00 mark?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo you sure did but went back out pretty quick!!

Mema Jo said...

Great, Sharon, our brain waves are touching. I think it was Spunky - Don't know if he missed the landing or just saw that noone else was there & took off again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got a great shot of his wings out in the middle of the nest. I think he had just landed. Walked around a minute or two and then off again. Probably looking to see if breakfast had arrived yet!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...