Saturday, March 01, 2025

3/1/25 am


 546 am Bella gets up Does a little chest preening does a eggroll and  backs up to the edge of the nest to do PS.

612 am Scout arrives in the nest. Bella calls out to him but doesn’t get up He wanders around the nest gets next to her Nope no go. 615 am Scout goes up to LOP.

626 am Scout gives up and takes off from LOP. He goes to visit the downstairs nest.

628 am Scout comes back upstairs. Moving sticks around.

629 am Scout gets in Bella’s face so she gets up and takes off. Scout settles in. Switch to Scout.

626 a.m. Scout did not get to relieve his love upstairs so he goes downstairs for a bit maybe pouting in the basement LOL for some reason she does not want to give up her seat

748 am Bella arrives to LOP. They have a brief conversation with each other 7:50 AM. She  comes down off a lop to alleviate incubating duties. He picks up the stick and starts twirling it in front of him.It's so cute.SHe's takes the stick from her.I think she's  A batonist 

751 am Bella jumps down and comes up to Scout. He gets up and takes off. Bella rolls eggs and starts to incubate. Switch to Bella

9:17 Scout in with Bedding He picks up a few sticks at the 7 position. He saunter's over to 11 and picks up some sticks there. Since she is not moving, it's getting a little Windy. He sort of ducks down near the lop area. The nest is swaying to-and-fro. He walks over to her and the wind and ducks down next to her side. For some reason, Bella sticking close to home, she does not give up her incubation duties off. He goes to the left.

10.20AM Here he  returns to the nest again. With another load of bedding. He spread the little bit of bedding where he lands.She doesn't little squealing  Will she give up rein this morning from her throne? She seems to want to stay on it.  1021, he does a little shuggle. She does  a little squeal again hard hearing in the wind 10:27 AM he gives up again and exits to the left. I'm confused why she was screaming and not getting up not unless she was asking for food.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment any advertisement will be deleted thank you for viewing the blog and thanks Stephen Chase for allowing me to do the blog but in a different manner than he intended it as a conversation place it is now a place for videos and pictures and blogging

3/9/25 AM

 6:43 AM scout🦅 flies into the nest.And lands on the cribraille , bella was all tucked in He slowly walks over to her picking up sticks.As ...