Monday, March 03, 2025

3/3/25 AM

 6:11 AM scout comes to the nest.You could hear him before you could see him landing.He must have clipped a branch on his way in Bella m She greets him and they have a conversation at the same time. You can give a geese in the background if you listen closely LOL, by the way, today starts geese hunting season. So we may hear gunfire every now and then e starts picking up sticks on the crib next to her, as he normally does, she is ignoring him?

She makes small squeaks as his tail hits her back as he rearranges the railing.

His goes over to the area where she is picking up bedding material rearranging it. She still sets tightly on the eggs. The Sun.

 Rise is just coming up over the mountains. You can see a pink arc over the mountains. It has now been for a minute and she still has not gotten up. He is standing there now. He's going to take a stick this time. I think. A little Beacon going on. She wears her beat up bedham as he gently wants to nudge her out of the cup. 6:18 AM he jumps up to the lop.

 And I guess we'll wait for the there for his turn 619 Bella is doing some grooming on her backtail feather area. Bella looks actually like she's tucked in 6:20 AM. He exits the nest from there she. Rears her head up in shock. 6:21 AM Bella gets up and does a egg roll. Does a digging in the cup area?

 Then she goes back down on the eggs. We're going to go. She was ignoring him. I guess being she got off as soon as he left. That's just my opinion. What about yours? Anybody wanna leave an opinion? There's a comment section below the last picture. And where my comment is, you'll see it. Would you love to hear from you? What city you're from country state?

7:36 AM Scott returns again. He has a stick in his talons. Maybe she'll give up her Throne this time. Didn't have To do much this time before she gives up the eggs. She stretches her wings. Flaps and as she normally does hops over to the lop. Landing and leaves from there.

9:19 AM bell returns to the nest. She has a nice load of bedding. It's almost a double load. This way Scout can go out and get more sticks, grass, and maybe a fish gotta get him in practice to bring fish for the babes.

She spreads the bedding around as she lands. He turns around to look at her and then turns back.

 She immediately walks over to where he is starts. Picking right in the middle of the nest at his tail area, he gets up immediately. You saunters over to 6 position. While she is getting into the cup.

She takes off from that area immediately The sky is so beautiful today. Not a cloud in it striking baby blue sky, 

Camera one view through the night till noon


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3/8/25 PM

1242 16 Belle , exit the nest for the grove area , leaving the eggs unintended 1243 30 Scout comes to the nest landed and did sort of a hop ...