Sunday, March 09, 2025

3/9/25 PM

In a 24 hour period on average the eggs are rolled about 34 times. Today the adults have already rolled the eggs 30 times; incubation duty keeps these adults busy.

, 1229 am123, 305, 351, 523, 645, 704, 707, 753, 803, 810,819, 837, 906, 923, 935, 1015, 1114,1210, 1240, 117, 133, 147, 209, 235, 331, 452, 521, 538, 605 pmA egg🥚🥚🥚roll

crop drop
2082:06 PM scout gets up and does a 🥚 roll.He gets up out of the cup.I think he's expecting Bella to show up so far.No show so 2:08 PM Bella shows up to the nest. Scout is the only one having conversation at this point. He does get up out of the cup and goes over toward the railing. He spouts off something before he exits the nest LOL saunters over to the cup area so wiggle wiggle down he goes
 4:49 PM. scott returns to the nest with a nice load of beddin He picked up the bag and spreads it around. Had a nice sneeze at 451 12 they call them snitzes. Bella slowly gets up from the cup heads to the left. 4:51 PM she exit to the Grove. And he goes over to the eggs. Does a little roll before he wiggle? Wiggles down  

eggs rolls

634 pm Scout lets out a few peeps pitifully 6:34 PM.
 Here comes Bella to release scout. He gets up from the cup immediately and she walks over and takes over incubation duties. He immediately leaves from the lop area.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/9/25 AM/PM CAM 1

  751am  Changing of the Guard shift change eggroll and 921 COG he comes in and places a stick on her back three times pictures below with v...