Wednesday, March 05, 2025

3/5/25 am rainy

 6:16 AM scout comes to the nest.Bella has been awake for a when he lands.

She does a few chortles He picks up grass as he lands. And carries it over to where she is. She grabs a piece of it from him real quick. As he drops it, then she starts to get up. Stretches her wings goes over to 12 and leaves from there he slowly goes over to the center of the cup and does a small quick scratch with his Talon Does eggrolls wiggle wiggle down he goes. 

7:04 AM bell returns to the nest.Wow that was a quick break.She enters the nest and you can hear light chortles from him she is grooming. 705 a sharp call was made from him . She starts walking over to where he is very slowly. He does get up right away. She takes over incubation duties again off. He goes toward the really.

814 am Egg rolls and the wind.She has to learn to put her tail away from the wind.Not against the wind almost flipped her over

8:34 AM Scott returns to the nest again.

 Your children can be heard in the background. He has a nice load of bedding with him. He lands with it right at her tail. The wind seems to have died down somewhat for the moment. He Picks up the bedding starts dragging it around to where she is. She nips at it trying to grab a piece. To spread around to her side She gets up from incubation off to the road.She goes, he gets down on the eggs. Agan how long will this?They know storms coming.

944 she returns to the nest. Again, she has something bald in her talon.She walks over to where he is with the item to balled, digs at the base of the nest where he is. Then just stood there for a few minutes.She starts sticking again at the base.Pulling up bedding , but not we're adjacent to him.

She has positioned herself in a position as if she's in the cup next to him looks funny. You can't see that. She's standing on her feet. This is a hoot. She has made her suffer own little cup area next to him. She's dug a little cup and as we go herself down in it. She does not want to leave his side next to the eggs. That's my opinion anyway. She's spreading Betty and around herself. He's on the cups thinking. What is she up to as she lost her noodle? He gets up off the eggs. And let her have her reinon them, she no longer is making her own cup.He exits from there toward the road 9:48 AM.

951 another maybe Changing of the Guard.He floats in on the wind he brought a stick with him.He walks the stick around to where she is and places it at 12 in front of her.

952 he shuggles The wind is really picking up now

9:54 AM he backs itself up at launched the crib rail to the 7 position where he takes off from there. Will he be gone a long time? Or short time this time.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/8/25 PM

1242 16 Belle , exit the nest for the grove area , leaving the eggs unintended 1243 30 Scout comes to the nest landed and did sort of a hop ...