Wednesday, March 05, 2025

3/5/25 PM

 Roll them eggs even in the rain

1:30 PM Here comes.
 scout to the rescue. Its been raining. He brings a stick to the nest. And yes, he places it on her back. Not once But twice he hit it on her back.The third time he attempted it went over her.
 She jumps up off the eggs and goes over to the ninth position. Does the wing flap flap and off She goes from there toward the road. He watches her as she flies off before going over to the cup. Wanted to make sure she was crossed the road safely. I guess LOL. He walks over to the egg cup. The eggs aren't vertical like. They normally are their horizontal. And he's trying to get his talons Around the eggs You could hear clicking on. the eggs. He does finally get down on across the eggs. The way that they are laid instead of moving them . Does a little wiggle does a little roll and down, he goes.
1:30 PM Here comes.
 scout to the rescue. Its been raining. He brings a stick to the nest. And yes, he places it on her back. Not once But twice he hit it on her back.The third time he attempted it went over her.
 She jumps up off the eggs and goes over to the ninth position. Does the wing flap flap and off She goes from there toward the road. He watches her as she flies off before going over to the cup. Wanted to make sure she was crossed the road safely. I guess LOL. He walks over to the egg cup. The eggs aren't vertical like. They normally are their horizontal. And he's trying to get his talons Around the eggs You could hear clicking on. the eggs. He does finally get down on across the eggs. The way that they are laid instead of moving them . Does a little wiggle does a little roll and down, he goes.

2:50 PM Bella returns to the nest to relieve scout of his daddy, incubating duties She starts digging in the area where she lands. She picks up a tiny piece of something and tosses it. He squeals as she does this. She walks over toward him and starts to dig again. She picks up pieces And sort of toss is it in the air.
He squeals right before he gets up and exits toward the road.. 2:53 PM 

407 p m here comes scout to the rescue.
He has a load of bedding. Squealing He as he leaves the flutters over the cup or flies over the cup to the other sides before incubating he takes off for the road

 5:45 PM Bella returns the nest and lands on the lop. Small conversation between them.
 Rain seems so stopped. He flies off toward the road final change for the night


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/8/25 PM

1242 16 Belle , exit the nest for the grove area , leaving the eggs unintended 1243 30 Scout comes to the nest landed and did sort of a hop ...