Thursday, March 06, 2025

3/6/25 AM

6:08 AM Bella. Let's out a little peep. A return call is heard lightly

611 am again calls and arrival. Lots of chortles Back-and-forth as they greet each othe, slowly walks over to where she's sat picks up a few sticks moves them around.

7:31 AM here comes Bella. Floating into the nest a few conversation. When he she lands, he immediately gets up flaps his wing and lays from the cups toward the road. She walked several to the 3 eggs. That's a little rough and down chicos. That's the longest. The eggs have been exposed that I've seen if he recalled last year. He wouldn't stay on the eggs. 

9.AM Bella starts to chortles as he arrives and lands on the lop. 

9:02 AM scout flies to the nest with a load of bedding. He walks over and picks up a few sticks where she is at the sixth position. Now moving a bigger stick that is sticking up safety first. A squeak and she gets app out of the nest and off she goes to the Grove. He walks over to the egg cup. Does a little roll in down he goes

1051 here comes Bella our relief.Landing in the nest starts walking over.Picking up sticks as we go along the way.He gets up at the top.Does a little wing stretch and exits from the nest from the fourth position?





Is a juggler or she thinks she's a juggler


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/8/25 PM

1242 16 Belle , exit the nest for the grove area , leaving the eggs unintended 1243 30 Scout comes to the nest landed and did sort of a hop ...