12:32 Bella arrive in the nest walks up Scout he gets up and stretches his legs he takes off Bella
Rolls eggs wiggle wiggle and settles down in switch
1157 roll
1252 cu cam 1
1258 cu cam 1
202 cam 2 Scout arrives at the nest Bella gets off the eggs 208 Bella goes over and eats the scrap of fish that was brought in earlier Scout gives a little roll and settles to incubate switch to scout Bella takes off at 2:10 p.m
258 Bella comes to the nest with a load of bedding Scout gets up and Bella takes over incubating switch to Bella
301 fly around who Slo mo
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Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment any advertisement will be deleted thank you for viewing the blog and thanks Stephen Chase for allowing me to do the blog but in a different manner than he intended it as a conversation place it is now a place for videos and pictures and blogging
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