Friday, March 07, 2025

3/7/25 PM food nm

 1:54 PM here comes Bella to the nest. he greets her before he even enter he calls back to her. Picks up a stick immediately he gets up with that as a hot sign. He flaps the wings a little bit. 1:55 PM she exits the nest. he looks like she's sitting high up on a cup at this moment.

356 p.m. a little confused brought food to the new Nest but left it he did that the other day too

4:31 PM Bella is incubating. She, let's out a call. Does she know he's downstairs with food? She probably saw him fly in but she remained seated. 4:33 PM Eagle winning
can be heard on the new nest camera from Bella upstairs. 

4:37 PM Bella finally comes down into the new nest to eat the bird that was left for her by scout pretty cool.I guess they're gonna use this as their dining room.

448 p m out the front porch door she goes

516 we return to the original nest.

She had a stick in her Talon and she removed it as she landed and placed it on the base. She picks up sticks as she goes along the way. And the hand some to him, he is not accepting it. She keeps tossing things to his He finally does get up at 5:17 PM. He slowly walks over to the cribrail . And what a beautiful exit to the camera heading toward the Grove.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/8/25 PM

1242 16 Belle , exit the nest for the grove area , leaving the eggs unintended 1243 30 Scout comes to the nest landed and did sort of a hop ...