Wednesday, March 07, 2012


New thread.


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WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Steve. I'll call the others over.

stronghunter said...

A quick good morning--I see that all is well at the nest.

I will be back later today.

grannyblt said...

GM to all from me as well.Sunny day here they say will be warm(er)later. I have a busy day ahead so I'll check back later and try to catch up.


Red said...

I'm back from breakfast now and lurking.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Thank you, Susan, for the call over!

Hello Shirley!

I'm home early today -YAY! Feels like it should be afternoon it's so warm already. I love it.

Wonder how SHARON is recovering from all her birthday excitement?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Lynne1 and Red!

Mema Jo said...

WOW A Wed thread already and I just am now up/running! Thank you Steve

WVsUSAn - How are you sunshine?
Hope your day is going smoothly.

I see that our Belle is tending the future eaglets! Soon the eaglets in the eggs will start talking to Belle! I guess that Shep had night duty...

I need to read back a thread....


Mema Jo said...

Egg roll !

Mema Jo said...

Curl those talons!

That was a great visible egg roll.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, it was! Belle facing 9 now.

Fish crows on and off the platform at BWO

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning!

Looks like the female at NBG is about ready to lay and egg!

Lynne2 said...

UGH, she just flew the coop!

Lynne2 said...

getting ready to head to work...catch y'all later! So pretty here though, rather stay here and work outside!

magpie said...

Sweeeet, New thread !
Thanks Steve.....
and Susan for the callover

Wanda ☺ I am not having breakfast, and I did not go back to bed...
But I AM at work....☺

magpie said...

Righto -
BWO has been a busy little place this morning, have seen eagles, single and double there ,
maybe a red wing blackbird, and other little black birds of some kind...

magpie said...

Okay, can't use NEW THREAD as an excuse not to work

see you all later on...xoxo

Have good days amongst you

Lori, nice, you are home !!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle off the eggs, flapping her wings...and off to the left.

Lori O. said...

Lighting Candles Link

paula eagleholic said...

And I believe Shep has arrived from the right....wiggling in.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lots of disappointed followers of the NBG cam. They thought she was laying an egg but then she flew off.

Slept late and have been reading the paper.

Concerning Luke, Hoda. Laurel and family are not small dog people either. (We say yappy dogs, too!) Bosco is half Pyrenees. However, they LOVED Luke and when he was offered they accepted!! He is a well behaved dog. Laurel says he loves to be groomed and holds very still. I just hope that when Bosco does die that they do not get another puppy right away and let Luke be the only dog.

Lolly said...

Jack has gone to get mulch for the new terraced flower beds. So, I better get ready to spread mulch. Have doctor's appointment at 1 so do not have a lot of time.

Sandi said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


movin said...





I see some Hummer chick is hanging around the nest area as Phoebe is building her next nest.

K-26, the PH female has laid an egg. Both adults were there when I opened it, but K-10 flew out. Then she stepped off the edge of the nest (after scratching her ear) and casually walked toward the camera, stopped and turned her egg, and then she got down to serious incubating work.

For some reason you have to look at this nest on full screen if you want to see the area I'm talking about.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Reading back - Pig Snorts - what's with that! lol
Wanda - you can drive! Whoo HOo! Give GG our love! Soup Kitchen 65 guests WOW!
DanaMO - hope your heating problem can
be resolved -quickly! Dogs are great for sleeping warmth but not for that 1st step out of the bed.
Lolly - Had to Google Bichon frise - Well I could cuddle that little guy!
Are all of them White.....

Mema Jo said...

Red - you are doing so well - I think the rehab must have given you a secret shot in the hip!
I also think the Dr must have given
one of those shots in Wanda's knee.
I am just so grateful that each of you have done so well.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I guess you have already arrived Home after your Unforgettable
50th Birthday! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Is everyone talked out??????????
That's ok because I know all about
Lurkers! Love you all ♥

Spot is sunning and facing 10:00 position

Mema Jo said...

Spot is 'bringing in the flugg' under
his beak! Spot is a cutie pie!

movin said...

There are a couple of videos of eggs being laid on the Channel Island blog if you like..

I'm off now. Got to get caught up on stuff I wasn't able to do well while I was still pretty blind.

Tomorrow is my final follow-up appt. with the eye specialist. I'm going to ask him if I need to get some glasses. There are still difficulties reading the small stuff, for example; but, generally, I think I can see better than I have been able for many years. Probably the new lenses let more light pass and allow a brighter, clearer view than before.

Have a great day. Talk later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Red said...

Ok. Its naptime in Alabama. I'm staying signed in but will be gone a couple of hours. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Mema Jo said...

I was sending an email and I think I missed the switch. I now see Belle
facing 8:00 position.

Taking a break for lunch

Enjoy your nap Red


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

magpie said...

and an eagle at BWO AGain ☺

Mema Jo said...

Guess what? I just saw a beautiful Eagle at the BWO platform!

I think I was wrong about which eagle
is watching over our eggs.....
I think I see Shep - he sits with
his wings open for Air Vent...

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone remember BWO eagle name of Lonely Louie?????

That sure does date me!

Mema Jo said...

I'm taking a break


paula eagleholic said...

Yep, that's Lonely Louie!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Phew--have been SO busy! Lots to do before we head out for Texas on Saturday! It's cold here this morning, but supposed to warm up by Friday. Weather is fluctuating in Texas, too. Oh, my! What to pack? We're not packing a lot--only want to take 1 suitcase plus carry-ons.

Praying that Lynn, Charlie, and Carolyn have a much better day today!
DanaMo, hope you are feeling MUCH better today!

Have a bunch of bills to pay online, so will check in later today. Will try to be in lurk mode, but may be pretty busy!
Hope Sharon had a great time on her Birthday! Need to read back and get caught up. HAGD, everyone!

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon all! Not a lot of posting since I took a nap. Quickly caught up and am all awake and refreshed now!

What's the story of Lonely Louie?

Andy, hope you get all packed and caught up fast. You're going on a trip!!!

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.
Very busy dat here, haven ot read back and won't stay long. Just checking in to say hello and hoping all is well.
Grans to Grans meeting, Stride to Turn the Tide Meeting, errands and yoga is wht my day is about.also writing announcements to be put in the papers in regards the CFUW meeting coming up on the 17th...


Kay said...

Good afternoon, Eagle Buds ! This is a Malcolm/Seth day and I don't have time to back track thoroughly.

SANDI, so glad your sis has a TENS for your mom ! Hope it helps !

DANAMO, you had a two dog night, huh ? Hope you're feeling better and that the heating co. responds soon.

JEWELS, I see answers are still being sought and I'm still praying for Charlie ! So glad you responded to that impulse and visited your mom last night. Love her so and my thoughts and prayers are with her always.

Here's a quote I ran across today and it fits for me, RED, JO, LYNN--maybe others:

“No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.”
― Carrie Snow

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, one year at BWO, during eagle nesting season, all we kept seeing was a single apparent we named him Lonely Louie...think he was there every day!

Kay said...

MEGAN, I miss your morning visits and thought of you when reading these quotes today:

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine to the soul.

A flower is an educated weed.

Thank you for the joy you bring others with your beautiful flowers, plants, wreathes....

Perhaps one of you FB'ers can relay that message for me.

Kay said...

Have a feeling I'm going to be too pooped to pop by the time Julie retrieves her boys at 5 pm. So, will be praying for all in need and see you tomorrow.


Oh, LOLLY, happy to hear about the new granddog ! I hope you enjoy him half as much as I enjoy my three ! Always knew how wonderful I'd find grandchildren to be, but never dreamed their dogs would mean so much to me !

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in, Shep out.

Shep has left a really nice looking molded egg cup!

DanaMo said...

Home from school waiting for the heating guy.

DanaMo said...

Steak and cheese subs on the menu tonight.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch need to read the comments in my email and then come back to the page


JudyEddy said...

A done deal JUDIE no problem that is why I ASKED I just saved your email address in my document file like everyone else that wanted it and took you off my email address book altogether easier that way that way I don't have to remember who wants and who don't want

I figured out me email thing went and google it and found the answer I love google

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Something has Belle's attention.

JudyEddy said...

KAY I love the nap quote ♥ I also like the one for Megan hope she gets the message also

Lonely Louie why did he get that name he as a mate righ??

Hope its an easy fix DANAMO I

had a lo tire back one when I left work I called Angie and ask is that the one the acorn was in she laughed and so no it was the front I put air in it will have to keep a eye on it

JudyEddy said...

SAHARON she does keep looking around

JudyEddy said...

Got to tell you a Judy story Remember I said I had a bunch of pants in the closet well still wearing them This am I picked up a dark pair and said hmmm I don't remember this dark brown one put them on and remember I left early to go to the PO well as I was getting out of the truck I just glanced down and saw that they were DARK purple Duh had to come back home and change will have to check in the sunlight from now on when in doubt and I still wasn't late My boss laughed when I told her she said I knew you were going to say purple toooo

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting clump of fluff she brought in..didn't notice it till now.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, no dark purple pants allowed?

JudyEddy said...

just saw the tongue picture on FB SHARON FUNNY

Mema Jo said...

Kay I was just emailing with Megan - I will copy and paste your caring message.
BTW I love that quote! Soon I am going to go and get my 'fix'. lol

JudyEddy said...

so glad I saw before I went to work I wonder if they would have sent me home???? probably so!!!!! I saw that clump too looks odd bring up full screen with the wind looks like it is moving LOL has a life of it own

JudyEddy said...

Got to remember to see if I can find a box at work to use to ship that to you JO I will take it to work and see if I can get a box from Claims dept to fit it

JudyEddy said...

off to work I go

JudyEddy said...

Angie said when she left work she would check the email box for me gotta love that gal of mine

Mema Jo said...

Guess what - Tori ask her Mom for
Chicken McNuggets - she can now
have whole food...... Whoo Hoo!

Mema Jo said...

How could they send you home for purple
pants when you have told us that customers were pajamas! lol ♥

Mema Jo said...

DanaMO - Thanks! I have just decided to go to Ledo's for a steak & cheese
sub! Yummy!

Mema Jo said...

Mrs Dunedin (the osprey) is incubating
their 3 colorful eggs. I usually
don't zoom or move their camera because
I wind up out in the road looking at
cars and/or bicycle riders... lol

Mema Jo said...

Anyone else watching our nest
Belle looks distracted
Could be Shep or small bird...

Red said...

She sure is watching over her shoulder.

Red said...

Thats gotta be a boring job. Just sitting there with nothing to do but keeping the eggs warm.

Mema Jo said...

Red I don't like leaving you alone - I am sure there must be some lurkers -
Need to head out the door to Ledo's for
my steak/cheese sub (Not the best meal but DanaMo started it all...)

I shall return.... ♥

Lolly said...

Spread 12 bags of mulch, went to the doctor and grocery store, and then spread another 12 bags of mulch. In now to stay. It is yucky! 68 and misty.

Belle is about to twist her head off. Looking and watching something to her right.

Lynne2 said...

evening all, and a gorgeous one it is here in these parts!

From FB-

Eagles at Norfolk Botanical Garden
You can now listen to the action at the nest as well as watch. We have sound.

Lynne2 said...

WOW the wind is really howling at the nest! Wonder what Belle is watching?

Red said...

Gotta start dinner. Leaving now. Might be back later, if not everyone have a nice evening.

Lolly said...

Belle is up. Wing stretch! Oh, that must feel good! LOL Egg roll and wiggle wiggle back on the eggs.

magpie said...

Holey Moley
Lolly your and Red's avatars are so similar I thought HE had spread those 24 bags of mulch !

Hello Eagle Pals...xoxo

Lolly said...

Hey there Miss Lynne!! So, you have nice weather. We are in for a few days of rain. Hope no severe junk!!

NBG has sound?

magpie said...

eagle at BWO what a big surprise


magpie said...

wind sure blew Belle's tail feathers around just then on that last egg roll

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne! I had not noticed. This is a picture of the NBG eagel. I liked the way the sun was shining on the white feathers.

magpie said...

that's one serious looking Eagle at BWO

magpie said...

we have some gauzy clouds hereabouts, might affect the way the Moon looks when it rises

by the way, if you see a nice orange thing in the sky near the Moon, that will be Mars

And Venus and Jupiter in the East are getting close enough to practically kiss

Lynne2 said...

yep, and it is NOISY there!

Sorry your weather is going to be soggy Lolly, but like you say, hopefully no bad stuff!

magpie said...

I had a nice talk with Lynn here just a short while ago...
she said she is hanging in there....
and Liesl was demanding some it's rest period and quiet time for those two ♥♥

magpie said...

Oh I told Lynn about the Key Lime Pie ... she'll wait on that one from my pal....and when she is up to it, we're ON IT !
AND, those pies can be frozen...

magpie said...

GREAT post earlier by Kay at 2:36 pm today about flowers...
and I see JO has passed it along to Megan ☺

magpie said...

bunch of fluffy straw at the 7 spot is mighty fine...wonder if it will withstand the winds

Linda said...

A quick post to say Good Evening to all.

Had a busy day at work today and not much time to get home, dinner and heading out again for church.

Looking for any news on LYNN or Charlie today, and don't see anything new. Prayers continue for you, LYNN and CAROLYN and CHRISTIE.

Things at the nest sound to be going good as we await the arrival of our eaglets!!

RED - You are doing so great!!

WANDA - It is hard to believe you had a total knee replacement so recently, the way you get around and get so much done!!

Will check in later this evening if time permits.

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening.....

Linda said...

Oh, MARGY, thanks for the news about talking to Lynn! I sure hope she gets to feeling better soon.... ♥

Lynne2 said...

NBG is all feed keeps stopping, and the same loud commercial keeps playing over and over. Will try again later.

Glad you got to talk to Lynn Margy!

Lynne2 said...

Big Solar Flare...Aurora Alert!

DanaMo said...

OH No Jo are you saying my steak and cheese isn't healthy. Dang! Too late.

Lynne2 said...

that is MCWONDERFUL NEWS about Tori!!!

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, you fine now after your biopsy? I envy you getting the ablation....I cannot WAIT to have health insurance again someday...that will be first on my list! Could kick myself for thinking I should wait when it was recommended when I HAD insurance. UGH.

Sandi said...

Hi all! 6 back to back IEP meetings that ran from 8:30 - 2PM, a meeting after school, then rused home, grabbed Bella, and headed to the vet. She has a bacterial infection in BOTH ears and a lot of inflammation in one. Came home with 3 different meds for her to take over the next 3 weeks - not even gonna tell you all what the vet charge was!

LOLLY, congrats on the new granddog!

Happy to hear that Tori is eating real food and craving chicken nuggets!

SHARON, thanks!

LYNNE, got your card today - not necessary. having you back on the blog was all the thanks I needed!

MARGY, thanks for news about LYNN.

Prayers and more prayers for LYNN and hoping for some answers for JEWELS and Charlie.

DMO, hope you've got heat for tonight!

Lynne2 said...

aw poor Bella. No, make that..POOR SANDI having to medicate Bella! SHE will feel MUCH better very soon after the meds start!

magpie said...

Best wishes on the treatments for Bella, Sandi, no I won't ask what the Vet Charge is...

Lynne: Too funny "McWonderful" news, about're sharp !

Lynn said that Charlie slept all day today, no more answers on that, and Jewels is probably clocked in at work now....

Lynne2 said...

good LORD, I sure hope Charlie gets some answers soon. Geesh.....

magpie said...

Wow on the Solar Flare event, Lynne...thanks
so, we can expect our electronics to go wonky again ??

magpie said...

stepping away for a few, might go see if the Moon has started to rise yet...

ttfn oxox

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi, those vet bills can be killer!!

Yes, I too got Lynne's card, you are very welcome and I was happy to be a part of the surprise and to be part of such a wonderful group of friends.

I am excited to have the Ablation, and look forward to a great summer pool season ☺. I have recovered from the biopsy with just a little lingering back pain. Another friend that I was telling about it today said she had the exact same reaction. She did not have the ablation and regrets it now too. She is hoping to do it this summer. I am doing it ASAP. I have a consult with the surgeon next Tuesday and I will schedule the procedure at that time. I am just going to take the sick day and do it. Probably will schedule it for a Friday so I have the weekend to recover and then go back to school on Monday.

I am driving Adam crazy because I am typing and looking at him at the same time.

magpie said...

well that didn't take long, Moon is UP and partway up the sky already !!

DanaMo said...

No heat... part is needed and it may be a few days. :-(

Lynne2 said...

Sharp as a marble, Margy...that's me!

I had a very "clear" moment at work today that resulted in my coworkers laughing to tears.

Answered the phone, client wants to make an appointment. I say, can you hold please while I get the book? She says sure! I say OK, bye bye! and put her on hold. So that started giggles. And I say, oh geez, what an idiot...I'm fired. Well, that just totally set them off. I didn't think it was so funny and just my "look" which made the laughter worse.

I guess you had to be there....

and can you BELIEVE....despite the fact that we use computers, and our software has a scheduling calendar, we still have to use the stupid appointment book! UGH!!!!!!

DanaMo said...

I'm sorry Charlie has not gotten any answers! Geez...I think that is the worst part.

Lynne2 said...

I hope they can schedule you pretty quick Dana! Sorry about your heat, but thank goodness it's going to be warmer for the next few days and not cold!

Lynne2 said...

OMG....Stubby, my wonderful Stubby, who sometimes looks at me like I'm crazy when I find bones and skulls and stuff and save them....well, out in the field walking the dogs he found a pretty "cleaned by nature" and perfectly intact skunk skull!! It needs a bit of scrubbing and then a boil, but it's awesome!

magpie said...

it IS funny, feel like I WAS there, Lynne....

ttfn need to find some chow

Thinking of Lynn♥Charlie♥Carolyn♥

Lolly said...

Ok, Lynne...can you see me??? I am looking at you kinda funny. A skunk skull!! Really?

Lolly said...

Egg roll

Lynne2 said...

Now Lolly, I thought you all KNEW about my skull collection?

I have a smaller skunk, groundhog, turkey vulture, blue jay, frog, BEAR, fox and several deer. All great finds!

Stubby worries that if he should die before me, that HIS skull will be in the Science and Nature collection with all of the others!

Lynne2 said...

I have a great feather collection too, and some rocks.

Hoda said...

I am back...I still have not read back. A great day really. Spring is in the air. For the first time since October I walked around without my trekking poles today. The street Sweepers are out for the first initial cleaning of the streets from the pebbles and sand used to prevent skidding over the winter. I saw a few people already cleaning their outside windows...merchants in the downtown area of Nelson mostly.
I signed up to work Garden Fest in May and a Walkathon in is headig to warmer weather and activity planning is directed the same way. Very exciting indeed.

I was secretary for the Grans to Grans meeting today so I will have to type my minutes and send them out sometime today.

First a cup of tea and catching up with the blog...all seems to be well on my end I hope it is so for you all.

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

I got a really nice Thank You card from Lynne, too ♥

And I got to see the BEAR skull!

Lynne2 said...

hey Lolly, just read a monarch butterfly report, and it seems that they are moving into Texas!

Hoda, signs of spring are wonderful, aren't they!

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, glad your heat is fixable!

The moon is really pretty.

Still a little breeze out there, but going for a walk after dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, when will your dragon boat racing start?

paula eagleholic said...

Well, those steak and cheese subs can't be as healthy as the pizza I'm eating ☺

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynne, know about your collection. Just giving you a hard time.

I found some interesting feathers. I first saw them under the feeders and thought "uh oh, a birdie met its' demise. However, the next day, I picked up a few of the feathers. They are small, pale gray, and the very tip end looks like it was dipped in bright yellow paint. Hmmmm????

DanaMo said...

OH Lynne too funny!! If I were Stubby I would be worried too! Interesting collection...

Lolly said...

Jack says Cedar Waxwings, but they do not feed at the feeders. Also, these are very small feathers.

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY for the update on LYNN.

Skull colections that takes the cake today LYNNE.

DANAMO I hope your heating is now fixed.

All is well here and now to do email.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

PAULA Dragon Boating does not start before end of May or beginning of June...We have to go in and sand the boat and do some repairs first in April I think...I was given a CD of the Dragon Boat team today and will try to figure out how to make a link so you all can see it.

Lolly said...

Time to heat up dinner, a repeat of last night.

Mema Jo said...

56 comments since I went to dinner
Hope all is well
Need to read

Hoda said...

There was talk here earlier about NBG eagles...did any one see this?

Video compliments of eaglelover of the Hancock Foundation.

Mema Jo said...

The moon on this side of the mountain has a very wide haze around it.
So star watchers- what makes that haze
and how soon will it go away and just be a big bright moon?

DanaMo said...

ONMGosh that video is unreal!!!

Mema Jo said...

This morning around noon (?) my phone rang.......I am so blessed because
the call was from my very good friend, Lynn! I could have jumped for joy but I sat down and cried! Of course she sounds weak - but it was Lynn's voice.
It was a short call - but it meant the world to me.
Just had to share my good news.............. ♥

She will go for chemo this Friday and Carolyn will be taking her.

JudyEddy said...

I just got the the spot to where Angie put a period on the blog SWEET KID Of mine

YEAH for TORI but chicken nuggets LOL

LOLLY do your use rubber mulch I love mine about 6 yrs old and looks good and no weeds or bugs worth the extra money for sure

LYNNE2 I can send you a lizard skelton the next time I find one stuck on my curtains I hate it when they die there I guess their nail get stuck and can't get loose

Mema Jo said...

Ledo's steak & cheese was Yummy. Hubby got his salad with grilled chicken sliced on top.... I did order fries and
hubby said he didn't want any - He ate
all but about 6 fries! Go figure...

magpie said...

Yes, Jo
the clouds are cheating us a bit on the Full Worm Moon...
I guess they are rather gauzy clouds not big fat ones.

Hoping the clouds move on out I want to see Mars out there with it somewhere...

magpie said...

Great Skull collection you have..
too funny about Steve "going first".

I don't have skulls or feathers, but Do have rocks, potato rocks, bread stick rocks, egg rocks, and lots of shapes, but my two favorites are my Eagle Head Rock and my BIG Fish rock

Sandi said...

HODA, thanks for sharing the link about the intruder at NBG - that nest has really had its share of problems this season!

JO, what great news about hearing from LYNN! Thanks for sharing - hope the cheese steak was good!

DMO, sorry about no heat but at least the word is fix rather than replace. In the meantime, at least you have lab blankets!

Hoda said...

JO Thank you ever so much for the post on LYNN phoning you. IT IS WONDERFUL and I am grateful you reported on it...Major praying going on that the treatment Friday and the following treatments bring her complete healing...HUGS LYNN♥ and JO♥

magpie said...

Yes indeedy I love getting snail mail!

Thanks Lynne ! ☺
And You are Welcome !

magpie said...

pizza here too, Paula...
and not home-made either,
Pizza hut with bread sticks and cinnamon sticks, so ...dinner tonight and breakfast and lunch Thursday

magpie said...

yes for DanaMo glad a break on the weather at least.

Sheetz store had air-conditioning on tonight....

Sandi said...

Am going to hop in the tub - hope I can stay awake for all of Survivor! Tomorrow is a normal day at school and it's almost Friday! It's looking like chilly but sunny at Blackwater on Saturday!

Goodnight, my eagle friends!

JudyEddy said...

HODA thanks for bringing the video over that is awful Looks like the intruder has a spot on top like SHEP Was SHEP home all day LOL just kidding really heart wrenching

paula eagleholic said...

My collections are glass animals/figurines, sea glass and shells. Oh, and have lots of feathers from the clue what birds they are from!

JudyEddy said...

looks like our camera is broke I hear sound but no movement at all

paula eagleholic said...

John and Ajay got some really neat art glass figures for the beach house...a sting ray and horseshoe crab....pretty cool.

Oh, I think I am going to open up the beach house next weekend!

DanaMo said...

Yes, Sandi, I may steal all the lab blankets, but I fear I will have to share with the kids! LOL!

We have a home warranty so even replacing would have been okay, but definitely would have been much more expensive, yet not full price. This way it's only $75.00 whew...

I'm running really slow. I think I should restart.

Good night all!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I have plenty of noise, and the Still Cam view matches the Live Feed...but is kind of weird not seeing more movement

magpie said...

Moon is OUT of the clouds, and Mars, Orange, is to its upper left, kind of like at the 10 or 11 o'clock position....

JudyEddy said...

I agree is hard to see the movement it doesn't match the wind noise must be higher winds

JudyEddy said...

I am about ready to uninstall IE9 Blogger keeps not responding and it always closes this page 6 times so far and only when I try spell check with google odd

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LOOKS like lots of flugg on the edge of the nest at the lower left corner

JudyEddy said...

Well I am going to see if there is anything to watch on the boob tube have to turn down the cam toooo loud and I just wonder why the nest is swaying with the wind like its in slo mo you can see it move but not drastic

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

JudyE, I've heard some negative things about IE 9 so I have not installed it, so far.

LOLLY...if you get a picture of the feathers, I can try to ID them for you. Cedar Waxwing TAIL feathers are small, dark grey and the very ends are bright yellow,if that helps.

NatureNut said...

If I hurry, I can get a comment in before the Split~ LOL

Found out some great news about the Dino Exhibit. Our leader, Kathy, had enlisted the aid of a long time artist friend of hers to help w/some drawings. He only does graphite (pencil) work, so the gray and white dinos on the walls were strictly his.He lives in NJ & emailed scans to Kathy. She sent them through our printer much enlarged. They are on adhesive backed material.Anyway, he and his wife came down for the Open House. After they and Kathy left the Mansion, a Smithsonian expert arrived and told others he thought the art work done by Dean might be even better than local artist they use!Someone gave him Dean's business card!!!!
Another happy ending--lady who does all the same graphic art work as Kathy, came in today to sign her employment papers!!!!It's been almost 2 years since our other lady left!

Lynne2 said...

Jo, so glad you talked to Lynn!

JudyE...a lizard skeleton would be awesome!

I have some baby ring necked snakes, too. When I lived next door in the basement apartment, every August they would show up. Sometimes when I cleaned, I would find one, usually suck in cobwebs behind something, perfectly preserved. Still have them. No idea why they didn't decay.

Lynne2 said...

the ones that were alive I caught and released into the woods out back! A couple of times, my dearest angel cat Mitzi would find one....the ending was never good for them. Such a sweet face and temperament, and such a VICIOUS murderess beast underneath!

magpie said...

Bravo!! Loretta for the artist and all your team for putting things together so nicely !

ttfn, have some snail-mailing to attend to, and NOT bills !

xoxo ((Evening Hugs ♥ ))

Lynne2 said...

Great stories Loretta!

Lynne2 said...

Belle's tucking her head in.

It is SO pretty outside! Would be, I think, a good night to see migrating songbirds, should any be in the area. The moon is reflecting off of thin clouds that would make it easy to see the birds in the sky. But all I hear is FROGS!

Mema Jo said...

I love frogs..... even little peepers.

Lynne2 said...

Jo, our little peepers are singing like BIG LOUD PEEPERS! Hear some bullfrogs, too.

magpie said...

Wonder if Belle is going to Bail Out again tonight and let Shep do some of the overnight roosting....

Just saw more egg-tending and now she is tucked in

Mema Jo said...

I was busy and when I read about the bright moon and then Judy asking about the cam frozen - I was about to say
that my cam is frozen and nothing is moving... not even the timer - it is
stuck at 14:58 REFRESH JO

magpie said...

I think this Full Moon could have been named the

JudyEddy said...

I uninstalled the darn thing that was easy and somehow it was snuck in with a update what a PIA big time and i like this format better my fav on the left with a star and for some reason it had me click on the iE8 again but didn't really install it just wanted to know if I want suggested site and I turned it off ok back to IA I don't like IE9

NatureNut said...

Yes, that is one beautiful moon out there!! Thx for reminding me of the name, Margy!! LOL

JudyEddy said...

I love your worm LORETTA so cute

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my, lots of peepers out there tonight!

The walk was great.

Lynne2 said...

great name....Froggy Moon!

JudyEddy said...

I will keep a eye out for a skelton of course all the ones in the past I just put outside I will keep you in mind for any skeltons I find ok

NatureNut said...

Tee Hee, JudyE. Last year I took a pic of the moon to put on blog. Found out the name, so that's what I put on moon photo~

Gotta eat~~~

magpie said...

Neat avatar, ☺ sure if you see the Moon to look for the 11 spot more or less up to the left of "Luna"

Megan always slips me the monthly Full Moon Names ☺

okay on to those snail mails now

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to tell you all one of my bosses told me they loved me because of me always finding outdated food I take pictures and make sure I show them Working for more brownie points and its sort of embarrassing finding all the stuff toooo

paula eagleholic said...

My computer updated automatically a couple of weeks ago to IE 9...I didn't like it either...I uninstalled it.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why the cam is not working as well as it could Can it be the night thing Belles head looks funny and with all that wind wouldn't the nest be moving more I had to turn down the sound too noisey I guess it could be just the wind hitting at the right angle on the microphone on the cam Ok to AI

JudyEddy said...

I am with you Paula they snuck it in under something else

Lynne2 said...

thanks JudyE!

Mema Jo said...

The NBG video of Dad eagle protecting
the nest was horrific. I for one am
glad there wasn't sound.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta that sounds like a very good
happy day that you had
Glad your Osprey are back!

Mema Jo said...

It is better for you to find it, Judy rather then the customer bringing it
to someone's attention! You have
good eyes! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, thanks for the NBG video...that was something else! I haven't been watching NBG, glad they finally turned on the sound!

Lynne2 said...

just read this on FB

Julie Bonner
SAD NEWS for all fans:
Today I received a short letter from Senator Mark Warner, responding to my email to him outlining my fears for the Eagle nest at NBG. On my behalf he must have written to Norfolk Airport because he enclosed a copy of a letter dated Feb 26, 2012, which they sent back to him regarding my complaints. The letter does NOT look good for the eagles!! Sr. Warner also enclosed a copy of a letter dated Feb 3, 2012, that was signed by US Fish & Wildlife Service, US Dept of Agriculture, and VGDIF and addressed to The City Mgr of Norfolk (Marcus D. Jones). This letter is 3 pages long and I have not read its entirety yet - but here is what page.3 says :

"We strongly recommend that the City of Norfolk move forward by requesting the appropriate permit to enable the removal of the bald eagles nests at NBG, as outlined in the Airport's Wildlife Hazard Management Plan and requested the Airport in correspondence to the Garden in Nov 2011. The continued presence of the nests there is a liability and poses a significant risk to public safety and the safety of the eagles. Please note that the public safety threat goes beyond those on the aircraft to people living and working in the vicinity of the airport."

"A first step in this process is the application by the City (as landowner) to the USFWS for a permit that allows for the removal of the nest. To expedite this process, a copy of the application is enclosed for your use."
"The DGIF also has a role in authorizing the nest removal, since the bald eagle is currently designated as a state threatened species. Ms. Becky Gwynn, regional Assistant Bureau Director for DGIF, will coordinate with your office as in that regard."

"We recognize that there are other attractants for eagles around the Airport, and are working with the operations staff there to develop a more comprehensive eagle management plan to discourage eagles from nesting on properties adjacent to the Airport. We also appreciate the educational opportunity that the EagleCam has provided to the public for so many years and are certainly interested in working with the City or other partners to provide similar opportunities at another, more safe location".

"If you have any questions or need more information, please feel to contact Scott Barras, USDA-Ws, at (804) 739-7739 or via email at or Becky Gwynn at (804) 829-6720 or via email at

paula eagleholic said...

I just read that too, Lynne. Sad sad sad

Jewels said...

Good evening....late evening... I am at work. Took over Margy's chair and she left me with nothing here to
Charlie has his upper endoscopy tomorrow afternoon and the hiatal scan on friday. Follow up will be march 16th with the DR. He also has a follow up with his primary dr on March 16, a folllow up appt with a dr he seen in Dec on March 15th. Going to be doing alot of running. Plus need to find time to get my car looked at. It makes some really loud screaching noises when I turn the wheels.
Charlie was still feeling upset on his belly and very very soreall over. His fibromyalgia is kicking his butt! Spoke to Mom a couple times today. She was feeling the same... just ugh.. I can't wait to see her and be with her Friday!

Jewels said...

Make that March 14 with his primary Dr....

Lynne2 said...

Glad to see you checking in Jewels! Please give your mom a gentle HUG from me when you see her.

Geesh...all that waiting and waiting for follow up appts. How frustrating for you and Charlie. Why can't these things be done in a more timely fashion.

magpie said...

God Bless You, Carolyn, with all that is going on.....
(( Hugs ♥ )) and thanks for checking in....

Friday is the day after tomorrow!
Hope it gets here immediately for you !

Prayers for Charlie, your Mom, and YOU xoxo

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading to shower...

Mema Jo said...

Sad news from NBG for sure!

Thoughts of Spring - da Bears

magpie said...

on the's NOT that windy out! Could the mic have been tweeked to pick up more noise ?? just wondering...have no idea about these things

Killdeer cheeping in my neighborhood right now

Mema Jo said...

Carolyn - you need to carry a pocket calendar or you just may miss one of
the very many appointments!
Good Luck!

Good to know you will be taking care of mom this Friday. ♥

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I don't like to stutter.......
Silly blog.........

SPLIT will be here real soon *****

Judie said...

Good late evening everyone.

Hi Lowreeda. Been neglecting you and do apologize.

Not caught up on blog comments except for NBG update and IE9 issues.

Long day for us. Two+ hours with the attorney, grossery shopping, recycling, cooked dinner, cleaned up, now ready to welcome the sandperson.

Tomorrow is exam day so will be busy again. Trying to ignore all the papers I have to read/grade.

The sandperson will be on the way soon. The night light is set for 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 323   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED