Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Two fish lunch thread.


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Mema Jo said...


DanaMo said...

Oh Lynne so sorry. What a stressful time for all involved! And here I am being silly. Sorry. I hope the travelers get the rest they need and Steve's sister finds some good help to get her through this both emotionally and physically.

BEagle said...

Did you see anything on that egg roll?

paula eagleholic said...

and no "newer" link on the first page, so the 200 issue is still with us

Hoda said...

Thank you LYNNE. Stressful times indeed. PRAYERS♥

BEagle said...

Oh. No one saw a pop

BEagle said...


Hoda said...

I am off to yoga and will see you all later...do let meknow if there is a changing of the guard for the evening shift. I will catch up when I come back.


magpie said...

whoops might have knocked someone off including myself with conflicting errors

Pretty well, Lynne,
pretty tired,
and hungry, both manageable,
and have a sick leave note for Wednesday
good report on the procedure so I'm good for another few years at least

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, Please DanaMo, don't worry about being silly....I NEED silly right about now!

magpie said...

beautiful sunlight on Shep's feathers....

and I like the new avatar also, DanaMO

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are off tomorrow Margy and that everything checked out good!

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, love Javalin with the flower! Glad your class is filled for next year.

Lynne, glad to hear Steve's sis is improving...hope he can get some rest and talk more coherently later.

Belle should be back soon...I'm waiting for the switch

Lynne2 said...

Right now, I am relieved she is OK, in as much as she can be at the moment. But I feel VERY angry, too. I am upset with myself for feeling this way. I should be feeling compassion, not anger.

Sandi said...

LYNNE2, had either Steve or his mom talked with his sister Wendy recently? If so, did she sound different? Just wondering if her attempt to end her life was due to depression over her illness, pain related to her illness, or what? Sure hope they can get her the mental health help she needs - what a difficult situation!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, glad you got a good report.

Kay, hope the shot helps.

Lynn, glad you could join us briefly today!

JudyEddy said...

Just got home and started reading

RED putting the fish in the nest now I think not LOL We got to give credit to our boy Shep the young stud Remember this name
Colonel Adam Boomerang the Yo Yo Truder brought the fish I just thought of that the other day

DanaMo said...

I think anger is a very reasonable feeling Lynne.

hedgie said...

Lynne, thanks for filling in the info about Wendy. So sad. Hope everything will be okay.

Just ate a KEY LIME Jello Impressions.......not bad at all!

Hmmm.....Megan should never have felt the need to leave the blog to begin with.

hedgie said...

Kay, hope you get some good relief soon. Agree that the injections and TENS and med should be the plan for as long as possible.

DMO--most POPULAR teacher!!!!

Sandi said...

Hey LYNN, so good to "see" you this evening!! ♥

LYNNE, this event has "unsettled" yours and Steve's life at a time when neither of you need any more unsettling stuff than you're already dealing with. Feeling angry doesn't mean you don't feel sorry for what Steve's sister is going through as well. If your child runs out in the road and you catch him/her before being hit by a car, you feel immediately relieved, and then you want to shake the daylights out of the kid for doing something so stupid! Concern and anger at the same time! We don't always feel singular emotions.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Lynn! We are still on pip patrol!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne hopefully this will get Wendy some help. Can't understand "bruising"?? Hope the other sister can get her life straightened out too.
Yes a good night sleep for Steve and his Mother will help too.

Lynne I think your feelings are in order. I know you will replace being angry with compassion when the time is right. I am sure you have mixed feelings.

People are not made to do anything. They have choices and they make whatever choice they make.

Lynn glad you found something to eat that taste good.

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, Steve hasn't talked to Wendy since Christmas when we were up at his mom's. She uses the excuse that she just feels like she doesn't have anything GOOD to talk about most of the time, so she just doesn't call, or call back. She does keep in pretty regular touch with her mother, however. Mom seemed to feel that she was doing pretty well, with ups and downs, too. She met Lee, the boyfriend, and seemed pretty positive about him, and about life in general. She had been working part time, too, at the bar that her sister the jailbird manages. Or should I say USED to manage...she won't be working THERE anymore, I'm sure. She has had a very difficult time coming to terms with the Devic's but there is a support group of people with it very near to where she lives, and mom had been very gently insistent that she take part because it would help her, so she thought. But Wendy didn't, I don't think. But mom did say that the last couple of times she talked to her, she was "slurry" and she knew she had to be taking something, which I suppose was the Xanax. She was concerned about that, but not so concerned that she ever thought something like this might happen.

magpie said...

Hey there Lynn ♥

I have a Key Lime Cheese Ball Mix....that mixes with cream cheese...
It's from Tastefully Simple;
will mix it up sometime when you might help me test drive it ☺

stronghunter said...


One strike and a few spares. Not too many, but I think I have figured out some things now. Maybe my average will improve. It has not been that impressive.

magpie said...

and darn it, why didn't I get THAT kind of jello...like you had, Lynn

ttfn, will be pip patrolling along with you folks

Sunset has occurred

JudyEddy said...

two times since I got home I have lost my live feed and have to click back on to the site refresh doesn't work GRRRRRR watching news I will be here shortly on phone also

magpie said...

Practice makes Perfect, Shirley !
some X's and a few /'s - that's GOOD

Mema Jo said...

Lynn = Hello
They are all repeats tonight!

Key Lime anything may taste good to you.
There is a Yoplait - Yummy

Lynne2 said...

It's not easy, I know, because she has said it many times, for mom to be so far away from Wendy knowing she has this disease, and will ultimately need help with everyday life at some point and moral support along the way. When Wendy was so sick 2 years ago and mom had to go down there, not knowing what was wrong yet, she tried to get Wendy to come back and live with her and Norm. But she wouldn't do it. She wanted her mother to move down there instead. But mom's life is here. And Wendy is a grown woman.

paula eagleholic said...


DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Megan hasn't been on the blog in quite awhile...probably since last fall some time.

paula eagleholic said...

C.mon Belle....

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...


We had about six honeybees get into the house today. And I saw two dead ones. I poked some tissues into a hole where one exited. I don't know if we have something going on in the wall or not.

Robins are taking over the yard. They have taken up residence in a neighbor's tree and keep swooping over the house.

Spring is here--a bit early, but I hope it does not get really cold again now.

DanaMo said...

I want to see the switch so we can see the eggs for a few seconds!!

paula eagleholic said...

nite light on...rats

paula eagleholic said...

I found a wasp in the bird feeder this morning...he got drowned in bird seed.

paula eagleholic said...

more geese...goose maybe

Lynne2 said...

One last thought that has been really bugging me and making me upset for even thinking it is....I'm not convinced Wendy INTENDED to kill herself. A part of me thinks this is a huge cry for help instead. I feel like if she intended to end her life, she wouldn't still be her alive. I have know at least 6 people who have committed suicide. Sad, isn't it? Three of them were people I knew or had know fairly well at one time. The others were either friends or family members of other people I knew. Those people all used far more effective methods to insure there would be no chance of living. And pills were NOT used.

Anyway...this is far too depressing for my happy bloggers. Time to move on to more positive things!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Paula for that truthful comment at 7:31pm.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh cmon, my cam went off

paula eagleholic said...

finally got it back after 3 tries

Lolly said...

Going to try to type but Annie is here and complicating things.

Lynne, thanks for the report. Hopefully, the travelers will get some sleep and be able to fill you in more.

Margy, I was wondering who your "taxi" was today. Yea for the Capt and his sidekick Tiger!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Suicides are a cry for help, Lynn.

magpie said...

I do believe I hear Spring Peepers at NCTC

paula eagleholic said...

C'mon Belle, my dinner is ready and waiting...want to see the switch first.

magpie said...

there is a recipe on this Cheese Ball thing for:
Key Lime No-Bake Cheesecake

meanwhile I am in contact with my Shepherstown Lady Chef ☺

Lolly said...

I forgot to tell you yesterday. Jack and I were sitting out at the back patio in the evening. I looked over at the birdbath about 20 ft. away and there was a Bluebird taking a bath. We have Bluebirds but rarely see them.

DanaMo said...


magpie said...

So, you and Jack are Voyeurs Lolly? ♥
was he all naked, the bluebird ?
Here comes the silliness...

magpie said...

Good egg-tending, Shep..roll them both !

Lolly said...

Went full screen. Didn't see a dern pip!!!!

Sandi said...

Hate to say it, but I didn't see a pip on either of those eggs just now, at 300X magnification.

JudyEddy said...

Have you all had the Strawberry daiquiri or Pina Colada, or Margarita jello

JO I got the rest of my order today so I am doing some rearranging on it remember in the video I said I didn't like the bottoms one as much as the top well I got the top ones so will mix it up more first they said they didn't have it now I just got a confirmation that it was sent so will see in a day or so Odd how they found more but great for me

LORI you got to get us a video on the convention would love to see them

WOW That was a lot of fish did BELLE eat it all herself

STILL reading 82 more to go just as I think I am making progress more come LOL

Lolly said...

Well, of course he (the Bluebird!)was naked, Margy! You gotta get naked for a bath!

JudyEddy said...

Is Shep gonna do the night shift looks like it huh

DanaMo said...

Did I miss a switch or just a turn around?

wvgal_dana said...

lol Margy

DanaMo said...

Okay heading over to the couch. Will check the box now for emails!

Lolly said...

Look at Shep's right wing. Earlier today I noticed his left wing. He is sitting high on the eggs and sorta puts the front on his wing down for support. Does that make sense???? LOL

And, yes, I saw where I created a new word today, deat. LOL I am glad to hear that deat fish do not smell. I may break all records creating words for our dictionary.

Lolly said...

Off to fix something to eat. Jack is eating pizza, but not me. Woe is me!!! Trying hard to shed a few pounds!!!

magpie said...

It was a turnaround, DanaMo
We are waiting on Belle to return...

oh, I hear the whooooshing at the nest again, or is it my tummy, or Darth's water leak ?

going to boil some potatoes...

ttfn xoxox

DanaMo said...

Sandi said...

LOLLY, Maybe CAROLANNE will do a Momster/Dadster dictionary after the cookbook? =) Only kidding - there would be WAY too many entries! It's funny, I'm a pretty good proofreader but I often skip right over the misspellings. Either I'm speeding to catch up on the blog or i just read the word correctly in my mind b/c i know what the person was trying to say.

NatureNut said...

WOW, I have a Split to jump!
We never did go out for my B'day dinner, but was told tonight would be it!!! Then I got a call about we couldn't go tonight. Stopped at grossery and bought filet mignon!Gonna broil it now!
Got some varied and faraway pics at Park today. New?old osprey is back!Different nest than the one from Saturday.

JudyEddy said...

Great news DANAMO on your test NO go EAT and why a lite meal????

SHIRLEY make sure you have someone check they do like to build in walls In OHIO when I lived there we had such issues all the time and my BFF Denise had them here in Fl several times she had them removed and they guy said the Africanized
KAY hoping all you pain goes away soon

LYNN I sure wish the dr could do something to help NOT FAIR you have to go through this for so long

LYNNE2 I hope all this mess get straightened out I know the state can BAKER act someone if they harm themselves

magpie said...

Okay there Loretta, but don't wait too long...!
Ah Filet Mignon...good stuff
will check out pictures too soon

FuzzleMT said...

hedgie said...

Margy, I have one of the TS balls, too.....hVen't made it, but I think Chrsitie has and says it's YUMMY.
Jo, don't like Yoplait....:(

Calling it a day here. Love you all.

paula eagleholic said...

Can't believe Belle is leaving him with the night shift...wonder if there will be a late night switch?

magpie said...

Yes pretty curious, Paula...
no Moonshine to speak of tonight...half a moon maybe after midnight or so....

not much interest in those fish either after the initial wolfing down :(

JudyE -
it was I not DanaMo with the test.....and light meals...just because, being gentle to the intestines tonight...

Good Night Lynn ♥
(( All-Night Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

Maybe Belle knows something we don't and know she willl be busy for a while and I just lost my cam again

JudyEddy said...

and its back what a PIA

JudyEddy said...

I knew it was you Margy but with all the reading I got cornfused again and what a good girl you are to your body

magpie said...

that's ok JudyE...
I do it myself, get folks confused

too much time and money tied up in this for me NOT to go through a gently re-entry, thanks for the compliment...☺

JudyEddy said...

looks like egg roll

JudyEddy said...

and a flash of light

JudyEddy said...

I can see his head looks like ther eis a light on it sort of can you all see it tooo

JudyEddy said...

now its gone shen he moved now its back odd also looks like a small lite on the side of the nest odd

magpie said...

darn it
just now remembered 90210 which started at 8 pm...searching for it now
Train is supposed to be on there !

paula eagleholic said...

I see that too, JudyE

JudyEddy said...

PAULA so glad you saw it I thought I was loosing it and see the spot on the side of the nest

Sandi said...

God love him, Shep seems content to babysit! I can just barely make out the spot on his head. I am fading fast, so am going to hop in the tub and then into bed! Denny asked me this morning what time I woke up b/c he didn't hear the alarm go off @ 5:40am. I just told him I woke up before the alarm so I turned it off to keep from waking him. Didn't bother to say that I was up at 5:30 to see if an eaglet had hatched! he would think I was crazy!

Goodnight my eagle friends! Special prayers for LYNN, for CAROLANNE, and for Steve and his family. See you in the morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Good news from Robyn on Tori...

No food restrictions, friday inpatient rehab then home

Kay said...

Back and disappointed to find no one has seen a pip yet. Hope for tomorrow.

Thanks for concern expressed for me. Took another two hour nap and woke up hungry for a baked tater. I know it's hard to keep up with my frequent medical visits these days. Today was just a routine Primary doc appt. Thursday Julie and I will meet the back surgeon and I hope to put his specialty off until the back specialist has a chance to try the injections--the first of which would be a week from Thursday. Amazing specializwtion now--at the ortho clinic I see one doc for bursitis, another for back pain and another for back surgery. Why not just one man or woman who can do it all ?

LYNNE, glad you've heard from Steve and hope things are clearer once they've all rested. I take it neither of his sisters have children. Sounds like Wendy will have to be convinced to move up to MD in the near future somce she's going to need more care as time goes on. Prayers for all and please, don't beat yourself up for feeling some anger--perfectly natural.

Also praying for you, dear LYNN and all in need ! Tomorrow....


JudyEddy said...

Cute Sandi

JudyEddy said...

GREAT NEWS PAULA ON TORI so happy she is doing so well

Lolly said...

Finished with dinner and clean up. So, Shep is still in the nest. Interesting! I think I am going to go bathe early. We have been sleeping til almonst 9. Geeeesh! Such sleepy heads. Guess it is good we both sleep well. Told Jack, though, we need to get to bed earlier and try to get up earlier. The morning is almost over by the time we are up.

JudyEddy said...

I am going to go shower nothing on tv got GW to watch looks like Shep head is at 10 and tail in middle of nest from what I can see

wvgal_dana said...

I know with this time change. I want to sleep until 11am which would have been 10am. Nice sleep. Been trying to get up earlier even before the time change. Works some days other days doesn't.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It was so good to have Megan on here today! I love and miss her so very much!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just got home from a wonderful meeting. Heading up to watch TV for a little bit.

Red said...


wvgal_dana said...

Jo they might be re-runs for you. I missed them..haven't seen either of these on NCIS or NCIS Los Angeles.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Red (:

Red said...

Just dropped in to say goodnight. Hope we are getting bobble heads soon.

Goodnight everyone.

Lynne2 said...

no word from anyone yet...hopefully all are asleep and stay that way til tomorrow morning.

I'm going to have watch eagle nest from work tomorrow. But still, please, someone email me if anything happens!

Heard the strangest, loudish sound in my kitchen. I was on the phone and my friend with whom I was talking heard it too, it was that loud. It sounded like a cat distress call. Brother is outside on the sunporch, and I looked and he was snoozing. Joker was upstairs. Nothing running on the computer that would make a random sound. No TV or radio on, and windows not open because it was actually very nice and cooler inside than it was outside. FREAKY!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Night Red enjoy your sleep. Hopefully tomorrow is if I remember correctly. Paula put in Wednesday for a hatch. So hopefully that will happen.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, with this resentment eating me alive, I am going to have to bow out again for a while. ;-(

Lolly said...

Well, do not let the boogie man get you, Lynne!! Are you sure it did not come from the computer?

Mema Jo said...

I have been with hubby watching a taped movie.
Cam was stopped when I came back &
I had to sign out and then back in.
Hope all is well......

magpie said...

I missed the show at 8
am watching it on the computer now ☺
so maybe I will see and hear Train...

Lolly said...

Now, Sharon!!!! We will not allow this!♥

Mema Jo said...

I dislike Freaky sounds...... Every once
in a while I get a sound from my kitchen - But not a wild sound - just
a sound as though a pop!

Lynne2 said...

I'm sure Lolly. It came from behind me which is why I expected to see Joker there, or see Brother up and about near the kitchen door. The unfinished room is also behind me where I am sitting, and it occurred to me that maybe a cat had somehow gotten in there, but no.

Lolly said...

Hmmmmm????? Lock the doors!!☺

Lolly said...

Our ice maker sometimes makes a noise.

Lynne2 said...

that's weird Jo. I'm sure there is a logical explanation! I do this FreeKibble thing email every day where if you answer a trivial question each for cat and dog, they donate kibble to a shelter, and once in a while there is a cat sound when I click on the cat question. But I haven't opened that email yet.

Lolly said...

Ok, I said I was going to go bathe, but I didn't. So, now I am going to head to the shower. Ready to get comfortable!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, doors are locked, Buford nearby. I think whatever it was will not be stopped by locked doors.....ooooOOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooO!!!

Lynne2 said...

great, now I am freaking myself out! hard to believe I spent the greater part of 20 years living alone and not worried about things!

JudyEddy said...

You sound like my daughter Angie she is a what ifer if you know what I mean EGG ROLL

Lynne2 said...

Perhaps it was a SASQUATCH!!

Stinkbug mating call?

At least I have a Hear Witness to the sound!

Mema Jo said...

I know the Free Kibble email you speak of - BUT stop freaking yourself
out - I bet you have every light on in the house and outside of the house

JudyEddy said...

We had a article on stink bugs in my local news paper about all bugs in general with the weather being so hot and no real winter to kill them off they had a picture of the darn things and I though of you right away LOL

Mema Jo said...

Kripes Judy! You print that and a SB just zoomed by me..........

stronghunter said...

Sasquatch?? Oh, my, I will have to tell Hunter about that!!

Lynne2 said...

Yes, the lights are on Jo but no one is home....LOL!!!!!! My fearless hound dog is sound asleep on the bed. Good watch dog she is!

Lynne2 said...

Puddles is laying hear snoring!

OK, going to jump in the shower....if I'm not back in 25 minutes...ooooOOOOOooooOOOOOO.

I'm am just sleep deprived stupid at this point!

Lynne2 said...

oh look, a little leprechaun is dancing outside my window....

JudyEddy said...

on facebook from Nilla
Janet L Kolb
please pray for my daughter just rushed her to hospital in amblance

JudyEddy said...

JO the article I am using as packing materail so you can read it that is the only paper I get Its free LOL

stronghunter said...

Speaking of sounds, I heard a rustle, rustle, crinkle, crinkle sound while I was sitting on the front porch this evening. For some reason, I thought it was the neighbor doing something in his garage.

However, when I came back in the house, I found two empty packages on the floor--a hamburger bun wrapper and a corn chips bag.

No wonder Luna wasn't interested in coming out when we let Flash join us.

JudyEddy said...

OOPS SHIRLEY sounds like Jet trying all the time to get my Ritz crackers off the table

JudyEddy said...

He had a alliterative motive didn't want to go out huh Had his eye on the buns LOL

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go start watch GW BBL

JudyEddy said...

alternative motive

JudyEddy said...

Got sort of a silly question this has happened to me as well but mine was with a Biscuit,bacon,egg from MCd
Carol a friend of mine ordered a Cal zone with pepperoni on it and broke her tooth I told her just like my dentist said the tooth was probably already weak and anything would have cracked it She is mad at the pizza place and wants them to pay for it to be fixed we are going back and forth on FB about it Just need another opinion

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Nilla aka Janet Kolb's daughter.

JudyEddy said...

or has it happened to you or anyone you know she said several of her friends it has happened to and the place of business paid for it to be fixed The pizza place said there was nothing hard in the food she ordered and refused to pay

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla aka Janet Kolb is one of our "long time" Momsters. From when they first set on the curve in the road. Then they started getting into NCTC. She would pick up Jo in the Jeep and take off for NCTC.

wvgal_dana said...

I wish she would come back and stay on the blog. Just glad she visits a few times.

stronghunter said...

I don't know, Judy. There should not be anything that hard in a pizza. If there was something hard, that would be a problem.

magpie said...

Sorry to read that Janet's daughter has an emergency, and still hoping that all Janet's medical problems turned out well.

Happy on the update for Tori, positive and more positive every day

Bigges noises here are the Bowling Ball Noises and loud honking of horns at late hours...the former has certainly subsided nicely since I spoke with the neighbors

magpie said...

Hoping that Lynne has a frightless night at home alone ....
and that updates from the family in Florida will be positive very soon

Time for bed here....

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us

Thinking of Lynn♥

See you in the daylight pip-patrolling morning

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

I'm back, had to deal with quite a few SB upstairs before I could shower in peace.

My hair feels weird. I think I conditioned with the shampoo. CLEAR MOMENT.

Wow wonder what's happened to Nilla's daughter?

JudyE, that's a tough one. Unless she has the "object" that she bit down on, hard to say what will happen. Can't hurt to mention it to them I guess.

Lolly said...

I am back and clean&comfy now. Laurel called. They are coming next week. It is their spring break. We are going to the zoo Tues and then having ribs for dinner. They will spend Tues nite. We talked about Luke, the new granddog. He is 5 and will be 6 Oct. 30. Their friends who gave Luke to them came over this weekend with his "stuff". Both said to the other "are you sure?" Both parties are sure and happy.

Lolly said...

The cam is much darker tonight. No amount of tilking really helps. I can just make out Shep's head pointing to 10.

JudyEddy said...

no objects at all she said

Lynne2 said...

Sounds like fun Lolly, especially the RIBS!

Well, Steve called, Wendy asked him and Norm to leave today because between the Drs and the therapists coming and going, it was all just too much for her. She only wanted her mom to stay. Right now they are eating pizza and relaxing, and going to bed soon. He offered to let me have mom fill me in on all of the details, but I said no, just let her relax and rest tonight. She probably hasn't had more than a couple of cat naps in the last 48 hrs, so tomorrow will be soon enough.

Judie said...

The sandperson has sprinkled a liberal amount of sleep dust in my eyes and has departed for visits to bloggers throughout the land. The night light is on and may tomorrow bring a little bobblehead for Belle, Shep, and all of us. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

well, I think I'll start gearing up for bed soon. First, ICE CREAM!

Thinking of Lynn and praying that she is feeling better.

I'll catch you all in the morrow!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the info on Janet's daughter
Went to FB but no details there. Prayers
that she will be ok.

Thanks for the newspaper in advance,Judy

Hoda - Anyone that can see through the darkness... Do you think our eagle is
doing an egg roll... see head at 11 and tail at I see lights at the nest

Mema Jo said...

I suppose it is the Security vehicle
driving by - At first I thought
it was lightening........

Mema Jo said...

Good night Lynne and Judie
I am not far behind you!

JudyEddy said...

Heading to bed myself see ya in the morning

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Nite Judy ♥

Mema Jo said...

The cam is too dark. I can see white head and tail but that is all. Once they start to PIP it takes awhile to get
the entire way around the egg with that
eaglet's egg tooth.

Hopefully we are going to have a hatch
on Wednesday as Paula predicted ♥

Mema Jo said...

Time for pillows - sandman just went through the valley!
I loves Us!!!

Good Night to all my friends
Prayers for all your needs
Asking the Lord to place His healing hands on Lynn and to wrap His arms
around her! ♥
** (((HUGS FOR ALL))) **

Hoda said...

OK No Pip and no switch... Shep is still on for night duty...

MARGY I hope you had something to eat by now and that your energy is restored.

SHARON...You are very important to this blog...resentment or not hang in there and stay on...

MEGAN the giver of beautiful flowers and a good friend to many on the blog is also a breath of fresh air to read here...Awesome to see her on here...I much enjoy your posts MEGAN.

THE BEST PART of today is reading LYNN'S posts. THANK YOU LYNN. How precious you are and how much you influence our days and bring quality into them HUGS♥

LYNNE 2 thank you for the updates and I am so very glad that you spoke to STEVE. I hope you have a good night's sleep.I agree with PAULA suicide attempts are cries for help.Sorry you have experienced it with so many in the past.

Shep is up rolling eggs and looking in the cup and settles back down facing three and a half.

Hoda said...

Shep has not settled at all is back up again and turning around, now facing nine

Hoda said...

Shep is awake and looking around, not settled in at all his head and tail feathers have changed direction again and is now facing ten

NatureNut said...

Guess most are ready to hit the hay.
Was working on some dinosaur pics to burn on CD for Kathy at exhibit shop. She never took any!
See that Lynn stopped by to tell us about her yummy dessert. That's my favorite after chocolate anything!
Margy, glad to see you're home in one piece, thx to the Capt. and First Mate!
Lynne2, sympathy for Steve's family and for all the grief it's causing you. Hope Wendy gets the physical and mental health help she needs.
CarolAnne--prayers for your upcoming tests and hope Kay's back gets much better.
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for all in need & Special ones for our Lynn ;>)

Lynne2 said...

I just talked to Steve again. I have to share this because I am practically speechless over what he has just told me.

Wendy was found by the boyfriend, Lee, unconscious, having lost all bodily control, and convulsing. When the EMTs got there, they could just barely find a weak pulse. She got to the hospital just in time.

The reason Lee went to Wendy's house....he had found out about Shari's bender, and went to tell Wendy.

Therefore, had Shari not gone on her bender and ended up in jail, Lee wouldn't have otherwise gone to see Wendy at that time, and Wendy would have died.

How is THAT bizarre turn of events grab you about how the LORD works in mysterious ways......

Lolly said...

Wow Lynne! So thankful she was found in time.

Happy for you that you got to talk with Steve again tonight.

I am heading to bed soon. So going to say.....Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

An amazing story LYNNE...I am glad yo spoke to STEVE again tonight...I am sure it is a great help to him...There is so very much that we do not know for the reason why...

stronghunter said...

Oh, not sure what to do. I want to go to bed, but Luna was acting ill awhile ago, so I let her out and she proceeded to eat a lot of grass.

I have confined her to the front porch and she is barking to come in. Flash is upset because his Luna is upset.

Considering that Luna ate, hmmm, probably 4 or 5 hamburger buns and half a package of corn chips and a section of the front lawn, I might leave her out there for awhile, which means I am not going to bed yet.

stronghunter said...

Oh, thank goodness she was found in time, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

oh no Shirley, you could be in for a long night.....

Lynne2 said...

yep, a very good thing indeed. I just cannot wrap my brain around the idea that Shari's "episode" seems to be the reason her sister is still alive. And there we all were being so flippin' po'd at her for not being there when her sister needed her....

paula eagleholic said...

An unusual turn of events for sure Lynne, Wendy was lucky

Shep still facing 10, can barely make out his head and tail...hear a touch of a breeze

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed, see you in the am

(((Hugs for all)))♥

stronghunter said...

Accidentally closed down the blog and had to leap back over the 200 mark.

Well, Luna came in and drank copious amounts of water. Then she and Flash wanted to go out back. Lord only knows how much more grass she might eat

Costume Lady said...

What a nice night here in Nestville...76°, but no moonlight.Going to be in the 70's the rest of the week...great weather for hatching! Really strange to have Dad spending the night in the nest...Belle would never let Lib do that this near hatching time!

MARGY, so glad your ordeal is over and nothing found this time. Hope you mashed potato and scrambled eggs went down easy and re-energised you!

Saying good night now, prayers for all our friends and blissful sleep.

Hoda said...

Shep is awake , moved and is now facig three.

Hoda said...

Shep is up again turning now facing six and digging in the cup, turns some more and is back to facing nine and a half and settes back in again

stronghunter said...

Let the dogs in and told them to get into their beds. They are settling down.

I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning. Have been having tooth pain. Hope it is not too bad.

Hoda said...

Good luck with the dentist SHIRLEY...
I am glad the dogs are settling in.

stronghunter said...

Going to head on upstairs now, after patting my kitty. He needs some mommy love before he sleeps.

Good night and God bless.

Thinking of you, Lynn.

And you, CarolAnne.

Also Steve's sisters.

Lori O. said...


Hoda said...

Good morning LORI... Shep is on night duty facing nine and a half.

Lori O. said...

Hello HODA!

The nest is SO DARK! I can barely see a white head.

Lori O. said...

Think I need some coffee! Tea for you, Hoda? :)

Jewels said...

hello, jumping in!!

Lori O. said...

Good morning Jewels!!!

How is your shift going?

Hoda said...

I had a cup of organiic artichoke water a while back...tea sounds good...Good morning CAROLYN. I wondered if you were working tonight...I hope it is a clam shift with not too much crisis!!!

Lori O. said...

Never heard of artichoke water. I had cucumber water in FL before and it was great!

Hoda said...

Its delicious LORI, has a golden colour to it and is very good for the liver...

Lori O. said...

I have tried the coconut water people are drinking now, and didn't like it at all. I'll have to get some artichoke water when I go to the co-op market. Love that store! Wonder if Jo or Paula has ever been there, to the Common Market? I could shop in there all day!

Hoda said...

Shep is now facing noon

Lori O. said...

Alright you night owl, and early, early bird (HODA and JEWELS), time for this early, early bird to get ready for the day.

Hoda, thanks for keeping an eye on the nest for such a long time. You have great eyes!

Jewel, hope the job is kind to you this morning.

I'm off to shower, make my snacks, go get gas, etc.

Have a great day you guys! BBL

Hoda said...

It sounds GREAT the co-op market...
You can make your on artichoke water...get young and fresh and organic artichokes. Boil in distilled water.When artichoke is ready to eat remove from water cool it down, use a squirt of fresh organic lemon and drink at room temperature...

Hoda said...

Baby artichoke is the best, the older it gets the more bitter it is and not so tasty.

Safe drive LORI.

Hoda said...

Shep is up looks in the cup backs to eight, poop shoot? and returns to cup facing noon now.
Looking around moving towards eleven.Looks like he is incubating again.

Hoda said...

JEWELS I am going to say goodnight...I hope the remainder of your shift goes well.

Good morning to the Sycamour Palace Café group.

May we have a hatch todayyour time, tomorrow my time!!!


Hoda said...

SHEP is up looking in the cup and digging flaring his tail feathers and again looking in the cup. He has turned to face six , looks up at the cam and is looking around...He has not had much sleep it does not seem like.

Jewels said...

I am so sorry, I jumped and could not chat... We have been so busy tonight. I can't tell which way my head is spining!! Sorry I missed you fine people!!!Much love to you all and many sweet dreams!!

Lori O. said...

I can see we're coming up on the
S P L I T soon...just a reminder for those of us who get lost!

magpie said...

The Moon is up but not bringing any light to the nest, it's only about half full and only about 1/4 of the way up the sky

Haven't seen or heard anything at the nest

Thought I might mention we are going to
SPLIT again soon

Good Morning Early Eagle Pals...
I'll be back around to see you in the daylight

Thinking of Lynn ♥
and Good Morning Jewels if you are still peeking in ♥
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

That's too funny!

Good Morning, Morning GLori

I hadn't seen your post when I started composing mine ☺
Hope your day goes well !

magpie said...

but I did look for you first, Lori then started posting

I'm headed back to the pillows now, the
next post will be

ttfn xo

Jewels said...

still here, plugging away....doing a bunch of criminal hx! LOL Nice to see you Margy!! Even for a split second!

Jewels said...

I shall go a head one more! For the split?

Lori O. said...

You got it Jewels! I think you get wax for that!

Jewels said...

Oh yea!!! I just love wax!

Sandi said...

Morning LORI and DMO and JEWELS! Also MARGY if you're still hanging out! No clue who's eggsitting - do I vaguely see a spot? Did Shep stay all night? better read.

Jewels said...

Almost time to go.... 30 min to go!! Gonna sign off now.
have a good day everyone!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...