Tuesday, March 06, 2012


Fresh Thread.


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NatureNut said...

Oh Boy! If I hurry I'll beat the split!
Put today's critter pics in the Nook.
I bought us din din tonight~~~tried the Arby's Reubens.
Yum Yum.
Gotta get some coffee--then come back to read~~☺

NatureNut said...

I'm a slow typist!

Lynne2 said...

hope you aren't too sore in the AM!

Lolly said...

Know what you mean, Lynne! I have always thought....You can take a small, modest home and make it look like a million bucks if the outside is well kept and pretty. A big beautiful home can look like c___, if the landscaping is not cared for!!!

Lolly said...

It's funny....it is my right hand that is stiff. Blogging should help, right? LOL

Lolly said...

I sat on that cold muddy ground all day pulling up the junk that was growing. Jack was right there doing the same thing. LOL We can help each other walk tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

well, I intend for my small modest home to look pretty this year! I MUST find time!! Thankfully got a huge head start due to very mild weather.

And YES, blogging helps...EVERYTHING!!

Lynne2 said...

Hmmmmm.....I almost forgot that Stubby's B'day is Sunday. Yanking weeds may NOT be the way he wants to spend his day!

magpie said...

don't have to jump too far for a change

so unelievably bright at the nest

Wish we could postpone this Full Moon thing just one week

magpie said...

new word

Lolly, tsk tsk tsk...
but sounds like you got a lot done doing what you like to do

I like Butternut Squash, especially when someone else fixes it for me. LOL - I haven't had any in quite some time !!!

magpie said...

Wow, found me a lady pal who has the reputation of making THE BEST Key Lime Pie, and....she lives in Shepherdstown

When Lynn is up for it, I'm going to work on that, and hope it's very soon! Maybe, green pie for Saint Patrick's Day will be good timing

magpie said...

I guess those are the early-season "smudges" on Belle's neck feathers showing up so well in the brightness of the Moon

magpie said...

Darn it, Shirley went on to bed before we found out how many strikes and spares she got today!

Lynne2 said...

wow...this is pretty interesting

Birdcast Weather

magpie said...

Thanks for the frog information, I understand...

I had never even heard of something called a Chorus Frog, but the Googled sound was similar to what I heard....and I think we are in the range for them;
like clicking noises, sort of

magpie said...

I saw your Egg-hatching date data predictions, Paula
You've always had a "good bead" on these things...

seems like the egg-rolling has not been quite so vigorous this year compared to some other years
but the Wiggles Wiggles look good

Lynne2 said...

Just googled Margy, we'd have Upland Chorus Frogs in this area. Was able to hear them on the info page, but that's NOT what I heard the other night. Now I am jealous!

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, butternut squash with butter, brown suger and cinnamon. Heavenly!!!

LnL, lots of advil. lol

magpie said...

Sure is the first time I've ever heard them, or whatever they were, Lynne...

that Birdcast Weather site, very scientific and detailed! Thanks...I have a couple of really neat sites that Megan has sent me including ones for these particular areas we are in...people send in their information what they have seen and where...

WV sUSAn said...

BELLE is still settled in at 9.

Must read some more.

stronghunter said...

Well, Margy, I am still here after all. I got some spares, but no strikes. We were missing two members of our team and things were not pretty.

One member has resigned for health reasons, and the other one had to baby sit. We grandmas do get called in when child care is needed.

I am going to go to bed now. Rest well everyone.

Lynne2 said...

I have those too Margy, so cool to read what people are seeing! I keep trying to get on the MD OSPREY group, but I keep getting rejected so far. It has something to do with being a LISTERVE ? group, whatever that means, and only so many on at a time. But I can still read the updates every day.

So according to the birdcast, we should be able to start hearing the night migratory birds soon! I'll make a point of sitting outside at night to listen! Still no Tundra Swans though :(

WV sUSAn said...

BELLE is up and chirping.

Red said...

I've had a long day. First drive since surgery for breakfast and haircut. Lots of exercises for rehab, then cooked dinner. I did let Diane clean up the kitchen.
Things are looking great. Goodnight everyone.

Lolly said...

Jack does not go for sweet, so for my Butternut Squash...it was minced parsley, minced garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper, plus parmesan chesses

Belle is up. Poop shoot???

WV sUSAn said...

5 for a poop shoot and wiggle.

Lolly said...

Bell got up, is off the eggs and at the edge of the nest at 5.

Lolly said...

She also chirped!!

WV sUSAn said...


Lolly said...

Belle just poofed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

magpie said...

And she left !
that was weird to watch

back to you in just a few minutes, Shirley, got distracted

Lolly said...

Look at those eggs glowing in the dark. Belle is back! Whew!

Lolly said...

I assume that is Belle.

WV sUSAn said...

Someone has landed. Looks like SHEP is is for the night.

magpie said...

Well, I thought I saw a head spot...waiting to see more

Hi RED -

Lolly said...

Wonder what that was all about????
Strange behavior for the middle of the night!

WV sUSAn said...

Looks like a spot on top.

magpie said...

Okay Shirley, thanks for coming back on for a few...
Good Night, unless you suddenly decided to watch the nest for awhile...

Good Night RED - busy day, be careful to pace yourself...

WV sUSAn said...

RED, congrats on your virgin voyage today.

Lolly said...

I did not see the head so could not tell if it was Belle or Shep. Bow to those who saw Shep's spot.

Lolly said...

Yes, Red did great! Did not expect to see him out and about so fast. Congrats, Red! You and Wanda are great inspirations!!

magpie said...

sure was strange behavior...
all that herky-jerky movement, I thought maybe Belle was eating...

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, bow gently ;-)

WV sUSAn said...

They have the switch down pat.

magpie said...

Virgin Voyage...LOL Susan...

Wasn't sure myself either, Lolly but now the spot was just more visible
Still cam goes a little wonky sometimes
I'm telling you, though, it is COLD out this way and add the wind, Brrrrrrrrrr

Lolly said...

Heard several groups of migrating geese today while working in the yard. Did not see them as it was cloudy and looking up was too much glare for these eyes of mine, but I loved listening to them.

magpie said...

stepping aside for a few, there are some FACES I'd really like to see check in tonight, so will leave some room for Them
but I'm watching the nest too

Lolly said...

Margy, we had a LOT of wind today but right now the temp is 65. Wow!
My wind chimes were really chiming today!

WV sUSAn said...

Cold here, too, Margy. Temp says 55 but it feels like 35 with the wind. brrrrrrr is right!!

Mema Jo said...

Just had a conflicting edit ....
knocked me down........ I'm
coming over

WV sUSAn said...

Low of 34 tonight here. Think it's headed there fast.

Lynne2 said...

well shoot. while trying to figure out what I did with those MD and PA bird links from Megan I missed the action on the nest.

Margy, can you send me the links?

WV sUSAn said...

Come on in here, Jo.

Linda said...

Well Good Evening Friends!!

Such busy days for me of late.....but I thought I would chime in before heading upstairs!!

Wishing we could get some uplifting news about ♥ LYNN ♥ Would just love to hear she is holding down some food and putting on a few pounds. You're in my prayers and in my thoughts, Gal!

JO - The syrup is still coming and boiling. Dennis had to pull 4 of the taps because he couldn't keep up with the flow. He said he didn't have enough storage for all that we were getting.

I would love him to find more storage containers, but it is going to get too warm to store it outside later this week, and the boiling is rather slow.

We did can 4 12oz jars this weekend and we should get another 3-4 pints with no problem at all. The temps are expected to rise above freezing at night later this week, so we will see if we continue to get sap.

It is soooooo good!!

WV sUSAn said...

Is that PA Falcon, Lynne2?

Linda said...

And Butternut Squash, LOLLY....

We have about 35 of those squash in the basement from this last summer's garden. We love them, but we got so many this year!!

They are so good just to put in the oven and bake with some maple syrup or brown sugar and butter on them!!


WV sUSAn said...

LINDA, love the sap and syrup news.

WV sUSAn said...

Sounds like Jerky, a lot of time and effort counting the hunting time. lol

WV sUSAn said...

Finally, the wind is quiet. Somewhat... forget that statement.

Linda said...

Can't stay, but wanted to post and say Hi to everyone!!

Trying to get my really difficult returns done this week so I can hopefully watch some eaglets while working next week!!

DanaMo - Hope you're feeling better soon. So sorry you had such a tough time.

Nice to see so many of you.....

Special prayers for Lynn tonight....

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond...

Night ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good evening one and all had updates on the computer that it did and looks like I got the Internet Explorer 9 also Guess I will try it out for size I can always uninstalled it I don't like have the favorites up in the far right corner use to it being on the left on that side will get in the way of all my windows open will have to see if I can get use to it

Been busy talking on phone to sis Janet and Angie so I am all talked out

magpie said...

Wiht losing our one hour of Sleep overnight Saturday into Sunday, and being on Hatch Watch I can see we are all going to get a lot of sleep!

Hi Linda and Jo
Linda, My NY pal was going to tap some more today, overnight low of 19 and into the high 30's or more today he said would be good

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

I will send you what I have Lynne but it might be tomorrow before I get to it....

Linda said...

Thanks, Susan!

I really wish Dennis would come up with a better way to mass produce that syrup because that sap has been flowing so good.

And the taste can't be beat!

WV sUSAn said...

LINDA, that's what I said. Butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. About the same and delish!

Lynne2 said...

never mind, I found them!

Hi Linda!

OK for anyone who wants to know who is seeing what and where....

WV Birding List

MD Birding List

MD Birding List

Linda said...

He says it is a pain with 9-10 taps, collecting the sap every day or so. Then he has to put in a collection bin and then bring it in a few gallons at a time to put in the big pot to boil.

I guess it is a lot of work.

Lynne2 said...

well duh, the second one should be PA, not MD.

Linda said...

So much for saying Good Night!!

Pulling a Margy here.....

Hi Lynne!! Nice to see YOU!!

Hi Margy! Yep that is perfect weather, as long as it goes below freezing at night and above freezing in the day time.

Dennis says it is kind of like a pump with the temps going up and down.

I was sipping the warm syrup left over on Saturday!! Hee Hee. Talk about a sugar high!!

Lynne2 said...

and here is

Virginia Birding List

Linda said...

My sister-in-law told me there are a few places close by here that have eagles and she wanted to know if I wanted to go see them with her....

Duh.....Of course!!!

I never even looked to see what might be close by.

That would be fun!

Linda said...

Interesting, Lynne!!

Okay, I better head upstairs!!

I could very easily get silly tired!!

Love to all of you..... ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Linda, I can only imagine such sweet nectar from the maple. All this talk makes me want to tap one myself. Must look into resources.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, Linda! Wish I lived closer. Would raid your basement!!! Is that where you hide the maple syrup as well? LOL

Mema Jo said...

Moonlight makes me dizzy.....

Lolly - love the new layout of the
gardens - they will be so beautiful when
in full color.........

I've been watching a movie with hubby.
need to read.....

WV sUSAn said...

G'nite eagle peeps heading to the sand man. SHEP is still seated at 10:30

Janet said...

not posting too much, just kind of checkin in. past my bed time. lol.

been a great first tuesday off! got the taxes done.... yeah!!! new cpa....i personally know this one, so done. comfortably so.

went to one of my favorite stores, got some goodies...

washed my car....got a number for a repair person for the damage caused by the accident....

now, time for the bed. hope everyone is well and know that i am thinking of you.

JUDYE: thanks for the conversation...think we got a lot done! :)

smiles and sweet dreams to all...

WV sUSAn said...

A good serving of "moonshine" is being served at the Sycamore Palace this evening.

Mema Jo said...

Bless you Margy - Key Lime is Lynn's
most favorite pie! For sure take
her a whole pie! ♥

magpie said...

I sure will, Jo....
this is a friend of James's other maternal Grandma...who lives in Shepherdstown...so I'm plotting my plan ☺

WV sUSAn said...

Sounds like a Key Lime would be a sure tantalizer.

magpie said...

Oh wow both these cams are lit up, but the Still Cam really has an extra glint to it

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, please sennd me info as I may want to order one in April. Thanks

Hoda said...

Terrific Yoga practice with a 64 year old new to me teacher...Oh she is very good and I much apprciated my class.

Thanks for the report on the Belle Shep switch. I was surprised when I first logged on and got to the cam to see Shep at the nest but you documented it very well...what else could Miss Belle have been eating, someone said it looked as if she was eating...oh I see part of the fish is gone from the nest...I will check with other sites to see what their thoughts were on this matter.

LOLLY your day sounds awesome. I bet you will sleep very well tonight.

Oh my after my yoga class we all stood in a forested section and the night sky is magnificent...We are truly blessed to be living in this special part of the world...

Lynne2 said...

well, time to head to dream land!

sure hope Lynn feels well enough to chat a little tomorrow. WE LOVE YOU LYNN!

magpie said...

I'm headed to the pillows and blankies too, but will eagerly look for new posts in the morning....
Glad you enjoyed your DAY OFF Janet !

thinking that MAYBE this was Soup Kitchen tonight for Wanda but am not so sure yet about it.

Thinking of Lynn♥ and all her family

Prayers for Wellness All Around

(( All-Night Hugs ♥ )) going out to all

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Hoda, your yoga sounds amazing this evening.

SHEP is still resting at about 11.

Hoda said...

I can notr keep my live feed going!!! It went off twice since I have come back!!! What's up with that I wonder???

magpie said...

mine has quit several times too, Hoda, might be the wind...
Yay on your evening! Both the yoga AND the sky-watching !

and 10-4 Susan, I see your request
xo 'Night

WV sUSAn said...

LYNN, love to you and Carolyn and Christy, et al. So much going on and I wish only the very best and most love for you all. xoxo

NatureNut said...

Time sure flies!!!
Gotta hit the hay after news.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Prayers for Lynn, Charlie, & Carolyn and all in need.♥ ♥ ♥
Hope you feel better DanaMo.☺

WV sUSAn said...

Probably shouldn't type this but feed has been great this evening. 4:13:30

Lolly said...

Mine went for a long time, but just 21 minutes ago...it stopped. Have it going again!

Lynne2 said...

what a nice evening Hoda! Glad you liked the teacher, and the night sky here is beautiful too!

off to bed...goodnight and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

LYNNE 2 Remember not to exhaust yourself this weekend...it sounds like too much work. I hope Steve is feeling better today and I hope you and he are getting enough rest and sleep.

Mema Jo said...

I am wishing for Wanda that she did well at the soup kitchen. And also with her therapy.
Wishing and praying that Lynn will soon
be back with us... miss her and her wise comments.

I think Sharon had a great birthday with Andrew - HODA _ Look on Sharon's
FB page - WOW what a picture....

WV sUSAn said...

The moon is bright on the nest tonight with Shep sitting handsomely at 11. Good boy.

Robyn said...

I bet you are all loving that full moon tonight!

Lynn you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday and sometimes more...

Lolly said...

Hi Robyn! Great to see you here!

Lolly said...

Yes, we are loving the moon. Hope it is light next week for a hatching!

Robyn said...

I was looking in on the nest and thought about you all. The moon shining on the nest looks wonderful

Mema Jo said...

Robyn remember to relax!
I saw Tori on FB - that is such a good
sign that she is getting up to speed!

Lolly said...

Yes, the white feathers as well as the eggs glow in the moonlight!

Hoda said...

WOW JO that is an AWESOME picture of SHARON and ANDREW...The joy and the love is so heartwarming...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME...The best of what FAMILY stands for...Thanks for directing me there JO...

Hoda said...

HI ROBYN...you must be very proud of TORI...she is doing so well...on Facebook!!! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME as SHARON says...I love that saying

Robyn said...


She had company tonight, Mark and he brought her in 2 movies, Oh Brother where art thou and The Incredible Mr. Limpet :).OH! and they let him stay during shift change 2 night in a row she was happy. Mark is her other dad, the one who stood by her the past 6 yrs, Jenny's husband.

Tor's favorite movie (oh brother where art thou) and the movie we had on when we got the phone call

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - -Where do Jenny & Mark live
Near by

Robyn said...

Dundalk Md, 20 min or so from hospital.I am home but going back thursday or friday.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Robyn, good to see you! Don' forget to check in next week, you might get to see a chick!

Mema Jo said...

I know Jenny and Mark have been such a
great help to you - thank them for me!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda My dental cleaning went very well
No return trip for 6 months

Robyn said...

I will Jo

Jenny asked me tonight when I am coming home lol

Lolly said...

I know what I forgot to announce!! I have a new granddog!! His name is Luke and he is a Bishon Frise. Friends of Laurel and Joey bought Luke for their mom after her husband died. Only, she died a year later. So, they then had Luke. Laurel and JOey have been his sitter when they went on trips. Well, today they asked if they would like to keep Luke. They already had two dogs and felt that Luke was not getting the attention he needed. Laurel is thrilled!!!! So, expect to hear tales of granddog Luke!!!

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to say good night to all you
Night Owls....

Wishing you restful sleep and sunshine
to greet you in the morning...
Prayers for our Lynn and Tori
** (((HUGS))) **

Hoda said...

Those are the best trips to the dentist JO...I am happy for you...When I went the first of March I was told I will need two more crowns!!! UGH...so we took the first step of getting insurance company approval, we sent in a form!!!

Lolly said...

Bosco is VERY old and declining fast for a big dog. He likes Luke and they play outside together. It is going to be good for the family to have Luke especially when it gets very sad around there.

Robyn said...

Good night Jo

Lolly said...

I am heading towards sleepy time, too. If I can get up and out of this chair, that is! LOL

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Bishon Frisé are adorable dogs LOLLY...I never thought I would like "yappy little dogs that don't earn their keep" as my American Dad used to call small dogs...but they are adorable.Dad was more the Retriever type with an affection for Collies too...

Jewels said...

Sorry my friends, its late and I am sure many of you have gone to bed. Not sure if I mentioned it or not....Charlie will have a upper endoscopy and will have a hiatal scan done. The Surgeon we seen today is not convinced its his gall bladder. He is thinking an ulcer of some sort. Idk, Mom really doesn't know either... She said it can be either.
I went to her house after I got Charlie home. I sooo wanted to see her!!! And I am so glad I went. She had been feeling ugh all day. Christie got there before I did and Mom said she felt 50% better with in 15 min of Christie getting there. We told her she needs to have company, her family and friends boosts her good feelings. So I pray she heeds our thoughts on this! Of course only with her prior approval!! Leisl gave me all kinds of lovings and kisses too. She even had some lap time during Jeopardy!
I go back to work tomorrow. 6pm to 6am. I wish I could call in... but I am not like that.
Love you all, and as always, Thank you for the payers and kind words and thoughts for me, Charlie and of course my wonderful one of a kind Mom!!!!

Jewels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Prayers CAROLYN. Thank you for the report on your MOM...I am glad you got to visit with her...PRAYERS♥

Costume Lady said...

Getting ready to get some much needed sleep.

Took GG to her new pain management doctor, whose office is in Hagerstown. He lowered the milligrams of her pain pills, says she shouldn't be taking a dose so high...regardless of the fact that she has been doing EXTREMELY well on her present dosage! He then gave her 4 shots of Lidocaine in her back. We go back in two weeks.
Dropped her off at her house, fixed her lunch then went to the church and put away a shipment from the Moutaineer Food Bank...truck broke down last Thursday and had to deliver today...on SOUP KITCHEN DAY!!
Anyway, we fixed the meal and hung up clothes for the closet. We did have a lot of extra help (thank goodness) We had 65 guests and didn't run out of food!

Therapy in the morning, visit GG, then on to my doctor...hope he says it's ok to drive now!


PS...Thank you Carolyn for all that you do...your mom raised you right:)

paula eagleholic said...

Carolyn, so glad you were able to see your Mom! Hope they can find the source of Charlie's pain and illness soon!

Hugs to you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, what a day this has been. Thanks everybody for all your birthday wishes and songs! You are so special to me!

Had a great day with Andrew. Kelsey gave me a birthday card for a special mother-in-law and Andrew gave me one for my 60th birthday! LOL. They gave me a book of their engagement pictures. It is absolutely beautiful and made me cry! Life is really daggone good! Me and Mopsy are heading home in the morning. Want to get there before I start work at 11.

Glad to see Lynn's girls lifted her spirits. I really, really wish I lived closer. I would be bugging the crap out of her.

♥♥♥ and (((((HUGS))))).

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

Hoda said...

Shep has been tucked in for a while no, at least a good 40 minutes. He is facing eleven.

Hoda said...

Shep is awake and untucked and he seems quiet facing elevenAlmost doing a face plant and now looking around...

Hoda said...

Shep is now tucked in same position, I have not seen an egg roll. NOw untucked again only to turn around and tuck back in again...How can I make a reliable report when he keeps changing so much!!!LOL!!! I will post this as he is tucked in...

Hoda said...

Egg Roll Shep now faces nine.

Hoda said...

Lost the live feed and when I reconnected Shep now facing five.

Hoda said...

Here is Shep doing his egg roll
Shep does an egg roll

Hoda said...

The video in the above post is compliments of eaglelover of the Hancock Foundation.

Hoda said...

Shep has been tucked in for a while now and all seems very quiet at the nest.

I am signing off.
LORI and Palace Morning Café Good morning to you all...Have a TERRIFIC day.


Lori O. said...


WV sUSAn said...

SHEP just does an egg roll and is back down at 5. Still a very bright night. C ya in a couple hours. zzzzzzzz

WV sUSAn said...

A couple of sounds woke SHEP up, sounded like two little pig snorts. ?? OK back to sleep for Shep and I.

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Woke up to no heat in the house. Didn't notice it until the dogs moved! I had 2 with me last night, Adam never came and got Boomer so I had one on each side of my body! Glad they were there to keep me warm. Certainly can't take off work to deal with the heater again! Dang!!

Sandi said...

Morning LORI & DMO! I see an eagle with a spot on his head in the nest. DMO, no heat? Yikes!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi.

Yes, no heat. Looking for the telephone number for the home warranty company. I know we are going to end up needing a new system. We have had them out several times and this system is original to the house.

Sandi said...

Glad to see ROBYN on the blog last night!

JEWELS, hope you and Charlie get some answers today.

LYNN, prayers and more prayers for you. Feel better!!

I'm off to get ready for a full day of IEP meetings at school - 6 of them, back to back to back!

HAGD my eagle friends!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle has arrived. Shep getting off the eggs. He just loves that seat.

WV sUSAn said...

SHEP POOF. BELLE on the rail at 5. Now headed to the egg cup and a wiggle down.

WV sUSAn said...

DanaMo, are you still here?

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Sycamore Palace and Eagle Fans. Glad to see ROBYN visited last evening.

DanaMo said...

Yes, I'm here Susan

WV sUSAn said...

LYNN, thrilled your spirits were lifted yesterday and hope you are feeling better today, dear. Carolyn and Christie are your angels. Poor Charlie, are they ever going to get him diagnosed?!?

WV sUSAn said...

DanaMo, I wanted to tell you that if you do have to replace, I would seriously look at a Goodman. It has the same warranty as the Trane at a fraction of the cost. Found that out a couple years ago.

WV sUSAn said...

There go the geese. Belle is sitting pretty at 5.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☺ ☼

hear bluebirds at the nest

see small blackbird at BWO - maybe a RWblackbird


magpie said...

at BWO that bird is there and not there and there again

Very many interesting and heartwarming posts around midnight and thereafter...from Robyn, Wanda, Sharon, and many

So glad that Carolyn and Christie both had some Mom-time, and praying hard for better times for all, wellness and comfort
Thinking of Lynn♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

magpie said...

65 Guests, bet those were some happy Soupers last night at Soup Kitchen for sure, Whew! What a busy busy day for Wanda...
hope the new treatments for GG work out well for her

magpie said...

Welcome to your Granddog Luke, Lolly, sounds like a good arrangements for the Denton Gang
xoxo ☺

magpie said...

Good Morning T-Bird !
Hope all the dogs are behaving !

Daggone clock here won't quit ticking, have to get ready for work NOW

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

(( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

keep an eye on BWO many little blackbirds in and out
just not sure what they are !

xo ttfn

JudyEddy said...

GOOD M☼rning Eagle Buds just crawled out of bed

magpie said...

two eagles at BWO

magpie said...

so sorry about the No-Heat Problem...
hope you get good resolution on that...

magpie said...

must go now
frost on windshield, a wee bit...

Good Morning JudyE - and any and all Momsters and Dadsters to follow

Hope I hear Lori's voice and some be-bopping music ♪ ♫ on the way to work...


magpie said...

Belle looks Magnificent...
thanks for the early morning nest reports, Eagle Pals


JudyEddy said...

YEAH LOLLY on the new granddog

JudyEddy said...

ROBYN good to see you on here So happy TORI us doing so good

JudyEddy said...

CAROLYN hoping that they figure out what is wrong with CHARLIE and praying your MOM is feeling somewhat better and you are so right about having someone around when you are ill it helps with the healing and your mom is so lucky to have two wonderfull daughter youand CHRISTIE

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I hope this new dr helps GG odd reducing the meds You amaze me so much with the soup kitchen

JudyEddy said...

Hearing PIGs on the blog OH MY LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH DANAMO no heat I hope you can get it figured out for tonight

JudyEddy said...

Ok caught all up yeah

WV sUSAn said...

JudyE, two distinct sounds earlier that sounded like a small pig. Do eagles sneeze??? I just don't know. Sure got Shep's attention.

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning RED. Hope you aren't too sore from your outing yesterday.

JudyEddy said...

Something on the new in the two VA hospitals they say you heal better in a quite environment a yacker tracker is a new champagne to reduce noise in hospitals a red, lite system if you are two loud red, yellow to caution and green is good the squeak doors have been fixed, cleaning carts with quite wheels and meal cart don't sound like a train they are issued a care pack package with ear plugs and I pad and a neck pillow no loud talking I remeber all my hospital stays were always noise Good point maybe all will follow

JudyEddy said...

They may have wild pigs in the area Maybe someone will let us know

JudyEddy said...

Hey anyone with the they IE 9 where is the start a new tab I can't figure it out I don't want to open another window I just want to open another tab in the same window can't figure it out

magpie said...


Madonna was great ♪ ♫ and then I had to leave while Ladies Night was playing, that was tough...

heard a bunch of ads, but not your voice :(

Hope today is a great day, supposed to be nice and warm hereabouts

JudyEddy said...

it was always in my tool bar where my favorites were but the fav bar is gone also I get my fav in the tool bar with the edit and tools are but can't find open new tab

magpie said...

Two eagles sunning at BWO -

magpie said...

got to settle into these other computers and keyboards and mouses...and earn my pay $$$

ttfn xoxo

thinking of Lynn ♥

JudyEddy said...

OOPS I found it by clicking on file it says NEW TAB but I liked it the old way Will have to get use to it

JudyEddy said...

Have a good day at work and you want to earn your keep huh MARGY

Red said...

Good morning folks. Took time to read all the comments. I forgot to tell you that even with all her health problems, Lynn sent me a card while I was in rehab. She is such a caring person. Hope she can get through all the treatments with little trouble.
Good to hear that Tori is doing well.

JudyEddy said...

I have a silly question how do I get rid of the REQUEST READ RECEIPT on my email when I send email it is always checked I have clicked on it and the silly check mark will not go away DRAT No matter how may time I click on it the check mark remains there

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete I studdered I guess

magpie said...

Yesindeedy, Red... that's our Lynn....

I'll see that she sees what you posted ♥ ☺

We are happy to have you back with us

WV sUSAn said...

Must get to work. Keep an eye on the Sycamore Palace. Hopefully, the moat will keep the wild pigs away. hahahahahaha HAGD ALL!

Lori O. said...

Hi MARGY! Thanks for checking in.

I woke up late and haven't had a spare second to catch up or check in. I have been lurking a little. :) Maybe if I would stop lurking I'd get caught up! ♥

Nice NEST weather today:

Mostly sunny, with a high near 66. South wind between 8 and 16 mph.

magpie said...

I emailed the content of your post to Lynn ♥

If I look at Belle, I am going to want to do what she is doing...

"See You All later "

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lolly, look forward to hearing about Luke. My brother has a bichon, his name is Max.

Lynne, I can't get on the MD birding list either :(

JudyEddy said...

Headin out the door have to run by postoffice

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Congratulations again to Red.

Wanda, seems like GG is doing well and I suspect she will easily adjust to the lower dosage. Tell her hello from me, please and congratulations on the soup kitchen success. Hoping for a good dr. report for you. In fact, with such a Spring in your step, you might get away with an age change on the driver's license.

Margy, a key lime pie would be nice for St. Patrick's and hopefully Lynn will be up to enjoying.

JudyE, I apologize in advance but this is midterm exam time and I also have 100 papers to read/grade. Student email is overwhelming. I enjoy your emails but need to cut back on the loaded mailbox. Please take me off your list for a while. Thank you.

I also apologize for not tending to the blog night light the past two nights. I am very tired and the sandperson has ambushed me very early in the evening.

We have appointments today with attorneys, etc. Will be back much later this afternoon.

Wishing a lovely day for everyone.

Red said...

I'm going out for breakfast now. See ya later.

magpie said...

Breakfast, enjoy RED !

Judie, always a treat ☺ to see you....hope today goes well


magpie said...



Costume Lady said...

Looks like everyone is eating breakfast or has gone back to bed:) I'm out the door ready to start my day...you all, have a good one♥

WV sUSAn said...


wvgal_dana said...


T-Bird said...

I'll catch all on the flip side. ((hugs))

magpie said...

well there you go
a SPLIT and then a NEW THREAD

"Works for Me "

Mema Jo said...

Just reading back..........

Ms Bookworm said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 401   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...