I am calling it a day - sandman just went by and sprinkled that dust!
Good night everyone Prayers for all our needs Prayers for Lynn's healing and for Charlie to get the right treatment. Thanking you Sharon for seeing the dr ** (((HUG))) **
Watched some TV, and time to hit the hay. Margy, good swan report! I haven't seen any at Park. Have to ask if the saw/heard any go by. Sounds like a great evening,Judie. Love gymnastics. Too bad about B'ball.
I can just see Lynn and Liesl snuggled on the couch earlier ☺ ♥ Prayers for her, Charlie, & Carolyn and all in need-- Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
MARGY, I'm wondering if what I thought was geese flying over at 10 last night were Tundra Swan? They were very loud...I looked at Kate and said why would they be flying at night...her answer? Guess, they're in a hurry!
Hi, Everyone, I'm here kind of late again, but Emma begged for some lap naptime after dinner, and of course, I could NOT say no to her! She is just SO cute! Besides, she rewards me with lots of puppy kisses!
LYNN, you made my day, too! SOOOOO glad to see you've been here tonight! Wow, I hope you didn't overdo with your sudden burst of cleaning!! Extremely grateful that you felt well enough to do all that, though. Praying that tomorrow will go well for you, and the chemo will NOT make you miserable! Make sure you get plenty of rest every day! Hope you have been able to eat, and not feel yucko! Sending lots of love and (((HUGS))) your way!
MARGY, I hope you are OK!!! Gracious!! Gunshots in your neighborhood?! YIKES!!
Lolly, it was great to read Zach's posts! Love having a junior dadster! I'll have to try calling you once we're in Texas, and more sure what our schedule will be like! OOOH--I am SO excited!!! Can't wait to see the kids!!!!! (Don't dare say that around Kubby, though--he's so excited, he's a wreck!) Hope WE can get together, though! We'll be fairly close, in Aubrey! We have a nephew who lives in Denton with his family, too. Small world!
Judie, glad you and Darth were able to get out for a fun evening! Hope the parlor panthers behaved themselves while you both were gone. Thanks for the night light. I'm trying to resist the sandperson, who's got one foot in the door. Still have some stuff to do before I can hit the hay, though.
By the way, has anyone had any problems with their electronics due to the solar flares lately? We have had some problems with DirecTV, not being able to get a signal on one of our receivers. It eventually fixes itself, but just wondering...
Well, gotta go get busy again. So much to do, so little time! Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is lit, and enabling both security systems. If I don't make it back here tonight, sleep well. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
Yes it is! It's sort of a working weekend though for me. I am going to DE tonight with 5 other teachers to attend a SMART conference tomorrow. Should be a good time but it still is a weekend "working".
several wondered if I was OKAY after posting I thought I heard a gunshot last night here on the street....no one made any noise, police did not show up, so I believe all was well....I came back with a few posts and sorry that did not reassure everyone... I tried....maybe my posts were invisible ☺ Thanks for Caring !
many things flies at night, Lori.... they could have been Snow Geese.... or Canadas, or Tundras.... listen some more, they are definitely on the move !
OH this is funny! Carolyn sent me an email....at 0525 this morning, after almost 12 hours on shift, Carolyn realized she had two different shoes on... brought the house down there at the office !!
She will be with her precious Mom today.... (( Hugs, Carolyn and Lynn aka Jewels and Hedgie ♥☺♥☺ ))
My BFF who had the surgery last week had her followup doc visit yesterday. FABULOUS!! She doesn't have another checkup for six months. yippeee yahooooy
YES LYNNE2 I just saw your comment just started reading the bog I didn't last night being it was late when I got home and was on phone after that ok back to reading the blog
Morning all from sunny western PA....sunny for the moment anyway. We are to have some snow showers by afternoon.
My birding friend and I are going to lunch and then to see if we can get pictures of the big turkey flock. And speaking of turkeys, I saw some on the PA woods cam and the snowman cam this morning.
So glad our Hedgie gave a report yesterday. Prayers for her today and all in need.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORETTA, Why do we have a variety of friends who are all so different in character? How do we get along with them all? Each one helps to bring out a "different" part of us. We joke with one friend. We sit down and talk about serious matters with one. With another, we laugh a lot. We may have a coffee with one. We listen to one friend's problems. Then we listen to another one's advice for us. Our friends are all like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they form a treasure box. A treasure of friends! There are friends who understand us better than we do, who support us through good days and bad days. We all pray together and for each other. WISHING YOU ALL KINDS OF FRIENDS ON YOUR BIRTHDAY AND ALWAYS!
Good morning eagle buds!! Nice and quiet at our nest this morning! That is a good thing. Drama at NBG this morning. It looks like there is another female vying for the nest. This is #4. Female #3 hasn't been seen since yesterday morning I think they said. And it looks like they are really going to dismantle that nest at some point. Sux so bad! What will keep the eagles from going 2 trees down and building another nest?
Hope everyone is well this morning. Can read any posts until after I post for some reason. Love and hugs!
I am still feeling a little crappy. Last night, I had a spasm that went from my neck down my back and into my legs. This happened before when my potassium was low and my heart did the arrhythmia thing. It really sucked. I took some potassium and it took about 45 minutes for the spasm to go away but then I had a few hours of just pain in that whole area. Sore today but most of the pain is gone, thank God. I am not having fun yet.
Tori just posted this on FB: Today I finally go 24 hours without the vent. Hopefully I can keep it up through the weekend so I can go to step down next week.
Good morning Friends - Here I am trying to reach you over there on the 201 page. Thinking of our Lynn as she receives her treatment.....love her dearly.
Good morning!!! I am here at the hospital with mom...bag of fluid going slowly.... Blood work done... Bet you would never guess who the beautiful Angel was that mysteriously appeared at the hospital to give Mom the most beautiful flowers!! Mom was very suprised!!
The mail has reached Wisconsin - You are welcome Lynne/Steve!
Janet - your package should arrive tomorrow.
Best wishes to Lynn when she "springs ahead" this weekend,that things continue to move ahead for her.
Woe, oh woe - have you ever started a 'little' project only to have it morph into something so much larger? Happening here - removed a window seat in the pantry as it was mostly useless. Easy enough to do - oh wait, now the walls need painting,empty the shelves that go all around the pantry, floor to ceiling so we can paint, and look there's no flooring underneath where the windowseat stood, so redo flooring, yikes flooring extends into kitchen - what to do, what to do?!?!?! LOL
Lots of news on here this Red Friday morning as you all check in. DanaMO, is this weekend the Adult PJ party I remember seeing pictures of last year's SMART? Make the most of it - work & fun is a great learning combination!
Sandi - tomorrow is your BWE & BWO day I know we'll get more brilliant pics!
Sharon - Hope those meds kick in and you feel No Pains.
Hello! Operation daffodil was a success! I met Lynn and Carolyn at City Hospital this morning before her chemo treatment and surprised her with several pretty jars of daffodils :) I told her many of us had been plotting how to get some flowers to her, and they were from her Eagle crew. I can see she lost some weight, but considering everything she looked pretty damn good. I gave her hugs and told her we are all thinking of her and rooting her on. Megan
We cyber-howled on here the blg, Carolyn... but I am NOT responsible for that chair that tips way back....I "never even hardly" lean back on those chairs....
Prayer request from our Eaglet Momster Bobbi aka Robyn's mom and Tori's grandmom
LOL See that I made yet another typo. through not throught!!! LOL
Lynn got Megan flowers!!!!Wahoooo! That is so fantastic!!! Megan is our flower angel!!
Not going on any trip. Staying right here until next month. Do hope to meet up with Andy for lunch. She has my phone numbers. Nothing on my plate for next week except to get the do done which needs it desperately!!
Being a dwarf should not cause you loss of sleep, Judie! LOL One of my very bestest of friends is a dwarf. LOL
Jewels....love your shoe story. Don't you just love it! Someone at school was always doing something like that. I know I did!
Do they think it is an ulcer that has been causing all the pain? I had an ulcer one time...I was admitted to the hospital when it hemmoraged. I lost a LOT of blood and never had one pain. Isn't that wild!! Did not know I had an ulcer until I could no longer stand. I never did pass out but boy was I dizzy!!
I was referring to this comment Lolly for you all to have a nice time but in looking back. I see it is Laurel and them going. You are not going with them I see.
Lolly said... Zach went down like an angel. We had fun tonight. They are leaving tomorrow for a Miami spring vacation. They will return next Wed. Laurel and the boys have spring break the week after. We have plans on going to the zoo.
JEWELS ilarious about the shoes!!! I presume you are going through the day with the odd pair still on!!!Your MOM must have laughed.
MEGAN that was so very sweet about the flowers to LYNN.
LYNN thinkig of you♥
Oh forgot Good morning/ good afternoon all.
Very exciting that LOLLY and ANDY think they will meet.
Where did Zach, Michael and Ashley go LOLLY? You mentioned a trip yeterday and I forgot...
Good luck with the Smart conference DANAMO...you are a dedicated and great teacher.
Good to see CarolAnne on with poetry and you were missed gal!
Did SANDI chime in this morning??? I have to go back, did I miss her posts?
It seems I have not seen THELMA on here for a while either!!!
SHARON sorry your night was not comfortable. Good that you know what the symptoms mean and that you had some potassium...sorry about the pain though...HUGS♥
Hoda, Michael, Ashley, and Zach are flying to Miami today. Ashley is originally from Florida, but she has never been to Miami. So, they are going there for a few days and then down the the Keys for a few more. Glad they can afford these great trips. They are going to France next month. They are going for a wedding, but plan to do some sight seeing as well. They have never been to France.
Oh Hoda no way, I went home and changed my shoes!!! No way was I going to be walking around mismatched!!! Its just so funny, both shoes are black and both have a buckle on the front. Lol, they are flat slip ons.. I just never looked at my feet. I walk with my head up not looking down.
Shepherdstown magazine The Observer has on page 26 an article Farmers Market geers up for April Opening........... There is a paragraph concerning Megan's ornamental salvias & her other plants. The last sentence is telling everyone about asking Megan about the hummers at her house this winter. The mag is free - locals can pick one up!
Well, I got up early, did some stuff around here, laid down for a little to rest my back (Hahaha. I always have to cover up a little this time of year, which always puts me to sleep like a baby!). When I laid down the temp was about 47-48°, but say an hour later when I woke up, it had shot up to 78°! And now it has blown through the predicted 80° maximum and appears to be heading to 90 at least.
It's driven by the desert wind phenomenon we have here in So Cal... at least the humidity is very low, and it's still comfortable in my apartment with no A/C or anything.
Don't forget Daylight Savings Time starts this Sunday....
Good Afternoon eagle buds Jordyn is down for a nap I did fall asleep tooo but only for a short time I knew I had to get up and make a phone call to a attorney who must be out of the office so I left a message to call me back now I just sit and wait Jordyn had a ball at the park we go home a little after 12 and she said she wasn't sleepy I called Angie and asked is it possible she doesn't need a nap and Angie says that there isn't a day go by that she hasn't had one Well I told her I was tired and she said let go give OMA a nap and she fell asleep within 4 min she was tired and didn't know it I guess
HOPE LYNN is feeling somewhat better today and Charlie also
LORETTA how is your BDAY going so far????????
Got to run to the PO my mailman already came and I need to get something out so when Jordyn wakes up we will run up there Hope I get my call before then I left a message to tell her that I would be home after 5 for sure but will leave at 4:15 to get Jordyn to Angies
Prayers on top of prayers for Lynn today. Megan, God bless you for the angel flower delivery! Love & miss you very much! Bobbi, prayers for Ted today, too! Lolly, we're ready for your crazy weather! As you can see from Jim's post, we're having some ourselves today. Jen has already filled us in with a TX forecast, too. Sharon, healing prayers for you today, too! Sorry you had such an awful night, but glad you knew what was causing it. (((HUGS)))!! Carolyn, Kubby & I have both done the shoe thing ourselves a few times! It's still very dark out when we get up in the a.m., so it's easy to do!LOL
Well, phooey! Went to light some candles, and then couldn't get back here. When I signed in, the posts are tiny text, and all my usual tricks won't enlarge them! Good thing I can still read this. Oh--finally got it to work. YAY!Gotta run now--LOTS to do still! Will check back in later... :o]
Andy...I do think some place in Denton will be the place to meet for lunch. We are an hour away from Denton, but know it fairly well. Aubrey is closer to Denton. Laurel can recommend a good place to meet for lunch. Probably on the square or close by.
Ahhh, the work week is over! Now, i have all my Saturday chores to do tonight so I can enjoy myself tomorrow without worrying about what needs to be done at home. First load of laundry is in the washer, clean sheets on the beds.
DMO, have a fun, SMART weekend!
LYNN, hope today wasn't too awful!
SHARON, hope you're feeling better today!
OK, off to clean the bathrooms - must be productive and not sit here on the computer! BBL!
Sent an email to Steve about the zoom, asking if we could have it done by Monday. He said he would try, they had complaints about the zoom last year, so I guess we will wait and see.
I had a almost flat tire at work the other day and boy has things changed I had to pay a dollar for air Well Angie took my truck to a place today close to where she works and sure enough had a nail in back I guess and he patched it and no charge that was soooo nice of him off course Angie has lots of work done there also
And while I was there talked to a guy from your area and we brought up the nest on his IPAD sort of thing don't remember the name of it but it was like a IPAD he was impressed with the nest and I told them about beakspeak.com
Ok need to go do something with the house Having Jordyn does not get anything accomplished but playing but that is what is important I think and the attorney still hasn't' called so I guess I will have to call Mon morning get up earlier
Great Robyn I know the better she gets. The better you feel. She has really been a fighter in this. Next time you go give her a ((((HUG))))) from me please.
check out the eagle and cat video I was looking for the one to send to a guy that was at the car repair the one where the eagle boes daily on the porch and found this tooo cool
JO I just got a confirmation that my order has been shipped WOW is that fast or what and I went back online and ordered additional I think I made a ooops the one say 4 and I think they will be tooo big so I ordered additional just to be safe I can't wait to see them and do this I love surprises
WOW trips to Florida and next month on to France...nice life...someone has got to live it LOLLY!!! I am happy for them.
Food was brought in to the nestleftovers? Did I miss a post about that?
Shep looks comfortable but it is getting late for him...is Belle not coming in for the night shift?
I hope it is possible to zoom in the cam, PAULA. I think the complaints last year were over Paddy'O Joy... Thanks for writing Steve and for the feed back also.
Carrot Ginger soup and Chicken and Vree sandwich made my lunch today and it was yummy. Yoga was challenging and very enjoyable.
Shep does an egg roll loose white feather on right wing lower section.
Could it be possible that we are all thinking to shed the winter coats already? I saw some people today with just a fleece...too early for me yet, I need more than a fleece this time of year.
Thinking of LYNN all day and yes we all played follow the leader with Happy Birthday wishes for Loretta...does this mean she will be two years older when we wish her again a Happy Birthday?if it does we will have to ask her to talk to LYNN.Kiddin'...LOL Love you LYNN...
I agree with you Lolly - Shep's right wing is looking weird again. We'll need to watch him when he flies in or out. Sure hope it is just his way of holding it...... ♥
Robyn, THRILLED for all the great news on Tori. I know that takes such a load off your shoulders. Excited about Tori finally looking forward to so many things that of lot us probably take for granted. Happy days!
Hi everybody, I just jumped in here to share an article and was happy to see such wonderful things happening.
Paula, thanks gor getting us zoomed.
Anyway, Shep has been looking umpempt and I thought maybe he was molting. I did a little searching and found a very interesting paper written in the 80s and it has so much great info, I wanted to share.
LORI that lady has lots of video like that she has one where she talks to the female I will post it also I think it was posted a while back I went looking for it because I meet a guy when I went to get my truck and showed him our nest site and told him about it He gave me his email add to send it to him He invited me to go bee hive opening or sort I declined NO WAY do I want anything to do with bee hives LOL
Last year they zoomed it in closer to the nest, so we could see the eggs and hatching better. They don't operate it all the time, Like NBG does. It is also zoomed out as far as it will go. They cannot zoom around to view things around the nest or elswhere
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1047 Newer› Newest»I am calling it a day - sandman just
went by and sprinkled that dust!
Good night everyone
Prayers for all our needs
Prayers for Lynn's healing and for
Charlie to get the right treatment.
Thanking you Sharon for seeing the dr
** (((HUG))) **
Not to worry about our eagles, right now...58° and rain has stopped. Going down to 40°, not too bad a forecast:)
It was a BEAUTIFUL day here, 73°. I didn't get any gardening done, not quite ready for that...need to work on my balance!
Watched some TV, and time to hit the hay.
Margy, good swan report! I haven't seen any at Park. Have to ask if the saw/heard any go by.
Sounds like a great evening,Judie. Love gymnastics. Too bad about B'ball.
I can just see Lynn and Liesl snuggled on the couch earlier ☺ ♥
Prayers for her, Charlie, & Carolyn
and all in need--
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Hope you don't have apptmts. or work! Enjoy---and make Frank take you out for dinner!
Praying for you for the treatment tomorrow and sending much love and healing thoughts.
It is peaceful at thenest. Belle incubating without incident or any thing irregular.
She is tucked in now facing eleven.
Goodnight all
MARGY, I'm wondering if what I thought was geese flying over at 10 last night were Tundra Swan? They were very loud...I looked at Kate and said why would they be flying at night...her answer? Guess, they're in a hurry!
Dang, I just missed HODA.
Have a wonderful night, HODA. Sleep well and sweet dreams.
Back again.
Hard to sleep since I just realized I'm a dwarf.
Hi Lynn. Hugs for tomorrow. Feel the love, lady.
♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOWREEDA ♪♫♪ I do hope you have a lovely day and perhaps a special dinner out -- Ledo's?
I enjoy gymnastics but Darth especially enjoys watching (skimpy outfits, ya know).
Okay, headed back to the pillows. Goodnight.
♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
I hope it's a super special day for you, and like LYNN said, make Frank take you out to dinner! ♥
Hello Judie! Big hugs! My best to you and Darth. I hope you're able to settle down in the land of the giants again and get some sleep!
Hey everyone,
it's F R I D A Y ! ! !
Hi, Everyone,
I'm here kind of late again, but Emma begged for some lap naptime after dinner, and of course, I could NOT say no to her! She is just SO cute! Besides, she rewards me with lots of puppy kisses!
LYNN, you made my day, too! SOOOOO
glad to see you've been here tonight! Wow, I hope you didn't overdo with your sudden burst of cleaning!! Extremely grateful that you felt well enough to do all that, though. Praying that tomorrow will go well for you, and the chemo will NOT make you miserable! Make sure you get plenty of rest every day! Hope you have been able to eat, and not feel yucko! Sending lots of love and (((HUGS))) your way!
MARGY, I hope you are OK!!! Gracious!! Gunshots in your neighborhood?! YIKES!!
Lolly, it was great to read Zach's posts! Love having a junior dadster! I'll have to try calling you once we're in Texas, and more sure what our schedule will be like! OOOH--I am SO excited!!! Can't wait to see the kids!!!!!
(Don't dare say that around Kubby, though--he's so excited, he's a wreck!) Hope WE can get together, though! We'll be fairly close, in Aubrey! We have a nephew who lives in Denton with his family, too. Small world!
Hi, Lori!
Omigosh, it IS Friday back there!
Well, then,
Hello Andy in sunny SoCal! Glad all is well with you and smart Emma! Have a fantastic trip and hope you do get to connect with Lolly!
JUDY, thank you very much for your email. I love the avatar and will absolutely use it, soon!
Judie, glad you and Darth were able to get out for a fun evening!
Hope the parlor panthers behaved themselves while you both were gone. Thanks for the night light.
I'm trying to resist the sandperson, who's got one foot in the door. Still have some stuff to do before I can hit the hay, though.
By the way, has anyone had any problems with their electronics due to the solar flares lately? We have had some problems with DirecTV, not being able to get a signal on one of our receivers. It eventually fixes itself, but just wondering...
Well, gotta go get busy again. So much to do, so little time! Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is lit, and enabling both security systems. If I don't make it back here tonight, sleep well. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
u m p p i
j Did I make it over the s l t?
oh...that's no fun it didn't come out right.
Good rainy FRIDAY morning LORI and DMO!
Egg roll and noise in the attic? Not sure maybe rain or just branches hitting it.
Good morning Sandi.
I see that LYNN came back on right after midnight to wish LORETTA a happy birthday, so ...
Good morning, DanaMO and SANDI!
It's FRIDAY, girls!
Yes it is! It's sort of a working weekend though for me. I am going to DE tonight with 5 other teachers to attend a SMART conference tomorrow. Should be a good time but it still is a weekend "working".
Actually 4 other teachers, I make 5 duh...
Totally voluntary and we paid for it ourselves, but I went last year and it's an awesome conference.
DMO, just think how SMART you'll be after this conference!!
It is COLD in my house! I wonder when the part will get here for the heater.
Good Morning Eagle Pals ☺
Of course it's Friday: There's the Fish
Shep deserves a Kiss for that one !
and it's RED FRIDAY, sorry I forgot to remind everyone
God Bless Our Military
xoxo ♥
Thinking of Lynn ♥
And that was a classic example of Belle mantling over the food....
That was one fish without any bite marks on it !!
I thought it WAS funny the way you jumped over the SPLIT !!! ☺
Sorry it's cold there, hope the schoolhouse will be warm
Morning MARGY!
Morning GLori
if those flying things were making sounds like little puppy dogs, they were most likely Tundra Swans !
Lynne2 made a post last night from a fellow in Burkittsville who heard a pile of them flying over in the night .... on March 7
There went Belle with breakfast...
maybe perching on the overhead branches for some chowing down
little blackbirds on the platform at BWO
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe and Happy Day, Everyone...whether it's your "Friday" or not
several wondered if I was OKAY after posting I thought I heard a gunshot last night here on the street....no one made any noise, police did not show up, so I believe all was well....I came back with a few posts and sorry that did not reassure everyone...
I tried....maybe my posts were invisible ☺
Thanks for Caring !
How exciting, I may have heard Tundra Swans...but they sounded like geese to me. Do geese fly at night?
have a few emails to speed-type out...
be back before I leave for work
(( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))
"Timed-release" as Lori stated...
Apply as needed ! ☺ ♥
many things flies at night, Lori.... they could have been Snow Geese....
or Canadas,
or Tundras....
listen some more, they are definitely on the move !
whoo whooo whooo whoo whoo they sound like, (but not like owls...)
you might want to Google the sounds, sorry no time to make a link for that....
Good Morning Sycamore Palace and Eagle Fans!
Belle made mincemeat of that fish in record time. That girl was hungry. She's probably already fishing for another.
Happy Birthday Loretta!
LYNN, so glad to see you made a late night visit. Rest and lots of fluids for you! Oh and HUGS!
OH this is funny!
Carolyn sent me an email....at 0525 this morning, after almost 12 hours on shift, Carolyn realized she had two different shoes on...
brought the house down there at the office !!
She will be with her precious Mom today....
(( Hugs, Carolyn and Lynn aka
Jewels and Hedgie ♥☺♥☺ ))
Hey there Susan, I sent you an email with a question, something I was going to mail out today, if you have time please and thanks and Good Morning !!!
My BFF who had the surgery last week had her followup doc visit yesterday. FABULOUS!! She doesn't have another checkup for six months. yippeee yahooooy
Margy, I'll check email. That's hilarious about Carolyn's shoes :-D
Good morning my eagle peeps.
Good M☼rning EAGLE BUDS getting ready to start my day with Jordyn she said she wanted to go to Largo Park last night naturally
So very glad to see Lynn and her burst of energy. Way to go!!!
YES LYNNE2 I just saw your comment just started reading the bog I didn't last night being it was late when I got home and was on phone after that ok back to reading the blog
Happy birthday Loretta. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.
it's that time
Good Morning More Eagle Pals...
just for Lynn ♥ I share your agony, I got the curling irong all tangled up with my fingers this morning, OUCH!
"See You" but you might not see Me from work
xoxo be-bopping to the radio time now ♫ ♪
God Bless Us, Every One
.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥
.♥ L O R E T T A ♥
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥
Morning all from sunny western PA....sunny for the moment anyway. We are to have some snow showers by afternoon.
My birding friend and I are going to lunch and then to see if we can get pictures of the big turkey flock. And speaking of turkeys, I saw some on the PA woods cam and the snowman cam this morning.
So glad our Hedgie gave a report yesterday. Prayers for her today and all in need.
Why do we have a variety of friends who are all so different in character? How do we get along with them all? Each one helps to bring out a "different" part of us.
We joke with one friend.
We sit down and talk about serious matters with one.
With another, we laugh a lot.
We may have a coffee with one.
We listen to one friend's problems.
Then we listen to another one's advice for us.
Our friends are all like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they form a treasure box. A treasure of friends!
There are friends who understand us better than we do, who support us through good days and bad days. We all pray together and for each other.
Good Morning from work
Have a great day, grannyblt Lynne1
soon those turkeys should be doing some gobbling, maybe already
Springtime L♥ve is the air
G'Morning CarolAnne....
that's beautiful, what you posted.
two adult bald eagles at the BWO platform
Good morning eagle buds!! Nice and quiet at our nest this morning! That is a good thing. Drama at NBG this morning. It looks like there is another female vying for the nest. This is #4. Female #3 hasn't been seen since yesterday morning I think they said. And it looks like they are really going to dismantle that nest at some point. Sux so bad! What will keep the eagles from going 2 trees down and building another nest?
Hope everyone is well this morning. Can read any posts until after I post for some reason. Love and hugs!
♥ ♥ ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear Loretta!!! . . . ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♥ ♥ ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ And many, many, many more!!
Happy birthday, Loretta.
I think I am having a malfunction of some kind. Can't see the most recent posts. What is up with that?
This is a test of the Beverly emergency posting system. This is only a test. Do not adjust your sets...
I can SEE you Sissy....
I see your posts, Bev.
There I am!!! Hello everyone!!!
were you over on the other side of the 200-post-dead-end barricade Sissy?
We don't get the "newer" words on the first 200 posts anymore...you just have to jump in and go....
that's one way to get here
Kids are at specials...doing the Dr. Seuss thing today. Posted a picture on my blop of my aide and me!
Made me sign in...
onn my blop that's a good one!
Yes, DanaMO
I liked that earlier too ☺
have fun, got to get bck to work and will check that later....
Good morning my eagle peeps.
I am still feeling a little crappy. Last night, I had a spasm that went from my neck down my back and into my legs. This happened before when my potassium was low and my heart did the arrhythmia thing. It really sucked. I took some potassium and it took about 45 minutes for the spasm to go away but then I had a few hours of just pain in that whole area. Sore today but most of the pain is gone, thank God. I am not having fun yet.
Happy belated birthday Geula.
Happy birthday Loretta!
I love you both!!!!!
Tori just posted this on FB: Today I finally go 24 hours without the vent. Hopefully I can keep it up through the weekend so I can go to step down next week.
God is so good, all the time!!
Good morning Friends - Here I am trying to reach you over there on the 201 page.
Thinking of our Lynn as she receives her
treatment.....love her dearly.
Good morning!!! I am here at the hospital with mom...bag of fluid going slowly.... Blood work done... Bet you would never guess who the beautiful Angel was that mysteriously appeared at the hospital to give Mom the most beautiful flowers!! Mom was very suprised!!
The mail has reached Wisconsin - You are welcome Lynne/Steve!
Janet - your package should arrive tomorrow.
Best wishes to Lynn when she "springs ahead" this weekend,that things continue to move ahead for her.
Woe, oh woe - have you ever started a 'little' project only to have it morph into something so much larger? Happening here - removed a window seat in the pantry as it was mostly useless. Easy enough to do - oh wait, now the walls need painting,empty the shelves that go all around the pantry, floor to ceiling so we can paint, and look there's no flooring underneath where the windowseat stood, so redo flooring, yikes flooring extends into kitchen - what to do, what to do?!?!?! LOL
Picturing a great day for everyone.
Good Morning Eagle Friends. Caught up on comments.
Lynne2 received the card from you and Steve-you are welcome♥
Lots of news on here this Red Friday morning as you all check in.
DanaMO, is this weekend the Adult PJ party I remember seeing pictures of last year's SMART? Make the most of it - work & fun is a great learning combination!
Sandi - tomorrow is your BWE & BWO day
I know we'll get more brilliant pics!
Sharon - Hope those meds kick in and you feel No Pains.
WVsUSAn so happy for you BFF.
Good to see Lynn was on last night. Prayers and love continue to be sent her way.
Lynne2 received your card-your welcome.
Sandi I will be waiting for pictures that Dennis takes.
Lolly and Andy taking off for the weekend. Enjoy you trips.(:
Margy glad thing were peaceful on you street.
Way to go Tori!!!! Praying you will be off that vent for good soon!!!
Judie sounds like you and Darth had a wonderful evening. (:
♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Loretta
Enjoy your special day & Celebrate you
Jewels nice to hear your Mother received flowers this morning while getting her treatment. She deserve them. Nice surprise someone did.
Lovins to you and your Mom, Carolyn
I think that's great about the flowers....!!
A Flower Angel for a Hedgie Angel ..
Best Wishes on a Smooth and Comfortable Day xoxoxox
Be sure to take pictures of the posies, Jewels....
Operation Daffodil
Hello! Operation daffodil was a success! I met Lynn and Carolyn at City Hospital this morning before her chemo treatment and surprised her with several pretty jars of daffodils :) I told her many of us had been plotting how to get some flowers to her, and they were from her Eagle crew. I can see she lost some weight, but considering everything she looked pretty damn good. I gave her hugs and told her we are all thinking of her and rooting her on. Megan
Will def take a pic!!! What did you all think of my shoe story??? Pretty hilarious huh!!!!
Charlie has a ulcer in his stomach. That we know for sure. More to be determined...
We cyber-howled on here the blg, Carolyn...
but I am NOT responsible for that chair that tips way back....I "never even hardly" lean back on those chairs....
Happy Birthday Loretta!!
"on here the big"
my name is DanaMo ☺...
on here the BLOG LOL
Carolyn, sorry about the ulcer, but it is easier to treat sometning that is finally identified I guess...
best wishes on treatment...
got to get back to work, for now...
Carolyn sorry about Charlie having an ulcer. I am so glad they have caught it so they can treat him now. I pray they find no more.
Have you seen this video? Adorable!
Dog & Deer
Angel Amongst Us,
Carolyn - I will call you
Miss Goody Two Shoes from here on out!
I hope you kept you feet under your desk! lol
DanaMo your blog picture was fun. Thanks for sharing (:
Prayer request from our Eaglet Momster Bobbi aka Robyn's mom and Tori's grandmom
Good morning! Finally made my way throught all the comments.
♪♫♪ Happy Birthday, Loweeeeeda!♪♫♪ We love you and wish you a fantastic birthday!!!♥♥♥♪♫♪
LOL See that I made yet another typo. through not throught!!! LOL
Lynn got Megan flowers!!!!Wahoooo! That is so fantastic!!! Megan is our flower angel!!
Not going on any trip. Staying right here until next month. Do hope to meet up with Andy for lunch. She has my phone numbers. Nothing on my plate for next week except to get the do done which needs it desperately!!
Being a dwarf should not cause you loss of sleep, Judie! LOL One of my very bestest of friends is a dwarf. LOL
Jewels....love your shoe story. Don't you just love it! Someone at school was always doing something like that. I know I did!
Do they think it is an ulcer that has been causing all the pain? I had an ulcer one time...I was admitted to the hospital when it hemmoraged. I lost a LOT of blood and never had one pain. Isn't that wild!! Did not know I had an ulcer until I could no longer stand. I never did pass out but boy was I dizzy!!
42 here and raining. 81 expected next Tuesday. Is Andy ready for our crazy weather?!!!!
Leaving to read the paper.
I was referring to this comment Lolly for you all to have a nice time but in looking back. I see it is Laurel and them going. You are not going with them I see.
Lolly said...
Zach went down like an angel. We had fun tonight. They are leaving tomorrow for a Miami spring vacation. They will return next Wed. Laurel and the boys have spring break the week after. We have plans on going to the zoo.
Going to go read. Night all!
Thursday, March 08, 2012 10:03:00 PM
JEWELS ilarious about the shoes!!! I presume you are going through the day with the odd pair still on!!!Your MOM must have laughed.
MEGAN that was so very sweet about the flowers to LYNN.
LYNN thinkig of you♥
Oh forgot Good morning/ good afternoon all.
Very exciting that LOLLY and ANDY think they will meet.
Where did Zach, Michael and Ashley go LOLLY? You mentioned a trip yeterday and I forgot...
Good luck with the Smart conference DANAMO...you are a dedicated and great teacher.
Good to see CarolAnne on with poetry and you were missed gal!
Did SANDI chime in this morning??? I have to go back, did I miss her posts?
It seems I have not seen THELMA on here for a while either!!!
SHARON sorry your night was not comfortable. Good that you know what the symptoms mean and that you had some potassium...sorry about the pain though...HUGS♥
Hoda, Michael, Ashley, and Zach are flying to Miami today. Ashley is originally from Florida, but she has never been to Miami. So, they are going there for a few days and then down the the Keys for a few more. Glad they can afford these great trips. They are going to France next month. They are going for a wedding, but plan to do some sight seeing as well. They have never been to France.
Oh Hoda no way, I went home and changed my shoes!!! No way was I going to be walking around mismatched!!! Its just so funny, both shoes are black and both have a buckle on the front. Lol, they are flat slip ons.. I just never looked at my feet. I walk with my head up not looking down.
Getting ready to start my day....
Lite a candle for Lynn
Shepherdstown magazine The Observer
has on page 26 an article
Farmers Market geers up for April
There is a paragraph concerning
Megan's ornamental salvias & her other plants. The last sentence is telling
everyone about asking Megan about the
hummers at her house this winter.
The mag is free - locals can pick one
coming through...
Off to yoga and late lunch with a friend...ENJOY the day.
Thinking of you LYNN♥
OH NO - I just looked at our March Birthday's that JO sends out and it says Loretta's B-DAY is the
10th, which is tomorrow. Is that right?
Maybe I was looking at an email that was later updated...or she'll get 2 b-day days from the Momsters! :) Heck it's Birthday weeks anymore, anyway!
Headed to the Vets to pick up our cat's
flea/tick medications....
I have had Loretta's special day on the
10th - Guess I was led by whomever
started the Good wishes today... lol
I'll need to wish her Good Wishes
tomorrow the 10th......
I fell sure that Loretta is going to
straighten us out - Thanks Lori!
Has been raining gently all morning. A very wet world out there and now up to a hot 43. LOL Spring has done got up and left! Oh no.............!☺
Well, I got up early, did some stuff around here, laid down for a little to rest my back (Hahaha. I always have to cover up a little this time of year, which always puts me to sleep like a baby!). When I laid down the temp was about 47-48°, but say an hour later when I woke up, it had shot up to 78°! And now it has blown through the predicted 80° maximum and appears to be heading to 90 at least.
It's driven by the desert wind phenomenon we have here in So Cal... at least the humidity is very low, and it's still comfortable in my apartment with no A/C or anything.
Don't forget Daylight Savings Time starts this Sunday....
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim
Lynn, is the culprit! LOL She led us astray with her wishes for Loweeeeda late last night. Love you, Lynn!
How funny - guessed we all played follow the leader! Thinking of you LYNN and praying this second round goes easier than the first one. ♥
Lolly - enjoy your staycation through next month!
SHARON, hope you begin feeling better right about NOW!
Andy, Have a fabulous time with your family in Texas. Hope you get to do lunch with Lolly.
Hope KAY's appointment at the ortho doctor goes well today and she comes home with a pain management plan.
LOL Lori...we are on permanent vacation! And, we occasionally take side trips!☺
Good Afternoon eagle buds Jordyn is down for a nap I did fall asleep tooo but only for a short time I knew I had to get up and make a phone call to a attorney who must be out of the office so I left a message to call me back now I just sit and wait Jordyn had a ball at the park we go home a little after 12 and she said she wasn't sleepy I called Angie and asked is it possible she doesn't need a nap and Angie says that there isn't a day go by that she hasn't had one Well I told her I was tired and she said let go give OMA a nap and she fell asleep within 4 min she was tired and didn't know it I guess
HOPE LYNN is feeling somewhat better today and Charlie also
LORETTA how is your BDAY going so far????????
Got to run to the PO my mailman already came and I need to get something out so when Jordyn wakes up we will run up there Hope I get my call before then I left a message to tell her that I would be home after 5 for sure but will leave at 4:15 to get Jordyn to Angies
LOLLY I love your comment on permanent vacation OH RETIREMNET I CAN't WAIT maybe one day
OK SO SHE GET EARLY WISHES that cool tooo ya think
Hi, Everyone!
Prayers on top of prayers for Lynn today. Megan, God bless you for the angel flower delivery! Love & miss you very much!
Bobbi, prayers for Ted today, too!
Lolly, we're ready for your crazy weather! As you can see from Jim's post, we're having some ourselves today. Jen has already filled us in with a TX forecast, too.
Sharon, healing prayers for you today, too! Sorry you had such an awful night, but glad you knew what was causing it. (((HUGS)))!!
Carolyn, Kubby & I have both done the shoe thing ourselves a few times! It's still very dark out when we get up in the a.m., so it's easy to do!LOL
Well, phooey! Went to light some candles, and then couldn't get back here. When I signed in, the posts are tiny text, and all my usual tricks won't enlarge them!
Good thing I can still read this.
Oh--finally got it to work. YAY!Gotta run now--LOTS to do still!
Will check back in later... :o]
Eggs all alone. Shep just poofed.
JO check your email
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOTETTA! All day is just for you.
Thinking of Lynn......
Back from the Vets
Now to find the cats.....
No fleas and/or ticks will live on my
fine furry friends........ lol
I'll check email now Judy....
Belle flew in to cover the eggs while I was "walking".
Now off to run errands!
Andy...I do think some place in Denton will be the place to meet for lunch. We are an hour away from Denton, but know it fairly well. Aubrey is closer to Denton. Laurel can recommend a good place to meet for lunch. Probably on the square or close by.
Candles for Lynn
The wind today is rocking our nest!
Good afternoon, JO, LOLLY and JUDY!
The winds should die back a little this evening and tomorrow, but it'll be COLD!
Mostly clear tonight, with a low around 23. Blustery, with a northwest wind 18 to 21 mph decreasing to between 9 and 12 mph.
Denton is fine. We'll figure out what day, etc., once we get to Texas. Can't wait!!!
Home for just a few more minutes to change. Then we are on the road!
Wow Lori - No sooner said then done
The winds were not rocking the nest
it was as still as anything EXCEPT
my cam was out of minutes! lol
Time for me to take a break......
Ok DanaMO Get Smart and then come
back and tell us how everything went.
No jumping on the beds! lol
Have a great time, DanaMO! Have fun and no freezing bras!
Ahhh, the work week is over! Now, i have all my Saturday chores to do tonight so I can enjoy myself tomorrow without worrying about what needs to be done at home. First load of laundry is in the washer, clean sheets on the beds.
DMO, have a fun, SMART weekend!
LYNN, hope today wasn't too awful!
SHARON, hope you're feeling better today!
OK, off to clean the bathrooms - must be productive and not sit here on the computer! BBL!
Shep sure likes Fathering those eggs.
I took a nice panda nap.
DanoMo enjoy your weekend.
Bobbi prayers already said for Ted.
Howdy all.
Sent an email to Steve about the zoom, asking if we could have it done by Monday. He said he would try, they had complaints about the zoom last year, so I guess we will wait and see.
Thanks, Paula! Would be nice to zoom in on the eggs.
Just got back from taking Jordyn to angie and looks like SHEP almost tipped over there
I just put a picture of him tipping over in the album
PAULA does anyone operate to Zoom????????????????
I had a almost flat tire at work the other day and boy has things changed I had to pay a dollar for air Well Angie took my truck to a place today close to where she works and sure enough had a nail in back I guess and he patched it and no charge that was soooo nice of him off course Angie has lots of work done there also
And while I was there talked to a guy from your area and we brought up the nest on his IPAD sort of
thing don't remember the name of it but it was like a IPAD he was impressed with the nest and I told them about beakspeak.com
Ok need to go do something with the house Having Jordyn does not get anything accomplished but playing but that is what is important I think and the attorney still hasn't' called so I guess I will have to call Mon morning get up earlier
Shep sure looks like he is going to be a fine daddy :)
Hi Robyn good to see you aboard.
How is Tori?
Tori is doing well, they are talking next week either 1 week inpatient pt or outpatient depends where she is by then.
Sounds very good, Robyn. Is she up and walking now?
Shep's rt wind is looking funky again. He just sits funky in the nest.
Great Robyn I know the better she gets. The better you feel. She has really been a fighter in this. Next time you go give her a ((((HUG))))) from me please.
check out the eagle and cat video I was looking for the one to send to a guy that was at the car repair the one where the eagle boes daily on the porch and found this tooo cool
Eagle and Cat on rail
ROBYN that is fantastic news about Tori may she continue to heal
That is the same lady that had the other video also I love it Lucky lady I saw Ok back to doing something
Shep is picking at the flugg around him I guess he is bored Won't be much longer he won't be bored any more LOL
JO I just got a confirmation that my order has been shipped WOW is that fast or what and I went back online and ordered additional I think I made a ooops the one say 4 and I think they will be tooo big so I ordered additional just to be safe I can't wait to see them and do this I love surprises
WOW trips to Florida and next month on to France...nice life...someone has got to live it LOLLY!!! I am happy for them.
Food was brought in to the nestleftovers? Did I miss a post about that?
Shep looks comfortable but it is getting late for him...is Belle not coming in for the night shift?
I hope it is possible to zoom in the cam, PAULA. I think the complaints last year were over Paddy'O Joy...
Thanks for writing Steve and for the feed back also.
Carrot Ginger soup and Chicken and Vree sandwich made my lunch today and it was yummy. Yoga was challenging and very enjoyable.
Shep does an egg roll loose white feather on right wing lower section.
Could it be possible that we are all thinking to shed the winter coats already? I saw some people today with just a fleece...too early for me yet, I need more than a fleece this time of year.
Thinking of LYNN all day and yes we all played follow the leader with Happy Birthday wishes for Loretta...does this mean she will be two years older when we wish her again a Happy Birthday?if it does we will have to ask her to talk to LYNN.Kiddin'...LOL Love you LYNN...
Judy that is a fast shipping
Anxious to hear about them when you see them.
Just finished my Friday Lenten grilled
cheese/tomato soup dinner. Well it was either that or scrambled eggs!
sound good I love tomato soup and grilled cheese Have you every fried bread in cubes in butter and put in your soup my mom would do that LOVE IT
that was ever not every silly me and that was my delete because I oops again Fingers aren't working to good today
Is that fish scales in the lower corner of the nest about 530
I agree with you Lolly - Shep's right wing is looking weird again.
We'll need to watch him when he
flies in or out. Sure hope it is just
his way of holding it...... ♥
Judy, can't believe the person who took that video took a chance with the eagle that close to the cat! CRAZY!
Yes, those are fish scales from Belle's earlier meal.
Hoda, your lunch sounds amazing.
Robyn, THRILLED for all the great news on Tori. I know that takes such a load off your shoulders. Excited about Tori finally looking forward to so many things that of lot us probably take for granted. Happy days!
Hi everybody, I just jumped in here to share an article and was happy to see such wonderful things happening.
Paula, thanks gor getting us zoomed.
Anyway, Shep has been looking umpempt and I thought maybe he was molting. I did a little searching and found a very interesting paper written in the 80s and it has so much great info, I wanted to share.
Sorry if you have to cut n paste.
LORI that lady has lots of video like that she has one where she talks to the female I will post it also I think it was posted a while back I went looking for it because I meet a guy when I went to get my truck and showed him our nest site and told him about it He gave me his email add to send it to him He invited me to go bee hive opening or sort I declined NO WAY do I want anything to do with bee hives LOL
this is another by the same lady I have subscribed to her channel also
Lady with eagle on her porch daily I guess I love it that she talks to it sooo neat
SHEP IS LOOKING UP mouth is open but now soundnow there is
JudyE, the cam does have a zoom, it is operated by NCTC
Shep looks to be trying to call out...well there he calls out, sounding more like an eagle ☺
Shep vocalizes and Belle does answer...he is still on the cup facing three. He looks up to the attic.
nite lite on
Last year they zoomed it in closer to the nest, so we could see the eggs and hatching better. They don't operate it all the time, Like NBG does. It is also zoomed out as far as it will go. They cannot zoom around to view things around the nest or elswhere
Nitelite on
It's been one heck of a day at work, going out later to have a drink and something to eat.
maybe Belle is making him stay on all nite again
and she arrives and he leaves
Oh Shit, an intruder!
something is going on upstairs
is that an intruder OH NO I have the cam runing
got the landing of it
Intruder alert!!!!!! Shep is fighting it off!
what's going ON??
WOW more vocalizing in comes an eagle and both poof...still vocalizing too fast to tell if it was Belle.
Quiet now eggs are uncovered.
all is quite he chased it away I guess
Lots of calls....thought that was Belle arriving at noon on the nest, but no, Shep chased it off
More calls from upstairs, egg uncovered
Eggs still uncovered but hear Shep fussing!
More vocalizing again and it is a loud sound...
belle is back I will go upload the video now
Looks like Belle now, couple of calls as she lands...she is over the eggs but looking around continuously
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