Monday, March 26, 2012


New week thread.  Beautiful weather today, lots of tree pollen though...


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Lynne2 said...

I honestly don't know about that Hoda, good question. I think they are speculating this because of the timing of his transplant within such a short time of her death. May have gone to just about anyone, and I hope whoever got it, and her other viable organs, will have successful transplants.

JudyEddy said...

I got the video of the great poops shoot will down loand in a bit after dark I love watching and try not to type when I record I want to grab a pic of them after the other wake up Shep poop shoot just now

Hoda said...

I hope so too LYNNE...I will have to google if organ transplants are gender specific...I have never thought of it deeply but assumed...

JudyEddy said...

the one chick just keeps kicking the other who is stil trying to wake up

JudyEddy said...

awake now

JudyEddy said...

my still cam is stuck on 717 is everyones else working it is empty at that time

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to see the whole family!

Getting brisk out there...was out mowing...wind is chilly!

Hoda said...

Kidney's are gender specific and I have not found a clear answer to heart...LYNNE

JudyEddy said...

now my cam is ok

Hoda said...

Oh Shep walked over to join in the feeding!!! how cute is that!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good question on the gender specific Hoda, I don't know either....

some eagle talk as Shep comes over to Belle and the chicks

Now he goes back to his fish at 6

The fish should stay fresher in this cooler weather

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Shep trying to help feed now

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, my friend Jill donated a kidney to our friend Jay, a female to male donation. He didn't make though, he had a massive heart attack during recovery

paula eagleholic said...

Big one looks full

He looks cold

Lynne2 said...

Steve and I are dining with the eagles!

Hoda said...

In heart transplants a gender specific match increases the chances of survival...

paula eagleholic said...

Shep poofed

Belle digging in the bowl

paula eagleholic said...

Defrosting some chili for dinner...

Mema Jo said...

I've returned from my hour or more break!

Good to see everyone here today..

Belle is digging so deep - I hope she
doesn't hit rock bottom!

Hoda said...

Are you and STEVE having Sushi LYNNE??? Too cold for that tonight since the temperatures are going down to the twenties!!!

PAULA it was such a wonderful correlation you made between the fluff and the lower made me think...sure enough she is tucking them in

JudyEddy said...

Love it how she is trying to get them good and covered so cute what a maw

JudyEddy said...

gonna go download the video HODA I got the good poop shoot on it also BBIALW

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - 2 hr Alcatraz this evening 8-10

Mema Jo said...

Judy E Be sure to check your email

Mema Jo said...

All reports concerning Tori without Oxygen are A ok.

I am going in to TV

I'll be checking in during commercials..

Praying you are comfortable
Lynn and Kay

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, you and Hoda (I think) were talking about the spots on the cam...yes there is some light can see it more later in the season...little stars almost

Kay, so sorry about your BFF son.

Hoda said...

Thank you JO I have also been thinking of TORI and the no oxygen transition...glad it is going well...amazing what she has gone through...God Bless her.

stronghunter said...

Good evening.

stronghunter said...

Tired tonight.

Watching DWTS.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY the dental is tomorrow and Wednesday?

Hoda said...

PAULA I saw the reflection off the lense again today...two spots...

stronghunter said...

Dental appointment--today and Wednesday.

Hoda said...

So how did it go today SHIRLEY? Is this why you said you were tired?

Hoda said...

I see CAROLYN!!! I hope it is calm at work tonight...

Sandi said...


hedgie said...

I'm home. Christie fixed me dinner, did my laundry, and h as me ready for bed. BAth felt good, but I am ready to hit the pillows. Hoping I feel much stronger in the AM. Thanks for all prayers and good thoughts. Love you.
When I brought up cam when I first got here, saw a whoppper of a poop shoot! So funny!
Good chilly night....brrr!

Sandi said...

Back from grocery shopping!

Jo, am recording Alcatraz. I read an online article that said the cast and crew don't know if the show will be picked up for next season yet, but they have a big cliffhanger in store tonight in case it returns!

Lynne or Margy, what is the bright planet/star that seems to be very close to the crescent moon tonight? Looked beautiful as we came out of the store.

Lynne2, I can hear one of the GH owls outside right now.

Better help Denny put the groceries away!

Linda said...

Glad to hear you have had dinner and a bath, LYNN.

Praying you get a good night's sleep tonight back in your own bed. Extra covers for you.

Sweet dreams, my friend. xoxo

Lynne2 said...

Venus is closest, then Jupiter. Mars is almost straight up, just a bit southeast.

Haven't heard our GHOs since the other night :(

Linda said...

Thank you Christie and Carolyn for being such wonderful daughters to your Mom!!

Lynne2 said...

Glad you're home Lynn, and hope you have a good night!

Lynne2 said...

Just saw on FB...Tori's Pulse Ox is 97 with no oxygen!!WOO HOO....and I think she is more than 5 hours off of it!

Sandi said...

Lynn, glad to see you hopping on the blog, even for a minute! Hoping you feel more like yourself tomorrow - sweet dreams!!

I am off to take a bath and then bed myself! Every day bewteen now and Easter break, the kids will be a little more ramped up! Luckily, they have off on Friday and teachers have the day to do grades (end of the 3rd quarter is this Thursday!!!) and then next week is another 4-day week! Cannot wait!

Goodnight my eagle friends - see you in the AM!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad you are home and comfy

magpie said...

Need to hope over the barricade,
Hello Evening Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lynn♥

and all our gardeners, orchardists, and farmers with this colder weather, especially Megan

xo ♥

magpie said...

oh yes, "hope" over the barricade, way to start, with a typo !

magpie said...

Oh terrific! a Post from Lynn...
Yes, best wishes for regained strength and feeling better Tuesday Lynn

((Hugs in the NIght ♥))

Lynne2 said...

think I'll get in to a nice hot shower and jump in to my flannel sheets.

Good night and prayers for all!

magpie said...

Yes indeedy, Venus it is, cozied up to the Moon...plenty of time to see it yet....

Ah yes, Venus, the Planet of L♥ve

I'm catching up...
so I have to go backwards a bit...

Hoda said...

HA HA HA!!! There you go DANAMO chocolate is healthy for you and believe it or not slimming!!!Slimmer Bodies

magpie said...

Speaking of Ramps (ref Sandi's comments about the kids being Ramped Up...)
they are OUT...

a little puny, bulbs are small, but better days are coming for them

Lots of Virginia Bluebells out also, wowser !

Hoda said...

Good LYNN. WOnderful report and I am glad you posted...Good night and sweet dreams.

magpie said...

Hey there Lolly....
thanks but I think I have a better idea for the name of that third Cardinal.....

did you say Jack got burned, too much smoke? I am confused on that, but hope he is OKAY!

I also missed an update on Charlie, maybe on another network
Hello Jewels !

magpie said...

have read back, so very sorry about Kay's friend's son, oh dear, so young, so sudden

and prayers also added for DanaMo's friend Steven and young student Michelle...

Glad to see Kay is 50% better today, so let's hope it's 100% Tuesday, that would surely make it a TERRIFIC TUESDAY !

magpie said...

bup and chicket, love it !

Very good Nest Reports today, thanks to everyone, I missed it all....but had some good times with James the Wise Kidster....
have to pack it in when I can

magpie said...

and congratulations to Jo's Grandson on getting the Driver's License...

I was behind a Student Driver from some sort of local driving school today, 30 mph or less in a 35, and well over the "fog line" multiple times, almost called it in as a reckless driver, at one point the car barely missed smashing a groundhog to pieces....WOOF !

magpie said...

Also hope your fruit trees will make it through the cold night OK !

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! Did I word it funny? No, Jack burned a big pile of leaves, limbs, etc. He did not get burned. ☺

magpie said...

Glad to read that Lynn IS home, steady as she goes...yes, rails and a cam..."we are watching you" Lynn, and many of us have Eagle Canes, remember that !
xo Love You, Welcome Home, hope all is cozy and warm.....
and that you are sleeping and not reading this post !!

Lolly said...

He cut down a cedar tree that we decided to take out.

magpie said...

Oh I gotcha Lolly, I might have just read it too fast !

That's much know what the real situation is !

magpie said...

Hallelujah to Tori!
O-2 sats of 97 are Good !
Lynn will love to hear of this....

magpie said...

did not mean to leave out,
my sadness on Lynne's co-worker's young friend who lost her life in the horse-fall accident...
Life can turn on a dime as Sharon and Sissy have said...
just so sad when it happens...

FuzzleMT said...


Lolly said...

I was happy to see Lynn felt like getting on and making a post. Sleep well, Lynn!!!

stronghunter said...

Dental appointment was okay. They did not find any major problems, but gave me a different antibiotic.

Lolly said...

Watching DWTS, I recorded it earlier.

Laurel called, both boys won their baseball games tonight.

Jewels said...

Hello Margy!!!
Charlie did not get any news at all while he was at the Dr. We have a follow up with on the 28th at 9:45am. I will find out info then for sure!
'Lynne so sorry to have that happen to your co-workers friend. I was always scared of falling off our horse as a child.

paula eagleholic said...


Hoda said...

A cougar and a big horn sheep tumbled down the mountain as the cougar had the sheep clutched by its throat. They fell on a Kootenay Park section of the highway...The cougar felt it was a public area and the woman who phoned to report it said it left...tracks indicated it was not hurt from the fall it was walking properly. They euthanized the Big Horn Sheep.

magpie said...

Okay Jewels, "copy that."
Hoping for a good outcome or at least some information on Wednesday !!

Yay Lolly on the boys' baseball wins...

magpie said...

Okay Eagle Pals...USPS has two of the most beautiful 44-center Forever Stamps out....

One, Washington Monument and Cherry Blossoms
Two, Jefferson Memorial and Cherry Blossoms....
those would like nice on greeting cards coming to West Virginia ☺♥
Thinking of Lynn...who happens to Love the Washington DC Cherry Blossoms

magpie said...

Oh Hoda....that is rough, sorry the Big Horn sheep had to die...

okay, time to get ready for bed...worktime in the morning...

ttfn see you before bedtime

Shirley, hope that antibiotic and the dentist's appointments work out OK !

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, that is some story about the cougar and the Big Horn Sheep. Love Big Horn Sheep. We always try to spot them when we are in the Rocky Mts.

Hoda said...

LOLLY it was in an area I am sure you and JACK visited. Radium Hot Springs...Kootenay Park

stronghunter said...

Biggest problem was with the pharmacy. They told me that I had the wrong card and I needed to call the insurance company.

We went round and round (the pharmacy and I). You know how it is when they look at you and think: "Senior citizen=Senile." At least, I know how it is. Maybe you all don't.

So, I came home and called the insurance company. It seems that they updated something in their system and the system thinks I still have the insurance I had when I was working.

Insurance company said they have a small team working very hard to straighten out the mess and they were very apologetic.

Oh, I felt so much better.

On top of the pharmacy person, I had my sweet but sometimes annoying grandson sitting there saying, "What difference does it make whether the insurance company covers it or not. You got the medicine." Someday he will understand.

magpie said...

Wind has picked up, again...
not sure if that helps stave off the frost, or makes things worse....
could relate to Loretta's post about a white-knuckling drive to be avoided on the beltway....many of us had to do that from time to time....
Had a Kharman Gia once on a trip like that....whoo, scary...

magpie said...

hassles, hassles and more hassles, Shirley....glad the folks were apologetic, but golly, time is precious no matter what the age or work status.....
yes, Hunter will learn and understand...someday....

stronghunter said...

I am also trying to refinance my mortgage to get a better rate. They thought I could skip the appraisal of the property, but then they found out that we had had a "natural disaster" so they have to do a full inspection.

Dang that earthquake.

stronghunter said...

I think wind could help stave off the frost.

magpie said...

Night bandit made it here before the Sandperson...doesn't make too much difference either way...
it's bedtime !

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Thinking of Lynn♥
and keeping all of our many needs amongst us, in my prayers...

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

Think I will put my strawberry plants in a warmer spot. They survived the winter, but they have put out lots of new growth. They're in pots, so I can move them.

I am afraid the crab apple tree is on its own. I expect the dogwoods are OK with a little cold weather. Hope so.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Hoda, what a sight that must have been with the cougar and the ram.

stronghunter said...

Would have been a little scary to have a cougar land in your presence.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I was thinking about wrapping my plum tree, but it is about 12 feet high, not sure I could even toss anything big enough over it... it's on it's own as well. The wind may help...still 41° here...we shall see. The plums are for the birds anyhow.

magpie said...

oh I forgot...
at suppertime James and I propose a toast with our milk bottles after saying the Grace...which includes a lot of names and needs...
he said "To Every One"
good enough !

Good luck with that mortgage re-arrangement, Shirley, yes...dang that earthquake! Hope things turn out favorably...
Now, Good Night Again, to ALL

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Last year, we picked the crab apples and discarded them because there were so many of them they were overwhelming the tree--it is pretty small and I am having trouble getting it to grow straight. Will thinks the weight of the crab apples is a problem.

stronghunter said...

I am ready to head upstairs. Will see you all tomorrow.

God bless and good night.

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow, especially Kay and Lynn.

stronghunter said...

The wind could also be a problem if you tried to cover the tree with a sheet or something. I can see it causing damage to the tree.

stronghunter said...

I remember one spring when we were living in Ohio when all of the new growth on the evergreen trees froze and died. The trees survived just fine.

stronghunter said...

Good night!

Mema Jo said...

I am late getting back on here
I am very tired and am headed to the

Good night my friends
Prayers for all the sorrow that have
been told
Prayers for Lynn & Kay to feel good in
the morning
** (((HUGS FOR ALL))) **

Lolly said...

I am right behind you, Jo. Ready to shower and get comfy.

Night all! Sweet Dreams!

Lolly said...

Candles for Kay and Lynn♥♥

Jewels said...

Has been a musical chair kinda night here in the dispatch center!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you have a good shift, Carolyn.

Heading to bed here.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Costume Lady said...

Busy today trying to make a work-out room in Dustin's room. I have a Cardio-Glide machine whick will be excellent for strengthening my legs, exercise band and leg and hand weights. I need one of those big balls that you put between your back and the wall, then do squats (one of my favorite exercises at PT) and a mat. Then I will be good to go. I haven't kept up my PT very well because of limited space, now, I almost have it. Dustin can still spend the night if he wishes, but hasn't for a very long time. He spends Fri, Sat. and Sun. at the Fire Dept, sleeping over on Fri. and Sat. nights...gets to go on the truck when it goes out (he loves it), makes him feel usefull.

It was good to see that Lynn checked in...she sounded upbeat:)
Her two girls are angels...wish you ALL could meet them. There is a lot of love going on there!

Off to bed...

Hoda said...

It has mostly been a quiet night at the nest and Belle has been tucked in. VERY DARK and difficult to see. She is awake now and looking in the cup and I can see her movement through her tail feathers and her head. She is off the cup backed on the railing at eleven...down back to the nest and goes back to brooding. Was very windy and it seems to have calmed down now. Belle is still awake.

Costume Lady said... is now 38° here and the winds have died down. Hope Megan's flower buds and Linda's fruit trees survive this night, just a few more degrees and we will, indeed have a freeze. Megan has a picture on facebook of her peonies covered very well, so I think they will survive. I guess the farmers will have their wind machines and heaters going in the orchards. Good luck to all of them~

Hoda said...

Musical chairs sounds like you are busy at the centre CAROLYN. Thinking of you and I hope it is not too stressful.

WANDA I hope the trees and the farmers and the flowers all survive this freeze.



Jewels said...

thanks Paula and Wanda!
Hoda...I started off in one chair, then had to move to Margy's chair then back to old chair now. We decided to share the calls tonight. First 6 hrs I did fire and ems and second 6 hrs I am doing police/ It is hard to do police from "Margy's" chair. LOL

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Hi Jewels!
Hope your night goes quickly changing chairs! Glad you got your Mom home okay and that she's doing better. Sounds like she got a lot of messages to NOT do anything. I think that's hard for her. :)

Can't wait till daylight to check the condor chick cam that Jo sent an email about - actually the email was to name the chick, but he looks so cute I've got to check him out!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, prayers for Steven and Michelle. That's a tough road for both of them.

Didn't get to see DWTS last night as I fell asleep too early...well, the show is past my bedtime! Who did well? Who was bad? We talk about it on the show.

Missing HODA this morning. Guess she went to bed early. Sweet dreams.

Lori O. said...

Wanda, three cheers for you on your new home PT center! You set a great example for all of us.

KAY, hope you're feeling 100% today. Prayers for you to be feeling great again ASAP! Big Hugs!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Was soooo busy today!! Ran around like crazy running necessary errands. Yikes! We have a boatload of mail that accumulated while we were on vacation! Kubby went through about half of it, the rest is my job tomorrow.

Glad to see that Lynn is back home. Hope she can eat and not "give back" any! Stay on that couch, Lynn, and NO housework! Know that's a tough one for you.
You do need to keep from wearing yourself out, though. Love you so much! (((HUGS)))!!!

Kay, really happy that you feel so much better today! Hope that trend continues! (((HUGS)))!!!

Sorry to hear of the death of the young woman who fell from her horse. What a shame!

Supposed to rain more here tonight, but clear up tomorrow. The air smells so fresh!

Really missing the kids today. Will have to call them and talk to Courtney and Sierra, who are missing us, too.

Yikes! It's getting really late. Must hit the pillow, and soon!
Prayers have been said for everyone, especially Lynn and Kay.
Porch light is lit. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, all. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!! :o]

Jewels said...

Lori, night is going by slowly, mainly I think cause my allergies are acting up and my eyes are burning so bad!!

Jewels said...

Just heard from MOM a few min ago. All is well... she said up for her second bathroom trip, but she is sleeping well and guess what?? Her dinner stayed down!! Yea!!! She had chicken noodle soup and Jello, probably the lemon kind..

Jewels said...

Hmmm, our guys were takling about something phenomenon in the sky just a bit ago. The OIC adv his uneduacted guess was space debris coming thru our atmosphere and burning up. Hmm, even had someone call on the police line to ask us what it was. WE went outside to see and we could see a wht in the sky and one co worker said she could see a trail of wht. Hmmm Margy?? any idea??

Jewels said...

that would be

DanaMo said...

Woke up thinking of Lynn and my little Michelle.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori, DMo, and Jewels!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi! Yesterday flew by, lets hope the school day flies again today!

Jewels said...

TIme to shut down, almost time to go to sleep! yea me!! HAve a great day everyone and Good Morning to you all!!

Sandi said...

Great news that Jewels heard from Lynn during the night. Lynn, hope you wake up this morning feeling great!!

Kay, same with you - hoping you feel 100% today!!

DMo, so scary about your student, Michelle. At the childrens cancer fundraiser on Sunday, I looked at all the children on the stage who were being honored and heard about the treatments they have already been thru in their short lives, and felt totally overwhelmed!

DanaMo said...

It really is an overwhelming feeling. I look at Michelle and she is just so sweet and I think about all her surgeries and now this. They are amazing children!

DanaMo said...

I am really tired this morning. I wish it was next Tuesday! We get off Thursday, Friday and the whole week following Easter! Yipee! Last year after Easter we only had 2 weeks left of school it was kinda funny. Easter was very late.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Babies has a bite of breakfast and now they are alone

Thinking of Lynn♥

weather channel says 31-degrees now

magpie said...

blog posts all wonky looking this morning for me...spread out across the entire page

Glad to see Lynn talked to Jewels and things were going OK overnight
Go grab a bunch of z's, Jewels!
I know you are already gone from work....

magpie said...

babies look chilly...
maybe even shivering...

hope Megan and all our gardeners' gardens and fruit trees made it through the night with no damage....

wondering what the sky phenomenon was overnight.....

Lori O. said...

Wish someone would cover those babies: 31 degrees now, wind chill is 23 at the nest.

Today: Sunny, with a high near 54. North wind between 3 and 7 mph.

Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a low around 36

magpie said...

7 years ago, Easter was
on March 27!
THAT was early....

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One...

workday for me
the nest just got color
and the babies still alone, glad they have each other for warmth...

magpie said...

Good Morning...
are you blog posts taking up the whole page across ??

too weird for me !
just checked Astronomy magazine, did not see anything about meteor showers but there are always meteors out and about

magpie said...

I see what Paula says about the babies picking up some of their growing feathers....
new darker colors, that's neat

magpie said...

neat about Wanda's PT room....
You Go, Girl !

time for me to move along
my two days of retirement have come to an end...

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Ma Belle has returned....
☺ ♥

Lori O. said...

Yes, MARGY, the posts are all the way across and the post box is at the bottom. I thought that was just an option when you made it a narrow screen. Hmmmm.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine friends.

magpie said...

Good Morning T-Bird !
and Hello to all the Southern Delegation, humans and pets

Interesting Google Image this morning, for a German Architect with Dutch lineage also

Now it IS time to go
hope this screen gets back to normal...

ttfn xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Have just a moment to post. Not wearing glasses, so this is a bit blurry.

Saw Sandi's mention of children with cancer. One of the cutest students I ever had was a ninth grade boy who was a cancer survivor.

He was much smaller than the other boys because of all the cancer treatments he'd had. He was taking medication to help him grow taller. He would say that he wanted to grow tall enough to kiss a girl.

He was so cute and sweet that I am sure found plenty of girls willing to kiss him in due time.


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

That is sweet, Shirley!

Good Morning T-Bird and Buddy!

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼d M☼rning Eagle Buds So glad LYNN good stayed put and is feeling somewhat better

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY mine goes across the page toooo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Big fish just delivered.

JudyEddy said...

the fish is still moving

JudyEddy said...

I love it when he arrives its either her or him sounds like a siren INCOMING

JudyEddy said...

wiggle wiggle down on them she goes

JudyEddy said...

Belle had put the new fist at 12 and now has brought it back down to 5 and is feeding the chick

JudyEddy said...

fish not fist

Judie said...

Good morning. Chilly but some sunshine here.

So pleased to see that Lynn had a much better night. Hope that continues through today.

See the babes were being fed a few minutes ago. Feathers are changing. The babes are growing up.

School day today. Will check in when I can.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A 6th grader from Princeton Middle School hung himself last night. They said he had been bullied for a long time! Bless his heart and his family! His name is Dalton Walker.

magpie said...

Oh heartbreaking....
he won't be bullied any longer, but such a tragedy for his family

Hoda said...

So very sorry abut DALTON SHARON!!!

Thinking of LYNN and am glad to hear Carolyn's report even though LYNN woke up twice during the night.


To the theachers heading out to work I hope you have a great week and that your students bring you many wonderful moments.

Good morning one and all. Slept well and now it is time for strange how I wake up thinking it is time for tea...I am glad I did not do that in the middle of the night again, just early morning 5:40 here

My box is at the bottom of the page too, went there last long as it works I suppose it is alright.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Morning all. Chilly one here, and glad that Belle is back on these chicks!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE LYNN!!!! How are you? Do not do anything today but baby yourself.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


97.1 WASH-FM ‏
Loo & Lori Thought of the Day: Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom & a little flower. ~Hans Christian Anderson

hedgie said...

See that prayers are needed for many of your friends, so sending them up. And of course, for our own needs as well.

hedgie said...

Nope, Shar....not doing anything!! Heading for sofa now, since I've been up since 7. BBL.

T-Bird said...

Only Belle can snuggle up to her yugons like she just did.

T-Bird said...

.....and like she is now. She puts them in their place.

Judie said...

Good gracious and great balls of fire -- THERE'S OUR LYNN! Have a good day, please and thank you.

magpie said...

Yes, my day just got a whole lot better also
☺ ♥

Helllooooo Lynn, enjoy the Sofa time

Good Morning More Eagle Pals !!Hope it is a good day with some of that sunshine ☼,freedom and a little flower...
(ref Sharon's post from the Loo and Lori show)
xoxo ♥ ☺

Sandi said...

Great to see Lynn on this AM - hope your day finds you feeling better and better!

Sharon, your post about the 6th grader took my breath away! Bullying is so rampant in our schools, despite the best efforts of teachers and administrators to squelch it. Kids just do not see the possible repercussions of their actions; this is a topic that is very close to my heart.

Younger son, Kevin, was bullied through the end of middle and all of high school. Never said a word to us until he was going to college at a private music conservatory where it was OK for a young male to like singing, dancing, acting, and playing piano. I cried when he told me and asked why he had kept it a secret. His response, "Sure mom, what good would it have done for you to know and go marching into school demanding that it stop?? That would have made things even worse for me!!" Still, it broke my heart that I wasn't able to do anything to help my child deal with such a horrible situation!

I am so grateful that Kevin felt good enough about who he was/is that he was able to endure the bullying without considering ending his life as an option. But when parents don't even know that it's happening, which they ofetn don't, they don't klnow to have that kind of conversation with their child. So tragic for that young man's family!

magpie said...


Hoda said...

LYNN very good to see you this morning...

SANDI your post is heartwaming and so glad KEVIN was able to talk to you about it albeit after the fact...Still you have a terrific relationship with him and he shared.This is a gift.

Prayers for DALTON'S family...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Megan posted on fb that it got down to 26. Prayers that her flowers are okay!

It is a good day when Lynn has posted a "good morning!" LYNN, hope your day continues to be a good one! We love you!

Ran errands yesterday, so today will be spent in the yard. Yesterday evening when we were in the yard, I spied what was left of my scarcrow. The squirrels had demolished it! Every year I save my scarecrow from the Fall and in the spring put it out in my herb garden. This was last years scarecrow, so I will wait a little longer before putting the newer one out. Squirrels have some nice betting material! LOL

Belle just poofed!

Lolly said...

In with Shep!

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Lynn ♥ - So happy to see you this morning! Praying you have a good day today. Stay in your nest! Don't jump the rails we built up for you! ♥

So many to pray for this morning. Such tragedy in this world, in our lives and in the lives of those we know.

Praying for peace and comfort for those in need and for healing for all those who touch our lives in one way or another...

Lolly said...

Oh, the blog does look different. Had to go to full page to see. I just always keep it on half page to share with the cam.

I got a text from Andy, with the cutest picture of Emma. She needs to share it on her blog. She really is a beautiful dog.

Lolly said...

So, many of our schools around here are doing Rachel's Challenge to discourage bullying. The TV station we watch put on every bit of news about children and schools doing the Challenge. Hope it works. Joseph is 5th grade. Really scary to think of a 6th grader taking their own life. So sad! Prayers for the family.

hedgie said...

Jo's sons are here! They are doing some yard clean up for me. Isn't that special?? So thankful for wonderful friends!

Lolly said...

The ground below the nest is really looking dark green now. My roses on the fence are starting to bloom. I now have roses, phlox, larkspur, columbine, iris, dianthus, pansies, ajuga, and a few daffodils blooming. The daffodils and tulips are about done but soon the poppies will be open. Oh, and my Indian Hawthorn is blooming. I love spring!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, we've had several middle-schoolers commit suicide around tragic.

Lolly said...

Our Jo's sons?? that is really, really special!!!♥

Lolly said...

Laurel teaches middle school. Thankfully she has not had to deal with that. So glad that she will be there with Joseph next year. He will not be on her team but she will know the kids!

hedgie said...

Feeding, but can't tell which parent!

hedgie said...

Shep----raised his head back at bit!

Lolly said...

Poop shoot!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - chilly but sunshine is out there.
Chicklets are eating - Looks as though
Baby Little is getting a fair share.

Don't know why my comment box is
way over here on the side.......

Jumping from 200 ...

Lolly said...

Both being fed and no fighting. They really are a healthy pair. Prayers that it continues.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa makes for a larger comment area

Do you all like this format?
I can get use to it..

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, Jo's G-Grandsons (Melissa's)boys may be old enough to help with some light chores or maybe even mowing. I'll bet they would work for a half dozen EGG SALAD sandwiches!:)

Loved watching Shep feed his chicklets a while ago...he is almost as good, now, as Belle!

LOLLY, could you send photo of your flowers as they come in bloom? Your yard is so lovely, it is a treat to see all the beautiful colors and your water features!

Taking GG to get her do done. First time since my surgery...I will be able to walk down the hall at the mall with very little or no effort this time!

Lolly said...

Not much for me to get used to, as I do half page all the time and I do like having the box at the bottom.

Jo, that is so nice that your sons are at Lynn's.

Lolly said... "Wanda Columbine" is blooming!

hedgie said...

I like the box at the bottom, too, but mine's been that way for awhile.

Wanda, I don't think the H'ville g'grandsons are quite old enough yet for my work!!
Enjoy your mall stroll!

And hi to Jo, too---early birds today!

hedgie said...

Got a nice hug from Michael and Charles is just as nice as he can be, too, Jo!!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, dear, one is venturing out of the cup. No, no, no, little one!!

Lolly said...

They are getting so big! Look at that one looking around. He is stretching his neck way up and looking. Hello world!! Now he is facing dad who has settled on the cup over the other one.

Lolly said...

Time for me to start my day. Need to do the do, eat some breakfast, walk, and then head outdoors. Gotta remember to put on sun screen. Have been forgetting it! Yikes!

magpie said...

Michael and Charles.....
and Jo for having those wonderful sons....
You just made our days !!!
this is wonderful.....

magpie said...

I do NOT like the new format and hope it changes back to the last "improvement" we went to...
or even a couple further back...
I guess we are still going to have jump ??

Wanda, GG, and everyone
hope your days are special ...

back to work now

Hoda said...

How awesome to hear about Michael and Charles doing LYNN'S yard work...the blessings of friendships and strong family...WAY TO GO MEMA JO WAY TO GO LYNN and WAY TO GO YOUNG MEN!!!

Hoda said...

Belle is in on the railing at one. Shep continues to brood.

Hoda said...

Shep gets up and goes to the railing at ten and the chicks are asleep in the cup

Hoda said...

Poof Shep

Hoda said...

Little ones out of the cup and dangerously close to the railing at least to my eyes they are too close to the railing Belle is sitting at one and looks down on them every once in a while...again their little wings seem longer to me than they were even yesterday...

Mema Jo said...

My heart breaks hearing about suicides no matter what age of child but Sharon
that is so young. Sandi we learn so
much about our children as they grow
older. Thank goodness they turn out to be great adults.

hedgie said...

Howdy, Hoda! Hope you are well.
Yes, they grow EVERYDAY!! I was jsut marveling at it, too!

The "boys" are moving right along...good workers!!!! Thanks, Jo, for raising such great kids!!

Lolly said...

NEWS FLASH.....Now 4 eggs in the Cardinal nest. I was wrong. It has not been abandoned! Mom and Dad are really keeping it a covert operarion. ☺

Time to walk!!!

hedgie said...

Getting close to another split, I see.

hedgie said...

I'll take the plunge........

hedgie said...

Look at those little buggers moving around!

hedgie said...

Hmmmm....have not jumped to a new page.....strange. A refresh would probably take us back to 1st one and be lost in 200 land!!

magpie said...

once we get past #200

IF you need to go back, then you SHOULD then be able to use the back arrow and come back HERE...
works for me most of the time

magpie said...

excellent to see you back !
Have you seen the two "Cherry Blossoms along the Tidal Basin" postage stamps ????

Lolly congratulations x-4 on those eggs .....

Hoda said...

Yeay LYNN Our fearless leader and we are over the four hundred mark!!!

I am off to the bank to get to my safety deposit box and my passport.
I want to purchase my ticket to fly from Spokane to Hartford Connecticut at the end of June to spend the fourth of July with my American Family and a reunion in Maine...I will have to renew my passport as it expires in September and somewhere I read it has to be valid for at least six months to enter the USA...BBL

Howdy LYNN!!! Love ya!!!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...