Monday, March 12, 2012


New week thread.


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floralgirl said...

Thanks for zooming the camera in Steve!
Beautiful day out,and good egg hatching weather all week.
Have a great day!

magpie said...

I kind of thought this would be here...

Thanks Steve....and thanks for the ZOOOOOOOM also...

and Helllooooo Floralgirl xoxo

magpie said...

Well this just makes my day seeing that floralgirl moniker and that floralgirl avatar...two of my favorite things to see on here !! ♥ ☺

Happy Gardening and Bird Watching Megan xo

magpie said...

I hear from a friend that forsythia is OUT, going to go out and try to find some

Also saw a powerful patch of Coltsfoot out yesterday...

Have a Good Day, Every One

Thinking of Lynn♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Whooohoo!!! So good to see "floralgirl" on here!!!!!

Lolly said...

Did a double take when I saw floralgirl! WOWSER is the word today!

Thanks for the call over.

I have finished reading the paper but still have a mug of coffee to go. So here I sit for a bit longer.

Mema Jo said...

This is a very pleasant surprise on a Monday Morning ---
I for one of many have missed you.

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread!
Especially thanks for zooming in the
camera! Important events are going to
happen this week and now we can feel like we are right on top of things!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, we got zoomed!

Hey Megan, we miss you on here!

stronghunter said...

Hi Megan!!

Good to see you!

Thanks for the new thread and the zoom, Steve.

Fussing with the sound here. It seems that my sound has decided it will not work anymore.

paula eagleholic said...

Steve sent me an email asking how the zoom looked. I told him it looked great, and thanked him as well.

Sandi said...

Thanks, Steve for the new sunny Monday thread! Thanks MEGAN for the call over! I've heard so many nice things about you, including delivering flowers for LYNN at the hospital! Also heard about your hummers! It's great to "see" you on the blog!
SHARON, I am testing the mobile version on my own, and I think I am golden!

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! Megan just reported that she
heard Tundra Swans going over an hour ago. Margy I really wish you heard them also.........

Lolly said...

Thanks Paula for your communications with Steve. The zoom, indeed looks good!!!!

Sandi said...

Comments are showing up in my inbox - woohoo!! Thanks again SHARON and DANAMO! When I get home, I'll post a note on Steve's FB thanking him for the zoom (can't access FB from school). I LOVE being zoomed in!

Shep arrives - WITH FOOD!!!! Go Shep!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep just arrived with a big ole fish!

Sandi said...

Shep poofs ... Belle eating. 2 uncovered eggs - look whole to me!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep is sitting right overhead. Just saw his shadow shaking.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And off he flew over the 1 o'clock position.

magpie said...

and Shep's shadow presides on an overhead branch!

Hope Shirley gets sound back, chomp chomp chomp

wish I had heard them Jo, I remain hopeful ! ref the Tundra Swans...
out to look for forsythias...bbs

Sandi said...

I could see Shep's shadow as he flew from the tree above the nest.

Lolly said...

He just flew off. Was reading and did not see him bring in the fish, but this is a good sign!!! Yea!
Eggs do look quite whole and no pips!

paula eagleholic said...

Man, just missed all the good action!

Did she eat the whole thing?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She did Paula and it was not a minnow this time.

Linda said...

Having trouble refreshing the Blog.....

But happy to see our first post
of Monday from MEGAN!!

So nice to see you and your lovely

Linda said...

Boy, Belle cleaned up that fish good!

You wouldn't even know there
was one there a little while ago!!

Very interesting that Belle is staying
with the eggs and Shep is bringing in
food instead of taking turns on the eggs.

They surely know the time is close....

CarolAnne said...

Exciting morning all,
Awaiting the arrival of this years precious bundles!

Sure are lots of up and down feelings generated on this blog. Happy for some on one hand, distressed and worried for others on the other hand. Sending prayers for all situations!

Here's a "Keep your fingers crossed" wish. Hubby is thinking of buying a scooter/moped for my use around our little town. So I started looking for a used one for sale. I found one with an EAGLE HEAD" on the front fender, and the eyes light up! Now just have to convince him that it is the one I MUST HAVE! LOL

Wishing everyone a 'best day possible'.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Yes, Carol Anne, sounds like a must have!

Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone!

DanaMo said...

Love the zoom!
Please send me the web address so I can get it here at school so I can get email while I'm in CPR training! LOL

Lolly said...

LOL Now, C/A we are going to have to have a picture of you on this scooter.

Off to start my day, but watching closely!!

Costume Lady said...

OH, WOW...saw MEGAN on here and thought it must surely mean she saw a hatchling!...
It won't be long...WISH I HAD A MOON PIE:) I'll get one from MARGY tomorrow, if she hasn't eaten them all;)

DanaMo said...

Anyone have that link I can't find it and I only have a few minutes!

Costume Lady said...

An eagle on the front, CAROLANNE, Is an omen...means it was put out there for you to buy! Good Luck♥

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for STEVE'S sisters... BOTH.SAFE trip Steve and please keep us posted LYNNE.

Thanks for the zoom Steve, and for the new thread.

It must be hot at the nest. Belle is panting and beak open I can see her breathing...amazing this zoom feature.

Judie said...

Wow! Great Monday morning!

Steve zoomed me and I didn't feel a thing. Thank you for the zoom and the fresh thread.

Hi Megan. What a wonderful surprise to see you stopped by. Come back often, please.

Missed the fish delivery but happy to think that is the beginning of a count down. Belle looks pretty in the sunshine.

Shirley, hope you got sound again.

CarolAnne, fun mental image of you scootering around with an eagle moped. Too cool.

Hi to Margy and Paula. Paula, thank you for letting Steve know the zoom is great and we appreciate.

Hi to Jo, Sharon, Linda, Sandi, Lolly, and Delphia.

Back to grading. Not looking good. Interpretation is very tiring.


Hoda said...

Sorry DANAMO I do not have it...I did not save it.
SHARON, DANAMO needs your help...web address for emails again please.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, I will just sign you in, okay?

Sandi said...


DanaMo said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, DanaMO, I signed you in. For some reason, I thought it was Sandi asking.

CarolAnne said...

Have placed a pic of the MUST HAVE scooter on blog. Now to work on Bubby!

Have severe thunderstorm headed this way. Doesn't Mother Nature know this is March in WI, should be a snowstorm if anything! Better go batten down the hatches!

Take care all.

DanaMo said...

Thank you!

Hoda said...

Thanks SHAROn you are THE BEST.

DanaMo said...

Thank you!

paula eagleholic said...

Had to restart the cam..took me forever to get it back up!

Any one notice, no commercials so far this year? shhhhh....

Mema Jo said...

Falcon News from PA
3/12/2012 :: Second Egg Arrives!
The second egg was laid at 6:26 AM, Saturday, March 10th. Thanks to all who emailed, reporting the time the egg was first observed.

The adults will incubate these two eggs only occasionally- when the third egg is laid, more frequently. When the clutch is complete, they'll warm the eggs continuously. This behavioral adaptation is designed to ensure that the first two hatchlings don't develop too rapidly, in which case they could kill or bully the smaller, later arriving hatchlings.

Hoda said...

Blue Eagle Eyed Motorcycle MAMA!!! CAROLANNE!!! WAY TO GO...I hope it passes Hubby's test too...important for your image that it keep rolling, you do not want to have it stall in the middle of a traffic circle if you have such a thing where you live!!!

Hoda said...

That's right PAULA Shhhhhhhhh!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh CaroleAnn, a MUST have for sure! Stay safe in the weather!

Good to see you here Megan!

Well, they are off to FLA. My poor MIL...she is just beside herself with grief. She feels this will not end well. I sure wish we could get more information. They simply will not tell her anything more than what they told me this morning. Lee, the guy Wendy has been dating, when he called the ambo and went to the hospital with her, he told them he was her brother so they would tell him what was going on and he could relay the info. But MIL sorta blew his cover last night. Now we won't know a thing until they get to the hospital. And that won't be until 1 or 2 in the morning. It's going to be a LOOOOOOONG day.

Lynne2 said...

Paula, I noticed that too. I've been wondering how poor Ed who forgot his STABIL is making out...LOL!

Sandi said...

OMG PAULA, I remember that pick-up truck ad that was on around the time of Paddy's birth and the days after - it was for either a Ford
F-150 or a Dodge RAM! I got SO sick of hearing that ad b/c, at the time, I didn't know that I could hit the play/pause button when the cam froze, so I would reload the page every 15 minutes! Plus, I would have the sound turned up and then, every time the ad came on, it would scare the pee out of me!! Sure don't miss those ads this year!!

C/A, love the scooter! How would it enhance hubby's blue eyes if YOU are the one driving it around town???

It is interesting that Belle is doing all the egg tending so far today. Does she know that something is up? Does Shep? Belle doesn't seem to be doing a lot of getting up and looking under her, but I'm sure she can feel the movements from those little chicklets through the thin eggshells. Next thing I'd like to see if food piling up in the nest. I have so much confidence in Shep - he seems to have good instincts!

paula eagleholic said...

CA, it is a 2 seater! Does that help?

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up for wing stretches

Sandi said...

Belle is stretching those BEAUTIFUL wings of hers! My 8th graders love to see her unfold her wings - they're amazed by the size! Me too!

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't notice any pips

Hoda said...

OK there was an egg roll and I did not see any pips.

Bird Girl said...

Fluff rearrangement, egg roll, BIG stretch, and wigglewiggle by Belle! Two nice, big eggs :)

stronghunter said...

Nope, sound is not working. I have checked everything I know to do. Probably need a new sound chip or whatever it is.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann hope you get to feeling better.

Lynn so happy Sunday you got to eat a steak♥

Lolly so glad the poor dog found in the church flower bed has gotten a good home. Not sure of that name?

Steve at least on his Birthday got to see an EAGLE overhead.

Lynne2 safe travels for Steve, his Mom and Dad traveling to Flordia. Prayers for each sister as the Lord sees fit. Sounds like Wendy is not in good shape Lord. Help for Steve's never stop being a Mother.

Donnie good to see you dropped in on the blog. If your driving to JH about a defibrillator check. Then since we last seen you on the blog. Maybe you have had some heart problems???? Prayers if so.

Sandi said...

SHIRLEY, have you tried logging on with a different browser? If you have no sound with IE but you have sound with Firefox, then you'd know it's NOT a problem with your computer's hardware (like your sound card).

wvgal_dana said...

Margy prayers for your day and for test tomorrow.

CarolAnne neat a moped/scooter for around town. With an EAGLE head and eyes that light up. Now what more could a gal that likes Eagles want. Hope Hubby passes his inspection for you (:

Thanks Steve great zoom!

Jo thanks for update on the falcons (:

Loretta I went in and looked at the flowers. They are beautiful!!!!
Hope you can pot pretty.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi do you have Denny's pictures up from Blackwater trip yet?

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, try shutting down computer and bringing it back up. Shut down, not restart.

Sandi said...

WVDANA, Denny's photos are the same as the ones I have on my blog. The quality of his photos is a better b/c he manually adjusted the brightness and color, while I just used the "auto correct" feature of my photo editing software. His photos would make better prints if we were planning to have some of them printed for matting and/or framing, but wouldn't look a whole lot different online than the ones I posted the link to.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle moving flugg and rolling the eggs. I enlarged did not see any pips.

Kay said...

WOWSER, to use "the word of the day" !

Nice to open up to a new thread and see Megan doing the call over. Love those purty yeller flowers, dear girl !

LYNN, love your nice long post ! Hope we can enjoy a good medium rare steak together one day !

MARGY, I know the colonscopy is a PIA ! However, it's such a good thing to do as part of your Wellness Care !

CAROLANNE, that is one snazzy scooter and I hope it meets with your hubby's criteria.

Loved all those positive items, but am sorry there is yet another negative twist for you and Steve, LYNNE2. :( Prayers for Steve, his Mom and sisters---hoping for safe travel, comfort and healing.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Sandi I did get to see those. They were awesome...Denny should be proud. He is getting much better. (: Thank you for sharing his photograhy. It is GREAT!

magpie said...

Interesting choice of words, Kay
LOL big time!

Came home to hear a Pileated Woodpecker in the neighborhood, saw HER fly over, then a Red-Shouldered Hawk soaring and calling out further down the street....

Forstythia just barely popping out, might have to go further South in the county to see more, or just wait a few days here

magpie said...

Belle looks awfully cute wagging that tail !

magpie said...

don't suppose if the other things don't work that are suggested...that you might have to re-add or update Adope Flash Player and the Shock Wave thing?
Since you gave your computer the once-over the other day, maybe that would help....
Good Luck!
And remember to restart after that too if you do it...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Some of my gifts for my birthday - prunes, underpads, fiber, laxatives, huge whistle if I could remember I needed help. Also got a lovely bird bath, an album of Andrew and Kels' engagement pics and Mattie got me a vase of flowers.

Lolly said...

Finished my walking and stretches. Watched Belle the whole time. Saw the wing stretches and imagine there was a poop shoot, though did not see it. However, the way she backed up to the edge indicated it was a possibility. Examined the eggs and saw no sign of a pip.

Kay, I snickered! Margy's colonscopy being a PIA! You gotta laugh, we have all been there...done that!

magpie said...

That's just terrific Sharon !

Some of us could borrow some of those first items...permanent loan so to speak...

Lolly said...

LOL Sharon! Love your gifts! Bottles and bottles of Oil of Olay,too, I hope!

Hoda said...

There is humour in your family SHARON!!! Some very courageous people to give the first items on your list I would say!!!LOL!!! GREAT family!!!

Linda said...

Well, thank GOD for the young ones, Sharon, who knew what to get you to really make you smile!!!

magpie said...

I have the windows thrown open and binoculars ready....of those Tundra Swans fly over !

And the cam full screen....

(( Afternoon Hugs, all ♥ ))

Thinking of Lynn♥

and Safe Travel Wishes for Steve and his parents....

Kay said...

MARGY, I love Forsythia ! Always a wonderful sign of Spring ☺ ! I knew you'd "get it" when I wrote that post re:the CS ;0).

Avatar is my oldest granddog, Sammy. He's 14 and in what we call Pallative Care in human beings. Vet thinks he has liver cancer. In his Hay Day he weighed about 25-30#, but is now down to 15 He has no pep and won't look his beloved family members, my daughter Eileen and her kids, in the eye. He seems to know the time is near. We're all mourning.

Here's hoping we get a hatch before this day is over---in honor and memory of LORI's dear Perry and LYNN's beloved Dad !

HAGD ! See you later ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

I need to go do the do and then head into town. Watch carefully! Ta Ta!

magpie said...

We're with you Kay....
and here for you also...

our dear beloved Deb who passed away in November 2009...had a beloved dog named Sammie....
who died a few months before she did....

xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

CA I sure hope that beautiful blue scooter has your name on it! You will be able to Fly Like An Eagle on it!

Safe journey for Steve to Fl
and praying that things turn out
satisfactory for the family.

Lolly said...

From Robyn on fb.....

Robyn Ann Schonhans

Sitting in step down with Tori watching the lodger with Doctor 11

wvgal_dana said...

Kay love the avatar of Sammy...prayers for the entire family. Some of us have been there^j^

magpie said...

Thanks for that Bright News, Lolly !

Mema Jo said...

One way to notice a PIP
IF Belle and/or Shep are incubating the
eggs and all of a sudden hop up off
the egg cup - that usually means a pip
They of course will also begin to
look down under - sometimes just to
talk to the eaglet as it Pips Out... lol

wvgal_dana said...

I know Tori is going to give it her "best". God Bless her and Robyn.

Linda said...

Great to hear Tori is officially in step-down!!

Thinking of darling Sammy! Always so sad that our pets don't live longer...

Hoping LYNN is having an okay day today and feels the warmer weather in her bones!

Happy Birthday to those who have gone before Lori's Perry and to Lynn's Dad! You will see them again some day!!

Mema Jo said...

Someone explain to me .....

watching the lodger with Doctor 11

Mema Jo said...

Belle is ducking from something

Linda said...

Looks like Belle is going to POOF!

Mema Jo said...

Up off the eggs

Linda said...

Poof Belle.... over 2

Mema Jo said...

Off goes Belle

Shep I pray you are coming in

Linda said...

MT Nest.....

hedgie said...

Does anyone see anything on right end of front egg??????????

Linda said...

Jo - I didn't get that either.....

Mema Jo said...

I can't, Linda see anything yet.....

Linda said...

You Go Girl!!

Lynn, yes it does appear that way!!

Wonderful to see you...

Eagle is back..

magpie said...

I see IT and I see YOU
Hedgie...☺ ♥
but I am not sure what the mark is

maybe grass

Mema Jo said...

Belle really wiggling back on the eggs

She was only gone for 2 minutes - seemed
much longer

Linda said...

Yes, I did see that, but am not sure it wasn't a piece of flugg in just the right position.

If LYNN was right, it was a pretty good size chunk off the top of the egg....


Linda said...

Belle is rolling the eggs and rearranging flugg..

Mema Jo said...

Adjusting the eggs and the flugg

magpie said...

don't have a clue, thought maybe it was about television...
(about Tori)

so Belle came right back?
Neat Pip clue you posted, Jo...

Linda said...

She's not letting us see the eggs this time. :(

Good eye....LYNN ♥

Love you bunches, GAL!!

Mema Jo said...

Belle does that so well - arranging the flugg around her.

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Belle looks pretty warm again. Panting....

Sandi said...

I heard wings flapping, saw Belle fly off, and then she returned. Still no Shep eggsitting today ... hmmm! I didn't notice the eggs, but I DID NOTICE THAT LYNN CHIMED IN!!!! Hey LYNN - so good to see you!!

Belle is really panting, must be hot in that nest!

Lynne2 said...

OK, Which way are the Tundra Swans going??? Seems to me that they would be going back north, in which case they should be flying over ME first before Megan's, or her first then me if going south.


hedgie said...

Belle is panting----hot out there!

Mema Jo said...

Belle is making me breathless with her
panting. Love our Belle!

Lynn - you may have called it well!
Guess we will all keep looking
Mits used to have a magnifying glass
right by her computer!

hedgie said...

Hi, gang~thanks for welcome!

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

So great to see our FLORALGIRL start the new thread off right!

Glad the cam is zoomed in.

Wishful thinking on my part---today would have been my Dad's 93rd! Would be cool to have a little Wesbird!!!

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Do you mean Panting, JudyE. Yes, she has been panting, it's warm here today.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Yep I meant that petting my cat and trying to type is a PIA

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else having problems getting the cam in firefox? I had to reboot my computer and I can't get the live feed back on.

DanaMo said...

The zoom is awesome!

magpie said...

Lynne - The Tundras are probably flying NORTH from the Chesapeake and maybe the Carolinas....up to many parts North....

so keep on alert, sure there are many flocks of them here and there...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I wonder if Belle thinks it is strange that she is having to pant to cool off in March?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am on google chrome and it has only stopped once today.

magpie said...

Yes Lynn...your Dad's,
and Lori's Perry... this would have been his 58th birthday......
both wonderful men would have been celebrating birthdays today

Keep that Wishful thinking going !

Mema Jo said...

I am using FF and no problem with our

Linda said...

Paula - I am on firefox and only once the cam went out and I had to hit the play button. That was a couple hours ago.

Sandi said...

As warm as the weather forecast is for this week, it will be a nice week to be a brand new eaglet in the world! They may even be able to get a tan! =) Using IE here at school PAULA and have had no problems today!

Sandi said...

Only problem I'm having today is getting any work done at work!! If my principal came down the hall, I'd be in deep doo-doo!

Mema Jo said...

Excuse me for not reading back but
Has anyone seen Shep today at the nest.......

Linda said...

He brought in a good size fish for Belle a while ago.

JudyEddy said...

I noticed that JEWELS Blog doesn't have the follow to click on to I like that feature Is it in the settings I wonder first time I have noticed that any one know but I do love being able to get the email sent to me DANAMO and SHARON THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and neck Not caught up on the blog yet but need the head back to work

Linda said...

Shep delivered lunch to Belle right at NOON, JO!!

She left no remnants, as you can see!

Mema Jo said...

Wow Belle sure did eat the evidence!
Thanks Linda! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Come on Bobble head!

We are all waiting to greet you!

Hoda said...

JO here is SHEP at the nest with the fish SHEP AT THE NEST

Video compliments of eaglelover of Hancock Foundation

magpie said...

Things are clouding up here in Martinsburg and I guess at the Royal Nest also...

and Song Sparrow singing like crazy in the Spruce tree outside
here at my place

I think I hear the C-5 at NCTC

magpie said...

oh whooops it's fire truck sirens
or a fire alarm activation

Lynne2 said...

Ok, I am going to TRY to keep the cam up at work tomorrow. But won't be able to really watch since I have to use the computer all the time. SO....can someone PLEASE email me if there are any developments!!

Lynne2 said...

chance of showers here overnight. Chance of T'storms tomorrow afternoon. Getting pretty cloudy here, too.

Going to watch Ballykissangel on FAV show! Nice to be home and have it on to keep my mind occupied for a while.

Linda said...

She's checking.....


Hoda said...

Good view of the eggs. No Pip as of Yet!!!

Linda said...

off the eggs

Egg roll

Back down facing 6ish

Linda said...

Yeah, it didn't look like anything just yet....

We have more daylight to go to watch, though!!

Good Afternoon, Hoda ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks all, still can't get the cam. Not sure if it's a problem with new software we had installed last week or what...very frustrating!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Not sure if I have shared this with you all before but. . .

There is an app called Splashtop. I have it downloaded on my home computer and my phone. As long as I have my computer on at home and have a wi-fi connection on my phone, I can connect to my home computer and actually have access to the actual desktop. So on my iPhone, even though I don't have Adobe Flash Player, I can still watch the cam on my phone through Splashtop.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon everyone!

I'm home, had a nap & feel great in this wonderful March weather! Now to go back and read the end of the last thread.

Mema Jo said...

I missed the egg roll.

NatureNut said...

Good Acfternoon! Just got in the door from haircut. I can SEE!!!! Gotta check our eggberts and get a cup of coffee.

NatureNut said...

What a beautiful picture! Thx, Steve, for the zoom.
Sorry you have cam trouble, Paula.

magpie said...

bummer, Paula no cam for you...

and neat avatar Loretta !

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hoda! Got to take a long look at the eggs. Loved to see Belle
mantling over HER fish.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Digging out more fluff. Got to make some room for babies!

Linda said...

Sharon - Thanks for sharing!

Is the resolution as good?

I view the cam through the iswifter app, but it is grainy and hesitates.

I will have to try that one.

Is it hard to blog and watch?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is a little difficult to maneuver because it turns my computer into a tiny little touch screen.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

But the resolution is really good on my iPhone.

Mema Jo said...

I bet you look more beautiful NatureNut
and now that you can see again That
is soooooooo good! ♥

Linda said...

Great - I am going to try it!!

What is it with Apple and Flash, anyway??

They need to make nice and get along!!

Lori O. said...

Paula, I can bring my laptop over for a visit!

Lori O. said...

Here's tonight's NEST forecast:

Showers likely, mainly before 9pm. Cloudy, with a low around 50. South wind between 5 and 7 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

So, just a little rain if any.

GET READY - tomorrow's high will be 76!

Linda said...

I've got the technology......

just not the time or inclination to figure it out!!

Hoda said...

It has been a while since LYNN was on and I am still very happy that she was on. THANK YOU LYNN I hope your day is going well and that you are eating food you like...♥

Hoda said...

LYNN will someone be able to replace your propane tank for the BBQ? You ran out yesterday with the steak, so I thought of it as I thought of what you might have prepared for today...

DanaMo said...

Home long enough to perhaps get something to eat, then I have to go back to school. Yuck!

DanaMo said...

What would really cheer me up is if one of these eggs would hatch! I'm going to get nervous if it goes too much past because that will mean we don't have a viable egg. I know that from hatching my chicks in the classroom. Yesterday was day 35 right?

magpie said...

how is the sound ? with all that what you were talking about...

The Mourning Dove is cooing

magpie said...

correct DanaMo
yesterday was Day 35

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sounds just like my computer, just not as loud.

paula eagleholic said...

My cam issues are at work...ok at home...have no clue...all I did was restart my computer...

magpie said...

Well you better stay home then Paula ! ☺

Got your answer, Sharon, thanks...
the wind is picking up
kids are outside playing at NCTC

Belle is looking UP
and chirping

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle has some soft chirping happening.

Hoda said...

I hope this is MR. SHEP up there!!! Belle keeps looking up to the attic and she made soft sounds

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just lost my cam.

Hoda said...

Poof Belle.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eggs alone.

stronghunter said...

Belle back.

Linda said...

Shucks......I lost the cam and didn't see the switch!

Hoda said...

eggs uncovered, Shep it is your turn, come on down!! Good Eagle Shep!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep's got'em covered! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Belle leaves and Shep comes in lays on eggs.

magpie said...

me too, for no good reason, Sharon
and eggs were alone for a minute... Shep is back

Linda said...

Shep gets to incubate for a while!!

stronghunter said...

Okay, it is Shep.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Horrible noise on the cam.

Linda said...

Maybe Shep knocked the cam out for a few.....

Silly Boy!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I sure do wish Megan would come back on here permanently.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder what the count is of those
watching our nest for a hatchling.

Enough that when I timed out, I
am having a devil of a time getting
back on our cam. :(

wvgal_dana said...

Poor Shep wonder if he will always have the black spot ontop his head??

Lori O. said...

I took a snippit of the eggs and enlarged them from 100 to 500% and everything in between, and couldn't see anything from this angle.

Hoda said...

Just had the most delicous Chick pea and spinach soup with corriander and anise...yum yum yum!!! I was getting hungry for lunch.

Mema Jo said...

On FB Steve announced that we were
expecting hatchings and gave our
url - That is probably from where the
excess traffic came. I just want to
know if we surpass the Bear cams at
time of the cub(s) birth! ♥ lol

Linda said...

Thanks for the eggzamining, LORI ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, is the soup filling?

Linda said...

Well, shame on Steve!! LOL

Hoda said...

It is 39 degrees here and I have had the window open all morning, I think I should close it soon. So good to get fresh air...70 temperatures like you all have is a dream yet for us here...

Lolly said...

I wish that, too, Sharon!

Ran my errands, have caught up on As The Nest Turns, and now outside to dig in the mud!

76 and beautiful!!!

Hi Lynn!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Truthfully about the black spot on Shep's head - I hope he always keeps it
for no reason then it is easy to ID him.
We have Belle with her neck feathers to
ID her.
Now that we have named him Shep I haven't ever called him Spot...

magpie said...

WE're Approaching the SPLIT

Shucks, that's a hassle...

Hoda said...

Every time an eagle moves, I think of JO'S hints as to possible hints there might be a this a sudden movement are they looking down... Thanks JO.

magpie said...

I just had the most delicious mug of Beef Broth ! LOL

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 615   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED