Friday, March 02, 2012


TGIF Thread.  Checking on the still cam...


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JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

Just checked Bill's FB page and no posts from him since yesterday evening when he was playing games. Hope he checks in....

Lynne2 said...

reading back...see Lori is hosting a Raptor Porn Party at her place!

Have caught up yet...looking for news of Lynn

Shirley, I took pics of my Hyacinths, they are beautiful, so sorry your stuff hasn't come up yet.

Lolly said...

Well, while the world blew away today I enjoyed a beautiful day outside. Got a lot of work done! I may pay for it later...extremely sore bod!!

Seriously, had no idea weather was so bad. Prayers for those in peril.

Lolly said...

We have so much in bloom now. The bees were swarming around the Carolina Jasmine. Good on them!☺

Lynne2 said...

OK, I see Sharon is not feeling well still, but that she updated us on Lynn with some pretty good news that she ate well! Hope she is resting well, too. Can't wait to hear from her...thanks Sharon!


WV sUSAn said...

Shirley, hope you hear about Js son soon.

Lynne2 said...

Dear Lord, 9 confirmed dead in IN. SO awful....Shirley, I'm sure they are OK, but power is surely out. Prayer and more prayers.

Lolly, sounds like a BEAUTIFUL day for you! Hoping you aren't TOO sore. I do the same thing, but I love it, and hope to get outside this weekend again. I'll be sore too, but it's SO worth it!

Lynne2 said...

Sanki, how outrageous about the cost of nail trims! If I lived closer, I'd do it for nothing. Geesh....

Lynne2 said...

76 reported tornadoes today, the average for the whole MONTH of March.

Lynne2 said...

looks right now on the radar that the storms west of here are beginning to loose some punch. Hoping that trend continues.

grannyblt said...

Evening folks. Hope everyone is all right. Scarry weather for many.

Went to lunch with my birding friend this afternoon and went back to the field with the 50 turkeys from last week and they were still there along with 8 deer. One buck that was a 6 pointer and possibly an 8 pointer. I was trying to get a picture with my phone camera and didn't spend enough time with the binocs. We are going back in a few days prepared for pics, but of course they will be in the woods where we can't see them.

Everyone take care and pray hard for all.

stronghunter said...

Jeanie's son and his family were among the nine family members in the basement with her. They are fine. She just posted again to let me know.

Lynne2 said...

Lynne1, you saw a buck with ANTLERS?? THIS time of year??? WOW!!! Most unusual! They drop their antlers in Jan and Feb....this IS a crazy winter for sure!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh, what a relief Shirley! WHEW!

paula eagleholic said...

Susan, the Mombrella word has been around for awhile!

Sharon, hope you are feeling better.

Gotta go check out BWE.

I am working tomorrow and watching the gkids Sat nite...spending the night there and watching them on Sunday, so I won't be on much over the weekend. John and Ajay going to NYC to see Phantom and have a couple of days away. It was his present to her.

paula eagleholic said...

Raptor Porn Party? How did I miss that post, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting post from Lisa about Male eagle behaviour.

stronghunter said...

Jeanie has even posted a picture of family members in the basement. It looks like a pretty comfortable basement.

We appreciated our finished basement in Ohio during tornado warnings.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, found Lori post about all the Raptor Porn occurring at her house!

Lynne2 said...

yeah, LOTS going on at Lori's! LOL!

CarolAnne said...

OMG - so much bad weather. Hoping all Momsters/Dadsters & extended family and friends are OK. Saw on news an older gent who couldn't find his dog and his house was one big rubble pile. His distress was heartbreaking. Prayers for all!

For a more pleasant weather view, I have posted some pics of our snow that is continuing to fall. As I do not have to be out in it I can saw it is beautiful!

Pleasant dreams all and peace in your hearts & homes.

Praying that Lynn has a restful & refreshing sleep.

magpie said...

Hoping that Lynn feels better for a date with her Tom Sweetie ♥ and Blue Bloods at 10 pm

Moon is at 69% full, more light on the nest tonight than I was expecting with these cloudy skies...

magpie said...

Sounds like a powerful dose of Kid Fun for you coming upyou Paula.....
wonder, will the kids say
"I's the Day, It's the Morning" Sunday Morning ☺

magpie said...

The Forget-me-Nots? Any signs of them in your gardens?
Some of mine survived this mild winter, some did not....

magpie said...

good bit of snow at the Snowman Cam, and a white truck parked a ways back...
Lolly, maybe the man with few clothes will zip through there tonight ?

Hope Your not too sore after your work today....

going to go see YOUR snow now, CarolAnne

NatureNut said...

Uh, Oh. Gotta jump the Split!
Been reading emails, editing pictures and have my din din in the oven.
Fubby said he found the Dinosaur program & it was mainly about the Dino Park. Since it's raining, think I'll stay home tomorrow for Grand Opening. Could be crowded since all will be inside & pretty far trek in the rain.
I might get time to read the blog!!
Gotta eat, BBL ☺

Hoda said...

I read the article PAUAL and yes indeed it is thorough and very interesting about the aggressive male behaviour...

magpie said...

Beautiful, CarolAnne, know you like it there !!

Am so sorry to read and learn of all the difficulties with dangerous weather in many places...
Shirley, glad you friend's son and family are okay....
Is it just Shirley and the pets time there now for you ??

stronghunter said...

Raptor porn???

I really think I have posted about this before, but I had two students who used a permanent marker to write the words "monkey porn" on a locker.

I walked up just as one said to the other one, "Who do you think will get blamed for this?"

Well . . .

They had a very hard time washing those words off the locker.

Couldn't resist telling the story at home. My children, who were in their teens and beyond, would go into hysterical laughing fits anytime anyone mentioned those two words.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, wanted to mention that the ticks are out already! I found one on Nick last night! Hadn't put his flea/tick medication on yet, was planning to start yesterday, March 1st!

magpie said...

As tough as the updates from BWE are, I guess it is good that the food supply was apparently not poisonous....
that was an early concern at the very first before the rest of the events were brought to light

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, I think the kids will be saying "Nini, are you up yet?"

paula eagleholic said...

Definitely some nasty storms out there today, glad everyone is safe.

magpie said...

Fie on Tick!!!

Too early for that it seems, darn it

At Swinging Bridge, some very vulgar words were spray-painted on a couple of the bridge signs....and they remain through the winter, just a little faded....

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I am making Pizza casserole for tomorrow nights dinner, don't know if they've ever had it. I am making it tonight, so I can just pop it in the oven tomorrow.

magpie said...

Too cute, Paula...even though more z's would probably be welcome, bet those words are Golden to hear

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, gotta go get some chores done, didn't get any done this week.

magpie said...

same kind of deal here too...
got next to nothing accomplished at home

back later on to see what's going on


Hoda said...

It will be wonderfu to hear your stories with the grand kids PAULA..."Nini are you up yet..." Precious...psot a few pictures on FB.

Hoda said...

Belle is awake and looking around...facing nine and looking towards six.

magpie said...



magpie said...

and lightning at the nest, and here in Martinsburg also

paula eagleholic said...

Thunder here...

Lynne2 said...


paula eagleholic said...

thunder at the nest

Hoda said...

WOW thunder and lightining at the Belle's attention.

Lolly said...

Lynne, don't think I had mentioned that I do like your avatar. Think it is time for me to change mine.

Margy, bet the guy will not be walking around without a shirt now on the snowman cam.

Annie lost her collar today. I need to go looking for it tomorrow. She is doing great. Eating very well. Guess she was just having a few hard days, but it scared us!

Janet said...

good evening to one and all: nashville checking in....

its been a heck of a week....i have no idea what's going on on the blog. won't promise i can catch up i will read some however.

i am sure judy told you were are fine...its just been such a stressful week/ten days. it usually is when i work 10/12 days in a row.....this is day 10. granted, as a massage therapist i don't work 8 hour days, but its physical labor and its intense last one today was a two hour massage...and we did deep tissue for 90 minutes of that.

been dealing, of course, as you likely know with our parent's house...... suffice it to say, things are not going as we would like for them to at this point. :{

yesterday, i was driving to the bank about 3 p.m. in my miata and got rear ended. i felt so badly for the woman, her foot slipped off the brake, she hit the gas and when she went to correct she panicked and hit the gas again. some minor damage to my car, all fixable. we were both fine. she however....her husband died about 3 months ago @ 58 very unexpectedly.....funny part: we were both heading to the same bank, we live around the corner from each other an her daughter is a massage therapist. we chatted quite a bit, as it took an hour for the police to arrive....i felt so badly for her.

today of course....egad!!!! so schools around us (counties) were closing schools up to 3 hours early.... i checked with tom about 10 (he's a metro school bus driver) and he said metro was going full day. i checked my phone just before that 2 hour message....when i came out at two....the front desk came to tell me olivia's school called, they had let out at one!!! :O !!!!! i called them and they were cool, the secretary waited with olivia, but i felt awful as she was the LAST one waiting.... so now she has the protocol that if i don't answer my cell, immediately call....a.b.c. etc. i just can't have my phone in the room when i'm working at massage envy.

the weather was GORGEOUS when i picked her up......sunny, about 80. i made a pit stop at one of my favorite stores and got a bottle of bourbon, i don't handle these storms well.....

it was 3 when we got home.....i had time to get everything in order, critters, etc before the warning started hitting.....

we had some nasty hail and wind, but we were in our basement and in our hidey hole.....there was a funnel cloud about 15 min from the house....but thankfully all is well.

tonight it is cool and clear and the stars are smiling down from above....thankful for all the blessings of the day....

signing off for now...hope everyone else is safe and well. peace and smiles to all. there's always something to be thankful for, if we will just take the moment to look.... :)

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Have been watching TV - things recorded during this past week. Tried to watch House and Alcatraz from Monday night but the race was the only thing that recorded for both hours. So then we watched 2 episodes of "Smash," which I'm liking b/c I'm a music theater lover. Saw previews for a new show called "Awake" that started last night on Fox - did anyone watch it?

Am I seeing lightning at the nest??

LYNNE, about the vet charges, I am going to email the vet to say how disappointed I am that they even attempted to tack $28 for two "tech office visits" on the bill tonight. I have receipts for the past 2 times I have taken the dogs there for just nail trims where I was ONLY charged for the nail trims! We have spent thousands at that office!

Boy, that IS lightning - and thunder at the nest! WOW!

Janet said...

sorry posted twice... i seem to be good at that. :I

paula eagleholic said...

Pouring here...I hear rain at the nest, too

Hoda said...

Sad so very sad...the famous CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, in New Zealamd, will have to be torn down...The February, a year ago, earth quake caused such amazing structural damage that it can not be repaired...Beautiful building it was.

Mema Jo said...

I am atching A Gifted Man on TV
We are having thunder/lightening


Lolly said...

Tomorrow is the last day of the basketball tournament. We will be leaving here early for a 10 am game. If they win, they play again at 12, and if they win they they play again at ??. Hopefully we will be there all day!!

Sandi said...

JANET, how scary for you - thanks for checking in to let everyone know you and family are OK! Hoping the storms lose their oomph by the time they get this far east.

Interesting reading about BWE.

OK, signing off for the night! See you tomorrow my eagle friends!

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, big lightening!!!

Hoda said...

It is eerie when the nest lights up and everything becomes white on the cam...Stay safe you all...

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, glad all is well, sounds like you need a massage to go along with that bourbon.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah that's a shame about the church, twas beautiful.

OK, I really gotta go do some more stuff!


Lolly said...

LOL Paula, indeed Janet does need to drink that bourbon and have a massage. But, better yet...I could use a massage!!!!

Lynne2 said...

wow Janet, what a week indeed. I guess I never thought about how physical doing massages would be. I've never had a professional massage myself. I'm so glad you are all OK tonight! And glad you checked in!

Margy, my FMNs grew but never bloomed last year, and then the bed I had them in was wiped out by water. I don't think they will be back this year :(

Very sad about the Cathedral.

Sandi, good for you! That is craziness!

I saw the previews for Awake, but forgot it was on. It looked pretty interesting.

Lynne2 said...

Looks like Belle is egg rolling!

Lolly said...

You wouldn't think I would get so stiff and sore. Instead of getting up and down, I just scoot on the ground. LOL I think Belle is shaking off, now rolling the eggs.

Lolly said...

I have never had a professional massage either, but I would give it a try...given the chance!!☺

Lynne2 said...

LOL Lolly, I scoot around too! Much easier!

My stomach has been giving me a lot of trouble surprise after 11 years now of taking NSAIDS of one kind or another. I got sick of it and decided to just try Tylenol alone this past week. HA! I gave up this morning and made a pit stop on the way to work for a big bottle of generic Aleve, and some Omeprazole for my stomach. I was pretty much not functioning and very cranky. But I'm better now!

Lynne2 said...

Storm coming, better get the dogs out quick....

stronghunter said...

Janet, so glad you checked in. What a week you have had! So glad that you and your family is okay.

Lolly said...

Lotta snow at snowman cam!!! And lotta footprints in the snow, too!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I watched Awake. You can get
lost if you don't pay very close attention to it. A detective after a car accident with his family is
living in 2 worlds -In one world his
wife only survived the crash and in the other world his son only survived. In between all of this switching around
there are murders that he solves.

We will watch it again and try to keep up with it.

NatureNut said...

Got sidetracked while eating on Dr. G. She is one smart cookie.
Sorry to hear about such bad weather. Janet, "good on you" that everyone stayed safe in your area. We have relatives in the middle of TN & haven't heard of any problems.
No bad weather here now.Gotta catch the weather.
If I konk out (very likely), have Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) , Prayers for all ills, and Xtra Special Ones for Our Lynn ☺♥

Lynne2 said...

very interesting phenom going on outside. Over the other side of the landlord's house and down the hill is a pond. There were what sounded like hundreds of frogs croaking! So I brought the dogs back in, and went around back over to the top of the hill and it was SO LOUD! After a few minutes, it started to drizzle and withing seconds, they all just stopped! Going to google frog sounds now...some were peepers, but there were others, too. Maybe tree frogs?

magpie said...

Celtic Thunder is on the Public Television Channel, am actually channel surfing catching some of the news too

Lynne - I'll get more seeds to you if mine bloom this year !
They are Massachusetts-borne from way back

Professional Massage: Nothing Like it! Have had lots...for the back....

magpie said...

meant to address my Celtic Thunder Voyage comment to Jo

I fell asleep before Celtic Woman last night

Lynne2 said...

it's WOOD FROGS!!!!! Aw, anyone remember little Dinky??


Lynne2 said...

that's exactly what I was hearing....I'm betting tomorrow, every puddle around will have egg masses!

Lolly said...

With all due respect....I DO NOT LIKE FROGS!!!

Lolly said...

That was an interesting video, but I grimaced at seeing all those frogs. LOL

Lynne2 said...

oh SURE you don't Lolly....I'll throw this back in your face next time I see a GO FROGS post!! LOL!

For anyone (except Lolly) who hasn't seen the pictures on my blog from the Great Frog Rescue of 2010, just click on 2010, and then June, and look for the links.

magpie said...

What a day for Janet !
Glad it seems to be having a safe ending for you Janet

Anyone ever have any contact with Indiana Dave? I can't find my link to his site, and have no idea what part of the state he is in....
Would love to see him pop on here again !!!

Lolly said...

Sometimes in the summer we get very similar, if not the same frog sounds from our pond.

magpie said...

about fell out of the chair

car comes into parking lot and honks extremely loudly three times

What are people thinking ???
something for the upstairs neighbors :(

magpie said...

a taxi cab

Lolly said...

Horned Frogs (Horned Toads) are quite different from slimey, aquatic frogs!! Ribbet Ribbet!

magpie said...

I'm sitting here realizing how fortunate I am to have a roof over my head and no tornadoes
car horn is small potatoes

Janet said...

PAULA EAGLEHOLIC; had a massage last night after getting rear ended...the stress just built up in my thoracic and low back.....i'd already scheduled one for Monday evening and fully intend to get that one as well! :) i don't recommend adding massage and alcohol....the massage has the possibility of doubling the effect of the alcohol... can be BAD news if you are driving... in theory though, sounds good, lol.

LYNNE2: for a massage therapist, working 15 to 20 hours a week is average...its wear and tear on your own physical body, even if you practice good body is also wear and tear on your emotional get "in tune" with your get "engaged" with them and you are present with them in this is very very different from a desk job for example .... personally, i only give 5 hours of massage a more. some of the younger kids will give as much as 6 to 8.....but i won't abuse my body that way....

LOLLY: a professional massage is a good thing. but like anything else, you have to find out what you like in a massage...there are many types to choose from..... always make sure you get a licensed/certified (depends where you live) therapist...most have to keep malpractice insurance ..... and we have to do continuing education on a yearly basis. there are relaxing, theraputic name it ... they are out there! recommendations are probably the best way to go when starting out. :)

STRONGHUNTER: thanks! :) its good to be okay!!!! and i'm so glad the week is DONE!

allrighty, caught up on idol...we are behind on all of our shows.....i've been on the phone and dealing with other stuff all this week; sick last week; thank goodness for dvrs! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, I haven't heard from Dave in a long time. Don't think his blog is still up either.

Yea, Lolly, you love frogs! TCU Frogs!

I remember Dinky!

Lolly said...

It is irratating to have a horn honk late at night, Margy! But, putting it in perspective, you are quite right! Honk away!!

magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn ♥ and Praying for her Wellness and for a quiet night at work for Jewels...
(( All-Night Hugs, Ladies ♥♥ ))

Glad Annie seems to back to her old self, Lolly, and Best Basketball Wishes for the Boys Saturday..

Signing off...
Prayers for so many, for so much tonight

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I've never had a professional massage either....interesting about the alcohol....hmmm, only have to drink 1/2 the alcohol, LOL, and have someone else drive you home!

Belle is tenting.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, glad to hear Annie is feeling better!

magpie said...

caught your message about Dave, Paula...thans

He was a cool dude on here, great photography too...

Therapeutic massages, those are the ones I have had...deep tissue for sciatica...

G'night, hope Sleep is Sweet and that Judie's dinner party was a smash success !


paula eagleholic said...

Very happy to hear Lucy at the Eagles4kids cam has an egg!

Lolly said...

Night, Margy! Sweet dreams!

Janet said...

MAGPIE: yep, i've had all sorts of work for sciatica...had L4 L5 have a bulging disk (lateral right) plus a pinched nerve @ L5 S1 which was actually impinging the sciatic nerve....about 20 + months ago and i had severe sciatic pain for almost a year with that....between massage and chiropractic, i stayed sane.....although, my own experience has been that sometimes deep tissue, ie myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy....can flare a sciatic episode. i tend to tread lightly when i have a client with these issues..... i think the chiropractic work was and has been a lifesaver for me as well.

its very interesting work; but there is more to it than just getting someone to "rub something out"..... we study anatomy/physiology, of course, pathology, body mechanics....just more than you would ever think of i tennesee we are under the health related boards, along with doctors, nurses, and the like. we hold professional licenses and are very proud of that.


magpie said...

ok, all programs closed out except this one...
Janet, all my work has been through a very scientific and top notch chiropractor....
I also have L-4&5 and S-1 degenerated disks....
so I'm with you on these things...and I know what I can't do and behave fairly well on all that

now to close out..thanks for the great information...

Lynne2 said...

I don't have a disc any more between L5 and S1. It bulged, it bulged even worse, and then blew. Ended up with a piece of it stuck in my sciatic nerve, eventually requiring surgical removal. Very unstable spine. SO annoying.

Lynne2 said...

well, I decided to take the flashlight and go for a walk out back. I discovered nothing at all except what a WEENIE I am in the dark, in the rain, and alone! LOL!

The frogs are singing again, and upon further investigation, I realize that they are not at the pond, but closer to the old house there, in the woods. I went a little further this time. That makes more sense. Wood Frogs are terrestrial, not aquatic.

I'm pretty sure I saw a Sasquatch. I may even have stepped in Sasquatch doo doo.

Janet said...

LYNNE2: so not good. i've been doing physical therapy, stretches stretches finally back on my ellipitcal (though not as much as i would like).....its about rebuilding now. definately a journey...

well folks, this is one tired chickie here in nashvegas. good night to one and all...sleep well and sleep safe.....plenty of smiles for all....

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Lynne!

Lynne2 said...

it's lightning a little here, but the storms have really fallen apart as I thought the would.

paula eagleholic said...

At least I made some headway on the chores. Heading to bed.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Lolly said...

OUCH, Lynne!!

At one time I was having lots of back problems. Had MRI, nerve tests, lots of stuff. I was about to be scheduled for surgery when medicine I was taking for something else...helped my back. No hurty, no surgery. That doctor is dead, do not have the files. However, the last time I had an MRI they said my back is typical for a person my age. ????? What was he going to do surgery on???

I just know what I can and can not do. My back gets to hurting when I am tired and I do not do any strenuous lifting, but I am great! ☺

Lolly said...

Ok, you have me sitting here giggling! You know, we need to have a slumber party! LOL I bet we would all have a blast! And, laugh all night!

Lolly said...

But, I know what you mean about being a weenie in the dark and being alone. I have a nice back yard but I do not like going out on armadillo hunts. Boogie Man might get me!!!

Lynne2 said...

yeah, I know what I am and am not supposed to do, too. SO 11 years of using my knees to compensate for my back has wrecked them now too. LOL! When I hit the lottery, they can rebuild me. Til then, I will manage just fine!

Lynne2 said...

YES, there are THINGS out there Lolly!!! Geesh, a big rain plop landed right on top of my head and I squealed like a sissy!

Oh yes, a slumber party would be a RIOT for sure! We can have it at Lori's and watch Raptor Porn!

Lynne2 said...

actually, I am mostly afraid of startling a SKUNK! I know we have them out there....what a mess that would be!!

Lynne2 said...

OH, BTW...the RS Hawk was seen by my coworker near the clinic the other day again, and yesterday I heard it calling out! I hope to see him again!

Looks like the storm is bearing down on Bev's lake area...much less intense than earlier though, thank God!

Lolly said...

Hey, we can have it at my house and watch Hawk porn!!! Or Lori's!! LOL

Hey....Lori!! You are having a slumber party!!!

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading to the sofa to read a couple of more chapters of The Help. What a great read! I'm almost done!

Have a good night and prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Every day I hear them while working in the yard. Looks like they are nesting two houses down. Year before last the STOOOOOPID man shot one. Oh, pardon me...should not talk ugly about the departed!!! The well as the hawk!

Mema Jo said...

I can do "Sleep overs" (Used to be called Slumber Parties) I like the
old way of saying it.........
Out at Lori's barn you say.
With the TV of course.
What is worst Armadillos or TV over your head?

Lolly said...

Night Lynne! Loved the help. Just read War Horse. LOL It is about a 4th grade level read, but I liked it and so would you. It is written as if the horse is telling the story of his life.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't mean to infer Armadillos over your head....... Just the TV over your head in the barn

Mema Jo said...

Lolly are you leaving me?

Lolly said...

LOL Jo! Do not like armadillos but also do not want a TV over my head!!

Lolly said...

No, Jo, I am here!

Lolly said...

I am thinking of heading to the shower soon. Have had this laptop on my legs for a while. Probably would be wise to get up and move. Jack is watching Hockey. We were watching a recorded program together, but he deserted me.

stronghunter said...

LOL, Lynne! Hunter loves your Sasquatch comment. He is still up tonight. I was surprised to hear him talking to Kathryn, but I called him down and showed him your comment.

Mema Jo said...

I also think the sandman just threw the
sleeping powder on me. Hope Judie had
a successful dinner party. I wonder if
there is any chocolate custard pie left?
Wonder if there was Friday Family at

Lolly, I best be saying Good Night
It has been a good day for me with the
exception of thinking about our friend
Lynn. Praying for her well being!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley just saying that the pic of
Hunter in the ball cap (Big Foot)
was too good for words.

Lolly said...

Yes, I have been thinking of Lynn all day too. I am a little fearful of how the day went.


Nite Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night all
Heading for the pillows

Prayers for Lynn to feel well as she
** (((( Hugs )))) **

stronghunter said...

Hunter and Kathryn are watching the Sasquatch program. That's why he is up so late. He loves those programs. I don't think Kathryn has let him stay up this late to watch one before, though.

stronghunter said...

MMM, chocolate custard pie.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I have to read back and find out about this raptor porn.

Lolly said...

Time for me to say Buenos Noches mi amigos!! Heading to the hot shower. Good for aches and pains!

Hope to see you in the morning before heading to bb, but if not...I will see you later.

Sweet dreams! Prayers for Lynn!

stronghunter said...

Wow, the birds were busy in the trees at Lori's today.

Now, I can go upstairs and get some sleep.

Sasquatch has retired for the night, and all is quiet in the household.

Hope the critters sleep through the night. Flash got to fussing last night, and I had to let him out at about two. Very unusual.

Sleep well my friends. God bless.

Judie said...

Well, no question in my mind about where the loyalties of some are focused -- chocolate pie with real whipped cream topping -- there is one whole pie in the frig. It better still be there in the morning.

The dinner went well. Neighbors from across the street and from next door. Much in common so conversation is easy.

Clearly need to catch up but the sandperson has been here and my eyes are very heavy. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all. Hope Lynn is feeling some better.

Hoda said...

Glad dinner went well JUDIE...

All seems peaceful at the nest.

Glad the Sasquatch has gone to bed at SHIRLEY'S yet wonder how the dogs do not wake her up before 2:00AM under these circumstances...LOL

Sleep well every one.


Costume Lady said...

I am checking in before I check out~
MARGY, AT 10:36, YOUR comment said "go for it...and take a catcher's mitt". What on earth were you talking about?

I had a good work-out today. Therapist (Chris) didn't make me
walk backwards today. He said it was too stressful for,
next week, he is going to take me outside and let me walk backward in the grass! He said it is too important an exercise to just skip over, so we are going to try the grass walking. I'll probably step in poop shoot:)
I can't begin to tell you how much this therapy is helping me. I find myself looking forward to it!

Ms Bookworm said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here pretty late--guess it's actually EARLY.

Emma fell asleep in my lap, and I didn't have the heart to wake her.
She was sleeping SO soundly! She usually is a very light sleeper, so I figured she really needed the rest. She's all tucked into her crate now, after a late trip outside. (The moon was gorgeous!)

VERY glad to hear of everyone's safety, with all the crazy, awful weather going on back east!

Have been praying for Lynn all day.
Hope the pain at the port site goes away, and she gets some seriously good rest. Glad to hear she's still eating! Sharon, thanks for the update, and hope you feel all better, SOON!

Judie, glad your dinner was a big success. I'll try to restrain myself and not take any pie!

Lynne2, I remember Dinky! It's neat that you have all those frogs to listen to! When we first moved here, we used to get hundreds of baby toads all over our yard in the spring, but those days are long gone. Maybe some will come back, since they've created the Anaheim Coves sanctuary. We're seeing a LOT more water birds near the river already!

Well, think it's time to call it a day. Have said prayers for wellness and safety for everyone, and every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. (Thanks, Judie, for the night light!) Enabling both security systems. Sleep soundly, everyone. Good night, and God bless! Love all of you! :o]

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Checking in, then going back to bed!

DanaMo said...

Gosh, we're a chatty bunch.

Glad everything was okay with Janet. Those storms sound scary.
Just thunder and lightening here in the "bush" (nickname for Hagerstown is Hagersbush or bush).

Annemarie and Monte are up and about, getting ready to head out for the Destination Imagination competition. She is a participant and he is an appraiser. Long day for both. I should make some comfort food for dinner after a long day. Then I think we will have ice cream cake to celebrate Aric's birthday. Bummer that he goes back tomorrow.

DanaMo said...

Well...I'm talking to myself so I guess I will go back to bed.

Even Belle is sleeping...oh wait, she just un-tucked.

DanaMo said...

Soft calls, looking for Shep I guess, waiting to see if he answers.

Sandi said...

Morning DMO! All alone this AM? Where's LORI??

magpie said...

Gaood Morning Eagle Pals ☺

DanaMo -
Best wishes for Annemarie today, sounds exciting, will look forward to hearing more about it

Enjoy your day to the fullest with Aric...

I'm watching and listening to Belle...

magpie said...

Hi Sandi
Maybe this is sleep in after a long work week for Lori

magpie said...

Sometimes it can be a long week whether one works outside the home or not....retired, or otherwise

Busy Bunch on here most of the time it seems

magpie said...

wonder how muddy the Potomac is for fishing today

magpie said...

adorable avatar, DanaMo !

looks like Belle is going back for 40 winks too

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One

Thinking of Lynn ♥
First thing, every morning

CarolAnne said...

Glad I do not hang out here at night -- Sasquatch sightings would give me bad dreams. lol

Morning early Sat. risers. Awaiting daylight here to check snow levels & amount of shoveling needed. :o( Wish we could just leave it, suppose to be in 50's by midweek. :o)

Hope severe weather has passed for all. Going to go peek out windows to look at snow and early outdoor risers. A pic of a cardinal against all the snow would be great.

magpie said...

Hi CarolAnne...
my sister in Massachusetts got close to a foot of snow,
Western Mass
things are mild here today, think the rain has stopped for awhile anyway

CarolAnne said...

Oh Magpie, I hope she has someone to remove it for her. Snow this time of year is often the wet HEAVY stuff.

magpie said...

for Wanda when you rise and Shine ☼
your question to me about the Catcher's Mitt:

You had said you were ready for anything the Rehab folks were ready to throw at I said that about the Catcher's Mitt.

I kept hitting the snooze button, today is a work day for me...
got some things to do before then...

ttfn (( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

oh rich brown deep colors at the nest, already !

Sandi said...

Morning MARGY and C/A! DMO, is Destination Imagination like Odyssey of the Mind?

Sasquatch sightings and armadillo hunts??? REALLY??

LYNN, I'm already thinking about you this AM and hoping today is a better day!

magpie said...

she has a little help, CarolAnne...girl power help, her daughter..lives close by..but she does much of it...
She can stay home if she needs to though, thank goodness....
I think of her as The Woods Woman...
17 acres in the Berkshire Mountains....

magpie said...

her husband, not too able to do much physical things like shoveling...he has some medical disabilities....
but he keeps the wood stove going !

CarolAnne said...

Magpie - for 17 acres & mountains for neighbors, I'd shovel a foot of snow too!

CarolAnne said...

Morning Sandi, hope a great day is on schedule for you.

6 a.m and I just saw snowmobilers on the cottage cam. Bet they've been delirious with this snow after such a mild winter!

Have the best day you can everyone!

magpie said...

It's a beautiful place, CarolAnne...
Sister in her 60's, her husband in his 70's - but they are real troopers

must get the daytime clothes on now..busy day at work coming up, have to make tapes of about eight 9-1-1 calls for officers and attorneys...

"See You All Later "

CarolAnne said...

Hope your "tapings" go well, and the rest of your day smoothly.

Awaiting Lynn news.

Sandi said...

Sandi test.

CarolAnne said...

Napping eagle, all appears well at the nest.

Sandi said...

SHARON, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Still have a nasty cough. Not sure if I am heading to Andrew's today or wait until tomorrow. I don't want to take anything to them.

JudyEddy said...

Well gonna go check on the blog My neck bothering me from being on the puter tooooo long yesterday


But like I said whats a little pain in between friends LOL

JudyEddy said...

Interest frog video LYNNE2 and after you step in Sasquatch doo doo did you check it for change LOL
DANAMO did you get the rest of your money from the back yard

JudyEddy said...

So good to see my SIS check in

JudyEddy said...

I don't think I will get ever to reading the blog this way I keep loosing where I stopped at

Just may read backwards may be a little cornfusing

I just saw SAHRON pop in Hope your cough gets better

I know I think my mung is allergys from all the pollen

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE so glad your dinner was a success all of us on the blog knew it would be

I am so tired since I have gotten my cats I havn't had a full nites sleep they still come in my room and meow in the middle of the night

Sandi said...

Bethany weather forecast is still for possible thunderstorms this AM and then rain off and on all afternoon, but temps in the 60s. Speaking of weather, BEAUTIFUL snow pics CAROLANNE! I always love looking at them! I would be miserable on a snowmobile! I refuse to get on a jet ski b/c I know I would be freezing, no matter how hot the air temps would be. When we take our boat out, I take sweatpants and a sweatshirt, even in August, just in case I get cold!! =)

Sandi said...

Wonder where Shep is? They usually switch much earlier than this and Belle has been eggsitting for a long time! She's up and moving flugg.

JudyEddy said...

OUR EAGLE look soo so wet this am poor things

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I didn't claim to make up the word momberella

I had seen the word mombrella used earlier on the blog
typed it in and spell check (On facebook)made it MUMBRELLA My word was MUMbrella which is a real word I guess

JudyEddy said...

Still reading the blog a little a a time Ok gonna go sit on the rocker to long at the puter and I have to go to work shortly

CarolAnne said...

Sandi, enjoy your warm weather - I might envy it at times.

Amidst all the devasting news of the tornado damage, a heartwarming bit. The older gent who yesterday was devasted because he couldn't find his dog in the flattened rubble of his home, has at last been reunited with his dog. Life is good!

Bubby is stirring -- lurk mode awaits!

Take care all!

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

Watching a thing on the news about the quick turn around of these cruise ships (STAR) that come in and out of the ports here They show how they are albe to do it sooo fast and did you now what the first thing in the ship is Gonna guess its BEER I thought that was funny

JudyEddy said...

Look like more storm today in Ga everyone stay safe today

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning LORI I see you ????? in

JudyEddy said...

Hows is the Raptor porn at your place?? LOL

JudyEddy said...

Getting worried that Shep hasn't come in to take over his daddy duties Wonder where he is Playing golf is out of the question with the rain LOL Has he ever been this late I wonder I guess I am talking to my self as always

Lori O. said...

LOL JudyE! I'm sitting by the big window waiting for the rain to stop and the raptor HP to begin! I'll try to get pictures today!

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY did you hear from your friend on the other side of Louisville ??

they are showing a video of the tornado that hit Henryville in So Ind where the town is completely gone

JudyEddy said...

How far is the window to the barn is it Can you get a decent video??? I just love seeing porn to start my day LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well the panhandle which IS NOT ME is gonna have tornado warning today

Sandi said...

Belle yawns, but she's not calling for Shep. I would think she'd be so stiff! Sounds like the wind is picking up at the nest!

Morning LORI!!

JudyEddy said...

I just got binged in the head with a cat toy ball Benny is always playing with the fuzzy balls and making them go high in the air and he just got me too funny

I have many time found them on top of my furniture when her gets them air born and thanks goodness he doesn't go looking for them on top of the furniture I think I have seen him look for them after he throws them up like a bit ago one landed in between the hutch and the puter tower which I had to get out no way he could of gotten it He is playing and Jet is sleeping

Lori O. said...

It's going to be another windy day at the NEST:

Sunny, with a high near 56. Breezy, wind between 15 - 21 mph, with gusts as high as 32 mph.

magpie said...

scruffy eagle at BWE
look fast...

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi, Judy & CarolAnne, DanaMo!

Lori O. said...

Hey, good morning, MARGY!!!

magpie said...

such a very unusual bird..this is probably the one that got chased off yesterday

that cam goes a little wonky sometimes....

Good Morning Lori...good to see you, and others who have come aboard since I got to work

magpie said...


#400 BE ALERT...

magpie said...


magpie said...

Maybe Shep is having trouble finding some fish breakfast in the muddy Potomac....when he does, hope he brings a couple of whale-sized fish to the Palace

seriously I'd like to see him NOW

JudyEddy said...

I know I am worry where he is

JudyEddy said...

When was the last time he brought her food I know I haven't seen it in a long while She did think he brought something yesterday But didn't have anything but flugg in his talon I know I thought it was funny how she looked at his talon yesterday and found nothing I didn't notice it on the video until I downloaded it and viewed it that way

Sandi said...

Denny and I are still planning to go to the Eagle Festival at BW next Saturday. I'm sure there will be much talk about what has happened there this nesting season. Did you read that there are over 2 dozen eagle nests on the refuge property? Wow!

Sandi said...

Oops, tennis in 35 minutes and I'm still in my jammies!! Gotta scoot!! BBL!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI and you mean you don't want to wear your jammies to play tennis WHY I see people all day long at Walmart in their jammies and other store tooo I just couldn't do that myself either Silly people

JudyEddy said...

Yeah we have rain in the forcast for late nite and overnite rain Maybe it will clean up the pollen some in the air

Lori O. said...

Are you serious, JudyE? People really go out shopping in their pajamas? Puh-leeze!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...