Wednesday, January 05, 2011


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - 1 tiny cavity! :(

Thank you Steve... I will call the others.

NCSuzan said...

Thank you,Jo.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, how is your family liking Fayetteville?

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - I think they are loving it.
Some furniture pieces didn't fit...
German rooms are so much larger but
when the other grandparents came home from taking some things down this past weekend, she said they have been hard at work and that it is really great looking. (Pictures hung) They are waiting for the was/dryer to come down from Ft Drum Storage and then things should all be in place.

Samantha's first day at school had 10 new student's names on the board, so she wasn't alone.

NCSuzan said...

Sounds like a smoooth transition. That is good news. Know it takes a lot off your mind to know they are safe and happy.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, i over read your first comment. One tiny cavity is not bad. As we get older seems like lots more can happen. You did great from what I hear from people I know.

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - the less teeth the better your chances at only 1 cavity. lol

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, Capt. Father Gene still does what Zach does with something new:) He does everything but take the screws out to see what makes it tick:) He did that as a child, I was told!

NCSuzan said...

LOL! You are right about that.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Jo:)
My teeth are cracking and breaking off. Had one about a month ag0...$265.00. Another broke off a week or two ago...

Mema Jo said...

Big news!
Mason has been admitted to Bryn Mawr Rehab for two weeks.
He goes up this Friday. Okay super stars, do your thing.

Having followed Mason's progress forever, this is what his family has
been praying would happen. Tear of joy
for Mason and especially for his Mom and Dad!

Keep Mason in your prayers!

Mema Jo said...

Tears - lots of them - of Joy!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like your time is nearing, Wanda.
After all the years of dental work and dollars spent - they aren't there
anymore. That was a lot of pain and frustration that went into that dentist chair. I will say, having the same dentist over the years, that he
was/is the Best.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

Just saw on the bear center cam for the Pond, one of the bears wandering.
It was probably Honey - she knows exactly how to step on that wire fence and cross over it. Too funny.

Mema Jo said...

It is that time! Get my sneakers on for exercise with Jenny at Curves.


Costume Lady said...

Well I was driving down the interstate yesterday got off and got on Rt.11 and there.near the WV, Va border,
was an old man with a sign that said "almost heaven" so I sped up really fast
and hit him, Wonder if he made it? :)

floralgirl said...

EAGLE in the nest!

floralgirl said...

Now the other -with fluff

floralgirl said...

Both hanging out spreading fluff around nest cup.

floralgirl said...

One just flew out, maybe Lib

floralgirl said...

Lib back with more fluff!

floralgirl said...

Both working on nest, moving sticks and fluff around.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There are birds in our nest!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love them....

BTW, funny Wanda, very funny!!!

floralgirl said...

There goes one out of the nest to the right. One still standing in nest cup

floralgirl said...

And came right back!

floralgirl said...

A little 'discussion' going on over the nest cup.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Dropping in quickly to say "Howdy." Have to run, though. Must go to the DMV and pick up a vehicle code booklet for Hubby, so he can study it. Also have to stop by the UPS store and drop off a box we're returning.

The exterminator came and pulled all the rat traps from the attic this morning. The last guy who was here could only find 10 traps--this guy found 14! No rats, thank God.

Still no call or anyone from MCI, so no land line phone yet. MTBR....

Well, better hit the road. Still have homework to do for class tomorrow, too. Will check back later tonight. Looks like our eagles have been busy doing nestorations. That's wonderful!!! OK--later, alligators!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the heads up, Megan and Sissy:)


floralgirl said...

There goes one out to the right.

floralgirl said...

There goes Lib. Mt nest now, hopefully they will be back before dark! They were in the nest almost an hour.

Costume Lady said...

That's 3 times today...that we know of.

Costume Lady said...

Pretty flowers, Megan...brilliant colors.

floralgirl said...

They are sweet peas:)

Lolly said...

Well, I have been taking down decorations and cleaning and completely missed the visit. Hoping they come again soon.

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Got my "do" did and, as Paula says, I enjoyed a nice break in my miserable routine.

Jo, good dental report. Really happy the Ft. Bragg Gang is getting settled. Moving can be difficult.

Really happy for Mason. Will continue to send prayers for his recovery.

Wanda, you need to stop chewing on lobster shells!

Sure wish you could get land line service, Andy. Hope it happens very soon.

Lynne, sure wish the van hadn't failed emissions. Maybe repair won't be so expensive this time around.

Missed the eagles. Always do.


hedgie said...

Look, Mom---Jo only has one cavity!! Not as good as none, but sure better than a big one or many, Jo!!!

Jo, I was relieved to hear that Chloe didn't have to spend time in quarantine!! Glad that the kids are getting settled in. And cool that Sam has other newbies to relate to!!

See I missed our eagles! Nest will be in darkness soon. :(

Megan, are the sweet peas in the greenhouse or are pics from spring? They are beautiful!

Wonderful news for Mason. Bryn Mawr seemed to do him more good than anyplace before.

Andy, glad the rats are gone. Sure hope they stay gone! Maybe the swollen river washed them all away!

hedgie said... was your venture to the do shop??? Bet you are worn out. My head sure feels much better!! Bet yours does, too!

Lolly said...

Working on sound on bear cam. Lots of noise now. Maybe they can come work our sound!

hedgie said...

Should have refreshed before I typed, huh, Judie??!! The fact that you checked in is a good sign!
What's Darth got on the menu for tonight?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I'm going to come after you.
Your jokes are so real life that it isn't until the very last comment that I know it is a joke! Love them

It is Alexis evening!
Exercise went well..

Will it ever end................


Lynne2 said...

UGH, missed the birds again!

thanks Megan for the article!

Glad you had your "do" done Judie, and glad Jo only has one cavity!

Glad there were no rats in the attic Andy....just saw a thing on the news about rats in CA chewing up parts of cars and engines. Suspect they are moving in to them due to so much rain.

paula eagleholic said...

I think our nightlight is on during the day and goes off at night :)

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BWE

floralgirl said...


paula eagleholic said...



Lynne2 said...

funny you should say that Paula, I was wondering the same thing! LOL! Sure is brighter at the nest at the moment than it is outside!

glo said...

Eagle in the nest

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

tHINK that's Lib but not sure

Lolly said...

I see an eagle!

Lynne2 said...

YAY! Glad I'm here for THIS visit today!

glo said...

Hi everyone just wanted to give a heads up. We are going out to eat so I was just passing time waiting for the Lets Go and in came that gorgeous bird :-)

wvgal_dana said...

I'm here this time yep one in nest.

hedgie said...


paula eagleholic said...

See that, looks like the night light coming on. whiteout!

Lynne2 said...

wow, what happened, it just got REALLY bright!

wvgal_dana said...

Somebody just brightened up too much the live cam.

floralgirl said...

The picture is always deceiving this time of day, it really is darker here than it shows on cam right now.

paula eagleholic said...

I know Megan, that's what's so odd

Costume Lady said...

I can't understand the amount of light at the nest, but here at my house it is dark??

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles departing at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe if they took off that auto adjustment the night light would work.

hedgie said...

Rearranging fluff----pulling it up out of eggcup!

Costume Lady said...

You too, Megan?

paula eagleholic said...

Now I think that's Belle

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Dana...glad you made it in time:)

floralgirl said...

Yeah, it's way darker outside here, Wanda, the cam pic is just distorting it for some reason.

hedgie said...

Calling out for mate!

paula eagleholic said...

Gone to the right.

hedgie said...

And poof!

hedgie said...

And poof!

Lolly said...


Costume Lady said...

Agreed, Paula:) Saw that v-neck.

floralgirl said...

EAGLE back! now both

paula eagleholic said...

And back!


wvgal_dana said...

back now both

Lynne2 said...

wow both!

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...


hedgie said...

And both back!

hedgie said...

Messing with that old fur again!

Costume Lady said...

Wonder where Margy is? I can't keep up with her work schedule.

wvgal_dana said...

Really working in area of egg cup.

hedgie said...

Something seems to be bothering them a bit. Wish we had sound.

paula eagleholic said...

Looking to poof, they are just trying to figure out where they are going tonight.

One to the right

hedgie said...

Poof one.

Lolly said...

Now that was fun!

paula eagleholic said...

Second one gone now too.

What a treat!

hedgie said...

And watching exits and landings!!!

Lynne2 said...

well that was a lovely visit! and now I have to go feed some dogs....

Costume Lady said...

GOOD NIGHT LIB AND BELLE and thanks for the show:)

wvgal_dana said...

Awwwwwwww so beautful !! ( :

Costume Lady said...

I gotta go feed a Captain:)

hedgie said...

Wanda, loved your joke!!!
Margy is on night shift this week.
Got two pics to put in album.

hedgie said...

Wouldn't it be funny if the light was on a timer that is set wrong?? Pose that possibility to Steve, Paula!!!

PA Nana said...

♪♫ I saw 2 eagles.♫♪

Hi everyone. It's getting dark at the nest. Thought we were to have infared lighting. Anyone know for sure? And what about sound? I'm sure the one was calling for the second. Probably Belle calling for Lib and she had to go get him. ;o)

hedgie said...

Pics in album.

wvgal_dana said...

I put several pictures in album. Hedgie-Lynn it doesn't look like any are the same as the ones you put in. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Well I got to see them....thank you smiled down on me ( :

magpie said...

I'm with the rest of you...saw the visit....and read about all the previous ones today...☺

Megan you got your wish, sort of, they ARE spending more time in the nest, at least more little visits often...

Love the new avatars, Megan, Wanda, Paula, Suzan....

but always so happy to see Lolly's Sunshine !!

Good Evening Eagle Pals !
any evening with a Visit is a Good Evening, eh ??


PA Nana said...

Just heard on our local news that a bald eagle is at Zoo America at Hershey Park. Didn't catch what happened to it, but something about its one leg. They were saying it came from the south, but dont' know from where. Apparently was rehabilitated and then placed in the zoo.

Now I know where I can go to get a bald eagle 'fix' locally.

... still catching up. bbl

magpie said...

have a friend going to Cambridge MD for a few days Sunday, have sent him all the news about Blackwater !

PA Nana said...

Before I go to supper, I DID IT!

My avatar is our royal couple. I finally tried using the "snip it" tool and it worked. Sorry, it isn't the best possible pose, but I'm working on it.

Now, off to supper. ... later

magpie said...

Way to go Diannn!!!

Bravo !

hedgie said...

Yea, Diann! You did it!
Cool that you have an eagle nearby.

How did you sleep, Margy?? Well, I hope!

hedgie said...

Dana, you have mail!

Working on some housecleaning....I may have company coming tomorrow! Jo and Kristen are going to be nearby visiting Melissa and her brood, so hoping they will stop in!

magpie said...

That would be way cool Lynn....they could all meet Sweet Mai Ying ☺

yes, slept pretty well... ! thanks.

magpie said...

If you want to check out some really neat Bird Artistry work, check this out....there is a link on the article to more Charley Harper's works:

simply amazing

Charley Harper exhibit at Roger Tory Peterson Institute, New York

magpie said...

I got two Charley Harper Christmas cards this year ☺

Frameable !

magpie said...

shower time here !

be back later


Lynne2 said...

Steve and I were thinking of taking a little road trip to Loretta's park this weekend. Of course, I don't know if it's open to the public this time of year, etc.

LOOOOWWWWEEEEEDAAAAAAA! When you get here give me a shout and let me know! Shouldn't be too far from us, maybe just under an hour.

hedgie said...

That's pretty neat, Margy! Never heard of him before. Modern bird art!!

Mema Jo said...

Busy Busy since I have been gone.
Very very happy for all of you to have seen our Royal Couple.

I guess no one went out to hang the
lantern! Well we are going to have to get this problem resolved!

Alexis was chirper this evening! She couldn't be still - talk talk talk!

stronghunter said...


Great to see that Judie got her do did today.

Susan is reporting in that she saw many interesting things and got a sunburn today. Ecuador gets its name from the fact that it is on the equator, I have read.

Ms Bookworm said...

Finally getting back on here after my computer taking FOREVER to update Windows Vista (Service Pack #2)!

Got Hubby the DMV Vehicle Code book, and dropped off box at UPS store. Got some bills paid online (Phew!). Now need to help put dinner together.
Will be back later tonight! :o]

magpie said...


so Alexis is celebrating National Bird Day ☺

Lynne2 said...

Blackwater Wildlife Refuge Eagle Festival is Saturday, March 12 this year. Who's in??

Also, time for a road trip to Conowingo!

magpie said...

I'd like to be in for BOTH Lynne...depends on my work schedule and/or if I could get a day off ☺

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne and Paula went to Black Water
Open house one year. Paula will need to fill you in - Megan did or at least
wanted to go.
Pics in our E_M

Mema Jo said...

BW Festival - 2007 Paula and Megan

BW Open House 2006 Paula and Suzanne

floralgirl said...

BW open house is great! As long as the weather is decent.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I remember when Suz and I went....long wait to get over the Bay Bridge....rainy day, but we had fun!

Megan and I had a grand time, too.

Mema Jo said...

Paula I remember the comment was that
next time you would get a room and be there early morning to the Refuge.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, that's what we did! However, it took us forever to get there the night before...and we went down for the Open House, Suz and I.

wvgal_dana said...

Love all the avatars each is very special.

Prayers for Mason and prayer was answered so there is a PRAISE that he got into Bryn Mawr Rehab. That is what they had wanted.

Jo glad you now USA gang are getting settled.

Judie got a new do and got out of the house for something other than a doctors appointment.....another PRAISE!! (:

Shirley glad you and Susan are able to stay in touch.

Andy hope everything goes ok for your hubby and the DMV test. Glad the rats are gone ... eeekkk.

Diann you are getting to be a real computer person in here. ( :

Megan loves those flowers (:

Wanda what is happening to your teeth?????

Lynne hope you get to go over where Loretta works. Have fun !

I have always wanted to go to Blackwater. Don't know how much walking would be involved?????

Susan you are keeping up with comments I see ( : Nice going!!

Thanks Paula for the talk at least I know something crazy happened with those pictures.

Lynn I want to meet Mai too ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I need to get my feet and legs up.

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 2 hrs of Law & Order
9 and 10 At least it is 'new'

We have a possum coming up onto the deck the past few evening - Mainly because hubby spotted him looking into the sliding glass door! I really don't know how good their vision is but they seem to be able to smell their way to food. Didn't have any apples one evening - so out went a peeled banana broken in half. It


stronghunter said...

Visit to the dentist today was not entirely good. They did a pulp test to see if my two front teeth are viable and I did not feel anything. Not a good sign. They will try again in March, but it is likely that I will need a root canal.

I really did not know what I was supposed to feel, so he did the same thing on one of my other teeth, and I almost jumped out of the chair.

wvgal_dana said...

Please keep in prayer Ed's Aunt Anna Mae Bracken. I don't know much at this time. She had breast cancer but supposely they got it all. I think cancer did come back she is elderly and in a rehab at this time. Thank you all.

stronghunter said...

Need to post a few grades. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for her, Dana.

magpie said...

O nice avatar Shirley
sorry about the dentist appointment

prayers for Aunt Anna Mae Dana

magpie said...

happy to hear Judie got her "do"
though I thought her comment about looking like Raggedy Ann beforehand was kinda cute

hedgie said...

Prayers for Ed's aunt, Dana.

Oh, sorry you got that bad news about your teeth. Are they loose or cracked at all? Or did the impact maybe just bruise the nerve? I am hurtimg for you just talking about it.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, which doggie is on your avatar, been meaning to ask.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope your teeth improve, Shirley.

glad Judie made it out and back, and is feeling more 'done'.

wvgal_dana said...

Heading for recliner

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone! Speaking of teeh, I ended up crawling in a hole last night (you didn't see me back after the nest visit) & stayed there 'til AM. I lost a small molar WITH A CROWN eating COOKED black-eyed peas!!!!!!!!!I had noticed for 2 days that tooth seemed loose!?Several weeks ago, I wanted something salty & could only find a bag of Chex mix. I tried to be careful & was "soaking" a piece of Dorito. When I chewed it, got a sharp pain in gum next to that tooth & figured it got stabbed by the chip. Now I'm thinking it got fractured below the gum line & that is what was hurting. Pain went away in a couple days, so cancelled appt.It snapped off at gumline. Doesn't hurt, ut got knot in stomach so put rest of my dinner plate in fridge, curled up in afghan in chair & ended up staying there.
Thank you for listening! It's not the end of the world, but the mental anguish is awful. I just got that crown last spring I think & it was BIG bucks.I don't know what the dentist will want to do.If he wants to touch (slice) my gum to remove root, I'm not going!They're both FINE!!!I can tolerate pain, it's just the idea of it all.If there's a chance of decay on root top, why couldn't he coat it w/something and I keep it????
TY so much. If this is too long, I'll delete.

magpie said...

nice new pics in the E-M album...kinda can't tell exactly what times the visits were though...

Paula your avatar is exquisite...

headed for a short round of z's before work tonight

Best wishes for a Good Night everyone...

xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Well, I have worked hard today. All that remains is the tree and, of course, getting everything into the attic. Groan! However, Jack does not seem to mind. I store what I can in the house.

Also, bought a new bathroom vanity stool. It came in a box and I had to put it together. I was successful except for the last two screws. Jack got home and finished it up. Yea!

Now I am sitting down for the rest of the evening...what is left of it!

magpie said...

Oh really sorry to read about this.....!

magpie said...

I don't think your post is too long NN - but what is too long is the amount of time you have been in discomfort over it !!
(( hugs ♥ ))

Hi Lolly


Lolly said...

Oh, Shirley and Loweeda! I feel your pain...mental and physical. It is the pits to have teeth problems. (((Hugs)))

Loweeda.....did you read back and see Lynne's question to you?

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! (((Hugs)) to you too! :)

magpie said...

distresing note on the Weather Channel about millions of fish which died in the Chesapeake Bay...and more dead birds now in three states in the South....exact cause unknown

floralgirl said...

Yuk- too much tooth pain on here, it's the worst. So sorry for you Loretta and Shirley.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Loretta. Your tooth problem sounds painful. I would get it taken care of.

As I said to the dentist, my tooth issue is what it is. If I must have a root canal, so be it. Both of my daughters have had one, and it was not as bad as they thought it would be. Our dentist is very good with pain control.

We changed dentists because the one we had was not good at all with pain control. He would just sneak up and jab you.

Lolly said...

Jack went to Denton today. He installed some closet shelves, picked the boys up at school, and helped Laurel with moving more stuff to and fro Faye's house. He ate dinner with them. (Joey is well on his way to N. Carolina) I am going up there tomorrow afternoon, but I am going to spend the night. Need to be there both days for the boys. Joey comes home Saturday.

stronghunter said...

My teeth are not hurting nearly as much now, actually. For quite awhile, I could not bite anything with my front teeth. Had to break food into small pieces and put it in my mouth at the side.

But that is gum pain. My gums were very bruised. I still have a crooked lip. I notice it when I put on lipstick. I think it is still a bit swollen. It is a little sore. I really did a number on myself.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, my teeth do not feel loose, but the two front ones are cracked, and they were both chipped. They have fixed the chipped parts.

They were pushed back, but they are going to stay where they are. I needed braces when I was a kid. That has been partially taken care of, but I would not recommend this method of orthodontics.

stronghunter said...

Paula, the doggie is Flash. I think Hunter took that picture.

Funny thing--today I was sitting in the recliner and the dogs went a little crazy the way they sometimes do and started barking and growling and running through the house. George got very annoyed and started meowing and growling at them. I suppose that might go on during the day when we are not here.

NatureNut said...

Yes, new subjects....
For Lynn-Hedgie--the past few days when clicking on the red Blog icon on desktop, I was only getting thread up to Thursday.When I used MKy Fave address, I got the correct front page. I replaced my B last night--it's working, but very slow.
Lynne, If you need a link for Patuxent River Park, I'll try to find it. Everything is online, including directions. I don't work this weekend (every other Sat.), but that doesn't matter, you can explore on your own.You might want to make a left onto Entrance road to hit Visitor Center first, get maps, etc., and you're right on the River & places to see there.In another big white house are offices & if you go on Sat., Greg Kearns, our top naturalist will be there & you can ask to visit him & he'll tell you everything you ever wanted to know + .☺

Lolly said...

Yes, Shirley, you really did do a number on yourself. I remember my last fall. I put up my hands to break the fall. Both wrists were badly sprained. Xrays showed they were not broken, but very painful. However, I think I would go with the wrist injuries than face injuries.

Judie said...

Just stopping by to say goodnight.

Shirley, I am sorry about the teeth situation. Maybe the tissue will regenerate. I hope so.

Lowreeeda, vooked black eyed peas are for good luck, not bad luck. Hope the tooth can be taken care of easily. You have my sympathy.

Lynn, glad your head feels better.

Shirley, good to know Susan is have some good experiences.

Dana, prayers for Aunt Anna Mae. Hope you're feeling better.

Paula and Megan have really terrific avatars.

Don't think possum eyesight is all that good.

Managed just fine today with Darth's help. Never realized salon chairs can lock in position. That helped a bunch. Used a walker from chair to wash basin.

Margy, hope it's quiet at work tonight.

Okay, I am tired tonight so will be turning my light off. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, or to the many recliners which seem to be in use these nights. Sandperson is calling. Until tomorrow...

NatureNut said...

Shirley, I don't have any pain right now at all!!!That's why I want to keep it that way!!
BTW, if you do have to get root canals, they will probably want to do crowns in near future also. When root is dead, teeth get brittle and can fracture, they usually turn grey eventually, too. As long as you have healthy gums, that would probably be the best way to go. Of course you may want to win the lottery unless you have dental insurance!

stronghunter said...

I do have dental insurance, but this is on Workmans Comp. I do not know how far I can take it. But the accident is covered.

I can ask more questions. The dentist said the teeth can break at any time because they are cracked. My two front teeth. Not the ones I would wish to let go.

NatureNut said...

Lynne, PRP is open every day of the year except Thanks giving, Xmas & NY. Hours now are 8AM to 5PM. Closing times go up w/sunlight in the spring/summer months.

Lolly said...

Not the ones you want to break off either. Talk about crawling into a hole!

hedgie said...

I've already been to the tub, Judie, so I am here today goodnight to you.....glad you made out well today.

Loretta, SO sorry about your tooth. Hope there is something he can do. Don't put it off.

Shirley, you really DID do a bang-up job---no pun intended. Poor girl. No, definitely not the right approach to orthodontia. Best of luck with the whole mess.

Lolly, you never told us how the Christmas surprise of Jack's chair went over!!!!

Lolly said...

I am getting very jealous of all the talk of seeing all the parks within your driving range and doing things together. And Jo may stop by Lynn's house tomorrow to meet Mai. Think I am going into a severe pout!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture of Susan with her group on my blog. Lots of pictures on FB. I posted her first pictures and it just keeps growing. I think I posted the link, so it adds the ones she adds. Believe there are 66 pictures now. She has been busy.

Lolly said...

He loves his chair!!! It looks so nice and he looks so comfy sitting in it. I did good! LOL

Lolly said...

Love the picture, Shirley. Pretty picture of Susan.

NatureNut said...

I'll try to do a "Blue Thingy" for Park;
Patuxent River Park

Some activities mentioned only take place from April thru Oct., such as canoe/kayak rentals, free Sunday pontoon boat ride (2PM), and Rural Life Museum buildings are open w/historians present Sat. & Sun those months. You can visit them & they have interpretive signs outside!

I'm all for Conowingo & Blackwater field trips!!Coworker is going w/friends to BW this weekend I think.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lolly. I posted another one. I am enjoying her trip.

NatureNut said...

Sorry, Lolly. Don't want you to feel left out----just be a jetsetter, too, & hop on plane for any E_M outing!
I'd love to see the OK site where the eagle nest is on the lake & of course go to Llano again when the eagles are there.

stronghunter said...

Got a few grades posted. I am now three grades short of what is required for the whole course and there are more to go. I have some parents who seem to check every day.

stronghunter said...

Okay, just got a "ha, ha, no snow here" comment from Susan. It looks quite summery there from the pics.

hedgie said...

I thought it was summer down there. She won't want to come home!
Loretta, you just need to hop a plane for TX and visit daughter and Lolly & Jack....and go with them to OK!

Lolly said...

Loweeda, come visit your daughter and Jack and I will meet you at the eagles nest.

Lolly said...

LOL Great minds, Lynn!

NatureNut said...

Great pics of Susan, Shirley!
Since she's filming a lot, I hope she can take some if they go to Galapagos!

hedgie said...

Nice pics, Shirley!

I just sent a lovely YouTube out to all. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Lolly said...

Actually the OK nest is quite a ways from Austin. We are about 3 north of Austin and then the OK nest is several hours north of us. The eagles in Texas should have already laid the eggs. Told Jack I want to go soon. Last year we went too late.

stronghunter said...

It is on the equator, so it is always summer, though she said that because of the altitude, it is more like spring. However, she says that they think it is cold if it gets down to 60 degrees. I suppose it doesn't get terribly hot, though.

NatureNut said...

Going to TX is a thought. We used to go every Xmas & now (since cats) Fubby doesn't want to go! He told me to go myself last year, but I thought that would give me a big guilt trip on Xmas Day!But, I might have to go. It's been somewhat depressing not to see them at Xmas. They came up here one year.

hedgie said...

Wonder where BEagle is today. Hope she's not lost in blog neverland. Really strange situation with it. Sorry she has missed all the eagle action today.

NatureNut said...

Speaking of TX, one of my goals was to see a roseate spoonbill. When Sherry lived in Houston, we went down to Galveston where they should be, but didn't see any. Lady at Park emailed me over Xmas, that she and her daughter (who lives there) went kayaking in Gulf and saw them!!!!Have to find out if she got pics.

Lolly said...

Well, Loweeda, if you do come to visit your daughter be sure to let us know. We could schedule a trip down. We would take our trailer to Lake Buchanan, meet you at the nest and find some place to dine, maybe dinner a la Lolly and Jack at the trailer. LOL Fine dining!

hedgie said...

YooHoo........Christie just sent me this:

NC eagle nest

It only is on from dawn to dusk. NCSuzan-----is it near you????

stronghunter said...

I got to see Belle sitting in the nest today, then I took off to go on my errands. Got myself some new books to listen to. A David Baldacci book.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to go upstairs. I am about to fall asleep.

NatureNut said...

Going to nibble something more----maybe Moosetrack Choc. ice cream!!!It's the light ice cream & I will brush to save the root!! LOL
BBL, but if I konk, thank you for letting me vent & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Loweeda, we could attempt to schedule this...

River Cruise

I guess it is up and running. Lake was so low that last year they were not doing the cruises. Have always wanted to do this.

hedgie said...

Sleep well, Shirley.
Loretta, enjoy your ice cream....and you know you can vent to us anytime!!!!!

hedgie said...

Re: Lily----cool that they will be able to adjust the microphone reception. Sure hope that Lily doesn't mind have her private parts checked!!! Hope she still loves Lynn!

stronghunter said...

By the way, Susan says the kitty in her Ecuador pictures is named Niko and that he plays soccer. I hope she sends some pictures or a video of that.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like I have at least 10 minutes reading your comments since I left.


hedgie said...

Neat-looking/sounding cruise, Looly!!

hedgie said...

Oops, LOLLY!

Shirley, I don't find any other pics...looked on FB.

Mema Jo said...

I sure am anxious for an answer to the dead fish/birds. Didn't realize it hit the Bay.

Get those teeth fixed - By the time I was in my late 60's there wasn't anymore that could be done. I don't like dentures but what can you do - I like steak!

magpie said...

Oh, I think we had the free river pontoon ride and it was NOT on a Saturday! Privileged characters, us Momsters...when we visited Loretta at PRP.

Greg Kearns, he the Owlist ?? I know there are two Gregs there....

magpie said...


magpie said...

Lynn -
I am all ready to tease Carolyn tonight...
even funnier is going to be when Andy hears about it! He had already scooted outta there before she realized her keys were in the ignition and doors locked ☺

Mema Jo said...

I would love a River cruise or two.
It says 20 or more there's a discount!
I'll start a sign up sheet.

Watching some of the news... Want to hear that homeless man sing.

magpie said...

sister of mine spent 6 weeks January-February two years ago near Naples Florida...saw Roseate Spoonbills, ibises, and all manner of wonderful water birds !

magpie said...

Okay Go for It:


magpie said...

time for work here...will check new pics and links in the morning....

Good night Pillow People ☺

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...