Wednesday, January 05, 2011


New thread.


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PA Nana said...

both gone...

floralgirl said...

Both flew out to the right.

hedgie said...

Poof.....all gone. Bet that's it for today.

I made the split....painless.

floralgirl said...

See the night light suddenly kick on

wvgal_dana said...

Has that washed out look now. Mybe the light came on???

NatureNut said...

Phooey, just missed them! Didn't look at the clock.
Yes, nest is real pale!

Costume Lady said...

I don't know what is going on with the lighting, but it is absolutely DARK here (three miles away) and Megan is, what, 5 miles away.

floralgirl said...

It's just the light on the cam makes it look brighter than it is for some reason, in 5 or 10 minutes it will get dark just like it always does.

Costume Lady said...

It has to be a night light of some sort, but only lasts for a short while.

Costume Lady said...

I think NCTC got a DUD and needs to get their money back...AFTER the nesting season is over!:)

PA Nana said...

Oops! Before it's too late ...

NatureNut said...


Lynne2 said...

thank you thank you! and for your viewing pleasure (or a good chuckle), here is my very first picture on the day I was born!

NatureNut said...

Now nest is getting darker, but can still see it pretty well.
What was that suggestion about Wanda taking a lantern?!!LOL

Costume Lady said...

♫♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, LYNNE♫♪♫♪ Hope it was and will be a good one♥

NatureNut said...

Oh, Lynne. How cute!!

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, can't find a ladder tall enough;)

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, your picture looks very much like my first born. I'll have to look it up and compare!

Lynne2 said...

I was little, too, just 6 and half pounds! NOW look at me!!

Lynne2 said...

the actual picture is really faded but through the miracle of computer, I was able to define it more.

hedgie said...

So much for a!!

Lynne, you were a cutie!!!!! And you still are!

magpie said...

It's precious Lynne, just like YOU are NOW ..
Happy Birthday again ! Had my days mixed up...your snail mail card will be really snaily

I had sound earlier on live feed but had to turn speakers WAY up -

there used to a link to update Adobe on the live feed, don't see that info on there now

Good Evening Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Glad to hear Jo and Jenny made it to your Lair, Lynn...sorry to hear of the wrist nip

magpie said...

I have sound now also...but I only hear some wind
I had that clicking noise earlier when I was sleep-walking mid-day
Megan, like what used to be at NBG when the chat comments were going up but I don't hear that now

magpie said...

pic links on BWE for a Southern Flying Squirrel and a nice one on BWO of an eagle with a fish on the platform

floralgirl said...

Yeah, Margy, that's exactly what that clicking it sounded like. Then later, I refreshed the cam page because it wasn't loading properly then I had sound for a little while.

NatureNut said...

Wanda, you can put a ladder on a picnic bench!!! LOL

hedgie said...

LOL, Loretta.....would have to be an awfully long Jack's beanstalk, maybe!!!

Margy, are you next to come visit???? When are you off? Good that Carolyn's weekend starts tonight....she wasn't able to get good sleep today.

Mema Jo said...

I put one good 'beakin' picture in the E_M album

Finished Dinner....... Hubby says there are some TV shows on tonight that
I like....... I need to look to see
what they are.

hedgie said...

Jo.....good TV tonight! CSI and The Mentalist-----NEW! Also Grey's and Private Practice, but know you don't watch them. Think Lolly does. And I tape them!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LYNNE!!!! Hope you are having a SPECTACULAR day!!! Wishing you many, many more, too!

Have been SO busy today, cleaning house and waiting for the Sears tech to get here and check out our various appliances. Couldn't get any homework done on the computer because couldn't hear the cell phone OR the doorbell while listening with earphones! Will be getting home from school VERY, VERY late tonight!

The Sears guy must have pulled or vacuumed about 20 pounds of lint out of our dryer and dryer vent! The durn thing should work extremely well now! He ordered a part for the dishwasher--one of the top rack components. It will show up in about 2 weeks, and I should be able to install it myself. He adjusted the temperature on the refrigerator/freezer so that the meat keeper drawer won't freeze the meat kept in it--just keep it at about 35 degrees. So, appliance-wise, I guess we're good to go. NOW, if only our land line phone were fixed! Still haven't heard from MCI.

OOPS! Hubby is home! Gotta run. Will try to get back here after school tonight. :o]

hedgie said...

Geesh........don't know what happened...I was deleting a favorite.....and all of a sudden, they re-arranged themselves alphabetically. I have done everything I knew to try to do that on this puter, but it WOULDN'T! Now it did it itself.........will I ever find anything???????? I was SO used to knowing "where" to look in the list!

Costume Lady said...

Wish I could have visited with Jo and Jenny...maybe Margy and I can get togethere. It's hard with her work schedule and my days with GG. Would love to visit with Baby Mai and Lynn, too. Am inviting myself!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


This is the post I never wanted to make. Brandon's lung continued to collapse regardless of all medical efforts. He has chosen to be made comfortable. We had a dear family time with him prior to their giving him the needed pain relief. He is now resting comfortably and they expect him to pass away soon.

Obviously, this is a very hard time for us. We hold to God's promise that He is good.

We will update later.

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, bring down Frank's picnic bench and we see if I can reach the nest Limb;) Gene has a pretty tall ladder, but only reaches to the top of our house:)

Lynne2 said...

Oh Bev, how sad. Prayers for an easy transition for him, and prayers for family and friends.

hedgie said...

Sissy, thanks for update. I was afraid of this. Prayers for a peaceful passing for Brandon, and for strength for his family and friends.

Wanda, you are welcome anytime! You know that! Everyone is!!!

Costume Lady said...

Lord, take him gently and soon, if he must go. Be with his family and loved ones. Amen

Lynne2 said...

what the heck is that white thing on Lily Cam that is pulsating?????

Lynne2 said...

now her head is resting up there so it looks like it's on her's creeping me out! IT IS THE BLOB!

BEagle said...


I peeked in on Belle and Lib a few times today. It was the still cam but easy to tell they were fluffing up the nest!

There is an eagle on the 4Kids nest too!
You can barely see it though as the sun is almost gone.

Mema Jo said...

Bev, thank you for delivering the heartbreaking news - Praying that God will take Brandon home with Him. I pray his family and friends will find peace in their Faith. ((hugs))

BEagle said...

That blob looks like spidey to me!

BEagle said...

Or maybe Lily sneezed! That could very well be the case!

Lynne2 said...

LOL! Living Bear Booger! I have been hearing her snorting....

I's creepy, whatever it is. It has a little appendage that keeps moving......EEEWWWW!

BEagle said...

Oh no. I am sorry to hear about Brandon.

Prayers going up for the family and friends.


magpie said...

Sissy and Family -

my prayers are with you
It is good to know there have been some good family times in the recent weeks leading up this.

God Bless He prepares a new home for him, one without illness or pain or sorrow

(( Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

Doesn't take much to make me happy and the word beside my TV show that says
NEW makes me ecstatic.

I just watch the Mating Battle on the
North American Bear Center...
I wasn't going to watch it at first - but then I did.

Mating Battle

NatureNut said...

Oh, Bev, so sorry to hear about Brandon. Hope God will be kind to him and soothe his family.

Mema Jo said...

Let me tell you about my trip to Lynn's:

Lynn's home is beautifully decorated for Christmas... Her decorated tree was still up. One table (coffee table) was filled side by side with her collection of Christmas trees. Beautiful ones. In her office is a large shelf full of her collection of Frogs. Elsewhere there is the evidence of lots and lots of Light houses.... Also lots of quilts and special throws.
I could have stayed there all afternoon and still would not have seen everything ! Just beautiful.
The coffee was good also!

magpie said...

Oh that's neat Jo...great descriptions and Lynn makes a good coffee when she herself does not drink it ! That's a Momster for you !

Wanda...good, about our schedules ?

all in good time, but possibly not before Christmas is un-done at Lynns's

going for mail for me and the neighbor lady, back in awhile


NatureNut said...

Understand some have cloudy skies, so posted teeny moon pics on blog.

Mema Jo said...

Now let me tell you about Mai:

Mai was so excited to see me and Jenny
She really couldn't contain herself and just jumped right up and kissed us both! She is a beautiful color and she
has a dark spot under her chin and on her tail. Lynn let her back into her cage when we had our coffee and with our backs to her she had the sweetest little whine trying to get us to pay her attention! Love that Mai!

hedgie said... is a Charlotte. Lynn or Sue mentioned a few days ago that this den had one,too. Last years' did, too. Of course, they know it's not the same spider, but they call them Charlotte like we call ours Boris.

hedgie said...

Jo, you are so sweet and kind. Glad you enjoyed the visit.....and all my knick-knacks. And so sorry that Mai nailed you---I really hate that!!

Lolly said...

Hi all! I am at Laurel's. She has taken Joseph to basketball practice and I am about to chase Jacob into the shower.

Need to read back on the blog. Did read about Jo's visit to Lynn. So jealous!

No papers to grade tonight as Laurel has caught up. However, there is a playroom to work on. We are going to do that after the boys are in bed. Jack installed a new shelf and we are going to load games.

Tomorrow I have laundry to do and think I will dust, possibly vacuum, but I do not vacuum stairs!!!!

magpie said...

Great pictures, Loretta !

Jo, I can imagine how much you enjoyed all those frogs !

Lolly....enjoy yourself amidst the chasing and hard work

back go bed here for me for awhile, sleep was not so solid during the day

Best wishes for a Good Evening, everyone


hedgie said...

I'll gladly leave Christmas stuff up another wweek if Margy and Wanda can work a visit in!!!

Lolly, you are smart not to do steps. It is a difficult and dangrous endeavour! I hate doing them!! Was much easier at the other house where I had central vac---all I had to worry about was the hose. One free hand for rail!

hedgie said...

Tub time when Jeopardy ends. BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

Bev so sorry about Brandon. Prayers for God's precious receiving of Brandon. Prayers for his family and friends. What a special person he is to except his losing condition and prepare what he wants done. Praying for his family and friends due to their coming lose.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I am jealious you got to see Mai!!!!! hee hee You have described a wonderland at Lynn's Roost. I would love to get there before she takes Christmas things down. Sound so beautiful..

Following Jo to the tv

Mema Jo said...

Dana, Wanda and Margy do take time to visit with Lynn. You'll love her home and the decor is just beautiful.

Lolly said...

Whoopee! Jacob is in bed. He showered, brushed his teeth, and we read a book and I had him in bed before bedtime. Usually I am running late. Shhhh! Don't tell him. :)

Read back and see that there was a evening visit. I am getting excited now. It won't be long.

Would you believe that Joey drove straight to NC? I can not believe he did that. He told Laurel he was tired but not sleepy. I think he was really tanking up on coffee.

Lolly said...

Bear Update

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - angels must have been watching over Joey. How many miles was it?

I remember coming home from NY on time and I wasn't tired or sleepy but the monotonous of the road caught me up and I praise the DOT for putting down those
rumble strips! Saved me........

Going into TV - NEW TV Shows

Lolly said...

Expecting Laurel and Joseph home any time now. Sure is quiet here with Jacob asleep. Not sure how far it is Jo. Will have to ask. We drive straight through to GA and that is 12 hours. I think it took him about 16 hours, not sure.

Sounds like they were playing with the sound on our cam today. Can't believe Megan said she could hear the children. Wow! I want that again. Also, it looks like the night light comes on and stays on for only 10 to 15 minutes. ???? It looks great, then poof black!!!

They are going to Lily's den tomorrow. They were set to go today but could not find a piece of equipment they needed. Found it and are going tomorrow.

Lolly said...

I see what Wanda was talking about at the den. Looks like a leaf may be caught in a web and blowing in the breeze. Looks funny!

stronghunter said...


Lolly, where in North Carolina? Maybe you said. I'll admit I haven't read back. I am so tired and sleepy. Did not sleep much last night and had a busy day at work.

BEagle said...

I think it is a leaf somewhat suspended by a web or at the end of a twig poking out from the den. If 'twere a spider it would have moved by this time surely.

Lily will take care of it later.

BEagle said...

Good night.
You are in my prayers.

hedgie said...

I used to drive straight through to FL---21 hrs. Alone. Once with Cinnamon with me (that was the year I fell down there and broke my wrist. Carolyn came down by bus to drive me home!). Last trip was '04. Sure glad those days are behind me. Don't think I could do the 14 to MO now (do all the driving). Always have one of the girls now. Been a little over a year since last trip there.

Lolly said...

Elkin, N. Carolina. Laurel says it is two hours from Gastonia. He stopped there at an aunts house.

hedgie said...

Dana, hurry and feel better so you can visit.

stronghunter said...

Posted a few more pictures from Ecuador. Susan is busy with homework tonight.

stronghunter said...

I lived near Gastonia, Lolly. In a small town called Stanley.

stronghunter said...

Not so very far from Charlotte. We moved around some. I have lived all over the state.

stronghunter said...

I think Elkin is west, nearer the mountains.

stronghunter said...

So sleepy I can hardly type. I will see you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

magpie said...

This will be a nice book when we can get our hands on it:

Lady of the Loch of the Lowes

got this off the Puleson site, which also has links about the fish in the Chesapeake, and the birds that dies in the South
Puleston site Message Board

magpie said...

Good Night glad you could check in...
like the new pictures of Susan and her friends

magpie said...

There is a link to the Decorah Eagles nest cam on Puleston also, it is up and running
you probably already know that

Let me catch you all before you lay your Friday Duds out:

Red Friday tomorrow
for our Military Personnel ♥

Lolly said...

Looked at a map. Elkin is north/west of Gastonia just off I77. Joey has an aunt and cousins, as well as his brother in NC. Faye lived in Columbia for a while.

hedgie said...

Margy, what a poignant story that book will portray. Will NEVER forget the drama of last summer. WHile I don't hold out much hope that Lady will return this spring, she has left a great legacy.....hope we CAN get the book!

hedgie said...

More nice pics, Shirley. Hope you sleep better tonight.

hedgie said...

Posted some of Jo's pics on my Lair!

Lolly said...

I am going to say good night. Laurel has bathed and now it is my turn. Ready to get comfy. We worked together on the play room. I am going to work some more in there tomorrow. They came home from Christmas at our house, dumped the new toys, and then Laurel worked all last week at Faye's. Needless to say 6 and 10 year old boys do not really straighten play rooms. LOL

Lolly said...

Night all! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Okay, time for me to join the night work force...
we are missing a few faces tonight...
Paula ? Hope you are doing okay!

Hope Sleep is Sweeeet

Prayers for our sorrows and challenges, and for Wellness...

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Eyes are starting to droop, so gonna get off 'puter.
Margy, thx for that info about Isla. That will be a wonderful book. Will read about it in AM ☺

Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Oh , it's not too late to wish Lynne a

☺☺♫♫ Happy Happy Birthday ♫♫☺☺

hedgie said...

Early morning for me---retiree breakfast. Of course, if snowing, I ain't gonna go!
Sleep tight all. Prayers for all needs, especially for Brandon's family.
J&J, thanks for visiting!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the bear video, Jo. Almost like a dog fight...interesting sounds they made, never would have thought a bear.

paula eagleholic said...

Sure hope our sound is on its way back!

So so sorry for Brandon and his family.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta, I am drooping too! Back the hall I go!

Good Night Everyone of you!
Prayers for all my friends and their families. I pray for Brandon's soul and his family to be at peace.
Hugs to Everyone of you! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm home from school. Sissy, so very sorry to hear the news of Brandon. (((HUGS)))! Prayers going up for him, and for his whole family! God bless him, and them too.

So excited to hear that someone is writing a book about Isla! She certainly is worthy of one. What an osprey!

Glad the visit to Lynn's went so well!
Wish I could have been there too! Would LOVE to meet Mai, not to mention her Mom!

Dana, prayers continue for Aunt Anna Mae. Hope Little Man and you are doing better, too!

Shirley, hope you rest especially well tonight. What a wondeful thing that your daughter is having such a good time in Ecuador! Such an adventure! BTW, LOVE the picture of Flash!

Well, guess I'll go watch Grey's. Finally a NEW episode! Prayers have been said for everyone, especially for Brandon and his entire family.
The night light and porch light are on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep snugly, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Tonight, we watched the last of the videos we rented for the Holidays. It was Benjamin Button.
Very good movie...something different for a change.

Had a very good visit with GG. She was napping when we first got there. She had peeled and cooked a 5pound bag of potatoes, mashed them and whiped them til they were as creamy as pudding. She dreamed of mashed potatoes and fried chicken, so, she called me this morning and thold me she would make the potatoes if I brought the fried chicken and gravy. Sooo, that is what we are going to do:)
See you folks tomorrow.l


NCSuzan said...

Good Morning! Supposed to s--w this afternoon. Have to go to get my labs done this morning. Have not yet found a new doctor here so have to travel to the old office. Hope everyone is chipper and well. Sorry to hear of Brandon. What an inspiration his life has been. Also hoping for good eagle visits!

hedgie said...

Good early morning. Too early to see anything on our cams......BUT neither one is working anyway------argh!!!!!!

Suzan, hope you find a new doc right away! Always better to have someone local just in case! How far do you have to travel to see the old one?

No s--w here and hoping it stays that way, so getting ready for breakfast apptmt.

hedgie said...

Mai had me up at 2:30 and then she started in at 5:30---half-an-hour before alarm was set for. Then she wouldn't come ut of crate. Go figure! I'll be ready to leave well before it's time. :(

hedgie said...

Got the bad news last evening that my Mr. Bill and his partner are probably going to shut down their carpet business. No recovery in sight for them. Not only the economy, but partner is ill and wants out. Store is seriously in debt and they haven't even drawn their own salaries in months. Sad days ahead after over 25 yrs. in business.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, that is so sad about your friend's business. And to be in debt too after all those years. This economy needs to change. Oh, i have to drive only an hour. It is aneasy trip.

NCSuzan said...

Just finishing up my nebulizer treatment, go to the little girls room one more time, fill up the portable oxygen and vroom, vroom! LOL

hedgie said...

Suzan, just saw an ad for a portable concentrator....expensive but it said Medicare covers it.
If I needed O2 all the time, I would definitely get it. I only use at night so at this point the unportable is fine. For you and Jo:

O2 alternative

hedgie said...

Time to shut down. See you all later!

Lori O. said...

Morning Eagle Friends!

Does anyone have any idea when either of the cameras will be working?

Dana - still noonish prayer for eagles AND cams?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Up early and no cam! Lori, it was up yesterday when it got dark.

Whoops! Time to walk to school with the boys!

Be back shortly!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Light dusting of snow early this morning but partly sunny now. More snow in the AM tomorrow.

Lynn, SO sorry to hear that Bill is going to shut down the business. That's so heartbreaking a thing to happen.

Sure hope they get the bugs worked out of the cam soon.

Heading over to Irvine for a couple of hours.

Costume Lady said...

Can't help but wonder how often this cam is going to do this to us!?
I have to repeat what I said yesterday, this cam must be defective to be doing this every other day. Wonder if Steve or John has contacted the company that the cam was bought from and told them of the problems they are having with it?

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I know where Bill is coming from with the closing of his business! Our shop has dropped down to just a fraction of what we used to make. Although we have been making a profit, we question whether it is worth staying open. We have thought about selling the business...building and all. Just don't know what to do. I would really miss that OCTOBER excitement, but is it worth the time and effort we put into it? I don't know.

Costume Lady said...


Is that you Lord?

A blonde wanted to go ice fishing. She'd seen
many books on the subject and, finally getting all the necessary tools together,
she made for the ice.

After positioning her comfy footstool, she
started to make a circular cut in the ice. Suddenly, from the sky a voice


Startled, the blonde moved further down the ice,
poured a thermos of cappuccino, and began to cut yet another hole. Again from
the heavens the voice bellowed,


The blonde, now worried, moved away, clear down
to the opposite end of the ice. She set up her stool once more and tried again
to cut her hole.

The voice came once more,


She stopped, looked skyward, and said,


The voice replied,


Lolly said...

Groan.....Wanda is up to it again. LOL And, you had to warn Jo, huh?

Walked the boys to school. It is only a block, but by the time we get to the front of the school, it is 2 blocks. Nice way to wake up. It is 38, but sunny. Saw the sun come up, it was a pretty sunrise. Tomorrow at home I sleep in. I love this neighborhood. Pretty custom homes, sidewalks, trees, and they are at the end of a cul de sac. (sp?) So, no traffic!

Have started laundry but coffee and morning time first!

Lolly said...

Still no cam!!!! Grrrrr!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Susan, Lynn-Hedgie, Lolly, Wanda, Lynne2, Lori and all watching.

wvgal_dana said...

I am still holding a noon time prayer until I see eggs and I'm including these CAMS!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I got snow flurries

wvgal_dana said...

I got pics to put in album from yesterday. Got too sick to put them in. Was sick all night so I might have to take a panda nap later. Dang medicines!! :(

Lolly said...

Cam is down, Lily is asleep, might as well start my day working! Tons to do around here,

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all! We have our dusting of snow and that was enough for me - and the squirrels. They are out there with the peanuts and sunflower seeds.
What a let down feeling when you open our cams and nothing is there.... If it hadn't been for Wanda's joke, I would have started to cry!
Mai wouldn't come out of her cage????
She is something else.. Has a mind of her own. Really regret hearing that Mr Bill will close down the store. I hope he is alright with that happening.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Momsters and Dadsters.

Brandon has passed away. Don't know what time or anything but bless his heart, his journey is over at the age of 21. His family has surely remained faithful during this terrible time. Thanks so much for all the prayers. Love you all!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

He died at 8 a.m. this morning...

movin said...





C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

floralgirl said...

NEW THREAD-with cam info!

«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 522 of 522   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...