Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon
Thanks Steve - we are very excited because Belle spent the night in the
nest. Good sign for an egg!

I'll call others over

Mema Jo said...

Trying to get the loose end sticks up and out of the way.....

floralgirl said...

EAGLE back in the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve!
Thanks Jo!

Whew, I had one heck of a nap this morning!


floralgirl said...


hedgie said...

Oh-Oh----Margy has lost TV and internet and I guess phone, too.
Hope she's not out of the loop for too long!

hedgie said...

Lynne, you have mail.
Glad you got a good nap!

hedgie said...

Oh, good---Margy is back up and running!

floralgirl said...

Both eagles are back in the nest

magpie said...

Wow, they look like twins

Thanks Lynn..got everything back up now ☺

floralgirl said...

Love to hear them call out!

magpie said...

had sent Steve an email
about the overnight stay

He also said that last Wednesday he was up late and had seen Belle in the nest...think was the night some of you all saw that too

magpie said...

me too. them, and the choo choo

floralgirl said...

One flew out, one thinking about it...nope, gonna move that big unruly stick from earlier.

magpie said...

Y-shaped stick, divining rod..
just needs a little trimming

hedgie said...

Back in nest!

Lolly said...

Still working on the old laptop and getting it back in working order. Just did the security procedure for mixed content. LOL
This time I knew where to find the directions. If I do it often enough maybe I will learn. NOT!!

floralgirl said...

He needs a saw for that branch.

Lolly said...

Now I just need to get some of the new cam sites over to this computer.

floralgirl said...

Poof! mt nest

magpie said...

okay bye bye eagle

bye bye eagle pals

headed out for awhile...

Best wishes for a Good Tuesday...

floralgirl said...

Both eagles back!

magpie said...


I copied a whole bunch of websites to take to work to check from there: but my printer cartridge is all about empty so that is on my list of places to go...the Office Max to pick up my reconditioned cartridges !

ttfn xo

paula eagleholic said...


floralgirl said...

Poof both-mt nest

Mema Jo said...

Sharon also sent Steve the over night
pics that she had sent out to us.
Just maybe he will use one of them even though they are so dark..

hedgie said...

Wonder if they are ever going to be happy with the nest arrangements??!! Very particular!
Wonder what will come next? More sticks or more flugg?!

hedgie said...

I hear nothing but an intermittant hum. Anyone else? And only with earbuds.

Mema Jo said...

Watching Hope on the cam

Which way is Lily pointed....?

Mema Jo said...

No sound for me

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. I don't see an egg yet, but saw a lot rearranging going on. Is this the final act?

Mema Jo said...

Lib should soon start to bring food in for Belle........

I just saw Lily raise her head so I now know what end is up front!

hedgie said...

For those not on FB----here is Glo's Georgia slideshow:

Winter in GA

hedgie said...

Hi, Di! We can probably expect it to happen at any time!

PA Nana said...

Hi Lynn & Jo. Will be watching on the sideline.

floralgirl said...

I have sound.

Mema Jo said...

Honey is out and about at the NABC Pond.

paula eagleholic said...

Megan, are you using FF or IE to watch the live feed?

paula eagleholic said...

Savannah and Derek are hanging out on the side of their nest. The nest looks nice and fluffy. I wonder if they will produce any eggs this year? They are way later than last year if they do.

floralgirl said...

I am using Firefox, my sound still does has clicking sound, but other than that it's okay.
Eagle just flew in!

floralgirl said...

Eagle with fish!

floralgirl said...

Good grief, does has- pardon my grammar...
Think this is Belle, not a big fish, but gobbling it down. And here's Lib.

floralgirl said...

So I think Belle eats and Lib is working on nest cup and sides of nest.

floralgirl said...

That fish didn't last long, now they are both working on the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

They're back!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, late to the party, I am.

Lib on the back Belle in the bowl

floralgirl said...

Ok,cool, then I got it right, Belle brought in her own fish and gobbled it down.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest really looks good.

floralgirl said...

Eagle called out- there goes Lib.

paula eagleholic said...

I heard that!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib took off from the back of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Too bad we can't hear the wingbeats and the crackling of the nest when they step...and the fish being torn apart and crunched. But at least we have some sound.

hedgie said...

Stick goes HERE!

floralgirl said...

He's back! more stick work

hedgie said...

No, it goes THERE!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib back with a stick, I think...mine froze slightly upon his return. Belle grabs it and places it, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Have ya'll noticed how Lib pics little pieces of fluff out of the sticks and puts then in the bowl?

Belle is looking at tackling the mess on the right, but nothing is budging.

floralgirl said...

If I put the speaker to my ear, I can hear them moving stuff. But the buzz is so bad. If there was just a way to eliminate that static, and the clicking, the sound would be so good.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is digging out big clumps of fluff from the bowl.

Mema Jo said...

In our Nest is the best viewing of the season. They sure are a team of some sorts! lol

Lynne2 said...

I've been lurking while getting ready to leave to drop Brother at the vet and then head to babysitting. I heard the calls! I hate to leave and miss something :( But I have to get moving....

floralgirl said...

There goes Belle, Wonder if she'll be back with a stick.

Mema Jo said...

ROFL He broke it!

floralgirl said...

You can't hear him moving that stick?

hedgie said...

Can really see the little bits of green in the nest.

Mai and I just finished playing ball outdoors.....she's tuckered out. She "helped" me oil a squeaky door. Now asleep at my feet. Wish it could always be like this! Hoping that it will be. Have a behavior trainer coming Fri. Did I mention that?? Can't be soon enough.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is up moving sticks at the front, while Belle is out :)

Mema Jo said...

Come Home Quick, Belle
Lib is breaking down the walls

paula eagleholic said...

Megan, You're right. Can hear a little more if I put the speaker right to my ear. Might have to get some earbuds.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, if they could just tweak that sound, it would be perfect. The static is just bad, and when the sound clicks, it like it's going off/on for a second.

Lolly said...

Have been working on the computer all day! I am about ready to completely switch back but I can not get the earbuds to work on my old laptop. Also, can not get the NC cam to work. Will keep trying.

Watching eagles all the while. :)

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - hope the trainer can give you a good assessment of Mai's behavior and any helpful hints possible. DFon't want him to say Mai will outgrow this behavior that you are suffering through.

Mema Jo said...

I have the live feed up on IE
I really can't hear anything but a steady low hum.......

Mema Jo said...


Lolly said...

Wahoo! Finally figured out how I displayed two windows side by side. Now once again I can blog and watch. Wish my memory was not so bad. LOL

hedgie said...

I can hear a plane! That is all except the hum. Funny.....if I use only one bud, I don't hear anything in right ear---guess the hearing is deficient big time in it. But maybe left isn't so good, either.

Bye, Lynne! Have fun with the kiddos.

floralgirl said...

When I open the live feed page, the sound is not all the way up, put the mouse over the volume and make sure it's all the way up.

floralgirl said...

They're baaack....

floralgirl said...

Poof, one flew off back of nest, down towards ground.

floralgirl said...

Back with fluff.

floralgirl said...

There goes Lib off the back side of nest. Belle still in nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Is that fluff or rabbit legs in front of her??

floralgirl said...

I think it's a piece of something, not fluff, she's been sitting by it since I started watching.I didn't see them both fly back into the nest, they were there when I walked up.

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's rabbit....go to full screen and check it out.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I think you're right. You can see it much better in full screen. And she seems to be guarding it.

paula eagleholic said...

Might not be a frozen meal today, LOL

glo said...

I am happy to read Mai has a trainer coming to visit tonight. I sure want it to work out wonderfully for both of you Hedgie

Its a very rainy day here. Just right for a nap which Dex and I enjoyed this afternoon. Looks like it could be a busy night at our nest.

floralgirl said...

Incoming! brought back food...looks like another 'part'

floralgirl said...

Flew back out, Belle finally munching on whatever that is.

hedgie said...

Food in nest???

SIL just brought a load of wood----in case the "worst model" of 6-8" comes true. Sure hope they are wrong!

I have titmouse, nuthatch, downy woodpecker and wren on bird feeder right now. Filled it Sunday, a nd it is 3/4's MT!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo and Glo. It's Friday. It's a she. A fellow member of Animal Advocates recommended her, and Lynne did, too!!! They both think she's really good. NO, this is not an outgrowable behavior.....but sure praying that it is correctable. Lynne says she is asserting herself as the ALPHA dog. A definite no-no.

hedgie said...

Looks like part of a rabbit's hind quarter. Poor bunny. Would much rather see fish!

paula eagleholic said...

I believe that was a fish that Lib brought in...she sure chowed it down!

paula eagleholic said...

Savannah is giving her bowl a test run as well :)

floralgirl said...

You may be right, cause it's completely gone.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib back

Keep your eye on Carolina Raptor center...people are saying Savannah laid an egg.

hedgie said...

Belle is still guarding the food....but not eating....Lib was going to try to snatch some, but guess she warned him off. Back to work, Lib!

paula eagleholic said...

Derek came over and joined her and they were calling out...now she is going round and round the bowl, digging and fluffing..now she is settle back down.

Lib brought back some fluff...I think he wanted some of the rabbit, but she said no. Now he is at the back, working

paula eagleholic said...

They were both watching something to the right, then Belle took off to the right.

Lolly said...

Lynn, have not been reading much on here today...been working on other computer. However, I am so glad that some action is taking place concerning Mai. I do hope a solution is in the works.

In the meantime....computer gurus. I need some help. Was working on my old laptop when it lost all sound. I have checked everything I know to check. HELP!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib cleaning up some scraps near the rabbit...now going to work on it.

Lolly said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, you checked your volume...make sure it's not on mute.

paula eagleholic said...

There is a link to Savannah's egg on the Facebook chat under the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

To a picture of the egg...it's on Hancock Forum.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon, everyone.

Home from school and therapy. Learning to walk with a cane today. Not as difficult as I thought. Tired and ankle is protesting.

Saw our two beautiful eagles when I got home. Need to watch the action. Also want to check out Derek and Savannah. That nest looked abandoned a few days ago. Lily & Co. all quiet.

Lynn, I am so hoping that the trainer will be able to help you with Mai. I know you must be very frustrated. Hang in there, girl.

Need to elevate foot, take a pain killer, and BBL

hedgie said...

Their nest looks so sparse, Paula. Guess they just feel so safe that they don't need a fortress. But it doesn't even look comfortable!!!! It IS time for them so hope it's so!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn-Hedgie for putting Glo's slideshow up on here. Sometimes I hate trying to get to facebook. I know others can't like Margie so "THANK YOU" ( :

I loved it Glo very touching all three.

Lolly said...

Note the mute, that has been checked. Volume is up. Jack is rebooting. It had sound and then it just quit.

Lolly said...

NOT the mute.

Mema Jo said...

Was just looking at the NBG nest with eagle in it.. Love that's cams zoom and coloring. They have usually laid their egg(s) before us. But their nest doesn't have any eggs.

Lolly said...

Wahoo! Rebooting did the trick. I am now on my old computer with sound. Come on Belle, fly in, have earphone on and want to see if this laptop is better.

Lolly said...

Have everything a go on this laptop now except I still can not get NC on it.

Did not hear eagle fly in, but heard a bird call or something.??

wvgal_dana said...

Judie walking with a cane...Jo Judie needs an eagle cane!!!! Take is slow their gal...take it easy and don't push yourself too much and cause more pain....PROUD OF YOU!!! (((((((((HUGS JUDIE))))))))

wvgal_dana said...

Good to be back and see eagles in the nest. Although I was hoping and praying Belle will not lay an egg until after this storm.

I'm on call for tomorrow for taking friend to see Larry in CCU in Winchester....all depends on weather. Playing it by ear. Please continue PRAYERS they are working...they used a new thing for dialysis instead of 12 hrs. it works slower and takes a little at a time over 24 hrs. This WORKED and now his liver emzemes are coming back ok. One down, the pneumonia they believe they have under control...two down....right now the pacemaker is doing all the work...not good...he is still on life support. Dr. is too leary to take his off. He said, "This man is NOT READY to try to breath on his own and if we try I believe we will have a quick downward spin." So please KEEP UP THE PRAYERS FOR LARRY AND I THANK ALL OF YOU.

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said...

Lib standing in his usual place of preference.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie hoping the person can give you some insight into Mai's behavior. It does sound like you tired her out and maybe she just needs MORE OF THAT kind of interaction to wear her some of that engery she has.

Lolly said...

I like the keyboard on this laptop and the monitor is brighter. I also have a slot for my picture card. It is easier to upload pictures. Have been putting off getting back on it as I had some adjustments to make.

Mema Jo said...

Derek and Savannah's egg

The caption sounds like Mema Jo by saying that the first egg hatched around 3:30 today.. Yep, it was laid.

Mema Jo said...

The Window on Wildlife is the forum
It used to be the Maine forum


Mema Jo said...

Dana lucky you that you already got your haircut. Mine is to be done at
1:00 tomorrow.... I so hope I can make it - you know -shaggy dog look!

Dinner time here


PA Nana said...

NBG eagles are working on their nest too.

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone. See there's an eagle in Eagleland!!Must be Lib sitting in his favorite corner.

NatureNut said...

R%earranging fluff.

NatureNut said...

Guess there was a poof!

paula eagleholic said...

Yea! Just saw Savannah roll the egg and wiggle down!

hedgie said...

Glad that Larry is showing some signs of improvement, Dana.

Paula, can't find the Hancock Forum reference to Savannah. Can you post a link, please? TY!

Well, trainer can't come until next TH. Her back went out and she has to see her chiropractor again Fri. She gave me the names of two closer certified trainers....waiting to hear back from the 1st one. If I have to wait til next TH., you can look me up in the local mental ward.

paula eagleholic said...

The CRC nest is pretty deep!

NatureNut said...

Back again!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back!

Lolly said...

Wow, I think I heard her come in.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, check Jo's post at 5:14, she has a link to the Maine forum

paula eagleholic said...

I think that's Lib

Lolly said...

her/him pay no attention to me, I can not tell!

BEagle said...

I think it is Lib also. Serious nestorating going on.

wvgal_dana said...



Today 46 night lo 16

Wed 44 night lo 23

Thursday 55 night lo 27

Friday 59 night lo 26

Sat 49 niht lo 19


Tonight lo 27

Wed 37 snow 3 to 6 inches night lo 23

Thursday 34 night lo 21

Friday 35 flurries night lo 25

Sat 41 flurries night lo 26

BEagle said...

That stick near Lib's breast looks like the bottom half of a frog!

BEagle said...

It looks like he's making improvements to the runway.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle I think he is tell Belle you better get to laying my eggs so I can have eaglets LADY!!

I think the egg cup needs to be deeper.

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, check to see if you hasve Quicktime istalled on that computer. The NC site uses it to stream the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to tackle the mangled mess on the right!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh BEgle, that's part of a rabbit that was brought in earlier today

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, so sorry to read of your continued problems with Mai. If this is not a good match you should be able to return Mai to the rescue. Both of you need to be in a happy relationship and deserve to be in a happy relationship.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like slo mo....looked neat when he took off...ghost eagle!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo----found it!!!

NatureNut said...

POOF! Long visit. Put pics in album.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, catch you later

NCSuzan said...

Hi! Everybody! It is so wonderful to be in web cam heaven. Eggs and bears and chicks, oh my!

BEagle said...

Flew off to the right. Maybe to get a better look at what to do with that mess.

Lolly said...

I am getting sort of a slow motion picture on the live cam. Any others?

wvgal_dana said...

I just went an got my two speakers from my other computer. Plugged them in and can really hear wind. See what happens tonight or tomorrow when eagles come in. May be better and may not be better just have to wait and see.

Lolly said...

On the news...a family pet was drug off by coyotes. They had a virtual fence on a golf course. It kept the dog in but did not keep the coyotes out. So sad!

wvgal_dana said...

That is :( sad Lolly poor doggie and family....just terrible!!!

Lolly said...

Nest is getting dark. Wonder is Belle will be here tonight?

stronghunter said...


Waiting for parents to show up for back-to-school night. Went out and grabbed a sandwich at Subway and brought it back here. I am wondering if I will have any parents at all, but I guess I had better set up the sign-in sheet. There are usually a few who show up.

I have always thought it was odd to call it back-to-school night in January.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie do you think you and Mai are a good match? I know with the lab in her. It makes her a more activity dog than a pure breed Shar Pai. Labs are go getters and need a lot of outside activity. I'm praying for you Lady (((hugs)))

hedgie said...

Well, I see we are back to a low-to-no light situation again.
Can see stars out, so hopefully moon will shine tonight.

hedgie said...

Gang, I do not want to give up on Mai if at all possible. We both need to be happy, tho', so I will try whatever it takes. Maybe I was wrong to give her too much freedom at first. Class trainer said a puppy should never be off leash in the house. Well, I've never kept a pup on a leash inside before, and never had these problems, so don't believe that is truly the cause.

Judie said...

Quick visit before dinner.

Thank you, Dana. I am taking the slow road to learning to walk again but therapists are very good and very encouraging. Also, prayers for Larry's continued improvement.

Shirley, if you have visitors, I hope they are of the teacher friendly variety. Take care driving home.

Jo, getting my "do" done tomorrow also. Cannot wait to get the scruff removed.

Okay, back to check the nest. Later.

hedgie said...

Judie, way to go, girlfriend! Cane is MUCH easier than crutches!!! I felt in downright peril using them!!!! And, oh-h-h, the underarms get SO sore! Glad that you were able to bypass them.

magpie said...

My live feed was very choppy, saw that ghostly impression also

but then again I am talking about MY DINOSAUR computer so it doesn't count for much

I have some sound, have to turn my external computer speakers and the site volume way up, but could hear stick-crunching

"Gotta get this baby crib just right for the wife and kids" I was thinking, assuming that was Liberty working on the rails, so precise, particular, checking every nook and cranny sometimes

got my printing cartridges now the printer won't print, going to shut down, hit the pillows, and try all over again before work

Hopes and Wishes for a good evening. The moon, if it makes it out of the clouds....well, it won't be until close to or after midnight I think.

Shirley...hope you have some parents arrive to show they care about their children's schooling

I woulda had a "does has" if I didn't proofread this message six times !

x's and o's to all Eagle Pals

magpie said...

hope you have checked the link to the picture of the sub-adult eagle that Lisa has on the BWO site...great picture, sure looks like that kid needs a good bath !

I'm getting my "do" Thursday just not sure how much shag to get cut off ! And then oil change Friday...hope I don't forget either one of these two things

Wow, meat loaf dinner at the Soup Kitchen....know it was outta sight !

Judie has her foot elevated, making feetie prints in the air...
glad to hear of the progress,
Judie... one day at a time...one step at a time, cane or no cane

How's Frank? Please say Hello from me to him ☺

Prayers for our friends and family and pets and pet owners in need.
ttfn xox ♥ z z z zz

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I have not heard of keeping a puppy on a leash in the house!

YES, Judie, walking with a cane. I think Judie needs an eagle cane, too!

Dana, glad Larry is improving.

Mema Jo said...

Returned from dinner. Kids calling to make sure we are ready for the storm.
Like charge you cell and have enough meds on hand. Of course I have my jar
of peanut butter! lol

Mema Jo said...

Be Still My Heart - Judie with cane
Hurray for you, my friend

Mema Jo said...

I truly pray that our eagles smell the weather that is coming our way!

Mema Jo said...

Cornell's Great Horned Owl

hedgie said...

Good, Jo----me, too!!! SIL told me today NOT to go out and shovel deck; he said he would get here as soon as he could. Duh! Well, considering that he's 15 miles away, and the 4-wheel drive in his truck is broken....if we get 8", doubt I'll see him before it MUST be done!

Mema Jo said...

I was watching
Phoebe and she left the nest and tucked in that tiny nest were 3 little

Costume Lady said...

Well, the threat of snow didn't keep our Soup Kitchen guests away. We had 32! Many seconds and thirds on Gene's meat loaf. Also 2nds and thirds on mashed potatoes and gravy. I had to make extra potates twice! Almost ran out of gravy, so I poured the broth off of the meatloafs into the gravy an that worked well. Gene made enough meatloaf for an army, so no problem of running out there:)
Everyone was so cheerful and it sounded like a pary was going on in the dining room:)

No nest watching tonight, I hope. They need to be hunkered down in a nice, full pine or cedar tree.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - what are you watching on TV tonight? Hubby has a good taped show that he is going to play.

It was around 9:00 last evening when Belle was seen flying into the nest.
MT now - just need to keep checking for a white head and tail.......

paula eagleholic said...

Yay Wanda and Gene. Sounds like the word is getting out! Great response!

Costume Lady said...

My keboard is sippin letters again, and the only way to fix the problem is to reboot...will do that in the moning.

Costume Lady said...

We eve had a black man get up and play the piano. So wondeeful to see those people come alive and laugh and sing and joke...makes us feel so good:)

Costume Lady said...

Hope our Tuesday nightshows are notre-rns.
Time to get comfy!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo remember barn owls at starranch


Wanda and Gene God is blessing you all with the word getting around. Good Job !!

Not sure but you might want to go to snopes to read about CFL bulbs READ ALL THE WAY TO THE END!!
no fire but at end yes fire

CFL those new light bulbs

wvgal_dana said...

NCIS is not a re-run for me so me heading to couch.

hedgie said...

Nest still looks MT. Hmmmm.....

Going to take my bath. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Pres is on tonight.........

hedgie said...

Wanda...no shows on tonight. NCIS re-run and then Oblama's state of the union address.

Jo, I taped Harry's Law last night and will watch it. Saw the pilot over the weekend and liked it---Kathy Bates stars.

Sounds like a great fun night at the kitchen, Wanda!!!! I take it you were making instant pots!!

wvgal_dana said...

No eagle in nest

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - 32 dinner guests - that sounds wonderful! They sure know where the fellowship is and the word is spreading.
Any word on your church's Clothes Closet? Do your dinner guest have clothes for the weather? I so hope they have a places to live.
Once again you and Gene are special
to many!

Mema Jo said...

First episode of Harry's Law was good.
Second on was pretty good. I like the humane feelings of the shows.

Lolly said...

Yea, for the soup kitchen. Really really neat that the man got up and played the piano. Bet it did sound like a party. That is so wonderful for those folks. You and Gene are doing such a wonderful job. Proud to know you!!!

You should see Jack and me. We are both sitting here in our lazy boys in front of the fire and each with a laptop. LOL What is this world coming to? LOL

Judie said...

Here I am, back again. I used my feets to get me downstairs to the kitchen to eat my dinner and back upstairs for the night. I WANNA EAGLE CANE! Totally rejected crutches -- too scary. Thank you all for the support and encouragement. Sure means the world.

Margie, I'll tell Darth hi from you.

MT nest when I just looked. Maybe Lib took Belle out for a late romantic dinner before she goes into labor.

Wanda, you and Gene may need to consider opening a restaurant -- GG's Diner. Congratulations on the success of the soup kitchen. You two are doing such a wonderful service for the community.

Think I'll head to bed to rest my ankle for a little while. BBL

Lolly said...

I have just about abandoned Lily and family today. First off, I can not hear our nest with Lily cam up but second those commercials are driving me crazy. I have turned down the sound on those three cams below Lily cam but the ad still up loud and strong and often playing at the same time. Do you have that problem?

Judie said...

Oh, I like Harry's Law, Jo. Was able to use something from last night's show in class today.

Second thought, think I'll watch First 48 while I rest my foot.

Lolly said...

Judie, I am so glad you are doing so well. Just remember to be patient. And, going up and down the stairs, wow!

Lolly said...

Lynn, I do hope you succeed with Mai. Read where you want to keep trying. I was ready to tell you that you have my support IF keeping Mai does not work out. Some things are just not meant to be and we do not want you injured. Mai may need more room to run!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, I access the Lily cam from the bear.org page. No other crap on the page, chat, etc.

Costume Lady said...

Thank you all for the accolades on the Soup Kitchen.
Judie, I think the Soup Kitchen is doing us as much good as the peopl we serve...we truly enjoy it!
We were al very tired tonght...but a good tired:)

Lolly said...

Thank you, Paula. Will do that.

hedgie said...

Lolly, thanks for your support!
Actually, yard is quite big for Mai to run in.....just worrying about whether she will try to jump fence!! 4 other dogs never have (3 of them Pei's) but she seems to have such long legs!! And, of course, dogs are not allowed to run loose in the county.

Lolly said...

Oh, my, that is some picture on Lily cam.

Lolly said...

I do believe I will be going to bed a wee bit earlier tonight.

NatureNut said...

Getting tired already. Must be these early mornings!!
Didn't see any eagles at the Park nest today, but saw some near the office. Junior posed well all morning! Put pics of Jr. and pal on blog. Excuse the blur----some waaaay far away.

NatureNut said...

Reading back some & see Judie is just zipping along!!! Good for you!
Only got to see 1/2 of Harry's Law last night. Should be good with Cathy Bates.
I should get a haircut, too on Thurs,but waiting to see how weather is by then.
Margy, your hair might look darker with an oil change!LOL
Wanda, congrats to you and Gene on a wonderful meal. You are so generous and helpful with your time!

Lynne2 said...

Hello! Just popping in to say Brother Cat has NO masses/tumors!! He does have thickened intestines, but that is consistent with Irritable Bowel Disease. This doesn't completely rule out the cancer possibility, but it's a good thing! We'll check his CBC next week when antibiotics are done.


Wanda, what fun to have so many guests tonight AND a piano player!! That's awesome!

I see that we are now getting 6 inches of snow and wind starting tomorrow afternoon into Thurs AM. I was going to head to Irvine Thurs but will go tomorrow instead.

Was hoping to see Belle in the nest....she's such a tease! Maybe later tonight....

I need to shower and lay my head down. I'll see you all sometime tomorrow....good night, prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

oh, Dana, continued prayers for Larry.

hedgie said...

From Lynn&Sue:
Meanwhile, everything sounds copacetic in the den. The cubs are making their usual sounds that show they are nursing and communicating. Lily is responding. Hope sometimes sounds frustrated she can’t nurse, but she’s lucky she can nurse at all. On the other hand, maybe it is her due to nurse to make up for not being able to nurse for 6 weeks last year. It’s hard to know what is fair in the bear world. We suspect payback for last year will come when she gets an extra year with Lily. We heard today from Karen Hauserman who watched a mixed-age litter where wild bears gather to eat food provided by the Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary back in 2005. She said the yearling stayed with the mother and cub all summer instead of being forced on its own in early summer as would be usual and that the yearling and cub got along well.

We are anxious to get the Ted and Lucky Den Cam up and streaming to compare the inactivity in their den with the activity in Lily’s den.

The picture on the Den Cam could be better. We think the camera is focusing on the bright vegetation at the top of the picture, throwing the bears out of focus unless they happen to move into the plane of focus. It may be that one of the bears licked the lens, too. We’d like to fix that by wiping the lens and aiming the camera lower, but we hesitate to go to the den and have Lily possibly come out as she has been doing when we visit. We’re waiting to see if the picture gets better on its own. If it doesn’t, we’ll wait for a warm day to make sure the cubs will be okay. If Lily does come out, we think she would go back in at the first scream of one of the cubs. We’d have to alert all of you so you could make a quick count of the cubs as we wouldn’t be able to see with Lily in the entrance. We want the picture to be as good as possible to assure we can collect the best scientific data possible from this extraordinary opportunity while making sure we don’t do anything that could jeopardize the bears.

Goodnight, Lynne and Loretta!
Good news re: Bro Cat, Lynne.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...