Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Fresh thread.


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hedgie said...

NICE pics, Loretta!

hedgie said...

Made the SPLIT painlessly.

Judie said...

Ah, Lowreeda, wondered if I was the only one -- sounded as if Margie planned to get herself an oil change and a haircut. She sure will have some zip in her drive. lol

Fell asleep a couple of times. MT nest and Lily & Co. still quiet. So, think I will be turning my light off soon. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down the stairs, to the recliner. Pleasant dreams.

Judie said...


paula eagleholic said...

Good news on your wacky kitty, Lynne. Hope the meds help the "D" issue

paula eagleholic said...

Did you bump your ankle Judie? ((hugs)) and kisses to make the boo boo better!

Lolly said...

Reading comments here and wanted a "like" button under the comment. Should we speak to Steve about that? LOL

What did you do, Judie? Bump your foot? Ouch!

You really have to be careful what you say on here and how you say it. LOL Lib will be forever bringing in flugg and I will vook for the rest of my life. Not to mention going to old basketball games. :)

Lolly said...

Looks like Belle is sleeping in the tree tonight. That is good!

hedgie said...

Rest comfortably, Judie! Would love to hear what you used from Harry's Law in class!!!

All quiet on this front. THink I'll go ahead and call it a day, too. Been another emotional one......and tomorrow will be worrisome----Christie has to go down close to Mits tomorrow. With bad weather, mama will fret.

Prayers for all.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Sitting in my bed with George sleeping at my feet. He is looking almost prayerful with his front paws crossed and held up.

Oh, Lynne, I hope things work out for you and Mai, but regardless of what happens, I know you will do the right thing for both of you.

Had three parents show up tonight. Mom and Dad of one of my girls who are always worrying about her grades and had bunches of questions. A positive meeting, I think, though they want her to have better grades. She's an average C and a newbie to the honors level classes.

Then a very neat young man came to see me, asking about his research paper. He had a 100%. He is one dedicated student. His mother was waiting in the hall. I guess she wanted to step back and let him do his own thing, which he does beautifully. I congratulated her on raising such a fine son. He goes beyond the expected response, and not because it comes easily for him.

stronghunter said...

I am picturing Judie with an eagle cane. Love it!

magpie said...

I think, I better cancel the oil change!
Speed-talking, has some of the same disabilities as, speed-reading!

But I got a much-needed laugh from some of the comments! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Watched our taped show 3 hrs of The
Waking Dead - it's English and is about
cold cases being solved!

I'm happy our nest is MT

All is quiet at the den

magpie said...

nice report, Shirley...three, how about the third person or did I miss something?
Glad you are nestled into the comforts of bedtime

heavy duty weather predictions...
don't like the sounds of it !
guess my friend MIGHT have to use that free stolen shoplifted confiscated recylced and about to have to be re-used, mysterious shovel !

magpie said...

just so enjoyed the Soup Kitchen report, Wanda and Gene...have this mental picture in mind as you described things so well

relieved to hear of Lynne's cat's report...so far...so good

have to get ready for the "W" word...
hoping to get outta there at 0800 as scheduled.
will catch up on new pics and new posted links...in the morning

Sleep Sweetly, all
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Two parents for the girl.

One parent(mom)with the boy.

And, of course, one boy. He was in my class last semester. I will miss him.

magpie said...

it is so dark at the nest...

magpie said...

okay, thanks Shirley...I understand it now...

he will miss you, too, for sure

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jo. Sounds like an interesting movie.

My poor overworked brain is shutting down for the night. Fingers are having problems with the keyboard.

Good night.

stronghunter said...

Glad to hear Brother Cat is getting good reports so far.

Mema Jo said...

Have a good calm evening at work Margy
Tomorrow you are going to wish you had
kept that shovel a little while longer!

Lynne - So happy to hear that Brother Cat isn't seriously ill.

Shirley - I am glad you had a positive
evening. You deserved that!

Lynn - I know that you will do all that is possible to tame that little gal. If she couldn't jump the fence I bet she could dig under it! Her name should be Frisky

Mema Jo said...

Me too........

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Larry's recovery
Prayers for Tyler's family & friends.
The viewing tonight overflowed with love ones and was very emotional for all.

Hugs for everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Goodnight to all heading to bed.
Guess there won't be a nest watch tonight so I might as well go read or find something interesting on tv. Need to check National G and History Channel.

Margy have a good day/night at work. I can't keep track of your schedule. Having a hard time with my Jim's.

Wanda & Gene, God bless you for what you do for the Soup Kitchen.

Judy, glad to hear you've graduated to the cane. Keep up the good work and don't forget to rest and elevate.

Lynn, so sorry hear of your trouble with Mai and hope a trainer can help you rein her in to your comfort.

Shirley, I'll bet you're a wonderful teacher. Love your stories. Makes me remember a teacher I had in 5th & 6th grades.
Realized years later he was ahead of his time with us and I still remember most of what he taught us.
We even put on a tv talk show for our parents and it made the newspapers.
That was back in 1956 & 1957. Not many had tv in their homes yet.
He was a great teacher!

PA Nana said...

Goodnight all and blesses all around for those in need.

Lolly said...

I do believe I am about ready to head to the back of the house. Have spent the evening looking at old pictures. The ones I scanned from slides last winter. About to resume the job. Lots more to go.

Just glad to be back on my old laptop. It's like an old friend. LOL

Lynne, very happy that there was no mass found in Brother Cat. I guess you have tried changing his food?? Hope you find a cure. Annie has been thowing up a lot lately. Also, she is drinking tons of water, but other than that she is doing fine. Her "purrer" works great!!:) She is herself and that is what we wanted.

Watching the cam. It gets brighter for a sec and then goes back to dark. Its as if the night light is going off and on.

Well, I am off for the night. Late hours last night and up early this morning has caught up with me.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

We had some requests from our guests tonight...young ladies clothing, a crib, bassinet or playpen (a baby on the way and no bed for it). We are going to ask our Pastor to announce our people's needs Sunday and see what response we get.


Lynne2 said...

Wee Hours Wandering Report....no eagle in the nest.

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, we've gone from 3-5 inches predicted of snow to 5-8. UGH.
Shepherdstown....seeing from 6-12 total and 8-14 total predicted between 2 sources.

oh Megan.....I'm so sorry. Looks like you'll be dealing with greenhouse snow removal :(

Good night.

PA Nana said...

Nite wandering.... anyone here?
No eagle in the nest either.

PA Nana said...

Oh geez, today is my daddy's 88th birthday. Must remember to call him today. He is my step-father but he raised me from age 2 and taught me lots. I shadowed hhim whenever he was doing woodworking or mechanical things. Best times of my life. He also taught me to play baseball. I had 3 half-sisters but only one other learned the "manly" things like me.

Any man can be a father, but the best ones become daddy. Love him.

PA Nana said...

So goodnight again dear eagle friends. Sleep well and wake refreshed.

Judie said...

Ouch was when I did the split. Split can be ouchy with a post-therapy ankle. Sorry, fingers before brain but thank you for concern.

Arrg! Nature woke me and I see s__w has arrived at my home and at the nest. Not a lot but so glad Belle has waited.

Um, Harry was in the courtroom and mentioned a defense called necessity. Rarely used and more rarely successful. It is a rationalization for committing a crime as having been necessary, e.g., steal food due to hunger; businesses charge hidden fees to make profits to survive because other businesses do the same.

Maybe George was saying a prayer for Mai to get her act under control. If so, I hope it works. At least you have some parents and a great sounding young man that care enough to be proactive. Also hope you had a night of good restful sleep, Shirley.

Hey Margie, instead of an oil change, maybe you could just have some flugg added.

Good news about Brother cat. Hope he continues to improve.

Wanda, wishing all needed items magically appear for those who need them.

Hi Diann. Happy birthday to the best dad you could have had. Sending good thoughts his way.

Well, back to bed.

Lori O. said...

Just snow in the nest - NO Belle or Lib. Bummer. Probably good thing no eggs with the snow moving in.

Stay Warm and dry everyone!

floralgirl said...

Snow has started, ground is covered here.
MT nest, only thing in it is snow...

Lori O. said...

Good snowy morning Megan!

floralgirl said...

Morning Lori!
Going back to bed for a little, just lit the heater in the gh-looks like it will be a long day.

stronghunter said...


We have a very cold rain here. Culpeper and Spotsylvania schools are still open. I have to go ahead and start getting ready to go. I guess I was expecting a day off.

Some of you were really up early this morning.

BEagle said...

Good morning Eagle Fans.

We can see the nest because there's snow all over it. No eagles yet.

It's raining in the capitol city about 38 degrees.

stronghunter said...

Just got a two-hour delay for Culpeper, but Hunter has to go. I will probably get to pick him up early unless I have to go in.

Brought lots of papers home to grade. I have plenty to do. Had a little panic last night, though. I thought I was not going to be able to bring my laptop home because I had locked it to the cable attached to my desk and could not get the key to work. Finally succeeded.

stronghunter said...

Will be thinking about you today, Megan.

stronghunter said...

Really kind of nice getting some time off after staying so late last night.

stronghunter said...

I see the snow-covered nest. No footprints in the snow at the moment.

stronghunter said...

Think I just might go back to sleep for now.

floralgirl said...

Belle is eating in the nest. Maybe it's a fish, not sure.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I see an eagle and snow in the nest. Looks like breakfast time. I sure hope they wait now til that storm is out of there and they can clean some of the stuff out of their nest BEFORE its egg time.
HEDGIE Not sure how far back I need to read for reports on trainer with Mai. I know how very important this is for you and your Mai too.

Wanda Sounds like you have quite the new and flourishing ministry happening. Thrills me.

Megan argh is it shovel snow off the greenhouse time yet or have you waited on this one to pass before starting those seeds. Every year there comes a time when I wish I were closer to help.

Judy Did you get that eagle cane yet. You are doing so very well overall. One day at a time and one step at a time.

Lynn prayers continue for your kitty.
Dana So busy right now not too much time to read but trust and pray Little Man is feeling better and enjoying his 2 Li'l Caesars a day.

Magpie When I get home late weekend or Monday I just might need that shovel. Could I borrow it?
Everyone Enjoy your day. Be safe and warm.

Lib and Bell No eggs til storm passes!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Megan, hope the GH heater does all the work and you won't have to do snow shoveling removal.

Eagle eating now. Fish, I think.

Snow stopped here. Supposed to get rain.

Hi Lori and Shirley.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

My delete. Stuttered.

Judie said...

Hmmm. Maybe I could get a job as King.

floralgirl said...

Nah, go for Queen.
MT nest , Belle flew out.

phyrfly said...

Good morning everyone. Stopped in to see an eagle and a snowy nest this morning. Snowy nest make me nervous, but at least there isn't an egg yet

Costume Lady said...

You just missed Belle, I think, eating breakfast. Belle eating in the nest is always a sign that an egg will come soon.

Costume Lady said...

I have to reboot ths 'puter...not typing right. BBS

hedgie said...

Morning all. SNOWING----ugh!
I hate snow, don'tcha know?

Had an eagle in the nest when I turned on puter. Looked like she was digging for nestovers in the front of the nest.

Shirley....question: how does a C student get into an honors class??

Jo, Mai can't dig under fence.....when Bill put it up, he buried the bottom!! And it's "lined" with leaves!!!!

Happy 88th Birthday to Diann's Dad!!

YooHoo, Shirley----school is CLOSED!! Now you can really sleep in!

hedgie said...

Well, breathing easy on one front----Carolyn made it home safely.
She says that Margy has a new nickname....if I understood correctly, it's Unigueie Eagle Rock.....what a mouthful!

Judie, that was a good point to use in class!

hedgie said...

Freezing rain here now. Not good.
Temp is 29°.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think if Belle were going to lay eggs anytime soon, she would be covering the egg cup and keeping it cleaned out. Last year was February 2 so hopefully it will be close to the same this year. This is when I get really, really nervous!

Mema Jo said...

Good Snowy Morning! No haircut today :(

Happy to see an MT nest

Judie said...

Okay, just because I'm on drugs there's no need to make up a new language to further confuse me -- what is Unigueie Eagle Rock? Is that the rock under which Margie hid the stolen shovel?

Glad Carolyn made it home safely.

Yep, Megan -- The Queen's Speech. Topic will be Uniqueie Eagle Rocks.

Okay, about the venture out into the cold and rainy snow. I am a desperate woman on a hair mission.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory: Mourning doves, goldfinches, white-throated sparrows, downy woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, dark-eyed junco, cardinals, blue jays, squirrels (I know, not bird), nuthatches, titmice, house sparrow, chickadees. Yesterday the rusty blackbird was here but haven't seen it yet today and I had a small hawk, not sure of the kind, yesterday. I think that covers them for now.

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE, I hate to see you headed outdoors in the snow...are you in your right mind? Let Darth trim your hair;)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Starlings. Haven't seen the TV yet.

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, we have the exact same things, here, including the squirrel!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have been seeing a 1-legged starling out here for about a month. Tough little bird.

Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And the rusty blackbird just arrived. :-)

hedgie said...

Okay, this mom can breathe easy and maybe my chest pain will stop. Christie turned around and went home after traffic radio said that I-70 and 270 were shut down with accidents! Safe in her nest now.
Maybe I can concentrate on reading newspaper!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The red-bellied woodpecker will be here, I am sure. I have them all the time.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, not to alarm you, but, everytime I see your avatar, I think about those two kids, in a few years, giving you a grandchild.
You will be a wonderful grandmother:)

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I get excited with my squirrels and about 7 varieties of my feathered friends - I would love to have as many as you do.

Judie I'm going to be on pins & needles waiting for you to get home from you hair do..... what time do you leave home? I don't want to worry any longer then needed.

BTW - daughter saw The King's Speech and really hope it gets some awards..
Any of you history buffs would love it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I've been thinking about that more too. That is when I will definitely move away from Bedford and closer to wherever they are - not at their back door but close enough that I will be a part of the grandbaby's life.

Costume Lady said...

We do have a great assortment of woodpeckers, but only the Downey here, right now. My very favorite bird that we have on our property is the Pileated...only see him/her in the Spring and Summer.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

LOL, the red-bellied woodpecker just landed in the tree.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, R E L I E F :)

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - you need to invite some Cornell peeps to come and view all the species - like I think you have them all! I have a little Carolina wren
Love her!

hedgie said...

Bear cam is back up and running.

Costume Lady said...

I get chills everytime I think of my first grandchild's birth. I fell in love all over again!

Lolly said...

Eagle just flew in!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a couple of wrens that come too but just not here yet today. Last night I had about 10 deer out here eating.

Lolly said...

Digging up flugg!

wvgal_dana said...


Costume Lady said...

Rebooted my 'puter and the keyboard is working like charm, until I make a mistake:)

Lolly said...

I would think it would have been best to have had an egg already and protected it from the snow than laying an egg on top of the snow. Ohhhh, this is so frustrating.

hedgie said...

Yes, Judie, let us know when you are safely home!

The King's Speech got lots of nominations!!! Anxious to see it....someone told me it is excellent.

hedgie said...

Wnada, I have pileateds year-round.

Oh-oh----kamikaze bird just hit sunroom window----hope it's okay.

Lolly said...

Is it snowing there now, Wanda? Do not see it falling on the cam.

wvgal_dana said...

No trip to Winchester weather too bad, So my friend Barbara called to see how Larry is doing. About the same they said.

Barbara is headed over to church just up the street New York Ave. they have their meal today like Gene and Wanda do on Tuesdays. Theirs is on Wednesdays.

phyrfly said...

It's snowing great big hugh flacks her in Mo-town

floralgirl said...

You do know there's an eagle in the nest, right? Cleaning out the nest cup-Lib I think.
ANd there's a NEW THREAD

phyrfly said...

Even flakes too LOL

Lolly said...

Messing with a stick or two, no major rearranging.

Costume Lady said...

Snow has stopped, for the moment, here in Nestville. Doppler Radar shows more snow on the way...in Morgantown right now.We need Dana 2
to check in and let us know how much snow they have there.
5 to 8 inches expected here, before all said and done.
Glad I got GG's extra meds and food fixed up yesterday! Told her to stay in the house and not to look for me til Thursday.

Lolly said...

Groan.....! Sorry!!

Lolly said...

39 and bright sunshine here. Going up into the 50's. We are planning to work in the yard today.

Lolly said...

They caught the cooper hawk in the L of C bldg.

Coopers Hawk

Lolly said...

Eagle in the nest. Flew in with stick!

hedgie said...

Bird in nest!

hedgie said...

Good news:

L-of-C Hawk rescued

Lolly said...

Go get lots and lots of flugg!

hedgie said...

New thread!!!!!

Lolly said...

Think I hear Hope nursing. Hope so! :)

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynn!!


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...