Saturday, January 22, 2011


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

And on the other side!

stronghunter said...

Hey, I just realized that I am hearing the wind at the nest! Have not always heard the sounds, even when others say they are.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, all.

Windy day! I can hear the sound at the nest his morning. Just missed our visit.

Cold and 21° here this morning.

Lynn, I feel your frustration. One of my dogs, Haley, used to do that as well to Michael. Had a ton of shirts with holes in them. It does cease. Keep up with your plan...sometimes these pups are hard headed. Distract with toys, be firm, say NO.

stronghunter said...

It would be a shame to miss all of the sounds associated with raising eaglets at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry about your washer.

Have to go find that update on Lily.

stronghunter said...

I researched the shar pei last night, as I do not know much about them. The AKC said that they are stubborn. So, in that respect, it seems that Mei is living up to her breed. Also, they are intelligent and very loyal to their owners.

stronghunter said...

Would be something if there are three newborns in that den. I do not know how common that is.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, do you think we could handle watching 3 cubs and 3 eaglets? It would be fun trying:)

magpie said...

Jillian is very beautiful and it is wonderful that you share this picture with us Wanda ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Glo, Shirley, Wanda, Paula
gosh I hope I didn't miss anyone

Air and Space Museum, great place, so much to see !!

stronghunter said...

Really lovely avatar, Wanda.

I would be willing to try watching all of those critter youngsters. Hey, I raised four children.

magpie said...

I have to tell you this exciting news

I had Blackwater and NCTC cams up at work...

my co-workers saw the three eggs when the eagle was off them at BWE
they all saw an eagle visit to NCTC around 0715 - then the partner flew in for a brief time!
So now I am going to get them all hooked too !

magpie said...

I can't blog from there or I would have hollered Eagle Alert !

stronghunter said...

Something about Jillian's picture reminds me of the Mona Lisa, but a modern version.

magpie said...

I agree, Mona Lisa!

magpie said...

nest at Finland Water seems to have lots of feetsie prints on it

haven't seen a creature there for quite a while, guess I need to bring that one up at work too !

stronghunter said...

Hunter will enjoy it greatly. And his two uncles are great tour guides for that place.

magpie said...

Belle was at the nest first on that visit I mentioned, seemed to have brought some nice fresh fluff in, then Liberty stopped by....I WAS on the phone (not 911 - LOL )
so couldn't see if I missed H-P or not

stronghunter said...

Going to fix breakfast and return.

stronghunter said...

I saw Lib, but not Belle.

magpie said...

Shirley I am so sorry about the washer...
I lived in a old old old house with lots of concerns about freezing pipes....

hope it is an easy fix

BEagle said...

Chick feeding time at NC.
Awww. They are cute.

Morning Eagle Fans!

Costume Lady said...

Jillian is the grandchild that was placed in my arms, moments after she was born...and she changed my life forever!♥

magpie said...

This was before the eagle you saw, Shirley....I think it was between about 0710 and 0720 -
was a pertty short visit...

got some family in town and a date with the grandson later...need to saw some logs for a couple of hours at least

Best wishes for a good day, stay at home, travel, work...whatever it holds for all of us

xoxo Later, Pals

magpie said...

...and going to church, I know that is on a lot of people's travel plans today also

Hi BEagle, Hi again Wanda...

ttfn xoxo

Costume Lady said...

How fortunate Hunter is to have those 2 uncles!

BEagle said...

The pipe warmer on my outermost pipe keeps my pipes from freezing. Still, when it gets really cold and the temps stay low, I drip a faucet..just in case.

When the temps get warmer and stay there, it can be turned off.

BEagle said...

Hi Magpie. I like your avatar!
So appropriate. : )

stronghunter said...

Went to turn on the dryer. I had put wet clothes in there last night, and they were partially frozen this morning. The dryer vents to the outdoors, and that tells you how cold it gets in the dryer.

magpie said...

turkey vulture at BWO
think there is some leftover fish or something on the platform

told the girls at work when we were looking at the three exposed eggs at BWE - to stick around for two refreshes one parent would be back: and one returned...

okay bye zzzzz

magpie said...

Thanks BE !

xo I like yours TOO -

BEagle said...

The new SQ nest came up fine but the Sutton nest is not coming through for me. Anyone else?

Costume Lady said...

Margy, have a good visit with GEORGE and give him huggs from this roost!


BEagle said...

The SQ mom is incubating. I would like for her to GET UP! Want to see what's she's hiding.

stronghunter said...

This house is really pretty new, Paula. Built in 1994.

stronghunter said...

Generally, I have been happy with the builder, but the frozen laundry room pipes has been a pain. The wall with the pipes in it is next to the garage, so not really an outside wall; however, there is the vent for the dryer that goes out the back. I think that is part of the problem.

Mema Jo said...

Good 'freezing cold' morning to all of you. My teeth chatter, Shirley about the frozen pipes. Not Fun -
Today is party day for hubby's 73rd!
Kids are coming over around 2 for cake and ice cream. We will have a good time. Hubby is off on his morning coffee run so I need to pick up here before they come.
Need some breakfast food also!
Stay warm...... BBILW

wvgal_dana said...


stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Ed!

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Time to get ready for church.

Worried about Lynn! She has not been on this morning. LYNN, WHERE ARE YOU?

Shirley, sorry about your laundry problems. Sounds like more insulation and pipe wrapping is in order.

Going to be a pretty day here. Yard work this afternoon! Want to get it finished up!

Have a great day! (((Hugs)))

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Ed!!

paula eagleholic said...

and good morning to all!

BEagle said...

NC is feeding chicks!

They sure don't make houses like they used to, just like cars.

BEagle said...

The bigger chick uses the smaller chick to prop itself closer to the beak holding the food. It's just not fair is it?

BEagle said...

Habby birthday to Jo's hubby!

BEagle said...

Goof morning Paula!

BEagle said...

Make the "good."

BEagle said...

Make that "make that 'good.'"

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo prayers for your grandson and others that have been affected by the death of this young man.

Wanda I'll go for the price and the menu list!! (:

Glo I hope when you start home you don't run into any bad weather and have a safe trip. Yes even get
some nice pictures on the way.

Shirley maybe you can set a heater in the garage next to the wall where the pipes are...between the
other heater inside and that one maybe it will work.
Garages get cold!!!!

Lynn-Hedgie you other pups were they purebreed's?
Sorry Mai is not lisening to instruction well at home. Are they using the clicker at classes?

Somewhere I missed something about Wanda and a stroller???? Can't seem to find it?? Anyone remember what is was about?

BEagle said...

The little chick is up getting it's share. Go little guy.

BEagle said...

Where did all those fish tails go? Humm. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting bear update...great link to video of the cubs that were spotted.

BEagle said...

CLady posted the story about the stroller. Will check where it is before I go...Dana.

BEagle said...

Dana. The stroller story was at

January 22 at 11:21:00am.

BEagle said...

Little NC chicks alone and in full view.

BEagle said...

The chicks got their feather blanket back. Must be dad.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks BEagle

BEagle said...

YW Dana

hedgie said...

Good morning----almost afternoon.
Hope everyone is having a good one.
Haven't caught up on blog yet......guess I'll get to it eventually!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh BEagle so glad you found that for me. LOL that is truly cute Wanda's comment by there. I did somehow read right over it. Thank you again BEagle ( :

NatureNut said...

Good morning eagle and bear pals!!
Chilly and I did hear wind at the nest. Gotta check bears.


BEagle said...

It is presently 0 degrees at the KIDs nest.

The White Rock eagles have some kind of white fluff on their nest. Looks like the insides from a stuffed animal.
It's probably NOT but cannot figure out what. Anyone else?

BEagle said...

No NCTC activity for a while.

Have not seen anything at bear cam but hear lots.


BEagle said...

Oh, waiting to see George the cat post again.

wvgal_dana said...

I once worked Veterans Hospital in Baltimore, Md. It was a wonderful hospital and very caring for its patients.
When a patient came in that was seen by a doctor before and now a different doctor was seeing him. That doctor would read his chart and see what meds and was was going on with the patient prior and now.

Later I transferred to Martinsburg Veterans Hosptial. There I seen doctors NOT reading the patients chart to see what a prior doctor wrote. He would over medicate and even put the patient on a different medication but it was for the same thing. Which put the patient on 2 drugs for one illness.
We would catch a lot of errors with medications while I worked at Martinsburg VA.

Well a friend of mine her friend goes there (Martinsburg VA). After checking him out (he has a pacemaker/stents and a heart and lung patient) they sent him home. My friend called the ambulance and had him taken back down with the understanding HE CAN'T BREATH!!! Again Martinsburg Va sent him home..One night at home she called the ambulance again because HE CAN'T BREATH. Her being a nurse went down there to ask "Have any of you thought of doing a chest X-ray"? Just before she ask a nurse said to the doctor...."doctor this patient has NOT had a chest X-ray...well it came back he has pneumonia. They started medications and only kept him one day. With the medication they gave him at home he wasn't doing very well.....she could see him struggling to breath. Again she called ambulance and to the VA he went. They let the pneumonia get AHEAD OF THEM..he was transferre by his request to Winchester Medical Center. Where he is in Critical Care (CCU) and on life support.

Please pray for Larry and Barbara and family. I thank you.

BEagle said...

It's hard to tear away.

The NC chicks are in view again. There's a fish tail again and a whole fish on the nest waiting to become a tail too.


TCB this time.

hedgie said...

Carolyn told me that you all watched eagles last night, Margy!!! Cool!

Happy Birthday, Mr. Ed------and hope you have a great celebration!

Shirley, soory about your washer/pipe problem. My dryer vents outside, too, but I have never had a problem like that. Only freeze concern I have is that sometimes the bathtub (old clawfoot in basement----drain line goes outside to a gray-water pit---maybe 8" underground)won't drain because it gets frozen! Usually is thawed out during the day so it's ready to use at night!

hedgie said...

Glo, enjoy the beach and the lighthouse!!!! Mema Jo and I LOVE lighthouses!!

There is a great article in the paper today about the eagles at Kentucky Lake in Henderson , KY. Didn't we have bloggers from an RV park there last year???
I will see if I can find the article online.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle it very well could be fur from an animal they put in the nest. I checked it out on close up and now I'm on wide angle. There is an eagle (Beautiful) sitting on a limb with the sky behind him.


hedgie said...

That was easy!!
Kentucky Eagles

Glo, you should stop there on your way home!

hedgie said...

Thanks for all sympathy and advice about Mai. THis morning started rough, but seems to have mellowed some now.
Yes, Dana, my other Pei's were purebreds. I am truly believing that her "other half" is Lab, and that is what accounts for the feistiness and rambunctiousness.

hedgie said...

I am beginning to think that I may not have the right link for Sutton. It's a split two-cam that right? Neither will "play"---on either computer.

Dana, you are stuttering in your email! 2 of both---gotta go open.

NatureNut said...

Dana, Thx for link. Eagle is still sitting in tree! Beautiful.
Lynn, hope your doggy day is calmer.

wvgal_dana said...

WOW Kentucky may be the place to see eagles. Even in the winter time!!! Whipppeeee lots of eagles there!! Thanks for posting...(:

Lynn-Hedgie it could very well be the Lab part. They are great dogs and make good pets but they are more activity and love getting in water.

stronghunter said...

Well, maybe I could get a saw and saw myself into that wall. Don't know. Kathryn and I are pretty able. The problem is that we do not like to get cold, and would have to go out into the garage to do the work.

And, of course, when it is not cold out there, the problem goes away. Then we do not think about it!

Biggest thing I would worry about is all of the wiring in there. Would not want to hit a live wire. Will need to investigate.

Can always turn off the power, but I do not want to damage the wiring either.

People saw into walls all of the time. I will consider this. Then, we would need an access door of some kind. Does not have to be fancy in the garage.

Remember the first summer I was on here, I repaired my back steps and painted the living room, all with Hunter's help.


magpie said...

New Thread, almost an hour old !

BWO - two adult eagles on the platform and a roosting Eagle at BWE !! WHAT ????

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn, hope your day with your doggy is much better.

stronghunter said...


Will head over to the new thread when I return.


magpie said...

Oh just one more time just in case:


hedgie said...

Dana, sorry about your friends' experiences.
I was mighty upset Fri. Derick's dad called and said that if wife's BP was up (not alarmingly) and her pusle rate was 42. I said "get her to the Dr.". They got a reading of 41...did NOT even do an EKG...sent her home and told her to keep her scheduled apptmt. Mon. I told Russ to take her to ER if any specific symptoms; Derick is concerned, too...and we both told Russ to INSIST on EKG. Neither of us are happy with the Dr. of their choice....too old and too many dead brain cells from having been struck by cars (3 times) while jogging.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn when Derick took her back did anything good come of it???

If not tell him to take her to Hagerstown or Winchester and not to wait!!

wvgal_dana said...


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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...