Saturday, January 22, 2011


New thread.


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BEagle said...

They should get the SU cam focused on their nest instead of the highway below.

BEagle said...

That is a highway isn't it?

floralgirl said...

Eagle back with fluff

paula eagleholic said...

Back with more fluff!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. OK so its afternoon. It is nice to actually have something to get up and do in the morning BEFORE the computer. Had a great breakfast with my son and then went out to try out the minibike he put together LOL. MTBR. It was such fun to laugh and play. Heading home next Fri now. Remade my Motel reservations. Hoping for 3 days of sun to travel. Hmmm First day has lots of photography stops if the weather will co operate. Yeah and an eagle just literally popped into my pop up :-). Thats cool

BEagle said...

Looks like Belle is back. Trying to get her sticks neat.

BEagle said...

Whoa almost toppled with that stick, trying to get it in the perfect spot.

BEagle said...

That must be Lib instead.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle cool.

Off to the party, have a great afternoon!

Costume Lady said...

I think we split 8 commnts ago:)

Glo, I do hope your travelingw weather is the BEST!

Costume Lady said...

Picturs, Paula!!

floralgirl said...

Belle just flew in. Gonna fix all those sticks that Lib placed.

BEagle said...

Both working on the home of the new chicks.

floralgirl said...

More HP!

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

Awww. Love pecks.

Lynne2 said...

these are some mighty busy birds today. Egg coming soon!

floralgirl said...

LIb is back with stick. Stick fight!

BEagle said...

Working together on a stick that Lib just purchased.

Mema Jo said...

These two are outdoing themselves today! Lib better start bringing lots of food to Belle if this is it!

Mema Jo said...

Break time for me


Judie said...

Jo, so very sorry. Prayers for all.

Shirley, I know a really good orthopedic guy. lol Get it checked out, please.

Good grief, Lolly. I cannot imagine a ten year old basketball game. Bet those players are beyond exhaustion.

Very busy at the nest today. Beginning to think some eggs will appear very soon now.

BEagle said...

I wasn't counting how many sticks they brought in. They may have added 10 pounds or better.

Awww. Nuzzling.

hedgie said...

And still there working!

Shirley, please get an appointment...if there's any significant amount of fluid, it needs to be drained. (NOT a big deal---I've had it done a few times.) If there is blood in it, they will probably want to do some further checking.

Jo, sorry about your gs's friend. There was also a 19 y.o. killed---two other boys in car with him who survived.

BEagle said...


floralgirl said...

Eagle flew out and is back with another stick.

hedgie said...

Belle is going to knock Lib right out with those big sticks she's moving!

hedgie said...

Glo, sure hope the weather cooperates with your schedule!
Mini bike, huh??? Any pics of that????

stronghunter said...

Will get the appointment. I have a doctor. Just need to make the call and get some more paperwork taken care of. They want forms filled out by the WC people.

stronghunter said...

This has been a really good day to watch our eagles.

stronghunter said...

I am going to need to pull out some papers to grade. Then I will need to fill out some charts.

floralgirl said...

HP again!

BEagle said...

More HP.

hedgie said...

No luck getting the OK cam to play. Figures, doesn't it?

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

More stick placement going on!! Fortress!

Lynne2 said...

go to bear cam!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Is it really HOPE, Lynne
or do you mean to say Lily but just
too darn excited.......... Whoo Hoo

I finally got on the bear cam and
I do see HOPE.........

Lynne2 said...

It was Hope....and it was awesome! They both were facing the front and Lily was cleaning the baby(s) then she raked some stuff in, Hope was right there with her and she started licking the baby!

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful! I can see Hope quite well..
I hear one (or two) of the cubes..
What action!
I thought Maybe Hope could be a
cubby sitter.

Lynne2 said...

Hope is now stepping all over Lily!

Mema Jo said...

Do you think Hope is just inquisitive

I'm laughing - Lolly thinks a 12 lb cat lying on her chest is horrific...
I wonder what Lily think with Hope's weight on her chest! lol

hedgie said...

Oh, my, did you get a screen grab, Lynne??? I had timed the stupid ads..........

hedgie said...

Hope is looking for her teat!
Don't see the babies....

Mema Jo said...

This is soooooooo interesting to watch
Hope's reaction to things is remarkable

hedgie said...

THINK I saw one. Some real "crying" going on....Tight quarters when Lily and Hope are moving around.

hedgie said...

And now suckling contentment from....?Hope? Don't know if a wee cubbie could make that much of a purr yet.

Lynne2 said...

well, I got a couple of pictures. but you can't tell what anything is! I posted the only good one on my blog and it's of the baby scrambling up mom, and you can see tiny bottom and 2 rear legs.

Lynne2 said...

It was just too touching for words watching Hope cleaning the baby! I think I only saw one but for a brief moment I may have seen 2. I had to turn the sound to mute because the buzz is just too annoying. It wasn't as bad earlier today.

Judie said...

Absolutely beautiful view at NBG with eagle on a limb. Very nice setup there.

Ours Lib and Belle just can't stay away today. What a super wonderful treat for me as I usually have awful timing. Belle and Lib are just so lovely.

Amazing to see Hope climbing all over Lily, both Lily and Hope looking out, Hope seemed to be looking to see who/what had moved into her nursery. Worry that the baby(ies) might get squished but guess Lily knows what to do to protect them from too much weight. Hope looked as if she were giving bear kisses. Well, I do have an imagination.

Wanda, I love the stroller story. Plan to make good use of that. Milestone today -- was able to stand at bathroom sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. Darth was shocked. Should have asked for my stroller.

Lynne2, please DO NOT plan next year's Open House menu, okay? The pleasure of your company will be ever so much better than liverwurst and ketchup.


Mema Jo said...

I thnk there is a commotion in the den

Lynne2 said...

seems they are having an argument over who gets what side of the den!

Lynne2 said...

YAY JUDIE!!!!!!!!

and what exactly is wrong with LW and K?? it's YUMMY!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judie! I love LW but not with ketchup - Mustard only. lol

This den is getting interesting now.
I feel for Lily trying to keep cubs safe and keep Hope happy.

Mema Jo said...

Watch out Judie! Darth will have you standing at the kitchen stove or sink.

Mema Jo said...

My whole day has been den to nest then nest to den and over and over again.

I guess I will need to shut this off
Get ready for Mass

And then hurry back to see what you have said!

I will do that in about 12 min.

Mema Jo said...

I wish we would have some comments from Dr Rogers. Most info has come from Sue. Just wanting to hear how
proud he is for Lily and Hope.

Here I go...back the clothes! (Not to shock you but) hubby and I and many many others wear Jeans to church.........


Mema Jo said...

FB: Delphia Janiszeski
If anyone gets a post on their wall from me, about you being in a video, DO NOT OPEN IT, JUST DELETE IT!

floralgirl said...

I think as long as you both wear pants it won't be too shocking...

Costume Lady said...



Mema Jo said...

Did Russ appreciate his shovel?

floralgirl said...

He did, and I will appreciate it even more this Spring.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I wear pants to church every Sunday...can't get my bad knee up high eough to put panty hose on. So, pants it is! Haven't worn dress in to wear dresses...have a large closet downstairs filledwith them. When we get the clothes closet started at church, all my dresses will go there. Many of our guests say they would come to church if they had proper dress! Gotta fix them up:)

hedgie said...

Guess the workday is to do some fishing maybe???

Diane said...

Wow, I just now have been able to sit and check out the MD/VA/WV eagle cams. So tickled about that BW has three eggs! Is this a first for them, does anybody know? And I've been wondering why such a difference in egg laying times for the three different nests, yet they aren't that far apart in the scheme of things.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh...trauma at Wally World.....someone on a motorized cart hit a shopper.

Mema Jo said...

Those carts can get away from you but shoppers don't look where they are going sometimes!

Hi Diane - This is the first for BWE to have 3 eggs - always has been 2.
The eagle nesting season starts down in FL and works its way up the coast.

I have to leave now


hedgie said...

Diane, I can't remember about the past BW clutches.....SOMEONE has a list, I think of not too ancient history....Dana or Paula, maybe..?
Suspect that NBG will be next....and then our pair. Maine will be MUCH later, as always.

hedgie said...! What a menu....and where did you say that repast would be served???? At the soup kitchen? LOL!

floralgirl said...

EAGLE back!

floralgirl said...

Brought a stick, working on rearranging sticks in nest.

floralgirl said...

Just hanging out up on the side of nest now.

floralgirl said...

And off he flies to the right.

floralgirl said...

Eagle back in nest!

hedgie said...

Missed that visit!
Thanks, Jo, for giving Diane the answer to her question!

hedgie said...

Eagle back in nest!!

floralgirl said...

Working on the nest sides, tugging at sticks.

hedgie said...

All quiet on bear front---except for mike hum.

floralgirl said...

Flew out to the right.

Lolly said...

Wow! One active group here today and in the nest and in the den. I am just really bent out of shape that you saw Hope licking a cub. That is just fantastic! Love your picture, Lynne. Such tiny little hind legs.

Lots of hp in the nest.

Saw that you got up the new OK cam. Went there and I have it up. BEagle, that is not a highway under the Sutton nest. It is out in the water so I think we can see the shore line. Eagles must have knocked the cam cattywampus!

floralgirl said...

Eagle back in the nest!

Lolly said...

The 10 year old basketball game has finally ended. LOL Judie you had me on that one! Anyway, Joseph's team won 9 to 6. High scoring basketball, right? His team is undefeated!

stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

Wow! Not only did I see that HP, but I heard the chirping afterwards. Have my earbuds in!

stronghunter said...

I was confused about the 10 year old basketball game. Now I have figured it out.

Lolly said...

Now a lover's spat!

stronghunter said...

First HP I have seen this year.

stronghunter said...

Graded some papers and entered some grades. But I have some more to go.

stronghunter said...

Poof one.

floralgirl said...

Awesome. That's 4 times or more today in the nest. Eggs will be soon!
There goes Lib. MT nest.

Lolly said...

Well, with the ear buds I certainly do not pick up on any landings or take offs. That is disappointing.

paula eagleholic said...

Had a great time at Brensin's Party! Stayed after most had left and just played with the kids :) I'll have to wait until Ajay sends me the pics, I was taking pics with her camera.

Lynne, great pic of the new cubbie! Thank you!

Jo, I don't think it matter what you wear to church!

Wanda, love your Open House menu. Count me in!

BWE had 3 eggs the first year they had their cam up...maybe 2004?

I agree Megan...HP 4 times, we may have an egg next week!

Lolly said...

Have opened all my cams, visited fb and Bear chat picture on fb. They had a couple of cubbie pics, too. There is also a video of Hope for her birthday. I shared it on fb. Crazy me, I got tears in my eyes! Oh well, just call me sentimental! Or is it Mental?

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad your team won that OLD game! I picked up on that before Judie did!!!! Of course, I KNEW what you meant, but it WAS funny!

Still no luck on OK cam. Just keeps telling me they aren't available.

Missed the HP again. Busy birds=a good clutch, we hope.

Lolly said...

For those of you not on facebook, here is the link to the Hope Birthday video.

Hope Birthday Video

Lolly said...

Someone said something about a split screen and it reminded me that last year I did put up a split screen, but I do not remember how to do it. It is h____ getting old!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone in Nest & Denville! Sorry I missed the eagles this AM. We just returned from DIL's Mother's Memorial Service. It was very lovely---many people got up & spoke about her & we learned a lot, even tho we've seen her over the years at family, weddings, showers, etc.Altho a sad occasion, got to see lots of out of town relatives & little & bigger Lundholm grand & great-grand children.

Jo, sorry for your friend's loss.


Lynne, hope Bro Cat did not upset his GI system, now that he was better.

Lolly said...

I look at the new OK nest and realize what a nice large nest our eagles have built.

Lolly said...

Know you had a great time at the Party, Paula. After the OLD basketball game, Jacob had a party to go to. It was the third birthday of his best friends little brother. They live just a few doors down. Even though they live close, Jacob had to be walked down there by Laurel. "Mommy, the other mommies are with their kids." So, she walked him down, stood there talking with the daddy, when Jacob says "You can go home now, Mommy." LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, that's cute, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

Our nest is looking rather dark...

Lolly said...

Just found a great video on fb...Lily's page. Saw what you all saw this afternoon. Hope is going to be a great big sister.

THen I went to OK cam. There are two eagles at the Sutton nest and it looks like they are working on the nest! Wahoo! Too bad the close up cam is cattywampus!

Lolly said...

Yep, really dark at our nest.

Lolly said...

Give that cub a pacifier! LOL

magpie said...

What a heckuva day to have to sleep!

Great nest and den news reporting here...

Hello Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

So I was thinking it was way beyond 4 times on the H-P !

Must be because so many were posting about it!! Multiple reports on the same event made my head spin !

magpie said...

But my Bless This Nest avatar shall remain at least until the first egg appears

Hope when the Moon rises later things will brighten up, skies are beautifully clear tonight...

magpie said...

am very saddened by the death of your grandson's friend...
prayers offered for that loss

magpie said...

enjoyed all the cat and dog tales on here today
and loved that wheelchair/stroller quip, Wanda !

So glad that Judie was able to see so much eagle action, wash her face and brush her teeth at the sink
AND that Shirley saw H-P !

Shirley - how is Susan getting along ?

Lolly said...

Well, Margy, you and I missed all the action today!

Lolly said...

I have seen videos of the cubs and I did see one hp action! Won't be long before we have eggs.

Lolly said...

And, I did see an OLD basketball game. is over!

magpie said...

Yep and I will miss most of it Sunday too Lolly !
But at least you were doing some interesting things besides sleep !

I figure some of those sticks coming in are at least 8 feet long !

magpie said...

read somewhere that eggs can start rolling out within 4- 10 days of they should start rolling out just about anytime !!!
not sure how accurate that information is, was reading about it on the internet overnight

magpie said...

am sure there are many factors involved in that egg laying schedule...

magpie said...

forgot to go watch for ISS this morning
it's up 24, 25, 26 and 27 hereabouts in the mornings - Monday and Wednesdays should be the best view !

hedgie said...

We need the moon if we are to see any nest action tonight. We must have a lunar light rather than solar or infrared!!!!

magpie said...

Isn't the extra daylight great though!
We will have gained 38 minutes of that this month, 2/3 of it that in the evening times!

computer freezing up a bit here and groaning loudly think I have to do a restart

bbl xoxo Best wishes for a good evening everyone

Mema Jo said...

Just watched Hope's 1st Birthday video
She surely has been through so much..
All grown up and only 1 yr old!
Yep, Lolly I had some tears.

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy!

Susan is doing much better, but complaining about the cold weather. She wants to bring back the 80-degree days she was enjoying in Ecuador.

She was scheduled to work today.

stronghunter said...

George just walked across the keyboard again, and I got a message I have never seen before: "Stopped." I thought that I would have lost the message I had just written, but I didn't.

stronghunter said...

Squeals at the bear den.

stronghunter said...

Nursing at the bear den, and squealing.

Costume Lady said...

When Hope was licking the cubs, she acted as though they didn't taste very good:) I guess all her caretakers are elated at that little exchange of sibling love:)

hedgie said...

Sound on bear cam is going in and out for me----anyone else?
Listen to those sweet sounds! Kind of nice to think that Hope can help out Lily with the childcare routines. Wonder if she can process it and retain it to make herself a good mother when the time comes...??

stronghunter said...

Can't remember who posted the picture of Hope licking the new baby.

stronghunter said...

Not hearing any sounds from the den right now, but I can't tell if it is just because it is quiet there now.

Lolly said...

Just finished a great supper of a bacon cheeseburger fresh off the Ellis gas grill. Yummy! When it is time for my last meal, just give me and Ellis bacon cheese burger!

Think I am going to put my nose in a magazine or book tonight. I am about cammed out! LOL

stronghunter said...

Yes, now I can tell that the sound is cutting in and out.

Lolly said...

I hear a continuous low hiss on the den cam. Whoops, there is some squealling.

magpie said...

I finally made it back, thanks for your answer about Susan...can understand her wanting those warm temperatures !

I used to go to Florida for January and February several years ago...returning to WV in March was quite a shock to the system !

magpie said...

but there's nothing like being on the beach in February !
South Florida beaches especially !

magpie said...

3422 viewers o the Lily Cam felt it was safe to try to get in

reminded of Wanda's comment,
Big, Black, Blob

but I think I can see Hope off to the right
going to listen and watch for awhile

hedgie said...

I think I see the moon finally starting to rise.....hopefully that will make our nest light up.

magpie said...

funny Lynn I just checked for Moon here too, hasn't cleared the buildings yet at my roost !

going to take a serenity break under the covers before work

catch you all again before midnight shift

xo ☺

hedgie said...

Seems strange that the moon is orange in this winter cold!

hedgie said...

Nest IS getting brighter.....slowly but surely.

hedgie said...

Going to take my bath and maybe nest will be bright when I'm done!

NatureNut said...

Thx, Lynn for moon observation. I finally found it--pretty low about ESE, big and orange!I thought harvest was over! If it sits still, I might have to take it's pic! LOL
Lynne, love pic you got of tiny cub.Reminds me of baby pandas!

NatureNut said...

Bears were quiet awhile ago, now the babies are crying!

NatureNut said...

Now heard one doing busy bee humming, crying & big moans!Don't they know it's past bedtime?

Mema Jo said...

Watching the famous Doc Martin TV shows - 2 back to back.

Don't know why but I feel like it is later then it is. I mean I am sleepy

I guess I best find out how sleepy

BBILW (Maybe)

Lolly said...

It must be contagious, Jo. I am so sleepy and can not stop yawning and it is only 8:55 here!

Costume Lady said...

Sleepy here, too...up too late watching Lily last night and up too early this morning waiting on our love birds.

NatureNut said...

Maybe eyes are crossing from extra cam watching!Checked Lily's Facebook photos & saw a couple from this afternoon like Lynne's & with sideview of Hope watching Lily w/cub. So cute!

Well, think we have some doozie football games tomorrow. Of the 4 teams playing, I like 3!!!Do have my terrible towel up just like my picture.

stronghunter said...

It looks like Hope is lying across Lily now.

hedgie said...

Moon isn't orange now, and it's rising higher....nest is only barely lighter....sure don't understand this light situation AT ALL!

hedgie said...

Got today's wounds bathed and soothed and re-dressed. It has not been a good day. Mai is a monster and she apparently hates me. Just don't know what to do. Very discouraged, upset and even a bit scared. I have never gone through this before.

stronghunter said...

Bear Update

NatureNut said...

Wanda, who's the lovely mystery lady?

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynn. I am sorry. You are a good mama to her.

NatureNut said...

Poor Lynn. Isn't Mai just playing? Thinks you're another pup? Hope the trainer can give you some answers or we can take a collection to have Cesar come to your place.

magpie said...

LOL Wanda - I knew that avatar was coming but I didn't want to spill the beans! sent you an email a little while ago way, Mai does not hate you! She's got a lot of puppy in her, and loads of puppy love as well !

Hello again, Evening Eagle Pals

magpie said...

we have some fuzzy clouds here - again - somehow - hope that will clear..I think anytime the moon rises it is going to have that orangeness to it...guess it has something to do with cosmic dust and the way the sun is catching it

funny to see the "waning part" coming off the top of the moon though

magpie said...

Seriously, Lynn

Who can you call for advice on all this?

Will be praying that Mai Ying settles down for you in this regard
(( hugs ♥ ))

NatureNut said...

Saw moon here & it is pretty big and bright over more than Texas!!
Maybe gonna get a snack & watch news~~~~
If you leave for work, Margy, hope you have a safe and quiet one.

To everyone hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

I have to say good night. My eyes are tired from so much looking at the computer screen. I did not get too much done today, though I did grade some papers.

See you tomorrow.

magpie said...

Good Night, Shirley, Loretta...anyone else ?
Yeah, I HAVE to leave for work soon NN :(

hedgie said...

She literally attacks me....and I don't consider it playig nipping when it draws blood and I have to pry her mouth off of me. All the things I've been told to do aren't working. She is so defiant---and just glares at me if I try to stop her from doing something bad. The jumping is going to eventually knock me over if I can't get it to stop----and if she does, I think she is going to do serious injury. Have tried so many deterrents as advised: vinegar, Vicks, Bitter Yuck.....Tabasco will burn like H with all these cuts and punctures, so have not tried it. She has torn holes in several sweatshirts from grabbing at them.....and on and on......

magpie said...

any reports from the person you got her from, on how the others in the litter are behaving?

hedgie said...

So they think there is a 3rd cub, huh??? Funny----so many here had the cam on at that time, and we failed to notice the signs.....only time will tell! Of course, it's always possible that there could be stillbirth.....

magpie said...

nest IS brightening up - some - the white sycamore tree branches especially

I CAN check the still cam at least from work, I WILL be watching

cannot blog though!

hedgie said...

Lily seems very calm with all those squeals going on!!! Wonder if she and Hope are sleep deprived?

hedgie said...

It's getting lighter all the time, Margy! Glad that you can peep in now and then from work.
No, she hasn't said anything about the littermates other than all successfully adopted.

Goodnight to time and then let Mai out, build up fire and hit the hay myself.

Prayers for all.

magpie said...

Okay - Lynn
will pray that Sunday will be a better day for you and Mai...

seems a shame to change OUT of pajamas at this time of night but it must be done

Best wishes for sweet and restful sleep everyone

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

just brought the Lily Cam up...
don't think that key lime pie gum in the ad appeals to me !

all's pretty quiet there now

ttfn xo

NatureNut said...

Just checked our Live cam & it is brighter. Now we need another late night fly in!

magpie said...

we should be able to see white heads and tails if they show up Loretta !

okay, time to shut things down here

adios !

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn, (((hugs)))! You wanted a sweet dog to love and I know you love Mai. She really is full of it, isn't she? I know you must be terribly frustrated! Do not, do not let her get the best of you and do be careful!

Have been playing computer word games and my eyes are fading fast.

Mema Jo said...

Oh well - now it is time for sure to head to the pillows.
Lynn I am very disheartened like you as to Mai's behavior. Hope you get good advice..
Have a good night Margy
Wanda - why are all of your videos gone from most of your personal blogs??

Mema Jo said...

Good Night everyone and prayers for all
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks for your comments of concern for Tyler, the young 20 yr old who lost his life last night. Please offer prayers for his family and all his friends.

((hugs)) ♥

Lolly said...

Amazing videos they have of the bears. Nature is awesome!

I saw that behavior of Lily's last night and thought she was just tending to her cubs. hmmmm????? MTBR

Lolly said...

Yes, Jo, prayers for Tyler's family. I just can not imagine what they are going through.

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower. And, then to bed. Church in the morning and I too wear pants to church. I wear dresses to weddings and have a narrow choice as I just have not been buying dresses. Hate hose and when I retired I gave that up!!

Nite all! Prayers for those hurting and in need. Prayers for you, too, Lynn and Mai. Wish I was a doggy expert to help you.

Sweet dreams!

BEagle said...

The nest is lighter now. Maybe it takes a while for the cam nite lite to kick in.

Hedgie, it's awful that you are having so much pain with Mai. Literally and physically. You had success with the breed before and now you have disappointments. Hope you can get something worked out.

Time to say goodnight.
Prayers for you....♥

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, the lovely, young lady is my oldest grandchild, Jillian. She is the one who drives an ambulance and just got ROOKIE OF THE YEAR AWARD:)

Costume Lady said...


glo said...

Good Morning all. You must be sleeping in. Hedgie golly I am sorry Mai is giving you such a hard time. You will know in your heart as you get info what is the best thing for you and Mai. Right now one Day at a time. Think we will head to St Simons later today albeit kind of chilly as this is my last weekend day here is the weather hangs tough. We were going to take a bit further trip, but There is much to do here and Dex couldn't be strolled at a swamp. He can be strolled at the Lighthouse though. Given all the time we will spend in a car next weekend I htink an ocean visit with lighthouse will be nice. Have a good day. Miss Mai be a good girl.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I may be in the market for a washer repairman. I put a load in last night, and got up this morning to find the motor still running trying to pump in water for the rinse cycle. I expect the cold water pipe is frozen.

I don't run the dryer when I am sleeping. It seems that I should not have run the washer this time. I think I might have to resort to having someone tear out that drywall and wrap those pipes. This is getting old. We keep the heater next to the wall and have had it on since the weather got really cold.

I have turned up the heater we use to thaw pipes in the laundry room, but no rinse cycle. I do not know if it is because the pipe is frozen or the pump motor has quit.

Things worked fine for the wash cycle. But I am not sure if there was any cold water being pumped in, though. Can't imagine that there are two separate pumps, but I don't know.

I guess I can rinse by putting it through another wash cycle without soap. Ugh. I did not need this.

Pardon all of the complaining.

I see that the nest is empty at the moment.

Kathryn and Hunter are going to pick up Will and meet Rus to visit the Air and Space Museum today. I am going to stay home and get a few things done.

stronghunter said...

Hi Glo! Good morning.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Anybody there?

stronghunter said...

Must be Lib. Sitting in his favorite spot.

stronghunter said...

And poof.

glo said...

Hi Just finished breakfast. YEP there's a bird :-)

glo said...

:-( poof

stronghunter said...

Short visit.

glo said...

Gosh stronghuntersorry about the pipe or whatever that problem is. I never run my dryer while sleeping or out of my house. I hope its easily resolved. I know we have left water running at my sons house at least 0% of the nights I have been here. Its all my fault :-)

stronghunter said...

We have had a frozen pipe issue ever since we built this house. It does not happen unless the weather gets really cold. The heater has seemed to be the solution, but last night when I started the washer, it hesitated the way it does when the water is icy. But then the water flowed in. I thought everything was okay. Wasn't happy to find it still running this morning.

A fire in the laundry room convinced me to stop using the dryer at night. My son had put in a very late load. We were fortunate to discover it before the house burned down with us in it.

stronghunter said...

You've had plenty of winter weather in GA, haven't you, Glo. Not as cold as you are used to, I am sure, though.

stronghunter said...

Look out for a split soon.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to get some breakfast. Think I will make a quick check of the bear den first.

glo said...

LOL Yes its -4 back home this morning. its 25 here. I need 25 when I get home LOL

stronghunter said...

People in Georgia would not appreciate -4; neither would we people in Virginia.

I lived in Ohio for awhile and got used to colder weather, though not usually below zero.

Some time in Minnesota visiting in-laws gave me the real below zero experience.

stronghunter said...

24 degrees here now.

stronghunter said...

Windy at the nest this morning. Nest is swaying.

stronghunter said...

Split time is upon us.

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...