Monday, January 03, 2011


Ryan Haggerty shot this picture this AM.

New thread.


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glo said...

Hi Steve. Thanks for the New thread. Hope you enjoyed your Holidays.

movin said...

tHANKS for the great pic of our pair and the wintry Sycamore.

And thanks for the much needed new thread, Steve.

Both eagles at BWE now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Happy new year, Steve!
The picture is so great! Thank you Ryan

I appreciate the new thread - you didn't let them hit 1000 comments..
I think a race to get there would have happened!

Hi Glo!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim! Saw you earlier over on the previous thread. Bob's photos are awesome.

Just back from Dr appointment and my blood test were really good. I must be doing something right.

hedgie said...

Lovely colored photo of our pair! How great that Ryan caught them at the right moment!!!!

Well, we got CLOSE to 1000!!!!!

Andy, are those sandbags at the top of the basin?? Or just rocks? Couldn't enlarge it enough to be sure.

hedgie said...

Wish Lib & Belle would land in the's been a long weekend!

paula eagleholic said...

Ryan is my new hero!!

Judie said...

Good early evening, everyone.

Busy day today. Most time spent at cardiology. Bl pressure has been consistently very good.

My prayers for Tristan to be at peace and for the healing of his family.

Shirley, I think I would have told the guy at the hospital that you especially appreciate the seat he gave you as it was your consolation prize based on the game score.

Lynn, can't wait for obedience classes for Mai. Seems she has been a real handful. So relieved you did not follow in my attempt to "fly" down the stairs.

Gorgeous picture of the royal pair. Many hugs of appreciation for Ryan.

Nest looks close to being ready for raising eaglets. Not too much longer.

Dana, do try to protect your eye and do see the doctor, please.

Going to head back across the hall to bed. Pulling myself up a flight of stairs = aching joints.

Really need to consider another visit to surgeon's nurse. Incision area that was infected is still not healing. Won't be able to do much learning to walk if I can't wear the big boot. Not healing is making me increasingly nervous.

Okay, gong to rest for awhile.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne, oh I can relax!! The two guest rooms are at the front of the house. Out of sight...out of mind! I was just so busy last week at Laurel's that I just let this place go.

Well, really glad to have the new thread and the picture is fantastic! Thanks Steve!! However, I thought making it to 1000 would have been fun!

Paula, have not really accomplished much in taking down decorations. I did replace the Christmas pillows on the sofa with the regular ones. Got into my bathroom and cleaned. Then got to my jewelry box and straightened there.

Judie said...

Yep, tired. Meant "going" to rest.


Mema Jo said...

Zoo Atlanta Panda Cub all alone

Lolly said...

Whoops, make that "Lynn" in my last comment.

Judie, sorry you are not healing like you think you should. Get back and have it checked again, like you said. Your situation makes me so glad there are no staircases in our house. We have one friend that had to move because of the stairs and Rodney and Chee put an elevator in their new home. When we visited them we rode the elevator a couple of times. Chee uses it usually taking the laundry to the basement. She said the cats like to ride the elevator and run to it when she is gathering the laundry. LOL

Lolly said...

Back to piddling! That means not accomplishing much! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Love the picture, please pass along our thanks to Ryan, Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

Cats riding in an elevator...never would have thunk it!

hedgie said...

Sad zoo news from Mits:

An elderly female bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) named Sam was euthanized Friday, Dec. 31, at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park. The bird was found lying in her exhibit Dec. 28 and was transported to the Zoo’s veterinary hospital for treatment. Although the eagle initially responded to medical treatment, her condition soon began to decline and she was humanely euthanized.

A full postmortem examination was conducted and results will be available in several weeks.

Sam was a wild-born bird, estimated to be more than 30 years old. She was found in Alaska with a gunshot wound in 1986 and because of the injury, she could not be released back into the wild. Bald eagles can live into their late teens and early 20s in the wild. A few wild eagles have lived into their 30s.

Sam came to the National Zoo in 2003 from the American Eagle Foundation at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. She had participated in their traveling educational programs from 1990 to 1992.

While habitat loss still threatens the bald eagle, the wild population is thriving and was removed from the federal list of threatened and endangered species in June 2007. The Zoo currently has one bald eagle left and is investigating options to add more, but it does not have immediate plans. The Zoo’s bald eagles have been off-exhibit due to construction of the new seal and sea lion exhibit in the Beaver Valley section of the park.

Suzanne Hough, Program Supervisor

Friends of the National Zoo

Dept. of Education and Volunteer Services

NatureNut said...

Finally found new thread. Had to go back off and online again! Watching nest....

hedgie said...

Judie, good to see you. Sorry that incision line is still giving you trouble. Try to get back in for another eval. SOON! Can imagine that pulling yourself up the steps makes you as sore as using crutches does----just in different places!!

Think I'm going to have to resort to taking an oxycodone....ibuprofen and acetaminophen are not easing my pain much, and it seems to be getting sorer.

Lolly, I was also thinking "out of sight, out of mind" for you---just close those doors. If it was me, I would do the spread, but not put fresh sheets on until someone was scheduled to come!!

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell y'all that Bill could not splice my charger cord. Not enough left on one end to strip enough wire. So will have to go buy a new one when I'm out tomorrow.

NatureNut said...

Beutiful picture by Ryan. Maybe that's where they are now!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, I just spent more time on my cell phone talking to an MCI supervisor. She said they are not able to prioritize even cases where people are on oxygen due to the extreme conditions in the State of California. Someone on oxygen would apparently have priority over someone with a pacemaker. Our work order will expire at 10 pm on 01/12. Hope I don't have to call them back to renew the work order! If so, they will be dealing with a near madwoman!
To further frustrate me, AND to illustrate my point that we NEED a land line phone, my cell phone turned itself off because of a low battery while I was about to get the supervisor's name and a return phone number. AAaaargh!

floralgirl said...

Both eagles just flew in!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for posting the info about the eagle at the National Zoo. Very sad, but at least she lived to be pretty old for a bald eagle.

Sorry to hear that the incision isn't healing as it should! I say you should see the doctor again asap, too!
Glad your B.P. is doing so well! Be sure to follow your "gut feelings" about your ankle. In my experience, you can't go wrong by doing so. Hope you have a nice rest, and feel much better when you awaken! (((HUGS)))!!

hedgie said...

EAGLES just flew in!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

YIPPEE!!!!! EAGLES!!!!!!
This has just MADE my day!!! :o]

hedgie said...

Working a little, but did not see anything brought in.

hedgie said...

Note Lib's crooked talon!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes they are in the nest!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

BTW, just look at those crooked toesies! I'm SURE that's Lib!

hedgie said...

Sight for sore eyes, for sure!!

Lolly said...

I am hear watching two beautiful eagles!!!!!!!!111

Lolly said...

Poof one!

hedgie said...

Poof one...

wvgal_dana said...

I think it was just the way he was standing.

hedgie said...

And two.....

Lolly said...

Poof two!

Ms Bookworm said...

Poof! And double poof! Oh, was it GOOD to see both of them!!

Mema Jo said...

Short but very sweet visit
Both eagles were in the nest

hedgie said...

Jo, how was your lab report??

Glad y'all got to see them, too!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Lynn, on my avatar, those are big boulders at the top of the river channel, not sandbags. Not to worry!

Lolly said...

Well, that was a sight for sore eyes! For sure! Seeing Ryan's beautiful picture was great, but this is greater!

hedgie said...

Pic posted in album. First one of the new year!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn sounds like you need an X-RAY!!!

JUDIE YOU NEED TO GET THAT INCISION CHECKED!!!!! There are places that just do healing of wounds.PLEASE PLEASE DON'T LET THIS GO!!!!

Lolly said...

Wish they would come back!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--gotta run. Will check in later tonight, after school. Have an English class tonight. Later, alligators! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, the blood work had very good results. Mainly was checking Cholesterol and all readings had improved..
LDL 86

hedgie said...

Darkness is closing in......return visit would be nice....but they better hurry!

hedgie said...

Dana, as I said before, no x-ray needed. It's a soft-tissue injury. No way to have damaged a bone or torn anything.

Way to go, Jo!!!!! Keep eating that oatmeal and doing that exercise!!

hedgie said...

Keep your eyes on the nest, please, for a few more minutes. Gotta let Mai out!

NatureNut said...

I missed the birds :>( Was putting Xmas stuff away.

Judie, not to bother you and play Mom, but plz. have your incision checked ASAP. They should do a culture to be sure you are on the correct antibiotics. You don't need any complications to slow down your recovery.☺ ♥

NCSuzan said...

Missed 'em. Oh well, they wull be back.
Andy, so sorry about your phone issues. We as consumers do not have the ears of corpoprations like we used to have.

Judie, you have to be feeling really tired of all this by now. Please call the dr. office about your incision. Of course you already know that. It will get better. Everyone here is ready to support you until you are healed.

Lynn, you are having a time of it with Mai. She loves yanking your chain doesn't she? She will get better.

Jo, glad your blood work came out ok. I am supposed to go tomorrow for lab but who wants to go after eating during the holidays? Not me!!

Sad about the eagle at the zoo. Sounds like she had a long and productive life though.

Beagle, so glad you finally have heat.

To everyone else I hope you are well and keeping your New Year's resolution.

NatureNut said...

Sorry, Lynn. Nest is almost black.
Guess it's time to watch bears and boars!!

hedgie said...

Anyone see the mini "panda" cow born in Colorado??? Google it! A bit far-fetched.....but they sell for $30G's!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening Eagle buds! Great pic of our wonderful eagles! I didn't see them any today, did ya'll??

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lynn, are you okay?? I bet that arm is sore, huh?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just read back and see I missed them! :(( But at least I know they were there, that's all that matters!!!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

GEEZ, who knew I had so much to do and so little time these day! I think I'll never get caught up on the blog!

but I see Lynn got injured somehow, and Judie's incision isn't healing well, and Dana still having eye trouble and Andy has no phone in the immediate future, Lolly is piddling in the un-made beds( I think they medication for that! LOL!), Jo had some good blood test results, Wanda and Gene were making out at church, and did I read the NC Suz is a STEELERS Fan??!!

I saw Lily and Hope yesterday briefly, and missed the eagles this evening but glad cam is back online!

So sad about the eagle at the NZ but wow, at that age....I bet it was just "time".

I need to go get dinner started. I'm hoping to hit the $300million Mega Million lottery tomorrow night so someone else can fix dinner from now on! I splurged a buck and bought a ticket!

BEagle said...

Hi Everyone.

Very nice news about the cam and seeing the eagles!

It would have been nice to go to 1000 for a split but the picture of Lib and Belle is much, much better.

It just occurred to me that I did two of the splits on the Thursday thread. One just happened and the other was worked for.

Reading through the posts to catch up, I noticed Costume Lady had a post about 52 years and a kiss. It was funny but the water works started.

It's always touching to see people stick together for such a long time.

BEagle said...

It is also nice to come home and find the temperature to be warmer than the inside of my refrigerator!


NCSuzan said...

So interesting about the birds that died in Arkansas. Have you read about them?

BEagle said...

Is that a clematis? Beautiful flower.

BEagle said...

Got to see an eagle on the Decorah nest. Haven't seen that for a while.

What happened to the birds in AK?

wvgal_dana said...

I didn't tell you all I left and now I'm back. Been trying to find the prescription that was suppose to be called into WalMart Spring Mills this AM.

I gave it some thought and called Reed's. Yep they called it in there.
7 days cash $125.00 "thanks goodness insurance" $55.31 for 7 pills that is $7.90 a pill. Cash $125 divided by 7 would have been $17.86 a pill now we all know that $7.90 a pill or $17.86 a pill is ridiculous!!!

hedgie said...

I posted the bird story this morning, BEagle. 2000 dead red-wing blackbirds in Arkansas (now they thrown in a few dozen fish, too). They don't know what caused death, but speculation was New Years eve celebration stress (guns, firecrackers), hail or lightening.

Yep, Sissy, I am very sore.

Warm house, warm house----go BEAgle!

Lynne, hope you are the WINNER!!!

Judie said...

Everyone is giving me good advice and the support is so very welcome. I need to really have this incision thing checked again. Getting nervous someone's going to decide to surgically remove the "offending" area and I'll have to start all over. Only given 7 days antibiotics and last week surgeon didn't order more. I can't ever remember being so discouraged.

I'm sorry about the charger cord. Aggravating to be sure but at least Mai wasn't injured by an electrical jolt. Yep, took a percocet about an hour ago. Lots of injury related aches and pains. Have to do the upstairs-downstairs thing three more times this week.

Lolly, I agree. Just put bedspreads on and save the sheets for "company's coming."

I'm sad about the NZ eagle but am grateful she had so many years of life to give knowledge and pleasure to others.

Jo, good job on the cholesterol. Need to get my HDL down near yours. You're my inspiration.

Andy, I am really distressed if medical needs are not prioritized where medical communication is a critical concern. Hopefully, what you were told is standard and intended not to get hopes up for faster service when, in reality, service will be restored much, much faster. Have a good class, tonight.

Drug is taking effect. Need to close my eyes for a hour or so.

Oh, Lynne2, you realize you have to pay for transportation to a grand hotel and buy a lavish dinner for all the momsters/dadsters IF you win the Mega Millions? Just thought I would remind you -- just make sure it's handicap friendly.


hedgie said...

Did I just hear right??? Is Jerry Brown governor of CA again, Andy???? Sure 'nuf!! Goodbye, Arnold. Wonder if he's saying "I'll be back"??????

hedgie said...

Did your SIL make it home okay, Andy??? Such ridiculous weather. Aha! You've got 9 days of sunny weather coming!

Judie said...

Oh, BEagle, enjoy having a toasty warm abode -- the house not the frig.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 while in Maryland Saturday brought Mega Million tickets. Oh how I'd love to be able to pay for daughter to go to college and pay her rent and bills while she did that. She wants to go to this private school, a 2 year school. How MOMMA WOULD LOVE TO DO THAT FOR HER....then no loans to pay back for her.

Mema Jo said...

Just looked at the Panda Cow - Tom won't let Sissy have one of those. lol

hedgie said...

Margy, if you are lurking.....teletype is STILL down.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I got my blood work too....I thought Oh No this is going to be bad.

Sugar 100

4.5-6.3 mine was 6.1

Chol 170 total

HDL was 55

Tyr 103

Doctor was very HAPPY and I am too !(:

Lolly said...

Lynne, what are you buying all of us when you when the lottery? I want more than a dinner! I have said in the past, (long past) that everyone on here was getting a new computer when I won. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Dana yours is looking good..
My total was 149 & Dr was also happy.
I know that my quitting smoking and starting to exercise again plus paying attention to what I eat are the reasons for the reading.

BEagle said...

A new computer would be nice, I agree.
MemaJo reminded me...I have to go to the pharmacy.


wvgal_dana said...

BEagle sounds like a nice toasty house and it will feel so good when it is really cold outside. Happy installation is completed.

Looks like soup for me tonight. No milk, cheese type products.
Dang I forgot to ask about my yogurt. It puts the good bacteria back in.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo it says Season Finale Tonight 9pm The Closer...

hedgie said...

Good report, Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Lynn-Hedgie I was a little concerned since I stop taking my sugar reading each day. Strips and needles are too costly.

He does that sugar test that shows for over a period of time. Not just for one month.

Mema Jo said...

The Closer is on tonight for their last show... Don't want to miss it.

Mema Jo said...

Whoops - excuse me for repeating you Dana!

That's what happens if you just post and then read........

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Judie Did I hear right that your Saving Sheetz - for company is coming??? Wow!

stronghunter said...


Sitting here about to fall asleep. But I need to stay awake for awhile at least.

I want to hear from Susan. She left for Ecuador this morning. She said she would get in touch to let me know she got safely there.

She had been expecting to have a traveling companion, but the other person forgot her passport and had to take a later flight. I really can't imagine booking an international flight and forgetting my passport. But that meant that Susan went alone. That's all I know.

stronghunter said...

Very happy to see some comments from Judie. Yes, I would definitely be calling the doctor about any concerns over an infection.

stronghunter said...

Funny comment, Jo. Judie will always hear about Sheetz.

Judie said...

Yep, Jo. The sheetz are washed, ironed, and ready for you. Well, not ironed, but the thought is there. In fact, in summer I use a larger pretty flat sheetz in place of a spread. Wash, dry, ready to go, and looks nice.

Forgot earlier. Sorry, Glo. Hope Dex has stopped scratching. What sorts of fun things are you two doing in the warmer weather? I probably missed comments.

Back across the hall. BBL

Judie said...

Doing a Margy!

Shirley, how's Russ feeling? Cracked ribs are no fun. Makes breathing a tad uncomfortable. Hope you hear from Susan soon. I'm sure she arrived without incident.

hedgie said...

Judie, you want HDL up----higher the better!!!! LDL is the one you want low!!

Know how discouraged you must be feeling.....but think positive thoughts! DO get in to see dr. again. In all things: one step at a time, one day at a time.
We are here to give you nudges when needed!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes please Shirley let us know when you hear from our Susan.

hedgie said...

Dana, the A1C is a 3 month average. Good test, but still important to follow daily readings.

stronghunter said...

Susan is in Quito at her hotel! Someone was supposed to meet her at the airport, but she waited 30 minutes and then gave up and took a taxi.

She says she had a terrible headache. I hope that gets better.

hedgie said...

How long was the flight to Ecuador, Shirley? Non-stop?? Did she leave from Dulles?
Can't imagine someone forgetting their passport! Duh!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynn-Hedgie have you been to the NEW store in the Martinbsburg Mall????? "I Seen It On TV and More" that is the name of it. I got to go there today. I think that store is so so neat!

Mema Jo said...

The A1C reading for me is usually around 6
Dana with you saying Sugar 100 are you
referring to the Glucose that the norm is 65-99 ?

Shirley you can breath a little easier now!

stronghunter said...

They do not have wifi at the hotel, but the manager let her use the hotel computer to let us know she is safely there.

She will try to contact us again tomorrow from the university.

Oh, and she did say her headache is better.

Judie, it was Will who had the rib problem. I have too many children for you to keep up with.

NatureNut said...

Wow, Shirley! Good to know your daughter is at her destination. Too bad about going alone. Can't believe someone could forget a passport, either!

Judie, good to hear from you again!
"Ironing Sheetz??"

Almost done in kitchen---still carving that rib roast--had to fix lunch plate for work. I LUV it--don't think any will get frozen & saving bones for soup.

NatureNut said...

Oh, yes--saw comment about the Panda cow. Saw story on news yesterday. Only bred to get that look & are pets! What a waste of science, altho they are cute.

stronghunter said...

Susan was a bit frustrated because the contact person she was dealing with would not be specific about where in the airport people would meet her. I even found a picture of the airport so I could see how big it is. Not really big as airports go, but big enough that a person should tell you what part of it they are going to be in.

I am happy that Susan has done a bit of traveling and is resourceful.

She thought that there would be English-speaking people at the Quito airport. . . probably better English-speakers than the woman on the loudspeaker at Laguarda when we flew to New York who was announcing a flight about to take off by saying that anyone not on board had better hurry by saying, "Must be run, must be run."

stronghunter said...

Not no-nstop, Lynn. She changed planes in Panama and Columbia.

Lynne2 said...

So glad Susan made it to her destination OK!

What will I buy everyone when I hit the Mega Millions. HMMMMMMM. I guess that depends of if I win all by myself, or if I have to share the pot with others!!

I see our cam is cattywampus again. GEESH. I sure hope they can get the bugs worked out post haste. Egss are a comin'!

Mema Jo said...

Off to the CLOSER,,,,,,,

stronghunter said...

Susan did leave from Dulles. Her trip took about 12 hours, but she had two layovers.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, I am waiting for you to win that big prize.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay, we had eagles this evening! I missed them too, was busy at work, stayed til 7.

Shirley, glad Susan arrived safely and is feeling better. And no passport, sounds as bad as me going to the wrong airport, lol. But I would have had my passport :)

Judie, I agree with everyone else, have it checked again.

Catty wampus cam, say it ain't so!

Thanks for the reminder, Lynne, gotta buy a ticket so someone else can win, LOL.

I was gonna walk the dogs tonight, but it's 22°...tad nippy! Played ball in the house...don't tell my kids.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go get something done....bbl

stronghunter said...

Was checking out the time zones--Ecuador is in the Eastern Caribbean Time Zone. I am trying to learn where that is.

stronghunter said...

Well, it looks to me like Ecuador is due south of our area, and it is the same time there as here.

stronghunter said...

Going to wind down by taking a shower.

Students were wound up today. I am playing catch-up after missing six days in December before the break. I also have to miss school on Wednesday for a dental appointment.

stronghunter said...

I hate to miss more time, but the dentist did try to set things up so that I did not miss the first day back. I also am not missing the SOL testing days.

stronghunter said...

What a nice eagle picture at the opening of today's thread. Thanks Ryan, and thanks, Steve, for posting it.

Lynn, sorry you're having pain and that your pup is giving you a hard time. They are like children, aren't they?

stronghunter said...


Judie said...

Well, duh! Y'all got to remember I'm on a powerful drug -- good excuse for any mistake I make.

Yes, I meant LDL. Had blood drawn today so will have new readings in a few days. Will tell if new meds are working.

And, yes, Shirley, I meant Will.

Glad Susan arrived safely and her headache is not so bad. Please let her know we wish her a very good learning experience.

Okay, I'll try to get to one of the nurses. They are both really skilled. Takes too long to get to the surgeon.

Hi Paula.

Going to turn my light off early but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, returning from work or school, or just wandering around trying to find the sheetz. Back tomorrow. Maybe I'll have an eagle sighting.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I have trouble keeping up with my children, too. Will will appreciate your kind thoughts.

I am going to hit the shower now. I usually wait until morning to shower, but it just seems like the thing to do this evening.

stronghunter said...

And so does Susan. I expect she is going to be tired this evening.

magpie said...

If Judie would pull another Judie and/or Margy I could say Good Night and hang in there....
you've given it so much work so far...sure hope things will start getting better for you

stronghunter said...

This will be a real change of pace for her. A full-time student for 2 1/2 weeks.

magpie said...

and Shirley, so relieved that Susan has checked in with you and is safe and sound in Ecuador...what a traveling misadventure she has had !

Hello Eagle Pals

magpie said...

What a magnificent Photo on the new thread page...truly beautiful and comforting

Thanks Ryan Haggerty !!!

wvgal_dana said...

No Hedgie-Lynn as you know different labs can have different variables this one is 70-100. Doctor and I knew it would not be lower he even felt higher. Cause he said the pain and some of my meds. Can effect the level for my glucose. So he was very happy that it was 100.

magpie said...

I've checked out all Wanda and Gene's videos and trail cams...magnificent!

and Bob Quinn's photos, absolutely unbelievable photography !

And I have read all the posts....
so sorry for the mishaps (Lynn) and the setbacks on recovery (Judie) and things still going on with Shirley...
and the ridiculous telephone situation for Andrea and Ken !

Great report from Jo though ! ☺

hedgie said...

#$%&^@* Cam............grrrrr. Wonder what the problem is NOW????? Very discouraging.

Soaked in a hot tub and arm feels a bit better.

Shirley, good to hear that Suzi arrived safely, and that her headache has eased up. Any word on a Galapagos adventure?

Loretta, neat that your roast turned out so good. You and Darth could join forces and start a catering business!!

magpie said...

teletype is back up. (that's our police communications network for running tags and driver's licenses and people by the way )
I got a call while in Berkeley Springs becuse on-shift personnel could not get the main computer back up.....had to remind them that they have that information...they just misplaced it....! But we worked it out over the phone.

magpie said...

hope your eyes will be better soon
and that Little Man is coming along well also

sorry to read of the red-winged blackbirds that died and also the Eagle

thousands of birds die each year flying into cell phone towers and electric lines....

magpie said...

Fantastic pictures and report of the Audubon Society's Christmas bird count on Sunday in Berkeley County, in today's Martinsburg Journal....
had I not worked overnight I had been planning to attend that !

hedgie said...

Not me, Dana-----Jo asked about that range. Frankly, for a type 2 diabetic, a realistic expected range is 80-120. For an insulin dependent diabetic, it is rare to get a reading below 130 under normal circumstances. (An A1C of 6 is acceptable, but any higher does indicate a need for at least Metformin for a pre-diabetic or type 2). Lessons for the day!!

hedgie said...

MArgy, just heard the Jeff Co dispatcher say that the system was up but unstable........what does that mean?

magpie said...

Wish I could comment more but I am not sure if it is daytime or night time with the change in shifts

Please know I am praying for the worries, and Happy about the Good News

and so happy to hear the birds made a visit in the nest this evening...

was wondering what agency Bob Q was referring to in Shepherdstown, with the initials EMDC so I googled it:
The EMDC in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, is a self-contained residential training facility. It is located 70 miles from downtown Washington, DC. ...

Hope Tuesday will be a better day for all with situations that need improvement !

checking out for the night now...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Lynn - it might a large backlog of messages, and residual problems....

was a big, widespread outage....
Frontier had its hands full !!

Good Night everyone

magpie said...

might MEAN that is, left a word out, makes a difference...

hedgie said...

Margy, harassment call on MAGPIE Lane!!!!!

hedgie said...

Interesting research......not sure what Bob does, but sounds like he works for Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Gov'ment job!

hedgie said...

WOnder what kind of place that "training center" is? Not anything as fancy as NCTC, I bet!

NatureNut said...

Margy & Lynn, you're just coming back & I need to leave!! Early AM work & gotta shampoooooo.
I didn't realize cam was out & I'm so sorry I missed PM birds--had cam up, just wasn't in the room.

If I don't get back here tonight,
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all & Prayers, too ;>)

Mema Jo said...

The Closer is closed! Really liked the plot this evening.

Looks as though Lilly scooted back farther into the den. Two nights ago I did see the little varmint scurry into the den - come on the screen on the far right and ran across to the left.

hedgie said...

Loretta, I put a pic in the album....first blog sighting of the new year!!!

I'm ready to give up the ghost, too. Mai still doesn't let me sleep more than 3 hrs. at a time!

Sleep well, one and all. Prayers for all needs. Sure hope the cam will be back up early tomorrow!

magpie said...

darn it...had a post to make and the window shut down

saw that pic, Lynn on the E-M album....
nest looks good and well-fortified with baby rails

Magpie Lane, is in a trailer park in the southern part of the county, not such a great park either :(

any work on our overseas pet Chrissy? Is she doing any better after the Christmas illness?

Loretta, sorry I missed you..hope your return to work Tuesday goes well....that you see lots of wildlife and are not too busy

Mema Jo said...

Well I think I'll close down for today.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all our needs/wants and thanks for much.
Hugs ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

the Christmas bird count article left out a few very important details, such as :
What Birds did Everyone See ???

but the pictures and article were pretty good anyway

Hope Wanda got her lobster, the one she wanted all to herself !!

Headed for reading and the pillows...

Good Night again, this time for real ! xoxo

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, glad to see you pop on!

gonna hit it folks, catch you good people tomorrow. Pleasant dreams and

Hugs to all♥

magpie said...

EMDC - Eastern Maine Development Corporation
meant to include that in my earlier post about Bob Q

magpie said...

looks like it is a few steps away from the Clarion...

Clarion is 233 Lowe Dr
EMDC is 239 Lowe Dr
in Shepherdstown

it's on Google

Good Night

Mema Jo said...

FYI: The Clarion Hotel, the Eastern Management Development Center, and the hotel's health club are co-located in the same complex.

Lolly said...

I have been absent this evening. After dinner I started do some more cleaning. Have two drawers in the kitchen that needed serious sorting and cleaning. I had been dumping in them over the holidays. Got that taken care of and then watched Castle.

Also, a little upset. Laurel called all upset. They have leaking plumbing near the boys tub/shower. It was coming into the garage below it. Bless her heart, it is always one thing after another. And, you all know how you feel when your child is upset. :(

Lolly said...

I don't think our cam is cattywampus. It was fine this evening when it grew dark.

Shirley, glad you heard from your daughter. Sounds like she can take good care of herself!

Lolly said...

Judie, had me going there for a second. Thought you really did iron your sheetz! Yikes!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I don't take Metformin that is what gives me diarrhea 16 times a day.

Like I said different labs have different levels between this #'er and that #'er. Doctor was very happy with mine. So I have to go by the lab he uses their standards and what he says....which was he was very happy with my #'ers all of them. That's all I can say about that.

Well getting late I'm headed to bed.

Prayers for those that need them.

Lolly said...

Bear Update with a good video

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. Hurrying out early tomorrow. Have procrastinated long enough. Have to go get my driver license renewed. Oh I hate doing that. Do not like waiting in lines. Yucko!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Oh, I am worried about the folks of the bear chat. They are naming the twigs hanging down. ?????? LOL Guess they are just having fun while waiting for the bears to move, Nite!

Costume Lady said...

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! I finally had my WHOLE lobster, as did Capt. Gene. I cannot begin to tell you how excellent it was. Fresh out of the tank at Red Lobster. For an appetizer, I had mushrooms stuffed with lobster and crab meat and melted Asiago and mozzarella cheese on top...Gene had crab soup for his appetizer.
We went shopping before dinner in Hagerstown. Bought sale priced towels and wash cloths and some PJs for my lounging pleasure while watching the eagles get ready for egg laying:)
It was a wonderful 52nd celebration. Doesn't take much to make us happy!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wow, Wanda and Capt. Gene, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to a most remarkable couple--and many more!!!

Got home from school later than usual tonight. We have SO much to cover, and so little time! We will have no school on MLK Jr. Day, and I think someone mentioned that Presidents' Day is on a Monday this year! That's 2 less classes than usual! Going to be a wild few weeks.

Fell asleep in front of the TV waiting for my puppy girl to wake up from her nap. Hubby said that she didn't eat much of her dinner tonight. When she did wake up, she was absolutely beside herself that I was home again! I got a complete and thorough bath--she held down my hand with her paw, and really cleaned me up! Then we went outside, where she promptly did her business, and when back inside, she practically inhaled her dinner! Ate every crumb. Now she's sound asleep and snoring little puppy snores. I missed her while I was in school, too. Isn't puppy love grand?!

Lynn, I'm glad that soaking in the tub made your arm feel better. And I'm SO glad that you managed to keep from tumbling down the stairs!

Shirley, I'm glad that your daughter arrived at her hotel safely. I'm sure she will have a wonderful time while there, and I have to say that I admire her for managing so well in a difficult situation! Glad her headache was better, too.

Before I forget, thanks to Ryan for the beautiful color picture of our eagles! Much appreciated!

Lolly, hope your license renewal goes extremely well! I have to go to the DMV to pick up a booklet for Hubby. They want him to take the written exam and do an eye exam this year. I think they've renewed his license by mail for 12 years now, though, so can't complain.

Judie, so good to hear from you again! Hope you can arrange to see a nurse about that pesky incision. When was it that you said you have to be back to school? Sure hope the pain is much, much improved by then. Oh, and PLEEZE tell me that you really don't iron your SHEETZ! That's just too, too Martha Stewart!

Well, have much more to say, but will wait until morning. Am making sure that the night light and the porch light are on (DON'T want anyone tripping!). The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone. Sleep snugly, everyone, and will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love every one of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Sorry, gang, that's my delete. Don't know WHY my comment posted twice! Dumped me out of here, too, so had to find my way back. 'Night, everyone!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Could it be that our live feed is down AGAIN???? Bummer!

Our sister Donna has been gone 4 years today. I will never forget how you wonderful people wrapped us up in your love and reached out to us. That was before my time on the blog, but Sharon was here and you guys were amazing! Love and hugs to you all!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Dang I'm on here an early too.

Live feed is down :(

wvgal_dana said...

Still cam is stuck where it has been :(

Now I beginning to feel down'


Yep downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Sissy sure doesn't seem like 4 years Donna passed. I know you all still feel her lose. Nothing makes that go away but good memories do help at times.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle friends!

Bummer - the still cam is STILL down. :) A little funny there to lighten my disappointment.

Does anyone know when Outdoor Channel is going to turn on their camera?

Lori O. said...

Dana - I love your avatar. Awesome.

Where do you guys get all these great eagle pics for avatars?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori ( :

I don't know where others get theirs but I just type into google clip art and look and look.

wvgal_dana said...

I love you bulldog though. Every time I see your avatar I think of Dozer of Heavens Gate my daughters Bullmastiff. He was a wonderful dog and he loved riding in her car with the t-top off.

Lori O. said...

Hey Dana I was just looking at your photo website -
GREAT pics!

Lori O. said...

Back to work -

Today is my dog's 10th birthday - gotta make a meatloaf cake. I think I'll try pumpkin or peanut butter frosting. He loves both.

Judie said...

Good early morning!

Good grief -- I would go naked and hungry before spending a penny on Martha Stewart so ironing sheetz is an option NOT.

A friend from school is coming with his wife to visit this morning and bringing lunch. So will bump my way downstairs. Looking forward to seeing them. He's a clinical psyc. and tries to keep me out of a padded cell. He is also my guru on all things academic.

Loved the video of Lily scaring the p--p out of that little vole. Critter likely looking to relocate immediately.

Wanda, if I went shopping before having a lobster dinner it would be for larger So happy you two had a special dinner together.

Hi Andy, Lori, and Dana.

Going to drink some coffee and scan the newspaper. I'll be back later this afternoon.

Judie said...

Oh, about the ironing -- when desperate, I iron only the collar and sleeves that can be seen.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Cam is back.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday to Lori's dogie (:
That sounds so neat Lori to make him a cake like that. You will have to send me the recipe please.

Good Wonderful Morning to you Judie. That will be nice you getting your friends coming to visit. ENJOY!!!
Ok got it collar and sleeves --you rascal you. (:

Shirley so glad you heard from Susan.

wvgal_dana said...

Good to see that nice avatar Sharon and thank you got it up now.
Thanks Sharon. (:
Wonder is Liberty and Belle have already been there is AM?

hedgie said...

Good morning! Currently 18° here....brrr. Had a hard time finding the newer thread......wonder how many others did, too? Strange that it doesn't initially show up when opening the site.....had to refresh from within.
See that live cam is back up in the last hour. TY, John or whoever is responsible.

hedgie said...

Judie, that ironing trick is how I did it through HS and college---in the winter when I could cover up with a sweater!!!! LOL! Enjoy your company!

Andy, I think I need Emma to come give Mai was lessons in proper puppyhood.

No, cam was not cattywampus (crooked) just didn't work. I think Lynne was just a little confused!!

Margy, I too was hoping for some NUMBERS in that bird count article.....maybe they have to tabulate yet.

Lolly, sorry about Laurel's leak. I suppose Joey isn't a handyman??

Lori, happy b-day to your sweet doggy!

Dana, I know your BS result was good! Individual lab variants are not terribly significant; that's why medical professionals look at the guidelines I gave.

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad you had a nice evening out! I remember my mom selecting lobsters out of the tank at Giant grocery stores when I was a kid.
I have never wanted to do that-----I'll cook 'em and eat 'em, but I don't want to know it when it's still in the tank!!!

hedgie said...

Sissy and Sharon....remember all the good times you shared with Donna! Don't dwell on the sadness, but celebrate her!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Have to share a memory of Donna. Took her to meet my future mother-in-law, Claudia Farley. Mrs. Farley's toilet was a tall one as Mrs. Farley was tall and needed one like that. Donna asked to use the restroom and when she came out, she was thrilled to death. She was able to sit on the toilet and swing her legs back and forth. She was not tall enough for her feet to touch the floor. I thought I would die of mortification! :-)

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, yes, remembering the GOOD TIMES is the right thing to do. Our family loves to rehash fond memories of my dad. I never thought sharing memories of him would give me so much pleasure. That first year was so painful that just the mention of his name brought tears, but now, laughter has taken the place of those tears when stories of him are recalled...he was a very unique man:)

Lolly said...

Sharon, thanks for my first laugh of the day! A great memory!

Just checking in quickly as I am all dressed and ready to head out. Had to say good morning and check on the cams, eagles and bears! Oh My!


wvgal_dana said...

Yes Sharon, Bev, Thelma,Becky, Andrew, Mattie,Justin and all family members of Donna's. You can share some of your MEMORIES WITH DONNA here with us.

I know Ed's memories and talking about them. It keeps me going. Just like at the Cheesecake Factory here during that week of 12/15-12/22. My daughter sat and laughed and laughed because she knew I wanted the white chocolate with raspberry....but ED WANTED THE MILK CHOCOLATE WITH BUTTERFINGER AND REESE CUP IN IT..HE WON!!! It was to take home becaue we were all full. Although we all had to take a taste and it wasn't too sweet at all---SURPRISED US...Ed was saying, "See you got to taste as new cheesecake. Now wasn't that good advice from me (Ed)".

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, how old was Donna when she passed?
I do remember when Sissy finally came on here...wondered what took her so long:)

I think I might like to have some of Lori's dog's birthday cake. Sounds good and healthy:)

I do worry about Judie and her infected leg. Don't want to see her in the hospital again! Capt. Gene injured his leg on a basket of crabs at work, many years ago, and spent 10 days in the hospital getting rid of the infection after many IVs and pills. He was NOT a happy camper!!
Too bad Judie can't get a doctor or PA Nurse to make a house call:(

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon that memory you spoke of is so funny lol

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone that is here!
Lori, Give your bulldog a good scratching for me! Chloe did well flying from Germany and stayed in Frederick for a week until she was taken to NC (because of room in the car) She was ecstatic when she got to her family.

Wanda - Happy for you and Gene celebrating your anniversary. Like you say - doesn't take much to make us happy.

Mema Jo said...

Time passes by so fast that when we remember things it seems like yesterday. Have peace in your heart
Sharon for Donna. ((hugs))

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, fresh lobster out of the tank is definitely better than a frozen one. The meat is sweeter and more tender. I am assuming we got the lobsters from the tank...they were so heavy with meat and the claws were wonderfull.
Wish I could have a lobster meal more often, but then, crab legs are good too and less expensive. We haven't had crab legs in a long while. We are due:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning again everyone! I sure would love to see an eagle this morning!!

Donna was 57 when she died. Still just so hard to believe she is gone. She was a true character, for sure!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Still cam is up!

movin said...




Still coooolll but drying out in So Cal today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Male eagle at BWE.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda remember our poor Eagle Eyed Sharon with that infection she got after surgery. Look what all she went through. Then the vacuum as we teased her "vacuum cleaner" had to get her healed!!!!

Please Judie heed these messages.

movin said...

Phoebe, the Hummer, has laid a second egg this A.M.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ahhh, the dreaded vacuum cleaner. What an experience that was.

hedgie said...

Sorry, I should have included T-bird in my sentiments about Donna. :( I know she misses her terribly, too.
Cute story, Sissy!!! Memories are made of those kinds of things!!

Mai is running in circles with the rope in her mouth. Powerhouse of energy!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim thank you have BWE up.

Good Morning Hedgie-Lynn sounds like Mai is having fun ( :

movin said...

Check Mama Bear and Baby Bear at Atlanta.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Quite a distance difference in the two cam views, isn't there?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory today: Downy woodpeckers, dark-eyed juncos, nuthatch, white-throated sparrows, cardinals, mourning doves, red-bellied woodpecker, mockingbird, saw a turkey vulture fly over, crows, chickadees, titmice, blue jays. . .

wvgal_dana said...

not a link You can click on my picture on the blog here and go to
Nest Of Liberty and Belle. See the two new post lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Baby stretched on his back at Atlanta. Someone on Daniel's Facebook page called him Ping Pong! Love it! I think that is what we should call him!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Sent an email to Steve. No update on the sound issue, they are working on the power issue first.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for the update about cam.

Mema Jo said...

Visiting with daughter as this is Tues
Thanks Sharon for telling me that the still cam was up. When I went in it was still black and back dated but I just refreshed and there it was.

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER*********************************************************************

hedgie said...

It had warmed up nicely here to 44 with fairly good sun. Now the wind has started to blow.... argh!

Have a drs. apptmt. this afternoon, so starting to get ready. Mai is being quite good today....all things considered!!
Have found that a good lower back scratch seems to calm her. And, like most dogs, sun spots attract her and she likes to lie in them!

See you early evening. Errands to run after Dr.

Lori O. said...

How exciting - EAGLE in the nest!

Make my day!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 205   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...