Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Still very cold here.  New thread.


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stronghunter said...

I am being double-teamed by dogs. Luna wants out, so Flash wants out, too. They do that.

stronghunter said...

Yay, I can do the split without injuring myself!

Mema Jo said...

Frederick Cnty MD school were out 2 hrs early..
I hope Dana has a very safe drive to pick up her daughter --Can someone tell how far she had to go...?

Prayers for MM successful cataract
Surgery. Glad that Ceil and Jim will be with her.

Hope Judie's changing of the dressing goes well - I haven't heard any "ouch" yet.......

Mema Jo said...

We are certainly getting more than a dusting........

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - did Mai get her nose in the snow

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - good pics of Luna and Flash
They aren't too sure of that white

Going to put my feet up for awhile.


hedgie said...

Jo, it's only about 5 miles, but depends on how she went.....interstate is probably more, and scary in its own right; back road is closer/shorter but hilly and windy. Not good, either way.

911 is BUSY....there are lots of wrecks. Charlie is taking Carolyn in to work, thank goodness. 4-wheel drive is out on his truck, but he's got good tires and weight in the back, so should be good. It's the other idiots he needs to worry about!

hedgie said...

LOL....Mai walked out into the snow, licked a little and ran back under cover!!!!

hedgie said...

The juncos have arrived....joining the titmice, the flicker and the bluejay on the corn. Love juncos!

Had some country style ribs in the freezer....they are simmering away in the crock pot with Baby Rays' BBQ sauce----smelling good!!!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks Jo. (They're on FB.) Can post them here, though.

stronghunter said...

I have lots of juncos here, too. They look happy at the feeder in the snow.

stronghunter said...

Okay, Luna and Flash are on my blog.

stronghunter said...

The snow a couple of days ago wasn't enough to impress them much. This is different.

Costume Lady said...

We are back home from the drive from HELL! The roads are not very good, but they are OK if you are a safe and savvy driver. Honest to goodness, there are so many idiots driving out there that, if I were a police officer, I would take their driving privileges away for a year! Opequon hill was a nightmare, and, it had been plowed and cindered! Took us 45 min. to drive 7 miles!
We had a customer who wanted to look at Santa suits (on a day like this!?) so, trip into GG's was delayed. Happily, he bought the suit:)
GG did not have a good night, a woke at 3am, drank her coffee then went back to sleep. I let her sleep while I prepared a few meals for her. She smelled the food and came flying into the kitchen to see what was going on:)
She ate her Beef Stew and mashed potatoes and tasted everything else:) After 4 meals and three days of meds, Gene and I came home, and here we will stay untill the snow stops!

Lynn, glad you decided to stay home today and Dana, don't know how this snow has affected your reunion with your daughter...hope not at all!
Margy, I know you are busy, saw police cars here and there.

Haven't had breakfast yet:( So hungry!

hedgie said...

Candy got snow today, too.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, I do love your avatar. And loved Luna and Flashs' photo op! I too. posted a couple of pics on Snaps. Hopefully our event is winding down. Y'all be careful out there.

hedgie said...

Glad you are home safely, Wanda. Things are a mess everywhere. 81 will probably end up getting shut down. Tow truck operators are happy campers, too, like Shirley was saying about Kathryn's employer. Probably good for the glass business where Lynne's Steve works, too! I know that winter storms always drove up GM parts business!!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, you're having ribs with Baby Ray's? Sounds good. My Beef Stew is simmering away slowly. Better go check on it. LOL.

Costume Lady said...

Doesn't look like there have been any visitors at our nest...yes, we are all worried. Maybe Lib and Belle are happy with the nest the way it that possible?

stronghunter said...

So glad you are safely home, Wanda.

Lolly said...

On out way to Denton. Will sit for the rest of the day. Will pick up Jacob at school, see to homework, and slip the pizza casserole into the oven. Going to hear Joseph sing a solo part in tonights program!

stronghunter said...

Looks like another day off for Hunter and me tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Suzan, checked out your nice pics.....but todays' not on Snaps! But I found them!

I think it has stopped here.

Mai just tore my foot open.....I had cut it last week when I snagged it and she just scratched the scabbing off. Didn't know it was bleeding....had to clean up a spot on carpet after I got my foot cleaned up!

hedgie said...

Yep, Suzan, and some Betty Crocker Julienne taters!!! Your stew sounds like good winters day food, too!

hedgie said...

MM's surgery all done, and they are home! Asked Ceil if she was staying with them for the night----I hope so.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn for MM update. I pray the vision is as good as new.

I put my feet up and was mesmerized by the snow - took a good nap! It looked as though it was stopping but nope it's starting again - real fine snow fall.

Lynne2 said...

well, I must admit, this cold/cough thing is getting the better of me. Going to take the dogs out and maybe go lay down for a while.

Thought I'd take a stroll down memory lane and look at our album from pic of the birds this time last year. That made me feel worse. There were LOTS of visits and nestorations going on...every day, 2 or 3 times a day.

hedgie said...

Lynne......Dr. time!
I am not having any positive vibes about Belle and Lib at all.
Snow has started up again.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Dr Time!

A Day In Mason's Life

glo said...

Driveway is all shoveled. Back is tired but things are winding down for me. I will check in briefly tonight and tomorrow, but in case internet access isn't too good for a while I did want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year. For those of you not celebrating Christmas I do in fact also send Seasons Greetings to each of you. Lib and Belle wherever you are and whether or not we get to see you on the cam my wish for you is little snow, lots of food and a sturdy place to call home. You are cherished critters far more than you will ever know.

Costume Lady said...

There is a very fine snow coming down here, now. Hope it stops soon. GG is so afraid the kids won't be able to make dinner tomorrow evening. Bless her heart, she looks so forward to that all week long:) I must admit, I do too. Just wish Jillian could join us more often:( Just talked to her on the phone a short while ago and she gave me an account of all the calls that she went out on today. While we were talking, a call came in for the need of an ambulance at a car wreck and off she went. She really likes her job and helping people, but it does get tiresome on a day like this. She is working on Christmas day and is not too happy about that, but she is a lowly volunteer and volunteered so that others with children could be home with them.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I am not ready to give up hope on seeing our lovely Lib and Belle again!

Costume Lady said...

Amen, Glo.
Safe and fun journey for you and your son. Enjoy your southern Christmas and vacation...hugs for you and Dex:)

Lynne2 said...

yes, I am thinking it may be Dr time....

Glo, have a wonderful time!

Just had to scoot another wren out of the sunporch! This one was a Carolina Wren, the others have been House Wrens. Have yet to figure out how they get in!

Lynne2 said...

they are cherished, and if we don't see them again, God forbid, we will get together and toast them because they have brought together an amazing group of people, also very cherished!

Lynne2 said...

OK, now I am crying....I love you guys!

Mema Jo said...

I won't give up yet - but day by day and no show is making me very nervous.
I keep watching the nest - like now with the snow in it and I really get
worried for Lib & Belle. Oh if the weather were better and not so cold I would be down there keeping watch.
So until we give up our hope, I will keep praying the nest is sturdy enough for them to come back.

Costume Lady said...

The day after a snow has alway brought Lib and Belle to the nest to access any damage...we shall see. There has been some Black Powder hunters near here the last few days, am wondering if there have been some at NCTC? That would surely make them stay away. Maybe that is why we are not being given sound? They don't want to hear our wrath! Hope they are not that stupid! OOOOH, did I say that?;)

stronghunter said...

If they build another nest, they will have an awful lot to do. But if they are being seen in the area, it is entirely possible they would build another nest nearby.

We just have to wait and see what happens.

Judie said...

Suzan, thank you for sharing the recipe. Will try when I am back in the kitchen and off the drugs.

Dana, hope the driving was safe and uneventful today. Use caution, please.

Cataract removal prayer for Mary Margaret. Bet she'll being seeing a brighter shinier holiday this year.

I am concerned about Shirley. First she blames the dog for missing homework and then she see's King Kong in a tree at the nest, and a woman in a panda hat in Bloom -- Shirley, are you also on Percocet?

Lynn, sorry about the re-injuring of your foot. Puppy days can be trying.

Thanks for the Mary Margaret update, Lynn. I also hope she will stay with Ceil.

Lynne2, please get some medical attention. You don't need to develop anything more serious -- especially over the holidays.

Wanda, glad your travels were safe today and that the family will be able to have Family night tomorrow. Hope Father Capt. Gene is getting better.

Jo, the change of bandage was not bad this morning. Amazing how quickly the antibiotics began working. The "stuff" had stopped oozing and the bandage was actually dry. See the doctor in the morning and will report on that when I get home.

Hi to all others I missed along the way this time. Have tried to catch up on grades and will begin calculating final course grades tomorrow. Back to bed and elevating my foot.

Oh, I think maybe pork chops tonight. Yum! Well, it will depend on how Darth feels -- he's shoveling snow so we can get to the dr. tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Lion Cubs have some new cams

hedgie said...

Glo, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Dex and the rest of the family. Enjoy your trip!! Be safe!

Christie is stuck in Fredericksburg. Fed Ex did not even get the part from their terminal to the lab....she was going to go to them until she saw that she would have to be on 95 for 8 miles! She's holed up in the Hilton!

movin said...


Howdy, for a Thursday...

Late Thursday today.


Got to sleep late; woke up fairly early but not too rested; something wrong with computer; shut it down for a few minutes to restore it; laid back down to rest my back .. and backside ...............

So, how are you today?? It's been raining here into the early morning, and it's still none too warm today.

I see the Hummer is building a nest again. I don't know about the location for safety (top-center of the picture). Take a peek.

New report(s) at Channel Island site.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Eagle, female I think, on the WE nest.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Forgot to mention all the snow I see on the BWO and the NCTC nests. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hi Jim, I think we are just dreaming of our eagles and hoping they'll be back.

stronghunter said...

In Central Park, Lynn? Kathryn says northbound 95 has a a flipped SUV on it. Sounds like the Hilton is a good spot to be.

stronghunter said...

Or, at least it was there awhile ago. Kathryn says business at her place is picking up, but she did come home early today.

BEagle said...

Hi Folks.

We got sent home early. At work, when they tell us to leave, WE HAVE TO LEAVE.

I agree CLady there are hellatious drivers out there. I don't mind driving in the's the speeders in SUVs that are scary. There are some safe drivers in SUVs but there are also terrors in them too.

My house was rather cozy when I got home. The snow insulates and keeps the inside warm.

BEagle said...

WHERE ARE BIRDS? I don't think they would nestorate at all if they wanted a new nesting place.

We don't have night light and I remember after Palmer fledged,they always showed up on the nest before daybreak.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn says I-95 is a mess.

magpie said...

I saw where state offices your way closed early BEagle...came in on a teleype at work..would that be why you were sent home early also?

I enjoyed hearing of your cold weather adventures of the are a hearty soul! A true West Virginian?? Or did you "hale" from another part of the country ?

Hoping that all our travelers are getting through the slippery stuff okay.
Yes, Lynn was right, lots and lots of wrecks on Berkeley County, serious injuries

Carolyn arrived safely for her shift...we called three people in early also...

Good Evening Eagle Pals !!

magpie said...

will be happy to hear when Dana and her daughter safely arrive at HER roost, and Paula...
and whoever else is traveling....

Thanks Lynn for the updates on MM, hope the recovery from the cataract surgery goes super well

magpie said...

Happy Trails, and all that goes with getting ready for it!
And a Blessed Christmas and New Year's to you and Dex and all the family also !

magpie said...

got to head back out when "rush hour" traffic subsides and get some birthday party fixin's for James, and try to gussy up this place for it also, he turns 11 in the morning...
we'll meet up here after I get off work at 4

so ttfn for now, will check back later

magpie said...

thanks for keeping us posted on the West Coast wildlife happenins'

Yes, we are dreaming (and praying) for white eagle heads and tail feathers for Christmas, and all the days leading up to it !

BEagle said...

Happy Birthday to James!

Yes, we were sent home because of snow. There are many that work at the State House that live out in the country.

I live only a minute away (as the eagle flies).

BEagle said...

Oh, and I was born and raised here.

The basic understanding of climbing rocks was to understand Phil 2:13. The program made the toughest cry.

Heh heh heh.

BEagle said...

It's good to read that Shirley is resuming normalcy and so is Judie.

Hope everyone else is feeling well in spite of the weather.

All the food talk sounds goooood. What would I do with the left over Tequila if I make Marguerita Balls?



hedgie said...

Tomorrow is muzzleloader day at NCTC. Last weekend was shotgun. All arms on 12/28 for youth, and for all on 29th and 30th. Know doggone good and well that's why we have no sound.

Mema Jo said...

Have you looked outside up in the sky

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below

I know snow is a nuisance to us but it has such a calming affect at times..

hedgie said...

That's easy, BEagle.....make liquid Margaritas!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR.

hedgie said...

Margy, glad you are home; wish you didn't have to go back out... :(

Mema Jo said...

495 is a mess.... Christine and Patrick in traffic - They had to go to a funeral Be glad when she calls and is home Took some family members 3 hrs

Praying for their safety

hedgie said...

MM went home to her own place. She has a friend in her building who will come in and do her eye drops.

Lynne2 said...

oh geeez, I pray everyone gets home safely. I haven't heard from Steve yet. Traffic here is MESS as well.

BEagle said...

Oh no! You are too funny!

Margueritas are my fav!!!!!!!!
I can only do a couple. :~}

hedgie said...

Jim, hoping for the best for the hummer.

Lynne2 said...

from FB

Lily the Black Bear REPEAT: Dr. Rogers has said, contrary to news reports, it has NOT been confirmed that Lily is pregnant. They have not gotten that close to her to check as they do not want to disturb her with the den cam work going on. He said he will post more in the update tonite. Admin

I had no idea this rumor was going around!

BEagle said...

Has anyone seen Paula?

hedgie said...

My ribs taste excellent! Don't even need a knife.

Shirley, don't know which Hilton----older one.

Lynne2 said...

LOL know, on my 26th birthday, some friends took me out drinking. I was drinking tequila slammers. A small glass with a shot of tequila and a squirt of club soda. Put hand over glass, slam on bar to make fizz, drink. I didn't fall down, but I was sick for 3 days. To this day, I can't stand the smell of tequila! Or as I call it TaKillYa.

hedgie said...

Nope, no word from Paula yet.

I'm sure Dana is home.....just too busy to be on here!!

Mema Jo said...

How far did Dana need to drive ?

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


Lynne2 said...

I hope when we wake up tomorrow and look at the cam that we see some Eagle footprints!! Better yet, an eagle!!

PA Nana said...

Good evenng everyone.

Lynne .. doctor.

BEagle, I'll take a margarita please. My sister makes them yummy. Think she'll be home (PA) week between the holidays. She and family live outside Memphis.

Glo, glad you and Dex are getting out of town before more snow buries us. Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your family.

Shirley, I never had to use the excuse of dog ate my homework, but to tell us the teacher's dog ate it is hilarious. hohohoho
Your dog stories always make me chuckle. Thanks.

Andy, your puppy sounds just delightful. ALMOST makes me want one.

Lynn, Mai will learn to love the snow and glad you no longer have to worry about going out in it. Isn't is beautiful looking out?

Where are the eagles? I'm getting worried too.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Diann, hope you are feeling OK this evening!

Yeah we are all a bit worried about our pair :(

Well, I can't get a hold of Steve. He isn't answering his cell phone, hopefully because he just forgot to take it out of the car and into the delivery truck. But I'm so nervous because of the road conditions....

I am going to go lay down for a bit. BBL

stronghunter said...

Never used that excuse, either, Diann. You just hear about it.

Sassafras once chewed the corner off of Rus's college writing book, and he wrote a hilarious essay about that.

stronghunter said...

Hope you hear from Steve soon, Lynne.

BEagle said...

Lynne, sounds like tequila left a bad taste...
Have a nice nap.

I got a Christmas card today that said "I hope you have a good line up for Christmas."

There were 5 Shar Peis with Santa hats and jingle bells. : )

BEagle said...

Five puppies pictured on the card, that is.

Lynne2 said...

Steve just called, he's back at the warehouse. Took him over 2 hours to get there from DC. (it's in S. Balt). Who knows how long it will take him to get back here, and I don't care, as long as he gets back in one piece!

Going back to lay down....

BEagle said...

I have a friend in PA that recently mentioned that she likes to take adventures out to the the Bald Eagles in her area.

May be B & L are visiting others. I am sure they will be back.

BEagle said...

I am glad Steve gave you a call Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

Quickly go to the Bear Center

Bear on the loose looking for food!!

Mema Jo said...

Who took my 'treat' trees!
I guess it is Honey.....
Hope you all are watching......

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

I'll have a tequila margarita! :)

Snow not as bad at home as further south in Frederick.

Shirley, I had to laugh at the dogs eating your students paperwork! Glad you had a day off.

We closed at 5 today...I left at 5:30 and went to Walmart. Needed suet for the birds. I had suet, but the wind blew the suet feeder off the hook, and I don't know where the suet went!

Picked up a couple of presents while I was there :)

wvgal_dana said...

I better get this on because I am getting tired.

My dear eagle friends.

Prayers for those that need them which are many Judie, Margy, Lynne,
Mary Margaret, Shirley, the young man Brandon, Diann, Chrissy and family and Lord anyone I said I would pray for plus Lord anyone that has a prayer need. People driving, camping in tents, those that need food and anything Lord just anything.

Before I left so I could tell them we might be a little late. I called Enterprise Queen St. Guy
said no problem they are holding her car.
I used the back way Lynn really wasn't bad if you just drove like you had some common sense. Picked
her up got there and the dumb jerks let her car go. Their excuse was "the person forgot to enter into their computer that I called ahead of time to say we might be a little late". We were 5 minutes
late!!!!!!!! Finally after much time in waiting.
A car came in...the lady that drove it in to drop it off ask if we were waiting on it. We told her
yes and she said it isn't worth a crap in snow. She said, "I'm not stupid I've driven in snow all my life and this car is a piece
of (well you know the four letter word). Told them we was NOT going to take it. That was all they had.
Call tomorrow something will come in they said or even later today. I didn't like their attitude so
we made other arrangements. She picks up her rental at Halfway tomorrow. So I'll have to make a trip to Hedgesville in AM and ride her over.

Shirley I have been in that grocery store many times.
We always picked up things there when we went to Ed's cousin's at The Lake OF The Woods. I forget what year they both retired and sold their house in Andindale
and began living there full time.

Prayers that Mary Margaret's cataract surgery went just fine for her.

Chuckled "Mai walked out into the snow, licked a little and ran back under cover!!!" lol

Mema Jo said...

Bear Cam - taking all the bird feeders down - that's what attracted the bear.

paula eagleholic said...

I too, am wondering if Lib and Belle have another nest close by. I thought for sure we would see them. Only once since last week is bothersome now. The nest does look like it's been worked on though.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo. That was fun to watch. Bear is gone now, and someone took down the feeders.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Dana, sounds like a frustrating day! But glad you found her another car, and you arrived home safely!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta grab some grub.

wvgal_dana said...

While my daughter is here. I am going to have her take me down to the nest. She had some college friends when she lived here. So there are some places in Shepherdstown she wants to visit too. I can't wait to see what the branches up high of our tree looks like.

I be so happy when she has the rental. I just can't do this driving off of the Interstate. It bothers my knees, legs, back and neck so terribly.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I checked out Luna and Flash. Left a comment and always play with the kitty--I'm not allergic to that one. lol

hedgie said...

Shirley, yep----Christie is at Central Park!!

Jo, told you earlier about how far Dana would have had to go......scroll back, please!!!

stronghunter said...

I do lots of my grocery shopping there, Dana. It is on my way home from work. Sometimes I run into my students who are working there and sometimes I see fellow teachers.

paula eagleholic said...

Got some spaghetti and my list made for grocery store....gotta get stuff for Christmas dinner.

Glad MM surgery went well.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, Kathryn drove right by there this afternoon.

Was Christie working with the people at Mary Washington Hospital today? I am a bit confused about what she does.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I'm happy that MM's surgery went well.

Mema Jo said...

lol Well since Dana is safely home it doesn't matter to me now. Praying for anyone needing to travel..

hedgie said...

LOL,, it's not pretty to me at all!!!! I hate it!!! Your card sounds precious!!!!

Lynne, I'm sure Steve is fine.

Dana, I'm Rashada NOT staying at your place??

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne prayers for Steve to make it home safely. Lynne I did look at your pics and left a comment.

Someone said tomorrows temps are suppose to be better.

Shirley yours is the only kitty I can play with and not have an allergy attack. I know I misspelled

Good new memories have already been made to carry in my heart and mind today and forever with daughter. We laughed and an laughed. Even surprised Grandy. I called her and told her I was going to Ryans to eat and had no one to go with me. She said ok then pick me up. Raschida and boyfriend were in back set and they tried slumping over. I say slumping because he is 6 ft 2 inches lol hard to do. It wasn't until Grandy got in the car. All of a sudden she looked in back and see her Granddaughter. The expression on her face was priceless. We laughed so much at her boyfriend trying to hide. It was a great fun time. I am truly tried. That driving without cruise just tears my body to pieces.
I had to come to the cam though to see if my friends on here were ok.

I thank God for each and every one of you.

Heading for the recliner. Don't think I'll be back in.

Mema Jo and everyone I just can't give up yet on our eagles. It does not make sense unless they have a new nest. I would think Steve and guards would have noticed something if it was a new one nearby. Prayers for our eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

No when she comes in she always stays at her childhood friend and wifes place. I know most people don't understand why she doesn't stay with me. I want her with them. It is a big help. She will spend days with me doing things and back to them at night. Where she will do things there at night; such as friends and a bon fire, sledding at night, snowball fights and lots of happy fun stuff. She and her childhood friend always tell me about what goes on. I then have those memories implanted in my mind. He was like a son to me. Took him every where. This is what I wanted. Like when she called me tonight to check on me. They were playing a game and I could hear the laughter. So they will share it and the happenings with me which is sometimes crazy and I will have precious memories of her, her boyfriend, her childhood friend and his wife. I love it!!!

hedgie said...

SHirley, Christie repairs and does preventative maintenance on the Beckman-Coulter labratory analyzing machines. She wasn't at MWH....she was at some big clinic with its own lab.

wvgal_dana said...

This weekend we will all go out to eat together those 4, Grandy and me. We will have a blast!!! Their will be laughter until we are in tears.

wvgal_dana said...

Once she get her rental car I won't be driving. She will be driving me, her and her boyfriend around to places we want to go during the day or evening. Thank God I won't have to do the driving.

Costume Lady said...

Take photos, Dana, so that you can look at them over and over again when your daughter goes back home. Did you get a new camera?

Costume Lady said...

If nothing else, get a disposable camera. You'll never have these days back again, but you will in photos:)

hedgie said...

Okay, Dana. Enjoy the time you have with her! Who is Grandy?? Your Mom?? You didn't tell her that Rashida was coming??? You are a great secret-keeper!

hedgie said...

Heading for tub while Mai is napping! BBL.

stronghunter said...

Pratt Clinic, Lynn?

BEagle said...


I like your pretty avatar Hedgie.

I just checked the Victoria nest in BC.
It now has night light and there is a really nice looking spidey web draping the lens.

It's catching.

Somebody...throw a big fish on the Royal nest!

hedgie said...

That's it, Shirley!!!! That's where she was....and will be tomorrow, too!

Thanks, BEagle. Thought it was time for some Christmas magic!

Glad to hear that BC has a light---NOT wanting to hear about another Boris!

stronghunter said...

It is a pretty avatar, isn't it BEagle?

Lolly said...

We are home. Picked up Jacob. Was starting his homework when in walked Laurel, one hour earlier than expected. She went straight to the bathroom. She was sicker than anything...violently sick at both ends. Went straight to the bedroom and closed her door. I served supper, got the boys ready for the program, reminded Joey to charge the camera and away we went. Joseph did so fantastic. So proud of him. Hope to load a video to fb. Joey filmed it for Laurel, I got some short video with my camera. Anyway, saw the boys ready for bed. Read to Jacob while Jack went and bought TP and Lysol spray. Put the boys to bed and came on home,

Larry and Sandy should arrive any minute.

Scanned the blog quickly. Saw the discussion on Lib and Belle. I am not feeling good about it. Lynne, we will continue this blog, no matter what!

BEagle said...

Goodnight Folks.

Prayers for you.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I am just plain tired
heading back the hallway
Hope the snow melts tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Doctor I am seeing tomorrow is across the street from Pratt's main building, Lynn. But they have buildings all over town.

hedgie said...

So sorry that Laurel is so ill, Lolly. Prayers for rapid improvement. Tell Joey not to let her get dehydrated! Ginger ale, or even pedialyte might help.

I am ready to call it a day, too. I think Mai is ready......she is yawning, too.

See all of you tomorrow. Prayers for all.

Lynne2 said...

Popping in to say goodnight...

Steve got home late but fine...and in fact DID forget to take the cell!

Dana, so glad your daughter is here!

Lolly, SO sorry about Laurel....

Prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. See you tomorrow. God bless.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening or Good Night to some hitting the hay. Read about MM's surgery---hope it went well.
I have wrapped about everything that didn't move & now I can barely move!!Both cats were very good--took turns napping on tissue on table! Not much messing w/ribbon, etc. so I stayed upstairs. Now the trick will be to see if UPS stuff will fit in only box Fubby could find----from carpet shampooer!!!! He got to use his new toy---snow blower on 1' of snow!!!
There were other chores, too, like doing dinner, etc. Now I get to fix dish for Park luncheon tomorrow & shampoo hair!Will go to Friday's real job after the lunch.What day of the week is it???
Was looking at bear cam updates--could check them all night!
I was also given a tip that Santa brought us 700 plastic spoons. I'm gonna have to shred that BJ card!

NatureNut said...

Gosh, Lolly, so sorry your daughter is ill. Hope she is better real soon.
Dana, congrats on your daughter getting to town & I guess Margy will be seeing her company soon.

Gotta get back to chores & get some
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh poor Laurel! Hope it's only a 24 hour bug!

Gonna hit the hay!

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just got home from school. Mighty glad that there's no snow here! Sounds like you have been sorely tested by the weather today!

Haven't had dinner yet, and I'm starved! Am going to enable the eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security just in case I don't make it back here.
The porch light and the Christmas lights are on. Saying prayers for everyone--especially those who need healing, and those in need of shelter from the weather. Will try to get back here later, but if I don't make it, sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless! Goodnight to those already pillow surfing. Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Nite Andrea:)

It is 7° here in Martinsburg, going down to 4° and up to 33° tomorrow. Time to crawl into bed and get some sleep.


paula eagleholic said...

Found this story on the eagle's nest at the Oriole's training park. I don't agree with the action. I left a comment on the blog, we'll see if there's an answer.

Eggs relocated

paula eagleholic said...

Here's the full article.

Eagles kicked out of nest

magpie said...

Don't think much of that happening down in Sarasota, Paula....
sure wish the eagles hadn't made that nest in those stadium lights
Thanks! for the links

Checking in to say good night, glad to hear Dana has achieved her happy reunion with her daughter, sounds like good planning for the visit

I might have missed Jo's update and Patrick and Christine trip on the interstate but I trust all went okay with that too.

Got the shopping and chores done here to get ready for little birthday party Friday afternoon

Red Friday that would be

Lolly, so sorry to hear that Laurel is sick...hope she feels better pronto!

and prayers offered for all illnesses, and of thanks for many gifts given

time for sleep...wake-up time comes early

Hope all are settling restfully in your respective roosts

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Nite all! Brother arrived. They had an 8 hour drive from McAllen is far south Texas. We sat up talking. Heading to bed now.

Read the articles. Thank you, Paula. What a shame! It was disturbing to read the eagles were visably upset.

Worried about Laurel and worried that the rest of the family might get this bug. Not now at Christmas! Anxious to talk with her in the morning.

Nite all. Sweet dreams!

Oh, and Joseph did so well with his solo. Will try to find time to get a video up.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Cold here, but not as cold as Martinsburg. About 10 degrees colder there than here.

Too bad about the eagle nest that was destroyed in Florida.

Still wondering about our eagles. Where are they?

stronghunter said...

I'll be hoping to see that Laurel is much better today.

stronghunter said...

700 plastic spoons, Loretta?

stronghunter said...

Hope Judie's infection is much better now.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, we just missed the trash man this morning. He's started coming much earlier than he was for awhile. Oh well. It would have been hard to push the trash can through all of that snow.

stronghunter said...


magpie said...

Good Red Friday Morning Eagle Pals

Lolly, sounds wonderful, Joseph's solo, glad your company arrived and that Laurel and the family will avoid the sickness bug

daylight is breaking at our nest

Best wishes for a great day,
will see everyone much much later tonight.

Be Careful out there hereabouts...lots of slippery spots for sure

xoxox ☺ ♥

NCSuzan said...

Good Chilly Morning to everyone!
Be careful out there today.

stronghunter said...

Went back to bed for awhile this morning. Now, Hunter and I are up for real, and I have a sweet basset lying on my foot.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Lolly, sorry Laurel is so sick and I do hope it is just a 24 hour bug.

Dana, happy Raschida is there and you two can enjoy time together.

Shirley, have a good doctor visit today.

Really angered by the decision about the Oriole's stadium eagle nest. Do hope the eagles will also relocate but I doubt it. I also hope that Santa dumps a load of s___ on the people who made the decision.

Shirley, enjoy the day off and a long weekend. Not to worry, too cold for the trash to get stinky.

Okay, I have enjoyed my third shower, have clean hair and clean clothes and feel some better. Will be leaving momentarily to see doctor, or more accurately, to let the doctor look at the infection. It looks better to me.


stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

Good that the infection looks better to you. Very good sign.

Went back to read some posts from last year. Lots of pretty Christmas avatars and talk about snow.

Our nest looks pristine. No signs of eagle tracks.

I have been concerned that a heavy load of snow in addition to the heavy nest could bring everything tumbling down. If that should happen, it would be for the best that Belle and Lib have abandoned this nest, if that is what has happened.

It does leave us wondering. It would be really nice to hear a report from those at NCTC about eagle spottings.

It will be a shame if they went to all of the trouble and expense to put a camera in a tree where there are no eagles, but that's the risk that is taken with wildlife research.

I am hoping that our eagles come back for one more safe season, then move to a nearby spot in a sturdy tree where the camera can be placed.

I suppose it is likely too late in this season to move the camera if another nest is found nearby. I hope someone is out there looking around, though I know they are very busy with other things.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie, I will not stress over the trash. Kathryn said there was only one bag in the can anyway.

stronghunter said...

I guess that would be an additional report from NCTC; I think someone said that the eagles have been seen in the vicinity.

stronghunter said...

I do not have a circling arrow at the nest cam this morning. Maybe someone has been working on that problem.

stronghunter said...

My iPhone has arrived, but I need Will to help me set it up. I have no clue about how to do that. He knows lots about that stuff.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all....

Very saddened to see there are no eagle prints in the snow in the nest, nor has there been an eagle to see.

I sure wish we hadn't been without a cam for those couple of weeks. I can't help but wonder if we would have seen anything that would give us some clues. I know Steve said they've been "seen" but doing what? and where? I often wonder if there is anyone at NCTC who watches them with the intensity that we all do. If there is, I sure wish they'd get on here and tell us something!

Our pair are a seasoned couple, and I don't know for SURE if they can tell the tree isn't stable, but after being there for so many years, one would have to believe they must know. Last winter was bad and the huge amounts of snow much have added an incredible amount of weight and stress. Another winter like that and BOOM.

But I have read that if they loose a nest, they rebuild very close by and stay in their territory. Within one or two square miles. Of course, there's no new cam in a new tree.....UGH! But I can only find info on if they actually loose a nest. I can't find anything to tell me if they just randomly decide to pull up stakes and move.

Another question....could it be that they just won't reproduce this year? I know NOTHING about eagle reproduction except that FOUR eggs is very unusual. Maybe there can be no eggs this year?

One final thought...maybe they WILL be back. After all, it's the season for hope and miracles!

Lynne2 said...

WHOA SHIRLEY!!!! I was just reading back and I see that we are having the same thoughts this morning! Nice to know that my own mind is thinking like your great one!

I think Dana said that she was going to go to the nest with her daughter at some point. Hopefully they'll see SOMETHING we can go on.

stronghunter said...

I guess eagle-watching at NCTC would need some volunteers. I think it was Dana who mentioned going there. Maybe a few people with cameras, etc., could help solve this mystery.

We do not want eggs laid in this nest if it is indeed about to crash, but I got the impression that Steve thought it should be okay for awhile. I do think that kind of call might be difficult to make, though.

The one branch we can see in detail looks rotted to me. Hard to tell with the snow on it right now, though.

hedgie said...

Good morning. Cold, and still no sun....plow just came through, but spreading cinders, not using blade.

No sign of any nest action. :(

stronghunter said...

Don't know about the great mind, Lynne, but it is nice to know we are thinking along the same lines.

Haven't done research on eagles relocating.

stronghunter said...

No sign of a plow here. We used to get plowed, but the state laid off lots of employees, I think.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

No eagle tracks :(

I don't think NCTC watches the eagles like we do....if they did, they wouldn't be asking us if we have seen them.

Lynne, some eagles have 2 or more nests in the same vicinity. Look at the OK eagles and NBG.

hedgie said...

Hi Shirley and Lynne. Ditto all of your thoughts.......just don't know what to expect....but at this point, I'm losing hope.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, the branch you think is rotted, is the one that had the gorilla tape on it....that's where the cam was last year....that's why I think it looks different.

Lynne2 said...

Well then. We have to organize a search party. It can't be that hard to find a nest....especially since they'd stay close. I'll bring Daisy, she can sniff them out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Seriously, with some binos and a map of the area... I wonder if NCTC would let us in to recon the area around there. And there must be other trails and roads from where we could look. Near NCTC. Maybe after the Holidays if they really haven't returned? If there is another nest, then surely there will be eggs laid. Right after the Holidays might be the best time to look because they'd be in and out of a new nest a lot just before that.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to you all. Yepper, my heart sank a little deeper when I viewed the nest and no feetsie prints whatsoever. :(
I am being picked up by Christine & family and will be with them for a few hours.
I'll touch base around 3:00pm

Take care - ((hugs))

Lolly said...

Good morning. Everyone is still asleep but me and Annie. Just called Laurel. She is better. She threw up one more time after we left. She said she did not get much sleep. Dialed up the computer to get a sub, then called her team and asked them to take care of her three classes. She said she told them "I don't care what they magazines, make Christmas cards, whatever!" She was sooo sick! She has had water and toast this morning. Oh, I do hope this does not go through the family!!!

Lolly said...

Talking about multiple nests in the same area...the Ozark eagles have two nests in the same tree and another a little further away. I do feel our nest has been abandoned and what a shame when we just go a fantastic new cam.

Lynne2 said...

Glad Laurel is feeling better...maybe just something she ate?

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne, I love the idea of searching for a new nest. Boy, I would love doing that.

Lolly said...

I have thought of that Lynne. Laurel told me that today her legs are weak. She went downstairs and had to hold on. She also said she combed the boys hair this morning, but told me she had showered. Also, she is spraying the Lyson on everything.

Lynne2 said...

Well, I am just not ready to say good bye to these birds! Ideally, we'd find the nest and it will be accessible to a point, at least by binos or zoom camera, and we could still watch them, sort of!

Lolly said...


Jack is up, but Sandy and Larry are still asleep. After breakfast I am making an apple dessert (sorta like pie) as I never got around to it. They did come a day earlier! LOL Expect Dan and Sharon after lunch.

Lolly said...

Well, Lynne, your assignment will be to locate the nest. Then Wanda will have to go out everyday and monitor the nest. LOL She can telephone her report to Jo, Lynn, and Margy and they can report to us. Or, maybe Lynn and Wanda can alternate days watching them, LOL Just an idea! :)

paula eagleholic said...

I'm all for a time is early am and before dusk to catch them going in and out.

Lynne2 said...

I don't know much about GPS but I wonder if it would be helpful? Friend Dave has one....we can recruit him. He likes hiking, and LOVES his GPS! Those who can stand the elements and hiking around can do trails, and others can do search from roads. Really, it would be nice if there was SOMEONE at NCTC who could offer up some info....

hedgie said...

After 4 more open wounds since yesterday....3 from toenails....I finally got 9 nails trimmed......only 9 to go. Mai needs a chill pill! What a squirm worm.

NCSuzan said...

Lynne, you would think that with the money they have involved that they would be a little more concerned about their investment at the very least.

Costume Lady said...

24° here going up to 36° today. Maybe some of this snow will melt and I'll get to see my family tonight. Karla has a mountain to conquer, coming and going home, needs her 4 wheel drive, but that has gone out on her Expedition SUV. She had much difficulty getting home yesterday and she had the baby (Jayden). She had to park her vehicle on top of the hill and walk down to her house...Jayden loved the snow falling and landing on his face:)

There are some more close-up photos of our Sycamore Palace on my Wild and Wonderful. Doesn't look to me like the tree is dangerously deteriorating, see what you think! I still think it is the issue of the nest being disturbed at a crucial time ...should have been done last month...and...the HUNTERS. JMHO

NCSuzan said...

Also, Lynne, do you follow the Hancock site at all? A couple of years ago they had a nest that was deplorable at best yet the eagles used it. They lost an egg and a chick, if my memory serves me. Finally someone put up some netting but i can't remember what happened after that. Anyway, my point is that I think a nest has to become much worse than what we have now before an eagle abandons a nest because of instability alone. Just trying to think positively.

paula eagleholic said...

I emailed Steve this morning with our concerns. He says the security guys have been seeing the eagles, but they have been in the limbs of the tree, not in the nest. I don't think they have any plans to search for a new nest.

All we can do is wait and keep the faith.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...


NCSuzan said...

Plus, these eagles are accustomed to humans being in and around their nest occasionally and it has not stopped them from nesting. Maybe a friend told them about a fish run and they are taking a mini vacation before family planning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They don't lay eggs until February so there is still plenty of time. I refuse to give up on them!! :-)

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, thanks. LOL We have to think good thoughts. Glad they have been seen. Maybe they are happy with their renovations!

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, so glad Laurel is feeling better and hope it does not spread throughout the family.

Lynn. your poor feet. Ah, Mai. Having the time of her life.

stronghunter said...


Maybe our eagles are sitting on the branches and saying that they just don't want to sit in that snow bowl down there right now.

hedgie said...

It's the hands, Suzan! 3 of the 4 are wrist area.....from playing---she wants to hold my hands!!

hedgie said...

Got decks cleaned off. Now taking a nebulizer treatment. Not good. Usualy only need that when I'm sick. :(

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, isn't that sweet? She is going to be a loving dog. Please don't be sick. You should not be breathing the cold air and exerting your lungs this much. I know you know that. But we do what we have to do, don't we?

hedgie said...

Thanks, Wanda!

Bill says roads are good, so guess I'll start getting ready to head out in a little while. Wish I didn't NEED to!

glo said...

Wrap Mai in a towel Lynn and only leave out the one paw you plan to trim. Dex is not so good at that either but I have always done both of my dogs grooming. The towel helped me win their confidence when they were pups and realized what I was going to do did not hurt them. Of course that means you do NOT cut into the quick which will hurt and make nail trimming tougher on both of you for a long time.

On another note my sons flight will arrive 6 hours later than first scheduled. so I have dug my eagle lens out of the trunk and after lunch its off to the Dam for Dex and I. Sunny cold and light winds. Hoping. MTBR

hedgie said...

Yep, Suzan....know it well. But gotta do what we gotta one to rely on for help. :(

hedgie said...

Thanks for the tip, Glo!! Will try the towel trick!
Sorry about the flight delay. How far do you have to go to the airport?? Good luck at the dam!!

movin said...



fOR a dAMP but



It seems a thing called a "Hawaiian Express" will freight rainy weather into the So Cal area for several days starting today. So, it's pretty cloudy outside this morn, and it should start raining before long.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Gonna head out soon. Later, gators!

movin said...

Eagles at BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

See ya, Hedgie.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

glo said...

Airport is about half hour at night with some ice and snow to slow me down a little. Not a bad drive though.

Leave Mai's face out though. She won't find the blindfolded effect comforting at all. :-)

OK off to the Dam for 2 or 3 hours depending on how cold and how many eagles and activity etc.

movin said...

The camera at Hummingbird site has been repositioned to show the new nest building close up.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Just to let you know. My daughter got her rental car. It is even nicer than the one Enterprise in Martinsburg was going to give her. Got it at Halfway, Md.

She has been in the house (my house. She is handling it ok so far. Can't go back in Daddy's room yet but knows she has to before she heads back on the 22nd. Please say a prayer for her. She was so very very close to him. Seeing his things is so hard on her.

I am a happier camper. She will be driving me around now. My car is PARKED for during the days. Thank God.

I haven't read any comments we'll be heading out soon.

Prayers for those that need them.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Getting here sorta late today, so it's good afternoon instead of good morning!

It is indeed raining here. Started out early this morning with drizzle and a VERY icy wind; now no wind, but it's been raining here for about an hour.

Hubby reported that Emma was VERY good girl last night while I was still at school. She was playing with her toys (tennis ball, mainly)and running around like a wild Indian in the living room. She suddenly decided she needed to pee, so ran like the wind to the piddle pads in the entry hall, and did her business!
That's my girl! She then resumed playing with her toys. We're really getting somewhere with the training!

Lynn, I think Mai must be a bit more "alpha" than Emma is. Sorry she is beating you up so much! When Emma needs her nails trimmed, she's absolutely no problem, the little sweetie. I handle her feet and toes at every opportunity, so she doesn't seem to mind. Helps, too, to file each nail with downward strokes, to get rid of the sharp, cut edges. I'm really glad that Emma is so "laid back". That's one of the main reasons I think she's a possible therapy dog. BTW, when she hears Hubby in the bathroom in the morning, getting ready for work, she knows no rest until I've let her check up on him to make sure he's OK! She really seems to be keeping an eye on both of us. She wouldn't eat all her dinner that Hubby fed her last night, until I got home from school. She was SO excited to see me! Then she ate the rest of her dinner, once she was convinced that I wasn't going to leave home again!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, have some errands to get done, so will say "Bye" for now. Will check back in later. Sure hope that SOMEBODY spots our eagles again soon!
I'm really concerned about them, too!
Belle and Lib, where are you?!

hedgie said...

I'm back!! All shopping finished---except groceries which Carolyn will help me get in Sun. or Mon.!
Got everything I was looking for.
Andy, I have been handling Mai's feet continuously just for that very reason! SharPei tend to be very sensitive about I had the foster mom start nipping off tips a week or two before she released her to me. Glad that Emma is doing SO well. Mai rips and tears around, too!!!
Sorry you and Jim are getting rain, but know you will be glad you did before spring!
Oh, Glo---no, I would never try to cover her face!!!
Hope you had good luck at the dam.
Nest looks undisturbed......argh!
Was hoping for a new thread before the weekend....

Dana, glad that things are working out well with the car for Rashida!

hedgie said...

Got Mai a new rope toy---larger size! The small one had just about had it already! Had to keep trimming off ends! She loves them more than any of the other toys. Also found real peanut butter in a squirt tube to put in the kong toy! Easier and not as messy!

stronghunter said...


I am home from the doctor. He set my nose. It was not fun. I am ever so glad it is over. I had to call Kathryn to drive me home, so Will and Kathryn have to go get my car--again.

I came home and took a pain pill.

Sorry to complain. I am very thankful to have my children nearby.

Oh, George should appreciate me. He slashed at Flash, and it seems he made contact this time. There was a little yipe. Hunter went for a plastic baseball bat, but I confiscated the bat.

I really do not think Hunter would have done anything. He just wanted to threaten George, but I am glad I was sitting here.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...