Saturday, December 11, 2010


Still working out the bugs of the new cam.

new thread.


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hedgie said...

REDSKINS SCORE!!!!!!!!!! 'Bout time!!

hedgie said...

Split-----perfect timing!!

hedgie said...

Come on Skins.....let's score!!!
Hmmmmm....Joe Gibbs is in Snyder's box.....wish he was still the coach!

hedgie said...

Halftime....10-3 Skins.

hedgie said...

Smoke in a building at NCTC!!!!!! :(

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Yes, I misunderstood the noise decibel warning last night. Middletown not Martinsburg. Just so pleased it was a wonderful time for all your family, Jo.

Good news that Mary Margaret's storage unit was not involved. That would have been a really sad event for her.

Quiet today. Raining and overcast. Did see the roof on the Metrodome collapse on news this a.m.

Thank you, Lolly. Couldn't imagine how I missed a Bosco all this time.

RED LETTER DAY! Enjoyed my first shower since Nov. 12. It is going to take a practice or two to master using a tub bench but I feel 200% better. This has really given me serious appreciation for how difficult it is for the injured & disabled to tackle basic self-care tasks.

Darth was vigilant until I made my way safely back to bed. Now he has gone off to hunt for food. I think he may tackle pasghetti tonight.

Hope Paula is having rainy-day fun in NYC.

Margy, have a quiet few hours at work.

Lynn, this kind of weather seems excellent to teach Ms. Mai how nice a rainy afternoon on the couch can be. Maybe she would like you to read a puppy book to her. lol

Need to elevate my foot so back to bed.

Judie said...

Oops! I now see the SKINS are playing. Will take a pain pill and watch.

hedgie said...

Great way to start the second half----NOT. Fumble, and recovered by Tampa. Geesh.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Glad you were able to get a shower.

Tell us more about the smoke, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Judie----I need a pain pill to watch!! This is so-o-o painful.

hedgie said...

Not hearing anything more, Shirley.......

BEagle said...

The Skins game is not airing on my channels. GO SKINS!!!

I will check out a Harlem GT special.

hedgie said...

Units on scene---poor radio communications (ha! cell phones don't always work well there either!). Berkeley Co. has also been called in.....

hedgie said...

Heavy smoke on the interior, but I don't know which building.......

stronghunter said...

Sounds bad, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Our units are being sent to the roof.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn, Will, and Hunter are getting ready to go get some items from Kathryn's old house and rearrange some things here.

hedgie said...

Heavy BLACK smoke.....

stronghunter said...

Isn't Margy at work today?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh dear God not at NCTC.....not the room where they have the new cam installation equipment. Wish it was NO ROOM...Wished it was not at NCTC at all!!!!!

Lynn keep us updated.

stronghunter said...

You're right about cell phones not working well there. I remember.

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone!!
What a sloppy football game~~~and not just the weather!!

Need some food, and back to Xmas stuff. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Doesn't sound good! Keep us posted..

Lynn - Patrick and Christine and his
sister & husband are at the Skins game.
Sure wish they would have a win in honor of Patrick! And I sure hope they don't catch their death of a cold.

Mema Jo said...

I need some of those 'heat pads' for my knees. Rainy weather just isn't
comfy for joints at my age!

NatureNut said...

Oh No!!! NCTC fire??? Will keep watching for news.....

stronghunter said...

Hope this goes smoothly. Kathryn is planning to take the nice television set from her husband's house and bring it here. She has discussed it with him. She bought it on a credit card in her name and paid for it.

She would not have taken Hunter along if she thought there would be any dispute over this.

stronghunter said...

She is taking a coffee table I'd given to her that he wants. Big table, no room here for it. I bought it for a much larger house.

wvgal_dana said...

Nice catch Fletcher !! Go Skins!!!

stronghunter said...

By that, I mean she is taking it to him. Then she is bringing back the television.

hedgie said...

Well, whatever it was, it's under control and they are releasing the fire units.

hedgie said...

No, Margy doesn't go in til 8 tonight.

hedgie said...

Jo, how cool that the kids got to go to the game!!!! Welcome home to the formerly biggest fans in Germany!!!!! BTW-----what is happening with the dog? Does he have to be quarantined????

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn when was Mai born?

Yes I called my nephew he said they had already released Baker Heights. I had a computer problem don't know why wouldn't let me comment. So I couldn't come in an tell you all that he said "smoke in one room".

I had to close down and re-boot.

stronghunter said...

Good that the problem is under control at NCTC.

stronghunter said...

Now, we need to get the game under control.

Lolly said...

Taking a peek in. No relaxing today, Lynn. I can not sit when there are things to be done. January will be my sitting month. Make that January and February. LOL

Have the boys presents wrapped. Now to start on the adults. Jack will complain there are no presents for him. LOL His two main presents are hidden away in closets and will not come out until Christmas eve. If he sees them he will figure out what they are. One is a new leather desk chair. Really comfy! It is in a box and he will have to assemble. It is so huge and heavy. I "walked" it into the house and into Laurel's closet. Proud of myself. :) Shhhhh, don't tell!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone home

Lolly said...

Dana, thanks for all the nest links. I have slowly been adding them to this computer. You just made that very easy. :)

Lolly said...

I am here, Paula!

stronghunter said...

Hi, Paula. How are you?

paula eagleholic said...

we are at the cam

BEagle said...

Taking pictures I hope. : )

Lolly said...

Where are you standing?

hedgie said...

Dana, Mai was born on Oct. 7th.

Hi, Paula!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Orange jacket and blue jacket next to th cart

hedgie said...

I don't see you!!! What are you wearing??

stronghunter said...

Can someone send me a link to the cam at Times Square?

Lolly said...

Can not see you. Go stand by blue newspaper box

hedgie said...

Don't see you......cart???? I don't see a cart...

Lolly said...

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go will try later tthee rain stopped

NatureNut said...


Lolly said...

I think she has the wrong corner

paula eagleholic said...

Next to the purses casrt

hedgie said...

These cams aren't updating----they are showing same people I saw when I first got them on.....

hedgie said...

Darn it all...........17-16.......Skins usual. Bummer.

Lolly said...

Paula, we can not see a cart. The stand that was there last night is gone. The newspaper boxes are there. One is blue with a little yellow on the front.

stronghunter said...

Well, shucks. Too bad about the Skins. Will just hauled off the television I was watching, so I did not see the end of the game. They are bringing in the other set.

wvgal_dana said...

I am clicking through the pictures at the bottom of the cam. So far I have not found orange jacket and blue jacket. grrr

Lolly said...

I really think Paula had the wrong corner. There is no purse cart in view.

wvgal_dana said...

I think so too Lolly. I have found a picture on the corner. I swear that may be a blue coat but the other coat it yellow. It matches the cabs.

Lolly said...

Two girls on the cam, talking on their phones and waving and occasionally smiling at the cam.

Lolly said...

Another couple waving, LOL

Lolly said...

Now three girls waving. Surely Paula can find us and wave!

NatureNut said...

Lokking for Paula. There are several cams. The cam 2 from the link shows a blue box, but looks like newspapers.

Lolly said...

Loweeda, I think it is cam 2, though there is no purse cart. I looked at all the other cams and they are not as close as this one. jmho

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon. Just checking in between games.

Dana, thanks for the links. I added them to this computer.

Lynn, sorry about the Redskins. Chris is very upset with them too.

Will have to check back later if I can. My next game is on....

Lolly said...

I am so glad the rain has stopped. Paula had a great attiude about the rain, but this is so much better.

Off to wrap more presents!


wvgal_dana said...

Steeler won their game!!!!!

I am sure Paula knows what corner the cam is on. Just can't find a picture of them.

wvgal_dana said...

I love it now this is football-CBS football in snow. New England and Chicago.

Mema Jo said...

The cam Paula referred to us has fast moving people on that NY street.

Mema Jo said...

She will probably text us here when she is at the cam. I don't have any idea what time the show ended.

hedgie said...

I now have a half-tree!!!! But I started with the wrong row of limbs.....will see how it looks in the daylight tomorrow.....may have to start over again!!! Is this all worth it????

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah, Dana.....remember past games like this one! Brrrr!
Congrats on your Steelers win!

glo said...

Hi everyone. Guess its football and times square day :-). I have had pop up cam on all day and wondered if maybe it was stuck when I saw no birds at all, but its getting dark so its not stuck. :-( Come home lib and Belle

hedgie said...

Cam reception now is very messed up---because of rain, I guess.

hedgie said...

Our cam is too dark to see anything now.

magpie said...

Good Afternoon/Evning Eagle Pals...

whoo, rainy and rather-cold hereabouts and it is going to get worse

I heard Tundra Swans this morning at around 11:30
I could not see them of course, but it must have been a pretty good sized flock because they were
"honking" for quite awhile...seems like they were West of here, as though flying right along
Interstate 81 near Exit 14...

The Canada Geese flying over are always pretty low and below the clouds where I can see them

magpie said...

very pretty poinsettia, Shirley,
makes for a very nice avatar

magpie said...

co-worker has nickname of "Pickles."
I found a pickle ornament in the collection of Christmas items here, she will get that
It's a small dill pickle ☺

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! What have you been up to today?? When does your company arrive?

magpie said...

I came in and compared the flying/honking noise to my Cornell Bird guide to confirm it was Tundra Swans...been four years since I saw them last

going to "zone out" for awhile before the four-hour work stint

trying to knock back a cold,
germs hate rest !

ttfn Best wishes for a good evening whatever is going on in YOUR Eagle Corner ♥

Mema Jo said...

The Pickle ornament is a custom as to who finds it on the tree will get a special extra present. Children love it.

BEagle said...

I just saw an umbrellas with

magpie said...

Lynn -
my stepdaughter and former husband should be starting out from Florida shortly tonight, due to arrive in Winchester late Monday night, they will go on up to Berkeley Springs Tuesday to be there when James gets home from school
Not sure where they are staying the rest of the nights....
I don't expect any sleepovers here, but on Friday, James's birthday, I think a small gathering here after I get off work for his party...then they leave late Friday night or early Saturday. :(

magpie said...

thanks for that info, Jo...
I am not really sure it is my ornament to give now after all these years, not sure anyone is keeping track !

magpie said...

I snuck up to Berkeley Springs for a little while...James is beating back a cold too so figured we could work on it together !

okay, pillow time for a short while, time for my prayers too !


magpie said...

oh, I had slept in this morning,
'cause I stayed up past 3 am, had the window open...that's when I heard the swans...

am very relieved to hear that the fire at the warehouse was NOT MM's bin...hope no damage is found from smoke or water at hers...

okay, bye

hedgie said...

That's cute, Margy!!! Who is it?

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hedgie-Lynn that tree is worth it. Remember I got mine-now you have to get yours. Daughter can help you if need too.

Prayers for the travels coming to Margy's. Prayers that James cold leaves quickly!!

Mema Jo said...

I stopped looking at that one cam because like Lynn mentioned - it keeps repeating.........

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - which one are you watching?

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic shot of Moose on Pook's cam.

Snowman on cam has a hat full of snow
Covering half his face

No deer at the Wildlife cam

There is a doe on the PixController PA

Lolly said...

I do not think cam 2 in NYC is repeating. Jo, I was expecting Paula tonight but she got on the blog and said she was on the cam. I went to cam 2 but could not see her. She said there was a purse cart there and they were standing near the cart. Well, I do not see a cart. Must be another cam but I could not find a cam with a cart.

Lolly said...

I need help. I have a question. Someone on here was getting a Shark steam mop. Who has one? Do you like it? And if so what kind of floors can you use it on. Laurel has what looks like wood floors, but is not wood. Can the shark be used on it? Help!!!

stronghunter said...

I have a shark, and I do like it. I think you can use it on wood. I have not tried it on my wood floors, though.

i believe Judie has one as well.

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, I misunderstood. Thought they were staying with you. Does James know they're coming or is it a surprise????
Glad you had some time with him today.
Cool that you heard the swans. I heard geese today.
Hope the cold is better. Bundle up when you go out!

BEagle said...

Mema...watching the Times Square cam that Lolly posted. It is not repeating people.

BEagle said...

There is a cart on the cam but I don't know if it's a purse cart. You can tell it's a cart and at the lower left corner of the cam view.

NatureNut said...

Love your eagles Beagloe!! I have an Xmas one to put on shortly.

Hoping fire in Balmer did not hurt any of MM's items. And glad NCTC fire is out.

Lynn, I was thinking the same thing---try to make a Small Xmas tree out of the artificial & see if cats will behave. In the past, we've had the water mister nearby!I had thought of making a Charlie Brown tree, but I want lights, too!

Margy, hope you get a rest before work & you & James get healthy before all the excitement. How exciting to "hear" the swans. We had a flock of ducks go over yesterday morning. Thought at first it was crows, but were in a wide V!!

Gonna wrap one that needs to get mailed....

Costume Lady said...

Are we waiting on Paula and Michael to make an appearance?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - don't know that anyone yet has spotted them......
Busy sidewalks..........

Mema Jo said...

Cam says it is 52° in NY
Doesn't look like any rain....

Mema Jo said...

lol Take that back - umbrellas are UP

NatureNut said...

Must be raining again in NYC--umbrellas are open. Cam 2 is in front of the 47th Digital Store.

Lolly said...

Beagle says she can see a cart on cam 2, lower left hand corner but I can not make out a cart. She was on earlier, Wanda. But we did not see her. Look again...after 8.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe if I say I am leaving and turn off the cam - Paul & Michael will show up - you know, just like Lib & Belle do

Lolly said...

Paula is in navy and Michael in orange.

Have a confession to make. I stole rosemary from a monk in Italy. Just sent Jack out for rosemary from the herb garden. Needed it for the rub I was putting on our steaks. Got to thinking about our time in Italy. We stole rosemary from the monks garden. I am SURE they would have told us to help ourselves. Sorry, but it is a funny memory and we were laughing. It was just a wee bit of rosemary!

wvgal_dana said...

I will be checking in but I think we have missed Paula for the day.

Going to get my feet up.

magpie said...

well it was probably Blessed Rosemary, Lolly ☺

back up again, meant to comment that it is nice to hear of Judie's successful foray into the shower !

thanks for the well wishes for James and his mom and grandpa, and me
James knows they are coming and is very excited about it. Has been 18 months since he last saw his mother. His parents have been divorced for five years

magpie said...

I am wondering how the weather affected Megan's Market today

co-worker would be Noel, Lynn

magpie said...

You could go to the Loo, Jo...that might help ☺ (bring about an appearance of Paula that is...)

okay time to start getting presentable if that is possible

take care, folks...
rest well, enjoy your time at your roosts....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Uh Oh, fire truck caught in traffic on NYC cam. Oh, I wish I was there. This reminds me of my weekend with Michael, only we had snow, not rain.

BEagle said...

That fire truck couldn't go fast and far in that stop and go traffic.

I am reminded when I drove a school but in their snowstorms. Whew. No one stopped because of snow like they do down south.

paula eagleholic said...

Show was great having a drink and dinner, guess I coulnt find the right corner we may try again

Lolly said...

Paula, 46th and Broadway is cam 2

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Paula...find the right corner FIRST...then have a drink;) LOL
Glad you enjoyed the show.

BTW, I was JOKING when I said I didn't make the chorus line of the Rockettes because I couldn't kick high enough! Saw them perform on my Senior trip to NY upon graduation. Knew then and there that I would never be a professional dancer:)

hedgie said...

Ok, Wanda!!!! Thanks for 'splainin'!

Margy, with your hair, you can always look presentable---wish I had hair that would do anything I wanted like yours!!!

Paula had originally said between 7-8, and then said maybe she's out there....but I don't find her, either!

hedgie said... 2 says 46th and 7th Ave. Cam 9 says 49th and Broadway.....which one is she talking about???

Lolly said...

LOL A young man in a hooded sweatshirt just performed for the camera. Paula should do the same. :)

Lolly said...

Cam 9 you can not see peoples faces. I think she was talking about cam 2. Guy in hooded red sweaat shirt is still on the cam.

hedgie said...

I just got nailed by a fang! 1/2" gash on my wrist. Owwwie!

Lolly, your hidden gifties are secreted with us! Hope Jack isn't a snooper!

Lolly said...

Nah, he is not a snooper. In fact, when I brought things in, he was at the computer. I shut his door and told hin to stay put. LOL Have also told him to stay out of the closets. I have been told to stay out of the attic. LOL

hedgie said...

Judie, I missed your post about your shower! Know it felt heavenly! I rarely shower---I'm a tub girl. But my shower has a seat in it, and I sure appreciated it and garbage bags when I had my fractures!! I have a two-way water supply.....can be used as a handheld device, too.

Lolly said...

Sorry about the gash, Lynn. Annie is 15 and still breaking my skin. This happens only when she is on our bed. So funny, she wants to play when she is on the bed. When we are on the bed, and ready for sleep, she is all purry.

Lolly said...

I shower, Lynn. We have a seat in our shower. Seldom use it, but it is there when we need it. Great to prop the foot on.

Lolly said...

Off to print some gift labels. Wrapped Ashley and Laurels' gifts.

wvgal_dana said...

I brought some 1/2 and pieces of wsalnuts. How is it best to save them? In a storage plastic bag in the cupboard or in the refrigator? How would you store them? Can they go bad?

Lynne2 said...

evening all...just popping in to say goodnight. This day has not gone according to plan at all! My runny nose scratchy throat thing of the last few days that I thought I was beating, has now turned into a full blown bronchitis. Was up coughing more than sleeping last night, and very tired today. Even took a nap! I have Irvine in the AM, and I'm hoping the roads won't be bad. Snow showers later and very cold overnight. UGH.

SO, prayers for all, and have a good night....take care of all of your colds, injuries, etc!

hedgie said...

Dana, yes they can go bad.....I would think refrigerator....but I don't eat them or buy them, so maybe Lolly can tell you better.

hedgie said...

Lolly, you are chugging right along!

hedgie said...

No umbrellas now.....but cam is still messing up badly.

hedgie said...

Going to take my bath----CBS is running late, so CSI won't be on for awhile and Mai is asleep. BBL.

Lolly said...

Yep, chugging right along, LOL Getting ready to watch da Boys right now.

Lolly said...

Sorry, can not help with walnuts. I use pecans all the time. Never walnuts.

Mema Jo said...

That is how I would like to see NY - a horse drawn carriage.

Lolly said...

Had wine with our steak. I may not be "chugging along" much longer.

Lolly said...

That would be fun, Jo. I purchased new shoes before we went to NYC the weekend before Christmas. They were very comfortable and kept out the snow,

wvgal_dana said...

Looked on internet yes is best to freeze shelled walnuts and also almonds. Of course, in freezer bags.

Judie said...

Well, it reads as if the bloggers have taken to imitating the Key Stone Cops in NYC. Who's near the blue jacket? Who's near the purse cam? Who's at 46 & 9th? Who's on 7th? Who's near the girls laughing on their phones and smiling? WHERE'S PAULA?

I have a Shark. It doesn't work on the floor I needed it to work on. It is best for
"sealed" floors. Does work on wood if it is sealed with polyurathane(sp).

Do hope the damage at NCTC was minimal. That is just too scary.

Lynne, sorry about the gash and Lynne, sorry about the bronchitis. You two please take care, okay?

Dana, all nuts should be stored in an air tight container in the frig or freezer. Oils in nuts go rancid.

Shirley, hope the furniture trade goes well. You don't need any emotional upheaval.

Darth is making me very, very nervous. He fixed pasghetti tonight and it was really good. I think the only thing I might be left with is ironing -- he's doing pretty well with laundry, also.

Sorry about the SKINS -- glad I took my pain pill. Now will hope Dallas does well for Lolly and Jack.

Will probably try to get to sleep earlier than usual tonight. Will be turning my light off soon but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams.

hedgie said...

Finally hear back from Anne Marie! She is snowed under with a thousand emails, but she is doing fine! She sends hugs!

Mema Jo said...

Watching some TV

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Judie for the information on the nuts.

You rest well.

Lynne2 prayers coming your way.

Sorry Hedgie for the puppy scratches.

hedgie said...

Sleep well, Judie. It helps with the healing. So pleased that Darth is becoming a master chef and home-husband!!!! I'm sure it eases your mind. Thanks for also being a good "nurse", Darth!!!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, sorry you are feeling so puny. Don't let the bronchitis get a hold---get to the Dr.!!! Hope you feel better in the morning. Prop up on pillows, and take some Mucinex DM!

hedgie said...

Wind is picking up and temps are going down.

Lynne2 said...

I'm baaaaack! Had a hot shower, feel less congested now.... but Steve fell asleep and I don't want to wake him. So I'll take the dogs out for a quick pee and head to be with some hot chocolate.

Lolly, SHAME on you for stealing that rosemary from the Italian monks. That'll be 5 Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers, young lady.

So glad Judie got a shower finally!

Well, hot water is ready, so I'll say goodnight....again!

Lolly said...

Whoops! Fell asleep! Ah, Judie, you are sweet. Bless you, for sweet wishes for Lolly and Jack and the Cowboys. We could have gone to the game tonight. Passed up the tickets to stay home. Too much going lately.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne! Jack says I owe nothing. He says they were French monks (In Italy) and we owe them nothing.

Lolly said...

Da Boys!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Whew, just finished the lesson plan for tomorrow. It is getting more and more complicated the more time I miss.

The furniture swap went okay. He was not at home, but he texted her later . Will set up a play area for Hunter in the basement and he seems to like it. He even has a television down there.

stronghunter said...

Wouldn't stress over the monks, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I am going to say good night now. I will see you tomorrow. God bless.

Mema Jo said...

Did anyone find Paula? I didn't!

TV movie is over - was enjoyable.
I decided half way through that some of the scenes I had seen before-but it
was good to view it again.

Lolly said...

Nite, Shirley! Hopefully, you can get back to school soon. Feel your pain concerning missing school. It is something only another teacher could understand. Much easier to go to school ill than to plan for a sub.

Lolly said...

I do not think Paula came back after the show and dinner. She was going to try to find the correct cam, but we have not heard back from her.

Mema Jo said...

I'm thinking that the weather here in the am isn't going to be great! The little squirrels were here at the back door this morning in all the rain!

I am heading back the hallway.
This weekend went by very fast.

Good Night Everyone and Prayers for all of your wants/needs..
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

NatureNut said...

Guess many are getting ready for the Sandman. So glad Judie got to shower & Darth is now a house husband!! ☺
Jo, love your GGD pics ☺
Lynne, you probably will need antibiotics or something for bronchitis. Don't want to fool around. Hope you feel well enough to go out in AM. Safe travels for everyone.
Lynn has a puppy slash????How could that be? Such a sweet puppy!!☺
Gotta do hair---Dr. appt tomorrow---Boo.
Lolly, for once I am rooting for Dallas. Hate Vick. He should be confined to a kennel.
If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

I was standing on the wrong street corner, obviously! LOL. The cam was at the intersection of a couple of streets, we were just on the wrong corner!

We had a marvelous time.

It was raining pretty good when we got there. We went into the Empire State Building, but it was too foggy up on the deck, so we didn't even go up. Went and got lunch, and when we were done with that the rain had pretty much stopped.

So we walked and walked and walked all afternoon. We went up to see the Rockefeller tree, then continued up and saw St Patrick's Cathedral, the New York Library, Trump Tower. Went into DeBeers Diamond Store, FAO Schwartz (the toy store), then up into Central Park.

We strolled thru the Central Park Zoo...we saw either a red tailed or red shouldered hawk, squirrels, seals. Then thru Central Park to Columbus Circle, and back down Broadway to Times Square.

Then we headed up to the show, which was just wonderful. Radio City Music Hall was just gorgeous inside.

After the show, we went to see the Rockefeller tree again at night, then off to a pub for some dinner and drinks.

We slowly made our way back to the train station, it only took an hour and 10 minutes to get back to Lawrenceville.

My legs are super duper tired, but no blisters!

Taking Michael on a little adventure tomorrow, I'll tell you about that when I get home.

Will be home late evening hour tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Glad I looked back in -- Hi Paula
We were trying to 'hunt you down'
Your itinerary sounds great - you two covered a lot of ground.
Will be waiting for 'The rest of the
story' tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Paula, so glad you had such a great time. I enjoyed reading about your day....and could picture it all so well. Such a fun day!

BEagle said...

I am glad that Paula had a good time roving nyc. Sorry to miss you at the cam though. Rest well.

About nuts. I consume a whole lot of nuts, especially walnuts. I keep them in the fridge. They don't last long around me but I would store them in the original bag in an air tight container in the fridge to keep them as fresh as possible.

One of my favorite breakfast meals is oatmeal soaked overnight in filtered water with added walnuts and raisins and a little celtic salt.

I nuke it a minute in the morning to take the chill off and stir up their natural milkiness. It is very nourishing and tastes good too.

With prayers for you ♥

Costume Lady said...

It does sound like Paula and Michael are enjoying themselves. New York is OPEN ALL NIGHT, so, if they aren't sleepy there is plenty more to see and do:) ENJOY!

As for me, I am going to get some sleep. Going to be busy the next 2-3 days.


Costume Lady said...

I like oatmeal with raisins and walnuts, also...but have never soaked it overnight, BEagle.

hedgie said...

Hello---dozed off watching the news. Sorry if I missed anyone. Heading for bed. Peace and prayers.

hedgie said...

Oops---forgot to comment.....
Paula, sounds like a great day, but bet your dogs are worn out!
BEagle, are you using McCann's Oatmeal?? (my maiden name, BTW!)
Wanda, whatcha' got on your schedule??
Loretta, wish to goodness I could do my hair the night before....would never work for me. Bedhead is u-g-l-y here!!!

PA Nana said...

Saying goodnight and God bless everyone.

Going to catch the Celtic Woman Christmas show that I missed earlier. Need something to get me in the Christmasy mood. Bah humbug.

Prayers for all needs and wants.

Lolly said...

Been watching a new British comedy, one we have not seen before. Enjoyed it.
Now time for bed. How did it get so late?

Nite all, sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Snowy morning in Spotsylvania County. Hunter has a 2-hour delay.

stronghunter said...

Just a light snowfall, but there's ice underneath it. For anyone who lives in the north, it's the kind of snow that makes you laugh at us Southerners.

I just hope it melts before I have to go anywhere. But the only place I would absolutely need to go is Hunter's school, and that would be called off if it is bad.

stronghunter said...

Posted a couple of pictures of doggy footprints in the snow on my blog.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good snowy morning my wonderful Eagle buds!! It is a blustery day down here in Bluefield for sure!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have a question. Are we not gonna have a "night light" on our cam anymore?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Fire at NCTC? Is everything/everyone okay???

stronghunter said...

A snowy good morning, Sissy.

stronghunter said...

Wondering the same things, Sissy.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley and Sissy. I can say for now Good "not" snowy morning from here.

Sissy I too and I'm sure others are wondering will there be a night light. I guess some questions we will just have to wait and see.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Are ya'll getting this snow up there? It is putting it down out there, like living in a snow globe!!

wvgal_dana said...

I see Paula checked in last night. Wrong corner some where saying that. Sounds like she really did a lot of traveling on those feeties. All that she saw I'm sure with Michael will carry wonderful memories for a long time. Paula glad you had a wonderful time.

So Paula is planning something now for Michael. We won't know still later.

Lynne2 please get to the doctor and get something for that bronchitis.

Awww Judie I remembe that first shower. Oh my!!! Felt like a new woman.

Diann I am so sorry for all the pain you are going through. Try to have a nice Christmas.

I'm thinking of many that need prayers.

Shirley that was nice of Will to set up a play room and tv for Hunter.

BEagle I did put the nuts in freezer bags in the freezer. I don't eat a lot of them.

hedgie said...

Good morning, Shirley and Sissy.
Questions without answers......on both fronts. Try emailing Steve!!

Lolly said...

Good morning. No eagles in the nest that I have seen. This bothers me. I want to see nestorations!

Well, we have finally had our first good freeze. Now I have some serious yard work but it will have to wait til after Christmas. I might get out and clean up around the front but do not have the time now. It was 28 when I got up and 29 right now.

Thought of Deb this morning when I read about the snow in the mid west. Thought of my kidding with her about leaving the freezer door open when it got cold here.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I was thinking about Deb this morning too. She crosses my mind often and I miss her....

Lolly said...

Yep, Sharon! (((hugs)))

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It's me, Lolly, Sissy!! LOL!! Getting used to it though, almost answer to her name sometimes!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, came in the door after I did and I didn't see you!!

Lolly said...

LOL Bev! Guess it is too early in the morning here! Sorry! (((hugs))) for Bev!

Thought of you, too, recently. Zach has little animals and learned that his favorite was the baby panda and he lost it. Could not find then in the store so ordered them on line. Got two baby pandas in the mail Saturday.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love pandas!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just in case ya'll didn't know!!

Lolly said...

Just got thrown off the blog. Second time that has happened recently. Grrrr!

Lolly said...

So, Lynn, how is Mai this morning? Full of energy?

hedgie said...

Hi, Lolly! No...she is sleeping soundly. She woke up around 4:30. Went out and we played for a few minutes, but I couldn't keep my eyes open. She has figured out how to p[ush the "lid" on the playpen open and get out again when she isn't sleepy, so I put her in the crate in the basement. Warm, comfy, nightlight on.....and she barked continuously for almost two hours. Needless to say......neither of us were happy. Finally got her up, let her out, fed her breakfast and then we both sacked out on the sofa for an hour. Iput her in playpen shortly after 8 and she's been asleep ever since.

hedgie said...

She also had a toy in the crate!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

New dog, Hedgie?? What kind?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Cam looks crystal clear. Sure would love to see and eagle in that nest though.

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn has a new puppy. She will have to tell you all about her, She is a cutie!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Glo. Yes, it would be nice to see an eagle in the nest. Thankful we saw one for a second, but will feel better when we see them again.

Lolly said...

We are very close to a split! Buckle up for the ride!

hedgie said...

Okay----I emailed Steve. Here is his reply:

Thanks for the note. One of the boilers in a dorm "belched". This has happened in the past and the "belch" includes smoke. So no problem, but always best to have the FD check it out.

Mema Jo said...

Good 'Freezing Cold' Morning
Could someone turn on the heat!
Well it is Dec - Bluefield you started early!
Mai knows you love her! She is one smart little gal!
Come on Paula - what's the surprise of the day? I am anxious to know..
We best get a night light on that nest cam.. Don't see any point in it if we don't.
Everyone of you stay warm... I also miss NORMA
Getting ready to meet Jenny at Curves
I am bundling up big time BBL

Mema Jo said...

WOW Get ready for another

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...