Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween thread.


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Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, we've reached 600 here! Whaddaya say we go for a new record!

Ms Bookworm said...

Wahoo! Split! Really shouldn't be trying that at my age! Glad I made it!

hedgie said...

Clouds have rolled in and temp has dropped 8 degrees since 3pm. Rain is on its way.

hedgie said...

LOL, Andy, we've got a long ways to go for a new record!!! Someone will correct me, but I think the record was over a thousand!

hedgie said...

Andy, putting the garden in the dog run is an excellent idea!!! Maybe I should try that! Deer and Myrtle couldn't eat my maters that way!!!

hedgie said...

And raccoons couldn't dig up the plants the night after I plant them!!

hedgie said...

New cub info coming up on DC CH. 9!!!

Lynne2 said...

Andy, that was a great plan to put the garden IN the dog run!!!

Getting colder here, too, and very cloudy. Looks like we are in for some rain tonight and tomorrow.

On another dad note regarding dogs ....My brother and his family suddenly lost their lab the night before last. Well, early yesterday morning. She suddenly became very lethargic and refused to eat. They took her right away to the vet thinking she had gotten into something bad. Ultimately, they discovered a large ruptured cyst in her spleen and she was bleeding badly internally. Very poor prognosis, likely cancer. They opted for euthanasia. Very sad.

Mema Jo said...

Out to get Alexis -


wvgal_dana said...

Oh Andy that is a good one about the dog run. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne sorry about your brothers dog.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, so sad. My sympathies are with your family members. How old was she?? :(

wvgal_dana said...

I'm having hot tea feels good. Included is leftovers. Problem is I can't remember if they are from lairon (see I didn't put the t in there) wink or maybe Applebee's.

I had been both places and when got home put right in freezer bags and put in freezer.

Oh well sure is good; noodles red sauce, mushrooms, chicken and slight cheese through.

Lynne2 said...

Just noticed the time on the cam (where I am watching for an evening visit so come on eables!) isn't anywhere near as off as it was a few days fact, it appears that the time is almost right, except for that it's not on DST! It already "fell back"!

Lynne2 said...

I know she was an older dog that my sister in law fell in love with from the rescue she works with...I think


she was around 7.

Lynne2 said...


wvgal_dana said...

eagle lib

Ms Bookworm said...

Aw, Lynne,
Prayers for your brother and his family. So very sorry to hear of the loss of their lab.

That might be a good idea, putting your garden under lock and key! Might keep bunnies out, too.

wvgal_dana said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Aw, phooey! Looks like I managed to miss him!

wvgal_dana said...

That picture of the 6 month old border collie and lab mix. That needs a home is really a pretty dog. Already house broken. Don't think in rescue just in someone's home that can't no longer keep it.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn you might have sent me an email telling me but I haven't been in them.

Did you send French information?

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, guess I better go get presentable. Have to go to school, and don't want to scare any small children on the way there! Probably won't be back here till I get home from English class, about 9:30 or 10:00 pm west coast time.
Hope Lib went to get Belle, and they BOTH come to the nest so you guys can see them! Have a good evening, and tell those eagles I said "Howdy!".

hedgie said...

Andy, in the 18 yrs. I've been here, I've only had a baby bunny one spring, and only have seen an adult one time!!

Dana, yep, had e mail correspondence to and from the French-Whitcomb gal. She is who I thought she was. She'll be at next meetig.

wvgal_dana said...

Great that she will be there.

I'm heading for living room...warmth little mans blankie might become mine -0h I wouldn't do that to my baby. He'll share with me.

Prayers for those that need them

Lolly said...

Sun finally cam out and we washed the trailer. The awning is drying out and we will take it to its home in the morning.

Love the story of putting the garden in the dog run. You can not have gardens and dogs, that's for sure.

Lynn, how are you feeling? Woozy?

hedgie said...

Nope, Lolly, no wooziness!!! And arms feel much better!

hedgie said...

Heading for sofa----lonely there now. ALmost time for Jeopardy. BBL.

Lolly said...

Got lost on the split. I posted and then suddenly there were all these posts I had not read. Duh!

stronghunter said...

Hello all,

Stopping by for a moment. I am going to close my eyes for a little while. May return later.

movin said...

It actually broke a hundred °'s here in So Cal today, and it's dry, dry, dry. Strangely, the usual high winds off the desert have not shown up this time.

I really liked the video of Lun Lun giving birth. Thanks for the link, Hedgie.

I think I have the sleeping sickness, so I'd better post this before it strikes again....

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

NatureNut said...

Oh Boy, Oh Boy!!!!! Baby Panda!!!
First time on 'puter today & read back most everything. See Sissy made the announcement & Lori was here for the AM birds!
Think my daughter just went to Atlanta---gotta email her to check the cam. She sent a pic of her kitty in the suitcase she was packing, so guess it was for Atlanta trip! She sent the office Halloween pics---they did a good job mimicking the Mad Men show.
Had a great seasonal wilslife day at Chelsea~~~lots of geese in the pond & lawn and at least 20 deer coming thru front in PM. One of the young males with minimum antlers had a youngster following him!Don't know if they're related.
Gotta email & eat!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hey Jim, just watched some weather channel...saw you guys are HOT out there!

TS Tomas is going to hit Haiti...what a mess that's going to be. All those people still living in tent cities...Prayers for them.

Think I'll head up and read for a bit. (and probably fall asleep!) so in case I don't get back tonight, have a good one everybody, and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Glad you had a great day, Lowreeda!!

Need an eagle fix? Check out video from BWO---yep, on the osprey platform:
BWO Eagles

hedgie said...

Lynne, paper this AM said they had evacuated the tent cities in Haiti......MTBR, huh?

Lynne2 said...

yeah Lynn, but Jim Cantore was on TWC and he was describing a very different picture. He said that they don't really have anywhere to go. MTBR for sure.....

magpie said...

Okay - time to put my two cents worth in:


Hello Eagle Pals...

NatureNut said...

Getting late, was writing some emails & wrote to a coworker at Park, telling her of animals we saw today at Chelsea & just remembered a big bushy fox ran by when I was looking at all the deer in the field. Wish I had camera out! He was fast.
Anyway, If I konk out Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...