Saturday, October 09, 2010


Fresh weekend thread.


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stronghunter said...

Now we're on the other side.

magpie said...

sure are (on the other side)

sorry about the floor wish I could help !!

yikes, got scheduled for 4-8 pm Friday before Open house, think I will rush down to the Tuscany for Irish Coffee and Dessert might be in time to see some of you there
might be able to switch with someone, am very very very disappointed

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Margy, one and the same bird that is on your license plate. We haven't seen one here in over a year. Usually see one or two in the Spring and Fall, but they don't stay around more than a day or two.

wvgal_dana said...

Escapee was in trouble since 1993. I think his age now was 36.

Costume Lady said...

OH, PELOSI, Margy!!

magpie said...

ok sun is set here and baby sliver of a moon is out in the South/South West

will look better in just a wee bit of time

magpie said...

Yeah! Disappointed and Pelosi - are understatements !!!

How often do I have a Friday night dinner date ??? except for the standing offer at GG's !!

Sniff Sniff, Wah Wah....Boo Hoo !

Costume Lady said...

Brandon's goose, Pun, is still in the 'hospital', has suffered some infection. Will be there for, maybe, three more weeks. I stuck a photo of him in my last batch of Family Friday photos. I think he is a goose...may be a duck? Brandon would be ashamed of me for not knowing which it is:(

magpie said...

Ok Wanda...
last place I saw one, is now the Gallery Subdivision/on Delmar Orchard Rd !

wvgal_dana said...

The tree colors were beautiful back by Swinging Bridge. It was a nice ride. I really miss my driver "Ed". My hands and arms hurt and legs and feet from steering and breaking. Been this way; got a little better with the dr. at Pain Relief Center doing shots. Can't get anymore until I get this two leg problems figured out. Oh well always something. I am thankful I seen some beautiful tree's in color and more thankful I am HOME. ( :

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Friday at GG's. If you don't soon get there, Jayden will be in High School:) He was really cranky this past Friday...cutting jaw teeth. Not time for jaw teeth, but that is where he is chewing on his fingers.

magpie said...

glad you made it to Swinging Bridge Dana.....
truly one of my favorite places, lots of solace there and beauty !

magpie said...

oh come on now Belle and Liberty, you have a captive audience

Lolly said...

Hi all! Saw a car licence plate today "LOLLIE". Now I want "Lolly". It was at a look out point, wanted to yell "Who is Lollie?"

We had a great day. Had one good long hike on which I kept repeating and practiced saying "It's me bear". LOL

Then we did another hike that was at a foot of a cliff. Watched Mt. climbers ascend. Then we drove up and looked down. Watched the climbers coming up. Some folks have no good sense! IMHO

magpie said...

Pun does sort of look like a goose but I wouldn't know which one!
I can rule out Snow Goose I think...

you all check out that moon if you can

magpie said...

big sideways smile

Lolly said...

Oh, and we did have our chowder, lobster roll, and onion rings with a nice bottle of wine. The waitress remembered us, wanted to know about our week and what was to come. Really nice!

magpie said...

Hello Lolly and Jack...
glad to hear of such a fun day and great meal !

wvgal_dana said...

Margy what is the creek place called when your going 45 and at DeHaven's (no more) store you turn left (right goes Back Creek Valley Rd.)?

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! We are having a wonderful time, and can hardly wait for two weeks from now!

Costume Lady said...

Never had a Lobster roll. We got some Pepperoni rolls when we went to Gassaway...brought them home and popped them in the microwave, had them with spaghetti. They are much better warmed up than cold.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lolly, that time is creeping up on us very quickly:) Hope we have a pretty weekend then.

Lolly said...

Hope so too, but if the weather is bad we will still have FUN!

wvgal_dana said...

I he did: Wonder how much money he got and what he did with it. Well we know he DID NOT BUY A CAR....from newspaper:
Bergen County Sheriff Leo McGuire said Sunday that investigators are looking into whether Voute may have committed the Oct. 4 robbery of Valley National Bank in the Bergen Town Center in Paramus.

“There’s some speculation that a recent local bank robbery might have been committed by him,” McGuire said. “We’re looking at the elements of that bank robbery, which had some similarities to the bank robberies he’s done in the past.”

A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation said that Voute resembled a photograph of the bank culprit, but that the investigation continues.

“While there appears to be a photographic resemblance between Voute and the Paramus bank robbery suspect, it is not conclusive, and we have not confirmed they are in fact one in the same,” Bryan Travers, an FBI spokesman, wrote in an e-mail Sunday. “The matter remains under investigation.”

Sad for his family and sad for the officer that had to shot him. Prayres for the officer even though they are trained. Thanks Margy for info.

magpie said...

Dehaven's Deepwater Dana....

sometimes not the safest place to be....

magpie said...

if we could transport this week-end weather exactlyh two weeks in advance we would have !

If it rains....I hope Sissy remembers that big umbrella she has from last year !

Costume Lady said...

Dana, Doc Hutzler used to have a cabin over there, area called DeHaven's Deep Water. We used to go over there in the Summers and picnic.

Lolly said...

Dana, the lobster roll we had is a thick toasted bread, cut like a hot dog bun and filled with lobster chuncks. We had warm butter to pour over the lobster.

Also, The Lobster Trap has the best onion rings ever. Very thin slices of onion and very crisp! To die for....all of it!

Costume Lady said...

Howard Johnson restaurant used to have the best Onion Rings. We didn't have a HJ here, so Gene and I and some friends would travel to Washington area just to get those Onion Rings! They also had an Orange Freeze that tasted like a creamsicle and that was my favorite snack as a young woman. Calories were not a problem, back then:)!

magpie said...

that would be
We would have it made (from earlier post, about the weather...)

Movin' thinks Snowy Egret also....

Thanks Jim !

Ok Lolly now I am hungry, no Lobster rolls around here though
maybe eggs, am in the pm here shortly

think Lib and Belle have given us the slip
ttfn got to go take care of some things here

Costume Lady said...

Amazing race will be on soon. Need to make some iced tea and popcorn.

Wow, Lolly will be on the road for 2 more weeks and then probably another week after she leaves here...can you imagine how much fun that is? AHHH, Retirement!!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy that is where we always took the car down to wash it me and my boyfriend and Larry Faircloth (that use to be House of Delegates) and others. We would picnic and have a great time. One of them diving under found a safe.

Yes on back the road Dr.Hutzler had his cabin. When I worked for him we got to use it.

Lolly said...

Where is my Dr. Lynn when I need her? Today my left eye started hurting. Not the eye but just above it. It is also slightly swollen. The pain is better and I am now sitting here with an eye pack. No sign of a sinus infection.

Lolly said...

Yep, Wanda, we have been gone two weeks tomorrow and we have three weeks to go. We are next going to Bar Harbor, Maine. We will be there about a week. Then we are taking our time getting to Harper's Ferry. Going to spend time at Mystic Seaport. After open house we are going to Virgina to visit friends in the mountains. After that it is on to home.

Lolly said...

Watching da Boys!

wvgal_dana said...

I liked it when me and Ed went to Outback and had steak and Lobster tail yummy!!!!!

When I worked for Dr. Hutzler one time tanker driver and assit.manager had to go to Maine. They brought back fresh Lobster. Dr. didn't pay for ours if we wanted Lobster we had to pay the piper. lol I got one man it was good.

My family dr. every New Year's when we were picking up our shrimp. My dr. would be buying Lobesters from Martins. He said, "I always buy 5". He liked Ed so much. They always had good conversations. He told Ed now their are only 4 of us at New Year's. Dr. Estigoy always fixed them and he got the 5th one (meaning he ate two!!)

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda isn't that funny you were at Dr. Hutzler's cabin and so was I. tee hee our world's keep coming closer lol

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

well, today's SBBC was just over 100. And killing them led to window washing, curtain washing furniture rearranging. Also did dog nails, ears. Cleaning Daisy's ears and doing her front feet nails took about an hour. Shaving the underside of Puddles ears, cleaning them, trimming her hairy feet and bangs took another 45 minutes. If only they were good dogs.

Wanda, the goose is a Gray Toulouse Goose, I'm petty sure. MANY years ago I lived on a horse farm and they had those, and African Geese. Better than watchdogs and just about as fierce!

Very hard to tell what the white bird is, but I think it's a snowy egret. Only because it looks to have a dark beak whereas the great white egrets have yellow beak. And I'm trying to remember the height of an osprey on the platform and I think a great would be taller.

DISCLAIMER: please be advised that those of you who read my Turkey Point Blog know that I though a monarch was a hawk and and eagle was a crow. LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Evening! Not too much going on today Did meet daughter for lunch around 12
She is from Catonsville - Had already been up to Colorfest - brought me a
homemade apple dumpling!

Great view of momma lion and 3 cubs

hedgie said...

Caught up again....
So very sorry to hear of Karen's passing. Poor girl must have really suffered. Thankful that hospice was able to make her comfortable at the end. Sorry that we never got to meet her.

Must have missed something about a panhandler? Can't go back looking for info...

Have scanner up online and just heard soemthing about a prostitute claiming her pickup truck was stolen. LOL!

Skins won---made me happy! Dallas just lost in OT---makes me happy!

Frank and Irene are out fishing on the beach in the dark.

Lolly said...

Have just put up the best pictures of the day. You are lucky I do not put them all up. LOL I am thinking of bathing and getting comfy. I am tired.

hedgie said...

Talked to Candy....we are meeting Weds. evening for dinner! She sounds like a lot of fun....the rest of you will find out come OH weekend!

Lolly said...

Now are NOT being nice! Shame!

hedgie said...

Prayers for June and Karen's mom; and still many going up for Margy's Anne and family.

Shirley, forgot where you said Kathryn was going...

Judie, you need to rest for the rest of your bachelorette weekend!

hedgie said...

Stopped to put gas in truck and a STINKBUG flew in! ARGH!!!
Mosquitos are bad down here today.

hedgie said...

Did the Ravens win today, too???? :)

Mema Jo said...

They won big time, Lynn.

Tell Candy Hello for me. Ask her
(jokingly) if she is bringing up the
brownies again? You will like her
a lot, Lynn. So glad she and hubby will be here for Open House.

Lynne2 said...

Just reading back...

Sorry to read of Karen's passing. Although, now her pain and suffering are over and she is in a better place. So cliche, I know, but I believe that.

Shirley, hope Kitties are getting better at getting along. Good idea for them to be in each other's spaces alone to check things out. I am sending Daisy UPS to you to be Flash's playmate! She'll arrive in the morning. Good luck with that. Glad Will got your sound straightened out for you!

Glad the escapee was found but sorry it had to end like that.

Dana, glad you had such a nice day but sorry about the pain. Pain sure is a pain in the you know what, isn't it? And so glad Little Man is enjoying his heated blanket! Lucky dog!

Judie, sorry about your aches, too. Hope you are feeling better and relaxing now!

Lynnellen, would that be Frank and Irene Lorenzo? LOL!!! Now I am wondering if anyone remembers who they are, from TV show past.....

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, Broncos bruised, beaten in Baltimore 31-17 are the headlines.

Lynne2 said...

Great pictues Lolly! I had 3 guy friends in high school who loved climbing. They took a trip out west one summer, '79 I think, and climbed all over the place. Too scary for me, although I might try a rock wall with all the safety gear on! When my back is better, of course!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, your photos are great
Rock climbing pics were spectacular and I'm glad Jack just settle for
viewing instead of participating.
I am thinking that Steve climbs. We'll have to inquire.

Mema Jo said...

I hope Paula makes it home in time to watch Rubicon - very suspenseful serious - on at 9:00

Mema Jo said...

Margy you worked that shift Friday 4-8 last year on Open House weekend. We'll wait for you before getting dessert
(as if we need it) Anyhow we don't start until 7:00

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break to do some things here before I set myself down for TV.

I will return........

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. Just stopping by to leave a few notes.

Shirley, it's not just young men that stomp through the house and slam doors; the old men do too. ☺

I'm not in a very good position since I sleep in the living room and am not a morning person. I just happened to marry a morning person 46 yrs. ago. Mother never told me ...

Wanda, that little guy is getting bigger and cuter each week.

Lolly, your pictures are wonderful. I love the one with rainbow. May I use that as my desktop wallpaper?

You're heading to Bar Harbor, ME, my son-in-law's ancestry home. I'd love to visit the NE states. Thank you for letting me visit them vicariously.

Dana, know how you feel and you're in my prayers too.

Hi Margy. Don't get to greet you too often.

We went to the Olive Garden for dinner today and the meal I originally ordered I didn't like. Told the server after a few bites and she got me another meal - no charge. The wait staff there are very nice and accomodating.

Off to, as Jo says, put my feet up.

If I don't get back later, prayers for all in need/want.
God bless!

PA Nana said...

Lolly, had to look at your recent pics. Just lovely!! I love the scenic views.

Hi Lynne, Lynn & Jo.

I'm going now ...

Costume Lady said...

Bye, Diann:)

Costume Lady said...

60 minutes is still on...waiting on Amazing Race, which was delayed because of the games. I might fall asleep before it comes on!

wvgal_dana said...

hee hee Lynn-Hedgie where you wrote about
"prostitute claiming her pickup tgruck was stolen". hee hee Margy maybe that is our
same girl. That was at the bank parking lot and 7-11 Saturday hitting people up for money. Because as she said "my boyfriend
kicked me out and I need cab money to get to Charles Town". Later I seen her get in Dark Blue newest 4x4 wrote on back sides of truck. LOL maybe now she had pickup stolen roflmbo if that would have happened !! I couldn't follow her to get license number Mom was in car with me. DANG

wvgal_dana said...

Getting feet up going to recliner
watching some tv or falling asleep which ever happens first.

Prayers for those that need them
Traveling safety for those on roads
Hugs for those that need a HUG
Rest for those that need some rest
Fun for thoe that need some FUN

Ok that is enough for now....

Costume Lady said...

Dana, the years that we went to Doc (Bernie) Hutzler's cabin was before and after Karla was born. She and the Hutzler's toddler (Laurel) played together. In later years, they became friends in Middle School. So, that would have been 45-48 years ago. Oh, my!

Costume Lady said...

Night Dana, hope you and Little Man rest and sleep well♥

wvgal_dana said...

Oh crap....I can't get up

The walker is in bedroom closet

Sorry I know this is not the time to crack up but I

Hay Ed go get me the "walker please" LOL LOL LOL oh dear

Ok head laying on kitchen table praying and thinking here on this problem. No Little Man is NOT trained in these types of things.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok wedged chair into leg of my chair and the kitchen table leg. Pulled so I am now standing holding onto chair be back latewr usinbg chAIR TO GET TO BEDROOM by wiggling chair and step wiggle chair and stepTyping one figure

stronghunter said...

Dana, please let us know when you finish your journey. Are you okay? I'm kind of far away. But you should call someone if you need help.

Lynne2 said...

oh Dana, please be very careful....

Lolly said...

Bear Update

hedgie said...

Dana, not funny, but can just picture you stuck in chair!

Thanks for the story about the truck, Dana.

Lynne, I have NO idea who Irene and Frank Lorenzo are!! ?????

Margy, that really stinks that they go and schedule you for those hours again... :(

Lynne2 said...

Frank and Irene Lorenzo were Archie and Edith Bunker's neighbors, after the Jefferson's Moved On Up!

Lolly said...

Missed Margy's post. Dadgum! She has to work Friday? Margy, do hope you can get there. We will still be sitting and talking. Takes a while to deal with our crowd. You could call ahead and tell us what to order for you.

hedgie said...

LOL, with dinner not starting until 7, I'm sure we won't have our meals much before Margy can get there!!

Don't remember those characters at all, Lynne----maybe Archie's Place rather than All in the Family?? I never watched A.P.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the comments on the pictures. I am enjoying sharing them. Yes, Jo, the hikes are mostly over rocks and roots. I watch my step carefully. Have had no more problems with the knee. The first hike we did was much more rigorous!

Today on the hike Jack was one time out of sight and sound. He charges ahead and I look around. The trail was marked occasionally with blue paint on a tree. It was like I was hiking by myself. I told myself the bears are hibernating. LOL When we are doing more climbing Jack is there to give me a hand when I need it!

Okay, I am heading to the shower. Turning the computer over to Jack. Night all!
Sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

no Lynn, not ABP. They were a very liberal couple, she worked at the same place Archie did and he stayed home as a "house husband". They were always butting heads with Archie. I think if you saw them, you'd remember.

Heading for the TV....good night and prayers for all!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry to worry everyone. I have my walker now. But not taking any chances going to recliner. Not going anywhere without walker until othro dr gets this figured out. Will have cell phone by me.

I must admit it did scare me even alittle.

nite all
prayers for those that need them

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had a great home from work today and had John and the boys over for dinner, along with Michael and Laura. Ajay had a migraine, so she couldn't make it...but a very nice evening indeed. Hamburgers on the grill are great.

Had a nice evening last night too here at home with Michael and Laura...played a couple of games of scrabble.

Watching Rubicon and then Mad Men

hedgie said...

Paula, did Gianni come in her Redskins outfit???

stronghunter said...

Lynn, Kathryn was in Tappahannock, VA, on the Rappahannock River.

stronghunter said...

They went out in a boat some distance onto the river, and it broke down. Apparently, they were not too worried. They managed to get the boat back in while laughing all the way.

stronghunter said...

Getting really tired. I have done a lot of work on the family room floor. It is hard to get to other things.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - Christine has the girls' costumes for Halloween - They of course are going to be RedSkins

stronghunter said...

Ready to crash. See you later. Good night and God bless.

We now have two dog beds. Maybe the doggies will be less tempted to sleep on the furniture. Last night, Flash got into the recliner. We did not think he could.

I will put something on the recliner to discourage him.

Can remember having to turn up sofa cushions to discourage a dog some years ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Gianni stayed at home with Mommy. I told Ajay I need a pic of her in Skins outfit!

Missed the first part of Rubicon, but will catch it at midnight.

Mema Jo said...

Paula I think they announce that next week is the Finale....

Mema Jo said...

I am tired this evening and I think I shall hike back the hallway.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for many
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

**Dana I hope you can roll out of bed tomorrow morning! You be careful. ♥

hedgie said...

Hope you get pictures of the girls in their costumes, Jo!
Oh, poor Ajay should have been totally alone to deal with her migraine. :(

Shirley, try aluminum foil on the furniture!! BTW---forgot to tell you we ate breakfast yesterday at a Fredericksburg Bob Evans next to 95!

magpie said...

Okay back now
just went out a short time ago to meet new nephew, 2 months old
he has a lot of names:
Frederick (my Dad's and brother's name) Joseph Arthur Bright
but they want to call him Leo because he was born under that one of those other middle names is going to be dropped

Sounds like great fun Paula !

Lolly - hope Dr Lynn can tell you more about that eyelid.
going to check your new pix soon.

Lisa at BWO thinks Snowy Egret...would have said maybe Great Egret but looks too small for that....they have both down at Blackwater

magpie said...

dear me Dana.....
sounds like you were very creative in handling your dilemma, sorry it was a tough spot to be in though

magpie said...

there WAS a Howard Johnson's in Charles Town for many years...right across from the then-two racetracks
I and five of my siblings worked there in the mid to late 60's...
oh yes those 28 ice cream flavors !
I tried them all

magpie said...

Okay Dinner at 7 on Friday before Open House...I think I can manage that!
will re-check the menu and order ahead! Thanks, folks....
still want that Irish Coffee though regardless, AND dessert !

magpie said...

Good Night to those already on the pillows.....
sorry I missed you...
Sweet Dreams all around

magpie said...

Diann in Pa...sorry I wasn't here when you posted either.
After working a variety of work shifts for so many years, I had to learn to be an any time of day person....
morning suits me pretty well, but then again, I do take naps a lot too!

magpie said...

up and down with my sister Anne....
latest news today...
pneumonia has worsened, and jaundice seems to be setting in....this news, after a day or two of encouragement...

It is very comforting to know that prayers are in place for her and the family, THANK YOU.....

Prayers for the grace, to accept God's Will ....

Time to sign off....
See you in the morning...
Love you, dear friends...
Prayers for our needs, for gifts given, and for sorrows incurred....

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Gosh it got late quickly!! I missed looking for our nest birds.
Ate din din~~the rest of my Log Cabin cooked meal from yesterday!! Yum, yum! And Fubby didn't want any!! He's not into camping. Didn't find that out til after kids could hike good & he didn't want to go w/out Sunday TV!!!
Been editing my Park pics---only 8 to go of 50. Will burn them a CD, but won't give to boss--(he will lose it!)
Off for dessert & some TV--just saw some Nat'l Geo shows--1 about crystals in caves & Hubble telescope---neat Margy stuff!

hedgie said...

Lolly, don't really know what to tell you about the eye. If it's the lid, then I would say warm washcloth compresses. It could be a suppressed stye. If it's the arch of your eyebrow, then ice might releive the discomfort, but fon;t know what could be causing it. :(

Mosquito spraying truck came through....sure hope it kills a bunch!

Bet your meals were yummy, Loretta. Frank doesn't know what's good!

hedgie said...

Margy, so sorry about the worsening report on Anne. Prayers continue.

Calling it a day, folks.

Prayers and peace. Sleep tight, one and all.

NatureNut said...

Hi Lynn, hope you're enjoying your travels, too!
Sorry to hear about Margy's sister Anne. Prayers for her and family and all else in need.
If I konk out, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, hope the next report on your sister is a good one, sure there will be ups and downs.

Judie, sorry I wasn't on here last night to tell you to come enjoy some steak with us! Sent the leftovers home with Michael.

Lynn, quiet time for Ajay is John taking the boys! She doesn't mind Gianni when she's not feeling good.

Michael is coming down for Halloween with Laura, we're going to a party at Ajay's Mom's house. Should be lots of fun.

So sorry to hear of Karen's passing. So wished we could have met her. I'm glad her pain is over.

Can't remember all that I read from yesterday to even comment on!

paula eagleholic said...

Going to shut it down for tonight, hope to chat with everyone tomorrow night.

Hugs to all ♥

Judie said...

Saddened by the news of Karen's death. Sent her a card last week but now know she is at peace and without pain. Prayers for June and Karen's mom.

Margy, hope you can trade with someone for Friday night. Know you are disappointed but will keep my fingers crossed.

Do wish Pun a complete recovery. Such a shame.

Dana, so pleased Little Man is comforted by his heated blanket. Just wish you could get relief for your aches and pains. New dr. may be just the right person for you. Glad you were able to visit Swinging Bridge.

Lolly (Lollie) so glad you two had such a nice day and wonderful food. Maybe the eye problem is from an gnat bite?

Oh so excited to know that Shirley will have Daisy to help out. So thoughtful of Lynne to share with you.

Dana, your situation was not funny but your description was. Keep that walker handy, please.

Eyes are closing without my permission. Did much more today -- oven cleaned, groceries purchased, laundry finished, lawn watered. Have one last major task to try to finish before Darth returns tomorrow. Wish me luck -- just so achy and tired.

Will finish catching up tomorrow and look at pictures posted. Sorry about the lengthy comments.

Light is almost off but night light is on. Goodnight Frank and Irene.

Prayers for Margy's Anne.

Costume Lady said...

I guess I'm next in line to hit the hay.



Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kinda late again.
Am very sorry to hear that Karen has passed. Know for sure that she is now in a wonderful place, and pain-free, though. Prayers for June and for her Mom.

Margy, sorry to hear the report of Anne tonight. Prayers continue. Imagine there may be ups and downs for a while, but I remain very hopeful. ((HUGS)) for you! Prayers, too, about the OH Friday when they scheduled you to work. Hope that will get straightened out.

Was relieved to hear that the WV escapee is no longer a danger. It's a shame it ended the way it did, though.

Dana, I'm so glad that you have your walker to help you get around. Hope the Dr. can get your orthotics fixed correctly!

Hubby and I went to a car show at the Anaheim Convention Center this afternoon. Saw some nice cars. Were really impressed with the Honda Civic. It's larger than it used to be. Is now the size of our older '94 Honda Accord. Our '02 Accord, the newer car, is considered a mid-size car now. The Civic had the comfiest seats of anything we looked at, gets great mileage (39 mpg, city/hwy combined), and was a reasonable price. Hmmm... maybe one of these days. We were shocked, though, at the price for parking! $12.00 per car! Don't think we'll be going next year. My admission price was $5 with my student discount, and Hubby was offered a free ticket by someone, so it made up for the price of parking. Oooohh--the new Camaro is just awesome! No wonder our daughter Jen wants one!

Judie, hope you got over your soreness. Sounds like you made a major amount of progress. Hope you decided to take it easier today.

Loretta, I saw the Nat Geo show about the crystal caves, too. Gosh, you'd NEVER get me to go that far down into the earth! Beautiful crystals, though. Just glad it's possible to watch from our living room!

Shirley, hope some progress is being made getting the 2 cats to get along with each other. Switching them around sounds like a great idea.

Well, it's time for me to disappear to TV land for a while to unwind.
Leaving the lights on for those coming in later. Prayers continuing for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

PA Nana said...

Goodnight everyone.

Dana, be careful. Falling is not fun. Keep a cane handy too. They're a pita but sometimes can be luck to have one close by. I've learned my lesson.

God bless all. ((HUGS)))

PA Nana said...

Just one more thing to post. While watching Lolly & Jack's pictures I was remembering an old, old movie with Lucy & Desi Arnaz.
I now remember the title after loking it up online; "The Long, Long Trailer." Anyone else remember this oldie? Funny!

Now, I'm gone..

Lynne2 said...

YES DIANN, I have seen it!!! Not terribly long ago either. Last winter was HILARIOUS!!!! Didn't see the whole thing...was surfing and found it at the point where they were visiting Lucy's family and Desi tried to park it. That got me hooked! Don't think I saw the ending either, but it was classic and I hope it comes on again so I can see the whole thing!

Margy, sorry to read of your sister Anne's setback. Prayers continue.

DANA....HOLY MAMA glad you are OK!

Forgot to say Judie, hope the cleaning guy does a good job. At least he'll be nice to look at while he's there ;)
I'm up due to back discomfort. Honestly, what a nuisance! Going to head back to bed.....

Lynne2 said...

'twas fourteen hundred and ninety two when Columbus sailed the ocean blue...
Happy Columbus Day!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning!

Been watching for 15 minutes and no eagles this morning. Not sure if Megan was on earlier, but if she was then no eagles then either I guess since she didn't post anything.

floralgirl said...

Hey Lynne:) I never saw any eagles in the nest this morning. Started watching about 6:30 am.

Lynne2 said...

well those elusive little buggers....where are they???? I miss them!

Judie said...

Good morning and happy Columbus Day.

Only about 3 hours remaining for my mini vacation and have one major task to finish. So, I'll be back later on.

Have a lovely morning -- sunshine and bright blue sky here.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have not read back on the blog. Do not have time as we are heading out.

Today....going to a doctor. My eyelid is very swollen, no pain like yesterday but I look a mess. Heading to North Conway to emergency clinic. Prayers????

Have a good day! BBL

Lynne2 said...

Oh no Lolly! I hope it's nothing serious. Please let us know as soon as you can...Prayers!

Bright and beautiful here too Judie. Heating up now, jar of soapy water at the ready for today's stinkbug attacks. Going to 83 here today with chance of storms tonight.

movin said...


GooD MorninG,

aLL iN EagLe LanD.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Good Monday Morning to ALL.

Margy contragulations on new baby nephew. I know you are just thrilled ( :

Sorry about Anne's report. GOD has her and is working with the doctor and nurses. Maybe there will be times of improvement and then drops back and then improvement
again. God we have prayed and put Anne into your HANDS. We of course want you to pull her through
this illness. We also know that YOU SEE THE BIG PICTURE AND WE DON'T. MAYBE YOU KNOW THESE ARE JUST SETBACKS FOR AWHILE. So God please help Anne, Margy, and the family. Comfort them with your love and YOUR PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING GOD. Prayers and BIG HUGS for our sweet Margy, Anne and family.

My new doctor is for colonscopy only.

Heading out today to Winchester to orthotic guy again.
This has got my back, arm, hands, legs and feet and some areas I can't even mention all messed up. I can just barely get a wooden clothes pin opened. Yes taking poor Mom along in case I get where
I can't drive.

Prayers for Lolly.

Prayers for Diann too Father.

God please hear my prayers for anyone I have said I would pray for.

Lord prayers for (not spelling right but you know who I mean) Meaghan, Sara and Paul.

wvgal_dana said...



wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning! Sorry to hear of your eye lid condition, Lolly. Sure pray that you get meds to make it go away or better yet find out what caused it.
Judie Was 3 hours enough time to change all the locks? lol
Good morning Jim - We know that tomorrow is really the day that Columbus discovered America - don't we.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - A special prayer for Anne and the entire family. I pray everyone offers up to the Lord their feelings.

Dana keep your cell phone with you at all times - even when you go to the loo

Lynn - everything sounds great about the trip. Any 'drive by' sightings yet that you liked.

Mema Jo said...

I am eating for my brunch the homemade apple dumpling my daughter brought to me yesterday. Delicious!

Lynne2 said...

you are so right Jo, it's really TOMORROW. I love how they move these holidays around to make long weekends. My only beef it that they never moved Independence Day (which is the real name of that Holiday although everyone calls it the 4th of July). Just think what a boost to the economy it would be to do so....another 3 day weekend, and in the middle of summer. Lots of folks would take advantage of that to travel! JMHO.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

How do you feel about about a New Thread ?? There is one waiting for you....☺

Lynne2 said...

I get emails from the USGS about any earthquakes in the US. In the last week, there have been almost 50 quakes, 42 in Arkansas and several in western Tennesse and SE Missouri all of which have been 2.0 or less. Today there was a 3.9 in Arkansas. Just did some research on the area and it's a fault called the New Madrid Fault. A very dangerous one according to geologists. Here is a link to one of the articles I found for anyone who is interested in this sort of thing. New Madrid Fault Line

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...