Monday, October 11, 2010


New Week thread.


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Mema Jo said...


Judie said...

Wow, Sissy you're so excited about Mrs. Riffe you've started to stutter. She really is doing well. Just need those bones to finish healing. Give her an extra hug, please.

Lynne, join my world of one task morphing into a hundred. Keep plugging away. It will get done.

Andy, hope you get all your assignments done and school goes well tonight.

Wanda, next time tell the "photographer" that you have a deformity and you can't move your hand away from your chin.

Um, the doctor wins by a mile!

Jo, I know you're having fun with Alexis. What did she want to do for dinner?


Judie said...

Hmmmm. Don't think I see anything from Lynn. She must have been doing some serious house-looking today. Wonder what she'll have to tell us.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Sure do wish we had a new thread. Scrolling down on the phone takes forever! Had a beautful day. We spent it driving Acadia. Just so beautiful! Posted a few pics on fb, one taken for Margy. Prayers please for Faye Fritz, Laurel's mil. She has been moved to icu. Still in great pain. It is pancreatitis but do not know what is causing it, not her gall bladder. Also her white blood cell count is high.

magpie said...

Prayers skyward from Magpie's Roost for Faye, good to see you here !
and wonderful about your eye.
Also great to read report on Kailey and Mrs. Riffe...
this is a good news day...

Judie....hope the doc finds those arteries clean as a whistle....

Good Evening Eagle Pals... ☺

magpie said...

Sure was wishing to see some Birthday Eagle Reports today

Oh are realing piling on the smarts !!

Oh Good it's Alexis time for Jo...

magpie said...

warm story from Fairfax:
docs removed my sister's ventilator. My sister asked for her eyeglasses !
then later she asked for ice cream!
she couldn't have that, but was "enjoying" ice chips and was trying to talk some more...
all is still guarded .... infection still in her system....
but we are happy for this little victory today ☺
How about the power of prayer.....
delivering little miracles here and there ☺
Thank You !

magpie said...

When I get my DMV license photo, I always try to sit as far back from the camera as I can....and turn just a wee bit to the side

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good evening to everyone...I keep checking to see if it is Wednesday yet

ttfn xoxo

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, great news about Anne..I see lots if improvement there!

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday dear Wanda ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫

Judie said...

Quick visit.

So very happy about the improvement for Anne. Will continue to send prayers for her continued improvement.

Prayers also for Faye. Cause will be found and given the vamoose.

Try to BBL before the sandperson arrives.

NatureNut said...

Had to get on here to sing~~~

Been watching mine rescue since I got home. There are 2 miners to get out & then the rescuers. Everything has been just amazing--all going well and just saw a man from PA who heard that initial rescue plan wouldn't5 get them out til Xmas. He makes drills for stone and called them in Chile to say he had a bit that would go much faster & could they use his help?!!!His equipment and team went down there! Gives you chills to see all the cooperation and answered prayers!

NatureNut said...

Glad to hear of Anne's improvement!!! And prayers also for Faye, Laurel's MIL & Mrs. Riffe. ☺ ♥

Back to rescue---& gotta eat

BTW, my bet on the white bird at BWO is snowy egret--mostly due to the size & great white herons are indigenous to S. FL, would rarely be seen here & are HUGE. Great white egret is almost size of GBH.

Lynne2 said...

32 is out! WOO HOO one more!!

Lynne2 said...

33 is in the capsule and is on his way up!

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Good evening, folks. Just got in!
Long, tiring day, but a nice evening with Candy and Jim---great company and delicious dinner at a very nice restaurant!

Lynne2 said...

33 is out!!! What an incredible series of events. Now the rescuers will come out.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Praise the Lord! All 33 have surfaced

Off to the TV

Lynne2 said...

Glad you had a nice visit and meal with Candy and Jim!

hedgie said...

I will have to read backwards! A lot of catching up to do....
Hope everyone is doing fine!

Judie said...

Ever so grateful that all the miners have been rescued and will now begin the long process of recovery.

Lynn, so pleased you had a nice time with Candy and her husband. Let us know about the houses you saw.

The sandperson is creeping down the hallway trying to catch me at a weak moment. Tomorrow is a school day so am turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others still awake or coming in later. Am tired so please don't slam the door.

BB tomorrow.

hedgie said...

So far, I see encouraging news about Anne, worrisome news about Laurel's MIL....prayers continue on both fronts.
Now have to get to "older" posts.

hedgie said...

Okay, caught up.
Judie, sounds like the new doc is doing all the right tests. Any schedule yet?
Such nice news about Kailey's homecoming. Wow, what a day that will be!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Happy birthday, Wanda, and a belated happy birthday greeting to Jo. My brother Jim's birthday is Oct. 12, too. That's my Colorado brother.

God bless Annie. I hope she has an even better day tomorrow.

Prayers for Lauren's MIL. And for Mrs. Riffe.

Happy to learn the good news about the miners.

Judie, hope that the new doctor takes very good care of you and that all is well.

My Block 4 kids--I am trying to drag them kicking and screaming into some degree of maturity. At least I hope to get most of them through this first SOL.

I have been talking about it for weeks. When I said that the test is next week, you would have thought it was the first time I have mentioned it. They were astonished.

In all seriousness, I need prayers for myself and those kids.

The funny thing--when you finally hammer one into place for at least one day, he will bug you to death asking if he has been good today.(It is always a boy who does this. I find it scary when a high school junior acts this way.In fact, I found it scary when freshmen did it.)

I do feel blessed that my Block 2 class is so mature and on the ball. I have no worries about their passing the SOL. And Block 3 can be somewhat reasonable. I have seen some positive changes.

Block 4 got peanut butter on the ceiling. I could not get it off. The custodians were not happy.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Can only imagine how much Mrs. Riffe wants to come home, but afraid that she will never be able to do so. :(

stronghunter said...

My delete. I thought 503 had gotten me and posted twice.

stronghunter said...

Then it tried to get me again. Yikes!

stronghunter said...

We had a baby shower for one of our fellow English teachers yesterday. So much fun to buy and give little baby things. It is a girl.

We had a pink and green butterfly-shaped cake. It was made by one of our guidance counselors and was delicious.

Mema Jo said...

God is good and Prayer Power really works with Him.
Good news here with our blog family -
Prayers being said for all those needing a miracle.

Incidentally, on FB Steve said he is in Charleston, SC. We can stick with our Monday thread cause we have done this before.

To go to the end of the blog take the cursor out of this comment box by clicking out of the box and then hit END then HOME brings you back up.
Just mentioning because you don't need to scroll - take the quick way!

stronghunter said...

There are pictures of the cake. Maybe I can send one. I still have not charged my camera. I have been terribly busy.

But I did run by the store today and bought some new duds. I needed some new things for the cooler weather and because I do not get too many opportunities to use the washer and dryer.

Hunter's football clothes have to be washed almost every day in addition to all of the other things that need washing.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Thanks for the information, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, George has been licking my soup mug. He has broccoli and white cheddar soup on his forehead and he keeps licking his chops and washing his paws and face.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Shirley

The Den Report is up - I tried to do a link but I kept getting that Service
Error......... I tired of trying..

I'm almost ready to go back the hallway

Margy - very good news about Anne. I pray she keeps progressing......

stronghunter said...

We had a stinkbug in the house tonight. Just one, but I am worried. Kathryn threw it outside while I was hollering for her to flush it down the toilet.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jo.

stronghunter said...

In general, people do not get peanut butter on the ceiling accidentally. I am not happy, either.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I am LOL at the thought of George with soup on his face.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear about the peanut butter....I can imagine

stronghunter said...

I will check the den report later. I am too tired to think about it; in fact, I am going to head up to my den and hibernate for awhile. I can wear my new duds tomorrow.

I even got a pair of Levis. I do not know when I have had Levis. They were on sale.

stronghunter said...

I think it is time for me to ask an administrator to come to my room and read the riot act to those characters.

stronghunter said...

Paula, I had to scrape the last little bit of soup off the bottom of the mug and feed it to him.

Lynne2 said...

Hold on to your cocktails Lolly, you've got a No'eater heading right at you! Be careful tomorrow around here too...going to be ugly!

magpie said...

Good Night you wonderful people....
thanks for sharing the good news with me about my sister....
one day at a time...

Many prayers of gratitude going up tonight, and quite a few requests too

Hope Sleep is Terrific....

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Costume Lady said...

I have posted a photo that Lolly said she thought of you when she took it. On Just for Fun...

magpie said...

Whoa you caught me Wanda...
Thank you and Lolly both so much...that is wonderful....our Moonie ☺

and one more time:

Happy Birthday dear dear Wanda....

xoxo ☺ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Thanks to all of you for your BIRTHDAY WISHES, CARDS AND CAKES:)
I spent a good part of this day with GG (Father Gene watched the shop)...who better to celebrate a milestone birthday with than your MOTHER. I am so lucky to still have her at this milestone in my life:)

Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful picture, Margy, just couldn't get it enlarged on my blog...but you can see the bright moon:)

hedgie said...

Calling it a day....y-a-w-n!

Bear Report

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Lynn and any others who have hit the pillows... that is where I am headed.
I wish we would have heard from Dana
today -...

Really thankful about the miners being rescued.....

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all - pray that Anne keeps improving.
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

I was happy to read that Margy's sister has improved a bit...pray that she continues to get better.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I just dragged in from school about 15 minutes ago. Have been trying to catch up on the blog.

Am very glad to hear that Anne has improved some! I find that quite encouraging. Prayers continue for her, for Margy, and for the whole family!

Prayers for Granny Riffe, and for Kailey, too.

Judie, I know what you mean about one task morphing into a hundred!
Welcome to my world, too! BTW, I did get finished with my school work, but now more has taken its place. Never a dull moment! I still have to finish my transcription tomorrow, but that's another story. Hope your students aren't whining too badly at this point.

Shirley, your George is such a character! My mom had a cat when she was just out of high school that liked broccoli, but not in soup form. He liked to eat fresh corn on the cob, too. Guess they do need some veggies for roughage.
I can't imagine how your students got peanut butter on the ceiling!
Perhaps a slingshot? Yikes!
How nice that you found some new cool weather clothes! Enjoy! I'm hoping it cools off a bit out here soon so I can wear an occasional sweater. I'm happy to say that I finally got the last load of wash into the dryer just before going to school tonight. Hope you have a large capacity washer and dryer! I don't know how you keep up.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I'm getting weary, so think I'll go watch a bit of TV and unwind. Isn't it great that they have rescued all those miners! Such a miraculous story!

Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. I'm leaving the porch light on. Prayers going up for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Those coming in late, please don't slam the door and wake up Judie! LOL :oD

Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

It is cool and rainy here this morning.

I think that the peanut butter was on a slice of bread and was thrown.

I rarely look down in that class, but it only takes a moment.

magpie said...

Good Morning Shirley...
started as a light rain a few minutes ago now it is coming down pretty hard...
good day for ducks and the ground I guess

Hope you have a good day...

stronghunter said...

Bye. See you later.

stronghunter said...

Morning, Margy.

Time to go get into my new things.

stronghunter said...


magpie said...

Oh yeah, new duds, that's a night thought Shirley

sure can hear the rain at the nest...

wonder where our Eagles are...

Best wishes to everyone for a good day today

xo ☺

magpie said...

Wow, that is some rain at the nest, sounds like someone popping corn

stronghunter said...





movin said...


Good Morning, aLL

iN eagLe lAND.


Thanks for the great
news about the new
cam and equipment, Steve.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...