Friday, October 29, 2010


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Late Red Friday Morning!
Thanks, Steve for the new thread!

It is a chilly day but the sun is

Lolly said...

We have bright blue skies for travel today. Someone asked...No, I do not drive, I get too tense pulling the trailer. I knit, work crosswords orally with Jack, and play on the phone. We have been discussing Christmas presents. :) we also listen to Serius radio.

Saw your owl pic Shirley. I have a good one of Paula at the end, she is taking a pic of the owl. :)

Mema Jo said...

Early this morning after fasting I met with Dracula for my blood work. A very gentle touch and didn't leave a large bruise mark.

Lun Lun is still laying in the birthing den... any time now!

Annie is going to be so happy to see you Lolly and Jack. I am sure she is longing to sit in your laps.

Very happy that Sissy is going home with positive information concerning her pains.
Both Judie and Beverly had good reports on their "Hearts of Gold"

Mema Jo said...

Towards the west those clouds surely look like s--w clouds.

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo, I sure hope not!!!! The wind is very cold, and no sun here. :(

hedgie said...

Lolly, I asked about you driving.....I never did, either!!

Judie said...

Good morning!

Thank you Steve for the new thread and, again, for a terrific Open House.

I have read through the blog comments and tried to catch up.

Best news is Bev's dianosis. Such a relief to know it isn't a heart problem. As the surgery turns -- will she or won't she?

Dana, so pleased you have transportation and hoping your eyes will behave.

Loretta, glad the little bird was able to fly away.

I will likely be scarce for the next day or two. I am completely inundated with school work. I'll stop by as I need to take a break.

Hugs to all...

hedgie said...

Hi, Judie, Bye, Judie! Don't get too bogged under with that schoolwork!

Hiatal hernia surgery is often unsuccessful, so hope they try to manage it medically before going that route.

Mema Jo said...

Early morning start today so now is the time for Feet Up.

Hi Judie - We'll be here when you need your break time.

Lynn, Christie should be freezing!


movin said...


Good Morning,

Great Weekend

To Everyone ...


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Jo, she's at the airport---3pm flight home!!! She HAS frozen!! No gradual adjustment period for her to acclimatize!

hedgie said...

My stoooopid vacuum cleaner broke! Electric cord into the power head is shorting out----see fraying and sparking where it enters. AARGH! I'd really like to say something stronger. Repair shop is 15 miles....amd I'm not "done" to go out. The best laid plans of mice and men....etc. Sure hope it won't take them too long to fix . I'll take it in tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim. Will you have lots of trick'n'treaters in your building??? Been here 18 yrs. and have never had a single one! Thankfully!!!

movin said...

Hummingbird nest is coming along.....

Glad to read that Sissy is feeling better, guess I'll go back to last thread for detail.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Well, Hedgie, we sometimes have a lot of small kids with parents, but I think they've got something organized to go to or have found another area. I don't "think" we got many last year, and I wound up eating some candy.

Heart breaker.. hahaha.
When I was still working (by my definition), people, including me, would take the stuff to work and finish it off in a few days.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I remember enjoying the Halloween doings when I was a kid, so I like to see the youngsters enjoying it now.

Are they going to do Saturday night or Sunday this year?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

I'm keeping an eye on the Panda Cam - Only gives me about 5 minutes and then I need to give it a boost.

Lun Lun is constantly looking down under....

stronghunter said...

I am back from the haircut. Had a 12:00 appointment with someone named Marie since my regular hairdresser is on vacation. At 12:20 there was still no Marie. So, they found someone to take care of me. She said that Marie was often late; when Marie showed up, someone took her away to have a word with her. Hmmmm.

I need to remember the name of the lady who took care of me. She seems to have done a good job. I may need her again when my regular lady is away. Don't really want Marie, and I'm wondering if Marie will still be there anyway.

I keep hearing chain saws. It seems that the people behind me decided to remove some trees. I really hope they won't take out too many. I have always liked that stand of trees in the back, but I do not own many of them.

I will be back there if they come over the property line!

May have to go pick up Hunter from school shortly. Susan was supposed to, but she got locked out of her apartment and got a late start coming down here. Man, this place is a wreck. I really have to make some progress this weekend.

Judie, I hope you are able to dig your way out of the school work. I know the feeling all too well.

stronghunter said...

Picked up a coat at Penney's for 50% off and they gave me another 15% discount. Not bad!

Mema Jo said...

Need to leave for about 2 hours....
Anyone who can, keep an eye on Lun Lun



hedgie said...

Jim, most localities here are doing it Sunday evening.

Good steal, Shirley!!! I rarely luck into deals like that. But then I rarely shop!!!

Okay, Jo....since I can't vacuum....I'll try to stay with cam as much as possible!

hedgie said...

Well, doesn't look like AZ has anyone manning the cam.....Lun has moved and the cam has not adjusted......can't tell what she's doing, if naything.

hedgie said...

Criticized too soon----they moved the cam!!

hedgie said...

All kinds of strange airplane stuff happening all day.......a passenger plane from Dubai now being escorted to JFK by fighter jets.....
Christie's 3pm flight from Minneapolis still has not departed........

hedgie said...

Haven't heard anything about everything being grounded, but......if there's concern, guess that would be best........MTBR.

hedgie said...

Maybe they are rechecking all cargo/baggage.....

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! Lynn where is the Lun Lun cam?

PA Nana said...

Hope Christie is safe in her travels, Lynn.

PA Nana said...

Duh. Found the Lun Lun cam.

stronghunter said...

Susan and Hunter are here now. It was the first time I've picked Hunter up after school.

Will have to check out this airplane mystery.

stronghunter said...

Suspicious Packages on Planes

hedgie said...

Whew....plane has finally departed. Now it will be close to 8 before she gets in to Dulles, if they follow the same schedule as originally stated of 3 1/2 hrs.

hedgie said...

Lun is making some strange movements/motions. Maybe she IS having contractions!

Christie Reed just passed over Reedsburg, WI!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi! Not sure about Lun Lun
Not many more minutes to watch for today

Mema Jo said...

Nothing like looking at an MT birthing room for the last 3 minutes.....

Mema Jo said...

Did we lose a camerman

hedgie said...

Well, guess that is it for the panda watch for the public. Drat. Just KNOW that she will deliver that cub while cam is offline.

Mema Jo said...

That's all the coverage there is until Monday at 10am........

If anything happens they will post a news alert on their home page.......

Heading over to son's for dinner.


Mema Jo said...

Where is Christie now?

I'll have to get that link to track the Germany flight to Dulles in Dec...

Mema Jo said...

See you later........

hedgie said...

Freeze warning tonight.....hate it!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, in the center of Ohio. Judging from the map, and the mileage they are showing, I'm beginning to think their tracker was messed up----think she may have left before they said!!
Only 283 miles to Dulles showing now. Started at 900+.

stronghunter said...

Susan got off the phone and did a happy dance because she's going back to Talbot's at a decent salary. Glad that she didn't burn bridges when she left there. They are okay with her taking the trip to Ecuador.

Looks like I will be watching Sex and the City 2 with my daughters tonight.

stronghunter said...

It will have to be after Hunter's bedtime. Susan is now off to have dinner with friends. I am about to start cooking spaghetti for tonight.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Still quite blustery here. I'm thinking it's going to be an early night that will include some hot chocolate! (and maybe some eagles?)

Safe travels for Christie and for Lolly and Jack as well!

Off to fix dinner....

Lynne2 said...

wow, just realized that Daylight Savings Time will end next weekend. BOO HISS

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynne. I can manage to get home before dark, but I will have to start leaving earlier.

stronghunter said...

Going to go start making spaghetti for supper. Hunter approves of spaghetti. He does not approve of salmon or Tater Tot casserole.

PA Nana said...

Mmmm... hot chocolate. Great idea Lynne. HOpe Steve is better by now and he'll have a cup with you.
Actually, chocolate anything is great. I stir in a spoon of
GFIC Swiss Mocha in my regular coffee. Only allow one-one/half a day since I take meds for a-fib/v-tac. So Far so good.

Brr... just the other day when I went for my walk around the yard I saw a wild purple violet! Had to chuckle; mother nature sure has some things mixed up. Our ash tree has lost ALL its leaves and it was so pretty that day. Now we wait for the silver maple to lose its leaves. It sometimes takes into January for that to happen.

Hope all travelers are safe. Prez was on the tv about the possible terrorist attack. Hope it isn't so and all air travelers, etc., arrive at their destination safely.

Tomorrow Max will be here - though briefly. I'm so thankful that I'm feeling better. Shhhh, I stopped my naproxen and believe it has something to do with the way I fell. Still have to use occasional pain medicine, but just half of what I used to use. Thank you, God!

Where are our eagles? Have they moved on - sure hope not. Haven't seen them for some time.

Hahah... our local tv station has a Friday night special with our local naturalist. Tonight's was black snakes. Geez, he had one wrapped around his neck! Ewwww

Time to check on supper. Am watching for our royals... bb much l.

PA Nana said...

oops.. the way I feel

Lynne2 said...

Steve is feeling better, thanks for asking...for everyone who has asked!


Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

both are some pictures and will post after dinner in EM album. Can't believe I was here all alone :(

stronghunter said...

Could not get the live cam. Shucks!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Glad Sissy is out of the hospital!

Had to pick all the maters...freeZE Warning here tonight.

wonder if we have a new panda cub yet?

Going out to dinner with a friend.

hedgie said...

No cub as of 5pm, Paula. Have a nice night out!

Missed our birds! Hope Diann saw them! Diann----wouldn't it be something if the Naproxen was CAUSING pain??? Geesh!

Glad Steve is doing better, Lynne!

paula eagleholic said...

Ooh, missed our eagles! Early tonight. Glad you saw them, Lynne!

My live feed is up.

paula eagleholic said...

I know the cam is off at AZ for the weekend, Lynn. Wondering if there will be a cubbie there over the weekend. Did ya'll see the 3d sono of the cub?

I think the sono's are great for Pandas, think then you can really see when they are pregnant. If you don't see what they saw at AZ, then it's just wishful thinking.

PA Nana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PA Nana said...

Lynne, so sorry you were all alone spotting the eagles. I was skyping with Max and Teresa. Darn, will check your pics later.

Not it's time to set the table Jim will soon be home.

Lynn, wouldn't that be funny?! I'm having a hard time wrapping my head aorund that possibility.


PA Nana said...

sorry, my delete. My hiccup

hedgie said...

Paula, the 4-D sonogram is fantastic! I mentioned to Mits that IF mei should become preggers again, maybe one of the local hospitals would loan equipment to NZ-----she feels that is highly unlikely that they would do it. :(

hedgie said...

Hmmmm....500 farms in the US do Halloween-y things.....only way that some can survive the economy.
Megan thought she would have tomorrow off, but teen employees calling in with excuses, so now she has to work. :(

Lynne2 said...

Pics are now in EM album....there is a "headless eagles" shot!

Diann, VERY interesting about the naproxen. I switched to aspirin yesterday and today I have had significantly less pain.....hmmmm.

Our Ash tree was so gorgeous, too, but as yours has, the leaves came off, seemingly in just 2 days! And our silver maple has just barely begun to turn. The last one to go here is our beechnut tree, which is huge and right between the 2 houses, and right outside our upstairs bedroom window. It's pretty all year...starts out in spring a rusty color, then later turns a deep bronzey green, then very late in fall, bright yellow.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly and Jack are in Texas!

Lolly said...

Yes!!! We are in Texarkana, TX! We have stopped for the night and we will have just a little over 200 miles tomorrow. Home in the early afternoon! We are sad the trip is over, but happy to be getting home.

Have been texting with Laurel and the boys. They carved pumpkins this afternoon. Trip to the pumpkin patch was a huge success and the school fall carnival is tonight. A busy, busy day!

Lynne2 said...

the eagles did very little in the nest. They did some pecking at the egg cup and one or two other places, but with no real zest. Mostly just walked and looked around. Glad to see them though!

Lolly said...

And, wahoo, I have internet tonight!

Lolly said...

So glad you saw our eagles, Lynne!

Lynne2 said...

I'm sure everyone will be very glad to have you both home Lolly! And Annie will be thrilled to be "sprung"!

Lolly said...

So, I just picked up bits and pieces. Steve has been sick?

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, Annie will be very happy, but boy will she tell us off! She is always very vocal when we get her home. Hopefully, if we get her right away, she will calm down before bedtime.

Lynne2 said...

I guess we'll have to be watching even earlier after the clocks turn back.

Lynne2 said...

yes, he stayed home Wed and Thurs. Very unlike him to do so. Bad headache and fatigue, achy. I think much of it due to stress. He's OK now.

Lolly said...

Yes, I do believe Laurel and the boys will be happy we are home. We will probably go up there one day this next week. We will pick up Jacob from school and prepare a dinner that night. The boys actually walk home from school except two days someone has to get Jacob as Joseph stays for choir. They live only one block from school.

Lynne2 said...

this looks interesting....
What would you do?

Lolly said...

Stress can get to is not good on hiatal hernias either. Bev will learn that!

Lolly said...

Time for me to start dinner. A celebration dinner tonight, our veal roll ups and a good bottle of wine.

We know we are getting closer to home, land is flat and there is NO fall color. Dern!!!! It is chilly!


Lynne2 said...

OH DEAR, Redskins fans....if you're on FB, you get a kick (NOT!) of what Nilla just posted!

Mema Jo said...

I do believe that there are 3 shows on TV this evening.


hedgie said...

I don't watch Medium, so only 2 for me, Jo. Think I'll go take my bath now. BBL.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Got home too late to check on our birds.
Lynne, SO glad you saw them!

Think I read all today's posts!
Shirley got a day off, Judie and Andy will be busy w/schoolwork.
Glad Steve is feeling better.

I knew Lun Lun was expecting, but didn't know it would be soon! Will have to check updates in Atlanta. My daughter will be going there, but you probably can't see anything right away.

We really haven't seen any animals at work for awhile, but today Ms. Hoppy & her twins came by & saw a heron on wood duck boxes from the little tower at Park TU. No power at Park today, as I tried to call & fax. Hope the wind blew down some leaves as well as wires!!!!PLZ.
Din din time---wasn't too hungry earlier~~~~

NatureNut said...

Lolly, when daughter first moved to TX, we drove. Took almost 3 days!!!Our last stop before Houston was Texarkana!!!!(Flew since then)As we drove through Arkansas, a sign about Pres. Clinton had buckshot holes in it!Guess not everybody there liked him!

hedgie said...

THAT is funny, Loretta!!!!

hedgie said...

Wow, Lynne---another Naproxen adverse reaction? What is going on??? Very strange. Would be interesting to hear what docs have to say about that for both you adn Diann!

stronghunter said...

Getting sleepy. So is Kathryn. I don't think we will be watching a movie tonight.

Lynne2 said...

when I stopped it altogether and didn't use anything for a few days, well, that won't happen again! But for some reason, and it could be coincidence in that I'm just having a lovely day, it seems that the aspirin is helping more.

Lynne2 said...

or maybe the efficacy declines after a while?

Aw, Shirley, sorry you aren't going to watch the movie tonight, but there is MUCH to be said for getting to sleep early!

stronghunter said...

I just enjoy being with my children and Hunter. I can take it or leave it when it comes to the movie.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi all Eagle Friends ( :

Spoke to nice guy today that served in Viet Nam. He said you sure know a lot for your age. I told him I had worked at VA Baltimore oh 33rd street and took care of Viet Nam vets. They confined in me a lot and told me stories they couldn't tell anyone else they knew I cared.

Before we parted I shook his hand and thanked him for serving and that to keep on working them for his right to treatment for Agent Orange even though he was on a ship. He had to go into shore and on land to get guys out an onto the big ship for medical care.

wvgal_dana said...

Andy you are coming to the closing
of "your masterpiece of studies and great grades".
So proud to know you.

Wanda so great the high price piece came in time. Don't want to get stuck with that. So all sounds good there. Get shop selling Wanda
and Capt. Gene.

Lynne 2 seems to enjoy Irvine. Maybe you can get a job at a small animal supply store. Where
they sell fish and not dogs or cats but also sell birds (not exotic ones).

YOU GOT NERVE LOL just kidding sounds yummy!!



I did stay in town so I was close to eye doctors office
in case eyes started drip drip dripping. God answered
my prayers so far. Only watery a little in morning.
So I went on in and voted early. Yes my dear departed Dad I voted as you always told me to do from the 1st time you took me until I die you said. MADE MY DADDY

Hedgie-Lynn (if you can't answer here email me) what rental villa complex does Bill's mom live in?

Good going there Diann bet you are looking great with your new do. Prayers for the pain I know you have Hope and pray the Lord leads
the rheumatologist to help you.

Prayers for Jack and Lolly until they reach home and get that trailer backed up the

Megan still sounds like the same "busy" gal we know she is.

I too am hoping that they try to manage Sissy's hiatal hernia without surgery. It might take
a little longer to get feeling better. The surgery leads to more scar tissue and she already has a good bit from GB surgery. Lord
please Please guide these doctors to not just Jump....lead them to the WISER HEALING WAY LORD

Oh Shirley your hair looks so good and I like how she did the style, ( :

I use to take Naproxen and had problems. Doctor told me off of it and I don't take aspirin. Store
brand tylenol.

I got off the cataract glasses today yea yea yea
Stop at the eye store at WalMart and found a pair of sunglasses that fix over top my glasses, Not so big and lady said between two pairs one pair looked better. Then a customer came in while I was trying to decide and she said that pair really fits you and makes you look nice.,,...SOLD!!!

Well I'm heading for wearing of
orthotics and my back has stopped hurting so it was connected with the orthotics.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Have finished dinner and finishing up the wine. Laurel just texted me pictures of the boys at the school's fall festival. Jacob has had his hair spray painted green and Joseph is green and blue. OMG! LOL They are having fun! Can hardly wait to hug and kiss on those boys. Laurel is working double shifts, one in Jacob's class booth and one shift in Joseph's class booth, She is a good mommy!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for those that need them.

Prayers for those that have no idea they need them. PRAISES FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS.


Lynne2 said...

Shirley, hope you all have a great evening, and I'm sure you will enjoying each others company!

Lolly, I'll be your arms are really starting to ache to hold those babies of yours!

Hot chocolate is in the works....have a good WARM night tonight everyone and prayers for all!

magpie said...

Wow, those pics of the Royal Evening Visit tonight that Lynne2 put in the E-M album, are top notch!

Late Hello Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Seems pretty much that the health reports are in the Plus column today !

Lolly said...

Hellllloooo Margy!!! How are ya this evening?

magpie said...

by the way, I was watching ISS Thursday night at its brilliant -4.0 showing...went up to Berkeley Springs to watch it with James....
bright as Jupiter it was!

Saturday evening's flyover should be a nice one too hereabouts

Lolly said...

I am thinking of bathing and getting comfy! I am ready for bed and Jack is reading. I have not adjusted to the time schedule. One hours difference and I am a gonner! Whoops, Jack has put down his book and closing his eyes. I am not the only one!!!

magpie said...

Doin' okay Lolly, thanks..
have been enjoying your traveling posts so much, but am glad you and Jack are fast approaching your Roost

magpie said...

I'm really liking the Hallowe'en avatars, but always welcome that sunny sun of yours Lolly ☼ ☺

magpie said...

soon we will be having Thanksgiving and Christmas avatars!

Lolly I will get "hard copies" of the Police Cruiser Taxi Ride in a few days and will send them on

also to Judie and Shirley

magpie said...

can't say it's been Friday night date night, but I am looking forward to a little bedtime reading

headed there now

Sure sorry Megan's workforce pooped out on her for Saturday....
WOOF !!!!

Prayers for all, for comfort and health, serenity and joy
AND safe travels

Thanks, pals, for the precious friendship

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

hedgie said...

Dana, Bills' mom lives in a small unnamed complex owned by Duke and Ellen Wood on Rt. 9 just west of Camp Frame Rd.

Hi, Margy. Yep, ISS was lovely last night. Had a hard time seeing it this evening---rose from a low trajectory and still too many leaves in that direction.

magpie said...

yes, Lynn, I saw the wee ISS flyover tonight too, some clouds covered it for part of its flyover, then Poof out like a light

okay, 'Night now...
will look forward to the rest of the Day's posts, in the morning....and hope to see some Eagles before work time

magpie said...

that isn't Overlook Woods, is it Lynn ?

sounds kinda like it

Lolly said...

Thanks Margy! Will enjoy having the pic and showing them to the boys. lol Should I tell them he "caught" us?!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn for Den Updates - seems like a camera placement is in the workings.
Really cold out there..
Watched 2 TV shows and now I'm almost ready for bed.

Lucky me - I just saw one of the Pot Plant little owls fly up to the Pot Plant and is now on the edge of the planted with another one. Still one down on the floor. I need to check as to how their naming contest is going.

Lolly said...

Okay, I am outta here. So ready to shower and get comfy.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

It has been fun sharing this trip with all of you! We have had a glorious trip and praise the Lord for safe travels.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, thanks for letting us follow your trip!

hedgie said...

No, Margy......this is on right side and Overlook is single-family homes on left.

hedgie said...

It's where Herb and Hezzie Payne lived after they sold their house, if you remember them.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - your captures of the royal couple in the nest today are fantastic.
Thanks so much!

NatureNut said...

Getting late--will probably nod off in loungechair!
Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for all ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - did you feed your squirrel today?

I am going back the hallway....

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all - Thankfulness for knowing Sissy is better.
Hugs for everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Heading to bed with Tom Selleck. Don't I wish!! Guess I should say with him fresh in my minds' eye!!!!
Sweet sleep for all. Prayers and peace.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kinda late tonight. Didn't get all the leaves cleaned up. Left some for the gardeners, Lynn, per your advice.

Hubby and I got most of our grocery shopping and Wally World shopping done tonight. He has a haircut appt. at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow, so had to get it done tonight.

Glad to hear of Susan's good news this evening! Happy they're OK with her Ecuador trip, too.

Lynne2 & Diann,
Hot chocolate sounds good. Hubby & I like hazelnut coffee with a Biscotti that's had the top side dipped in dark chocolate. YUM!
Oh--Diann, I have some wild purple violets here. The birds planted them in the big pot that contains one of my snow bushes.

Ms Bookworm said...

Speaking of birds, we had an albino pigeon in our yard this evening before it got dark. Looked thru the binos, and no band on it. It has pink eyes, and is totally white. Flew in with about 4 Mourning Doves. It's bigger than the doves. Ate birdseed, then flew into one of the trees. Wonder whether it will come back or not. Very pretty!

I was sorry to hear of James MacArthur's passing, too. He was a good actor. Also liked Helen Hayes.

Lolly & Jack,
Looks like you two are in the home stretch! Bet you and Annie will be glad to be back at your own roost!
Prayers for safe travels.

Well, think I'll go veg for a while in front of the TV. Have said prayers for everyone. Thanks to the Lord for prayers answered, too!
Turning on the night light and the porch light. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight, friends, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

PA Nana said...

Am I too late to say goodnight? Sorry was readingg and time just got away from me.

I have to catch up since my last post to see what's new.

Should I fall into the crash pillow, everyone have a refreshing sleep and prayers for a bright day for tommorow

Prayers for all needs/wants.

God bless us all.

magpie said...

Good Frosty Morning Eagle Pals, frosty here in Martinsburg WV that is....

I think we missed a good night post from Wanda: Hope all is well in Nestville...

There is a little boat at Finland water near the nest, maybe someone is doing research....

Best wishes for a good, safe, healthy, happy and fun day....

headed to work here soon

xoxox ((Hugs to all ♥ ))

magpie said...

I'm watching the nest....can't really tell much of anything yet but it sort of looks like a white tail in the upper right part of the nest..

magpie said...

Yes, it IS an Eagle ! ☺

magpie said...

Now there are two

magpie said...

and now just one remains
I think it is Belle

And I have to leave also


Lynne2 said...

woo hoo on my way to walk the dogs and heard a noise...I saw them, maybe even go a picute! one poofed,

morning Margy!

Gotta get the beasts out....probably go back to bed for a little while.

Lynne2 said...

whow, poofed on is back!

Lynne2 said...

one poof, both poofed
did a little stick moving while there.

Lolly said...

Well, shucks! Looks like I missed our eagles.

Heading out very shortly. We are on our last stretch, about 4 hours from home.

We will get home, unhitch and then go get Annie. Hope she is alive and well!!!!

Have a great day everyone! Talk with you later!

Lolly said...

That is very interesting. Just went to the cam and the little comment box that Paula and I both saw is gone. Wonder what's up with that?

Oh, well, bye again!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Saturday Eagle Land. I had to check the calendar I thought today was Sunday.

6-8PM tonight is Halloween in our developement. They bring them in from all over the state of WV I think. I have 300 nice give aways. Last year about 205 and was OUT. Had to close door and turn off lights. So if 300 doesn't do it then I'll be turning off lights again.

Lolly and Jack are closing in on HOME BASE!!!!!! I know they have enjoyed their trip. I sure though they will be happy to be home.


Glad our eagles were seen this morning Margy and Lynne2.

wvgal_dana said...

That was my delete back there. After I signed it got the trash can. Guess the Williamsport Trick-or-Treaters put it back for me. Since they had Halloween last night. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Our forecast on AccuWeather
Today 61 lo 40
Sun. 60 lo 32
Mon. 52 lo 29
Tues. 52 lo 28

Today 73 lo 37
Sun. 64 lo 38
Mon. 59 lo 34
Tues. 59 lo 38


Lynne2 said...

not only is the comment box gone, but there was some interference a few times on the cam this morning....wondering if maybe they are doing some prep work for the NEW HD CAM!!!!!!

I must say, it was so lovely to to open the coffee maker this morning to make some coffee and find a STINKBUG in it......

stronghunter said...


It's just me and the critters now. Kathryn is off to sell scrap metal and then to a touch football game for Hunter and his teammates.

I woke up this morning and found Susan on the sofa in the family room. She had gone to Walmart and picked up pajamas and a toothbrush. (She does have pj's here, but wouldn't have been able to find them on her own since things got rearranged.)

Susan and Kathryn were enjoying a conversation. After awhile, Hunter joined us, and I eventually made breakfast.

She said her friends had taken her all around town to a variety of places, so she did not get here until 2:00 AM. I am glad she is an adult and I do not have to worry about her staying out that late. (She's 30, definitely a grown-up.)

stronghunter said...

I am about ready to crawl into bed for a nap.

wvgal_dana said...

I am trying some halloween pics since tonight in here is trick or treat.

stronghunter said...

Would be nice to see the new HD cam in operation soon.

stronghunter said...

I will have to launch into a cleaning mode soon. The critter hairs are accumulating. But I think I will be lazy for a little while.

wvgal_dana said...

I just don't know what do you all think. I have two more..???

stronghunter said...

I like that avatar, Dana.

stronghunter said...

I like the eagle one.

wvgal_dana said...

I like this one tee hee

stronghunter said...

It's cute, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok this is my last one ... which one do you think I should use for today and tonight?????

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle, ghost, cat or bag?????

stronghunter said...

So many stores have Christmas decorations up already around here.

stronghunter said...

I vote for eagle or cat. Your pick.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for helping Shirley before you panda napped ( :

hedgie said...

Good cold but sunny morning!
Yep, Dana, Denver is famous for those wild daily swings in temp! Remember when my dad was there one time that they had 80's one day and woke up to snow the next!

wvgal_dana said...

We'll see if anyone has their choice to add. I liked the eagle also but didn't want to take Lynn2 spot.

wvgal_dana said...

He is cute though isn't he lol

stronghunter said...

My brother who lives in Ft. Collins came here for a visit. He was so used to the weather there that he started to bring a light jacket with him when we went out in mid-summer.

He commented that he had just realized that he really did not need that jacket in VA, that he was still in Colorado mode.

See you later . . . .

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie of the 4 avatars for halloween today and tonight in here. Which one do you like?

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Shirley and Dana!

Checking in to see what's happening in Nestville. Glad that our eagles showed up this morning for a while!

Dana, I think I like the ghost trick-or-treater, since they're going door to door in your neighborhood tonight. The others are cute, too, though.

Shirley, sounds like Susan and her friends had a good time last night.
As far as the critter hairs go, I'd opt for a nap first. Do you have one of those new thingies that get pet hair off the sofa, or do you have to use the vacuum?

EEeeeewwww! Stinkbug-flavored coffee doesn't sound at ALL appetizing! Sure glad we don't have a stinkbug invasion out here!

I wish I could stay and talk, but Hubby will be home from his haircut before you know it, and I need to get showered and do some makeup damage control on my face. He wants to go Christmas shopping today, so guess after some breakfast we'll hit the road running. I need to do at least a few Algebra problems, too.

Have a great Saturday, and I'll try to check in later. :o]

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning friends. I thought I had made it in time to see our eagles because there is one in the nest but
the cam is frozen at 7:22:15 am.
Perhaps they are working on the cam, but a Saturday?

I had some heat turned on last evening in the bathroom and it felt good.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley daughter gets around Fort Collins area a good bit. She has a friend that lives some where at Fort Collins.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo the live feed is working well and gives me the chills hearing that wind.

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is up running now. It looks so clear.......
Going to check out live feed and then
the lion cubs and the owls.......

wvgal_dana said...

Ok for awhile we can let the ghost roam around in here. Now don't go blaming me if he enters your homes through your computer. You know you don't have any control on ghost......oh my mr.bill eekkkeeekk

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn did you email the girl I have you information on yesterday??

I just got an invite for some hot breakfast. Only had coffee Irish so that sounds good.


Mema Jo said...

Some lion cubs on cam 6C NZ

Mema Jo said...

The BWE have Pine Sprigs in their nest.

hedgie said...

Dana, I vote for the Eagle!
Yes, I emailed her and she IS who I thought she was. She responded and will be at the next meeting.

Shirley, you must have felt like it had been a slumber party when yopu woke up this morning! Fun times!

Jo, is bathroom heat the ONLY heat you've had on yet???? Brrrrr! Not me----gas stove has been on, and I think I'm about ready to build a fire in the woodstove!!

Lolly said...

Bright blue skies, no clouds, 64, and 110 miles to go.

Mema Jo said...

After I got up Lynn, I did turn on some more heat through the house.
I was just out on the deck in the sunshine and it felt sooooooo good!

Mema Jo said...

Nothing on Panda cam as to any events through last night. That cub can't be to much longer until birthing.

Mema Jo said...

Great happenings on Owl Cam

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Jim! Have a good one!

movin said...

Our Santa Ana condition broke yesterday. It rained moderately in the night and this morning, and now it looks to be clearing and the sun is shining a bit.

It's going to be cool for a couple; then it'll climb into the high 80's again !! Don't know if the high winds will return or not though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Pair of eagles at BWO.

Not sure if it's the pair from BWE this time, or not.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Hard to tell, Jim. Don't know any of their particular marking!! Did you see the TV there Thursday??? Ugh! Guess it was cleaning out the nest!

Hope your winds do not return.....hoping the same thing here!

Off I go....heading to town to take my stupid vacuum to the repair shop! Lolly, you'll be home before me!!
Later, gators.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break........ bbilw

stronghunter said...


It is pretty outdoors today. I'm still in pajamas, though. I need to get dressed and get busy with chores.

Flash is outdoors. He was in my recliner when I came downstairs.

So much needs to be done around here that it is hard to know what to do first.

NatureNut said...

Good Sunny Afternoon Everyone!
Finally checked or eagle albums on Yahoo & see there was another sighting this AM by an earlybird! Great pics!!!
Checked Atlanta also & no word of a butterstick.

Should go to work for a couple hours, probably today, But you know what Scarlet says!

Lolly said...

We are home! :). Home sweet home!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Lolly! I am sure it feels good to be home. How is Annie?

stronghunter said...

Animals are surprising sometimes. Luna sometimes sits at the gate near the front door and barks. I think she wants to go home.

When my ex first left, our dog used to sit at the top of the stairs in the middle of the night and howl. It was heartbreaking.

hedgie said...

Welcome home, Lolly and Jack! Hope that you've picked up ANnie and that she is not too angry!!

Shirley, when Christie first moved out on her own, Shang repeatedly went up to my bedroom and threw up! They have a way of expressing their emotions, for sure.

stronghunter said...

Very windy at the nest.

stronghunter said...

They really do, Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

Back from work, trying to clean up a little...heading to Halloween party later tonight.

Taking a quick break from vacuuming.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear Lolly and Jack are home. Bet Annie is happy!

paula eagleholic said...

My dogs miss the kids! They get soooooooo excited when they come home!

Mema Jo said...

Now I am almost out the door for Mass

Welcome Home Lolly and Jack

I'll be back when I get home.


stronghunter said...

Here's Hunter in his costume holding my painted pumpkin hostage.

stronghunter said...

Costume "Tombstone Cowboy" from Country Costumes in Shepherdstown.

Wonderful shop!

stronghunter said...

Signing in to post some pictures.

hedgie said...

Hunter looks so fierce!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hunter looks great Shirley. Is he going trick or treating tonight?

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Hooray Lolly & Jack. The yellow rose is back in Texas. It's been wonderful sharing in your expedition. Thanks!

Loretta, had to chuckle reading about the butter stick. We're like expectant grannies with our animals and birds. Just love it!

Dana, loved your avatars. Guess it's now time to update all of them.

Max & Teresa arrived safely and they are off now to her friends house and then to the reunion dinner. Hope they're not too late tonight 'cuz Max needed a nap real bad! He shook his finger at me and told me to stop it. I just had to laugh and that made him madder.
Just couldn't help myself. He's sooo cute.☺☺☺

Did Bev check in today? Hope she's okay.

Shirley, I have white wild violets too. Wish I had made the open house when the different seeds were handed out. NOW I feel like gardening.

Waitng for Max & Mommie I watched those 2 crazy squirrels scamper after each other around the tree trunk. Truly a sight to see!

Well, must read the paper before supper time.

I'll try to get back later. If not, prayers for all needs & wants, and special thanks for those arriving safely home.

hedgie said...

:( Just ordered personalized garden stone for Cinnie's grave. It will match all the others..........

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and love the virtual kitty her to puurrrr :)

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, (((Big Hugs))) Lynn

paula eagleholic said...

gonna split very soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Grab your broomstick and ride it with me, LOL

hedgie said...

Diann, I can just picture Max wagging his finger at you!!! How cute! Hard to discipline when they make you laugh!
Carolyn HATES this story....woke up one morning when she 18 mos. old and could hear her saying ONE...ONE... ONE... over and over. Went to her door and saw that she had gotten into her dirty diaper and was drawing ONES on the wall above her crib. I had to turn tail and run to keep her from hearing me LMAO!!!!! Then had to keep a straight face to scold her!!

stronghunter said...

Just posed a couple of pictures of Hunter and one of George. Also found a full-sized owl in flight picture.

stronghunter said...

Whoa, just split!!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...