Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Fresh thread.


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Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Big baby!!

stronghunter said...

Sceaming Palmer is in the nest.

Judie said...

It's a miracle! Took a chance and saw Palmer for about a minute then saw a lovely launch. What a treat.

Hi Shirley and Sissy.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

I still have not made it outdoors, but I am enjoying the breezes coming in though the open window.

How are you?

stronghunter said...

I heard the screams and saw Palmer in the nest, but missed the launch.

hedgie said...

She didn't stay long....no goodies to scarf up!

hedgie said...

Well, hate to leave good company but time to start getting ready for dr's. apptmt. Then groceries---ugh! I hate shopping. BBL.

stronghunter said...

By, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Lunchtime here.

Judie said...

Phoenix looking lovely and surveying the landscape. Think it won't be long now. Doing a lot of rim sitting.

Isla is on lookout duty as the chicks dry off and EJ has left her three unattended in the sunshine.

MT NCTC nest (and quiet, too).

I'm doing well. Just so happy to have so much stuff ready to donate. That was a big job. Now to begin to do some serious reading/prep for Fall.

Awful fire in Frederick last night. Fell asleep so don't know the details but hope no one was injured. Think it was a business.

Mema Jo said...

They just announced that the fire in Frederick was accidental.. first floor refrig I think. Remember all those arsons in Martinsburg.. Wonder what the outcome was.

I did good at the dentist... Go back in
6 months.
Weather out there feels soooooo wonderful.
May need to go back out!

Mema Jo said...

I thought (ho9ped) for a new thread by the time I returned. :<{

magpie said...

Thanks so much for the heartwarming birthday greetings

here, emails, ecards, and regular old mailbox cards ☺

It has put a nice spin on
growing older ☺

Grandson and I are waiting for our ride to a little picnic and swim...
wanted to say Hi, Thanks, and hope this is a great day for everyone here too ☺

(( hugs of thanks ♥ ))

xo Magpie

Mema Jo said...

Link to June 30 11 pm Hope update

I hadn't seen this on our blog ....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Palmer is hollering for lunch!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

And gone! Maybe she will go get her own lunch!!

movin said...



on a Thurday morN.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

NatureNut said...


Good afternoon everyone in Eagleland. Looks like an MT nest.Guess I missed the wild child!
(Hope this will post---says last comment 2 hrs. ago!!!)

NatureNut said...

Yay, blogger worked--guess it was closer to an hour ago.

Mom feral kitty that we think must have perished had had 3 kittens awhile back. Fubby captured one to get it a good home & others disappeared. She never brought them w/her when she came for food we provided, so we thought they were gone.I thought I saw a little black thing in neighbor's yard the other day that didn't look like a bunny & Fubby confessed he's seen 2kittens traveling thru yards behind us. So they ARE alive! Pray they will survive or maybe be captured for a home. We were told that they can be socialized up to 6mos. old and get a home.I hope there is someone else on this block where they stay that might feed them.

stronghunter said...

Sen. Byrd's casket being removed from the Senate building.

Judie said...

Jo, congratulations on the good dentist visit. Now you can have that lollipop.

Loretta, wishing the best for the kittens. Always such a sad situation.

Hi Jim.

MT nest.

NatureNut said...

Thx, Judie. I'm gonna try not to interfere, but hard to get it out of your mind.

Shirley, was just gonna mention that. Hearse leaving the Capitol, will go to Charleston, WV for viewing from 12 M tonight'til 9AM & then come back to DC.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's kitty was born to a feral mother.

Thing about going to your doctor's appointment: It generates more appointments. Trying to get these things off the to-do list.

After the doctor's visit, I thought I should have some fun, so I went to the garden store. Bought another butterfly bush and lots of other neat things, even a tomato plant. I have always been a late gardener. Just too much going on at school in the spring.

hedgie said...

Logged on just in time to see Palmer take off!

Sure could use a new thread......

hedgie said...

Didn't make it to the store---didn't get out of Dr's. office until 4---and didn't want to get stuck in rush-hour traffic when leaving the store....so will do it in the morning after retiree breakfast.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn, hope all was well at the doctor's office.

PA Nana said...


Gonna catch up and bbl

hedgie said...

Atlanta Zoo thinks that Lun Lun is preggers!! Sure hope they're right!

Mits, don't you just love the Tai pics on FB??

stronghunter said...

Need a panda nap. BBL.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Sorry I'm getting here late today!
Have a Mid-term Exam in my Practice 3 class, so have been pretty busy studying, and didn't want to tempt myself. Once I get here, I don't want to leave!

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Margy and to Nilla!! Hope you both are having the very happiest of days!!!

Lynn, wouldn't it be wonderful to have another panda baby to watch?!
Hope they are right!....
BAD Cinnamon! PLEEZE don't eat any more butterflies! They're getting too scarce lately! I'll forgive you this time, but hope you don't make a habit of it! Be a good girl!

Shirley, bet George loves it when he can sniff all the exciting outdoor aromas! Glad the weather is such that you CAN dare to open the windows!

Well, Hubby will be home from work very shortly, so better run and get ready for school. Want to get there early if possible. As soon as I have finished the exam, I can head for home! Turned in all my homework early,on Tuesday! Long weekend, here I come!

Will be back later after school, to see what's happening and say goodnight. Later, alligators! :o]

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Lynn, sorry the doctor took so long but grocery can wait. Traffic only makes the chore more annoying.

Shirley, glad you took a few minutes to do some garden gathering this afternoon. Hope additional appointments are just follow-up and routine.

No need for inspiration for tonight's dinner. Darth got crab legs and crab cakes. Yummy!

MT nest. It is always such a pleasure to get the live cam to see MT ):

Hope Margy will tell us all about her fun day with James.

NatureNut said...

Yum, yum, Judie! I'll have to hit the highway! LOL

I had plans to work on flowerpots on deck today---add a new flower, deadhead, etc., but Fubby painted that part & stacked all my stuff where I can't walk!!
Will try to work on pics this eve.
I know, I know. I keep saying that! DUH

NatureNut said...

Andy, good luck on your exam!!! You are so brave---I think I'd be terrified of tests like I was in school many years ago. ☺

Gonna see what I can create for din din!

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, work gets in the way of FUN work, doesn't it?
My deck needs some stain, really badly. Wish I could find someone to do it for me, at a reasonable price. Gene and I used to do the work together...he on one end and I on the other...meet at the patio door and go in from there. He is alway going one way and I the other. Again, too much to do and too little time :(

Watered GG's gardem and picked beans today...she fussed because we didn't leave any beans for her to pick..."I love to pick beans"!
Left you 1 row to pick Mom:)
She also had some ripe tomatoes in the garden. Squash is starting to come out of our ears. Looks like it is going to be a good year for squash and beans. Lettuce was a bumper crop, also.
Love gardening!

paula eagleholic said...

I hear Palmer ♥

PA Nana said...

Lynn, sorry to hear about your ankle but glad it wasn't broken. That's when all my troubles began back in 2003 but won't bore you with the details.

Jo, thanks for the Hope link.

I've been way behind but today the last person that doesn't live here, left! WooHoo!

Lynne, you lucky so and so! What an experience you had. Best wishes for more and looking forward to the pics.

I miss Palmer, Belle & Lib. The falcons are gone too. Any suggestions?

Do I hear an eagle in the area? Sure sounded like one. Maybe it's wishful thinking.

Had a new therapist yesterday and I haven't taken any pain meds today - yet. She suspects I have bursitis in my hip - which I thought too. That's where I have most of the pain.

BTW - Had my faux shoulder checked after my fall a few weeks ago and whew!!! no fracture or disconnections. Still quite sore but he said it will be a few more weeks for the bruising to heal.

Enjoying this nice weather and hope others are alsol. Wish I could find a climate like this all the time.

Jim will soon be home from work so it's supper time.


paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday dear Margy! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is finished and had my coffee out on the deck. I agree Diann that I would also love for our weather to be year round just like today's.

Trying to get my mind set on foods for the 4th's picnic here at the house with family. I get tired of hot dogs/hamburgers - but when you talk about a dozen or more coming not much else is feasible.

Anyone have a good cucumber creamy style dressing recipe?

Mema Jo said...

Sharon has a new do! Picture on FB and it gets shorter all the time! Really looks great.

paula eagleholic said...

I am so grateful today....

Got a call from Michael last night, right after I went to bed. I wasn't asleep yet. He was in a car accident. It was his fault...he ran a red light and hit a pickup truck going 40mph. The truck did a 180, hit a curb and flipped several times into a restaurant parking lot. He was driving in unfamiliar territory about 1 1/2 hours from home. He said he never saw the light or the truck coming.

I am grateful because although his car and the truck he hit are totaled, everyone is OK. Michael, his friend, and the guy he hit.

Michael is thankful he wasn't on the receiving end. He said he wasn't sure where he would be if the truck T-boned him.

It really hit me hard today when I saw the picture of the car...I lost it after that.

I am just so grateful that everyone is alright.

You can replace things, but you can't replace people.

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, glad the shoulder is just bruised...good news.

Judie, yummy dinner for sure.

Jo, how about cucumbers and sour cream? Mix together sliced cucumbers, add sour cream, add some grated onion, salt, pepper and dill weed.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, my zucchini looks great too. Brought home a yellow squash from work, having both for dinner tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday dear Nilla! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫

stronghunter said...

Paula, so glad that Michel and everyone else is okay. I know how it is to get a phone call like that.

stronghunter said...

Ordered a pizza for the night. Just had a yen for pizza.

hedgie said...

Finally got some dinner---actually breakfast food. Bill came after work to work on mower----naturally it started for him right away. Guess it's a man-thing! So he got the banks out front mowed, and I'll get the rest done tomorrow....it had better start for me!!

hedgie said...

Now time for Jeopardy. BBIALW.

paula eagleholic said...

Just found out my dog's vitamins have been recalled for possible salmonella contamination. I tried to buy them last night, and I notice all the vitamins were gone from the shelf...all it had was a small blue sticker that said 'recall'. You would think Walmart would put more of a notice on their shelves!

paula eagleholic said...

The vitamins are called Pro-pet.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I am sure you didn't get to sleep last night for quite a while!
Thankful Michael and all others were not injured. Cars can be replaced.

That is probably what I will do with the cucumbers. I need to buy some dill weed.

Some TV on this evening - I really like Royal Pains - may need to tape since a Mystery is on at the same time.

Nilla had said that she thought she was going to be surprised today with a trip to the Outer Banks by her family. Maybe that is why I haven't seen her on FB.
I've also been looking for comments on FB from Anne Marie traveling in Mexico! I pray Alex didn't find her.

stronghunter said...

George is trying to steal pizza off my plate.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, both Maine II chicks flegded yesterday!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, slice the cucumbers thin :)

Mema Jo said...

Do I peel them?

paula eagleholic said...


Costume Lady said...

Oh, Paula, your experience with your son brought back a dreadful memory from years ago. My Karla and granddaughter (who was only 14 months old) were leaving our drivway to go home, when right before my eyes, a car popped over the hill and slammed into her car, hitting it right where Jillian was seated. Oh, dear Lord, the awful sound and pieces of the car flying all over the place, is something I will never forget. I think Karla hurt her leg, but the baby was unhurt. For weeks after, Jillian told everyone she saw, "Mommy go Boom"!

Costume Lady said...

Grateful that Michael and others weren't hurt. Something like that, really makes you appreciate life and give big time thanks for the lives saved!

Mema Jo said...

Sure is quiet at the nest this evening.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of wrecks...in our Journal today, there is a photo of a mother and daughter at last year's Farmers Market, buying some green beans.
I felt my blood run cold, looking at the two of them. about 13 years ago, we had a wreck on Opequon bridge, just up the road from our house. The mother and daughter sued us for $100,000 and we were only insured for $50,000. Thought we were going to go insane for about 6 months!

paula eagleholic said...

BWO update

Just posted an announcement that our Osprey Chick-Naming Contest has begun. Please help us name our three chicks, and you could win a certificate and a prize from the Blackwater Refuge gift shop.

Lynne2 said...

after writing a lengthy post addressing everything from today, I see the blogger cop ate it....UHG

I'll be back tomorrow

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, so thankful that everyone is okay. Know how scary that call can be....mine was at 5:30AM, right after Christie left for work.....wrapped my car around a tree when someone ran her off the road. Luckily, very minor injuries, but car was totaled. Thankfully, the Geo Prism was a very safe car.

Wanda, how did your case turn out? Hope you won. And glad that Karla and Jillian were okay after their wreck.

Very cryptic teaser on FB:
Hope made a big move today. We're tracking her down now. More later. -- SM

hedgie said...

I betcha Andi is getting another A as we speak--er, type!

hedgie said...

Love cukes done that way, Paula. Haven't had them that way in years...wonder how they would agree with me?

Judie said...

Blog cop ate my comments. Grrrrr!

Paula, I am so happy that Michael and others were not injured. I know that was an anxious time for you. Hope all will be fine now.

Loretta, you are welcome anytime, crab legs or not.

Jo, I'll put on my 4th of July cooking cap and come up with some suggestions. Paula already has a good one.

Wanda, good sign that GG is fussing about not being able to pick beans. I think she must be amazing.

Ah, Lynn. I think mechanical things have built in sensors that can detect dthe difference between male and female. Female = malfunction; Male = so what's the problem, lady?

Going to First 48. BBL

hedgie said...

Lynne, did the kids give you a rough time today? Sorry the blogger cop gotcha.....we'll see you in the morning.

Jo, you could do hotdogs for the kids and chicken or ribs for the adults.

Diann, glad that the shoulder is just bruised. And as for your hip....I used to have bursitis in mine for a long time. Got a new mattress and voila! No more pain!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like blogger cop has been out and about!

How about deviled eggs?

hedgie said...

Guess Palmer is staying out tonight...:(

paula eagleholic said...

BBQ chicken on the grill is always good too!

Judie said...

New thread, y'all come on over.

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Or egg salad for the kids!!!!

Judie, bet those crab legs were yummy. I've got them on my shopping list.

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed my pizza supper.

Hunter is coming tomorrow to spend the day, so I can take him to get signed up for football.

I try to save my longer, more involved comments before I post them just in case. Of course, I will probably forget just when the blogger cop decides to eat the dang thing.

Funny thing is that sometimes when I try to copy and paste something else, I get my last blogger comment!

I hear Palmer.

hedgie said...

I hear our gal.......

stronghunter said...

Heading over to the new thread. See you there.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - are you saying that the pic in today's journal is the same 2 people that were in the accident that sued?

Lynne - Bad Blogger! Hoping your day was a good one and Yes! We'll hear from you tomorrow

Lynn - Ed says Hot dogs and most in attendance are adults. Corn on the cob a must.

Headed to the TV I'll be back IF I have already seen it

stronghunter said...

New thread, Jo.

«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 477 of 477   Newer› Newest»

6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...