Tuesday, June 15, 2010


New thread.


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movin said...

Good morning, Steve. Thanks for the fresh thread.

Has anyone at NCTC reported seeing Palmer since she fledged??



movin said...

tHERE were two, now one, eaglet flaked out on the nest at BWE...trying to rest those growing flight muscles, I guess.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

BEagle said...

So far, no one has reported seeing Palmer except when Dana visited yesterday.

Of course, I haven't read the entire blog yet.

BEagle said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and thanks for the call over, Jim.

BEagle said...

Thank you Margy. I am sure it was that bite of sour deli meat that I should have spit out when I threw it all away.

BEagle said...

Smell first...then eat.

If in doubt throw it out.

BEagle said...

This is what is hard for me. Trying to read back on the Monday thread with a new thread up and running.

movin said...

Good morning, Suzanne, Beagle.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everyone. Sure wish somebody at NCTC would tell us if they have seen Palmer.

movin said...

Beagle, if you are using FireFox or Explorer with the tabs, just open both threads until you are done reading the earlier one...I just discovered that one recently.



magpie said...

Thanks Steve, and thanks Jim for the callover...

oooh, BEagle...Woof!

here is a list of state flowers, neat, some states have state Wildflowers listed in addition to state flowers, also a link for trees
Wikipedia for State Flowers

Lynne : CT and PA have Mountain Laurel....

avatar pic is Black-Eyed Susan, for our Marylanders ☺
but we have them in WV also, now!

Best wishes for a good day everyone,
hope the ailments ease up Pronto!
A little dose of Palmer would rush that healing along
ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

I always like #13

BEagle said...

Thanks Jim.

Why on earth did I not think of that?

With the 22" screen and Arrows, I can put two windows up next to each other!

Must be set in my ways.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for new thread Steve - anyone
see any eagles on the property yet?

Hello Jim and Ladies - Still visiting with Kristen and still reading to catch up!

Going over to check on Suzanne's pics.

BEagle said...

Thank you Margy.

One of the 5 major things for healing is nature.

Another is happiness and laughter.

hedgie said...

Goodness, BEagle, please feel better quickly! I'm always a doubter---I'll throw it out before risking it!

Dana, glad your Mom is okay. She's a trooper! Just like GG. Poor Wanda having to deal with that basement situation---hard to imagine that just waterinng flowers could cause that much damage. Boo.

Jim, Dana went to nest and saw Palmer fly into a pine tree---smash is probably more appropriate. But she was fine!
Paula says it's not unusual for it to be a couple of days before juvie returns to nest. Not to worry.....YET!

PammySue said...

Anyone else local have their internet go down last night?

I hope we get to see Palmer today.

hedgie said...

Good pics, Suz. I'll get my few put on later today. Not any different from others, and probably not as good as most!
Gotta tell you, girl, it is SO good to see you posting again!

Suzanne said...

Well, nest is still MT, and I'm starting to worry. Our kids usually come back within 24 hours, but not this one. Let's hope for the best. Maybe Palmer will show up later.

All have a great day.

Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks to Suzanne for the pics she added to the E_M blogger from Sat...

Suzanne said...

LOL Hedgie, it's nice to pop in once in a while. Want to try to keep tabs on Palmer, but nobody is seeing anything more than I am. And that's a darn MT nest! Well, except for the new greenery that was added earlier. But I'd rather see Palmer.

Suzanne said...

You're welcome, Jo. Have a good time. Am out of here now!

Mema Jo said...

BEagle Well it looks as though this group has 3 of the 5 known means of healing! Do we have the other 2?

BEagle said...

The state flower chart was pretty and interesting.

I like the Mayflower in Mass.

BEagle said...


Reading the Bible.

Sleep. Which is on the agenda to help me ignore the twinges.

hedgie said...

No, Pam, no problems here on Verizon.

hedgie said...

Prayer, Jo. Our momster prayers work miracles!!

Mema Jo said...

That sounds good BEagle...

We best find #5... so we can be fully covered.....

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie Oh so well I know our prayers do work miracles

Mema Jo said...

Oh how I remember waiting for Big Boy to return and then for Ms Inbetween to come back and last & not least for Spunky to come back to the nest....
and then lo and behold all three were there at one time Talk about a group of Happy Momsters/Dadsters!

Palmer will come home! When she is good and ready and then we will all
give a sigh of relief!

Mema Jo said...

Larry's Loon Announcement is:

Minnesota Bound Live Loon Cam It's official - the loon hatch has failed

Mema Jo said...

Pam my DSL Verizon internet was good
I was on until after midnight..

BEagle said...

#5 is not coming to me at the moment for some reason.

I think it must be prayer. Have someone pray for you.

Off to rest. BBL.

Just heard a snap of something on the cam. Sounded like that noise the eagles make when ripping in to a squirrel or something.

hedgie said...

Put pics in album....even tho' they look like the same shot, only a couple are----zoomed in on our gal!!

hedgie said...

Put pics of the collapsed squirrel nest on my blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, saw your note and pic about the black eyed susan's...those are early!

paula eagleholic said...

OH, KB heard a wing flapping last night and we heard a sneeze or two around midnight...so they may have been roosting in the nest tree.

PammySue said...

What is the latest they will let someone on the NCTC grounds?

hedgie said...

Don't know for sure, Pam, but mayby dark for a Momster!!!

Mema Jo said...

Pam - the guards are there around the clock but I don't know of any time
NCTC main desk # is 304-878-1600

Mema Jo said...

Lynn You got some very good shots of Palmer.

Now I will look on your blog.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh. Hope this isn't a sign of pending trouble:

June 15, 2010 (12:56 PM CDT) Trail cam showed that June visited Hope's feeding station last night just after 10 PM. Hope appeared on the cam at 3:03 AM so we feel she is fine. However, she didn't show up at the feeding station this morning. We will be checking back to see if she returns. -- SM

Mema Jo said...

OMGoodness.... I know what you mean Lynn. I thought that June had cubs?

Mema Jo said...

I need to go to FB
Some new remarks I want to check out


hedgie said...

LOL---just noticed my typo---MAYBE is the correct typing. Duh!

Thanks, Jo.

hedgie said...

Maybe June has abandoned hers as well, Jo!

wvgal_dana said...

Jim thanks for the call over and Steve thank you we needed a new thread.

Thanks so much Suzanne for the pictures. Boy all of you that have taken pictures. I have gone back
and back again and again. Can't quite stop looking they are so good. I even go back to Wanda and Gene's.
Lynn thank you for the pictures. They were already posted in there when I went in.

Just think if we hadn't gone down
to the nest on Saturday. All those
wonderful pictures would not be there to enjoy for years to come. teehee and a lot of times a day!!

BEagle thank you for the information and how you
commented about the sore foot and wing but fast recovery.

Hope your stomach does a fast recovey too.

BEagle said...

Hello again,

Phoenix just cannot figure out what he/she is supposed to do with the fish that mom threw down.

Phoenix pecked at it and picked it up. I guess this is the process of learning to mantle....?

Phoenix just walks away and does some wing shrugs, must be waiting to get fed.

Oh well mommas little eaglet just sat on the fish. EEWWWW

wvgal_dana said...

LOL BEagle - your comment about sitting on fish.

BEagle said...

Oh Hi Dana,

Thanks. I just fed some soup to a rebellious stomach. It will clear eventually.

wvgal_dana said...

How did GG's basement get flooded???? She was watering plants not the basement???

BEagle said...

Sitting on a fish could be considered mantling by some, I suppose.

BEagle said...

We have severe thunderstorm warnings and flood warnings till
tomorrow night.

hedgie said...

Dana, Wanda watered the flowers around GG's house, from what I understand, and the water went into the basement somehow.

wvgal_dana said...

In today's newspaper about stink bugs:George Orr lost 45,000 bushels of apples due to stink bugs damage last year. Once the apples begin to grow the stink bugs suck the juice.

stronghunter said...


Still at school. Had some things to do and got really hungry. Actually felt weak, so I am munching on the last frozen dinner I had in the freezer here. It is helping.

About ready to pack up and head home.

See you later.

Still no Palmer, I see. I was hoping to get a look at her.

Mema Jo said...

Son just came to visit - brought me a very neat vest with a lighthouse on it.

BEagle I hope you feel better by the end of the day! Or maybe by supper time.

Taking a short break before supper

Ragdoll said...

Well!!! It's official!!!! I am out of school for the summer. Yep-pee-cyo-cyo-cyo. Lets go have a mango margarita.. Whoooo! Whooo!

Mema Jo said...

Take a look at NBG site

Mema Jo said...


Link to Ragdoll's song of the day

Ragdoll said...

Okay..I will try to keep it down...hee..hee.

I wish Palmer would show herself or even if we got to see one of the parents. Where is Palmer dragging her parents too. Okay, Palmer come home for something to eat and maybe a little nap.

Hedgie, thank you for sending me the info on Octobers Open House. I am already excited. Can't wait to meet you all.

Ragdoll said...

WOW, one of the eaglets is sitting there enjoying life.

Judie said...

My goodness, good afternoon.

Just got home so need to read back but for a quick visit:

Wanda, what happened at GG's. Hope it all is cleaned up by now. So sorry.

Shirley, did you defrost the last frozen dinner?

Happy summer Ragdoll! Enjoy the freedom.

Jo has a new shirt -- woo hoo!

BEagle, wishing you a speedy recovery. When in doubt...

The funeral service was lovely. The procession to Quantico was slow. The full honors ceremony was perfection. The reception following was yummy. Long day and emotional.

One nice note: walking to the car at Quantico I looked up and saw three gliding and soaring eagles. No white head/tail feathers and given the light gray underneath the wings and on the chest, they were juveniles. Just beautiful to see three soaring around each other.

Think a nap is in order. BBL

BEagle said...

Seeing NE up close and personal.
Sitting atop a camera too!

Ragdoll said...

Mema Jo, Thank you for the song. I think Shirley will relate to the song today too. You can't picture me, but try to picture me dancing to the song. Doing the heading banging and everything. LOL That how I feel.

Alice Cooper sang that on American Idol this year.

BEagle said...

Thank you Judy.

Blah....gotta go.

One of the WE twins is have a go with the wings.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley that must have been a beautiful sight for your eyes. 3 juvies soaring high in the sky. When you see something like that. It is a memory you will never forget. It also makes one have like a spiritual feeling inside ones self.

Glad for all the teachers that school is now out for. Happy vacation!!!!!

hedgie said...

What an up close and personal shot at NBG! Right on the housing!
Jo, can't wait to see your new shirt. I left my new pocketbook in the truck Sat., so you didn't get to see my lighthouse! I also got 3 Thomas Kincaid lighted houses for my birthday from Carolyn and Charlie---they found them at a yard sale for $5 each!!!

Congrats, Deb! Another year down!! I'm sure Shirley will be singing and dancing to the same tune by the end of the week!

Judie, check old thread sometime this AM for Wanda's description of the basement fiasco---from watering flowers.
Glad that the ceremony was so meaningful. Know it's been a longn day for you. And wow, what a send off to have juvies fly over---very special. Hope the family saw them.

hedgie said...

Dana, it was Judie who saw the eagles!
I saw the article about the stink bugs. KNOCK ON WOOD----haven't seen any here in over a week!!!

Ragdoll said...

BEagle I hope you feel better soon. Have to watch those deli meats.

There are new/return people on here. My cheat sheet is getting larger. Yes....I still use a cheat sheet.

Lolly, about Annie and her thyroid. As my Zackie aged he started with hypothyroid. At first they thought it was heart problems. His heartbeat was racing. After T4 test results came in they found the thyroid issue. They put him on tapazole. 2X daily. Then they remove his right thyroid. Was great for sometime. Later he went back on med., but only half a dose once a day. I was told about the injection. I couldn't afford it.

So sad about the Loon egg.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn1-Hedgie I had checked am thread a couple of times to see if there was anything about GG's basement. As to how it happened. I
must need an eye replacement...NO WAY!

wvgal_dana said...

OK Lynn1-Hedgie I had seen that comment. I was looking for one that explained how the flood happened. Which is now on this thread.

Ragdoll said...

Now that I am out of school, I have more time to fool around with the computer. I want to put picture on my blog page etc. Then you can see my ragdoll cats, grandchildren, flowers. birds etc. I have lots to share. LOL

Dana, I am glad to hear your Mom is okay. It could of been worse.

Judie said...

Hard to believe -- Diego is 10 months old. Remember as we watched and waited and watched some more? 41 lbs now.

Going for nap now, Really.

wvgal_dana said...

They are showing a closeup of one of the eaglets at Norfolk. It shows the cam. The cam looks like it have a roof or cover over it.

Does anyone else see that?

glo said...

Well read back and I see the nest remains quiet. I do think that does mean Lib and Belle are wherever Palmer is. I think they too might rather have her here and perhaps they will woo her back BUT I find some peace actually in their not being here right now. They are most likely together wherever Palmer has chosen to perfect her flying skills. Hopefully that will soon involve a stop by the nest. We do so need that.

wvgal_dana said...

The nest tree is about 25-35 feet away from the camera tree at Norfolk.

wvgal_dana said...

Eaglet just flew out of camera tree. Camera is searching around for where eaglet flew to. No not back to the nest. Still searchin around at Norfolk.

hedgie said...

LOL, Deb, I've been here over 2 yrs. and I still have to use the cheat sheet sometimes!!

I'm still not sure what your first name is, BEagle. I want to say Judy....but I'm probably wrong! That may be kickngbird.

Hey, Glo....know that B&L are doing their teaching, but do wish they would tell Palmer to come to the nest for us Momsters!

BEagle, we have severe weather alerts for tomorrow now, too. Hope you get bypassed!

Time for din-din in this roost. BBL.

magpie said...

One of the artist's pallets downtown Martinsburg has a few views...
I put a few up on Fun and Dandy

liked one so much guess I posted it twice :
" Cowboy " (because I goofed actually)

Cat lovers beware! Robins being fed an "interesting" meal...

Many of these are very nice, reverse sides sometimes as interesting as the front sides

Mema Jo said...

I am having dinner


magpie said...

Pammy Sue
crazy about the internet things, I lost it Sunday night, my brother in CT has lost it now...
Verizon here getting ready to switch over to Frontier pretty soon, think they are doing some kind of upgrades
not sure who your provider is though

stronghunter said...

Hello again!

Yes, Judie, I microwaved the frozen dinner. I wasn't quite that desperate. I was craving something warm and comforting, and it hit the spot. Just finished some sherbet, and that was frozen! By the time I got home, I was craving something cold and sweet, and sherbet hit the spot.

Just saw on the news that a black bear showed up on the Virginia Tech campus. A Hokie bear.

I really need to get some work done tonight. Not much longer. Students finished today.

magpie said...

sometimes for some reason a comment won't post on my picture blogs until I give the say-so
bothersome, it is supposed to take them for the first three weeks no problems...
this way I can get to see newer posts on older sets of pictures...

so when I get the request to publish I do...Jo, I think you had one on there about the old buildings, so it is published now

magpie said...

friend of mine and his agency (Roger Tory Peterson Institute in NY) were doing field trips during their birding festival last week, a few bears showed up ...
now that would be an exciting birding trip
this is breeding season up there, May through July...just like everywhere else I guess

stronghunter said...

Megan, I like old buildings, too. Enjoyed your pictures. I think it would be fun to paint pictures of old buildings.

magpie said...

Congratulations and Bravo to our teachers finishing their school years....

Hope you feel like a kid in a candy store right now ☺

Enjoy your well-earned break

Ragdoll said...

Magpie, Love the artists pallets. Would be nice if there was an eagle pallet..........now I know what a stink bug looks like.

Think I saw one on one of my snapdragons. Not sure. Will be on the look out.

magpie said...

there are many more buildings I would like to photograph but feel I might be considered a trespasser to get a good shot....maybe I just need to ask the homeowners when I can

magpie said...

Ragdoll! I was thinking the very same thing! Would be great to see an Eagle on one of the pallets...
folks apply to enter then their entries get judged....once a year, it is a lot of fun....
maybe I should try to contact one of the artists for next year to have them try it !

later on there is an auction...bids get quite high, Hedgie can tell you about that...not sure who gets the proceeds

magpie said...

I can imagine how high the bids would go for an Eagle pallet!

a lumber company donates the wooden pallets, and someone else donates the easels - I think, both firms out of Winchester Va possibly

Ragdoll said...

What a great and fun idea. I bet if someone does do an eagle...it would be a money maker.

Ragdoll said...

I like you old building pictures. We have lots of old buildings and bridges in Maine. I should capture some.

magpie said...

going to disappear for awhile
hope the day has gone okay, and that evening will too...
I'll be checking everyone's posts about the nest when I get back

lots of nice Father's Day cards at Dollar General...of course my father has long since passed away, but I have a lot of important Fathers in my family....need to get those cards out soon
ttfn xo

hedgie said...

The proceeds from the palette auction goes to Main Street Martinsburg---a group of donwtown business owners who work to promote the downtown area and revitalization.

hedgie said...

Had a really lousy cantaloupe---nasty taste. Too bad they can't be taste-tested before buying.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone... the blogger cop ate my post so I'll have to write another later.

Right now must get a salad made for supper.

Dana, there was a heavy rain storm a few weeks ago. GG & I had water where it shouldn't have been.

... later

paula eagleholic said...

Still no Palmer, thought we would have seen them by now.

Ragdoll said...

Hubby just came home. Going to make din-din, BBL. ^..^

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle has managed to keep her name a secret so far :)

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

I hear the mockingbird at NCTC
sometimes killdeer
and a few late night chirpers

but there is some chirping that I would really like to hear

magpie said...

thanks Lynn...knew you would know about the pallets....
they find an Eagle artist, the coffers will fill up !

I walked the entire three blocks up and down and took pics of just about all of them

magpie said...

I have a cantoloupe to open up, but I can tell you this,
fruit salad made from pineapple, blueberries and strawberries, turned out top notch! Got the idea (and a big helping of hers) from Paula on early nest visit day ! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Is BEagle the person that said. They was on another blog and had troulbe out of a person. So they don't put their name because that person has been following him/her around and presenting problems?

hedgie said...

Don't remember hearing anything about that, Dana.

Hope your cantaloupe is better than mine, Margy!

Costume Lady said...

Well, now, Margy...you may have gotten Paula's fruit salad, but, we got her Chocolate Chip Cake...to die for!

magpie said...

I believe you Wanda....
you know one of the great advantages of Bib Overalls, besides all the pockets...
lots of expandable room for a full tummy ! I know what good chefs you all are !

magpie said...

made the carelesss mistake of forgetting to empty one pocket after birdwatching/woods visit, two paper towels and one peppermint, dryer was a mess!
how did the basement situation work out, Wanda ?

Costume Lady said...

Here's what happened to flood GG's basement:
I turned the faucet on to water the garden and flower beds. It was the first time it had been turned on since last Fall. Apparently, a pipe leading into the house burst from the cold Winter we had and the whole time I had the hose on, water was rushing down the wall, into the basement. I had the hose on for a long time. After watering the garden and flowers, I filled up three trash cans that I have placed around at strategic places
(hidden behind bushes) so that we can dip water from them for the bird bath and quickly water something that has dried out without dragging the hose through the yard. So, that is how the basement go flooded from one end to the other:(
Insurance Co. has sent someone to evaluate what needs to be done and the lady said they would get a dumpster and throw out everything that is too wet to salvage (and that is just about everything). Then, they will dry out the basement with huge dehumidifiers and then clean the floors and walls of all the mold and mildew that has formed. It is pretty bad...the odor is all through the upstairs of the house.
GG's homeowner's policy has $100.00 deductible! Lucky Break!

magpie said...

that's a bluebird

magpie said...

wow, that is pretty serious but sounds like a great plan from the insurance company and a sweet deductible, Wanda...sure sorry about it all though...

wvgal_dana said...

Oh that chocolate chip cheesecake was delicious Wanda and you have some of it.

Hven't checked recent comments. Wanda how did things so at GG's?

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda if the mold and mildew smell is through the upstairs. Don't need a bacteria infection in her lungs. Will GG need to wear a mask? Will they have to deodorize the upstairs?

wvgal_dana said...

NCIS is good tonight

magpie said...

I missed the information about the funeral if / when you posted before the fact, but your report is very touching, and how profound to see those soaring eagles also

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Have been trying to read back if there was a Palmer visit. Couldn't read everything, but looks like still not in nest.
OH, Wanda, How terrible about GG's basement--just UGGH!

Today we had on the osprey cam that has the one chick. I did NOT see any food come in there until 2:30! Dad had huge fish in one foot. Little Bobble hobbled over & started licking the fish!!!!Chick had been alone & then Dad took off w/fish!!!!I assumed he was cleaning it, BUT he and Mom were gone for 40 minutes!!!!Finally everyone got some bites,then Mom was w/chick & Dad & rest of fish were gone! If there wasn't any food up to 4PM, I was going down there myself! Greg will have to talk to them!
I'm hungry now ☺. Had my salad, but gotta finish din-din. Then gotta check camera--tried to get pic of monitor when fish came in.

Ragdoll said...

OH, I just got all excited for nothing. Checked out the nest and thought I saw Palmer resting in the nest. It's the dried leaves in where the egg cup was. It's just dark enough to deceive me. POOP

Costume Lady said...

Dana, I don't have any of Paula's CCCake, wish I did! I put the leftovers in Paula's cooler.
Yes, this company will deodorize the whole house. Not bad enough to harm GG (don't think) The smell is very strong in her laundry room which is at the top of the basement stairs. there are three doors in that room, if they are kept closed, then the odor is very faint.

Ragdoll said...

Wanda, so sorry about GG's basement. I know what your going through. I got hammered this spring. We used 2 dehumidifiers, wash everything down with bleach water. Then spray bleach water everyday for a week. We also burned the wood stove we have in the basement. IT WILL GET BETTER.

Is GG eating now?

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta I can't remember. How old is the osprey chick?

PA Nana said...

Wanda, didn't know about the leak and flooding, but didn't she have water when we had the heavy rain too?

Hi again everyone. Still recuperating from last week's fall, PT and the drive on Saturday. It's only 2 1/2 hrs, but for someone with a bad back it can be torturous. PT seems to be making things worse so I canceled tomorrow's session. I"m black & blue from the massaging.

Also, from the fall, my faux shoulder is giving me a great deal of discomfort. Monday I will have the ortho doc check things out if there's no improvement.

Please pray that I'm only sore from the fall and didn't damage the metal shoulder or fracture the bone where the rod was anchored.

I"m such a klutz!!

Ragdoll said...


wvgal_dana said...

More wing exercising at Two Harbors making the fuzzy white feathers fly everywhere.

Lolly said...

Good evening! Have had the cam up all day and was hoping I would hear Palmer while going about my business. No such luck. That eaglet needs to come home!!!

Wanda, I am so sorry that so much was ruined. Yuk!

Have been waiting all day for an update on Hope. Can not help but be concerned. Of course, not at all surprising that another bear discovered the feeding station.

When June showed up and Lily left the second time there were no cubs mentioned. Also, June has been with some male bears. I think she had yearlings and sent them on their way.

Ragdoll said...

PA Nana-Diann, I hope you find relieve soon. Prayers that all will be okay and pain will go away. (((HUGS)))

magpie said...

You, go WITH Greg, Loretta !

just viewed Lynn's pics on the E-M nest visit album also, got some nice ones! We could tell from home that Palmer was sunning on that edge of the nest for all of you to gaze upon.

It is fun to do the slideshow feature on the album also... Jo
sure appreciate your effort in having these albums there and ready for us to fill up !

loved the one of Gene and Steve about to take pictures of each other, sure is a fun way to see old friends and "meet" new ones with these pictures

PA Nana said...

I see there's no sighting of Palmer except Dana's yesterday. Hope she's okay and listening to her parents.

Sorry to hear about the Loons. So sad.

I was thinking about Saturday's nest visit and remember seeing an adult eagle fly by while we sat at the parking lot. It is the first time I saw an eagle in the "wild." Awesome memory!!!
Apart from meeting those attending, this was the most memorable moment for me.

You guys are the greatest! Wanda & Gene made me comfortable and others were so kind and considerate of my "condition."


magpie said...

definitely wing flap noises just then !!!

Ragdoll said...

Daaaaa, relief...not releive. opps

Mema Jo said...

I disappeared for about 3 hours - happy to see all of you now that I have returned.
I had a fairly good cantalope from Cronise in Boonsboro. But in another couple weeks the REAL cantalopes that are home grown in Boonsboro should be out.

Ragdoll said...

OH forget it. I can't spell or type tonight.

I hope the flapping brings our Palmer to the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - was it last year that the items displayed were Butterflys?

magpie said...

when I made first nest visit in June 2008 - I didn't know a soul...(well, Hedgie and I sort of knew each other through my sister....)
But, it did not matter!
a very warm, friendly, and caring association....one is never a stranger here
I can tell how very special the day was for everyone ♥

Ragdoll said...

I hear the TRAIN.

Costume Lady said...

One other bit of information:


I hate it when people forward bogus warnings, and I have even done it myself a

couple of times unintentionally, but this one is real, and it's important.

Please send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list:

If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks

due to the warm weather, and asks you to take your clothes off and dance

around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!! THIS IS A SCAM!!

They only want to see you naked!

I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid...

Lolly said...

We have bought two cantaloupes. One was good, the second not so good. They say to smell the ends, but that never works for me.

Know only too well the the joyous feeling of school being over for the year. Relax girls and enjoy what little time you have!!

Lolly said...

Ohhhhhhh Wanda!!! roflmbo

You enjoyed it....do NOT deny!!!! ☺

Ragdoll said...

Thanks for the warning Wanda. I just e-mailed my daugthers. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did somebody say Train?

wvgal_dana said...

Diann will keep you in prayer.

Oh Wanda cute joke ( :

magpie said...

ok two complete LOL's at once
and Lolly's advice to smell the ends
Stop It !!

wvgal_dana said...

It is sort of funny at Two Harbors #06 just keeps on flapping and flapping those wings. While the other eaglet looks at it like, "What are you doing that for and ok some flapping is good but stop showing off".

Mema Jo said...

Did you really, Wanda? lol
I can usually tell a scam like that!

I heard that little noise of a click

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda, dear girl....GG should not be in the house if the mildew smell is obvious upstairs. She could be breathing in mold spores and that could be terribly dangerous..........please bring her to ytour house.

magpie said...

hey there Sharon...
been hearing quite a few trains tonight, think the muggy weather carries the sound better !
Something just went through a crossing, sounded a little like Morse Code ♥

now I have to go check out that cantaloupe, uh, I think...

Mema Jo said...

Margy, Lolly's is not really lol because I always smell the ends of the lopes for ripeness. Try it sometime.

Ragdoll said...

I second that click Mema Jo

Lolly said...

Wanda needs her Momma at her house if only to keep her from dancing around naked!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - agree with Hedgie concerning Lungs and Mold and also Cleaning agents. Gasoline and Clorox get to me
big time.

Mema Jo said...

Now Margy - Lolly's remark was an LOL

Ragdoll said...

I will have to start smelling both ends now. I usually FEEL it all over.

magpie said...

I believe you Jo (and Lolly)! I had never heard it though...just caught my funny bones big time !
I was told to see if one end is a little easier to depress in...so I will smell first, then press, then cut and sample ☺

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie is right about the mold, mildew and Cleaning agents. We had huge fans blowing out the window all the time we bleached. we drew the clean air from upstairs...down to the basement... then out basement windows. Hoping to prevent it from coming upstairs.

stronghunter said...

Stopping to say good night. See you tomorrow. I hope we will all see Palmer. She must really be enjoying flying around.

Costume Lady said...

Probably would be a good idea to bring her here (if she will come!), especially when they disinfect the basement. She has a doctor appointment tomorrow with her new doctor...I will get him to tell her that it is necessary.

Mema Jo said...

Well at 10:00 I think I'll watch Law & order with hubby. I have the live feed up (10 hrs) and the volume turned high. Holler Deb it you hear anymore clicks on the branches. Spidey is doing his job!

Mema Jo said...

That should work very well, Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

Remember the days when you could PLUG a watermelon? Or have it plugged, I guess.

Mema Jo said...

Here's to everyone buying a lope that they get the ripest juiciest one!
Ripe to the rind

Mema Jo said...

Off to TV


stronghunter said...

I will take Wanda's advice seriously: I will not listen to any tick inspectors who come to my door!

I do not eat cantaloupe, so I do not have to worry about what Lolly said, but if someone comes to the door and wants me to smell the ends of their cantaloupes, or if they want me to look for ticks on their cantaloupes, I will call Wanda and Lolly for advice.

Good night.

Ragdoll said...

Off to get jammies on and watch some TV. BBS

Costume Lady said...

You are too funny, Shirley!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I only knew all of that due to Ed had no breathing problems. Then when they started I had to find out all I could that would cause his breathing worse. Plus I had gotten a virus due to mold and
mildew from the other house. Took awhile for the Dr.to get rid of it
and quite a bit of time before I could breath better. That is why I mentioned about GG breathing that in even if she is upstairs and the flood was downstairs.

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone know WHY on the HANCOCK FORUM they are calling our eaglet "spring" still???? I thought it was explained about our dearest friend Deb Palmer that past away from us. Including how dear this eaglets name mean't to us through our struggle of lost of Deb. A connection with the eaglet as a rememberance for the rest of our lives.

PammySue said...

Just got home from visiting a friend in Shepherdstown. I was at the nest at 5:15--5:45, no sign of any eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

I just think it would be respectful of them to on the Hancock Forum to call our eaglet PALMER.

Good nite to all with prayers for those that need them.

God watch over our eaglet PALME.

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda...have heard that one beofre, but it always makes me laugh. Some people are just so gullible!! Ha, ha. I DO remember taste plugs with watermelon!! Have not heard of smelling the end----just depressing the stem end to see if it gives a little. I think what I bought is probably still from CA or South America----it is definitely NOT an eastern shore or a local melon. I need Myrtle to make an appearance so I can feed this to her!! I'll try baiting tomorrow---maybe that will bring her back.

kickngbird said...

Dana - If you haven't left yet, it was me who had someone who found my home number and bothered me at home so I'm kind of private about my info

hedgie said...

Sure glad that GG has that appmt. tomorrow, Wanda.
Loretta, sounds like you had enough osprey drama for one day!
Diann, sure hope your shoulder isn't damaged in any way. And know the trip dpwn was hard on you, but glad that you enjoyed it. How is Mike doing??

hedgie said...

Yep, ditto what Margy said---we really know a lot of people in common; we compared alot of notes that first gathering!

hedgie said...

Speaking of good friends-----do we need to send out blonde alerts for Mits and Ceil today????

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Thanks Pam! At least we know they were having Dinner out!

PammySue said...

Yeah, Jo, maybe they were having some fresh sushi for dinner. :)

hedgie said...

No, Jo....young James was there last week. Went home Sat., I believe.

magpie said...

smelled it
squished it
sliced it, diced it
salted and peppered it
inhaled it (well, not all of it)
good cantaloupe...

this was a big fruit-eating day for me, glad I had a banana or two along the way also ☺

hoping for all good things there with GG, Wanda...

Going to sign off, but listen to the cam while closing down shop here

Best wishes all, for a good night's sleep
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

Oh by the way Wanda, if you can view Suz's pics on the E-M nest visit album, some nice ones of you in there searching for your monarch butterfly eggs...and a real nice one of Gene and Lynne's Steve on the drive...with their cameras and funny grins

good night xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Law & Order:Criminal Intent was very good this evening.
I read the update on Hope - Thanks Lynn

So June is really Hope's grandma - right? Gran, and Mom and daughter Hope are all in a big circle ....

PA Nana said...

Wanda, if you're still here, Mike had a bad reaction to mold in the house he was working in. He had to go the emergency room and has to stay out of that house.

You saw him Saturday so you know he's doing fine now. They did numerous tests including x-ray and breathing tests. Gave him prescriptions and sent him home.

Please take GG out of that environment for her own safety.

Costume Lady said...

I did have a chance to look at those, Margy. I liked the one of Gene and Steve taking each other's pictures. Silly boys!


Costume Lady said...

Thank you all for your concern over GG. I'll let her read your remarks. She is a difficult cookie to deal with sometimes:)

PA Nana said...

Mmmmmm, cantaloupe. One of my favorite summer time treats. Can eat a whole one myself.

Thanks for the update on Hope. I'm wondering if Hope smells June in this territory if it will scare Hope away??? Could June be scenting this area for herself like other animals?

I know Jim is not here now, but his suggestion about reading older posts and new ones at the same time is great and I was able to do just that. Saved me some flipping back and forth. Thanks Jim!

Goodnight to all heading for the pillows. I'll be here for a while since I'm not sleepy - yet. I take pain meds that keep me awake and have to take meds to help me sleep. I hate it, but I need relief and sleep.

I miss Palmer and the H-burg falcons. Definitely the empty nest syndrome here. I'll feel better Sunday when Max & mom will be visiting. Yipee!

Be back to say goodnight from my nest.

Ragdoll said...

I gonna call it a day. I don't have to get up with the beep, beep, beep AT 5:30 AM of the alarm clock. YEA!


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Deb

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Wanda !

Mema Jo said...

Diann - when I need to go on a high dosage of Prednisone - I lie awake all night!

Mema Jo said...

I am going back the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Hugs for All

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Suzanne

Sure felt good to be able to say that again!

Lolly said...

Good night all! Time to start getting ready for bed. Kind of a down day. No Palmer, No Loon, No Hope.....it is Hope..less!

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Sweet dreams!

PA Nana said...

Jo, is miserable to be awake all night. Had a few of those myself.

Finally getting bit sleepy, so I'll close down for tonight and wish for pleasant dreams and restful sleep.

Hopefully tomorrow Palmer will make an appearance to ease any of our fears.

Prayers for health, wants and needs. God bless!

hedgie said...

Been on phone for over an hour with Mr. Bill.
Want to add one more thing for GG....I have a friend from work who almost died last year from a mold spore fungal infection in his lungs from washing down his gazebo. And he was a healthy man of 59.
Deb, enjoy sleeping in!!! Hope retirement is in your near future. Then you can sleep in whenever you want, like me!!

Margy, pineapple is way too much trouble and waste for me. Canned is just fine!!!

Yep, 3 generations of she-bears in MN!!

Good night my fine, fowl friends.
See you in the morning. Prayers for all needs being said.

magpie said...

Well, It's Tomorrow! June 16, 2010,
which means, time for

Happy Birthday Wishes, Genie, you are a real Jewell ☺ ♥

Hope you have a spectacular birthday !

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late--had school tonight, and then had to catch up some on the blog.

Golly, empty nest syndrome has struck again! Hope our rascal finds her way back to the nest at least a couple of times soon. Missing her!

Good to see some folks here that we haven't seen in a while--welcome back! Don't be strangers!

Really sorry to hear about GG's basement flood! Think it would be a really good idea to get her away from that house until it's cleaned up. Can't be too careful with mold! Prayers for everyone's safety.

Judie, sorry to hear you had to attend a funeral, but the juvie eagles sighting must have been a real heartstopping experience! Bet you never forget it!

Feel sorry for the poor loons--hope they have a much better experience next year!

Am hoping that June won't bother little Hope! She's a smart little cub, so guess she'll hide if necessary. So glad they're keeping us updated!

Well, mighty tired tonight, so think I'll call it a night. Prayers said for everyone--GG, BEagle, Diann, Dana's Mom, little Kailey--well, just everyone! The night light is on so no insomniacs trip or run into the furniture. The porch light is on, too. The eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep well, everyone--sweet dreams about our Palmer! Will talk to you tomorrow--no school for me on Wednesday! (Just homework!) God bless, and goodnight! :o]

Lynne2 said...

Guess everyone has gone to bed!

Thanks for the mountain laurel updat Margy....we are heading for the mountains this weekend and maybe they'll be blooming there, too!

But I am still so confused....near as I can find in my research, the wild rhododendron would have bloomed in May, and the Laurel will bloom now. But they look so much alike that now I am wondering which is really growing up at Savage! Whatever it is....we have been up there pretty much every weekend since early April, and it hasn't bloomed yet!

Wanda, so sorry about GG's flooded basement :( Years ago I lived in a basement apartment and the same thing happened, but I was home to see it start and we got the water turned off in time to prevent any damage. I hope GG will go to your house while the mess is dealt with. Better to err on the side of caution....

Going to bed....prayers for all and hope everyone has a good night! See you, and hopefully Crash Palmer tomorrow!

magpie said...

had the cam on until 1:30 - couldn't hear much but the rustling of the Royal Leaves with the breezes,
and a few trains passing through...

Good Night

magpie said...

oh, by the way


magpie said...

Yes, I believe so...

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...