Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Fresh thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning! Thanks for the call over Deb. Good to have a fresh thread..

Happy Birthday Dustin

hedgie said...

Thanks for call over, Diann! Hope you got your laundry room cleaned up withoout too much hassle!

Hi, Jim! Glad you survived your big day!

Headed out to retrieve my camera, run errands and meet my youngest for lunch. Sayonara.

Mits said...

good morning, everyone:).....

Minnesota Bound Live Loon Cam Are You Ready? We hope to have our first chick by the end of the day. Stay tuned, we don't want you to miss out on any of the action!

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo. It WAS a good day.






Mema Jo said...

I think that Ragdoll called us over - Diann is probably still having her laundry room cleaned from the water mess. Ragdoll must have had a free moment at school!

Palmer is still hugging the tree trunk.

Ragdoll said...

Well, back at work (School) It's starting to slow down in the mornings. Afternoons can still be busy. 2 weeks left. yaaa hoooo!!!!

Had a nice weekend at our friends up north. we finished their porch. Looks real nice. New windows, knotty pine. They are very happy.

I even went in the pond. Not bad! 68 degrees. REFRESHING LOL

We have been feeling the effects of the fires in Canada It looks real hazy, but it is really smoke. You can smell it also. Bad situation for Canada.

Lolly said...

I was watching the Loon earlier and she left the nest for quite a while. It did at times look like there was action with one of the eggs but could not be sure. Sometimes it looked like maybe it was just grass that I was seeing.

Van sold and is gone...this morning. Sad! New plates are at the dealers for the new SUV so guess we will head over that way in a little while.

Ragdoll said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JIM! I hope your day was all you wanted it to be plus more. Also Happy Birthday to Dustin.

We had lighting bugs way up in Maine also. Have never had them this early. I love to see lighting bugs

The one thing we haven't seen this year is our Baltimore Orieles. They usually arrive around May 15th. I hope they come soon.

Lolly, My heart is breaking again. I too have been watching Lily and Hope from the beggining. I can't beieve this is happening again. Please Lord, Help Hope be found and reunited with Lily again. Keep all other bears away from Mommy and daughter.

Mits, Thank you for the info on the loon cam. How exciting.

Lolly said...

Yes, I am trying to pull away from following and getting so emotional about a little bear. It is just so hard! Oh, I really am not pullihg away, just trying to harden my heart. :(

movin said...

Lisa says that the second Osprey chick "might" have hatched. Pictures show only one egg now.



Ragdoll said...

Sorry, Had to wok with students. I didn't excuse myself. Boy, My fingers don't know how to spell today.

Lolly, I also get emotional. When she was missing before I tried not to check, but I just couldn't do it. I am convincing myself that they will find her again.

Mema Jo said...

You Go BWO!

Daughter just left - was here this morning. I keep thinking it is Monday!

Ragdoll said...

Palmer just better stay where she is suppose to until it is time for her to fledge.

Two sad web cams would be too much. Just lock me up or take me behind a barn and shoot me...LOL

Mema Jo said...

Had a few very large rain drops

Don't know whether to expect more or not. Not so balmy out there today.

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to Wanda's grandson Dustin and Lynn's sister Gail

Hope these fine people enjoy their special day to the fullest ☺

magpie said...

our local paper had an article and picture about Shepherdstown's Mellow Moods...
I will send it to you

ttfn xoxo

Ragdoll said...

Mema Jo I hope you had a lovely day with your daughter.

Ragdoll said...

I have to wrap the day up again. Going to get some annual for my flower garders when I leave work.
Hope they aren't all picked over.

BBL ^..^

Mema Jo said...

Ed Clark on Eagle cam site answering questions mainly about Buddy....

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Margy!

Mema Jo said...

I still wish there were a way that NCTC would invite Buddy to the Open House. That would be so heart warming to see Buddy since we have known him ever since day one!

Mema Jo said...

That's an idea - we and others can offer building skills for the aviary for Buddy and maybe get a free visit!

Mema Jo said...

New Alert

Al and Tipper Gore have decided to separate after 40 years of marriage, the couple told friends Tuesday.

Just couldn't make 50 like us normal folks do!

Mema Jo said...

The article Margy was speaking about in the local newspaper was for Mellow
Moods, a restaurant which serves my Smoothies of any flavor you want to concoct.

Mellow Moods in Shepherstown

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break!

Palmer is still by the tree trunk.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib flew in with a fish, Palmer mantled. Then Belle flew in....trying to get the fish from Palmer, Palmer finally let her, and Belle is feeding Palmer.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer did a PS, and now Belle is eating. Palmer doing some beak cleaning.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer peeping loudly and back for more!

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think Belle is really sharing very much! She's devouring it. Lucky for her only Palmer is in the nest...with more eaglets, she wouldn't get any of the extras!

Mema Jo said...

Parent with Palmer
Eating I think - (Just came back in)

paula eagleholic said...

How lucky to be able to watch this during lunch today

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Videos of NCTC

Mema Jo said...

Most of those videos are yours, Paula

CrazyMotion site.

Mema Jo said...


Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Happy Birthday to Lynn's sister Gail and to Dustin. You both have wonderful families.

Not good news about Lily and Hope. Prayer that they can be reunited once again. This is breaking my heart.

Wishing everyone a pleasant afternoon.

hedgie said...

Hi gang. Back again!
Seems I'm doing a lot of running! Got my camera, had a great Mexican lunch with Christie, and got my truck tarred up a bit---they are paving shoulders & potholes of road to my development. Thank goodness!!
Sorry I got you mised up with Diann, Ragdoll!! Thank you for the call over!
Mema, are you saying I'm not normal??????? Ha, ha.

I saw lots of Baltimore Orioles by the orchard that my FIL use to manage for Musselman. Pretty birds!! Have never seen any here by the house. THink they like fields and orchards better than woods, but farm fields are nearby, so think they fly around once in a while.

Lolly, don't cry over the old van.
So afraid we are going to do more of that over Hope....:(

hedgie said...

Hi, Judie. Have you been to the schoolhouse and back??? Good that you beat the traffic, if so!
Yes, my heart is breaking all over again, too.
Something is backing up near the Loon nest---hear the beeping. And now gunshots???????? Oh, no!

hedgie said...

JO, how did you find the videos on that site? Wonder who put them there???

hedgie said...

For those not on FB: pics of many bandings on Catalina Island. Move mouse on each pic for caption.

PA Nana said...

Palmer almost went backwards out of the nest. Be still my heart.

hedgie said...

I also saw a big, long black snake crossing the road by the orchard. First one this season.
My statement about the Orioles should have said "think they SHOULD fly around..."

hedgie said...

Is anyone else listening to loon cam? Is it gunshots? or is it construction noise??

hedgie said...

Loon is off the nest.

ceil said...

Loon back on the nest and she rolled the eggs. Construction I think. Hear hammering

ceil said...

It is destruction on the loon cam. A house a little ways up is being torned down Larry said. He said some of the loud noises have made the loon look that way.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Ceil. Didn't see that on the side bar. Didn't realize that the nest was that close to anything!

hedgie said...

Papa loon came and hung out for a minute and now floating away as if blown by wind!

PA Nana said...

eenHere's the latest from H-burg falcons:

6/1/2010 :: Blue-Banded Male Update
This afternoon, officials from the Game Commission successfully retrieved the blue-banded male falcon that was taken by a wildlife rehabilitator for treatment. Upon recovery, the falcon will be returned to the ledge. The other two eyasses were treated as a precaution and returned to the ledge.

6/1/2010 :: Update about Blue-Banded Male
At the time of banding, signs of the trichomoniasis (trich) infection were observed in the blue-banded male. The eyas was treated with the recommended dose of antibiotic by the Game Commission's Art McMorris. Trichomoniasis is a fairly widespread infection in young raptors. After careful observation, and in response to public notification that he is not responding well, the Game Commission has decided to retrieve the eyas so that it can be re-examined and, if necessary, treated more extensively off-site by a veterinarian until he is ready to be returned to the nest. The other two eyasses, which did not show signs of trich, will be re-examined as well. Infections, parasites and other maladies are a "fact of life" in wild animals, and we are fortunate that we can give this peregrine the benefit of medical attention.

Mits said...

latest on Lily and Hope....

Lily the Black Bear June 1, 2010 - 3:44 PM
Still no sign of Hope. Lily traveled a considerable distance away but is now headed in the general direction of the area she left Hope. We are holding our breath -- hoping Lily will return and locate Hope. -- SM

Mits said...

from BWO....

Chick Alert!

We were told by a volunteer that the second chick hatched early on Tuesday morning. We have very quick-hatching osprey chicks

hedgie said...

Gee, Diann, I thought the guy said that he didn't see any sign of that when he examined them at time of banding.......what a shame that the one is slow to respond to treatment. Hope all turns out well.

Mits, sad news about ongoing Hope saga.
Good news from BWO! I have so much trouble seeing anything on that cam---just not close-up enough to see a chick when she gets up.

hedgie said...

and now cam image is very blurred and frozen at 4:55.

hedgie said...

and now cam image is very blurred and frozen at 4:55.

Mits said...

storm just went thru there, Lynn, may have knocked power out

hedgie said...

Just heard info about the Canada wildfires....hadn't heard anything before Ragdoll mentioned it. Bad news, for sure. One disaster after another in this crazy world.

hedgie said...

It's okay now, Mits....must have been something they were able to reset on site! Unless power co. is really fast there....I'm sure NOT!

hedgie said...

Heavy rains around the city, but still nothing here.

Mema Jo said...

I am back - waiting for hubby to come home with a pizza.
Lynn I found the videos by mistake..
I was watching from FB Wimp.com
silly videos.

Mema Jo said...

I have a little little tomato on the plant I got from Megan - it's called a Totem tomato - it's like a bush. But there it is
Mema Jo the Gardner lol

Mema Jo said...

I wish BWO had a zoom feature. Those chicks will need to be 3 weeks old before I see them.........

Mema Jo said...

Pizza has arrived - Lynn I am so glad I am not at the Hot Hut!


hedgie said...

Enjoy your pizza, Jo. Glad you aren't at the Hot Hut, too! Congrats on your mater---hope it continues to grow and that you get many more!! Agree about BWO!

PA Nana said...

Pardon my manners ... hi everyone!

Really sad about Hope & Lily. I hope they find each other quickly.

I remember last year's Koo and not sure I could handle another loss like that one. I also grieved for a yellow banded peregrine falcon last year. I get too attached to these animals.

Mema Jo said...

I best repeat on here in case anyone did not receive the Momster email for the June Birthdays................

June 5 Thelma Farley aka TBird

June 16 Jewell McCollough aka Genie

June 23 Carol Mick

I also mentioned June 20th to remember Liberty on Father's Day!

Mema Jo said...

Feds open criminal probe of Gulf oil spill

Link is to an article

Mema Jo said...

May have to sit out on the deck this evening - the smell of Honeysuckle is
overwhelmingly wonderful!


paula eagleholic said...

Cool, 2 chicks at BWO

Palmer really hugging that trunk

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Dustin!

And to Lynn's sister as well!

Lolly said...

Ha! June 20th! A fantastic day! It will be our 45th anniversary, and a special one. We were married on a Sunday, a Father's Day. Four o'clock in the afternoon...on Sunday. Wow! A lifetime ago!

hedgie said...

Diann, we all grieved over the horrible situation with Koo. Were you with us here then? I don't remember!

paula eagleholic said...

Adult just arrived!

Lolly said...

No egg hatching yet at the Loon cam. Saw a switch and an egg roll. I was afraid he/she was going to roll the egg into the water. ha!

Oh, poor little Hope. Hungry once again!

paula eagleholic said...

Don't see any food...

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe there is! Palmer just made a mad dash over to Lib and is mantling

paula eagleholic said...

I saw my first ever bluebird in my yard today. Flew down from the neighbors roof for some tasty bit in the yard, and flew back up. Don't have any clue where it is nesting.

Palmer has the fish and is facing this way.

paula eagleholic said...

Now whining at Lib

paula eagleholic said...

Wants to be fed, I think, nope maybe not, LOL. What a teaser.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is one big girl....
That is a pretty large fish...
No sharing whatsoever!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is getting the hang of it....ripping into the fish now.

Lib digging at the back

paula eagleholic said...

gotta go toss the balls for the dogs, NUgz is being a pest! BBL

Mema Jo said...

I hear the neighbor's dogs and Palmer

Paula, I have seen one pair of bluebirds out at daughter's. They are so beautiful! Then another day I saw
the Indigo Bunting - now that is a blue like a blue you have never seen before.

hedgie said...

She's getting the hang of it, big girl!!

Mema Jo said...

I have been observing Palmer and her dad and 1 fish........ She coaxed him into feeding her but Lib ate a lot himself before he fed Palmer. She was just chirping and chirping.

Dad is gone and now the Wing Flappin'

Mema Jo said...

June 5 Palmer will be 11 weeks and
bet my bottom dollar she will fly the
coop very soon after that!

Wish our nest had some low branches that she could jump on.

WOW ! I thought she was going over on that jump from the tree trunk to 1:00

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Stopping by very quickly to say hello before leaving for school.


Will BBL tonight when I get home.
Gotta run! Have a great evening!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Luck, Andy!

Jo, those indigo bunting are gorgeous. I've seen a couple, but not around here.

hedgie said...

Jo, lady from Frederick on Jeopardy!!

Mema Jo said...

Daughter has a wooded area and that is where the Indigo showed up at her feeders.

Going to check that out Hedgie!
Hope she does well!

Mema Jo said...

My live feed stopped at 30 - When I hit the start again it went to 00.

Watching Jeopardy. BBILW

movin said...

jUST glancing at the BWO. I can see 2 chicks being fed, and I can't see the third egg, so....... ??


Mema Jo said...

BWO standing but I can't make out chicks.

Mits said...

update from BWO....

Chick Alert!

The chicks are very small, but it's clear we do have two that have hatched, and we still have one egg remaining.

Mema Jo said...

Thank goodness for Lisa's arrows pointing to the little chicks!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie -- I missed the introductions on Jeopardy - Was it the lady that won or the one that came in 2nd?

PA Nana said...

Lynn, I was with you throughout the whole ordeal with Koo. I also was with you guys on the sideline with Hedgie. I didn't join the blog until the end of April, I think.

Going to catch up ... bbl

paula eagleholic said...

Just saw the loon roll the egg, boy she really flips that puppy over, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer hunting for nestovers

Mema Jo said...

Palmer looking for nestovers

Watching a repeat of Criminal Minds


PA Nana said...

duh, I mean Hidey

stronghunter said...

Good Evening,

Trying to unwind from the day.

I have read parts of the blog, but I am not caught up with everything.

Happy birthday, Dustin and Gail!

hedgie said...

Jo, she was the soft-spoken one on the end. Cheryl Parrott.

Okay, Diann......now I'm confused. "On the sidelines with Hedgie"....????? Lost me!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer was moving sticks out of the bowl so she could plotz there.

PA Nana said...

Palmer seems bored. It won't be long.

I'm a bit bored myself so I say goodnight now in case I don't get back later..

Going to watch some tv with the guys. Youngest starts his new job tomorrow so I'll have the house to myself for a few hours. Yipee!!!

Will probably check back for any updates on Hope, Palmer, etc. before I go to bed.

Pleasant dreams and prayers for all needs & wants.

Mema Jo said...


What a wing spread!

I think she is still hungry

Mema Jo said...

Like Lolly said earlier about the loon

Looks like they could roll right off into the lake


paula eagleholic said...

She seems to roll it end to end. Flip!

hedgie said...

OK, Di!!! Gotcha now!!
Hi, Shirley! How did the 2 kids with rejection papers react.

Mema Jo said...

Watching a Hallmark movie


paula eagleholic said...

Man, spidey is swinging around like crazy!

paula eagleholic said...

Loon eggs have been in view, just heard a call, pretty!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, she back, flip and a wiggle

paula eagleholic said...

Have never seen the spidey acrobatics/aerobics....swings waaay down there and back up

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is laying right under the cam, at least we can see her tonight.

stronghunter said...

Just heard a loon call. The loon is off the nest.

Lynn, the two kids tried to bribe me (joking, I hope), and one of them wanted to know what his grade would be if he just left things as they are. I told them that I would not take a bribe and that if they do not fix the problems they would not pass English. And then I told them they should say, "Thank you for the opportunity, Mrs. Phillips." They laughed and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Phillips." We will see what happens next.

Loon is back. Tucked the eggs under her. I see what you mean about the eggs looking like they could roll into the lake, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Loon back in the water.

Lolly said...

Loon is back. Did not roll the eggs this time, thank goodness! Do eggs float?

stronghunter said...

Lolly, when I put eggs into the water to boil, they don't really float. Just tested to be sure. One end floated, but the other did not, so the egg sat on the bottom on one end. Don't they have an air pocket? I will have to check that out. Of course, I used a chicken egg.

stronghunter said...

Did some quick research--eggs do have an air pocket. As the egg gets older, the air pocket gets larger. If an egg floats, it is probably bad.

stronghunter said...

Let's just hope that we do not find out if loon eggs float!!

It kind of looks like there is a little barricade between the eggs and the water.

Lolly said...

Yes, it would probably sink. Getting sleeping here watching the Loon. The sounds and motion are putting me to sleep. LOL

stronghunter said...

It is still light in Minnesota.

NatureNut said...

Getting on late today, But Hope DUSTIN & GAIL HAD A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

I'm so sorry to read that Lily & Hope are apart again!They need a "GPS chip" on that baby. However I saw some pics of a few weeks ago when the were foraging and little Hope was eating blueberry flowers. I know that's not enough, but at least she might find something. Hopefully it hasn't rained and Lily can track her.
Diann, PA Nana, I went bonkers over the Koo situation last year & I'm not watching that nest this year.I love the animals but not what goes on there.

stronghunter said...

I remember how cute those little loon babies were last year.

Judie said...

Good late evening, everyone.

Yes, I got to the school house and was able to transfer 3 VHS programs onto DVDs. Then was rained on. Then received an email that a student who did not attend classes has challenged his grade claiming the grade was based on my not liking him because he didn't come to classes -- stupid kid.

The police/neighborhood watch coordinators pot luck was very nice. What officers could not be there get all the leftovers when they come in.

Andy, hope school was good tonight.

Boris is busy and Palmer appears to be sleeping. Am very, very troubled about Lily and Hope. I hate to think of that adorable baby not surviving.

Well, I think I've had enough for today. Glad others seem to have had a pleasant one. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for Andy so she can set our alarm.

stronghunter said...

Looks like a light has come on at the loon nest. I guess it is getting dark now, though it looks like a good bit of light is reflecting off the water.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I hope you are not expected to respond to such a foolish challenge.

stronghunter said...

I am going to head upstairs. Tired. Need sleep. See you tomorrow. God bless.

NatureNut said...

Wow, just checked Loon Cam~~what a beautiful sight and sounds! Almost like you're camping!
Speaking of that, a school group checked in to a campsite this AM, then at 1 PM had a boatride and an educational program we call "Tidal Treasures". They're spending the night! We never had any field trips like that!!☺
Since the rain stopped this PM, I took my own field trip over to Merkle (State Park) to see the lady slipper area. All the flowers have died & none of the little sprouts had any, so I guess it takes more time to mature. Saw lots of bunnies and box turtles.
Need to put up turtle Xing signs!
Wanda should be interested that I learned a coworker who was at PRP on Sunday saw SIX snapping turtles!!

stronghunter said...

Definitely getting dark at the loon nest. That plant near the cam looks strange with the light shining on it.

Bye for now.

Lolly said...

Do not know what is going on. Jack is on the computer and I am in my chair with laptop. Heard Annie crying. She wasn't out asking in, went looking for her. She was in the middle of the bedroom floor...crying. (Meowing!) Jack sat on the floor and held her...she is wet, back end and tummy. Doesn't smell. Do not know what is going on. She is or has been a very healthy cat. She is 15 this month.????????

NatureNut said...

Gonna watch a little TV & will probably konk out in chair. If so, hope everyone has Pleasant Feather Dreams~~prayers for all & especially Baby Bear ♥

Costume Lady said...

Before everyone goes to bed...
THANK YOU for Dustin's Happy Birthday wishes...I can't believe he is 16 already! Where did the time go?
Absolutely no driving the Eagle Express for him! LOL I believe it was Helen who asked him when he was going to get the keys:)

paula eagleholic said...

LOlly, fell in water bowl or toilet?

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, maybe Annie fell into the toilet??

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Paula:)

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, wonder if one of those turtles was Snappy? What fun that was...couldn't believe that Greg let me hold that monster...can't believe that I did:)

magpie said...

Those were some of the best pictures we had from that road trip, Wanda !

Lolly - hope Annie is or will be okay, let us know...

Good Night, all,
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Great minds do think alike! I was thinking the same thing. LOL!
Paula, you can stop the Boris activity updates any time!!! YUCK.
Shirley, those kids don't appreciate you.
Judie, surely hope you don't have to defend your action with that el stupido student!
Wanda, how is GG today? Did I see Gene working in her yard today??
Loretta, can't imagine the guts of a teacher who would chaperone a field trip like that!!

Lolly said...

Tpilet lids are all down in this house.

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

I am concerned as she has been spending a lot of time outside. She loves the patio...does not venture far. She has been in all evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, was posting it so you wouldn't watch!

paula eagleholic said...

i THINK spidey has gone to bed now, LOL

Costume Lady said...

GG had a good day...pulled weeds around the perimeter of her garden while Gene and I put a "Deer Proof" cover over the top of the fence. It looks like an aviary. Will post a photo when it is finished. Gene asked her what she would do if she got up tomorrow and had a deer caught in the netting, and she said "well, I guess we will have venison for supper" LOL.


Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn, you did see Gene working in the yard and garden at GG's. We got a LOT done...not much more to do now!

Judie said...

Came back to check for updates on Lily and Hope.

Yes, I do have to defend the grade. The student has filed a formal complaint -- his grade was arbitrary and capricious. Spent the afternoon working on my response and documenting expectations for the course assignments. As I say, I am becoming very weary of what used to be such great fun.

No word on the bears.

Lolly, can understand your concern. Maybe Annie just got into a wet flower pot? Wishing all is well.

Okay, this time I am leaving until tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone.

hedgie said...

Seriously, tho' Lolly, hope that Annie okay.
Goodnight, Margy! Sleep tight.

hedgie said...

Paula, as soon as the web starts to show, I close the cam!

NatureNut said...

Back~~had to read all the last few bear updates. Since I'm reading the N.Am. bear site, the last one on there was from late last night when Sue saw Lily take off w/June behind & Hope in tree. Does fb have more current?
Lynn, I saw a few parent chap-erones w/the group & when I was leaving late, saw a few cars heading down there. They had all their tents up. What fun!
Wanda, I'll have to ask Joel! He's the one who saw them & said some looked as big as a tire! Yes, you were brave. It's OK as long as the mouth can't reach you, but I wonder how long is their neck!!!

hedgie said...

Judie, it stinks! Hopefully, you will prevail! Goodnight, Prof!

NatureNut said...

(Please excuse the typos ☺)
Back to news--don't know if I want to see it~~~Like, Put a Durn cap on that well!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Finished my movie and it was very good.
But I now have about 50 comments to go through before I speak......

hedgie said...

Would sure like to get an encouraging report on Hope tonight............

hedgie said...

Loretta, they are all brave chaperones! Kids can sure be a handful.
I don't think the turtle's neck is TOO long---that size turtle, maybe about 5-6 inches, maybe? I just would think that they would be awfully heavy and not happy to have their tails pulled like that!

Mema Jo said...

Going to now check out one or two cams
BRB but Good night to all of you turning in for the day.

hedgie said...

WOW! Humongous sinkhole in Guatemala---100 ft. wide and 250 ft. deep. Swallowed a three story bldg.! Storm related, they say.

Mema Jo said...

463 viewers at the Loon Cam but it is only 10:14 out there....
583 watching adult and Phoenix who is getting some pin feathers....
Wildwatch Eagle out on branch and eaglets are quite large in the nest....
Wildwatch osprey still has yellow netting in nest and is incubating eggs.

hedgie said...

Heading for tub. Will check for a Lily update before I turn in.
Goodnight all. Pleasant dreams. Prayers for all in need.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I don't have any suggestions as to what is going on with Annie.
I really hope she settles down and has a good night.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Jo. She has gone under the bed, I think. Has settled down, but this is not like her. She has been asking to go out lately, spending the night on the patio.

Saw this posted, a video of the first capture of Hope.
First Capture of Hope

Loretta, the last this posted on facebook was they had not found, but that Lily was headed back in the direction where she had left Hope. Waiting for a post for tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Update on Lily - Going to read it

Mema Jo said...

Should have made this bold

Lily - Hope Update

Link to update

Lolly said...

Was just coming over to post that, Jo. Thanks for putting it up. Does not sound too good for Hope.

Heading to the shower now.

Nite all! Prayers for Hope and all God's creatures.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Didn't realize how late it was.
Lunch tomorrow with ex co-workers.
I read Lily/Hope's update... I really do think if they get Hope again that if they want their study to be thorough that they should put that
micro-chip in her. If cats can get them so get little bears!

Mema Jo said...

Headed back the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for All
((hugs to all)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just dragged in from school. Got all my transcription done, and now must do about 10 new word definitions, and I'll be done with that class for the week.

Judie, can't believe they're making you defend your grade for that goofy student! In the English I class I'm taking, if you miss 2 out of 12 classes, you're automatically flunked--no ifs, ands, or buts!

Lolly, hope Annie is OK! Wonder if she got into a sinkful of water, or something. Prayers for her, for sure!

Still upset about the Hope situation. Big-time prayers are continuing!

Well, think I'll call it a night. Am leaving the night light burning. The porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Pray that we all sleep well tonight! Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Update not very encouraging at all. Crying here. Can't bear to think of that poor baby alone and starving. She seemed so strong in that new video of the first recovery..........prayers for Hope and Lily, too.
Goodnight, Andy and to all again.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Only a moment to post comments before I take off to, as Judie says, "the big schoolhouse."

It is a pretty day, supposed to be hot, though.

The bear update is really troubling.

Lolly, I hope your kitty is okay. Maybe you should call the vet if there are other problems today.

That was an astonishing sinkhole, Lynn.

Did you know that the insurance company pays less for a mammogram if you have had breast cancer than if you haven't? That is what I was told yesterday. They want those who have never had cancer to be encouraged to get tested. Does that make sense?

Have a good day, all. I will see you later.

stronghunter said...

Judie, good luck with the grade challenge. In dealing with students, I have often said that it is amazing how things get to be my fault.

stronghunter said...

On the breast cancer thing, I am not saying that those who have never had cancer should not be encouraged to be tested, I am just wondering if they think that those who have are somehow disposable.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Just a quick stop to say hello before heading for coffee and newspaper.

Palmer appears to be eating up next to the tree trunk.

New of Lily and Hope is troubling but am praying for a good outcome.

Lolly, Shirley has a good idea. Take Annie in for a checkup as a precaution.

Have to check on the other critters and then work a little on my grade defense and then having a "catch up on events" lunch with a friend.


Mits said...

Good WEDNESDAY morning..update from Larry...

Posted on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 6:30AM

50 degrees Light Rain Wind North 5mph

The mate of the loon on the nest swims very nearby.

Can it sense something about to happen?

Several crows call and the loon on the nest sits up and becomes more attentive. And then starts looking around. Looking up at the sky.

There is a wail from the loon nearby.

And then a tremolo call. And then more tremolos. The loon on the nest looks up at the sky again.

Sure enough, there is an eagle! But fortunately for this morning, the eagle is only interested in searching the lake for a meal of fish and continues flying. Both of the loons relax.

This contest between loon and eagle is one that is rooted in the shadows of history that goes back to ages unknown. But it is deep. It is indelible. It is one the loon cannot and does not ignore.

But for now, the danger has passed and the loon settles back to concentrate on the job at hand. Eggs and chicks.

Today is the 28 day mark for the first egg that was laid.

Can it already be four weeks ago?

But on the other hand, can it be only four weeks ago?!

So much has happened in those four weeks. Snow and heat and wind and rain and drought. The loon has seen it all. And stayed with it all.

So today, the vigil continues.

The vigil to watch for those little tell tale hints that something may be happening beneath the loon. That an egg might be hatching.

I saw one a few minutes ago. That slight twitch of a wing!

But was it my imagination? Or did the loon simply need to move its wing a little bit after holding it in place for so long? How much was actually there and how much was my desire to see some sign?!

So we wait. And watch. And hope.

Another bit of loon lore for you this morning.

As you watch a loon in person on your favorite lake, or maybe if one of the loons is very close to the nest but in the water, watch to see how high or low in the water it sits. It can control how high it sits in the water!

There are times when a loon feels threatened or when they are concerned about something that they will sit with not much more than their head out of the water. Their whole body is underwater. And if you were not watching for it, you would never know there was a loon in the water - maybe even very close to you!

A loon can literally sink out of sight. Not by swimming or diving. But just by literally sinking.

There are 3 or 4 things involved in its ability to do this magical disappearing act.

Unlike most birds whose bones are hollow, loon bones are almost solid and therefore much heavier than other birds. It is part of the reason that a loon needs such a long 'runway' to take off from the water. And because the bones are almost solid, they are less buoyant than a duck or a swan.

But there are a couple other unique things about loons that help them to sink out of sight when danger approaches.

They are able to squeeze the air out from between their feathers and this gives them less buoyancy. But they also have 'air bladders' in some of the muscles of their body. And by contracting the muscles around those pockets of air, they are able to reduce their buoyancy and literally sink out of sight with hardly any other movement.

Watch for it the next time you see a loon.

But today, there are more important things to watch for!

We have CHICKS to watch for!! Is today the day?

Lolly said...

Good morning! No new report on Hope or the search for Hope. Dern!

Woke up early, almost afraid to go looking for Annie. She did ask out as we were going to bed, but told her no. She did not protest, very unusual. We slept through the night without her asking out. Very unusual. She was in the middle of the den floor. She stretched when I walked out then purred when I petted her. She slowly walked to the back door and asked out, I let her out, she walked a few feet and laid down. Something is not right. To the vet she goes today, but SHE PURRED!

Lolly said...

Have an appointment to take Annie in this afternoon. It was the earliest they could get her in. So, I will just keep a close eye on her. One thing we were wondering about....did she fall in the pond or stream? But, think we would have noticed that when we let her in. hmmmm?????? It is a mystery. The only other water is her water dishes and there was no sign that she had spilled them...dry on the floor around them.

Lolly said...

Checked on the Loon after checking on Hope. No hatching yet! Did hear what sounded like a helicopter make several passes. Interesting.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Happy belated birthday Dustin!!!! Hope it was a great day! I am working and trying to sit still. Fell down the steps at the camper Monday and busted my looking glass good!!!

Lolly said...

Going to get Annie in and then mow. Going to get Jacob and Joseph tomorrow so can not mow Th or Friday.

Have a great day everyone.

Mits said...

newer pic of BWO chicks on their site....

Here's a clearer photo of our two chicks and the remaining egg.

Lolly said...

Hope your tush is feeling better, Sissy!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy belated birthday to Jim too!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

My tush is killing me and, of all things SWOLLEN! Now, really, who needs a swollen tush!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I am in WV, working on possibly selling the house. More will be revealed.

Mits said...

got my fingers crossed for your Sharon, that would be a load off your mind:)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Doesn't seem like it is already Wed.... Good to hear from everyone this morning... I really do miss Norma being on here...Maybe if she comes on the 12th we will be able to fix that problem.
Lolly I sure hope Annie does well at the vet.. you may never know why the wetness - my long hair really cleans himself to the point of his hair being soaked - but not all over his body.
I have lunch scheduled today.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - good luck - hope a buyer comes by today!

Sissy - soon Baby soon you will learn to walk on those 2 feeties without tumbling down! ((hugs))

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I don't know Mema Jo, I am thinking I am destined to be this clumsy the rest of my life!!!! I miss Norma too!

Mits said...

Lily the Black Bear Lily is on the move. We anxiously wait to see if she heads back towards where she left Hope. -- SM

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - where are you?

hedgie said...

Morning all!
Very cool info, Mits. Thanks for posting! Isn't nature wonderful?
Sissy, so sorry you are hurting so. Hope you have something soft to sit on.
Good luck, Shar, on selling house. That will be a big load off your mind........will you stay in Bedford with Thelma, or buy or rent back in Bluefield??
Lolly, glad you got the vet apptmt. for Annie. Keep us posted.
Shirley---if you check in---I think you should complain to the state insurance commissioner. One thing for sure: under the new regs, they won't be able to discriminate in that way; and for those on Medicare, annual mammograms will be free!

Mema Jo said...

Well Palmer is at 2:00 in the nest and not on the side rails!

hedgie said...

Lake water at Loon cam looks like it's an incoming tide right at the nest!! Dizzying to watch.

Mema Jo said...

I am very anxious to see that little fluffy black fuzz ball peek out from under the adult loon.
I'm not sure how the chick will get back up on the platform after that 1st swim. It seems to be high!

hedgie said...

Update on FB: Lily is on the move. We anxiously wait to see if she heads back towards where she left Hope. -- SM

hedgie said...

Oops---now see that Mits already posted that!

hedgie said...

I am watching one of the episodes of the LIFE program----the least desirable one: Hunters. Don't like to watch the actual predation.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I will stay in Bedford I reckon.

hedgie said...

Is it just me or are the BWO pics---and cam---blurry as H???

Mema Jo said...

It is you Lynn! Blink and it will be all better.

Mits said...

seem find to me, Lynn

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...