Thursday, June 10, 2010


New thread.


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Ragdoll said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread. I will let other know.

Ragdoll said...

Oh Hedgie, You beat me to it. Thank you!

Good Morning All! Another busy day but I will be in and out. Four more days of school. Then I am out of here. whooooo!! whoooo

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Students are busy with their chemistry test. It is very quiet. I hope they do well.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dana, it will be me, T-Bird, Mattie and Justin.

hedgie said...

What did I beat you to, Deb??

Shirley, no---it isn't hope they are talking about. It's a younger cub found in ALaska that is being relocated to Texas. Lolly posted links to story and the sanctuary last evening.

Morning all!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn. I was beginning to think it was a different bear.

Ragdoll said...

I maybe wrong. When to get others and I thought you had already posted it. Maybe is was someone else. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land Deb, Lynn1-Hedgie and again Sharon.

Oh I didn't like that post so I'm glad it is wrong. About moving Lily. That just would not make sense because they are going to fix a transmitter on Hope. That way they can see if she and Lily get back together. That is after Lily does her MAN LOOKING THING. lol

wvgal_dana said...

OOPPPSSS Shirley it wasn't mean't to leave you out in the morning welcome. Morning LADY!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Dana.

Whoa!! I thought Palmer was gone that time.

movin said...







movin said...

At least the oldest BWO chick is standing up most of the time this morning.



Ragdoll said...

Did look like Palmer was going all the way. eeeeek!!!

I am so happy Hope is doing so well. She is the sweetest, cutest little thing. The other cub was cute too.

stronghunter said...

Went back and found the bear story. That little bear is very cute. I think we have to realize that Hope would not be doing so well without the intervention of Dr. Rogers, and if this little bear doesn't have a Dr. Rogers, then something else needs to be done.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for catching me up. Sometimes, I miss sections of the blog.

movin said...

Close-up of fledgling at Norfolk.



Lolly said...

Good morning! Sorry to confuse you on the story of the Alaska cub. It was on the news here and so I searched for the story on the internet. Such a cute little cub, but he is going to a great place. Jack and I talked about it and we will be going there soon. Yea!

Lolly said...

I am going to be heading out to mow. Jack has a teleconference at 10:30, so he has already started. So, I am heading out now. My back is better and I will be on the riding mower. ☺ not, I repeat, do not fledge until I am back.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Morning Everyone! Almost a full house here on the blog this morning. I have a lunch date today. It took me a while to spot Palmer up there around 11:00. Stay Put!
Jim did you see the photo Lisa put up of the BWO lunch line?
Lolly - you're gonna do it - go feed that little bear cub! Wonderful!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land Lolly and our yawning Jim (:

There is a robin on my railing. I think he wants me to turn the laptop around so he can watch the birds. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land Mema Jo.

Calling for some showers for Saturday. Pray it changes days and Saturday will be nice and clear.

hedgie said...

Deb, I brought everyone over yesterday and the day before! But you are #1 today!!

movin said...

Yes, Mema Jo, I saw Lisa's BWO picture this morning.

All three standing tall in the chow line. They seem to be doing fine.



wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

From Raptor Education Group:

Eagle Release

wvgal_dana said...

Well that blue link for photo contest did not work. Calling to find out what the problem is. brb

wvgal_dana said...

WOW Lynn1-Hedgie did you read along side the "eagle release" you posted. Of all the different help they have given to animals and wildlife?

stronghunter said...

Have had a few things happen. Two restroom emergencies that required an escort. They can't go alone. And three computer battery problems. They did not get to charge the computers as long as they needed to.

wvgal_dana said...

That was my delete back there. Ok got all information on PHOTO CONTEST.


Mema Jo said...

Hang in there, Shirley - It's almost 11:00

hedgie said...

Finney has a second hatch!!

Mema Jo said...

Going to get ready for lunch...

Do everything possible to keep Palmer in the nest.. It is such a pretty day to be up in the thermals... Do your best!


Judie said...

Thank you, Steve.

So glad the bears got sorted properly. Scared me when I read Hope was being moved.

Jo, have a nice lunch.

Shirley, it's really almost over.

Hi Dana, Jim, Lolly, Ragdoll, Lynn.

Think I'll head to the kitchen and take care of some cooking ahead stuff while I watch Food Network. My hair stylist is having a party for her high school graduating daughter who loves my chocolate chip walnut cookies so going to bake some for her.


Lynne2 said...

Good morning everyone!

That Palmer isn't going anywhere til we get there. I just know it!

OK, to all Western Maryland and WV panhandlers....could someone let me know when they see Mountain Laurel start blooming?? We wanted to make a point of going to Big Run to camp when they bloom. Last year we went end of June and it appeared that they had already bloomed. SO, I was thinking that they may be starting now....but I just called the ranger's office and they are not. Now I am thinking that maybe we were too early last year?

Thanks for the link Dana. Can't wait to meet you in person Saturday!

Ragdoll said...

Lolly,I hope your back is feeling better. Be careful doing the mowing even if it is a ride-on mower.

Dana, yes there are 2 eaglets in Maine. Here is the site.


I am a school, so I had to type it for you.

Hedgie thank you for the Eagle Release site. I would love to be there when they release those eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

It's still Good Morning in Eagle Land to Lynn2 and again Judie.

Thanks Deb I had been putting up the first one (pine tree). Did not have the 2nd eagle webcam in favorities on here yet; happy face y now I do ( :

hedgie said...

Deb, Shirley and Judie went to a release last year in VA!

Can't see any eaglets or adults at Maine right now. Here's a ready-link if anyone needs it:
Maine Nest

Not sure we'd see anything anyway until they get really big since cam pic is so small and zoomed out so far.

wvgal_dana said...

I see the two eaglets at Central Maine. Nice shot ty Lynn2.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh parent has brought a nice size fish into eaglets at Central Maine.
Feeding the two of them. Hmmm neither stole it for themselves. Like parent feeding them LOL

Ragdoll said...

Well, word is going around that the school is going to move around the Ed Techs. So I maybe somewhere else next year. We don't know who is moving yet. I have done lots of kindnergarden and special education. They pulled me here this year. (Career Center Coordinator-High School) because I have experience in this field. I replaced a teacher this year. The teacher became ill-disabled in September. Along with shifting around they are letting some go, do to budget cuts. Yuk!!

So I am asking please for prayer on this situation. Thank you.

Mits said...

Good Morning, everyone....latest updates from PA Falcon cam....

6/10/2010 :: The Latest on Blue
Blue will not be released to the ledge this week. Yesterday, his weight was 510 grams. The wildlife rehabilitator would like to get his weight up to 600 grams before considering the release. In addition, his feather development is delayed. We'll keep viewers updated on his progress.

6/9/2010 :: Fledgling Update
White has remained on the ledge since he was rescued from a boxed in low rooftop yesterday morning. The adults are withholding food from him at this point so that he'll take flight again. Then, many of the food transfers will take place in flight. Red is on top of a nearby building. He's been taking some good strong flights the past two days. Blue should return from wildlife rehab tomorrow or Friday to be released on the nest ledge.

6/8/2010 :: The Latest News
Red had a good flight from the roof and is on the nest ledge now. The rehabilitator would like blue's feathering to develop a little more before release. We're planning to return blue to the ledge Thursday or Friday of this week.

Mits said...

prayers for your situation, RD

wvgal_dana said...

Oh DEB surely prayers for this situation will be sent up. grrr I'll never understand budget cuts
for teachers.

Take some people off of welfare and give that money to the teachers. They don't even keep up with some on welfare to know they are not trying to get jobs.

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, the first eagle cam was a no go this year. If you go to the second cam, they have 2 eaglets. About 2 weeks younger then Palmer. It's a still cam and very slow. Has night light.

movin said...

Did you hear that Finney's second egg has hatched??

Suzanne was telling me, but I don't see a note on the site yet.



NatureNut said...

Happy TH Everyone. Palmer was just at 1 o'clock, but then I heard squealing & she was flapping across the nest!
Got home late last night~~tried to get as much work done, so I can maybe take off early on Fri.
Yesterday finally saw some Mom deer w/their little "Spotties" and one fox came by twice.

movin said...

Palmer's getting antsy.

Eaglet at BWE; feeding at BWO.



wvgal_dana said...

I'm wondering if Belle and Liberty are flying around out there. Temping Palmer to come out of the nest. I hope not...come on bring Palmer a nice size fish.

movin said...

A lot of flapping, standing on launch pad with wings spread, facing into the wind..............!!!



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Palmer is back at the launch pad.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Criminy! This makes me nervous!

NatureNut said...

This may have been mentioned~~I haven't read all back posts~~but last night on News, they said some of the Gulf birds that need cleaning and rehab will be coming to MD--the Nat'l Aquarium in Baltimore!! I wish I lived closer!

glo said...

Oh my not now honey there's gonna be a party in just a couple of days :-)

hedgie said...

Oh, gee, thanks, Ragdoll. I had the wrong cam!!! Now I've got it right and DO see everything! Duh!

Yes, Jim, I posted it a little ways up (Finney hatch, that is!)

Thanks for Harrisburg update, Mits. Sure hope Blue recovers completely and thrives.

glo said...

She sure is interested in whats just off that nest isn't she. Hmmm big fish with MaMa or PaPa maybe.

NatureNut said...

I think Palmer wants lunch!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't guess I will ever be able to watch an eaglet at that launch pad without thinking about Spunky! What a morning that was!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Carol....Just thought I would say "hope your having a good day at work". Was very nice talking with you yesterday. Hope you had a chance to eat something lol
Take care sure hope you can come to Oct 23rd Open House this year.

glo said...

LOL I hear ya Sharon. So true very very true indeed. Know the spot and has awesome memories associated with it.

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta if that is true maybe Ceil will be in on that or gets to see some of it. Ceil do you think you will?

glo said...

Hopefully Spunky is 4 now and choosing a mate.

Ragdoll said...

Thank you for the prayers. I appreciate it.

I don't trust this school system at all. They're always up to something. My hubby was the Master Electrician for the whole school system for 21 years. Two years ago they had to cut $200000 out of the budget. So they let my hubby and a science teacher go. Both over 62 yrs. old. They have no loyalty......this is the best part...they are now hiring out to private companys, paying twice the amount they were paying Bob. It's costing more now, but on paperwork it looked good for that June budget.

They can't hire another electrician for 5 years. If they do there could be a law suit for age discrimination.

When this happen we also lost our health ins.


Ragdoll said...

Hey, my live feed went down. I had to start it again by pushing the BIG GREEN button. Has anybody else had this problem?

I missed all the Palmer excitement.

wvgal_dana said...

This isn't about eagles or wildlife. It is about a different product that my pain doctor is having me try. Since I'm having trouble with other drugs. It is called "Pennsaid". It is a oil liquid.
Wanda for GG, plus when your knee get to hurting you. It is good for that too. Look it up on the internet EVERYONE that has knee, neck, back, shoulder, arm and etc pain. It may help some of you. My doctor gave me a sample then if it works a perscription.

glo said...

Well things seem to have settled down a little bit. Have a good day. I hope you all can have a nice launch party or is that lunch party :-)

Ragdoll said...

Palmer is taking a rest.

hedgie said...

Deb, sure pray that your job is safe. Too bad about what they did to your hubby. We had that stuff happen in management at GM all the time. They are stupid enough to think that paying smae wage (half to contract employee and half to the agency) is an answer to all financial woes because they aren't paying benefits. But they get untrained people who have no loyalty and little incentive to do a good job. ARGH!

ceil said...

Afternoon everyone. Stopping in because the next couple of days will be busy. On our way to Washington to pick up son. Tomorrow we have a kindergarten graduation and dinner with Lucy tomorrow night. Test on Saturday and then a pool party.
Dana I am on the list if they bring any animals here. Being new I am at the bottom.
Just wanting to say I know everyone will have a great time Saturday and I will miss being with you. I know already I will not be at the October Open House. We will just be getting back from Oregon
Have a great weekend

hedgie said...

Dana, hope the topical works for you.

hedgie said...

My cam is doing fine. Don't remember ever having a big green button.

hedgie said...

Lunchtime! Fish delivered and snatched right up!

Lolly said...

Palmer just got a food delivery and it was wiggling!

Lolly said...

Adult was in and out so fast!

Ragdoll said...

The fish is stuck on Palmers foot. LOL

Lolly said...

I think Palmer wants to be fed. He is lazy! Now he is going after it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The fish is still alive and Palmer don't know exactly what to do!

Lolly said...

Seems like he is always getting sticks or fish stuck on his talons.

Ragdoll said...

Good Girl Palmer. She's eating it up.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is munching on lunch that adult dropped off. Adult went up into tree

Lynn - meant to mention I'm glad you heard from Dianne!

wvgal_dana said...

Hopefully that will keep her in the nest for awhile. Liberty and Belle bring that baby (lol) fish so we can see her/him fledge Saturday. BRING UMBELLRAS

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, when I opened the live feed this morning, there was a "Big Green" play button right in the middle where the circle usually is. Very strange. Never saw that before.

Palmer keeps looking up and squawking. Parent must be up in tree and she would rather be feed.

Ragdoll said...

Slow afternoon. Seniors have already graduated. Just have juniors here.

Look how Palmer just rips the meat off the fish. Still looking up at parent as if to say "Come on now, do I really have to do this. My beak is getting dirty."

hedgie said...

Sissy isn't going to make it Sat. after all....:(

Lolly said...

Checked on the Loon cam and facebook. Now I am heading back outside. My back is holding up. Just came in to eat a bite and check on Palmer.

Ragdoll said...

The show is on. Palmer trying again. HAHAHAHA She was holding on to a stick and when she would go up.. the stick was with her. I could just see that stick letting go. HAHAHA. Made me laugh. Also a nervous laugh. LOL

Ragdoll said...

Palmer just hold on until Saturday. You have some very special people coming to see you and your fledge.

glo said...

Saw that too Ragdoll. I often think at this stage its like the eaglet is thinking oK if i have to leave the nest I will be taking some of it with me.

Mema Jo said...

I am back from lunch and so relieved to see Palmer still in the nest.

Lynne 2 Thank you for the beautiful card reminding me of my appointment tomorrow. I loved it and you do make the best secretary a Momster could ever have!

Ragdoll said...

Parent in and out with food. What is it?

glo said...

Glad to see the aggressive grab of the food this time. That so needs to happen. Survival is going to depend on that snatch and grab what you can no matter who caught it etc.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I am thinking it is safe to assume that the Lib and Belle are not ready for Palmer to fledge yet.

glo said...

Palmer is attending survival school with some pretty awesome parents today. I think she is learning well what they are trying very hard to teach her.

glo said...

They know she must learn to be much tougher and to grab and feed and not let another eagle even the parent steal. Nice of her to finally let go of parents talon or whatever was happenign with that a release of food a few minutes ago.

hedgie said...

Palmer is a very possessive eaglet!! Kind of like looking a gift horse in the mouth to scream at mom and pop like that!

glo said...

From what I have seen here in the winter over and over the young have a rough time getting food and actually being able to eat it before it is stolen from them.

hedgie said...

June 10, 2010 (12:12 PM CDT) I checked the trail cams this morning and found Hope had been at the feeding site at 6 AM. I left a little food as reinforcement. Hopefully she will come in hungry this afternoon and we can continue building the trust needed to collar her. -- SM

Ragdoll said...

I second that glo. Palmer was very aggressive just then. She wouldn't let parent get to far into the nest.

glo said...

When I was watching yesterday I didn't see Palmer try to go to the food at all. I saw her watch parent eat and wait to be fed which she eventually was. But then i have seen live feed so little this year. I don't know if the aggression is new today or the passive I saw yesterday was not her usual behavior. Might depend on which parent is coming in how she greets the parent. Hmmm

stronghunter said...


Having trouble getting on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - yesterday I think I remember that Palmer had just eaten big lunch when more came in and the adult did eat a good amount of it before Palmer started begging for some more and was fed.

Ragdoll said...

glo, I have observed both behaviors.

Mema Jo said...

I feel that as long as Lib/Belle keep feeding Palmer that you are right, Sharon in what you are thinking.
The time to leave is NOT NOW!

glo said...

I have seen both behaviors now too. I was glad to see the aggression today as I always feel so badly for the young here in the winter when they finally have a catch and it is stolen from them before they can get to a tree. I stand there in the freezing cold yelling "Go young un go!!!" Get to the shore and find that tree. Sometimes they do but mostly they don't. They do learn though to steal back. Its just all part of being an eagle and surviving especially that first year on your own.

glo said...

You all will have a great day Sat I am sure. Pictures Pictures :-)

Mits said...

Ceil ,sounds like fun, hope they call you:)

stronghunter said...

I kept trying to log on, and the blogger did not like my password. I finally just exited and came back on and was finally able to get on.

Deb, I hope everything works out for you at your job.

I will be back later. Really have to do some work.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - sounds like the testing is over. We'll hear from you later on!

Deb - I really hope if you get a new position at school that it will be doing something you love!
Prayers for you.

Mema Jo said...

Upon receiving the list of attendees for Sat. Nest Visit, Steve Chase wished for us to 'have fun'!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Sure am hoping and praying that Palmer hangs in there until the nest visit!

Ragdoll, am praying that your school situation will be resolved to your advantage. Sure sorry about what happened to your husband! Not fair at all.

Have lots to study for 3 exams at school tonight, but wanted to let you know that a pair of our Eurasian Collared-Doves have returned to visit. Good to see them again!

Have a bill to pay online--will check back later. :o]

Lolly said...

Can you imagine this group getting together and NOT having fun. I don't think so! I expect to hear LOTS of laughter and if I don't, I will be disappointed. Now my big concern is if Palmer decides to fledge while you are there. You would probably scare the poor eaglet to death with your yells and applause. LOL

Lolly said...

Another food delivery? That makes three so far this afternoon.

Lolly said...

Make that three I know about!

glo said...

Lolly LOL Maybe someone needs to make them all take an oath of silence should they witness a fledge on Sat.

Lolly said...

Maybe so, Glo. Or else they might witness a big poop shoot right over their heads!

glo said...

Yes Lolly it would be for their own good to keep their mouths well you get the picture speaking of which poop shoots near a camera lens isn't great either. Going to be awesome timing Sat is my thought.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Fair warning - - If Palmer fledges while I am standing there, I guarantee you will hear me hoop and holler!

glo said...

Is that warning for Palmer Sharon.

glo said...

If Palmer fledges before your very eyes I expect I will know it clear over here in IL. :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

:-) Glo!

Lolly said...

Had to leave for a second, Laurel called. She is going to the doctor for an appointment at 4:30 to have the lump his office.

Sharon, I know you will hoop and holler if Palmer fledges while you are there. LOL You'll scare the poop right out of that prepared!

NatureNut said...

Palmer's now eating that fish.
Ragdoll mentioned the green arrow on cam. I have it when I've paused camera to leave 'puter & return to start it up again.
Gotta go to store~~~~

Mema Jo said...

Your conversation is getting me
sooooooooooooo excited I can't
stand it much longer!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Let us know when Laurel calls again that everything is finished and she is ok.

I've never paused live feed therefore I have never seen the
green arrow. Afraid to experiment with it for fear of losing it.

Palmer is looking at his messy nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now, if I had to have a bird poop on my head, what better bird than Palmer? :)

Mema Jo said...

Just read the note posted on the Finney's site that 1st egg hatched on 6/9.
They haven't posted yet about the
2nd chick hatching...

Ragdoll said...

Hi gang! I'm home now. Didn't have time to post out when I left school. Sorry. Palmer is eating again. That means more energy for trying to fledge.

I didn't get green arrow at home. Just at school. I do have it on IE because I can't bring it up on FF lately.

BBILW. Going to take a quick nap.

Palmer please don't fledge while I am napping. Remember your going to wait until Saturday.

kickngbird said...

I just signed on and saw parent on the nest and hear a lot of yelling from Palmer!

Mema Jo said...

Adult with Palmer
Not sure what kind of game they are playing........

Noisy now........

Mema Jo said...

Adult not sharing food
Palmer not happy


stronghunter said...

I think parent is saying that if you want this food, you have to take it.

kickngbird said...

I'm guessing from Ragdoll's post that Palmer may have been eating, then finished? I don't think parent would take food from Palmer - I'm guessing now - think it may have been something left after Palmer was done eating

stronghunter said...

I think Hidey would have grabbed it by now.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Palmer took that food away from the adult!

kickngbird said...

There she goes, grabbing it!

stronghunter said...

Telling parent a thing or two--"Do not take my food."

kickngbird said...

Those noises are so funny. Palmer is trying to be intimidating but we know it's not working and parent is just doing what the parent needs to do to get Palmer ready

kickngbird said...

That move toward the food by the parent almost seemed to taunt Palmer back into the fray - and it worked

stronghunter said...

Palmer is about to back out of the nest!

Now stopped backing up and came after parent. She is learning to hold onto her food and fight back.

Mema Jo said...

It's MINE!


That was so cool.......
Palmer went off to about 1:00
Mom headed towards the food
Palmer jumped and screamed and
grabbed the food........

Mema Jo said...

Don't you dare go after your Momma!

Belle flew out

Mema Jo said...

I stuttered......

Mema Jo said...

Well Shirley and KB - that was fun to watch.

kickngbird said...

I sometimes just sit and grin

hedgie said...

Robyn and Tori most likely will not be coming Sat. after all. They were in DC today seeing a new Dr. and Tori has to have a new IV tomorrow, so probably won't feel the greatest. Robyn also has company coming in from out of town and she needs to finish her reports for school.

Mema Jo said...

Gotcha Lynn........

stronghunter said...

Heading home. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Sitting down to dinner


hedgie said...

Completely forgot about West End banding.....looks like it's all over. Eaglets are plotzed out, but can see their bands.

magpie said...

did you ever hear from Sunny?

Finland water nest stuck again, at 17-something their time...

did not get called to work...yet...
going to meet an old high school pal for din-din

Best wishes for a great evening, all

Palmer sure did do some squealing, I caught some of that food fight

hedgie said...

Or actually guess it's their wing blings that are showing!

magpie said...

sorry to hear that Robyn and Tori cannot make it :(
hope all goes well for Tori....
maybe they can watch the nest cams Saturday?
Hope so
xo ttfn

paula eagleholic said...

Checking on Palmer before heading out to mow, I see she is still perched in Lib's spot!

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Just checking in and don't see Palmer. Did she fledge?

Going to try to catch with blog. bbl

PA Nana said...

whew! Now see feetsies at 12 o'clock and hhear her

PA Nana said...

whew! Now see feetsies at 12 o'clock and hhear her

Lolly said...

We ran, well, actually drove to Ft Worth to go to Central Mkt. Home now, but getting ready to head to church. I almost had heart failer. Can hardly see Palmer, but I just heard him.

Laurel is home. She is fine. Doctor said he did not find anything not expected. It looked like he thought it would look. Of course, it will be sent off to be checked. She is feeling fine and told to take Advil for pain, but apparently he does not expect much telling her to take Advil.

She and the boys will be here tomorrow afternoon. Yea! We are taking the boys swimming, Laurel will sit at the edge of the pool. ☺ Then they are spending the night. Laurel likes to come home and not have anything to do.

Ah, there is Palmer!

Lynne2 said...

So, my husband is very late gettingh home and I got worried. So I called him. The poor man has been running hither and yon trying to find Morning Glory plants for me.....I had planted many seeds and only a few actually germinated. I finally put them outside, around the bottom of my birdfeeder shepherd hook. I was so looking forward to having the hook all covered with them this summer. Well, the day before yesterday, Steve was weed wacking, and, well, he didn't realize what they were (and I forgot to mention it) and he killed them all. I shed a tear over it because I was so proud of myself (last year I didn't get one seed to grow). So now my poor, WONDERFUL husband is trying to find me some. I told him to come home, no one ever has them. Isn't he the best!!!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, so glad Laurel is fine! I'm sure the biopsy will reveal nothing dangerous. Hope you have fun at the pool tomorrow! Wish I had a pool! I'm just not handling the heat very well this summer for some reason.

Costume Lady said...

LYNNE, your Steve is a KEEPER:)
I don't think I ever saw a morning glory plant...course, I never looked for one! If I can remember, I will bring you a Red morning glory plant from GG's!

hedgie said...

Poor pathetic baby.....sounds like a cry before it turns to a shriek...hungry? lonely? scared?

Lynne2 said...

Cool Wanda! That'll attract more hummers! The ones I planted were blue, and also purple.

What is that strange sound at the nest (besides whiney palmer)

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy....guess you're gone...missed your, never heard anything from Sunny.
What is her real name???

Oh, Diann, know that shocky feeling when you don't see Palmer....but she was there. Only her toes showed for awhile! But she hasn't gone anywhere!

Lynne2 said...

Maybe in the fall if they have to do some cam work, they could tilt it up just a bit so we can better see the eagles when they sit up on that edge there.

hedgie said...

Lynne, you sure do have a keeper!!!
How sweet.
Wanda, if you've never seen a morning glory plant, how can you bring her one from GG's?? LOL!

Costume Lady said...

Ah, caught me! I knew someone would:) I have never seen a morning glory plant AT A NURSERY:) GG has the red ones all over her veggie garden. We've been pulling them up, along wirh the weeds. They are really beautiful. I had a photo of one as my avatar a year or so ago. I'll see if I can find it.

Lynne2 said...

LOL! That gave me pause for a minute too, Wanda, but I figured that's what you meant!

wvgal_dana said...

I want to thank everyone on here that was making comments. Thank you so much it helped me keep up with Palmer.

I got the best lap table for sitting on the couch at Bed, Body and Beyond.
It cost even less than the one I was going after which after seeing that table it wouldn't work. This one even has a little with it 3 AAA batteries.

Wanda I was trying to figure that out about the red morning glories. Got it from reading rest of comments.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 red ones will be beautiful wrapping all around that pole. Come on hummers!!

hedgie said...

I figured that was what you meant, Wanda!!!

hedgie said...

Can you believe that rescue groups and citizens have been forbidden to try to help the foundering birds and reptiles in the oil spill areas??????? They have been told if they don't have a wildlife permit, they are breaking the law. Well...I say, let's go...they can put me in jail.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PA Nana said...

Few years ago I bought some red morning glory seeds to grow. dern things wouldn't grow. Gues I didn't have the right conditions.

would you believe I even lost my red bee balm? It was said that it would take over my garden - ha!

Guess I'll check on Hope and then get an ice pack for my shoulder. I'm a bit sore from pt today too, but the shoulder is from the fall earlier this week. I'm such a klutz!

I'll say goodnight now to all and prayers for all needs/wants.

hedgie said...

Hope you feel better, Diann. Don't overdo the PT, and please stay steady on your feet!

stronghunter said...

Hi, Got kicked off.

Costume Lady said...

Rest all day tomorrow, Diann, so that you will enjoy your trip and Nest Visit Saturday!

Costume Lady said...

My AVATAR shows the Red Morning Glory...isn't it pretty? GG's keeps coming back year after year, but mine doesn't??

hedgie said...

Okay, I just had something very weird happen. After reading Momster mail this AM, I closed it. It just all of a sudden popped up on my I in the twilight zone?????/

hedgie said...

Very pretty, Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, that is weird...reminds me of my email to Diann showing up on my Wild and Wonderful blog??
Haunted Blog!!

hedgie said...

Nice free float across the nest. Wait, Palmer. Just because the evening thermals in the valley are good doesn't mean it's time for you to go yet!

hedgie said...

Scary, isn't it, Wanda??? Like we have lost control of the puter!

Judie said...

Jo, how was lunch? Fun?

Andy, good luck on tonight's exams. Three more A+, please.

Deb, wishing all will go well with school reassignments.

Don't recall about Robyn and Tori. Family? Hope all will go well.

Lolly, good news about Laurel. Absolutely sure all will be just fine. Enjoy tomorrow.

Lynne, Wanda is correct. Steve's a keeper.

Shirley, have you decided about attending graduation?

Love morning glories but also moon flower vines -- big flowers bloom at dusk and are very fragrant.

Going to watch some mindless t.v. BBL after I check the critter cams.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, yea he's a keeper :)

paula eagleholic said...

Don't have morning glories, but found a pretty red vine...called sun parasol.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is plotzed in the nest.

Heading out to water the trees.

Lynne2 said...

Rest up looking forward to meeting you Saturday!

OK, my new theory on the Morning Glories. They come back every year because the seed pods drop the seeds onto the ground. the fall, I am going to put all my seeds in the ground and let nature handle it! I mean REALLY what was I thinking? Take seeds and bring them in and try to grow....DUH!

Wanda they are REALLY PRETTY!!!!

The 16 year old sailing the world alone has lost communication. Set off 2 emergency beacons that had to be done manually...the 3rd will go off automatically if boat sinks below 15 feet and that has NOT gone off. Family and rescue on they way. Prayers for all involved.

Odd bird behavior here today....a hummer came up to the see feeder attached to the kitchen window and buzzed around for a while! Just after that, a downey woodpecker was having a few sips out of the humming bird feeder! We have also had a doe come every morning to the back of the yard to eat the immature apples that have fallen off of the tree. All alone...not usual for a deer to be alone. Looks healthy, doesn't look preggers.

My wonderful husband didn't come home with a morning glory but did bring me a beautiful Blue Rocket Veronica plant! He said the guy at the place told him they attract butterflies so that's why he picked it! He is the best!

Lynne2 said...

Paula, do you have a picture of your vine? I'd love to get a moonflower too, but no idea where I would put it....

Don't you just love what Boris had done with his web this eveing?

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, that law about wildlife is pretty standard everywhere. However, in an emergency such as this, you'd think they would (and maybe they are) allow rookies to help under the supervision of licensed rehabbers.

Mema Jo said...

I just came home with hubby from a clothes shopping trip. Amazing how few clerks are in the major stores during the week.. So glad hubby was with me and was so very helpful

Lynne Megan has a beautiful Cardinal Vine - red flowers and grows and twines all over the place. I'll see if I can find a pic from Jenny's garden. She loved it. Yes I also vote for Steve to be a keeper (your keeper)

Mema Jo said...

I do hope when they do Fall Maintenance (or whenever before next season) that they will tilt the cam so that we see less of the black tape and more of the nest at the noon hour.

Mema Jo said...

I think Shirley isn't here since she got kicked off.

Judie Lunch was with the other Mema and Alexis. Very enjoyable. Alexis' intelligence sometimes scares me for her young age... I sure hope that Kindergarten has some challenges for her. The other evening at Cracker Barrel I had that peg game & I arranged all the little pegs on the board by color... Alexis looks at me and says "Mema - you sure are organized" ROFL

hedgie said...

DANA-----I'm on phone......check your email.

Lynne2 said...

Jo, I just googled the Cardinal Vine and WOW....I gotta have one!! Wonder if Megan has any she can bring me on Saturday...I know just the place for it!

Mema Jo said...

Sent you pics of Jenny's, Lynne.

Megan may have time to stop by on Saturday when she finishes market in Charles Town. If you email her that would be all the more reason for that red Market Truck to make it to the Nest Visit!
Email me if you need her email address.

Lynne2 said...

Jo thanks for the pics...oh yeah, so pretty! I have just the place for it. There is a mostly intact old stone fireplace sort of thing at the end of our would look just beautiful growing all over it! Sent Megan and email via FB.

Lynne2 said...

the flowers resemble morning glory flowers but the leaves are so interesting on the Cardinal vine!

Lynne2 said...

between those and red morning glories, my hummers will think they died and went to hummer heaven!

Judie said...

Here to say goodnight to everyone.

Jo, glad you had a nice lunch. Yes, the younguns can be a bit scary with their advanced smarts.

Palmer was sleeping the last I was able to get the live cam. No update yet on Hope & Co. Did see the WE wing bling.

Wishing all a goodnight and a goodnight to all.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Maybe Andy will set our alarm if she isn't too tired from all her exams. Until tomorrow...

hedgie said...

Good night, Judie! Rest well.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...