Thursday, June 10, 2010


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Watching one TV show


Lynne2 said...

heading for shower and bed...good night everyone, prayers for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, glad you found a vine you like. This is the one I got, they have them at Lowe's and Walmart. It's an annual. I have it in a large pot on the front porch...I made a ladder for it to grow on.

sun parasol vine

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, mine is the crimson color

magpie said...

I love the Morning Glories story, Lynne...
very touching...yes, that's quite a guy you have !

Good Evening Evening Pals...
yum, have a Cracker Barrel meal inside o'me.

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. My eyes are tired and I need to shut down the computer.

Judie, I will probably go to graduation. I had a better day with the colitis today.

I think it was Andy who suggested Imodium. I usually take two when I really think I need to.

I will find a way to get through the research papers. I just can't grade them after a long day at work, but I will have time tomorrow during the day. Then, one more test to give next week.

Wasn't able to learn my students' SOL scores this afternoon. Some kind of glitch in the system.

magpie said...

had a good LOL about Alexis and the pegs at CB, Jo...

Sounds like a nice couple of days coming up Lolly
very happy to read of the report regarding Laurel...☺

magpie said...

good night Shirley
hope you get the good rest you might need to do all the things you want to do this week-end

magpie said...

that sun parasol is stunning Paula...

magpie said...

I love it, you made a ladder for the sun parasol vine, Paula

Girl Power ! ☺

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOOOOO Paula, that's really pretty too!

OK, really going to bed now....

magpie said...

Did your mother-in-law arrive, Lynne?

Put up some pics of neighborhood cottontail and Killdeer on Feathers, Fur link, and my busy little patio graden plants on Fun and Dandy link....I sure enjoy having this little garden here at the roost

hedgie said...

Night, Shirley! Hope you have a quiet day tomorrow so you can get some grading done.

Margy, what did you get for dinner??

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry Robyn and Tori won't be coming, was looking forward to seeing them!

Love the comment, too, Jo.

Saw that vine and just had to buy it :)

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Margy your tomato plant is huge! Love all your flowers! Where's the yellow one?

magpie said...

I've been to bed four times in the last 36 hours seems like it oughta be Saturday or Sunday by now...
sure am glad didn't get called in again I get to hit the sack again here soon

Might be up very early to look for ISS 4:07 AM hereabouts, been missing it - then I can go back to bed again !

Hope the rest of the evening goes well
Good Night everyone
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

A friend sent me a late PRAYER REQUEST: Lady name Nancy Barr has heart irregularity 2 valve not right since April. May have to have surgery plus may have to have a pacemaker put in. She is very scared and worried about this. I thank you all for sending up some prayers.

magpie said...

yellow one is in the rectangular planter on the right in front, cannot see it very well but it is blossoming nicely, also cut those flowers off the marigolds like Megan suggested, and they are thriving already ☺
my companion plants for the tomatoes to hold back the aphids, I hope !

paula eagleholic said...

Gotcha, Margy!

magpie said...

see your prayer request, Dana...
sure will !

Lynn - sirloin steak...
cooked to perfection and very tender
also got some late Christmas presents and early Birthday presents...I made out quite nicely ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, clicked on the pic, see it now.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan your place is getting beautiful colorful flowers. You have also become a I think a "green thumb person". That tomato plant is something.

wvgal_dana said...

Hope everyone has a good nights sleep. Pleasant dreams to all.
Prayers for those that need them.


NatureNut said...

Gosh, been reading all the comments & didn't know how late it was getting. I've been drying grapes! Cherries are next!(not one at a time!)
Lolly, so glad Laurel came thru well w/her procedure.
Wanda, checked your Blog to sree if there were other morning glory pics & saw your email to PANana!Amazing what Picasa can do!!!I wish it could take the pics in my 'puter & stick them on the Blog!
I haven't had time lately to do it myself.

magpie said...

Hi Loretta,
was thinking, after I get off work at 6 am Saturday and dent the pillows, and you folks are gathering at the nest
I will probably be having "Pleasant Flying Feather Dreams..."
sure hope so !

magpie said...

thanks Dana...I really have to do something about the rest of the non-flowering "clutter" on that little porch

The yard maintenance folks are so careful when they cut and trim with the mowers and weed-eaters...
I really appreciate that !!!

NatureNut said...

Dana, prayers for friend w/valve problem. Tell her not to worry. Dear friend of ours at Park who was a retired Game Warden & originally from Cumberland had a valve replacement w/a pig valve. Was good for 15+ years. He always joked that he better not eat any ham or pork, because he may be eating his cousin!

Lolly said...

Got home a little over an hour ago. Jack fixed some G&T's and we sat out on the front patio and watched it grow dark and the lightening bugs come out. Very pleasant!

See that there is no report yet tonight on Hope.

Called Laurel when I got home to check on her. She is feeling just great, no discomfort at all!

NatureNut said...

HI Margy. Oh, that's why you won't be there~~just getting off work. We sure will miss you!
I hope nothing flies before then & I hope I can get some pics w/out shaking the camera! Lot of my zoooom shots are blurry. I think it's me.

magpie said...

How about that Little Kailey
(Sissy 's friend's daughter)
making such progress...!!
Encouraging news when so much news is, sometimes, not that way.

which reminds me, prayers for all ailments to subside quickly....
and prayers of thanks for so very many gifts given

Lynn I emailed you about your question regarding Sunny

okay time to sign off now, really

magpie said...

well, just have fubby help hold on to you Loretta! I think your pictures are great !

Dana I have a laptop satchel for you....will get it to you early next week

NatureNut said...

Night to all those hitting the hay.
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all;>)

(I'm not hitting the hay--drying more fruit! ☺)

Lolly said...

Lynne, sounds like you do have a keeper! I have one too! ☺

I planted morning glories years and years ago and they are still coming up. I pull them like weeds. Grrrrr!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly Have a great time tomorrow especially at the PJ party! lol
I love having a daughter spend the whole day or even the night with us.

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, I love dried fruit. Dried cherries are so good in a salad and I could eat dried apples all day!

Stage 2 chicken, turkey, and ham.
Stage 2 sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, cereal/berries
I hope that after all this baby food is gone, that GG will have her appetite back:)


hedgie said...

OMG.....scientists have found that wild cats (in the jungle) are extremely attracted to men's cologne Obsession. They are using it to attract them! Who'd a thunk it?? So if your man is wearing it and gets attacked by a cat, you'll know why!

hedgie said...

Prayers for all in need.
Hoping that Andy aced all 3 of her tests tonight!!! GO girl!
Calling it a day....busy one coming up. Goodnight....sleep tight....don't let the bedbugs bite.

hedgie said...

P.S. Bear update:

Lolly said...

The nightly bear report is in. It was not specific about Hope this time. She continues to forage on her own and come to the feeding station. Lily has returned to her own area but still far from Hope. The also got Lily's GPS turned on.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
I just got home from school. Got all 3 tests done, and my week's homework for my Practice 3 class turned in. Think the tests went OK, but won't get 2 of them back until week after next. That teacher will be at a seminar next week.

Love the Sun Parasol vine! We got a crimson one last weekend! The hummers DO really love it!

Saw a Rufous hummer actually chasing a fence lizard today! Must've been in his territory.
Those Rufous hummers seem more agressive than the Anna's hummers.

Had lots of orioles back here today. Guess the word's out--and I hope more show up. They're like watching an animated tropical flower!

Dana, am praying for your friend, Nancy Barr. Hope the Lord gives her HIS peace about her situation.

So glad to hear how well Laurel is doing! Expecting a good report from the lab. Prayers there too!

Hope GG is doing better--praying for her appetite to return. Bet having her hair done lifted her spirits a little.

Praying that Shirley's innards will stay calm so she can fully enjoy the graduation ceremonies!

Jo, love the story about Alexis and the pegs!

Lynn, I can understand why cats like Obsession for Men--it's pretty good stuff!

Well, think I'll quit while I'm ahead and go watch some TV. Leaving the night light on for late arrivers, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled. Please close the door quietly--we don't want to spook Palmer! (Hope she stays put until the nest visit!) Sleep well, and have pleasant eaglet and bear cub dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow--Friday means no school for me! YAY! God bless, and good night! Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Happy to read the Bear update concerning Lily. Going to be heading
back the hall very shortly.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for All
(((hugs for all)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

I am right behind you, Jo!

Time to shower and get ready for bed. Falling askeep in my chair again. Getting to bed a habit.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

movin said...

wELL, I guess from the comments that Palmer did not fledge, although I can't see anything of her now.

Wonder if the parents brought her any fresh fish in the evening, or if Palmer found more nestovers under the surface at the cam end....

Bet she'll grab that fish and mantle like she's been doing it for a long time when next the adult brings one.

I think she will probably get it down and fledge soon...might be as late as Saturday, but I wouldn't be surprised to see her go


Good Night, aLL.




PammySue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Palmer is calling for her breakfast this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.

See you later.

floralgirl said...

Adult brought in fish. Palmer very vocally grabbed it, mantled it, has it held in one foot, hopping away from parent to eat it. Parent left, Palmer eating now.

Costume Lady said...

I was waiting for a breakfast to be flown in to Palmer and left for a few moments to get coffee. When I came back, Palmer was tearing apart a fish. I missed the excitement!:( Thanks to Megan for letting us know that parent made a delivery. Hope you get back from Charles Town early enough to join us for awhile tomorrow, Megan:)

Costume Lady said...

WOW! Another fish delivery...I got to see that one, how exciting it is to see Palmer grabbing and mantling, the way that nature meant for her to do! Maybe parents are loading her up with food today so that she will have the strength to fledge, tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning! My goodness, Palmer is going to be too stuffed to fledged. She's having quite a feast this morning! Just heard a pileated woodpecker there too!

Gotta run to Walmart...BBL

Costume Lady said...

Lots to do here, today. Bacon is fried and drained, ready to put into the Bacon Pasta for our lunch tomorrow. Need to get some green onions from the garden for Pasta, also.
GG has a doctor appointment later today and Family Friday gathering will be here before I know it. Grass needs to be mowed, but that may have to is drenched from the rains and the humidity isn't allowing it to dry out. I'd also like to find some Monarch caterpillars and eggs before the State comes and mows them down!

If I don't get back on here today, I'll see about 25 of you at the Nest Tree tomorrow. Have a beautiful day♥

Costume Lady said...

Looks like the weather will coopeerate tomorrow. 85° and possible showers late in the afternoon. So we should be fine and dandy:)

Judie said...

It's a miracle! Was able to get the live cam and saw Palmer having breakfast. What a treat. Looks lovely at the nest.

Wanda, wishing GG a good doctor visit today. Has she been eating the baby food?

Will have to check out some vines. Wish I had a better location that gets enough sun each day.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s
and a glorious West Virginia Morning it is !

Yay for the live cam, Judie !
Wanda... you have a lot to pack into your Panda Naps Saturday during the nest visit.
Best wishes for a good doctor visit for GG, and thanks for the baby food report...
Hi Shirley, Megan and any invisible Momsters and Dadsters here ☺

magpie said...

and Lynne !
and Jim from way earlier

magpie said...

when I first open the cam,
and see Palmer I think
"There's the Baby."
and it reminds me of that tv clip from Mits at the Panda cam at National Zoo from a couple of years ago when she said
"..and there's the baby."
♥ ☺

magpie said...

the sleep angel must have turned off my alarm clock for 4 am so I could go out and watch ISS :(
oh well, another time...

Best wishes for a really great day everyone...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets! I see our Palmer is still hanging tight in the nest. Now the big question - will today be the day?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Palmer is fighting for that food and won that round. I got a pic of all 3! YAY!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle got the food back. Lots of chirping going on and Palmer just tried to take the food back.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Belle is eating first before Palmer gets fed.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Friday Morning in Eagleland early morning Jim, Shirley, Megan, Lynne2, Wanda, Judie, Margy, and

Megan those flowers avatar is beautiful.What is the flower?

Wanda has her Morning Glories up for hers.

Lolly so happy Laurel is feeling so good.

Read back thanks Lynn1-Hedgie for update on Lily and Hope.

LOL Loretta "eating his cousing". The prayer request for Nancy Barr is from a friend of mine. I give her prayer request from us due
to her prayer chain and she does the same with me for the Eagle Momsters to pray. I guess I should have made it clearer. Isn't it
great though that so many can pray for one another.

Wanda you sure do have a lot on your boat list for today. Hope GG gets a good report from dr.

Lynn2 yes I say feed Palmer today so we can see a fledge tomorrow.

I seen that on the news also about Obsession and the attraction. Makes you wonder what is in that stuff. OH NO MR. BOB not female
wild cat pee LOL

Sorry my first comment was a book.

Parent in with Palmer. Was food brought in? Yep food.

magpie said...

Why go out for dinner when it is being brought in ?

oh, what a great nest and nest cams these are!

Forgot to say,
Today is Red Friday
find something Red to sport for our Military folks

Good Morning more Morning People

time to scram,
xo ttfn

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And more food just got brought in by Lib.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Food has been brought in at least twice this morning.

grannyblt said...

Morning all. Glad to get a nice view of parent feeding Palmer a while ago.

paula eagleholic said...


Lib and Palmer munching side by side, what a sight!

Lib has a turtle!

paula eagleholic said...

Then they were both looking above the nest..really cute!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Ahhh, the family that dines together stays together. A very nice treat to open the cam to Palmer and Belle. (Is that Belle?) ☺

hedgie said...

Morning all.From my count, food has been brought in 4 times this AM. THey appear to be relatively small fish. Keep eating, Palmer. Be too heavy to fly!!!
WANDA-----you said "see you at the nest tree-------I told everyone we would meet the EE in the PARKING LOT!!!!

Lolly said...

Do not have much time on here this morning. Jack and I are preparing rolled flank steak for dinner tonight. Laurel's favorite!

Adult poofed!

Lolly said...

Lynn, what time will you be at the tree. Must be sure to be on my laptop at that time.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Diann (rest so you feel good for tomorrow), Paula and Lynn (Grannyblt).

Searchers spotted Abby Sunderland from the air. Made connect with her by radio. She is inside boat doing well. The boat had been tossed on its side by massive waves and the mast broke. The 16 yr. old is waiting to be rescued and the nearest boat is 24 hrs away.

I'm sure she is happy about the rescue but unhappy about maybe having to stop the voyage.

hedgie said...

Hi,grannieblt! Been awhile since you dropped in.
Palmer apparently not interested in the turtle. Must be stuffed!

Lolly said...

Hey Norma...where ever you are. Having my Friday morning sausage sandwiches. First in ages!

glo said...

New thread :-)

Costume Lady said...

Steve has posted a picture of a beautiful lake somewhere, unknown to me? New thread...I don't know??

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...