Sunday, June 13, 2010


I have reports that our eaglet fledged this morning.  Currently he/she is back at the nest.


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movin said...

Well, I watched her flap her wings a bit in the general area of the launching pad ... but back from the edge. I didn't think she was too serious yet, so I started writing a comment.

Wasn't very long before I looked back at the feed, and she was nowhere to be seen.

Hahaha. Missed it again. Had to be around 5:40 A.M. your time.



Lori O. said...

I missed it too Sissy. Just checked in this morning and she's not there.

Could she still be branching and just a few limbs up?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Darn! That is right before I brought up the cam! Maybe she is branching above the nest, but Mema Jo predicted today, 6/14/2010, which is Flag Day!!

Lori O. said...

Jim, at least you got to see her this morning. That'll put a smile on your face!

movin said...

I don't think there's enough wind this morning to loft her to one of the branches high above, and it is time for her to fledge.

I'm just sorry I missed it by so little, but I don't have the software to capture it anyway.,,,



stronghunter said...

Yep, the nest is empty. Palmer has left.

stronghunter said...

I was having too much trouble getting the live feed on Firefox, so I am using IE.

No Palmer.

stronghunter said...

Jim, it has the be the wee small hours of the morning in California.

movin said...

Sissy, Palmer disappeared from the nest for about 20 minutes yesterday, as Steve noted, but most of the commenters thought she had been branching ... I didn't see it myself.

But I'm fairly sure she flew the scene this morning.



stronghunter said...

She was restless last night. Wide awake and in the middle of the nest.

movin said...

Yes, it is in the small hours here, stronghunter.

And I'm thinking I'd better say "later" and shut this thing down.

God bless the ventures of Palmer and God bless all our eagle lovers.



stronghunter said...

Guess she got disentangled from all of those sticks that kept impeding her!

stronghunter said...

I did not see Hidey in the very early days last year, as I came onto the cam and blog later on. This is the first eaglet I have followed from hatching to fledge. It is a bittersweet moment. Palmer was thinking about it yesterday. She kept sitting on the edge of the nest and flapping those wings.

stronghunter said...

I have posted a picture of the empty nest on my blog.

BEagle said...

Good morning,

I thought I would check, it was around 20 minutes ago, just to see the empty nest.

There are a couple of small birds there at the moment.

It was after 1:00am this morning that I checked Palmer.

She had settled down and was sleeping right next to launch pad.

Still missed her fledge but....
safe journey little Palmer......

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I see a little bird in the nest foraging for nestovers! Brave little thing for sure. No Palmer! Good night Jim!!

stronghunter said...

I took a picture of the little bird in the nest, but I am not sure it will be visible.

stronghunter said...

I posted the pic with the little birdie, but I cannot see the bird. I could see it when it was moving.

Lori O. said...

Reading your stuff, I thought Palmer was back and jumped over to the camera view -- then reread several times and DUH finally get that it was a brave little bird...

I hope you all have a great day. I'll keep my eyes on the camera, but work is getting busy now.

stronghunter said...

Finally spotted the bird in the pic. At the big stick, about 9:00 position.

Wonder where Palmer is? Maybe with parents at the top of the tree.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jim.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is very humid here this morning! But, at least, IT IS NOT SNOWING!!!!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone.

I think I like Jom's words best so here is my thought too for the day

God bless the ventures of Palmer and God bless all our eagle lovers.

glo said...

Ummmm that would be Jim's words LOL. Had my computer on live feed before my light switch.

Good morning everyone.

I think I like Jim's words best so here is my thought too for the day

God bless the ventures of Palmer and God bless all our eagle lovers.

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOHHHH, she's gone! I was up at 3:30am and checked her. She was very restless, stretching and preening.

Goodspeed, Palmer. Cool (as Jo said it would happen) for her to leave on Flag Day. I'm glad we all got to see her on Saturday! What excellent timing!

Now, didn't Hidey come back periodically for a couple of weeks?

Shoot, I have to go to work. BBL this afternoon.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, another flag day fledge!

Godspeed, Palmer!

Lori O. said...

Hey Paula, Good morning!

You think she'll come back for a few days like Hidey did?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Palmer has fledged on Flag Day! Whoohooo! Palmer and Spunky! Love it!

paula eagleholic said...

I just saw a bird visit as well...funny how they know!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, Palmer will surely come back to the nest for a month or so.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yeah, those little birds lay in wait to be able to pick the nest!

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, everyone! I see our Palmer has fledged. I was kinda hoping she/he would fledge today, Flag Day, but she/he beat me to it. One day earlier than our Spunky.
Sat was great, it was wonderful to see everyone again, and of course the eagles put on a nice show for us. And Belle hung around with Palmer, though she was on the other side of the tree. But nice to see the momsters again, and SO glad Norma made it! Saw my first real live Pileated Woodpecker Sat, too. In fact, saw a pair, which was exciting! Did manage to get a pic of one’s head, but that’s about it.
Thanks Lynn and Wanda and Gene for putting everything together, and the food was great.
Well Palmer is out and about, nest has been MT for at least the 5 minutes I've been watching. Go with God, kiddo! Can't wait to see him/her come back, though I guess that's happened already. I'm just glad Palmer stuck around for us Saturday.
All have a great day.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Sharon. I need to hear that. It just makes me cry when they leave. :(

I still think about Hidey everyday. But Palmer is just so sweet, a GIRL, beautiful, and she's Palmer. Just Palmer.

God bless her and everyone who loves her.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, she'll be back! It may take a day or two, but we will see her again for about a month or so.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, and now the waiting begins for her return, just as we were waiting for her to fledge!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jim for all your comments!

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, everyone! I see our Palmer has fledged. I was kinda hoping she/he would fledge today, Flag Day, but she/he beat me to it. One day earlier than our Spunky.
Sat was great, it was wonderful to see everyone again, and of course the eagles put on a nice show for us. And Belle hung around with Palmer, though she was on the other side of the tree. But nice to see the momsters again, and SO glad Norma made it! Saw my first real live Pileated Woodpecker Sat, too. In fact, saw a pair, which was exciting! Did manage to get a pic of one’s head, but that’s about it.
Thanks Lynn and Wanda and Gene for putting everything together, and the food was great.
Well Palmer is out and about, nest has been MT for at least the 5 minutes I've been watching. Go with God, kiddo! Can't wait to see him/her come back, though I guess that's happened already. I'm just glad Palmer stuck around for us Saturday.
All have a great day.

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, everyone! I see our Palmer has fledged. I was kinda hoping she/he would fledge today, Flag Day, but she/he beat me to it. One day earlier than our Spunky.
Sat was great, it was wonderful to see everyone again, and of course the eagles put on a nice show for us. And Belle hung around with Palmer, though she was on the other side of the tree. But nice to see the momsters again, and SO glad Norma made it! Saw my first real live Pileated Woodpecker Sat, too. In fact, saw a pair, which was exciting! Did manage to get a pic of one’s head, but that’s about it.
Thanks Lynn and Wanda and Gene for putting everything together, and the food was great.
Well Palmer is out and about, nest has been MT for at least the 5 minutes I've been watching. Go with God, kiddo! Can't wait to see him/her come back, though I guess that's happened already. I'm just glad Palmer stuck around for us Saturday.
All have a great day.

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, everyone! I see our Palmer has fledged. I was kinda hoping she/he would fledge today, Flag Day, but she/he beat me to it. One day earlier than our Spunky.
Sat was great, it was wonderful to see everyone again, and of course the eagles put on a nice show for us. And Belle hung around with Palmer, though she was on the other side of the tree. But nice to see the momsters again, and SO glad Norma made it! Saw my first real live Pileated Woodpecker Sat, too. In fact, saw a pair, which was exciting! Did manage to get a pic of one’s head, but that’s about it.
Thanks Lynn and Wanda and Gene for putting everything together, and the food was great.
Well Palmer is out and about, nest has been MT for at least the 5 minutes I've been watching. Go with God, kiddo! Can't wait to see him/her come back, though I guess that's happened already. I'm just glad Palmer stuck around for us Saturday.
All have a great day.

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, everyone! I see our Palmer has fledged. I was kinda hoping she/he would fledge today, Flag Day, but she/he beat me to it. One day earlier than our Spunky.
Sat was great, it was wonderful to see everyone again, and of course the eagles put on a nice show for us. And Belle hung around with Palmer, though she was on the other side of the tree. But nice to see the momsters again, and SO glad Norma made it! Saw my first real live Pileated Woodpecker Sat, too. In fact, saw a pair, which was exciting! Did manage to get a pic of one’s head, but that’s about it.
Thanks Lynn and Wanda and Gene for putting everything together, and the food was great.
Well Palmer is out and about, nest has been MT for at least the 5 minutes I've been watching. Go with God, kiddo! Can't wait to see him/her come back, though I guess that's happened already. I'm just glad Palmer stuck around for us Saturday.
All have a great day.

Suzanne said...

Good Morning, everyone! I see our Palmer has fledged. I was kinda hoping she/he would fledge today, Flag Day, but she/he beat me to it. One day earlier than our Spunky.
Sat was great, it was wonderful to see everyone again, and of course the eagles put on a nice show for us. And Belle hung around with Palmer, though she was on the other side of the tree. But nice to see the momsters again, and SO glad Norma made it! Saw my first real live Pileated Woodpecker Sat, too. In fact, saw a pair, which was exciting! Did manage to get a pic of one’s head, but that’s about it.
Thanks Lynn and Wanda and Gene for putting everything together, and the food was great.
Well Palmer is out and about, nest has been MT for at least the 5 minutes I've been watching. Go with God, kiddo! Can't wait to see him/her come back, though I guess that's happened already. I'm just glad Palmer stuck around for us Saturday.
All have a great day.

glo said...

Good morning Suzanne. Good to see you on here a few times :-)

We do think Palmer branched yesterday ad fledged int he wee hours today Flag Day however.

stronghunter said...


Just got to school and see that the nest is still empty.

Godspeed, Palmer.

hedgie said...

Morning greetings to all and bon voyage to our lovely Palmer. Just knew that she would be gone when I got up this AM. She's done what she's supposed to even tho' we;ll miss her, she is off to be an eagle! And we'll see her again, no doubt.
Jim, hope you are in bed!!
So cool to see Suz was able to sneak in!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am so glad ya'll such a good day Saturday, even though I hate so bad I wasn't there!! I will certainly see you wonderful people in October though!!!

stronghunter said...

Must get to work. See you later.

Mema Jo said...

God's Speed Palmer and Fly Free & High

As I signed off last night I said that in anticipation of Flag Day fledges. I saw Palmer at 4:00am still in the nest and went on back to bed. Now I need to read all these wonderful comments but had to let you know that I was up/running and aware of our Palmer flying high!

Suzanne said...

Hi again, all. Ok, I'm so glad Palmer picked today, Flag Day to fledge. I just read Steve's comment that she/he fledged yesterday. So this is nice, I was hoping Palmer would fledge on Flag Day, same as Spunky! So I'm thrilled about that. Out and about and exploring the new world. All the adventures Palmer is going to have now.

Suzanne said...

All have a great day, logging off for now.

Lori O. said...

Hope I didn't miss you, Suzanne -
Have a grat day!

hedgie said...

Need Nu to go up and get Jo her turtle shell! Suz, you probably missed it---Nu is "retiring" from tree climbing. He's much older than we thought he was.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Suzanne so great to see you on here ( :

Good Morning in Eagle Land everyone.

Jim it looks like you are the closest wittness to Palmer fledging this AM. Another FLAG DAY FLEDGE. ( :

Steve can look at the tape around that time.

Palmer may God go with you on this adventure.

We will be watching for your return to the nest. If like most you will be tired and want home to rest.

Mema Jo said...

I sent an email to Joseph and Anthony.
I am blessed that the children and myself along with all of you have been able to follow our eaglet, Palmer for this season.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Live cam opened immediately for me to see an empty nest.

Congratulations Palmer. May the wind always be beneath your wings and the sun behind you.

hedgie said...

Two bears on the shoulder of the interstate......animal control en route and trying to get hold of DNR. Dana---exit 19---Spring Mills.

Mema Jo said...

New Thread

Come Over

Let the MT Nest Syndrome Begin

Ragdoll said...

Good Mornng Eagle Friends!

I see Palmer has fledged. She now can do things with her parents. You go girl!!! I have mixed emotions. So excited she has fledged, but miss seeing her in the nest.

If I remember correctly, Hidey would come back with parent/parents for feedings at the nest.

Two more days and I am out of school. Whoooooo!!!Whoooooo!

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debs said...

Congrats to our juvie (we call her Spring) on branching today. I watched the nest all day and Spring was in the nest and was fed several times.

Lori O. said...


You gotta love how this beautiful girl keeps coming back!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...