Saturday, June 26, 2010


Fresh weekend thread.


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Lynne2 said...

good morning!
thanks Steve, thanks Judie for the callover

Lynne2 said...

someone should record this and market it for a wake up alarm!! who needs roosters....

Mits said...

Good morning again.

Lynne2 said...

we can call it the "PalmerLarm"

Lynne2 said...

out of the nest into the tree SCREECHING!!!
I really don't remember Hidey being this vocal
OH, back in the nest!

Judie said...

Good Saturday morning. Thank you, Steve.

Checked some cams. LOL chicks are quiet and Isla is either perched above or taking her bath. Lock Garten chicks are being fed. No new ujpdates on Lily or Hope. NCTC is MT.

Lynn, I hope the toe heals quickly. Does it hurt to walk?

Need to talk with my neighbor today to find out how to use Craig's List of E-Bay. Frank's mom had six 5pc place settings of Lennox china (never used) and the pattern has been discontinued.

Off to get some coffee and the newspaper. BBL

Everyone have a nice morning.

Lynne2 said...

poofed again....and back again!

Lynne2 said...

time to go to Irvine....have a good one everybody

hedgie said...

Well...hello! Thanks for call-over, Judie! I was lost back there...all alone.
Lynne, you are right. Much better sound that beep-beep!

hedgie said...

Ha---make that THAN beep-beep.
Judie, did you look on eBay to see what kind of prices the Lenox is going for? I can put it on for you if you want.

hedgie said...

Judie, toe is sore, but not unbearable. Thanks!

Judie said...

Didn't check E-Bay but did print out the prices if you buy replacements directly from Lennox. My guess is that whatever their cost is, we would be better off to sell as a package deal at a somewhat lower cost/highest bidder. If I need help, I'll holler!

Costume Lady said...

I missed the show put on by Palmer. Snooze, you lose.

Lynn, I was too sleepy to read comments last night, what did you do to your toe?

Lynne2, love your name, PALMER-LARM...say that fast 5 times:) But, wouldn't want to wake up to the sound of her having a tantrum!
Looking forward to some stories from you about your day of volunteering:)

Costume Lady said...

Judie, it was my goal, when I got a puter, to be able to use Ebay to sell my remaining collectibles after I got out of the antiquing business. NEVER GOT AROUND TO IT:(
Life got in the way!
I know it will be fun...and, profitable. Remember, Christmas is ony 6 months away;)

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

I don't think I want to be screeched awake by a PalmerLarm. For the summer the GeorgeLarm is sufficient.

stronghunter said...

I do not do well being wakened by loud noises. My new husband was amazed one morning when the phone rang early and I literally climbed the wall. I got better--a substitute teacher has to learn to wake up to a ringing phone, but I really have never needed a loud alarm. Palmer screeches would put me in a bad state of affairs for the rest of the morning.

stronghunter said...

Yay, Judie!! Things to sell from your efforts yesterday. Nice things to sell. Great!!

stronghunter said...

Susan is my expert at selling things. She buys hay cubes at a farm store in quantities big enough for horses for her chinchillas, then sells the excess at a profit online. Last I heard, she was shipping some to the West Coast.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Saturday Morning in Eagle Land
Lynn2, Mits, Judie, Hedgie, Wanda, and Shirley.

I need to catch up on comments this morning.

Still on slow computer. They didn't send me a big enough bov lol
for the laptop 1 1/2 inches too short.

wvgal_dana said...

I can join you ladies in the thought of selling on E-bay. Ed has Louie L'Amour Leather hardbacks. He had wanted to sell them. I don't know the in's and out's about selling on E-bay. Though have purchased some nice things there.

Judie said...

Oh Shirley. You gave me quite a moment of stunned disbelief. Had to reread your comment when you mentioned your new husband - lol. Thought you sneaked him past us then realized you meant, or I think you meant, years ago. You don't have a new husband, do you?

stronghunter said...

I realized that I might cause someone to wonder--no new husband, Judie. This was years ago when my ex was my new husband.

stronghunter said...

Should have said my "then new husband."

wvgal_dana said...

lol Judie our minds were thinking alike. Thanks glad you ask Shirley because I was going too. I thought she mean't the one before.

Is the Lunar Eclipse over for us in our area or is it tonight?

hedgie said...

ROFL---I, too, was wondering why Shirley hadn't let us in on the new hubby!!!! But figured out what she meant soon enough!!

Dana, lunar eclipse was this morning---not visible here on east coast.

Wanda, just pulled a hunk of dried skin off toe---so I thought. Must have been a piece of calloussed skin or maybe a piece of nail----big bloody hole!

Judie said...

Isla and her chicks are quiet. EJ and her chicks are making their presence known. Phoenix is looking very Palmerish standing at the edge and surveying his domain.

Glad to know I wasn't the only one, Dana.

Not to worry Shirley. It was a fun laugh. Thanks.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Hedgie ( :

Wanda better get some antobitic cream in that hole.

stronghunter said...

Would not be able to keep such a thing a secret, Judie.

wvgal_dana said...

I am a HAPPY HAPPY PERSON THIS MORNING. Been trying for a month as to why I couldn't open CT. Did and tried everything. Run the install just would not open up.

Just a few minutes ago I tried it. Say to run Axis I did and for some WONDERFUL reason (thank you Big Guy Upstairs) it is open. CT osprey does have a full nest!! I have always loved this site. I call it Teddy's site because of the blue teddy bear it had in it one year.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy mentioned back in comments. There is going to be an Eclipse on Dec.21. Hedgie what about the one July 11th, will we be able to see that one?

hedgie said...

No, Dana, it will be visible in the southern Pacific.
BTW---it's MY toe----I was answering Wanda's question! Yep, Neosporined it good!
OK---I'll try CT again--maybe the message that AXIS told me to tell them worked!!!

hedgie said...

Dang----it still doesn't work for me.

hedgie said...

Lily update from last night:
We found Lily with a male yesterday, then she moved over 4 miles southwest and then sat tight in a small area through this rainy day. She is smack in Juliet’s territory and we are surprised she’s lingering rather than just passing through. About 5 PM, she moved another mile west. She is so far out in a roadless area that we were unable to reach her to see if she is still with the male and to change the batteries in her GPS unit. We hope it keeps sending locations for a few more days to help us find her in a more accessible area.

Hope visited the feeding site at 5:16 AM and at 7:54 AM but had not come by 10:15 PM tonight. We just weren’t prepared to stay longer in the dark. We’ll see what secrets the trail cam revels in the morning. We’re anxious to get the radio-collar on her so we can see where she goes when she disappears like this.

People are picking some early blueberries. Maybe Hope is, too.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone - thankful for all your comments. Nothing planned for today -
Shirley - I too thought that you sneaked a 'new' one in on us! Opened
my eyes as I read it.
Lynn as long as you wear open toed shoes you should feel no pain!

Dana Gray said...

Good morning everyone. I know it's been a long time and I hate to just run in here...drop off a link...and run, but Lynn thought you all might enjoy it. I have been invited to display 10 or so of my photographs at a local resturant. It's a rustic place with 30 foot high walls made of brick. Maybe you could help me decide which to frame. I am on an I phone ,and i am having troble remembering how to add a link, so I will just type it here. Http:// For those of you on facebook, please come find me. It seems I spend a lot of my tome ther now. Dana.m.gray

thank you all. I'll try and get back here soon when I fond the internt again. Where I am it's spotty at best.

stronghunter said...

Well, I am glad I woke everyone up this morning.

ceil said...

Good morning all. Stopping in quickly Off to the airport. Just wanted to say don't know if anyone mentioned it but BWO has 3 videos and the last one shows the littlest doing a poop shoot and almost gets mom.

ceil said...

Shirley it woke me up. LOL Took me a second to realize that he was your old new husband.
Lynn I cannot get CT this year.

hedgie said...

Glad that Phyrfly listed the site for her pics......I'll find it onm FB and post a blue link!!!

hedgie said...

Dana's pics:

Pick 10!

stronghunter said...

Beautiful pictures, PF. I like 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13.

hedgie said...

Ceil, tell Jim to have a fantastic trip! Have you heard how Jennifer's father is today?

Mema Jo said...

new fb report
Lily the Black Bear June 26, 2010 (9:51 AM CDT) A trail cam sends images to our computer. We noticed Hope at the feeding station at 7:19 AM and raced over. Hearing the distinctive sound of 'claws on bark' we spied her climbing a red pine several hundred feet away. We went to that tree and waited. She huffed in good 'Hope fashion' -- then descended for the food we brought. Good progress towards collaring her is being made. -- SM

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - remind Jim he is going just for an important visit and that he will be returning to MD at a future date in time! Enjoy, Jim !

kickngbird said...

Lynne - Hope your hubby is OK - I was very worried yesterday about possible concussion after what I read about his mishap at work.

They're starting to realize - for student athletes, soldiers who are several yards away from IED's, and so on - that more people get concussions than was previously thought, and that more people get head injuries who don't even realize it. That "little bump on the head" that leaves you with a headache could mean trouble - or maybe not - but it's usually better to let a doctor decide if there's an injury inside or not.

Lolly said...

Whew! Been doing some marathon reading to catch up on the blog. Time got by me yesterday and I had to hurry to get ready to time to say bye!

Now let me tell you about our dinner last night. They really kept it a secret! We thought we were going to some wine bar for wine tasting. ha! We were on the 27th floor of the Hilton Anatole, at Nana restaurant."Nana Restaurant

Leave your misconceptions behind. This five-star restaurant has it all: exceptional New American cuisine, elegant atmosphere and a stunning 27th-story panoramic view of the Dallas skyline"

And, we did the tasting. We had 10 (yes, 10) courses and each with a different wine. I am going to scan the menu of the tasting. I could not come close to telling you what we had. I have never had such an elegant meal in such a beautiful setting. Posted a picture on FB of the moon over Dallas. And, you know, the most amazing fact is my son ordered the meal without blinking an eye. My son! I am so proud!!

Lolly said...

Lynne, you had me laughing...I loved your half Christmas songs. Wondered WHAT was in your Pepsi yesterday!

Then I sobered up when I read about Steve, his head, and his thoughts of work. Prayers that something else will open up for him, a better option.

Concern about Lynn's toe and Wanda's knee. So glad we all have each other to console and whisper a prayer for concerns.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie go to Mema Jo's comment on Friday, June 25,2010 1:18:00PM and click on that. When it comes up at top of page to about Axis click it and when it comes up hit run. Then be patient just sit and wait...I almost didn't WAIT LONG loaded this time and after months of trying and using peoples links in comments plus my own. The one Mema Jo has on Friday "Link to Full Nest of Ospreys" WORKED FOR SOME REASON.

Lolly said...

Oh, and something else! While gone yesterday I was checking my iphone for facebook messages. I entered a picture from our backyard in a photo contest put on by a local nursery. (Calloways) They have a winner every day and I won Thursday, the first day for the contest! Wheeee! I won a whole $5.00 gift card. The fact that I won was fun and I can always use an extra $5.

Mema Jo said...

I am having no luck in finding Dana on FB - lots of Dana's. I have picked 10 of the photos so I will just place #'s on here in hopes Dana will be back for our suggestions..
All were beautiful Dana but I preferred:

1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 8 - 9
10 - 13 - 15 - 16

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Lolly, you and Jack won't forget that anniversary celebration! I also saw Zach's pic on FB and who could not help but just love that little boy!

hedgie said...

Morning Hope news:

June 26, 2010 (9:51 AM CDT) A trail cam sends images to our computer. We noticed Hope at the feeding station at 7:19 AM and raced over. Hearing the distinctive sound of 'claws on bark' we spied her climbing a red pine several hundred feet away. We went to that tree and waited. She huffed in good 'Hope fashion' -- then descended for the food we brought. Good progress towards collaring her is being made. -- SM

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Dana, when I try through Jo's link I just get an Internet error message. ARGH. So frustrating. For some reason, I am just not destined to see that cam this year. Worked fine last year........

Jo, email coming.

Lolly, so glad you had such a delightful evening. I didn't see pic on FB---will go back and look!
Congrats on your photo win!!!!

Lolly said...

Found Dana on facebook.

Grayspace Studios

Lolly said...

Lynn, the photo I entered is also on FB as I entered the contest through FB.

Lolly said...

Ahhh, Lynn, you found the photo. You just "liked" it. LOL

BEagle said...

Good morning everyone.

Checking over the cams after my Bible study.

Phoenix is flapping and actually getting some lofting. Exciting!
Phoe does look Palmerish! Palmer sets a shining example of an eaglet.
(Especially with screaming and braying.) :D

The unfledged PH eaglet was way to the right of the site on a branch.

An adult showed up with food...not on the branch but on the nest. That was a very good flying practice for the chick which made it there and mantled.


The Loch nest is stormy looking.

The weather is supposed to get to 92 today. Well, we don't HAVE to believe the weather reports, do we?

I stepped out last night to see the moon. I think it was Jo that suggested it.

THANK YOU JO. It was absolutely beautiful!

BEagle said...

Oops. Sorry Hedgie. It was you that suggested a look at the moon.

THANK YOU Hedgie. What a view it was.

BEagle said...

Waking up to a Palmer Larm? Don't know about that. It might make screamers out of us all.

It would work though.

BEagle said...

It was good to see that Palmer was viewed on the nest.

Missed it but there are still 3 t. shells on the nest, maybe 4.

Lolly said...

Dana..I liked
1,2,3,6,7,8,9, 10,12,13

Did not know if you wanted us to choose from those in the slide show or from all. There were some others that I really liked! You take beautiful pictures!!!!

Lolly said...

I am off to get a few things accomplished around here.

BBL Have a great day!

hedgie said...

I chose pics from her whole gallery...sent her an email naming them...really hard to narrow down! Of course, the red tailed hawk was gorgeous. Wish mine would come back so I could get a shot like that!

stronghunter said...

I am hearing another song from the nest this morning . . .

Some problems with spacing . . . the blogger won't allow Palmer to do line breaks the way she wants to.

If it sounds silly, and not perfectly musical, remember that Palmer does not have much experience with songwriting; her experience is with food calling.

Palmer's Song

Please help me, I'm falling
From this sy-ca-more tree.
Please help me, I'm calling
From the depths of my crop.
And I'm asking most loudly for
one more fish drop,
Please help me, I'm crying,
And I think that I'm dying.
I see that you're flying, and I
hope that you're trying
Just to feed me,
Belle and Lib-er-ty.

BEagle said...

That tune should make it to the top of the charts in no time!

hedgie said...

Hope Lynne's day at Irvine is going well, and that Steve is feeling better
Margy must have had a very tiring night...hope she is sleeping well!

stronghunter said...

Yes, I truly hope Steve's headache is gone. I was worried about him last night.

Lolly said...

Have scanned last nights menu and going to post it.

stronghunter said...

Some clouds here. I hope we get some rain.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, BEagle. I don't think I will hold my breath, though!

stronghunter said...

That must have been some dinner, Lolly.

hedgie said...

Great, Shirley!!! You and Lynne would make a great team of songwriters. I don't hear it today.....volume on high, too.

stronghunter said...

In Palmereze, Lynn!

Lolly said...

Took me a while but I was finaly successful. So, under family pic blog I have posted last night's most elegant meal. It all just melted in your mouth and the combination of flavors was unbelievable. And, all the wine was fantastic!

Lolly said...

Yes, Shirley, I doubt if ever again I will have such a meal, but then Michael just might take us there again. However, the first time is most memorable.

Lolly said...

Such talent on here....photographers and now song writers. I am sooooo impressed!

Now me??? I can dig in the dirt with the best of them!

BEagle said...

What a menu. What was your favorite?

Lolly said...

Well, the dessert was out of this world! (The one we had, not the one on the menu!) But, the grilled filet of beef was my favorite. It was three thin slices and he had added little dumpings of ricotta cheese. It melted in your mouth.

Lolly said...

Do not forget to double click the menu so as to make it easier to read.

wvgal_dana said...

Pictures I picked


phyrfly GOOD LUCK !!!


BEagle said...

I probably would have chosen the beef also, but maybe the prawns.

Very curious menu.

stronghunter said...

Posted a few pictures--George on the recliner keeping me company, Kathryn's wedding dress, and the ornament Susan bought me.

Lolly, even better than the menu--enjoying the evening with your family.

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL iN



[C~:] Jim

movin said...

Both adults in Finneys nest for the moment.



movin said...

I think the male is giving the Lady a break at Finney's now.



hedgie said...

Good golly, Miss Lolly! What an eclectic array of food. Interesting......

Comments left on your pics, Shirley! Cool!!

Hello, California Jim!!! Did you see the eclipse this last night??

stronghunter said...

After reading your menu, Lolly, I had to go fix some lunch. Nothing as elegant as your dinner, though.

Lolly said...

George is beautiful. Do not tell him I said that. Might get his tail in a knot since he is a guy.

The lace and beading on the dress is beautiful, too.

Made Maulie purr while there!☺

paula eagleholic said...

Just heard Palmer arrive in the tree.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, that sounds like a menu from Top Chef! What a nice treat!

paula eagleholic said...

Haven't heard anything since she landed!

stronghunter said...


BEagle said...

The nest is still MT.

Paula. Sure hope work is going well.

StrongH. George is a very pretty cat.
I won't say kitty, he might be able to read.

The gown is awesome and the ornaments are very unusually nice.

stronghunter said...

Screeching landing.

BEagle said...

Oh, I see that maybe Palmer came back for a very brief visit.

And actually just flew in as I was typing.

I wonder why she screams when she arrives.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Lolly, what a wonderful surprise evening. Michael is a really special son and you and Jack should be very proud. Need to check out the menu. Also, congratulations on submitting the winning picture -- will your $5 get you another dinner at Nana Restaurant? lol.

Also need to check Shirley's pictures.

Lynne, how's Steve today?

Phyrfly Dana, I live all the pictures but selected: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Guess I'll have to use some serious imagination tonight -- taco salad. Definitely not even 1/2 star.


Judie said...

Beautiful George and really, really beautiful lace with beading.

hedgie said...

Hear her but still don't see her!

BEagle said...

Palmer is almost out of view at the cam tree.

You can see movement of her tail feathers...and her left wing to the right of the tree.

Lolly said...

Judie....LOL Afraid the $5 won't even get my car parked at the Nana. I deliberately hid the cost of the meal from the menu. Did not want to send anyone into shock.

Lolly said...

OOOOoweeeee! I see an eagle!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Panicked when I opened the live cam 'cuz I didn't see our lovely eaglet, but she moved and I could see her blended with the gorilla tape.
Isn't she beautiful?!

Lynne 2 saw your post about alarms first thing. You, so funny!

Must catch up. bbl

hedgie said...

She snuck in quietly.....

BEagle said...

Yes, she screamed in quietly.

PA Nana said...

Still catching up, but Judie there is a place in Florida, I think, that has pieces to discontinued china, silverware, etc.

I don't know if it's still in business, but I'd guess they would be since this is a limited market. Don't remember the name but google may help.


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she is eating? or hunting nestovers....missed her arrival into the nest as well, had the sound turned down.

Lolly said...

Watching TCU vs UCLA, college world series. Go Frogs!

paula eagleholic said...

OK< I missed her cause I was out getting some lunch!

paula eagleholic said...

Work going good, great day to catch up, no phone calls, no one knows I'm here, hee hee

BEagle said...

That was an ornery hee hee. A little honey on drawer handles maybe? The thought would run through my mind if I was working and no one was around. :)

Late lunch today. Cottage cheese with sliced green onions and tomatoes in it. Celtic sea salt and ground pepper. One of my faves.

Mema Jo said...

I've been lurking a while. Menu is great but I would be thankful for someone else to order for me.. except for the dessert of course.
George is a cat with his own mind!

I'm going to head out to mass in an hour - staying in AC all the way.

Lolly said...

Ahh! Palmer's Song!

Lolly said...

Jo, we got it all on that menu! Each was a small serving, but we got it all and 2 oz. of a different wine with each!

BEagle said...

what was the drunken goat cheese like?

Lolly said...

And, as each was served, by Richard, he described each and had cute comments to make.

BEagle said...

Palmer is pretty with her white feather necklace.

And then see squawks.

Lolly said...

Two kinds of goat cheese, with mousse on top of one and on a bed of radish cranberry sauce. The radish flavor was just a hint. It was very good!!! Should have taken a picture of each course. Ashley was enjoying the dishes we were eating out of. LOL presentation...presentation!

paula eagleholic said...

Beagle, I am downstairs and the store is upstairs. Most of the time when I work Saturdays, I let them know I'm here, today I didn't.

paula eagleholic said...

More Palmerlarms!

BEagle said...

No interruptions = lots of work done.

Lolly said...

Oh, we are going to miss this eagle!

paula eagleholic said...

"Feed me Feed me!!"

hedgie said...

Goodness gracious, Palmer.....somebody stick a fish in her mouth!!

BEagle said...

Food must be close by.

paula eagleholic said...

That's what she's hoping for Lynn :-)

Mema Jo said...

Oh my goodness Lolly - What a fantastic treat to have a little of everything! Presentation is what makes it!

stronghunter said...

Soccer: USA 1, Ghana 1

kickngbird said...

Checked my cell phone (where I can see still cam) & saw that Palmer was on the nest, but soccer game is very hard to tear myself away from...

Came to computer to hear the lovely screeching sounds of "PalmerLarm" - that is cute Lynne

BEagle said...

What is that bone sitting near her tail?

paula eagleholic said...

Still calling for wushi!

BEagle said...

Big wushi calls.

paula eagleholic said...

Hard to say beagle, probably from a mammal.

BEagle said...

An alarm clock that wakes you up with the sounds of nature...

But Palmer screams?

PA Nana said...

Is Palmer "singing the blues" or the lyrics from Lynne's 1/2 Christmas carols and Shirley? We certainly have some talent on here. I don't remember Hidey being so boisterous.

Lolly what a night on the town! An extraordinary menu too.

Lynn, hope the toe heals fast.

Hope everyone is handling this humid weather. I try to stay indoors with the a/c to keep swelling of extremeties to a minimum. I even take a diruretic, but still need shoes for swollen feet and shoes for regular feet.

Well, the squealer just left. Boy, did it get quiet.

paula eagleholic said...

She just squealed off the nest, nope here she comes back...clank clank! Desperate squeals now!

BEagle said...

Just flew off the screaming nest.

Whoa. What is that banging on the cam?
sounds like Palmer.

PA Nana said...

Spoke too soon. I think she only flew up to an upper limb; I hear her.

BEagle said...

Palmer is stomping now.

paula eagleholic said...

And she just dropped in from up above.

PA Nana said...

She's baaaacck.

Mema Jo said...

Soccer is my most favorite sport
I am really praying (if that is allowed) for the USA

All of these games have been fantastic. Really everyone there is a winner!

Getting ready for Mass
Will return later...... My
Palmer-larm is going off - gotta go!

Lolly said...

I think she was on the cam, now back down to the nest. How's a person to watch a ball game, play a computer game and listen to that, too. LOL

BEagle said...

Palmer's tail feathers are uniform and pretty.

BEagle said...

I guess she is not really stomping.
With her wings it's more like

stronghunter said...

Palmer is louder than the vuvuzelas at the soccer game.

stronghunter said...

Soccer game in overtime.

hedgie said...

Currently 48 degrees F at 10:20 pm in Rustenburg, SA-----but those guys are sweating like crazy!!

kickngbird said...

I can watch the extra 30 minutes, but if it stays tied and they take shots on the goalkeeper, I don't know if I can watch! (I played soccer when I was young.) That's just heart stopping! Listening to Palmer screeching is soothing compared to that!

hedgie said...

Ghana just scored....2-1 :(

paula eagleholic said...

That was a full mantle! All that screaming finally paid off.

stronghunter said...

Poor starving bird.

hedgie said...

Yep, hate the vuvuzelas. So darn irritating.

Judie said...

Thank goodness Palmer got some food. If ever an eaglet could cause eagleticide just to keep it quiet! Belle and Lib must have extraordinary patience -- well, maybe they are hearing impaired. Yes, for the first time in weeks, I actually got the live cam and have been blessed with watching and listening to Palmer.

movin said...

Boy, I heard, I switched to, and I saw Palmer grab that fish as soon as Liberty landed, mantle it and start feeding...all in an eye blink.

I think she has got that aggressive feeding behavior group down now.

No need to worry about her being able to grab and hold her share any more.



hedgie said...

Missed if food was brought in...??? Or did she dig up nestovers?

stronghunter said...

Food was brought in, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Accompanied by much screaming.

Lolly said...

Wasn't very big, but it shushed her up for a while.

Lolly said...

She is going to start screaming!

Judie said...

You are correct, Jim. Like a flash, fish snatched and big mantle action.

Still squealing a bit.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading out, see ya'll later!

stronghunter said...

The thing about the vuvuzelas is that just blow them nonstop regardless of what is going on in the game.

stronghunter said...

Game over, Ghana wins 2-1.

hedgie said...

Too bad---they can sure be proud of how far they went.:(

Lolly said...

Another delivery! Watch your manners, Palmer!

BEagle said...

Another mantle and even had a feather stuck on her beak.

stronghunter said...

Pecking at parent.

BEagle said...

I did wonder if the feather was hers or Libs.

BEagle said...

Must have been Libs.

BEagle said...

Looks like a fish but not quite wushi sized.

BEagle said...

Palmer must be trying to say thank you in her own special way. She is braying which is better than screaming.

BEagle said...

It is possible that she is calling to be fed.

kickngbird said...

Maybe now she's calling for table service

kickngbird said...

You're a big girl, Palmer, you can do it yourself

BEagle said...

Ha Ha. Table service. May some additional drunken goat cheese. I get a kick out of that.

BEagle said...

that was supposed to be ....MAYBE some additional....

BEagle said...

There's an adult above.

kickngbird said...

She's got her utensils - if she wants turtle to go with her fish, she'll have to go get it herself

BEagle said...

It is dusky at the Loch nest. Just see the two chicks. One stretched it's wing out and knocked the other silly.

BEagle said...

That is almost a wushi.

kickngbird said...

Lots of pretty white feathers visible

Lolly said...

Possibly she was waiting for that superior service, but looks like she has given up and is now chowing down,

Just fixed myself a diet coke. Trying to wake up. Getting sleeping watchin TCU get beat. Groannnnn!

BEagle said...

I saw a video yesterday of an eagle that had two little cameras attached to its back. When the eagle flew, it was as if you were on it's back flying with it.

An interesting study.

hedgie said...

Have watched an entire show of that, BEagle. Amazing-----the speed of dives, etc.

hedgie said...

I wonder if Margy's internet is down or if her computer phone call or text from her. She should be at work again now.....listening for her....

Lolly said...

Lynn, I was thinking we had not heard from her. Lost track of her schedule.

Shush, Palmer! Not nice to interrupt!

hedgie said...

Okay---just heard at least we know she's okay.

stronghunter said...

Good to know you heard Margy, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Just remembered to watch the BWO videos. Neat. The night video with the lightening: think I saw car lights in the background....never noticed that there was a road back there.

hedgie said...

Mits??? You out there? Do you know if a road runs behind it?

ceil said...

Yep Lynn that is a car and it is the road that is by the visitor center.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Ceil!!! Forgot that you have been there, too!

hedgie said...

I've been stewing a bit about where Myrtle might be. Doing some research, learned that their lifetime habitat is usually within a 750 ft. area. So guess that means she's nearby even if I don't see her!

stronghunter said...

Can't think that turtles wander very far, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

But they probably spend a lot of time out of sight.

hedgie said...

INCOMING. Fast food delivery.

hedgie said...

And she screamed parent right off the nest! They should have taken the food with them until she learns some manners!!

BEagle said...

Heard the screaming and came running.
More food.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...