Saturday, June 26, 2010


Fresh weekend thread.


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hedgie said...

Shirley, it said they burrow into leaf piles (plenty of those around!) and hibernate in hollowed out trees stumps, or dig two feet deep holes.

hedgie said...

Have never seen another one here, tho' don't know if there are ever babies or not. When I was a teen, we had half a dozen babies every year near our chimney. They are SO cute!!

Lolly said...

One time I was sitting at our concrete picnic table in the garden, the ivy started rusling and scared the daylights out of me. Then....a turtle appeared. I told him what for...not nice to scare a person.

Lolly said...

Looks like Palmer may spend the night again in the nest.

Jack and I just went out and walked around, but still too hot. It is 92. Yuck! So back inside we came.

Tried to take a picture of my wrens but just could not get a good picture. Jack saw their mouths open, but when I approached they closed their mouths and eyes and laid low.

Lolly said...

bless you!

stronghunter said...

My children used to find turtles in our backyard. We had a wooded backyard then. They told me that the turtles came to eat the wild strawberries there.

stronghunter said...

Probably a good idea for Myrtle to keep out of sight of eagles. Also, she probably wants to avoid the heat.

wvgal_dana said...

Hear screaming Palmer-is at 12 o'clock.

paula eagleholic said...

Is the sound off, LOL. Palmer is so quiet!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, she must have been screaming when I stepped out for a moment!

Judie said...

Well, from what I can gather, Palmer has had some more food, engaged in more screaming, and may spend the night. Good news.

Going to check out t.v. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

the nest has been a good fish catching spot for Palmer :-)

Costume Lady said...

Good Evening...
Lynn,I have often wondered where turtles spent their Winters, now I know:)
No baby turtles...maybe Myrtle is a Meryl?? Wonder what baby turtles are called...maybe turds?

paula eagleholic said...

Fireworks tonight in's their Community Day, which they have at July not coming, they are at an anniversary party.

Costume Lady said...

I read in our paper where a 13 year old girl was hit by a car in Berkeley Springs and has died...wondering if it was someon MARGY knows and that is why we haven't heard from her? I prefer to think her computer is down.

paula eagleholic said...

Heard that!

paula eagleholic said...

I can see the fireworks from my deck, except the ground show.

stronghunter said...

Hungry. Going for food. Maybe fish. Don't tell Palmer. I would be upset if a screaming eagle came after my supper.

paula eagleholic said...

Can't believe Palmer wants more fish...dessert?

paula eagleholic said...

She looks like she's thinking about leaving

Mema Jo said...

Hello All! Sounds like Palmer is getting what she wants.

Check out BWO I really don't see an adult.... I've been watching for a while.

stronghunter said...

Went out back to water my plants and the little poodle visiting there came rushing over to bark at me. For some reason that cute little dog thinks I should be ripped to pieces.

stronghunter said...

I have to say that I really don't feel particularly threatened.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't see a parent at BWO either.

BWE is stuck

Mema Jo said...

Our Middletown Fireworks are going to be July 3rd. I can usually visit son and see them (except the ground ones) from their yard.......

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer at the one....

CT osprey chicks are so big! Glad the cam got washed off!

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch a 9:00 Hallmark movie..
Had another choice starting at 8:00 but to much turmoil in that story.

paula eagleholic said...

All of a sudden, 2 chicks popped up at BWO...looked funny!

paula eagleholic said...

Finally can see all 3, it's hard on just a refresh cam

Mema Jo said...

Guess I'll check back during commercial times for an adult to be there with the chicks.

Lots of bedding there now - Remember when it was just a few sticks?

paula eagleholic said...

Sure is some late squeals

paula eagleholic said...

spidey's web sure is moving around...last I saw Palmer she was the 1spot

Mema Jo said...

Commercial - no adult osprey at BWO nest

stronghunter said...

Just got reminded that the Boy Scout Jamboree will be here the end of July into early August.

hedgie said...

Wanda...LOL...turds! I did learn that Myrtle is a girl. Males have red eyes, females the amber....and hers are amber!

Margy is having a very busy shift...:(

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, when I learned what happened to your toe, it reminded me of something similar that happened to me. I had been using an ointment on my face for a skin condition, and it dried me out quite a bit, especially around the mouth. I had this one piece of skin that was in the way of putting my lipstic on, so I got the tweezers and grabbed hold of it and zipped it off and it took the skin from my lip, half way to my nose. Still have a scar.

stronghunter said...

Just read about male turtles having red eyes, Lynn. Interesting.

stronghunter said...

Hope your toe is better, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Will and enjoyed the fish without any screaming eagle raids. It probably would have been only a snack for Palmer, anyway.

stronghunter said...

Will and I . . .

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, no parent at BWO tonight.

Fireworks were cool, tried to take a couple of pics. And don't forget the strawberry moon is out tonight :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Poor Nugz was nervous during the fireworks, so I put him inside, I think he's hiding up in the bedroom.

stronghunter said...

Our fur children do not like fireworks. When she got older, Sassafras would walk around the house and pee. It was a mess. She was so upset.

stronghunter said...

One of my friends had a dog who would run off and hide. As I recall, they once found him in someone's car.

hedgie said...

Shirley, sure hope there's no bad stuff at Jamboree.....lightening strikes, illness.....they've sure had some rotten luck some years.

paula eagleholic said...

This is the first year it's bothered him...he just wants to hide, fortunately.

stronghunter said...

They really have, haven't they? I think it was the last time that some men were putting up a tent and hit a power line. They were electrocuted on the first day of the event. Very sad.

It is a big event around here. We see scout uniforms everywhere. I think this is the last year it will be here, though.

hedgie said...

Wanda....ouch! That had to be worse than a toe!
Thank goodness, Cinnamon isn't scared of fireworks or thunder. First dog we had when I was kid would head for the basement and hide behind the furnace. Our next dog, our first dachshund, actually had a heart attack and died during a thunder sotrm----that's how scared she got.

stronghunter said...

I don't remember how many people attend, but it is essentially another city nearby.

Judie said...

Yes, strawberry moon. Was lovely last night. Will look again tonight before going in search of the sandperson.

Today was a day of sorting and cataloging stuff to be gotten rid of. Still unsure about how to proceed -- online sale or charity?

Interesting about turtle eye color. Learned something new today.

Am very tired tonight. Don't seem to have any energy these days.

Have checked on critter cams. All seem fine including Boris's elegant web design.

Goodnight everyone. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others.

paula eagleholic said...

Posted the strawberry moon and a couple of fireworks shots on Paula's Prints...

gonna go find some ice cream :-)

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie. I am glad you can at last see Boris's web.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, picked my first zucchini today!

NatureNut said...

Wow, wasn't on here today & look what's happened! Shirley has a new husband and has turned to songwriting for the summer!!!!
And the PALMERLARM has been invented!! I want one. When are they going on Ebay???

Lolly said...

Just sat down with my laptop. Thought about ISS and looked up the time...9:27, looked at the clock, it was 9:27. Shouted to Jack, we rushed out and there it was!! No clouds and it was big and bright right up over the house. Watched as it went across for several minutes.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful moon picture and fireworks, Paula.

NatureNut said...

WOW, Lolly, wonder if it's coming here? I didn't get chance to check the site. Going out----& Look Out, you raccoon!!!

stronghunter said...

Loretta, you are going to get things started up again. Everyone who did not read the previous messages will have me married again.

No, I do not have a new husband.

Lolly said...

Oh, dear, no fancy smancy dinner tonight. We had hamburgers, but we dressed them up with bacon, blue cheese and peppers. I complained, Jack said he could have stood there and described the meal. LOL Better yet...he could have served wine with the meal, but he did neither.

Lolly said...

Well, you SAID something about a new husband. LOL

hedgie said...

Too late, was 8:54 here, so probably just a few minutes later for you. :(
Judie, the heat saps your energy----even if you aren't out in it much!
No moon cover reigns. Still very warm.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, we picked our first one today, also:) (From GG's garden)
She has great soil and sunshine all day. Our soil is not so good and we only get a few hours of sun. We won't have squash for another week and a half, yet. We did get a mess of beans yesterday, along with a few fresh potatoes. So good:) Nothing like summer veggies!

hedgie said...

Fireworks nearby---heard them and smelled them. People are a week early....
Good pics, Paula!!

Ragdoll said...

Hello My Eagle Buddies. Just popped in before I hit the hay. I lurk for 5 - 10 mins. here and there. Miss you all.

Been really busy...Have my Grandson, John for a sleep over. I love it. Hedgie ask how far John lives from us...LOL..I have to admit he is only 12 miles from me but we are very bonded. I left my job (investments) when he was six weeks old. We couldn't bare to think he was going to have to go to daycare. I took care of him full time until he was 3 1/2. Then he was in nursery school for two days and still with me for 3 days a week. He's my sunshine!!!!

I've been doing all my flower gardens this week. We are putting crushed rock under our screen porch and deck. We have to dig all the loam out first. work, work,

Tomorrow we are having a family work day and BBQ. Our 3 sons from up north , my daughters and all the grandchildren. Also some close friends are going to help cut, split and stack wood. If Bob and I did it alone it would take us all summer. So it's going to be busy, in s special kind of way.

Well off I go. Just wanted to say Hi and I miss you all. Someday I will get to relax and stay on for awhile.

Prayers for all wants and needs.
Praise for all answered prayers and sweet, wonderful dreams.

Good Night. ^..^

paula eagleholic said...

YUM, fresh green beans...miss those. I'll have to hit up the farmer's market soon, there's quite a few around here.

Gonna turn in for tonight, have alot I want to get done tomorrow. See you in the a.m.

Hugs to all!♥

Just heard Palmer moving around ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, Deb.

NatureNut said...

Well, couldn't see ISS if it did come over---hazy, but could see lovely light peach moon & a couple stars.

Put some not too great pics of the pileated--he was moving fast on blog with some of the sea eagles.

Lynn, sorry to hear about your toe!
Yikes--you know what to do. Was talking to my daughter last night & she mentioned red spots starting in her eyebrow & up into her scalp. We weighed the possibilities & she called today & decided after we talked that it might be shingles!!!Lays dormant in nerve path, that's why it was only on that side of her face.(She had chickenpox as a child)She ended up in ER, as no Dr's. open by her on Sats.She got Rx which you should have within 72 hrs. of onset. So she made it & Dr. said if her eye bothers her to go to eye Dr. as it can ruin your vision!

hedgie said...

Good movie, wasn't it, Jo??

stronghunter said...

I remember we were talking about those topsy-turvy planters awhile back. When I went to the sitters to pick Hunter up recently, I noticed they had two of them, one with a tomato plant and another with a squash plant.

The squash plant was growing in a strawberry planter, and it seemed to be doing okay, but Hunter took exception to the fact that the squash was growing in a strawberry planter.

He said that the sitter's family must not have seen the commercial. According to Hunter, you just cannot grow squash in a strawberry planter.

NatureNut said...

Sorry, Shirley!!! LOL
Now hear this----Shirley does NOT have a new husband!!

stronghunter said...

Loretta, that reminds me--I decided I needed to get a shingles shot this summer. The teacher across the hall had shingles last summer, and he had a rash for weeks and weeks afterward.

stronghunter said...

You all will be among the first to know if my marital status changes. I will let you know before the event takes place.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta.....for sure tell her NOT to wait if any eye symptoms. My sister has a friend who went totally blind from shingles. Bad stuff.

Saved my green beans for tomorrow! Ham and probably mac&cheese to go with it. Had corn and maters and cukes/onions again tonight!

hedgie said...

Sure has gotten peaceful the last coupke of hours with Palmer apparently satisfied for the day!!

hedgie said...

Deb, glad you are enjoying your summer! SOunds like you are working awfully hard, tho'! Check in when you can.

stronghunter said...

I am sitting here yawning and yawning. Time to head upstairs.

See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - you're just telling us that so we can plan a bridal shower for you and then you can get a lot of new things......... lol

Good Night - don't forget to take George with you!

NatureNut said...

Yes, ladies. Daughter knows about the eye stuff. Her eye was clear and not bothering her, but her eyelid was swollen a little and red. She said her hair covers the spots, but she might wear her sunglasses to work! Lady who went with them on bike trip had it get in her eye & afterward she ended up wearing glasses.
Hard to understand---since c-pox is caused by virus, you would think body would build up immunity against it, but instead it can stay dormant until it might get triggered as shingles.

Mema Jo said...

Really good movie, Lynn. I love their movies - happy endings is what I prefer.

Loretta - had shingles in my eyebrow..
Painful as all get out.. Eye Dr really checked me out .. Advise her to get an exam so that the doc has a starting point to go by and can
tell later if any damage.

hedgie said...

Saying my adieux now, too. Bath is calling. Heat prediction is awful for no grocery store for me! I'm certainly not going to starve!
Prayers for all. Night-night.

NatureNut said...

Thx, Jo. I'm sure she will--she is a Dr.
Well I keep trying to catch up--never will!! Email is even worse!I need a secretary.LOL
So for all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams;>)

Lolly said...

Hope update

Update June 26, 2010 – 9:50 PM CDTShare. Today at 10:29pm
Can we collar Hope?

The elusive Hope - June 26, 2010Once again Hope keeps us waiting. We have the radio-collar and some enticing food to keep her occupied. Now we sit… waiting… again. We hope to get her collared tonight because rain is predicted for tomorrow. The rain will make her nervous and the collaring more difficult. Here’s hoping!

Today, Lily moved farther outside her territory than ever before—a full 7.5 miles away from Hope. We suspect she is with a male. However, she’s in such a remote roadless area that we have not been able to get to her to verify. Because we can’t reach her we have not been able to change her GPS unit and the last reading we received was just before 5 PM.

This evening Juliet made a dramatic move south to the area of her territory where Lily was yesterday. The wind was coming from the south and we suspect Juliet caught Lily’s lingering scent and moved to investigate. Drama in the bear world!

Lolly said...

Guess they will have yet another update as they are waiting for Hope.

Heading to bed.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

"Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"....


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Boy, we were really busy yesterday, and didn't light anywhere until dinnertime! I did get a lot done with the patio plants--had to deadhead a lot of flowers and trim here and there.

Fell asleep after dinner, and woke up very, very late, so here I am.
All's well at LOL. Isla is looking well. The chicks are so well behaved! No screeching or screaming from them! Isla has apparently trained them well. Don't get me wrong--still love Palmer, no matter what her manners are like, and she needs to be able to survive out there in this cruel world.

Lolly, that dinner is something I am sure you will remember always--what an incredible treat!

Shirley, LOVE Palmer's Song! Like the pictures of George, that beautiful dress (beautiful lace!), and the tree ornament.

We went shopping at Sprouts Market today. They have lots of organic local fruit and veggies. Ended up having all veggie dinner! White corn on the cob, summer squash, and cauliflower. The cauliflower was especially delicious--very mild flavor. Oh--we had gone to Olive Garden for a soup & salad lunch. Love their soup--the zuppa toscana (not sure I spelled it correctly) is my favorite.

Judie, relieved that you were able to see the nest on the live cam!
Glad your computer gremlin decided to cooperate. Hope you feel more energetic today--imagine the nasty hot weather has a lot to do with your lack of energy.

Loretta, so sorry your daughter has shingles! Good thing she was able to get the Rx from the doctor! They're definitely no fun. Prayers that she recovers quickly with no complications!

Well, guess I'll try to go get some more sleep. Hubby has been restless all night--seems to be fighting off some sort of virus. His chest feels raspy, and has a tickly cough. Please say some prayers that it won't gain a toehold on him!

Have said prayers for everyone. The porch light is still burning here, and the night light. The night herons are singing the "Pterodactyl Chorus" outside.
The eye scanner security is working. Will talk to everyone later this morning. Have a wonderful Sunday! Love you guys!
God bless! :o]

Unknown said...

good morning. Thanks everyone for you thoughts. Its a big help. Thank you Lolly for your help with the blue links. I am still away from a real computer and I have so much trouble on this iPod. BBL

magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning
Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

here is a hollowed out tree trunk (my avatar)
just for we have to transplant it from Swinging Bridge to YOUR roost

I think there are some male-female identification features on the underside of the turtle shell also, maybe?

magpie said...

Adult in the nest....spectacular!

Judie said...

Ragdoll, have a lovely day with the family.

About 25 years ago, I developed a red blister-like rash on the left side of my face and inside left side of mouth. Went to a military doctor who diagnosed bug bites. I asked how could I have been bitten so many times without being aware. He shrugged. I then went to a civilian doctor. Took one look and said I had herpes zoster. All I heard was herpes and became quite concerned -- how was I going to explain to my husband having herpes inside my mouth. Doctor explained that is the medical name for chicken pox.

Okay, off for coffee and newspaper. I think today I will spend time googling names of companies to see what value would be appropriate for some things I want to either donate or try to sell. We don't use silver and such anymore. Big entertaining days are over.


Judie said...

Oops, forgot my manners.

Good morning, everyone.

magpie said...

with a spectacular fish guess I better open up live feed

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning. Adult in nest eating---in peace and quiet!!! Wonder how long THAT will last???

magpie said...

crunch and munch Judie. go for live feed... sister recently had a bout with them...had to stay away from her granddaughter to be on the safe side...took the antibiotics for about two weeks, is okay now

magpie said...

I did not know the 13 year old child that died from the bicycle accident in Berkeley Springs
but she went to the same school as my grandson's aunt, who is only two years older than my grandson James

magpie said...

Palmer must be out grocery shopping with the OTHER parent

hedgie said...

And Margy's here!!! I was just thinking about you, gal!

Dana....check your email, too--sent my picks of pics there. You have some hard choices to make!!! So much beauty.

Judie, I only use the good stuff twice a year, but couldn't bear to part with it---too much sentimental value, not to mention that it's considered antique now---most was my Grams'.

Andy, I say you better get back to bed. Hope hubby wakes up feeling much better!

hedgie said...

Yes, can tell turtle sex by shape of underneath shell, as well as differences in hind feet....but eyes are easiest to see!! Thanks for the tree hollow, Margy---I've got plenty!

magpie said...

very much enjoyed your post about your grandson and the choices you made when he was a old is John now?

hedgie said...

Went ahead and got the trash out--before the heat really hits. Ticked off at local paper carrier---SIX (6) of the heavy Kohl's ad booklets----give me a break. No wonder my trash is so heavy! It's not the newspapers themselves----it's all the inserts.

magpie said...

but do you have one shaped like a heart, Lynn ?? LOL

magpie said...

I need sleep, think I'll sneak out before the whiny hummy starts, OR the screaming perhaps...

Best wishes for a good day, everyone...


hedgie said...

Margy, my dad's best friend growing up was his uncle who was 2 years younger than him!

Judie said...

Good morning, Margy. So sad about the little girl in B.Sp. Prayers for her, the family, and friends.

Lynn, we will likely soon need to move into a life-care community. Rather do this while there is still some control.

Really leaving this time. BBL

hedgie said...

LOL---didn't look close enough, Margy---that IS a neat stump!!! Nope, no hearts here!! Sleep tight!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning No PalmerLarm sounding this morning...

Great fun at the Nature Center yesterday...
Here is a link in case you'd like to see more info
<a href=">Irvine Nature Center</a>

Got to help Tracey do treatments on a Diamond Backed Terrapin's shell, and another's eye. Gave a bearded dragon skin treatment. Got to hand feed a mouse (thawed, not live) to the opossum! Feed many animals, cleaned displays and changed water, etc. Picked up raptor pellets and poop! Was in aviary with hawks when Tracey fed them, but they are still very skittish, especially the blind one so I won't do that on my own til they become more familiar with me. Not all fun and games though....the feeders bugs and worms need to be fed and cleaned as well so I had my hands in a tank of mealworms and superworms, and zillions of crickets! They have a freezer full of birds that for whatever reason didn't make it....including of all things, a wood thrush! They will be taxidermy displays. So much to do and learn...LOVED IT!! Going back on Wednesday! Will have to get some pictures....
Brought home a science project...someone found a Tiger Swallowtail caterpillar so I brought him home. He was green in the morning and by afternoon turning brown, sure sign of moving on to forming chrysalis! Which he is almost now! Been taking pictures.
DINKY GREW A FRONT LEG OVERNIGHT!!! He'll go to Irvine with me on Wednesday to live. Assuming he makes it....some of the taddies died while in the final stage of development to frog after front legs grew and before tail fully absorbed.

Steve's head is headaches or anything.

Sorry to hear about your toe, Lynn...hope it heals up fast.

Loretta, hope your daughter heals up fast too. I had chicken pox as a child and often wonder if I'll get shingles eventually. I see the ad on TV fairly often about people of 65 who have had chicken pox needing a shingle vaccination. Always wondered why over 65?

Andy, sure hope your hubby can fight off whatever is trying to get him!

Well, I took the dogs out at 6:30 for a field run while still cool and then for a nice long walk around the property. Laundry done.
Heading out now to water water water again. UGH. Once again there is no appreciable chance of rain in the 7-day forecast but it is supposed to be a little cooler by Tuesday. But today is going to be a nightmare of heat and humidity.

Lynne2 said...

that IS a perfect stump for box turtles in LOVE!!!

Lynn, I'll have to get a picture of the box turtle display at Irvine to show's up off of the ground, in a big circle, and then there is a little tunnel for the kids to crawl into and pop there heads up in the middle to see them!

Lynne2 said...

must stop procrastinating and get the watering done....

Lynne2 said...

oops, didn't do blue link right
Irvine Nature Center

BEagle said...

Good morning to everyone.

Looks like there was not much activity on Belle and Lib's nest.
Looks like Palmer took off before any one got up (or got home from work).

Only an adult visit.

Miss seeing the pretty little screamer, but could probably hear her even through mowing the lawn. : D

BEagle said...

Was happy to see Margie posting as she was a concern last evening.

Thank you Lynn for the link. I went to the site and their home page is so pretty I had to bookmark for further exploring.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

That is a neat looking place, Lynne! They even have year round kids programs...awesome!

BEagle said...

Laird was building some guard rails on the left side of the nest this morning.
Very fussy about where to situate the bigger sticks.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Been catching up on the messages.

Need coffee.


BEagle said...

The unfledged chick at PH was visited by the fledged when I checked. Must remember that the fledged took off about a week early. The unfledged has plenty of time.

The WE chicks seem to show no interest in flying off. Of course, they have plenty of time too.

paula eagleholic said...

This is pretty cool...check out all 3 pictures.

Unusual Bald Eagle

BEagle said...

Last night I didn't see TH chicks. This morning neither in sight. The chat suggest that one is off to the left out of site.

"Out of sight!"

BEagle said...

Liked all three....bald eagle, polar bear, and dove. Most interesting how it's done.

BEagle said...

When I checked last night, Phoenix looked like she was up on the camera box. The mother was at the far end and flew off. It was a beautiful sight.

So Phoenix mimicked her but didn't get the same results. Good practice though.

BEagle said...

Now for another cupacoffee.

stronghunter said...

Nice images, Paula. I enjoyed all of them.

stronghunter said...

Last night, I left the hose running under the dogwood tree in my back yard. I had fears of forgetting it, but I came in to finish fixing supper.

As Will and I sat down to eat, I suddenly remembered. I suppose the water had been running an hour or so. Will went out and turned off the water, and this morning that dogwood tree looks happier than it has in a long time.

I put the hose under the butterfly bush this morning and set the timer in the kitchen. Neither the butterfly bush nor the crepe myrtle is blooming. I think they are too stressed by the heat and lack of water.

BEagle said...

Where does Paula find all that cool stuff?

I do hope that Palmer writes a
bon voyage lyric when she leaves the nest for good.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, that's what I'm headed out to do...water the gardens. We really need some rain. Maybe if I wash my car, it will rain, that's what usually happens :)

BEagle said...

I have a crape myrtle too. I just did some research because of pruning issues.

They do like the hot temperatures and that is why they are so popular in the South. My has not bloomed yet either.

BEagle said...

We are supposed to get thunderstorms today. They may come sooner if I wash my car.

BEagle said...

...mine has not bloomed...

BEagle said...

Lolly said...

Good morning! I forgot to mention that we got 1/2 inch of rain Friday evening while we were gone. My lawn and garden said "thank you". I have a redbud that was stressing and dropping leaves. I watered it and then the rain. Today it looks better. LOL I have to set timers too, or I forget. Yikes!

Very interesting pictures, Paula. Reminds me of marching bands performing on a field. But bands are moving and playing music while posing pictures...though no so detailed.

Lolly said...

Just knew there would be no eagle in the nest by the time I got to the cam...sure enough!

stronghunter said...

I did not prune my tree this spring. I see that I should have.

stronghunter said...

BEagle, you had me wondering whether it was "crepe" or "crape" myrtle. It looks like it can be spelled either way.

BEagle said...

My crape is a tall one. Way up there.
The pruning has to be done at the right time and expertly done.

BEagle said...

I was going to tell you about the spelling. Either way.

We are used to crepe.

BEagle said...

I was going to say Myrtle..........

Lolly said...

Garden expert here says do not prune crape myrtles. I would like to trim some back but Jack won't here of it.

Lolly said...

Mine are blooming...big time.

BEagle said...

No Palmer this morning. Why do I feel disappointment?

It's supposed to be another hot day. I expect she will show up sometime to get breeze and shade.

BEagle said...

If you check some of the crape pruning videos, you will see some very beautiful examples.

One spot said you have to prune them correctly or don't prune them at all.

stronghunter said...

Mine has buds. It is getting its turn at water now.

Lynne2 said...

OK watering done, hummer feeder changed. Sweating like a pig. It's already 85 here...not a good sign.

I have a crepe was straggly and unkempt for years. Pruned it in January (after fist big snow...on a ladder in drifts...very dicey work but I got it done!) per expert advise. Looks beautiful now, really filled in nicely! It's not blooming yet either...there are very few blooming here in the area and there are LOTS of them around. My butterfly bush just started blooming last week. I've been watering it 2x a week. I cut that sucker down in March like you are supposed's the second season for this one (how many times did I dig that poor thing out from under snow!). Cut to about 8" and now it's 5ft tall!!!

Shirley, thanks for sharing "Palmer's" song yesterday!!!

BEagle said...

Don't know if I can see buds even if they are there. Way up there.

BEagle said...

Pruned it in January? Lynne

That goes along with the web sites I felt were knowledgeable.

I was planning on late February.

stronghunter said...

I don't really think of the crepe myrtle as a shade tree, but I planted it outside my family room window so that it would provide some shade there, so I do not really want to thin it out.

BEagle said...

Lynne just might be the pruning expert.
When do I do azaleas?

Lolly said...

Time for me to leave and get ready for church. I am going to try to not be on here much today. Did not get a thing done yesterday, except we did wash the car and truck after dinner last night.

Have a great Sunday!

movin said...





C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

My first butterfly bush bloomed beautifully all summer. When I planted it, I had no idea it would grow so tall. It was too close to the house and a rosebush, but I liked it so much I just left it alone. It attracted many butterflies until it got killed by the housewashers.

Kathryn and I bought butterfly bushes when we saw how many butterflies they were attracting at the plant store.

This one is planted in a different spot, and it has never really fully bloomed. Maybe it needs some plant food.

BEagle said...

BBL too.

Lynne2 said...

Geez, now I think it may have been late Feb. when I pruned any case, I also removed many of the lower branches so that the pretty trunk could be seen as well. Just went out to check for buds and I think there is some starting!

I'm doing my azaleas this week which is a little later than I wanted to do them (last month early on). I think as long as they get done before end of summer they'll bloom well next spring. My neighbor hacks her ALL summer long with electric hedge trimmers much to my dismay, but they still bloom anyway! Mine have to get pruned way back, planning on taking about 18" off of them. They are in front of the front windows and starting to get too high.

movin said...

Beautiful shot of the NBG on screen now.



Mits said...

Good "SUNDAY" morning everyone...

movin said...

Dark skies and Finney is preening. Maybe expecting rain there.



Mits said...

from LOL..............

Osprey Diary June 27, 2010
June 27th, 2010 by Osprey Team
The brilliant warm calm summer weather continues. The water flat. It seems as if it will be another good day for fishing. Let us hope that the youngens will continue to be sated throughout the day and night to come. They, at this stage have their metabolic rates at a peak, during this very rapid feather growing season. They are regularly preening and their flight and tail feathers seem to grow by the hour. “Our” female encourages/calls/nags for meal delivery in an ever stronger manner. Although she still appears thin she sounds as if she is her old self again. Will she remain longer this year before flying south in order to gain strength, or perhaps she will more slowly meander as she migrates, taking in the sites towards West Africa? The best to all who follow. Rinchen

Mits said...

my crapes, have been spectacular this summer...never planting butterfly bush...squirrels and birds did it for me....and they are huge.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, you can try some plant food like Miracle Grow for outdoor plants and veggies. Also, is it growing in full sun? They need lots of sun.
I cut back the branches as the flowers die, seems to make them bloom even more!

Mits said...

Jim, here is weather forcast for Finney nest.....

HailuotoWeather map, Finland Current conditions
55 °F
25 mph
Partly cloudy
Feels Like: 55°
Barometer: 29.9 in
Dewpoint: 46°
Humidity: 70%
Visibility: 19 mi
Sun rise: 02:26 am
Sun set: 12:20 am
As of 27/06 05:00 pm
Observed at Marjaniem

stronghunter said...

It is in full sun. It has little hard buds just as it did last summer. I have plenty of miracle grow around here.

stronghunter said...

Really long days in Finland right now!!

Mema Jo said...

If I don't soon get my comments started instead of reading all the morning comments it won't be a Good

Loved all 3 pics Paula but of course the Eagle was my favorite.
Everyone stay as cool as you can today!

ceil said...

It is very windy at LOL right now and for some reason I cannot get NBG again.

Mema Jo said...

I had emailed Lisa BWO Webmaster late last evening about the absence of an adult at the nest... She replied....
Yeah, I saw that too. I was a little worried, but she was back this morning. Maybe she was roosting on the camera arm -- meaning she was there but we just couldn't see her.

I know the chicks are getting big, but I didn't think they were big enough to leave alone at night. Lisa

Lynne2 said...

Hey Mits! Can you post a picture of your crepes?

Hard buds Shirley? hmmmmm. Well, give it some food, and see what happens. Water 2x a week unless it rains. Seems strange...they usually grow so well.

OK, now I am going to try to identify the zillions of wildflowers I have photographed.....

ceil said...

Just got back from the store. It is brutal out there.

hedgie said...

When I first mmoved to WV I was told that crepe myrtle who not survive, let alone thrive. We were transplanting some from my mom's lived, but it never did bloom or really grow much. But I see them in town in beauteous glory!
Lynne, the blizzards were in Feb., so if you were on a ladder in drifts, I bet it was Feb.!!!
Trimmed back my lilac as Paula instructed after the snow damage....looks okay, but it didn't bloom. I've never had any luck wit butterfly bushes, either. Told ya'all---I don't have a green thumb!

Mits said...

I'm really techno-challenged in that department, Lynne...Sharon always has to post my avatars on the blog for me...was surprised I finally got pic on FB.......wish I had the time and talent to do a blog so I could share pics with all of you:)

hedgie said...

Those are neat pics, Paula! People are SO creative.
Now to check out Irvine! Sounds like you really enjoyed it, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Scout Jamboree

Click on the "Map" icon at the top.
Run your curser over the National Exhibits icon.

Lynne2 said...

Just stepped outside again, you ain't kiddin' Ceil!!!! WHEW!
Please stay cool and drink lots of WATER today everyone!
Check on an elderly friend or neighbor,too.
Speaking of which, I sure hope Megan's MIL has come to her senses about turning the AC on.

oh my, there is a picture and description of MARIJUANA in my Audubon Wildflower Field Guide....who knew!

ceil said...

Lynn No green thumb here. Good thing I live in the city. LOL

Mits said...

yes, love the pics, Paula, and the Irvine center, Lynne

Lynne2 said...

Oh wow Shirley that's too cool! Complete with flying EAGLE!!

Mits said...

Ceil ,you do good with your plants.

ceil said...

See you guys later. Have a great day.

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear June 27, 2010 (8:30 AM CDT) No sign of Hope near the feeding station and it has begun to rain so it's less likely she will come. We'll try again later. Meantime, Lily has returned to her territory and is still with a male. -- SM

Lynne2 said...

gardening takes a lot of work and patience Ceil, not for everyone!
Thanks's such a great place and SOOO many programs for kids!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, it'll be a tough one out there today...letting the hose drip drip drip on my dogwood for awhile...

LOL looks great....overcast at CT, can see all chicks really good...pretty feathers coming in!

ceil said...

Oops I am back. Get pictures of the people making an eagle, polar bear and dove. Thanks Paula
Lynne I will have to come to Irvine one day. Did not know that it was even there. Lynne you are right. I really don't have the patience for a garden. I water my flowers and that is it.

hedgie said...

Lynne, Irvine looks like a really cool place. What a shame you can't get a full-time paying job there!!!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

LOL - zoomed in on chicks

Mema Jo said...

Getting breezy at the nest...

Grandson, Quinn turns 16 today! Celebrating down at the beach!

Lynne2 said...

I'd love to see you come Ceil! Bring children. They'll love it!

Well, I'm in the door with volunteering, anyway. Hopefully when the economy turns around and they have more money, I can get a paid position!

I've been hearing some movement near cam at nest....

Lynne2 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUINN!!!! Great weekend to be at the beach! I miss the beach....haven't been in ages. LOVE LOVE LOVE playing in the waves and I SWEAR that the saltwater and waves help my knees feel so much better! Love the beach in off season, too!!!

Mema Jo said...

Like they say Lynne, "You have your foot in the door" I can tell it is where you are meant to be....

Mits said...

Happy "16th" Birthday Quinn...:)

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Quinn!!

stronghunter said...

Happy 16th birthday, Quinn!!

stronghunter said...

We are approaching the 400 mark.

stronghunter said...

AHHH,the beach would be nice.

hedgie said...

Gee, Shirley, I knew that Jamboree was big, but had no idea it was THAT big!!
Guess Girl Scouts will have their 100th anniversary in '12. Wonder what they have planned? Will have to look and see if they have anything announced yet.

hedgie said...

Nope, nothing yet on GSA Centenniel.

hedgie said...

Happy 16th Birthday, Quinn!

paula eagleholic said...

The hum just disappeared on our cam...

paula eagleholic said...

There's the 3rd egg at LOL again

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go wash the car...see if I can get us a shower today :)

stronghunter said...

from the . . .

Nestled in the rolling green hills of Virginia, close to our nation's capital, Fort A.P. Hill lies near many historical Civil War landmarks. This 76,000-acre facility has hosted the national Scout Jamboree since 1981," according to the Jamboree website.

"By dusk July 26, approximately 3,000 of those acres will be transformed into a bustling city of 18,000 tents, 3,600 patrol kitchens and 43,000 Scouts and leaders, according to the site."

stronghunter said...

It costs the scouts in this location--looks like it is in PA, $1,600 each to attend.

Of course, people can visit. Especially nice for scouts living around here. I haven't been there, but some of my children have, and we have had visits from families who have brought their scouting sons.

stronghunter said...

I am not sure what the Girl Scouts are doing. I was a Girl Scout many years ago, and a Brownie leader when we lived in Ohio.

hedgie said...

Already 90 here.....what breeze there is is hotter than blue-blazes. Stay in!!!

stronghunter said...

93 degrees here. It is miserably hot. I expected to see that it is 100 already.

I went out to work on some plants, but I just can't stay out there very long.

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...