Monday, June 21, 2010


Afternoon thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Well Welcome Home at least I hope you got a flight back. Everything is cool here.

Lock of Lowes is having a miracle with the Osprey Lady, Isla. They had her dead in the nest and she stood up, took off, got a few drinks from the lake, found her nest and mate came with fishes for her and her chicks! We are sending up Praises for this Miracle!
Going for the others......

magpie said...

Welcome back, Steve,
thanks for the new thread
thanks for the callover Mema and Lynn

and Hallelujah, Loch of the Lowe's - watching this miracle with the rest of you...

magpie said...

thanks for the news article Lynn on old thread
your pictures are great on Just for Fun... looked like it WAS fun !

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals...

NatureNut said...

Welcome Home, Steve!
Been watching LOL cam & there is an adult standing & working on food w/the chicks. I assume it is Isla. The Team mentioned about her flying out of the nest down to the Loch & getting 4 drinks of water, then returning to nest a little disoriented. (Probably due to her bad eyesight, I guess)
She is the Miracle of her Species!
Gonna go back.
BTW, camera was down some last night, but not for them. Was back when I could see them about 4AM their time. Peter mentioned that it's an irritating branch that shows at night in front of screen.

Lolly said...

Yea, Margy! So glad you get to watch this with us. Praise the Lord. I really have hope for her. She has had a lot of food now and a drink from the lake.

magpie said...

I see that Alison Krauss and Union Station were at Telluride....way up there on my favorites list ♪ ♪

magpie said...

wonder if Megan is still at the grocery store
My Flowering Tobacco is in bloom, and the fragrance is sweet, just as you said Megan

hedgie said...

All of that flurry of fighting between the sibs must have "unearthed" that egg!
Lolly, she might look unkempt just from being sick....poor ol' girl.

magpie said...

I saw that egg a couple of days ago too, in the midst of the worst of things...

magpie said...

After NCTC this has been the first cam I have been opening for days...
and read all your all's glowing reports...

Lolly ...
you aren't anything of a doin'-nothin' kind of a gal...all your time with your family...what you share with us....

Prayers for dear Annie and a manageable solution to her ailments... (( hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

Palmer has had a long day out/about!
Would love to know all about it!

magpie said...

Now Isla/Lady/Marge has to learn to be a piglet for a few days and get her strength back

NatureNut said...

Some LOL Bloggers did see her eat some, & altho her back is to the camera, it looks like she is eating as well as pulling up food for chick.

magpie said...

Y7 or did you all say Eric or was it Frank? Boy Toy...Too many names a'flyin'

what an outstanding job he has done throughout all this!

BEagle said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and that you are back safely.

Thanks for the call over ladies.

By the way, a good poop shoot is a sign of good health! :)

NatureNut said...

Jo, you said it--"Praise the Lord & St. Anthony"! I know my little statue is resin & stonel, but I hope it's the tthought that counts. (& I was starting to doubt esp. w/our sick stray kitty. Maybe there's a miracle for her, too.)

stronghunter said...

Isla calling along with chicks. I guess it's food calling.

BEagle said...

I hear a little magpie on the blog.

Hi there.

Mema Jo said...

Have you seen the calico today Loretta?
Sometimes our Animal Shelter has certain days for neutering... May be worth a call.

stronghunter said...

Isla has a big piece of food that she seems to be eating. Turned her back on the little ones. Good.

magpie said...

Your Saint Anthony statue, Loretta...
Patron Saint of Miracles (or at least one of them, I think St. Jude is another...)
surely....has been a part of the miracle...
hoping too to hear of calico kitty..
Hi BEagle and everyone else ☺

Mema Jo said...

Isla has a morsel of food and by golly she is going to keep it for herself!

I feel confident that come morning at LOL we will see her up/about eating and taking care of the chicks with 7Y.

One less drama to think about.......

stronghunter said...

Now maybe a little one has it. Not sure.

hedgie said...

BEagle, it was a chick that did the poop shoot, not Isla....she hasn't eaten for so long there's probably nuttin' there!

Margy, Eric is what they called the late Angus!! Go figure!

Judie said...

Welcome home, Steve. Thank you for the new thread.

Thanks, Jo.

I did see Isla eat and seemed like quite a lot for having been so weak for the past three days. Now if boy toy brings food and distracts the brats with food, maybe she will be able to eat more and more.

Speaking of eating, I need to toddle off to the kitchen. Just hate to go as I know I'll miss something at LOL.

Can't get live cam at NCTC. Not once all day. Grrrrrr.


stronghunter said...

I think she is looking stronger by the moment. She is watching the chicks. Surely, she sees.

Mema Jo said...

I was really saying prayers to St Francis as he is known as the patron saint of animals. Whomever heard our prayers and answered them - Thank You!

stronghunter said...

Good grief, one of the chicks is eating huge mouthfuls.

Mema Jo said...


stronghunter said...

Heading for some food for George and myself. BBL.

hedgie said...

Here's a video of Isla in the water and Peter in interview:


magpie said...

Well, time to toddle along and get ready for work

thanks for setting me straight on the names, Lynn...

wanted to share my Scarecrow with can get its relative size by going to Magpie's Roost...
(hint: he's about 7 inches tall, including the pic !)

if he can keep the slugs under control, I will be happy!

Best wishes for a great evening everyone

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Welcome home and I hope you'll post some pictures of your adventures on your blog and tell us.

Miracles have never stopped happening. Alwasy in my mind I think there is a miracle happening somewhere every second or every minute. Somewhere is this world.

The LOL cam has been a lot to keep going. Is anyone using any player for the LOL cam?

wvgal_dana said...

As night slowly seeps away at the Loch of Lowes the Grand Lady Isla stands watch over her chicks. It is about 9:10PM over there.

hedgie said...

Time for that girl to rest. SO much activity after being prostrate for so long must have been very tiring. Darkness is closing in. Looks like pops is back with more food.

Mits said...

6pm Update:
Our female osprey, though a wee bit stronger, is still definately weak and dehydrated. Her eyes are still partially closed and she has taken on a very sunken appearance, and her co-ordination is poor- all of these are worrying signs that still indicate a poor prognosis.
Obviously we will be with her through the night and watching every
detail. The good news is that the chicks are looking good- dad is really an amazing bird.
Please be patient with us on the Blog- with all that is going on here we may not be able to give individual replies just now, but tommorrow we hope to summarise lots of answers and recap events.
Thanks Emma Rawling
Perthshire Ranger

hedgie said...

She's eating most of this one herself! Good girl.

hedgie said...

Dana, it's after 10 there now.

hedgie said...

Margy.....what will the scarecrow do for slugs? I've never heard of that. Let me know if it works! I'll buy a couple!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry about that comment about 9:10
I know they are 5 hours ahead of us should have been 10:10pm at that comment.
Hedgie have you been using the regular cam for over there. It doesn't last too long. Have to reset a lot. Has that been happeing to you and others?

Lolly said...

I think Margy wants that scarecrow to scare away the slugs. LOL But, I think it is too cute to scare anything.

wvgal_dana said...

Somebody we know if near our cam lol

hedgie said...

Someone posted on their blog (with a video link!) that Isla had just laid that egg; that it was stuck and had made her so sick! THe Team quickly disputed that notion!

hedgie said...

That bothersome stick seems to have moved away from the cam lens!!! Good!

hedgie said...

Yep, Dana----refresh every 12 mins. It says Playlist32 and has been going up to that number, so guess I have refreshed 32 times!!

hedgie said...

No posts from Chrissy since all of this miracle has happened......I am fearful that she has taken to bed sick over it. GET UP, CHRISSY! Your girl has shocked the world!

wvgal_dana said...

lol Hedgie your post at 5:25pm on here Oh my dear people. I know it is hard sometimes to keep up. But that one is a "corker" tee hee

stronghunter said...

Interesting article from last March

stronghunter said...

I just posted a story about Isla with some interesting statistics.

stronghunter said...

Cute scarecrow, Margy. Don't think it will be scaring any crows, though.

stronghunter said...

Hope the crows don't carry it away!

BEagle said...

That is an excellent report about Isla. Thanks for the info.

Lolly said...

It is not a scarecrow, it is hopefully a scareslug.☺

ceil said...

Shirley great article on Isla Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad you posted the link to the video, was going to do that and got called into a meeting. Hope tomorrow brings more healing for Isla.

Mema Jo said...

I just heard some familiar screamin'

wvgal_dana said...

LOLLY go to Margy's blog and see my comment on her scarecrow

hedgie said...

Someone on the LOL blog asked if Isla could have been bitten by an adder.......looked it up and it's not a puff adder. THis is Scotland's only poisonous snake..but can't imagine it climbing up a 60 ft. tree, or swimming in a loch!!!

Mema Jo said...

I just chalk it up to Isla's time of the month! I just pray she is around when those 2 chicks fledge!

Mema Jo said...

I hope Palmer makes a showing before I need to go to CVS

hedgie said...

Very good article on Isla, Shirley. can you believe that mileage??!!

Mits said...

parent just arrived at NBG with a large fish, and all 3 eaglets came out of nowhere and landed in the nest to eat the fish.

wvgal_dana said...

FOUR STATE AREA News - Natural Balance Pet Foods announced their Sweet Potato And Chicken Dry dog food could be contaminated with salmonella.

The recall applies to the five and 28 pound bags with the best by date of June 17, 2011.

Although no sickness has been reported so far, the company still says you should throw out the food. The salmonella was found when the USDA conducted a random sample test.

If you have purchased the dog food you can return it to where yo bought it for a full refund.

Here is more information on the recall:

Product: Sweet Potato & Chicken Dry Dog Formula

Bag Size: 5 lb

Bag UPC Code: 7-23633-9000-4 7-23633-99003-5

Bale UPC Code: 7-23633-99003-5

Best By Dates: June 17, 2011

Product: Sweet Potato & Chicken Dry Dog Formula

Bag Size: 28 lb

Bag UPC Code: 7-23633-99002-8

Best By Dates: June 17, 2011

Consumers who have purchased Natural Balance Sweet Potato & Chicken Dry Dog formula with the "Best By" date of June 17, 2011, are urged to return it to the place of purchase for a full refund. A separate letter and instructions will be forwarded to all relevant Natural Balance customers. For additional information, please contact Natural Balance Pet Foods Customer Service at (800) 829-4493 (8am - 5pm, PDT) or by visiting

wvgal_dana said...

I will send out an email through the Eagle_Momter group since some do not blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, catch ya'll later.

Mits said...

good article, Shirley, thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - lurking eagles, LOL


Mits said...

for sure they were, Paula.....someones comment on their blog.....

Most exciting moment of my life! Watching when four flew to nest at the same time!!!
by mem at 9:31 PM

sure glad they did not run into each other

hedgie said...

Palmer is near.....hear her mouth!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe she is being taught how to eat on a limb.........

BEagle said...

I haven't heard Miss Palmer...had the sound turned down.

BEagle said...

Phoenix looks comfy. All plotzed out upon her nest. Reminds me of Palmer at that age. Has a footsie stretched out.

BEagle said...

I was hoping to see Palmer return to the nest a lot. Maybe her returns will dwindle off.

BEagle said...

The TH twins are not in view. They are on the patio. No fledging yet.

BEagle said...

The WE nest has their normal setting.

Looking like penguins...looking out at the ocean...enjoying the sunset.

BEagle said...

I wonder how long that turtle shell will remain on the nest.

We should maybe keep a close eye on the night cam. Someone just might go snag it! : )

BEagle said...

Loon nest is empty. Out to paddle.
Something damaged the wood railing next to their spot. Humm?

BEagle said...

Both PH chicks are doing their wing thing right next to each other. They get their wings tangled when their so close like that.

BEagle said...


"when they're so close..."

BEagle said...

Both Duke chicks have fledged now.

BEagle said...

Adult is now feeding Phoenix. Phoenix appears happy about that.
The tide will turn, Phoenix.

Mema Jo said...

My shell with My name on it.... But I wouldn't climb that tree in daylight let alone night light....... lol

Out the door to CVS


Mits said...

update from Peter at LOL....

Latest osprey blog
21 June 2010
22:36 Update
What a day it has been for all involved. Isn’t this bird amazing, she has now fed herself and the chicks 4 times now this evening. This is good news and yes there is a but, but she still is not 100%. Let's hope our male can get some fish into the nest early tomorrow morning so she can feed again soon. Fiona and I will be here through the night to keep an eye on her. We will keep the blog updated as usual, which reminds me to thank the guys at Red Paint for getting the blog up and running again. They do a great job for us.

BEagle said...

Those people that climb the poles to do maintenance have all the right equipment.

: D

Mits said...

like all pandas belong to China...all turtle shells at that nest belong to Jo;)

BEagle said...

Thanks for the update Mits.

I keep thinking about what someone said early on this blog. Something about an intruder. They haven't really said anything about that.

Phoenix is doing a wing shrug.

hedgie said...

Hitting the cam housing!!
BEagle, yep, her visits will decrease in frequency, but probably not for a little while yet.

hedgie said...

Ha, Mits, the turtle shells sure have eluded their owner!!!

BEagle said...

May be someone will find one of those shells at a yard sale.

PammySue said...

Hello out there. I have not been on the computer for a day or two.

I have been thinking about Isla, and I was so happy when the first post I read said she is doing so much better. I thought it was the end for her. Yay!

Mits said...

read that on this blog too, BEagle, but I just read what the experts write in their updates, have not tried to get into their blog or chat room

BEagle said...

I just looked at the loon nest again. The railing is not damaged.
The sun is shining through the canopy and making it look like that.

Mits said...

yeah they sure have, Lynn...yes BEeagle, might just find one that is painted with an eagle on it somewhere.

Mits said...

eagles in nest

BEagle said...

I think that is Belle this time.
Ooosh. What a fuss.

hedgie said...

WOW, what a mantle and what noise!!!! Look at that girl!

Mits said...

parent just flew the coop

hedgie said...

Ran parent right off, didn't she? Is there food??

hedgie said...

Yep, there it is---beakful!

BEagle said...

Cannot squeal with the beak full.

hedgie said...

Jeopardy time-----heading for sofa. BBL.

BEagle said...

Whoa. I didn't think Lib would be able to land. He didn't stay long.

NatureNut said...

Looks like P just screamed parent out of the nest!!
"Turn that gol durn noise down, girl!"

NatureNut said...

Now are we squealing while we eat?
Want company or dessert???

Mema Jo said...

Just walked in the door
Had left my live feed up and my volume on........

Hello there Palmer! Bet you had a
hard day at school!

stronghunter said...


I wonder what Palmer might do when she meets an eagle that fights back.

But maybe she won't. If you put on a fierce enough show, nobody will bother you.

glo said...

I had mentioned to a few folks that I would be making a short video once I could actually capture Palmer landing on the nest. So here is my tribute to Palmer and Eagle season 2010

A spirited young eagle

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo Palmer in the nest eating fly in at the back by Liberty, Palmer fussing now!

paula eagleholic said...

No, she's not gonna share that big fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Oh Lib snatched it and she snatched it right back!

paula eagleholic said...

He managed to steal a hunk of it!

paula eagleholic said...

Uh oh Belle with a fish, no that fight! she has it

stronghunter said...

Lib got a piece of it this time.

Belle came in with a fish and Lib grabbed it.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess it was Belle that came into the nest, I should have realized that when I was comparing them side by side, they are same size. Look at Lib, he is so much lighter.

Haha, she gave Palmer the new fish and snagged the old one, now Palmer is grabbing some bites....too funny!

stronghunter said...

Palmer left the first fish unguarded and Lib grabbed that.

BEagle said...

Awwww. Palmer is being fed again.
I wonder why they do that.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib took off.

paula eagleholic said...

See Shirley, even I get confused at times!

stronghunter said...

Okay, is that Belle in the nest now? I am confused.

BEagle said...

I think Palmer is giving Lib gray feathers.

Mema Jo said...

That was oh so funny
I mean like the whole scene was really funny!

paula eagleholic said...

They both stopped eating and are looking around

BEagle said...

That is Lib. If Belle would come back and get next to him we could use the snipping tool and study the picture.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - that was a beautiful tribute to Palmer - the music was so appropriate!

stronghunter said...

Haven't watched the video yet. Too much live action right now.

paula eagleholic said...

Let's say Palmer is watching a parent eat now!

stronghunter said...


BEagle said...

I started watching the video, but too much commotion on the nest.

Will go back to it shortly.

BEagle said...

Palmer just snatched it away from Lib.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Palmer wants fed

hedgie said...

Thanks, Glo. That was lovely!!! Left comments, but don't know whether they were accepted or not.

NatureNut said...

Little chirpy baby being fed by Lib!!

Judie said...

Phoenix looking lovely in the late afternoon sun.

Have a quiet evening, Margy. Scarecrow? Slugs?

Lynn, thank you for the video. So cool to see Isla at the water. I saw her fly off and was simply stunned.

Good thing I can't get the live cam or I'd be looking for a stealthy but familiar image shimmying up the ole Sycamore disguised as a spider. Couldn't be a mema, could it?

Continued serious prayers for Isla and her family. I know the report by Peter is guarded but I am really hopeful all of continued improvement. Thank you, Shirley for the information.

Margy, not sure your scareslug is going to scare slugs. However, it might attract some more attention from the person upstairs.

Hi Glo, will check our your contribution, also.

Well, I'm going to make yet another attempt to see Palmer, if she's still there. BBL

BEagle said...

She didn't fight too hard mantling this time.

stronghunter said...

I am imagining pictures of slugs fleeing in terror from the scareslug. There will be streaks of slugslime in every direction turning away form the scary thing.

hedgie said...

Belle must have told Palmer "If I feed you will you shut up??"

BEagle said...

Those slugs will learn to run really fast.

Mema Jo said...

Glo I left comments for you also BUT
they seemed to disappear...
I'll leave some on FB....

BEagle said...

The slug trails will be dotted lines.

Lori O. said...

Good evening, Paula, Strong, BEagle, Lynn, Mema Jo, NatureNut, Helen, Glo & Judie =

Wow, I'm never up this late - late for me - but how wonderful to see our big girl still hanging out. Guess she didn't ace her fishing lesson.

I hope you all have a beautiful evening. Prayers for Isla, Lib, Belle and Palmer, and all in need.

Tomorrow is another hot one and the humidity returns. Sweetest dreams everyone!

Mits said...

wow Laurie, you are up late...get some rest:)

Judie said...

Oh good grief. Just heard a slug alert. Says to be aware of unsafe driving conditions due to slippery slug residue trail from WV to N.VA. Mass slug exodus from WV.

Have been able to get the live cam. Saw Lib (I think) feeding chattering Palmer. Adult poofed and Palmer sitting at 1ish. So, I guess this has been a good day. Isla seems so much better and I got to see Palmer. Life is good.

BEagle said...

Sweet dreams to you also, Lori.

BEagle said...

Thanks for that report Judie. Slippery roads ahead!!

Glad you had some nest time. It's been empty most all day.

hedgie said...

Great synopsis, Judie!! You hit it on the head!
Hey, Lori.....extra minute of daylight keeping you awake??? Go to bed, gal. Your alarm will ring really early!!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! We are home, safe and sound! Had a great time....much to do, details later. Will say, though, that we didn't see any bears, although we looked for them! Sadly, one got hit and badly injured just a couple of miles from the camp on Saturday, and had to be put down.
We saw lots of other stuff though!

I see Palmer still visiting YAY!
And read a little about Isla...oh my goodness....

Hope everyone is well...please let me know via email if anyone has need of prayers or if anything significant has happened....I don't think I'll be able to catch up with all the posts since Friday night!

Lynne2 said...

scareslug???? what the heck is that! Boy, you sure do miss a lot when you can't be here for a few days!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I've been wondering about your trip and your return. Thanks for
checking in with us and we'll hear from you later!

Lynne2 said...

hey Jo! We had a great great time!
OH, one last thing before I hit the shower....THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL WAS BLOOMING!!!!!

Judie said...

Unsubstantiated eyewitness update: slugs are wearing bib overalls as they race out of WV.

Lynne2 said...

Leader of slug exodus thought to be seen wearing a SILVER GARLAND.

Mema Jo said...

I can see two feetsies at 1:00 facing inward......

stronghunter said...

Left a comment for you Glo. The comment went in anonymously, so I will just say thank you for the beautiful story about Palmer.

Will just called to tell me that he has a baby bird that was found in a parking lot near where he works. It can't fly. I have found one rehabilitator and left a message. Any suggestions you all have would be appreciated. I do not know what kind of bird it is.
He figures I can help because I have so many bird-loving friends. We have taken birds to rehabilitators before, but I do not remember where they were.

Judie said...

Ah ha, someone has spotted the lead slug attempting to disguise its bib overalls with a shiny garland. Slugs is not stuuuupid! Wonder if it looks like Margy's upstairs guy?

Shirley, I wish I could help. Hope the little one survives and will fly free.

Lynne2 said...

is the baby fully feathered Shirley? If it is, it's likely just fledged, and the parents will be feeding it on the ground for several days.
If not, you could try to find the nest and return it. OK to do so, will not cause rejection.

stronghunter said...

And I was afraid that my comments about fleeing slugs would be too silly for you all.

I am sitting here and literally laughing out loud. George is my only witness. He definitely thinks I am too silly.

stronghunter said...

Called Will and he was outdoors. Guy who answered the phone said he thinks he's putting the baby bird back in its nest. I hope so.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm done in

Prayers for everyone and Loch of Lowes Isla and family.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Dana and Little Man!

stronghunter said...

Will these slugs be commuting to DC?

If they are, bibbed overalls will not do. They will need appropriate attire for the business world.

They will have to get in a slug line, but they will have lots of friends around here. Slug lines form early in the morning, though. They will need to sleep soon.

NatureNut said...

Shirley, if chick has to go to a rehabber you could check online for one in his area, or call some veternarians for rehab info, or your Natural Resources office or a Park nearby. Almost all of them get calls about wild critters & should have some contacts.

hedgie said...

Hey, Lynne, glad you had fun and that you made it home safely!
Judie and Shirley----you're going to make Loretta devise a pic of a slug with bibs and garland!!! LOL!
G'Night, Dana! It's been a long emotional day, for sure.

NatureNut said...

Oh No~~~Slugs in DC??? We already have some! LOL
If they do come in AM, they will need their umbrellas. They don't do well in sun and shouldn't drink any beer.

stronghunter said...

So that the West Virginia slugs know what to do when they get to VA:

Information for Slugs

NatureNut said...

Lynn, were you reading my mind??? The thought did occur, but just a fleeting, slippery picture! TEE HEE

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Loretta. I hope Will has found the nest and replaced the little bird.

I do know of a vet who takes wildlife, but it would be a long night, and I hope the little bird is back with its parents.

NatureNut said...

OMG, wait til Margy comes home! She won't know what she started!!!

NatureNut said...

Shirley, that would be so great if he found the nest!!!The absolute best solution.

stronghunter said...

There's even a slug survey at the slug website.

BEagle said...

I believe Magpie will enjoy catching up on the blog...immensely.

Judie said...

Good plan that Will is putting the baby birdlet back in the nest. Just know all is going to be okay.

Silly comments? Just what we need every once in a while. Besides, Christmas is a long way off.

This is just too cool. Am watching a program called Investigation Discovery. One of my former students, MPD detective/arson specialist, is on and I remember when he broke the case being presented. The D.C. Arsonist, 2003. Arsonist's name is Sweat. I believe there was one fatality. Detective/former student is one of my favorites. Such a really nice person.

Okay, I'm going away for awhile. Will be back to say goodnight.

BEagle said...

The loon chick must have fledged. Have not seen it all day.

NatureNut said...

Gotta do some stuff, then shampoo hair, etc.
Jo, you asked about stray kitty---she did not come tonight--either too sick, or worse. So sad--it's not her fault, just whatever idiot turned her or her mother loose--they should go to jail or better yet--be put in enclosure at dog pound!

stronghunter said...

I have slept a good part of the day, but I am tired. Going to go upstairs and read for awhile.

Mema Jo said...

Judie that is very interesting and it's a great feeling when you see someone in the lime light that you know and especially someone you had in class.

hedgie said...

No, no, wait, wait.....they are trying to shut down slug lines. Oh, no, Mr. Bill...what will the slugs do????

stronghunter said...

Will just came home. He said that the baby bird is back in its nest. They have a tall ladder at the place where he works, so he used the ladder to get to the nest.

He rescued it from a trash can. I guess the trash might have broken its fall, but definitely not a good place to leave a little bird. Anyway, I do not have to worry about finding someone to take it.

stronghunter said...

Good to learn about students who have gone on the be successful, Judie.

stronghunter said...

to be successful, that is

stronghunter said...

Good night. See you tomorrow. Going to read for a bit.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynn, I read something about slug liners getting tickets in DC. Oh, dear me. What to do?

BEagle said...

It's a nice relief not to worry about the baby bird.

Please don't worry about the slugs!

paula eagleholic said...

Remember the bald eagle that landed on the little girls arm in England?

Bald Eagle Invited back

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, see ya'll have been having a SLUGFEST

paula eagleholic said...

Got stuck on the phone, then had to walk the dogs. Not too bad out there tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Lots of lightening bugs out the past few evenings!

Judie said...

Breaking News! In an all-out effort to avoid capture by the scareslug, slugs have been seen frantically discarding their bib overalls on highways and byways throughout WV in an attempt to slug even faster. A group of renegade slugs has been spotted in route to a bear den somewhere in MN.

Detective Molino was one of my police officer students. He broke the Sweatt case just prior to joining the police science program at GW. He is an arson specialist assigned to ATF. Really cool guy. Plan to try to call him tomorrow.

Well, it has been an emotionally up and down day. But so far all seems good. Turning my light out but will leave the night light on for others coming in, going back the hallway, up the stairs, down the stairs, or just to the recliner. Goodnight everyone.

hedgie said...

Well, Mama Paula, the slugfest really started with those Loch chicks fighting, and then Palmer biting her mom and then Margy wanting to expel slugs.....we were just all in the mood for some comic relief after the tension of the last few days.

hedgie said...

Bye, SHirley. Cute link for slugs. Remember the song "Git on down, git on down the road"?

hedgie said...

Hooray for Wotan! He's a beauty.

Mema Jo said...

I did send Margy a picture of the best little slug catcher in WV.. Maybe she will post on her blog....... lol

BEagle said...

Interesting article. It's a shame the girl was hurt though.

BEagle said...

If there are laundry facilities at the bear den in MN, then the slugs could hold off shedding their clothes so soon in order to freshen up.

paula eagleholic said...

And the slugging continues, LOL.

Cool about your student, Judie.

BEagle said...

I went to the Slug Site and thought this slug was interesting.

paula eagleholic said...

Spidey has been busy tonight!

The girl only had a couple of scratches, BEagle

Mema Jo said...

Here's one for you Lynn

Hi spider, nice spider, let me pet you ... WITH MY SHOE ...good spider


BEagle said...

Aha. The loon returns. She hops on the nest and the little chick is so pooped, it can't get up on the railing.

BEagle said...

Awww. Poor little thing.

Omph. At last. The chick is heading for the feather blanket.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...